Shattered Shards: Devil's Domain I

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#20 of Shattered Shards

Shattered Shards: Devil's Domain

By Von Krieger

Yeania sighed softly within the dark, featureless void. Time meant nothing to a denizen of the lowest Hells, but yet she was finding herself overcome with increasingly strange thoughts; mortal thoughts.

For example, somewhere along the line she had started thinking of herself as a she. True demons did not have a gender; they were figures of corruption descended from fallen angels. She couldn't quite remember if she had been completely without gender before, like the original demons had once been, or if she was one of the dark souls who had gone the other way, embracing the traits of both genders, blending them together in a mockery of their former state.

She was not sure how long she had been captive, but it had to have been a long time for her to develop strange psychoses that came from isolation. Which was also another strange thing, it was perfectly acceptable for demons to have some sort of mental maladies afflicting them without it being considered 'wrong,' but Yeania was thinking of the strange things that had happened to her psyche as wrong and undesirable. She had felt her power draining, her strength ever so slowly being pulled from her over the years, decades, perhaps even centuries or millennia that she had been imprisoned. Perhaps that was why she was thinking in increasingly strange ways. A demon was not a mortal creature; it was a being of elemental energy that had a physical shell coalescent around it.

On their home plane demons had no separation between mind, body, and soul, any blow from a foe that lashed out at them cut away a portion of their life force and their essential essence; their sense of self. During centuries of war between Hells, torture of other demons had become an art form, if you knew what you were doing, you could easily alter the way a captive foe thought, believed, and behaved.

If she had been captured in the nether realms Yeania would've thought that such would have been the case with her, but she had been upon the mortal plane, where energy could not be destroyed, merely moved. Upon the material planes extraplanar beings could freely move about without fear. While you could never truly kill off a spirit or soul you could diminish it to the point where it would take millennia to be able to craft a form for itself bigger than an insect, and even then it would have no memories of its former existence. On the material planes, however, Yeania wasn't sure what would happen once you drained away most of a soul's energy, though she suspected it was what was happening to her. A loss of memories, a shift in personality, moving further and further away from the powerful, dominating creature she had once been and into something softer, more emotional, more... Mortal. It made her shudder to think, or at least it would if she had a physical body.

Her essence had been captured, forced into a crystalline prison from which it could not escape. Yeania's spirit was forced into a labyrinth of narrow passages, thread thin tunnels in the sphere that circled and crossed one another, leaving the demoness unable to concentrate on the form of the sphere.

She was pure energy, and without a physical brain to do the thinking, she spread out the effort along all of her self. Mental activity made her form move, which made the threads of energy she was forced into being cross over one another, giving off little sparks of sensation. She could not separate the sensation of movement from the sensation of being pressed into the sphere. She knew that there was one thread-path that would lead out, but her inability to concentrate upon it made it impossible to focus enough to find it.

The demon sighed to herself once more, and then blinked, and then blinked again. Untold years of missing purely physical sensations had made her forget what they were, what they had felt like. She hadn't noticed her physical form restoring, for she felt nothing, smelled nothing, saw nothing, and heard nothing, not until she had made a small sound herself.

She reached out to draw upon the magical energies of the mortal plane, and found them at her command. She tensed, hoping against hope that she could pull herself from this senseless realm. Yeania wondered how long it had been that she had been partially free, and yet not known it.

The rich mana of the material world responded to her call, eager to be wrapped into shape by a superior will. Yeania wove it around herself, willing the envelope of magic to take her from her prison and out into the proper world.

The proper world was only happy to comply.


The demoness took a deep breath, drawing cool air into her lungs. She looked over herself, able to remember only a few details of the form she'd had before her imprisonment. Yeania recalled a huge, powerful, hulking, form; vaguely canine in appearance and covered in a mottled mix of gray scales and brown fur. She remembered broad, sweeping wings and a thick, powerful reptilian tail as well as huge, slavering fangs and massive, sinister horns.

But her current form lacked these features to the degree that came to mind when she tried to picture her former self. She looked more like a human or an elf with a few demonic bits tacked on. Her body lacked scales and fur entirely, instead clad in skin colored a pale shade of gray. She retained her wings, her fangs, her claws, and her tail but they were all smaller than they were supposed to be. Each wing extended as far as her own height, her wingspan allowing her flight but making her unable to create the intense gales that she recalled using in combat. Her tail was not quite as long as she was tall, and was thicker and less flexible; she would be unable to coil it around things or to use it as an extra hand. Her fangs were contained entirely within her mouth, and only four of her thirty something teeth felt properly pointy. Her horns were tiny, stubby little things not even projecting 2 inches from her temples, and her claws more closely resembled elongated, black fingernails filed into points.

Yeania shuddered, loathing her smaller, weaker, almost mortal looking body; she longed for her stolen strength and missing memories. She could scarcely remember what happened to her, and she barely had any sense of who she was. But her weakened form was still better than the shapeless void which she had been imprisoned in for centuries, and to be perfectly honest it wasn't all that bad looking. Generally female in form it was more broad and well-built than the typical thin, frail female. A demon's form reflected its strengths, powers, and abilities and Yeania was pleased with this form's physical power.

She admired her bare body, focusing over the large curves of her bottom and breasts. The sight made her loins stir; the familiar hard, warm sensation of her male member growing brought an array of comforts to Yeania. She reached down to stroke it, cupping her balls, her fingers exploring back behind her manhood. The demoness found nothing there.

It made her smile; despite having aspects of her true form stolen away she still remained as one of the several indeterminate genders that her kind favored. It meant that she still had more than enough power to be considered a proper demon, and not a mere mortal.

She swung her tail from side to side, getting used to its new, lighter weight and stiffer way in which it moved. It would likely take her decades to gather the strength she had before her imprisonment, but her smaller and less useful tail was better than having none at all. That was the way she felt about her new form; it wasn't what she had before, nor was it what she wanted, but it was good enough for the work she would be doing.

For the first time she looked at something that was not herself, examining the room she was in; rippling white and blue light came from a crystalline sphere in the middle of the chamber. Perfectly smooth and spherical in nature the stone contained incredible power, but it was a tight and rigid energy that was already devoted to a particular purpose. It was the centerpiece of a spell woven with immense, incredible skill one that would've taken many mortal lifetimes in order to perfect.

The rest of the room however was rather plain and drab, made of smooth, but not polished stone. The room was essentially featureless aside from the pedestal that held the massive orb and a small stool-like protrusion that rose from the floor in front of it. Opposite the stony seat was a narrow passageway that lead upwards.

Having nowhere else to go Yeania ventured up the stairs, hearing the sounds of a vibrant forest beyond. The stairs went up for perhaps 20 feet, opening into the middle of a lush jungle. There was no adornment around the egress from the crystal chamber, which struck Yeania as rather odd. Mortal mages were notoriously egotistical creatures and loved to have their masterworks somewhere where they would draw attention, or style the area around them in such a fashion as to draw the eye of any passerby, even if covered in centuries of roots, moss, and other natural detritus.

Which was another odd, strange thing; the stone stairway stood in the center of a perfectly smooth circle of rock. It was completely free of leaf litter and natural overgrowth. The edges of the stairs were perfect right angles and not a single leaf or drop of water had blown or dripped down into the chamber. It was like it was brand-new; as if it had been placed there just moments before.

As the demoness stood there a small, yellow leaf fell down from one of the trees, landing upon the stone circle. There were no magic keeping it clear, which seemed more and more strange. Yeania shook her head and walked away from the underground chamber, seeking to find out where she was. A good look at the sun would be able to provide her with a general idea of what region of the planet she was on. But a true pinpointing would have to wait until darkness fell and she could position herself by the stars.

But several minutes later when she stepped out from beneath the jungle canopy and onto a white, sandy beach she found that she hadn't the slightest clue where she was. Looking up into the sky she found that overhead was not the small, yellow-white sphere she had been expecting; what she saw instead was a massive multi-colored orb that filled most of the sky.

What was stranger was that the ocean before her curved away, as if she were standing upon a world in miniature that orbited the true Aerth. Looking away from the planet above her, Yeania could see that this was the case. She saw many other tiny worlds but did not know how this could be possible.

Looking at the shapes of the landmasses she could see on the world above her Yeania could make out the contours of a few familiar landmasses. But there were also others; it looked like someone had drawn the world upon risen dough and rolled it out flat, making the areas bigger but also putting more space between them, which they filled with new continents and countries.

It confused Yeania greatly; for not even the power of entire pantheons of greater gods and goddesses could reshape something so massive. The demoness reached out for the familiar strains of energy that she knew would be there. But to her surprise she found nothing that comforted her; the streams and tides of magical energy that had always flowed in the same predictable patterns for millennia were gone. In their place was an unfamiliar, chaotic tide of rippling and surging energy; the aftershocks of a great magical and spiritual event.

Yeania cried out and withdrew her senses back into herself, for the crashing, chaotic tides of purest energy would easily envelop and overwhelm her if she opened herself to them for too long.

It seemed that in a few brief moments all of existence had altered itself into a strange, new configuration. Rather then a singular world nestled between the elemental planes the mortal realm had expanded into a great and tremendous expanse that put even the near limitless layers of the Abyss to shame.

As a demon Yeania had a connection to the foundations of existence. She was created, or descended from spiritual beings forged at the dawn of time. Even with the incredible expanse that comprised all of existence: the Heavens, the Hells, the elemental planes, the spirit and shadow worlds, and the mortal realm itself there was a sense of limitation. Everything had been centered on a single ball. Aerth had been the center of all existence, everything else surrounded it; the bright, bleak, and lifeless moon; a cold, cruel place where none of the most powerful wizards could tread, and its burning sister the Sun; the larger blazing bonfire beyond it.

The whole of existence was like the inside of an egg; the shell of the outer planes encircled the white of the aether, surrounding the yoke that was Aerth. But this? This new realm, this new existence? It was vast beyond imaginings; it was as if all Yeania had known was nothing more than a grain of sand upon the beach before her. She could feel the entirety of the altered realms she found herself in, the sheer scope of it making her drop to her knees and weep.

For the New Earth that stood before her was not even the largest of the dozens orbs circling a massive flame that burned hotter than the hottest fires of Hell that Yeania had never known. And that massive collection of spheres circling a central flaming sphere was like a grain of sand upon a beach as it joined many others in circling a central point in a crushing, chilling void unlike nothing Yeania had ever dared to imagine.

And even that band of systems, massive elemental spheres of rock, air, and water orbiting those of fire, of stars beyond counting encircling that great void... That too was like a grain of sand upon a beach with so very many other grains.

She had thought she'd known power, that she'd glimpsed infinity. It was then that Yeania realized how foolish she had been, how very insignificant she was. She was immortal, she was eternal, and still she felt these worlds were older than her. They were far, far older. Her existence to them was as her own would be to a mayfly.

The demoness sobbed in fear, in terror, and in confusion. She had been released from captivity only to find everything she had ever known ripped away from her, changed beyond her comprehension. She could merely glimpse a tiny portion of existence now, and it dwarfed her. She was not even as the tiniest insect. Even with millennia before her, even with a million like her, Yeania could not place a lasting mark upon the cosmos. For what purpose did she have now? What effort should be put forth in collecting souls, in corrupting mortals, to bolster the forces of her side for the eventual Armageddon, to tip the cosmic scales forever? All the beings that had ever lived could live upon the worlds circling this single star in comfort, without conflict or strife. There were worlds enough that each soul could have one for him, her, or itself. Not even each soul, every single creature that had ever existed could have a world to itself. There was no order here, no purpose, no reason for anything. Yeania wasn't even sure that she could transport herself to her home plane with any sort of reliability. She was trapped on this miniature world, with no idea of what had happened, or what to do.

She supposed she could try and fly off, as it looked like it was possible to fly to the main world, or to one of the other small ones. But it made her shudder to think that she would be flying downward, rather than upward. Everything was so new, so strange, it absolutely terrified her.

For the first time in her existence she wished that she was mortal, living merely upon a single plane with no cosmic awareness to overwhelm her. She could seal off that portion of her, but it would take years to restore if she needed it back. Already weakened, she was hesitant in giving up even the smallest fraction of her power.

But she was nearly paralyzed by what she knew, what she could feel, the infinite presence of reality looming ominously over her, making her feel infinitesimally small and pathetic, making her afraid. She couldn't stand it; she had to get rid of that feeling.

In an instant she cut that part of her soul away. It would grow back in time, but she might be able to learn to live with it by then, as it built up slowly. Her body altered to accommodate this loss in power and soul, her grey skin fading, becoming an un-demonic white-pink. It looked like the flesh of a pale mortal, and Yeania found herself not minding it so much as she would have a few minutes before. In the scales of this new cosmos mortal men and demons were almost identical.

In that moment Yeania decided to try and live a normal life. She no longer wanted power, she no longer wanted control, and she no longer wished to belong to a group. For that was all the armies of her Hell were now, they were merely a group. All the forces of darkness were nothing upon the face of the Universe, the word somehow finding its way into the demon's head.

It would be impossible to tip the scales of elemental power, of overthrowing light with dark forever. There was already so much darkness and so much light. Even a single world overrun by demons could not add the slightest weight to the cosmic scales.

What should she do? What was her purpose now?

Yeania drew in a deep breath, catching a familiar scent upon the air; that of several mortal women. Her claws twitched and her member stirred, desires to seduce, corrupt, despoil, and destroy rising within her. But she shoved them aside. None of that really mattered now.

She left the beach, hiding herself in the bushes. For the moment she would merely watch the three mortals, to see if they would adapt any better to this new.... Everything. She hoped, for their sakes, it would be better than she did.

But she couldn't help herself; she had to have a little bit of fun. Tendrils of magical power reached forth from her, drifted across the island and gently caressed the sleeping forms of her three potential playthings.

They would have a rather interesting discovery upon waking up.


Nearby upon the beach a boat had run aground on the sandy shore. Within the 30 foot vessel three young women stirred to consciousness, unable to recall what exactly had knocked them out.

Christine groaned; it was her yacht and she had been the one steering it. The last thing she recalled was a sudden storm that came out of nowhere. The sky had filled with dark clouds that seemed to reach all the way to the ground, forming a thick, impenetrable fog bank around the boat. There hadn't been any rain, nor had there been any waves, but there had been a strange grinding, rumbling sound; like rubbing two stones together, but on a far, far grander scale.

She was gorgeous, her skin featuring a perfect salon smoothness, her hair naturally honey blonde, a generous bust, rump, and hips, as well as a stunning face made all the more stunning by the best plastic surgeons money could buy. She wasn't at all into the more extreme stuff, like having things implanted or having the second most lethal substance known to man injected into her face.

She groaned once more and blinked her ice blue eyes. She stood up and let out a disgusted sigh as she discovered that the boat had run aground. "Oh lovely," she said with a snort, "we've probably ripped the hell out of the hull. I hope there's not a coral reef out th..."

Her words came to a halt as she turned around. The trees beyond the sandy shore had obscured the lay of the land. But by looking out upon the sea Christine was greeted by the breathtaking sight of a planet filling the sky, and reflecting off the glassy-smooth sea that quickly curved away before reaching the horizon.

She stood stock still, her mouth gaping as she looked upon the awe-inspiring but still incredibly strange sight. "Wh-what the hell?" she stuttered, her mind not sure how to process what she saw. She looked at the planet above her, the mostly blue-and-white orb filling the sky. She could see the familiar shape of Australia, but there were other landmasses surrounding it that didn't belong there. And that was the only continent she could recognize; where North and South America were supposed to be there were unfamiliar, massive shapes.

Christine just stared, trying to figure out what exactly had happened. She somehow knew instinctively that the world she was looking down upon was Earth, but that it had been altered somehow, expanded or merged with another world entirely. The process seemed to have been executed seamlessly as there did not seem to be any places where molten rock was exposed, which was what Christine expected would happen if you tried to mash two planets together.

There weren't even any smoke, craters, or debris that she could see. Turning her gaze from the planet to space Christine saw other small worlds like the one she was on. She wasn't exactly sure how they were staying put and not being drawn down to the planet's surface. She could see objects that were nearer then the tropical island microworld that she stood upon, and even they didn't seem to be moving either.

It was then that Christine turned her attention inward, finding a strange, persistent ache that had nothing to do with having spent several hours in a strange position upon the boat's hard deck. She moved her hand to the source of the discomfort and rubbed at it, only to have her knees wobble at the sudden pleasure she felt at the touch.

She had absentmindedly sought out the location of the ache, not noticing precisely where it was. But upon locating it her gaze snapped downward to find that the rather sizable tent seemed to have been erected within her swimsuit. The one-piece garment, called a monokini, covered her breasts, loins, and the cleft of her rump, but left her belly exposed. The green and blue swirl pattern darkened at the peak of the tent, moisture leaking forth from the new addition to Christine's anatomy.

"No way," she said, poking her new cock with a fingertip. She stifled a pleasured moan and clenched her teeth as she gripped the unwelcome phallus. She hooked a finger into her swimsuit, right at the point where the twin strips of fabric that served to cover her breasts joined with the bottom. She pushed her member back and released the stretchy fabric so that her cock was no longer constrained by the tight fabric, instead being held flat against her body. The thing was huge; it protruded up past the material of her bikini, extending up to just past her navel. It was the largest shaft Christine had ever seen, at least a good 10 to 12 inches. She looked down at it in awe and confusion, not knowing how the hell it had gotten there. The blonde ran her fingertips over the underside of her length, shivering at the pleasure. Her shaft leaked thick precum that oozed down the head and was absorbed into her swimsuit.

Christine's fingers continued downward, dreading what she would find between her legs. Within her bikini she felt the balls and scrotum that she had been expecting and winced at their presence. She slipped her fingers beneath the garment and probed behind the bulky new addition.

With a sigh of relief Christine smiled as her fingertips brushed over her labia, her feminine sex stored where it was supposed to be. That made the edition all the stranger, as she was not being altered from one gender to the other, but rather had had a portion of the vascular anatomy seamlessly grafted onto her just as the planet above and had landmasses seamlessly grafted onto it.

She found herself wanting to plunge her fingers into her pussy and to take her new organ in her hand. Her body longed for her to pleasure herself, but Christine ignored the urge. She wanted the cock gone, and no matter how good it felt she wasn't going to pay it the slightest bit of attention.

She gritted her teeth as she walked, doing her best to ignore the pleasant sensations she felt as her swimsuit rubbed over her member with each step she took. Christine was curious to see if her friends had been affected in a similar fashion. She wasn't sure which outcome she desired; it would be a terrible thing to have the two other girls disfigured in such a way, but it would also be reassuring the effect would not be limited to Christine, but rather the result of being on this island, or the worldly transition that had brought them here.

The hermified-girl sighed and bit back her trepidation, storming over to the cabin door and pulling it open. She stepped down into the living area of the boat, and rolled her eyes at the sounds she heard. Snoring, Casey and Gwendolyn had not awoken as she had, but apparently had shifted into a state of deep sleep. Christine sighed and looked over the two.

Casey was slumped upon the cabin's table, seated upon the booth seats that would form the sides of the bed once the table was pushed down, the central pad put into place, and her air mattress inflated and placed over it.

She wasn't as tall as Christine's near 6 feet, and hers was a different sort of beauty. At 5'6" she was a few inches taller than most Asian-American women, but she still retained the thin, lithe build of her people, though unlike most her hair was a gorgeous chestnut brown. Christine's prick throbbed as she looked over her friend. She longed to sink her shaft into Casey's depths; she couldn't help but imagine the girl's blue lipstick tinted mouth wrapped around her eager length.

It was all she could do to keep from masturbating as she knelt and peered under the table, trying to see if Casey suffered from the same gender-altering effect that she did. She couldn't really see anything, so she reluctantly crawled down underneath. But even with the closer perspective she couldn't quite make out anything in the shadows between Casey's legs.

She had to know, had to satisfy her curiosity. She reached out with one hand, eyes closed, clenched. Christine hoped her friend would not awaken, in either circumstance it would be rather strange to find the blonde copping a feel on the unconscious Asian. Her hand moved closer and closer until it found the slick fabric of Casey's own swimsuit. Christine found nothing at first, but then felt the protrusion of an erection upon the girl's body. Casey's cock wasn't as big as Christine's own, perhaps 6 to 8 inches in length.

Christine sighed and smiled, rather comforted she wasn't the only one who would have to deal with this problem,

"What the hell are you doing?" said a soft, Southern accented voice.

Christine spun to see Gwendolyn glaring down at her with sleep-addled eyes, sporting her own massive hard-on that she seemed completely unaware of.

"Um..." she said with a blush, "you might want to check between your legs."

Gwen looked puzzled for a moment, but did as was instructed, her gaze fixing upon the foot-long length that had her bikini bottom extended to near bursting.

"Oh my gods..." she whispered in awe and horror.


Yeania chuckled to herself, this was so easy. The girls didn't have the slightest shred of resistance to transformative magic. It was like they had lived their entire lives in a spiritual, psychic, and thaumaturgic dead zone, lacking the barriers in mind and soul that were supposed to shield them from the most elementary of polymorphic spells.

The demoness licked her lips and giggled. She had intended only to cause minor arousal and a blurring of sexual preference. She hadn't expected her spell to cause such a powerful change. It was interesting and rather weird, but it was rather amusing, though it was a bit mean. She couldn't undo the alterations that had been made, but, she supposed, she could try and make it up to them. A little sorcery could be handy while surviving upon an island.

And at the very least she was another person that could help move the boat further up onto the shore, or into the water. She wasn't sure where these strange emotions of compassion, caring, and altruism had come from, but she decided to embrace them rather than reject them out of hand like she would've done centuries before.

She smiled and called upon the energy of the land to wrap around her. It would alter her shape for a time, removing the demonic aspects of herself and making her appear as a normal mortal, albeit one with pointed ears and gray skin. She also used the land's power to form clothes; a simple skirt, top, and sandals.

Yeania thought for a moment, and then released a tiny portion of the spell; make her disguise less perfect. Though not making her as a normal mortal, this part of the spell would help her fit in more.

After all, apparently girls with cocks were the norm here, she thought with a smile.


Unlike Christine, Gwendolyn's swimsuit did next to nothing to cover, conceal, and constrict her newly added length. She stared at the added organ with gape-jawed fascination, slowly moving her hand toward it, as if it were nothing but an illusion that would only be made real once she actually touched it.

"H-holy shit!" Gwen gasped, running her fingertips over the all too real and very sensitive skin of her new shaft. A thick spurt of precum oozed forth from the tip, slicking the bikini enough to let it overcome the friction. The garment slid downward along the underside of the redhead's cock, until it was snug with her groin like it was supposed to be.

She let out a shriek of pleasure, the sensation incredibly intense. The pleased appendage sent forth more hot slickness, this time in copious amounts, the stream of translucent goo splattering onto the table, several feet away. It also splattered onto Casey's face, the Asian girl having been awoken by Gwendolyn's scream; her mouth had been opened in a yawn and the hot, sweet substance had landed upon her tongue.

She licked her lips and let out a soft moan, her hands immediately slipping beneath her swimsuit. She stood for a moment before sprawling on the table, tugging down the straps of her suit, exposing herself fully to the two other girls. One hand clasped a small breast; the other crawled around her new shaft and began to pump it furiously; Casey moaning in delight at the overpowering carnal sensations that overwhelmed her.

Christine and Gwendolyn both stared in rapt fascination at the masturbating Asian; the blonde's mouth was open for harsh, criticizing rebuke but all that could come out was a stuttered moan. She couldn't take her eyes off of her friend's bare body, her own longing and aching for a similar sensual touch. She found her hands twitching, seeming to try and move almost of their own accord to her chest and loins to hungrily fondle what they found there. It took all of her will to resist from mauling herself or leaping atop the sex-consumed girl upon the table.

Christine's cock ached, it throbbed, and it drooled a steady stream of precum from the slit at its tip. The crotch of her swimsuit was absolutely saturated by the fluids of her arousal; eagerly provided in torrents from both sexes. Her body ached for sex, her body longed for sex, her body NEEDED sex; she felt as if she didn't stick her meet in something, or have something stuck into her she would explode.

The blonde licked her lips and had to quickly close her mouth as she realized that it was filling with saliva as she eyed Casey's dripping cock. She had never enjoyed oral sex but now her body longed for it just as much as any other. All the key areas used for eroticism seemed to be drooling; it was almost a miracle that something wasn't pouring out of her nipples as well.

She almost growled with feral lust as Gwendolyn pressed up against her back; the redhead's hands seeking out her breasts and her lush lips hungrily kissing Christine's neck. She could feel the farm girl's own shaft pressed up against her backside, adding further saturation to Christine's soaked suit. She moaned as her friend played with the best breasts her parents' money could buy, the girl's simple touches more electric than any sexual sensation she had ever felt in her life.

A sudden realization hit Christine, and she growled as she spun and shoved Gwendolyn away. "You fucking whore!" Christine snarled, "I bet if you get any of that shit on me I'm going to end up on the floor jerking off and tit-fucking your cock like some sort of drunken sorority slut."

Her rage allowed her to overcome her lust; she fanned the flames of her anger so that they would devour and consume the lesser heat of her desire. What angered her more than anything else was the fact that she would more than likely enjoy doing what she had just said.

Gwendolyn looked up at the blonde, pain and confusion in her eyes as she stared up at her friend from the floor. "I... I just wanted to help," she said softly, "I'm so horny I can barely think straight, Casey doesn't seem to be thinking at all, and you seemed to be frozen up. I just wanted to make us both feel good."

The redhead lowered her eyes, a deep shamed blush upon her face. Meanwhile on the table Casey bucked her hips, thrusting frantically into the air as she pleasured herself. She seemed oblivious to the two girls talking about her. The Asian let out a shriek as she climaxed; what burst forth from her seemed impossible in amount. The first stream of seed that jetted forth from her new organ was expelled hard enough to reach the ceiling and splatter, cascading down onto Casey and coating her belly and breasts.

The second jet didn't reach the ceiling, and instead arced passed her head, drenching the seat behind her in girl-sperm, the third covered her face, and the remainder added to the mess upon her belly and breasts. She let out a satisfied sigh and licked her lips and cleared her splooge from her face, sucking every last drop off of her fingers with eager, noisy abandon. Only once she had cleared every drop from her face did she look up and see the confused, disgusted, and aroused expressions of her two friends.

She quickly noticed the new, prominent additions to their anatomy, which made her turn attention to her own half erection. She stared down at it in wide-eyed awe and tipped her fingertips into the thick, white fluid that slowly oozed down her body as she sat up. She looked from the cum on her fingertips to her cock and to her friends. Her mouth opened and closed several times as she tried to find the proper words. Instead she shuddered and gagged several times.

"Wh-what the hell just happened?!" She asked, breathless. "I... I... I couldn't think, it just felt so good, I wanted more of it, wanted more sex. I couldn't think of anything else until I came." She said, shivering again, her mocha skin reddening with shame.

"I'm going to shower," she said hopping down from the table, nearly slipping on a puddle of her own seed. "After I'm done I'll get some towels to clean all this up."

Christine was once more held enraptured by the sight of Casey; she could neither moved nor speak until the cum-covered Asian had locked the bathroom door behind her. "What the hell is wrong with me?" She whispered as she dropped to her knees. She couldn't get that sight out of her head, replying it over and over and over again; the white fountain erupting from Casey, the sight of her with her back arched and her hands frantically caressing her body, the way she had licked herself clean, gulping down her juices as if it were a tasty treat, and above all the bestial, instinctual way she had done it all. It made the blonde feel so hot.

She imagined herself running her tongue over Casey's bare, cum- covered midriff, seeking out her breasts and then her mouth. She imagined azure lips against her own, a tongue seeking the tasty treat gathered in her mouth, shared with her friend. Christine wanted her, wanted her more than anything, wanted to shove her 12 inches of monstrous meat into the Asians dripping, oozing, cock-craving snatch. She could just imagine the warm wetness encircling her girth, soft, sweet, slick, and wet, and oh so eager to be filled.

Gwendolyn yelped and quickly scooted back across the floor as Christine added to the mess upon the floor. She hadn't touched herself; she had somehow managed to masturbate merely by thinking about sex. She panted as thick streams of goo shot forth from her, far more than could possibly be contained in her testicles, or even in her entire scrotum for that matter. Just like waking up with an added attribute of the opposing gender her climax was impossible and defied logic and reason.

But her peak had cleared her head and she thought perfectly clearly for the first time since waking up. She let out a relieved sigh and stood, tucking her deflating manhood back beneath her swimsuit. Once Casey had cleaned up the floor she got back into the bedroom and got herself a pair of shorts from her luggage to hide the disfiguring addition.

She looked down at it with a glare and then noticed the dark spots upon her swimsuit over her nipples. Christine shuddered at the sight, now everything seemed to be leaking when she was aroused. She only hoped that it would stop here and at other bodily parts would not get in on the act. Things were already disgusting as it was; there was no need to make it even more wretched.

Christine turned to walk out onto the deck of the ship, she wanted to get a look at the shore and the rest of the island, hopefully managing to find some food. They had enough on the boat for another week or so, but with no way off of this little microworld and no way to call for help odds are that they were stuck here for quite some time.

And as she walked up the stairs she found her way impeded by another person. She stared at the exotic woman in front of her; she stood a shade over 6 feet in height, wearing simple sandals; her hair was long and white, thick, lustrous, and hanging down to her rump; her skin was devoid of color, a shade of gray just a little bit darker than sidewalk cement; her lips pure onyx. Christine was taken aback by the pure red irises of the woman's eyes, as well as her pointed ears. She was obviously not human.

Yeania smiled shyly and offered a hand, "I'm rather joyed to see that I'm not alone on this island," she said as she licked her lips. "As you can see I'm rather excited to have company."

Christine's managed to pull her eyes away from the newcomer's own, going downwards past her generous bust, barely constrained by a bright red top, over a taut belly that sported a sixpack, and down to a tempted red skirt held aloft by a hard on to rival the blonde's own.

"Very excited indeed." She purred.

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