Familiar Instincts

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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Whelp, A long overdue piece for Bionet who has been way, way to paitent with me, continuing the 'Instincts' line of stories! Enjoy!

Kaycey sighed wistfully, the vixen's large, bushy tails flicking to and fro slowly as she looked out over the field in front of her. The deck underneath her feet was nice enough, stained red wood, like the rest of the modest home, a strange modernist design with lots of windows and the roof at strange angles, but there was really only one thing she was interested in about it at all. She turned, interrupting the real estate broker's chattering by clearing her throat.

"So, what about the woods over there? Any trails to run or such? I mean, it's right on the doorstep so to speak..." She let the question hang as she straightened her lab coat.

The wolf bitch who had been showing her around nodding, smiling from ear to ear. "Oh yes, of course, there's a lot of beautiful scenery around this area. Most of the trails you will find in there will be game paths, and you will have to look out for the local wildlife; Supposedly there has been several sightings of a large wolf who calls the lake his home."

Kaycey couldn't help the little grin that tugged at the corner of her lips, and simply hoped that the blush she could feel rising got hidden beneath the russet orange of her cheeks. Ohhh, she was all too well acquainted with the local wildlife, and she knew it too. Even at the thought of it her body grew warm, and she had to resist the urge to slip her paw between her thighs to give herself some relief. Romulus's last encounter only yesterday had left her filled and aching in her loins, and she could still feel the evidence of that within her.

The feral wolf was far larger than the usual subjects she encountered for her testing, but that was hardly the most amazing part of him; He could speak! Kaycey could still hardly believe that one, but he was smart, and kind as well, and for whatever reason, her heart had been tugged by the feral wolf. She knew it wasn't exactly a conventional arrangement, and certainly not everyone would approve of her choice of partner, and hence her need for privacy out here.

It was almost funny that it had all ended up like this. The prototype design she had been sent to do a viability study on had flopped in the worst way; Breakdowns, malfunctions, reliability errors; The list went on at some length when she had concluded her report. Meanwhile, the last month had been very, very good few her own model of breeding stand, and after making a few adjustments based on her feral wolf colleagues recommendations, she had proposed and released the version two. Already, zoo's across the world and even several private sanctuaries had purchased units, and the bonus cheques and raises had come in with a flood of positive feedback.

It had taken her longer than she wanted to organize and convince the realtor to make her way out here from the city, but the place was perfect. Large property, plenty of space inside, only a minute's walk from the edge of the woods, and best of all? No neighbors for over a dozen miles in any direction. The price tag on it had dropped after her first call, the previous owners eager to sell and move on; It was ready for immediate move in as soon as the paperwork was all sorted.

Still though, that month had been trying. Romulus had been all for the idea of minding his less polite brother's cage for a few days, but now that a month had dragged on, Remus was no doubt getting frustrated with his solitary confinement, especially when Romulus returned with her scent all over him. That was the other reason though she had chosen this place. The previous owners had been dog breeders, and had a large wire cage run off to one side of the house that would provide plenty of space and shelter for their captive wolf; He was too dangerous to let go just yet, at least not until they could trust him not to try and kill them both.

And even if that didn't happen, well... At least here he wouldn't be cooped up in an 8x8x12 cage hidden in the woods. Heck, she had even already scouted a few good places around the property that her and Romulus would have to go and uhmm.... Explore, together. She shook the thought from her head, trying to suppress her excited giggle and failing as she turned to face the realtor.

"It's perfect. Where do I sign?"

Well, a week later down the line, and the paperwork was finalized. The keys were in her paws, and the title was in her name. The house was hers, and she was free to do whatever she pleased with it. There was quite a bit of unpacking yet to do though; Her office was set up, desk, laptop, phone lines and utilities online. Downstairs, her living room consisted of a large sofa, her television, a fireplace, and several dozen U-Haul boxes of miscellaneous items still to be unpacked. Even her kitchen barely had the fridge, stove, and another half dozen boxes of its own to deal with.

All in due time of course; For now, a scratching on the glass at the back of the house let her know that a certain someone had finally decided to grace her with his presence after she had told him where she would be. She all but skipped her way through the mess of packing boxes and un-arranged furniture that was scattered about the house, before she entered the kitchen, and trotted her way over to the large double glass doors.

Playfully, she peeled back one of the curtain blinds, peering out of it with one large, inquisitive eye. She knew he'd have seen her, but she played out her little charade anyway.

"Who is it?" She called in a singsong voice, disregarding entirely the fact she was looking directly at the feral wolf sitting upon his haunches on the wooden deck at the back of the house. The wolf rolled his eyes at her, his tail thumping against the decking as it wagged.

"Who else would it be?" He spoke sarcastically, lowering his muzzle and giving her his best unimpressed look. She opened the door a crack in response, sliding open the blinds as she did so.

"Oh, I don't know... Postal service?" Kaycey suggested with a quiet giggle as Romulus forced the door open with his snout, before rearing up to set his paws on her shoulders. The sudden weight of him was unexpected, and she staggered backwards before falling down onto the tiles with a dull thump as she landed on her rear.

"Oh, of course... I've got your package right here." The feral wolf growled as he forced her down lower, pinning her shoulders to the floor as he dropped his muzzle down to lick affectionately all over her face. Kaycey squealed, trying and failing to push the much larger and heavier wolf off of herself, battling her paws against him helplessly.

"Ahh! Stopit! Bad dog!" She scolded him, but after a moment longer, the feeling changed, and affectionate and playful licks somehow turned into a rather heated kiss, feral and anthro muzzles somewhat awkwardly turned to fit together in the messy make out. Her breath hitched in her chest, the vixen letting out a quiet moan as the wolf's broad, rough tongue ran along the underside of her own small, delicate oral muscle, sending delightful shivers down her spine.

"Miss me that much?" He teased her, parting and stepping back to let her up. She looked a proper mess now, hair gone from neatly arranged to a morning wake-up frizz, the glasses on her nose crookedly skewed, and the fur around her lips dampened from the kissing. Much more pleasing to the eye, as far as Romulus was concerned. His grey pelt seemed to shine in the light that came in from the door behind him, his canine musculature seeming even more apparent now that Kaycey looked for a moment.

Or perhaps it was the glasses; Hell if she knew. She straightened them anyway, brushing herself down as she managed to pull herself up into a sitting position as the wolf watched her. She gave him a thoughtful look for a few moments, before turning her head, huffing in a playfully irritable way.

"I've been moved in an entire week, and it took you that long to finally come and see me?" She complained, but there was no strength behind the accusation, and thus, Romulus didn't even bother explaining his absence, rather just getting close enough that Kaycey could wrap her paws around his torso to embrace him.

Remus offered no explanation, save for another swipe of his tongue across her cheek, nuzzling his rough, angular muzzle against the vixen's own slender one. It felt right to her, and that was what mattered with love, wasn't it? Even if it wasn't exactly conventional, there was no denying that was what lay between the oddly matched pair as plain as day. Even a blind man could have seen that much.

Where it would take her in the future was uncertain, but it was an uncertainty she could have cared less about. She was happy where she was, and Romulus was equally so. In the end, that was all that mattered. With a brief flick of her tail, she finally managed to give herself enough leverage to escape from underneath the feral wolf, pushing him back with a playful shove.

"Uh uh. One whole week, and you think you can just get away with the silent treatment? Not happening mister. You've got some explaining to do, and then once you're done with that, you can help me finish unpacking the kitchen." She taunted him, poking his chest with a single extended finger.

If Romulus could have blushed, he probably would have. "What can I say, I got caught up in a snag and had to convince some of the smaller ferals from moving into my territory. They get cocky from time to time, and somebody has to put them in their place." He managed a strange, feral sort of shrug where he lowered his head slightly and lowered his torso just enough to make it a somewhat comparable gesture to the anthro one.

Kaycey didn't seem entirely convinced though, and instead, gave a stubborn 'Hurumph' and turned about on her heels, her tail flicking across the wolf's face in a firm swipe, not quite a slap, but certainly harder than a friendly brush. He recoiled slightly, looking bashful, his own tail twitching in turn, low to the floor. However, her turn did present him with her rear, barely covered by the miniskirt the vixen wore, especially from his low angle.

He stared for a moment longer than would have been proper in any situation, but she still made no attempt to face him, and never one to pass on an opportunity to catch her off guard as she had once caught him, and promptly took a step forward, diffusing the situation and any attempt at playful protest by her as he shoved his muzzle up under the hem of the skirt and bumped his nose between her legs against the pair of spotted panties the vixen wore.

Kaycey let out a squeak of protest, trying to close her legs and bat the wolf on the nose at the same time, but all she succeeded in doing was making a funny wiggle with her legs and thumping the front of her skirt to no effect, her tail following the angle of her spine as she bent down slightly to get a better shot at the naughty canine's muzzle. She managed the first part without to much trouble, but never quite made it to the swat; Rather, her paws instead went to her knees in order to keep herself upright at the first swipe of the wolf's tongue against the outside of her underwear.

She bit her lower lip, muttering a curse of futility at her own body as pleasure raced along her spine, numbing her senses to everything else around her. It had been way, way too long, and that wolf had a damned long way to go before she'd let him off the chain that easily. But... It was certainly a start. "Nggh... Damned, pesky wolf... Why'd you have to take so long?" She whined pitifully, her tail flagging upwards even as she wriggled her hips invitingly back against Romulus's lapping tongue.

That first lick had gotten her damp like a Georgia five minute rain storm, and her entire body felt flushed with a sudden warmth of arousal and primal desire. If he hadn't waited a whole week to get to her, she might have been able to control herself better, but as it was, she may as well have been in heat at the first touch. Each stroke of his tongue had her biting her lip a little harder, the vixen's eyes clenched shut as she focused on the pleasure he was bringing her.

Her entire body seemed to be trembling, and slowly, she let herself fall forwards onto her paws and knees, the wicked wolf not even giving her a moment to get settled before he dove right back into her, tongue lashing at the thin fabric barrier separating the wolf from the fox. He'd deal with that soon enough, that kind of irritation would last at best, maybe another fifteen seconds. He pushed against the fabric insistently, snagging it between his teeth and giving it a firm tug. The thin lace tore like paper mache at the force, ripping along the seams and leaving the vixen bare with a tattered mess of scrap cloth between her knees on the floor.

If she could have blushed any more than she already was, it might have started giving the rest of the kitchen a faint red tint to match her burning cheeks. She bit her lip and wriggled her rear about, her tail keeping her miniskirt hoisted up and out of the way, her puffy nether's exposed for the wolf's probing muzzle. She tensed as Romulus's hot breath wafted across her nethers, the wolf getting a deep, long waft of her arousal. An approving growl left his muzzle, the noise triggering some primal instinct in her body, and she lowered her chest to the floor, looking across her shoulder at him pleadingly.

Romulus gave the base of her tail a swift little nip with his teeth, and Kaycey yipped in response, the wolf's tongue darting in with a quick followup and dragging from the base of her sex to the tip, making her entire body seize up as a wash of just... utter pent up bliss rolled over her, the vixen shutting her eyes and moaning quietly. "Ahhh... Again... Please."

He complied with her wish all too eagerly like a pup to its favorite treat, the broad canine tongue dragging lazily across her entire womanhood with each lap of the wicked oral appendage, and she was loving every single moment of it. She could feel her peak rising up in her core like a tidal wave against a dam, just waiting for the right moment to break free. She pushed her hips back, gasping with each little contact against her sensitive nethers. She was so close, just one more-

And then it was gone, the male pulling his tongue away and just grinning at her, his cheeky fucking wolfish grin. Before she had a chance to chew him out for teasing her though, he reared up, leaping up onto her back and wrapping his forepaws around her waist, his hips coming up flush with her own. His length jostled around as he quickly aligned himself with her moist little slit, thrusting instinctively until he found his mark, and sunk in with a single rough buck of his hips.

Kaycey let out a strangled cry of pleasure, mixing with the slight discomfort that came with being filled after not getting any for an extended period of time. She grunted as he hit his sheath against her rear, completely hilted inside of her, and instantly, that tidal wave of pleasure was a lot closer once again, the smaller vixen rocking herself in time as Romulus began to thrust. Each little shift of that feral canine length in her set her nethers alight, the smooth, slick flesh rubbing against her inner walls in all the right ways.

The pleasurable friction between them was an oasis in the hellish desert the last week had been without him, and she was determined to be around him a lot more often now her home was merely a stroll away from his own; Assuming of course, he didn't just decide to join her. She'd gotten a king bed to share, after all... Her paws bunched tightly into fists against the floor of the kitchen, the vixen grinding herself back against the male eagerly as her pleasure continued to build with alarming rapidity.

Romulus for his part was in a heaven of his own, his tail thrashing about as his hips moved in a blur, rolling and romping the tight little vixen beneath him with a vigour only ferals could manage, setting his pace to 11 on a 10 point scale of urgency. He could feel his knot swelling quickly at the base of his shaft, and was utterly determined to get himself tied with her before the bulb grew too much to force into her.

Beneath him, Kaycey let out a sudden sharp squeal of pleasure, the dam finally starting to crack. When she felt his knot pounding against her lips and trying to force her body open to lock him within her, she came on the spot. Her entire body shivered from head to toe, lighting like pleasure racing along her nerves as all that pent up need ran from her body to coat the wolf's sheath in a sticky mess of female arousal and lust.

And that was when she seized her chance to get back at him for keeping her waiting for so long. She shifted quickly, still panting from her climax as her left paw shot up, the vixen dropping her hips and rolling, forcing the wolf's shaft to slip from her slickened folds along with a few trails of their combined sex fluids. Her fingers closed tightly around the small section of flesh behind the wolf's knot, her grip tightening as he humped futilely at the air, a mix of a growl and whine escaping the otherwise fearsome wolf's muzzle.

"Uh-uh. Bad mutt. You leave me waiting a whole week when I'm right at your doorstep and expect me to just give it up to you at the first chance? You've got a lot of making up to do yet, Romulus." She teased the wolf, her fingers working expertly across the wolf's dark red length, tracing the almost shiney, sensitive flesh while keeping her forefinger and thumb securely wrapped around his base. She let her soft, leathery paw pads roam across his member, drawing huffs and snarls and feral groans of enjoyment from her lover even as she did. She'd never heard a wolf quite as well versed in giving voice to his enjoyment as he was, a little fact she had noted during their first encounters together.

"Hmmm? Feeling all hot and bothered yet? All riled up with nothing to fix it?" Her voice was smooth and sultry like melted chocolate and silk, filled with naughty promises of delights and bliss yet to be had. Romulus turned his head to watch her, lifting one leg just enough to give the vixen better access as he nodded, for all the world looking like he wanted to bite her arm and fuck her silly all at once.

His thrusting at this point was achieving very little; The vixen's paw held all the power in their new position, and she abused it with glee, letting her fingers tease him from his base to the spade shaped tip of his lupine shaft, and everything in between. He knew better than to move at least, and she hadn't needed to even drug him with pheromones to get him to this point... Well, unwillingly anyway. What effect her own hormones had on him required... Further investigation at a later date.

She rolled onto her back completely, now underneath the large wolf alpha, and free to use both of her paws to better please her mate. She took a firm grip around the midsection of his girth, gripping the twitching and throbbing maleness with both her paws and giving him something to thrust into, though only as much as she allowed him to. The moment he began to speed up, she slackened her grip, removing all of the pleasurable contact she knew he was craving as much as she had been. This was what he got though. Maybe next time he wouldn't leave her hanging and then expect everything from her.

"See? This is what you get for being late... Maybe it'll be a good incentive for you to come when I tell you too next time..." She whispered out with a wickedly naughty undertone, as if suggesting far more the come in short order. "Think you can manage that, hmmm? Coming when you're told?" She stroked along his length in rapid little brushes of her paw, her soft and textured palm pad slick with the males dribbling and squirting preseed. He was getting close, and she was just happy to tease him all the way to the end.

Romulus groaned, being at the vixen's mercy again like bittersweet torture he wouldn't have escaped from if he had wanted to. He growled, rocking his hips into her paws as his knot swelled, the wolf's sac clenching tightly up against the base of his sheath. "grr... Perhaps just this once..." He panted between thrusts, his tongue lolling from the corner of his muzzle... Just a little... more and he'd be there...

"Good boy... Cum for me then..." She whispered like the fell seductress she played so well, scientist turned succubus. He couldn't have held back another moment if he tried, and throwing his head back, Romulus let out a howl that almost shook the windows, seeming far, far louder now that he was inside. His length jumped in the vixen's paws, spraying a mess of wolf seed across his mate's top, covering her breasts and neck in his essence as it spilled from him like a flood.

Each twitch of his member was accompanied by a firm squeeze of the vixen's paw around the base of his length and his knot, the little female knowing just how to please him after all of her thorough 'testing' and 'experiments' together. He drained himself to her touch, panting as he rode out the last of his climax before looking down at his mate.

Kaycey looked back at him as she finally relinquished her hold on his maleness, freeing him to lay down on his side and catch his breath. Messily, she smeared her paws across the cover of her top, shaking her head. "You're lucky the laundry was already hooked up when I arrived..." She muttered playfully, stripping the shirt up and off over her head and tossing it aside, her breasts spilling free, much to his delight. So unlike feral's mammaries, he'd discovered they were a favorite place to tease her.

Slowly, he scooted in closer to her, until the pair were cuddled together laid out on the kitchen floor, the scent of arousal and sex clinging to the room in a not entirely overpowering or unpleasant way. It was always better when it was from them anyway. Looking over and meeting the wolf's eyes, Kaycey reached a paw up, and just as swiftly gripped his muzzle in her fingers, forcing him to look back at her with his complete attention.

"I'm serious though. Leave me like that again, and next time you won't get any."