Grad-Bash Part 20

Story by Cole Stryker on SoFurry

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#20 of Scout's Honor

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand hey there guys, I ended up writing a little (and when I mean little, I mean 1 smut story and two chapters of Smokescreen >.> plus this lol)

Also, instead of using chapters, I'm using parts because this little part will be connected to Carson and Scout getting it on ;) which is also why this is so short. But even though it is, more from Scout and Carson coming soon with what will hopefully be a good surprise =P

Copyright © 2015 Cole Stryker

Part 20

His breath tickled the little hairs in my ear as my head lay against his chest. His heart throbbed tirelessly with his chest rising and falling in such rapid succession I would've thought I had a headache. Though I felt just the same. Well, I felt fantastic.

I nuzzled his chin and he held me a little tighter. He stuck his muzzle in my ear and blew out a slow breath which sent more shivers through me. He chuckled and sat up so he could look me in the eye.

"That was great, y'know," he smiled down at me.

I gave a toothy grin. "Nah, I had no idea."

He scoffed. "Foxes."

We just laid there for a bit. Not talking, just, I don't know, enjoying each other's company. He looked off into space, his paw gently rubbing my waist. His face grew a serious. I know he was thinking about something. I kind of knew what he was thinking about. But I didn't want to ask him now. Not after that. I could still feel the sticky mess under me. And considering it was his, well, I didn't exactly want to go clean up and miss cuddling.

"Would you ever want to go out?" he asked suddenly.

I snuggled closer to him. "I think the answer's pretty obvious."

"Well-" he stopped himself (probably because André wasn't something he wanted to discuss right now). He opted for "Awesome" and kissed me in between my ears. I let myself fully relax into his touch and felt my eyes get droopy. Carson's fur was so soft. It was kind of like a pillow. I would have pondered how he was able to keep it that way (and maybe ask some tips) while still rolling around in dirt all day. But, in the afterglow of sex my primitive brain could only think of one thing: sleep.

It'd be only fair. I let him sleep on me -technically- the first day we were here. It's only fair that I can-

A cheetah bust through the front door yelling behind him, "Alright! Just let me get the- holy shit dude!" He covered his eyes and shut the door behind him. Carson and I both sat up quickly, though I was the one to pull up the covers a bit. "I thought you guys would be done by now."

"Well, hey, Al. How are you?" I asked in a light, almost airy tone.

He regarded me in a narrowed eye silence and went to his bed to dig up a soccer ball. "I'd ask if you want to come but you look pretty busy."

"Was busy, actually," I corrected. "Ever just relax after you do it? Or do you just get in get out? I heard that cats have problems with that sometimes-"

"I'll be there later-"

"Maybe, later," I cut in looking up at him with a foxy smile.

I heard Alex give a don't-start-doing-it-again-because-I'm-right-here cough, so naturally I let one claw tease his ruffled chest fur. Carson took my paw and lowered it. He looked like he was about to give me a reprimand but he could only smile.

"I might be there later," he looked up at Alex.

"Alright, cool," he gave a grin. Then he looked at me and the grin faded.

"I have a feeling he doesn't like me," I joke when he leaves.

"Aw." Carson hugs me closer. His paw was slowly working its way towards my waist. "I don't think anyone can't not like you."

"Tell that to Alex."

"Well...he doesn't really like any of this gay stuff."

"He's your friend, though. So he has to like some part of it, even if it's just one person."

Carson's chuckle resonated throughout me. "True."

Ask him!

No. Not now, anyway.

Awwwwwwww. Why not?

Go away.

"What're you thinking about?"

I fazed back into existence and focused on Carson. "Huh?"

"Your face. It looked like-"

"Y'know," I cut him off. "That's a good way to get a guy out of bed, not into one."

He smiled and kissed me on my nose. "But I already have you in bed."

"You're annoying, you know that?" I said and nuzzled his cheek.


"You talk too much." I gave him a sly smile.

He gave a short laugh and his own fox-like grin. "Well, we can change that."

Grad-Bash Part 19

Part 19 I ended up sleeping with Sera. Not in that way, but we just shared a bed like we used to when she slept over. That's not to say that when I woke up, the other two girl who roomed with her, another shapely vixen, was just getting dressed and...

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Grad-Bash Part 18

Part 18 Kit would be okay on his own. At least, that's what I told myself as I was trying to walk as fast as I could to the fields. I swear, all Brent does is cause trouble for me, and I'm not even in a relationship with him. Between him, Kit,...

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Grad-Bash Part 17

**Part ** 17 I never really had a concrete understanding of what 'gay' was until, well, I looked it up on the internet and went on from there. I heard stories of kids, whose parents would send them off to camps to be de-gay'd. I didn't think it...

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