Pet Project

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#2 of Fall of Heroes

Pet Project

by Von Krieger

Lily lay snuggled against her mistress, enjoying the feel of the demoness' new soft fur. She admitted that she missed her feline form a bit, but the beautiful winged dragon-cat that Black had become was so perfect. Being loved by her mistress, getting to be held, be pleasured, being able to snuggle with the creature she loved more then anything in the world, the trade was worth it.

Her mistress was resting, the fusing of two Aspects of the Hellkitten Spirit had taken a lot out of her, physically, mentally, and magically. Lily had felt a distressing drop in her mistress' mana levels at the joining, though they were quickly being filled to their peak. Especially now that Lily was there to serve as an additional source of power.

She knew her mistress fed off of pleasure, and even as the succubus slept, she was open to being pleasured by her pet. At the moment, Lily herself was resting, catching her breath after a wonderful session with her mistress. Her half-hard cock was still inside her mistress, the human suckling softly at the demoness' breast, enjoying the sweet milk that Black had begun to produce several hours before as she slumbered.

The demoness had snuggled up with Lily as she slept, and the Goth-girl couldn't extract herself from the tangle of limbs, wings, and tail even if she'd wanted to. Lily delighted in the feelings of change going through her mistress' body. The demoness had grown larger, stronger, more muscular. Sadly her soft, smooth skin had vanished completely, replaced by soft navy blue fur. Though Lily didn't mind much, it was also soft, and kept her naked body warm as she lay with her mistress.

Black yawned and blinked her eyes, feeling new power and strength coursing through her. There was a comfortable new presence in her mind and spirit, it fit just like it has always been there, a natural part of her. She wasn't just Black any longer. She was Hellkitten. She wasn't whole, yet, but as the Aspect spirit and the demoness had become one, so too had the Blue Aspect upon uniting with them.

Hellkitten petted her familiar, hugging the now smaller human tight against her. While Hellkitten was still weaker then she'd have liked, she was nowhere near as drained as she would have been on her own. Her darling Lily had done what she could to make sure her mistress' remained strong and powerful.

She smiled, her pet truly was bound to her. As Hellkitten had passed out, Lily had been given the opportunity to flee, or worse, to attack the helpless demoness. But she hadn't, she had chosen to snuggle up with her mistress and feed her as she recovered.

Hellkitten opened her link to Lily, and was mentally bowled over by the sensations of emotion. Love, powerful, powerful love. The succubus was in awe, this wasn't the result of her own spell craft, Lily had true affection for her.

The demoness was stunned, it was all she could do to hold back tears. She scanned her familiar's mind. The poor dear was so lonely as a human. Everything she had done as Hellkitten Blue had a detachment to it, the experience shared by the demonic essence and the person that bonded with it.

This had been one of Lily's dreams, to be taken in by someone who would take care of her, treat her well, cherish her. Hellkitten could see her pet's fantasies, dreams, desires, and... Oh my...

A smile spread across the demoness' face. "Thank you for feeding me as I slept, my pet." Hellkitten purred.

Lily looked up adoringly at her mistress. "You're welcome, Mistress. I'm happy to help you in any way I can."

"I know how you could be such a wonderful help to me, Lily." the demoness said, still with the Cheshire Cat-like smile on her face.

"By spying on my team-mates?" Lily suggests, also smiling.

The demoness pats her familiar on the rump. "Mmmhmm. But we'll have to get you restored to your old self. We're one now, my pet, any power that I can use is at your disposal as well. You simply have to take the time to learn them."

"I have a better idea, Mistress. Perhaps you could change me into different form, something you find beautiful and wonderful? Just imagine, Hellkitten Blue twisted into a form designed to fill a demoness' sexual fantasies, kidnapped, tormented, and raped. Just barely managing to escape and return to her friends, forever cursed to bear the marks of her encounter with this horrible, horrible monster."

Hellkitten hugged her pet. "You'd let me do that?"

"Of course, Mistress. I want to be beautiful for you." Lily said, returning the hug.

Hellkitten just lay there for awhile holding her familiar. "Lily, in order for this to work, I'm going to have to implant a mental construct of your original personality so you're sure to remain undetected."

"You mean I won't remember any of this, or what I feel for you?" Lily asked, looking a little frightened.

"You'll remember everything sweetie, you can turn it on and off as you like, with your true self hiding inside the mental construct. I'd recommend leaving it on when that psychic that looks like she has a stick in her rump is around. I know your rooms have psychic dampeners, so you'll be safe. You can't blame a girl for trying."

"Or a snugly succubus for that matter." Lily adds with a chuckle.

Hellkitten hugged her pet once more before rolling over and getting to her feet, leaving Lily laying on the bed. "So, shall we begin, my pet?"

The familiar rolled over onto all fours, nodding. "Oh yes, Mistress! Please!" she said, her excitement obvious.

"Anything you would like different about your form, my dear? Fur pattern, coloration, whatever you desire." Hellkitten purred as she knelt down to be eye to eye with Lily.

"Like you, Mistress. I want to be like you, like you were. But with fur instead of scales." the human said, nuzzling her mistress' neck lovingly.

"Would you like soft white fur, my dear? With pretty markings? Beautiful runes that tell all that you're mine?"

"Yes Mistress, oh yes!" Lily moaned, the very idea of being changed turning her own so much.

The succubus laughed, kissing her plaything tenderly. "And do you want to perform for me, kitten? Ready to be horribly transformed, raped, tortured, and made to fulfil the fantasies of your mistress?" Hellkitten teased. "Or at least your mental construct will think so. I'm sure the true you will love every moment of it."

"If it pleases you, Mistress, I'll enjoy it immensely!" Lily purred, returning her mistress' kiss.

Lily shivered as she felt Hellkitten's magic flowing through her. The sensation was familiar, but more powerful then she had ever felt. The familiar swelling of muscles, the soft pops of bones expanding and reshaping, the tickle of her fur growing in, the wonderful stretching sensation of her tail emerging, and oooh... the delicious shiver that always accompanied the transition from male to female.

Lily opened her eyes, once again in the guise of Hellkitten Blue, but something felt different. The sense of distance from the sensations of her body was gone, she felt everything her body had to offer including... mmm... it was hard to think... she felt so good, but needful. Wet. Gods, she was so wet. So this was what it truly felt like to be aroused as a female.

"Mistress, I need to be fucked sooooo bad!" Lily purred, turning and lifting her tail into the air to expose her dripping sex.

The demoness smiled, grabbing her toy by the tail base and sliding a finger into her, pulling back on the blue feline's tail to bring her down off the bed. "Pets and prisoners aren't allowed on the furniture, Lily." the demoness mock-scolds.

The familiar meowrls loudly as her mistress begins caressing her. "Pleeeease Mistress, harder! I'm a kitty in heat, and I need to be fucked!"

"Oh that gives me such a wonderful idea, pet. Now, just close your eyes and think of how you were before, Lily." Hellkitten purred, removing her handpaw from her pet.

Lily did as her mistress wish, recalling the lonesome, sad, pathetic human she had once been. There was a curious sensation of a second presence in her mind, and then she found she was no longer in control of her body! Well she was, but it wasn't QUITE herself. Lily simply lay back in her mind, anxious to see what would happen.

Blue opened her eyes, finding herself in a strange place. "Mmm... Kitten, what happened? Where are we? Kitten?" she asked, seeking her demon half, but she wasn't there. More worryingly she felt different, the faint sensation of the Hellkitten form overwhelming her. Gods... she was so... horny. She had never felt need like this, it felt incredible.

Sensing a presence behind her, Blue leaped to her feet and spun, finding herself face to face with... Hellkitten Black? The wings, horns and tail were all right, but she was larger, and furry, and... blue.

"What did you do with my Aspect?!" Blue snarled, lashing out at her rival with unsheathed claws. The demoness easily catches her attacker's arm, gripping tight enough to bruise even the nearly invulnerable flesh of Blue's body.

"She's safe, hero, don't worry. She's right here, a part of me. I know all about you, your fantasies, your dreams, your desires. And I've given one of them to you. You're female now, completely. You never have to return to that weak human form of yours, never have to deal with being a male. I've even left you with all your powers." Hellkitten said with a smile and motioning to the door.

"I have what I want from you, Blue, you're free to leave." the demoness said.

Blue growled. "She's not yours, give me my Hellkitten back!"

"That's impossible. She's joined with my own Aspect, who has long since joined with me. We're one and the same now, kitty. She's the only reason I'm letting you out of here instead of keeping you for a fucktoy. Though I would quite enjoy it, you were fun while you were sleeping."

Blue looked down at herself, feeling the wetness on her thighs. "Y... you didn't!"

"I did, and you looked like you enjoyed it a great deal. An aspect is only visible on it's wearer to those with mage sight when surrounded by large amount of life or death energy. And sex is meant to create life. I licked you to climax and made the Blue Aspect mine. Your memories and hers are my own now, as are bits of her personality. We love you a great deal, Blue, and if you don't leave right now, we're more then content to keep you here. To be our plaything, to pleasure and torment for our own entertainment."

"Shut up!" the feline growls.

"You'll learn to love it, surrendering yourself to the throes of passion, experiencing climax after delicious climax. You'll love me, worship me, do anything to please me. You'll make such a beautiful, wonderful pet."

"SHUT UP!" Blue roared, aiming a punch for the succubus' gut. Hellkitten easily caught the blow, squeezing Blue's handpaw in a vice like grip, pushing back on the wrist and forcing the smaller feline to the ground.

"I'm glad you did that, sweetie," Hellkitten purred, "Now you're mine, and I get to do all sorts of fun things. Let's start off by making you pretty, hmm?"

Blue tried to fight back, but the pain rocketing through her body was more then she could take, her foe being of greater strength then herself.

"Now I was nice, pet, I offered to let you keep your powers and just walk out of here. But I think I'll just take those away for now..."

Blue howled in pain as her strength drained away, eyes tearing as she was forced to the floor, unable to lift a finger to defend herself with the demoness' grip on her arm. The pain lessened a bit and... oooh.... that felt nice.

The feline's eyes widened as she realized that the sorceress was rubbing a finger against her sex. Blue stifled a pleasured moan, the experience of female stimulation was entirely new to her.

Hellkitten chuckled and continued her caresses. "Do you like this, kitty?" she said with a laugh.

"Stop, please?" Blue whimpered, though not entirely sure if she did want the demoness to stop. It did feel good and she had always wanted to truly experience what it was to be a female, and at the hands of this pretty demoness too... No! She couldn't let this happen but... ooooh!

A shiver swept through Blue's body, her fur turning pale white. "I rather like the coloration you have as a human, my dear. You'll no longer need waste money on makeup to attain such a gorgeous appearance." Hellkitten purred.

Blue watched as purple and maroon markings appeared on her fur, strange designs like tribal tattoos. They kind of tickled like... "Runes! What are you doing?!" Blue tried to growl, but the words came out in a pleasured gasp instead.

"Just some precautions dear, so that I can turn your powers on and off as I please. I don't want my new kitty to break out of her cage and wreck Mommy's house while she's gone." the sorceress said mockingly.

"Hmm... I think you're far too fuzzy, my dear. And they say that pets and their owners look alike. So I think I'll give you some aspects of my own form." Hellkitten said proudly, letting her magic flow again.

Blue arched her back, thrusting against the demoness' handpaw. She couldn't help it, the touches, the changes, it felt so good. So very, very good. Through her climatic haze, Blue could hear the demoness chuckle as her plaything climaxed for the first time as a female.

"My, you ARE enjoying this." Hellkitten chuckled.

Blue couldn't see her changes, but she could feel them. She felt the familiar sensation of fur retreating, leaving her belly bare with porcelain skin and two colour markings. Her tail felt suddenly heavy, growing, swelling, altering in shape from the fluffy feline form it had once been, to a thick reptilian one, powerful and heavy with muscle.

Climax fading, she let out a tiny yelp of pain as draconic horns emerged from her temples. The succubus just laughed. She let go of Blue's hand, shifting to kneel over her pet. Hellkitten began to caress Blue's plentiful breasts, drawing soft moans from the transformed feline.

"You love this, don't you? All helpless, at the mercy of a fearsome demon, having your body twisted into new shapes, all the while the feelings of sex running through your body. Admit it, kitten, you're enjoying this."

Blue blushed, her pale skin turning pink, her cheek fur standing on end. "Y-y-yes. I a-am." she managed, ashamed of herself. The feline begins to purr, enjoying the succubus' touches.

Hellkitten began to work some additional changes on her plaything. "You enjoy this so much pet, why not give you a few more of them to play with? It'll make you look so sexy."

"Please... no!" Blue moaned, "I don't want to look like some oversexed freak!"

The demoness growled. "Oversexed freak?! You insult me by saying the beauty I gift you with makes you a FREAK?! I'll show you a freak!"

Blue's eyes widened in horror as she felt the flow of magic through her again, once again a familiar sensation, the gentle tingle of her cunt becoming the throbbing ache of male desire.

"No! Please, make me a girl again!" Blue begged, tears in her eyes.

Hellkitten just smiled, curling her tail around the feline member and stroking it. "Are you sure, kitten?"

"Yes! I'll do anything, just change me back!" Blue pleaded.

"Oh I just do love anything. You'll be my amusement for a little while." the sorceress purred, standing up. "Now, get on all fours." she ordered as she began to cast a spell.

Blue nodded meekly and did as she was told, shaking a little, afraid of what spell the demoness was going to cast on her. But it wasn't on her, as she saw a few moments later. Her eyes widened in horror as several feline-like creatures appeared, bright red in colour with glowing yellow eyes and sharp spines projecting from their backs. She shivered, they had hard ons as well.

Hellkitten grinned, kneeling down to pet one of her demonic servants. "Aren't they sweet, my little kitten, they look so eager to play. Lift your tail and let them mate with you."

Blue eyes widened in horror, she winced as the demonic feline, slightly darker red markings giving him a tiger-like appearance, rubbed against her. She shivered at the texture of his stiff, wiry fur.

"Please don't make me. I don't want to do this!" Blue said, looking at Hellkitten with pleading, fearful eyes.

The demoness isn't moved in the slightest. "I made it more then clear that you had the option to leave, plaything, but you chose to attempt to attack me instead. Now, let him mate with you, before I remove your legs so that you have no thighs to hold shut."

Blue lowered her head, contrary to what she said she did want it, a little. There was something inside her that was loving this, being dominated, being helpless, being made to be fucked by a demon cat from hell.

She lifted her tail, eyes clenched tightly shut, expecting severe pain as the cat entered her tailhole. She felt paws on her shoulder, taking all her strength to remain upright. She gasped as the demon cat entered her, but not from pain. There was some, her opening not at all used to being stretched like this, and those tiny spines pricked her, but as the feline thrust into her something made it feel so very good.

Blue opened her mouth to moan, and suddenly found the weight on her back doubling, her rune-markings shimmered for a moment, and she was able to take the load. Though she wished she had had such a big pink catcock rammed earlier into her mouth. She felt right at home sucking this monster off, but she didn't know why. It just felt so good to have her lips wrapped around the creature's cock.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the third demon beast licking the succubus' sex, Hellkitten having taken a seat on the floor, leaning against the bed, enjoying the sight of her new toy being tag teamed by her summoned monsters.

The feline mewled softly, puzzled, confused, but still so incredibly excited. Giving pleasure, being pleasured. It felt like a void within her was being filled as she sucked off one demon, the other pounding into her. A hunger. It felt like she was hungry and being fed, but in a way that she had never experienced before.

Blue began to purr, working her tongue over the cock in her mouth, exploring the demonic member as best she could. The cocks in her mouth and ass felt almost unbearably warm, but a tiny part of her told her that it was as it shoulder be. She traced her tongue over those wonderful spines, and as the male in front of her pulled back, caressed the strange spade-shaped head.

It was kind of like a canine knot, she realized. The tapering front allowed for smooth penetration, but the wider rear made it difficult for mates to pull away without harming themselves. Blue yelped as an almost scalding hot liquid gushed onto her tongue. The pain was forgotten in a moment, as the taste was wonderfully sweet. She lapped at her male's cock, desiring more of this yummy treat.

"Mmm... look at that my dear," Hellkitten said to her own demon-cat, currently with his muzzle buried in her sex. "I think she's begun to realize her new nature, laying back and enjoying her new method of sustenance."

The succubus pushed her lover aside as she crawled on all fours to the captive heroine. Blue moaned as Hellkitten rubbed a clawtip over her aching cock. "You see dear," the demoness purred, "All your exposure to my new Aspect has left your spirit longing for demonic energy to fill the void. And rather then leave you as easy prey for the next demonic spirit that happens along, I bound you with one of my own kind, the soul of a juvenile succubus that as punishment for failure was stripped of her physical form. You're just like me now, dear. A demoness."

Hellkitten nodded to the third cat, which crept beneath Blue, taking her cock into his mouth. Blue moaned around the demon meat in her mouth, body shivering with pleasure as the cat's wonderfully rough tongue teased her maleness, leaving her desiring more, wanting to thrust deeper and deeper into that wonderfully warm mouth.

"This is how you feed now. While you still need to eat, all that does is converted to energy in your belly, used to fuel your spells. I'll enjoy teaching you our ways, my pet. No, not my pet. My daughter of a sort." the sorceress purred, licking Blue's furry cheek. The transformed feline was horrified, though the sensation was muted, her fear floating in a sea of ecstasy.

"But you'll need a new name though. Since you're not so blue anymore, and you're no longer a Hellkitten. Hmm... so soft and white, and so pretty too. Those runes make you look kind of like a tiger. Hmm... Tiger Lily? Yes, I like that." Hellkitten thought aloud, smiling.

Lily attempted to push the name from her mind, she didn't WANT to be Tiger Lily, a succubus slut, the adopted daughter of her foe. But she couldn't help it. Some part of her just about melted in pleasure at being called Hellkitten's daughter. Images flashed in her mind, snuggling with her 'mother,' learning to summon wonderful beasts like these, finding a plaything of her own to twist and warp and make hers.

Tears began to pour from her eyes. She didn't want to be Lily. She wanted to be Blue. But being Lily felt so much better then being Blue. She felt the heat building inside her that meant she was going to climax soon. She tried to push it away, she didn't want to cum, she didn't want to be like this, but she couldn't help it. She was a succubus now. She loved being fucked, loved having her cock licked, loved having her tits caressed, loved having a cock crammed down her throat.

The male mounting her roared as he came, filling her with nearly burning hot seed. Lily couldn't help but howl as well, it felt incredible, even without her own climax to add to it. She realized she was feeding off the male's pleasure. A third howl joined their own, and Lily felt even better, her sorrow drowned out by the delicious fullness she felt in her soul and her belly as the second male shot jet after jet of cum down her eager throat.

Her world exploded suddenly, enhanced by those around her, Lily's own climax reached heights she never knew possible. The sensation of white hot pleasure flooded her senses, everything consumed by the burning sun that was her orgasm.

Lily was content to stay in this never ending whiteness, not having to think or feel, simply being, forever and ever. But the brightness began to fade. The newly-reborn succubus scrambled to hold onto it, to seek escape and not return to her physical form. But she did. Slowly, reluctantly, she opened her eyes.

She was lying on her side, the demon cats gone, her mother lying behind her, stroking the soft fur on her daughter's side. Lily avoided her gaze and whimpered softly. "I know, my child," Hellkitten purred, "I'd like to stay their too, but don't worry, you'll visit that place again, and again, and again."

Fresh tears began to pour anew from Lily's eyes, moistening her cheek fur once again. Hellkitten patted Lily's rump. "Don't worry dear, just clean up your mess and you can go to bed. Rest, restore yourself. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. I have so much to teach you, sweet Lily."

Lily did as her mother asked, licking up her seed from the floor, as well as the juices from Hellkitten's climax. She remained on all fours, looking down at the floor like a submissive animal.

The sorceress knelt down and hugged her. "This is your room, dearest Lily, enjoy it. I'm going to take a nap. Be a good kitty while Mommy is sleeping, ok?"

Lily nodded and mewed softly, standing up and flopping onto the bed, curling her body around a pillow. She managed to hold her sobbing in until the elder demoness had left, not wanting to indicate that she was still Blue deep down inside.

"Let the weak creature you used to be go." said a voice in her head, the juvenile succubus she had been bonded with maybe?

"We've been gifted with power we'd never have on our own. We'll be invincible, but as long as you deny what we are, we'll never gain the strength that we are destined to have." it continued.

Lily aimed a mental swat of the paw towards the 'sound' and smiled when she heard a faint yelp. "Shut up. I don't want to be 'us,' I want to be me, the person I was before all this!"

"But you're not. Your 'friends' barely tolerated you as you were, a human and a demonic partner. You're a true demon now, they'd sick that witch of their on you and seek to cast you into the outer realm, where they feel you belong." came the reply from the smug sounding succubus.

"They won't do that for no reason! I'd never hurt anyone!" Lily protested.

"You wouldn't, I would. Remember we share this body now. You're a human, a weak magic-less creature, if there was something I desired to do, you could not stop... OOOOOWW!" the succubus howled in pain as Lily gave her another swat.

"You're just an intruder inside of me, Blue taught me how to keep your kind weak and powerless inside of me. You don't have any strength aside from that I allow you to have!" she growled, imagining her true self planting a knee into the gut of the succubus, represented in her mind's eye by her current form.

"Remember, demon, you're nothing without me. I can live my life just fine without you." Lily continued, mentally wrapping the succubus in chains and picturing a bottomless well.

The demon whimpered. "Please Mistress, I meant no harm. Forgive me! We can... work together to serve your desires. Please don't hurt me any more!"

Lily smiled. "Good, I'm glad we've reached an understanding, now, how the hell do we get out of here?"