The Chaste and the Bandit

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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#3 of Isaias - Ladies of the Lands

Okay, so technically, this one is paid, BUT, It'd be silly to put it in another folder now, wouldn't it? The third installation of Isaias the Dragon, and his devious adventures across the realm! Read, favorite and comment if you liked it!

It was a good day, Isaias had decided to himself. The green scaled dragon may as well have been on a merry stroll through the parks with how well off he felt. His journey had been a complete success, in ways that even he hadn't predicted would come to pass. Soon, two fine young (Or young looking at least. He had no idea how old the elf woman truly was) women would be bringing his new clutches into the world. If nothing else, his lineage would survive longer than his dear uncle's would at this rate.

The worn cobble path beneath him was as old as the Anthro and Human empire was, and stretched just as far to boot. It was probably one of the oldest roads in the entire kingdom, built with a care and dedication that had seen it survive countless wars, disasters and travelers across its lifetime. Some even went as far to say it had been built before anyone even knew of the elven settlements in the woods, before the young new species in the lands had truly settled their first city.

Whatever the case was, the one sure truth was that the road would take him back to the capital in a few days of travel, assuming the weather held out; Perhaps, even with time to spare to maybe stop by another tavern for a night... The thought made his tail twitch, a wicked grin sneaking its way over the drake's muzzle. Oh, what a fun little trip this had been, but now he was simply looking forward to returning to his home and relaxing; Going by some of the local brothels until more jobs came up or his uncle came knocking, wondering why he'd had no news from the elves. If he was exceptionally lucky, the first news his dear uncle would have of them would be when a small army arrived on his castle's doorstep.

He'd stripped his armour once he had cleared a reasonable distance from the elvish territories, stowing it in his pack and going with the guise of a simple merchantman to avoid any undue attention until he was certain they had sent nobody after him. What he had neglected to mention was that the spell he had bound the elvish lady with would only harm her if he fell injured within a small radius of her, a few miles at most. Outside of that however, he was fair game to the rest of the world's denizens.

Still, it was a triviality as far as most threats to him. So long as he didn't encounter a large group overly hostile towards him, a mob of bandits seeking his coin, or any elves coming from behind him, he would be fine. He could defend himself after all; He was no ignorant whelp.

He rolled his shoulders, trying to settle the weight of the armor in his backpack more evenly against his spine, but the jagged edge of one of his pauldrons was constantly jabbing him in the kidney in a way that was most uncomfortable for traveling. The road here was mostly open, lightly wooded to his east, and with open plains to the west. Anybody who came along these paths would see a potential threat a long time before ever it reached them. Or at least, that was what he had thought at the time...

He knelt beside the stump of a long since fallen oak, setting his pack down and diligently unpacking the individual pieces of plate, setting them carefully on the grass beside himself before slowly and carefully re-packing them in a more organized fashion. Admittedly, he had been in some haste to don his disguise. He felt almost nude without the suit of heavy armor encumbering his body, but it was a necessary sacrifice in order to remain incognito. The few traders wagons and peasants he had since passed had been none the wiser of his identity, as had the pair of riders who had come galloping through.

He did a quick double check of his surroundings, just to be certain he was alone out here, but there were miles upon miles of roadway in there parts of the kingdom. One could have potentially traveled from the elven woods all the way to the capital's outskirts and never seen another soul at certain times of the year. No, he was alone, and traveling as he was, that was for the best.

He maintained that belief all the way up until he heard the distinct straining of a bowstring being drawn taut, and a stick being deliberately snapped underfoot. Isaias almost, almost let out a sigh of annoyance, but such was the price one paid for being overconfident. He didn't turn to look; He knew better than that. Many a bandit would find it just as easy to dispose of a body out here as they would to let you on your way. Instead, he slowly removed his hands from the backpack, having at least managed to hide his armour away before his assailant had revealed themselves.

"If it's coin you're after, I'm afraid I have none. I'm simply returning home after a pilgrimage to the northern shrines..." He began, but a sharp hiss and the feeling of cold ice running along his spine told him that bow was still being aimed squarely at his back, even as the footsteps circled around to his left. He kept his head bowed, attempting to seem as harmless and unthreatening as possible.

"What's in the bag?" A voice snapped, feminine, yet as cold and sharp as the dagger hidden under his robes. A lady bandit. Fantastic.

"Food and provisions for my trip, as well as two prayer books and my personal effects. Please good lady, I've nothing of value..." Isaias started, trying to seem as meek and humble as possible, like a good scholarly pilgrim ought be. If she let herself get any closer however...

The bandit girl approached, and out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of fuzzy, russet furred feet in a pair of simple leather sandals as she kicked his bag, hearing the clank of the armour inside as obviously as church bells tolling.

"Nothing of value, eh?" She chided him, letting out a quiet growl that sounded anything but fierce. A plan quickly formed in Isaias's head; His sword was on his right, the side opposite the girl. She likely hadn't seen the bulge of it under his robes in her hurry to examine her 'takings'. He rolled quickly to the left, and that caught her off guard, the vixen loosing her arrow and hitting nothing but the dirt where he had been a moment before.

He came up well inside her guard, his sword coming free with a loud rasp of steel and cleanly severing the thin hunting bow held in her paws in two, shearing through the wood as if it were no thicker than silk. But then, rather than backpedaling and being in shock like he had expected her to be, she lashed out, kicking him hard in the chest and without his armour, it knocked the breath entirely from him. The dragon staggered backwards before tumbling, off his footing and off the small embankment down into the shallow ditch on the side of the road with a loud, frustrated grunt.

The Vixen grabbed his bag and took off into the trees without waiting for him to recover, the loud clanking of armour disappearing into the trees along with the bandit and all of his other possessions. Cursing loudly, he pulled himself back upright and ran after her, arms pumping as he dodged around trees and shrubs and undergrowth that scratched and pulled at him like thousands of tiny hands.

He caught sight of the vixen's bushy tail, a bright orange beacon amidst the woods, and set after it like a hound on the scent. She was damned quick, but his armour was also sized for a dragon, and heavy as likely as she was. She'd either have to abandon it, or stash it away if she wanted the slightest hope of escaping him. He could sprint in that full suit for a half an hour. She'd be lucky to last five minutes, even with the adrenaline rush of being chased.

Of course though, she quickly realized this as well, and casting a quick, worried glance over her shoulder, she went with the first option, and instead simply dropped his bag with a loud clang as it hit the ground. Still looking over her shoulder, she flashed the dragon a cocksure grin, knowing she would at least escape now. Then she ran into the tree, and landed in an unconscious heap at its base.

Isaias came to a stop by his bag, paws on his knees and panting, before he let out a long, bellowing laugh. "Oh, that is just... Too good." He shook his head. Amateurs. There were no other words for it. Aparently, this had been a heat of the moment choice, and she'd paid for the lack of forethought. Checking to make sure his plate mail was intact, he pulled a long length of cord from one of the side pouches of the bag, marching his way across to the unconscious vixen. If nothing else, the bounty for a bandit might be halfway decent, and failing that, ransom was always another good option.

And if neither of those options turned out to be viable, well... Capturing a lady in its own way was a fine reward too... Hefting the now bound and tied bandit over one shoulder, and his backpack over the other, Isaias set out once again, marching back to the roadway south, and eventually, home.

Isaias's first indication that the she-bandit was coming too again was when she tried to bite his shoulder, and missed, her jaws coming down on nothing but air with a sharp clack of teeth slamming shut an inch from his scales. "Let me go!" She screamed in his ear, kicking and writhing as she tried to get herself free of his grip. He let her, rather ungraciously jostling his shoulders and sending her sideways into the hard cobblestones underfoot.

A moment later, he gave a sharp yank on the cord around her feet, and started dragging her along with him, removing what little dignity she still could muster. He hadn't even broken stride. "Hey!" She protested, shaking herself side to side until he finally stopped, letting go of the rope and turning to face the female with a look that could have contained an entire century's worth of thunder and annoyance, his lip turned up in a sneer.

"What? You tried to rob me? Remember? Or did that tree branch hit you so hard you forgot how you got in this situation? You're my prisoner lady. Deal with it." He huffed, a few idle wafts of smoke escaping his nostrils as he glared at her with the intensity and scrutiny of a researcher examining a specimen under a magnifying glass. She seemed to grunt slightly at that, turning her head away with a disgusted huff, as if resigning reluctantly to her fate.

"Ha. I've escaped from worse situations than this, Dragon. Your worst wouldn't even faze me." She huffed, clearly trying to appear far braver than she really was. If she realized it or not, her tail had retreated between her legs, and the fear was as plain as day on her face, despite her attempts to put on a show of courage. Courage had a time and place. Now wasn't the time, or the place for it.

"Clearly, you haven't seen it then, Vixen. If nothing else, I'm sure the slavers on the coast will pay for you, if nobody else will. Perhaps the pleasure houses too, if you can bite back that lip of yours. I could easily take your tongue though, perhaps save them the effort?" He suggested offhandedly, as if it really didn't matter one way or another to the dragon what happened to her, so long as he was paid for it.

Her bravery vanished like a snap of his fingers, replaced by shocked outrage, her mouth agape as she stared him down with her lustrous, golden eyes. "You wouldn't!" She spat, scrabbling her way back to her feet.

"And why not? There's miles of nothingness in all directions, and you're just a bandit. I could leave you here on the side of the road and nobody would so much as spare a glance for a thief." He pointed out with a blunt honesty that hammered her situation's seriousness home to the vixen. "Let's face it. You're as good as property right now, and maybe half as valuable because you're a criminal. If anything, I'm neglecting my civil duty by not simply killing you right here and now." The dragon let that one hang in the air for a good long moment, the sound of a light breeze disturbing the leaves of the trees.

Eventually, she hung her head in defeat, sitting up and climbing back to her feet with a meek sigh. "Can I at least walk?"

Isaias grunted quietly, giving the rope a tug and forcing her, still bound, to hobble along after him. He wasn't going to waste any more time with her, and he had far better things to deal with than tending to a criminal's wants. He'd sell her off at the next town, and that would pay for his accommodations and meals until he reached the capital. Perhaps even, she could provide him with some entertainment once he set camp for the night... That thought got him itching to be moving and he quickened his pace some, forcing the vixen behind him to make a few awkward hops before she toppled as ungracefully as a poorly stacked pile of books, barely catching herself on her paws.

"Slow down! Please! At least if you're going to pull me along bind my hands instead of... this!" She gestured frustratedly at the rope binding her feet together, thumping her paws down on the stones to either side of her. Turning his head, Isaias regarded her with a cold, hard stare. After a moment, he relented, and knelt down beside her, drawing his dagger from his belt.

"If you try to escape, you'll find this between your shoulder-blades before you make it ten paces. Do I make myself clear, bandit." He snarled the words out, before slashing the rope with a single deft swipe of the razor edged blade, severing her bindings and missing injuring feet by a mere hair's breadth.

"I understand. I have a name you know." She began, but the dragon cut her off as he stood, turning away from the vixen and continuing on down the path.

"I don't care. Bandit will suffice. Don't dawdle."

Gathering herself up, she rose, quickly following along after him, deciding against making a bolt for it. He'd have been expecting it no doubt. "It's Megan..." She mumbled under her breath, and Isaias only flicked his paw dismissively, ignoring her entirely to the best of his efforts.

"And I still don't care, Bandit. To me, you're simply extra coin I picked up, and my coin doesn't speak last I recalled. Now come along. We've a long way to go yet if I'm to sell you for a half respectable price."

He set the pace for their forced march quicker than Megan was entirely comfortable with, and at many points, she saw small gullys and stacks of brush she might have used to make a quick escape, if the Dragon hadn't turned around and walked facing her each and every time they passed one, resting one scaled paw on the pommel of his dagger just to remind her to think better of the idea. She plodded along until her feet were sore, and her legs ached all along her calf muscles, the tendons screaming at her to stop and sit down for just a moment. But still, the dragon pressed onwards, despite her panting and pained winces with each new step as blisters began to form on her paws.

"Stop, Stop! I need to rest... I can't keep going like this..." She finally cried out, sitting down in the middle of the road, and letting herself fall backwards from the exhaustion. Isaias stopped in place, turning to look the vixen over a moment, before tilting his head to look over at the setting sun in the distance, barely still above the horizon. It would be dark soon, and only a fool would travel further at night out here. He let out an irritated huff, before nodding his consent.

"Fine. When you are recovered enough, gather some wood for a fire, and do not think for a moment about slipping away. You won't get far." He commanded her, before walking off to the side of the path, finding a suitably small clearing to set his tent in. She gave herself a few long moments, catching her breath enough to get back to her feet after briefly rubbing them inside the cheap leather shoes she wore.

She set off into the woods, gathering up a bundle of sticks while still staying close enough to hear the frustrated curses of her captor as he wrestled with his tent. When she had a good armful, she turned around to head back to the clearing, stopping dead in her tracks as a mailed fist went around her shoulders, pulling her back against an equally solid breastplate, and the kiss of cold steel against her throat, but it quickly disappeared, a hushed voice rasping in her ear.

"Did he hurt you fair lady? Are you injured?"

She shook her head quickly. A rescuer! But just as soon as that hope had flared up, she quickly realized something else. There was no more noise coming from the campsite.

"She's a bandit, Ignis, and my prisoner at that. Why don't you step out here? I smelled you following us twenty minutes ago." Isaias called from the clearing, and she finally caught sight of him, standing there silently, impassively watching her.

The male holding her released his hold on her, shoving her forward as if she had bitten him. "Isaias? Is that you? Why didn't you say something sooner?"

She turned as she collected the now strewn bundle of twigs and branches, looking at her would be rescuer, the hope in her petering out and dying like a fire in a flood. The blue scaled dragon was garbed in the steel of a knight, a bastard sword sheathed at his side, the naked steel of the dagger still in his right clawed hand. He gestured to her to get going with a twitch of the knife's point in the direction of the clearing, motioning her onwards.

"I didn't feel it necessary. I figured you would be making your appearance soon enough, one way or another."

"And you trust your... ahem, prisoner to not simply flee from you while you let her gather firewood?" The new dragon seemed incredulous at the idea, his long tail twitching back and forth. Isaias gave a single shrug of his shoulders, nodding towards the Vixen.

"Did she look like she was attempting to escape? She certainly could have fooled me. She's nowhere to run to, and I severely doubt she could have made it very far before I noticed her absence. If she keeps this up, I might even be inclined to feed her after I go hunting." The green scaled male chuckled deeply in his throat, a rolling rumble like thunderclouds grating together.

"Ahh... I see. Well, no need. I have some rabbit I caught only this afternoon. We shall sup on it together then." Ignis commented almost proudly, and his youth against that of the green dragon's became quickly evident. Barely a child, in comparison. Isaias gestured him towards the small circle of stones he had set in the middle of the clearing, before beckoning the Vixen over with the wood.

In short order they had a fire going, the pair chatting away like old friends reunited, while Megan was left to sit just at the fringes of the fire's light, waiting for the pot of stew that was boiling above the flickering flames to cook through. After going all day without eating, her stomach was grumbling at her angrily, and the rabbit smelt absolutely divine. A bout of laughter caught her attention as she let her ears flicker, swiveling to listen in on the dragons' conversation, having otherwise been tuning it out until now.

" I stepped out into the lobby, and sure as a coin dropping, it goes silent, everyone looking right at me." The green dragon grinned broadly, his sharp teeth flashing in the orange light of the flames. The blue leaned forwards, resting his paws on his knees as he listened intently.

"So what did she do then?" He asked, clearly curious about the dragon's exploits.

"Exactly as I told her. Kicked everyone out, and then returned with me to my room so she could... repay me... for the interruption to my rest." Her captor meshed his fingers together with mischievous intent, shooting the blue a wink, who paled at the implication.

"You don't surely mean... You know such things outside of wedlock are forbidden!"

"Bah! Ever the dear choir boy you are Ignis; Always have been, always will be. Little mister perfect... If it was so forbidden, then why would she have done it? The broad is probably heavy with a clutch by this point. After all, we dragons were made to rule. Strength in numbers will be our victory." He explained as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

But still, the blue dragon seemed appalled, and made sure to tell Isaias just so. "The gods forbid it. Destiny or not, it is not proper outside of wedlock, let alone outside of your own species... It is just... So wrong. The gods will judge you for this one day you know?"

"Ha! Let them. You simply don't know any better boy. You call yourself a dragon, and yet you cower at the very mention of what gave us our reputation. Stealing away princesses from towers in the night and hurrying them away to our hoards. What exactly did you think we did with them in those stories before we let them go? How do you suppose dragon bloodlines came to mix with those of nobility? Hmmm? Answer me that Ignis, and I may concede the point."

Ignis opened his mouth as if to say something, but quickly closed it again, and Isaias grinned, knowing full well he couldn't discredit his point without proving it at the same time. The bloodlines only continued by one single act, and it had always been, and would always be that way.

"I thought as much... You simply never knew better, locked up with those chaplains and their teachings... I think you need to know exactly what it is we dragons are supposed to do, and just how we do it. Fortunately, I think I know exactly how to show you what you've been missing out on..." He turned to face the vixen with a feral, predatory glint to his eyes, and Megan felt a rock land in the pit of her stomach as she realized just what the dragon had in mind...

Slowly, as if a sudden movement would somehow jolt the pair of dragon's now eyeing her as if she were a piece of meat into action, Megan backed away as much as she could, until her back was pushed against the trunk of a thick oak tree. Her paws groped at the ground around her, hoping to find a suitably large rock or even a branch she might be able to fend them off with.

Isaias moved first, slowly rising to his feet and approaching her with smooth, measured steps. Ignis rose as well, though he clearly was still hesitant about the entire idea, as he stayed where he was, as if rooted to the spot, an only semi-willing viewer as he watched the older dragon reach down, and effortlessly pluck the vixen up by the scruff of her neck. Megan squealed in protest, thrashing about and flailing her legs and arms around in an attempt to strike the dragon manhandling her, but he held her entirely above the ground.

"You see? Dragon's are the ones in charge, not the yapping and mewling ones who would call the kingdom 'theirs' by no right other than the fact they happen to hold the capitol. We have the might, the intellect, and therefore, the right to rule over this rabbel." He indicated Megan, drawing his knife with his free paw, and raising it up to Megan's throat, despite her best attempts to tuck her chin to prevent just that.

"Stop, and accept your fate, girl. Like I said, you're my property now. I will break you if I have to." He growled, a deep, bass thrumming that made the vixen still herself. The knife left her throat, only to have its tip slipped in past her jacket and harshly slashed downwards, cleanly severing the material and exposing her chest to the males. She resumed her struggles anew, even as Isaias grinned at what he saw. Ignis blushed as if he had just been caught sinning in the temple, averting his gaze to the ground.

"Oh, don't. You're a dragon, and clearly, you've spent too much time among the sheep. This is a woman's bounty, and after all..." He paused long enough the let the flat of his blade press against the nipple of her left breast, making her entire body tighten at the sudden sensation of cold against her sensitive flesh. The nipple hardened in response, standing out from her white furred chest like a little beacon. "...Women love it when you tease them with them. Even the most captive ones can't deny instinct." He chuckled darkly, before releasing Megan's scruff, letting her drop a few inches to the ground. She landed rough, unprepared for the drop, and stumbled onto her hands and knees.

"Stay like that girl, else I'll have you tied like that over a log." He snapped quickly as she went to rise, and obediently, she kept her head low, trying frantically to think of some way to escape this situation, even as the green scaled beast stepped around behind her. His long tail flicked back and forth with his steps, the tip whipping through the air, dangerously close to striking her face as he passed beside her.

"Hmmm... Hardly the most fitting specimen, are you? No matter. You'll serve..." The words were crisp and harsh like a winter front, and entirely dismissive of her, as if she were so far below him. She clenched her fists, the desire to rise up and strike him across his no doubt grinning face growing increasingly tempting. Even as she thought she saw an opportunity to strike the dragon and make her escape however, he was kneeling behind her, one steel armoured leg coming down across her ankles and pinning her in place. The steel pressed painfully down on her tendons, and she let out a quiet whimper even as his knife danced around the base of her tail, making several neat slices into the fabric to remove a large patch of it.

Cold air suddenly assaulted her nethers, the vixen shivering at the none too pleasant sensation, cold as she was already. She blushed ashamedly, feeling the dragon's eyes examining her behind, and she tucked her tail between her legs. Isaias took a firm grip around the rebellious appendage and yanked it back upwards with a snarl, more than enough warning not to try that again. "You see Ignis? Woman, in all her natural glory. Or perhaps it is that you've never even seen a woman without materials trapping her body, hiding her from roving eyes, hmmm?"

Ignis muttered something inaudible in response, trying his best to look away again, hiding his own shame at being accomplice to this depravity.

"Speak up boy, nobody can understand your murmurings."

"I was saying that it's wrongful of a man to look upon a woman's body as the gods made them before wedlock..." He managed after a few moments, his paws awkwardly fiddling with one of the straps of his armor.

Isaias rolled his eyes, huffing almost frustratedly with the youths piety. "Bah! I swear, if you spout one more word of that nonsense, I'll have to start assuming they made you a eunuch in your sleep! This is what dragons do. We conquer, Ignis! We rule the lands and the skies! If you won't step up and be what you're supposed to be, then I guess I'll have to do the job for both of us!"

Megan let out a startled cry as the Dragon forced something rounded and cold between her legs, and it took her a moment to realize that he was forcing her open with the hilt of his dagger, fucking her with the cold steel grip of his blade. Her body hadn't been at all ready for the sudden intrusion, and clenched down tight, trying to force the ice-like metal back out of her, and that only made the forcible penetration even more unpleasant for her.

She squirmed about, trying to get away, but a single paw thumped down onto her back, forcing her shoulders down to the ground, and her muzzle into the grass and dirt, pressed hard onto her cheek. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could just see the green dragon's arm moving back and forth as he forced her body the take the textured leather grip, beading moisture slowly starting to gather on the tightly wrapped handle.

But more alarmingly was Ignis in the other corner of her vision, simply standing there in shocked silence as he witnessed his companion simply violating her in this way. His eyes were locked on where the improvised pleasure tool was plunging into her body again and again, forcing her instincts to react to the unwelcomed intrusion by easing her passage the only way her body knew how; Producing arousal.

She bit her lip as the dragon yanked the handle free from her, the bulb of steel forming the pommel of the knife popping out of her netherlips with a messy sounding squelch, before Isaias tucked it back into his belt, shuffling in closer to her. With a rapidly rising sense of dread, the Vixen looked to Ignis, pleading to him with her eyes for help, but the dragon's attention was entirely elsewhere at that moment, and she found out just what from a second later.

Isaias entered her with a single powerful thrust of his hips, delving deep within her body on his first thrust. She let out a keening wail as he began to rape her, sinking a little bit deeper with each thrust as his paws clamped down on either side of her hips, forcing her back onto him in time with his thrusting. The rigid length of reptilian flesh disappeared into her lewdly stretched snatch with a messy squelch as the male's member forced her to her limits, striking against the very core of her womanhood when he finally managed to hilt himself entirely within her. His scaled hips pressed flush against her furred own, the dragon giving a few, teasing gyrations the work his shaft around inside of her, the tip seeming to probe against her cervix as if seeking an entrance.

"See? This... Nggh... Is how dragons take what they want." Isaias growled out dominantly, claiming the tight little vixen bitch beneath him as Ignis stood there, watching with wide eyes and his jaw slightly agape, as if entirely unbelieving of what he was seeing.

"Th...This is rape though!" He suddenly blurted out, but his words fell on deaf ears, his green scaled companion merely shrugging his shoulders and drawing himself out of the female long enough to give the younger male a glimpse of the proud draconic breeding spire that he was rutting the girl with, glistening with the female's and his own combined arousal.

"So it is, or it would be if you could rape property. This girl's life was forfeit the moment she tried to rob me. At least...Ngggh... This way, she can serve a higher purpose..." Isaias laughed as he rutted the vixen, his hips smacking wetly against the vixens as he began to pick up his pace, properly taking her as he'd intended now that her body had adjusted to his size enough to permit it.

"Higher purpose?" Ignis asked, suddenly confused, yet he couldn't tear his eyes from the scene before him. Everything in his teachings shouted at him to turn away, to intervene, to do something other than stand there and just watch, but deep inside him, some long suppressed part of his being was being brought to the fore, and without him realizing it, a rolling rumble had began to build in his chest, a certain firmness growing in his breaches.

"Exactly... She'll be the latest girl to sire a new generation of dragons... Mine... And Yours." The green drake grinned from ear to ear, watching the younger blue's reactions, his hesitance, slowly fade into obscurity as the primal drakonic desire to breed began to take ahold of the once pure champion of moral righteousness.

Under him, Megan began to squirm and thrash anew. She wasn't ready to be a mother! Least of all to a pair of lust addled rapist dragons! She didn't want to have eggs! Try as she did though, her struggles gained her no ground, the dragon invading her body with his corrupting essence already well on the way to ensuring there would be no turning from that path soon enough.

"That's it girl. Struggle, fight! Try to escape it, but your fate is sealed!" He snarled, suddenly gripping her thighs tightly in his hands, fingers digging into her soft flesh through what was left of her pants, before he lifted her legs from the ground entirely. He quickly set into her with a series of rough, full body thrusts, and supported only by her shoulders on the ground, she had no choice but to take them, crying out every time the tapered tip of her rapists prick battered against the gate to her womb, trying to force her body open enough to accept him entirely.

Isaias snarled, snapping at the air and the vixen's thrashing tail with his teeth as he leaned forwards over her, pulling her tight little body down onto his impaling length as he growled out into her ear. "Too late now, thief. You should have considered the consequences of trying to rob a dragon before you attempted it."

She let out a long ,drawn out cry as the dragon's tip finally succeeded in its goal, breaching her cervix just enough to bury an inch of his tip within her womb, but it was all the dragon needed. His tip was already leaking copious amounts of his thick, virile pre-seed into her body, and had been since he first entered her, but now he was close, his internal testes tightening against the base of his shaft. "Here it comes girl... Ngggh... Being a brood mother will suit you..."

Even as he whispered those vile words in her ear, she felt it, the first hot jet of the dragon's creamy cum spilling into her vulnerable body by the second, each twitch and throb of his length buried to the hilt within her sending millions of his sperm pooling into her very core. She knew that before the next moon cycle was over, she'd already be experiencing the consequences of this for certain; The sheer volume of his release filled her body with the promise of a new clutch.

He tore himself from her a moment later, making her shout once more at his rough treatment. The last of his climax spent onto her rear, covering the base of her tail and the outside of her aching nether's with the evidence of his deed. Isaias stood without waiting to recover, the dragon stretching his arms out and wiping the slick mess from his retreating prick with the back of his paw, flicking it towards the vixen with a casual disregard, as if she were little more than a plaything to him.

"Hmmpphh... Not bad. So Ignis... Are you ready to embrace your heritage and be a man? Or are you still content to be the preacher's daughter?" The green dragon taunted him, and Ignis snapped his head around, growling in an entirely out of his nature attack.

"More than ready, you selfish, spiteful barbarian." The blue dragon snapped, and for just a moment ,flames licked around the edges of his lips, dancing like deadly little candles across his scales, and suddenly, Megan was more scared than she had been with the green dragon. Ignis shoved Isaias aside with a growl, stripping his cod-piece of armor even as he did, and Megan tried her best to bury her head in the dirt, her trembling body entirely at this new, brash dragon's mercy.

He wasn't as large as Isaias, thankfully, but it was a small mercy the dragon made up for by his sheer, inexperienced enthusiasm. He slid into her without so much as an iota of resistance, the larger of the pair having done his best work to lubricate and stretch the vixen out, but the fierce, bestial pounding Ignis was giving her made her body ache and quiver in entirely new ways. To her disgust, not all of the sensations she was experiencing were entirely bad, spikes of pleasure rising up in her as her body sought to do what nature intended her to do.

Entirely against her will, she could feel herself tightening and clenching rhythmically around the male violating her body for the second time in as many half hours. Her teeth cut into her lip painfully, reminding her that this wasn't what she wanted at all, and she kneaded her fists into the ground, biting back quiet moans that tried to pass from her panting muzzle.

Ignis for his part thrust into the vixen with a reckless lust filled with abandon and the stamina of youthfulness and that a life of pilgrimage had given him. His hips pounded against the vixen's shapely rump, and he gripped her bushy tail for leverage, pulling her back in time with each buck of his waist. His mind had no idea what he was supposed to be doing, but his instincts knew all too well, and drove him onwards with a deep rooted urge to breed, to spread his seed and multiply.

His body filled with unfamiliar hormones and a lust that was entirely all too much for the former virgin to deal with, Ignis roared, spitting fire into the sky and almost setting the canopy of the oak they camped beneath ablaze. The pleasure surging through his body was unlike any other sensation he'd ever felt in his life, and it was only growing in intensity as he unknowingly neared his climax.

His thrusting became erratic and jumpy, like his muscles were all beginning to lose their synchronicity and simply act on their own drive. With another mighty roar though, he shoved himself forwards, sinking his twitching dragon spire into the unwilling recipient of his gift as he declared his passage into manhood to the world. His seed raced from the tip of his member, embedded within the tight vixen's cervix and pooled with Isaias's already significant deposit, making it beyond certainty that the vulpine would bear a large clutch for the two of them in the coming months.

He slipped from her, along with a messy dribbling of dragon seed that ran down the shaking vixen's thighs and pooled between her knees as she tried to come to terms with everything that had happened to her to reach this point. All her decisions, all the seemingly random events that had led her to make a foolish decision, and this was what she had gotten because of it...

Isaias approached slowly, his paws clapping in time with his steps, the elder of the two males smirking broadly and flashing his sharpened teeth. "Bravo... Bravo... And here I was almost thinking you wouldn't go through with it... I can say, I'm glad to be proven wrong." The green scaled male laughed, even as Megan shot him a glare of pure, distilled hatred. She would come to accept her place, or she wouldn't, and he would have no further use for her.

Stepping past her, he extended his paw to Ignis, who looked up slowly, still panting from his first climax.

"Rise, Dragon. There's much we have to discuss of your future now, and the future of our kind."