Decisions and Surprises

Story by jamesbeast on SoFurry

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#2 of A Fox in the Lions' Den

The three lion brothers had been brainstorming for the last half hour. They wanted to share the rush of devouring other furs with their new brother, Clyde, but had yet decided on a way of telling him what they could do. Several suggestions had been tossed out. They could just tell him, but he may not believe them. A demonstration would solve that problem, but it might frighten the fox loosing his trust. Then there was the set up, Trent's idea. "Someone's bound to have messed with Clyde. We trick him into going somewhere, tell Clyde to meet us at the same place, the jerk starts messing with our lil brother, we beat-and-eat him, and thus save the day. Thereby," Trent switched to a German-psychiatrist accent, "Clyde vill come to associate our predatory nature vith the safety and love ve provide for him." It wasn't a bad plan. It required a good bit of effort, but that wasn't the real problem. Like their father, the lion-teens were finding it difficult to lie to Clyde. "Well I can't say I like it, but it's the best we've got." Knox conceded. "We just have to male sure the prey doesn't get a chance to hurt Clyde," Oliver was resolute on that matter. "Alright then," Trent said with a smirk, "Business done, back to pleasure." The ferret had been more an appetizer than a meal, and Trent had found his little brother's swallowing of a raccoon incredibly erotic. Grabbing the smaller lion, who had used all of his energy downing the coon, by the shoulders, Trent licked his lips. "Oh come on..."Oliver groaned, realizing his brother's intentions. "Lunchtime Oli!" With that Trent stuffed his little brother's head into his mouth. Oliver didn't struggle, much to Trent's disappointment. Still, the elder lion was enjoying himself and was able to tickle some movement out of his brother, licking at his navel. Trent did however leave Oliver's genitalia alone; the brothers would jack one another off, but that was as far as they had ever gone with each other. With Oliver's shins in his mouth, Trent decided to have on last bit if fun, and relentlessly tickled his brother's feet. Trent strolled his cock as he felt Oliver thrash inside, allowing himself one orgasm before slurping down the rest of his brother. Knox watched all of this calmly, only at the end noting, "You didn't ask first. You'll have to make it up to him some how." "I know. Hey Oli, how about a massage after I let you out." One pat from within Trent's stomach signaled the arrangement was agreeable. Knox soon left to shower off, leaving Trent on the basement floor stroking his belly. Oliver's initial annoyance faded, as Trent gave good enough massages to make up for the nonconsensual swallowing, almost. The younger brother decided he might as well get a nap in, as he doubted Trent would be letting him out soon. Not that it mattered; the brothers all knew that no harm could come of it, considering all three of them had spent ample time in their father's gut when they were younger. Indeed, Aaron Masters had found swallowing his sons to be the most effective form of time-out. Within his stomach they could only sit there waiting, there was no way for them to sneak off, allowing Aaron the freedom to continue working, reading, or cooking. Trent thought about those days, and the lessons they received as soon as Knox hit puberty. They were natural predators, their father had said. It was a rare gift that came with an extraordinary amount of responsibility. He had been the first to ask their father why he ate them if it was so dangerous, to which Aaron responded, "It's a natural failsafe, which evolved to keep family members, particularly youngsters, from digesting each other, but its not limited to family members. No predator has anything to fear should another decide to eat him." Trent had been thinking that over ever since he had met Clyde. If he was going to have this kind of fun with the fox, they were going to have to turn the fox into a predator like themselves. The process was neither difficult nor painful, but as Clyde had long since hit puberty, it would happen quite rapidly. Clyde would no doubt be overwhelmed, but Trent was certain he would thank them for it latter. * * *

After coughing up Oliver, Trent led his sleepy brother upstairs and into the showers. Oliver was still a little miffed about the whole ordeal; it an affront equivalent to being put in a headlock for half-an-hour, something little brothers accepted as part of the fraternal dynamic, but still compensation for. "Half an hour of me enjoying you warrants you half an hour enjoying me," Trent proposed, "and as you can't eat anything as big as me yet, I guess I'll just have to give you some love-rubbin' instead." Oliver rolled his eyes as he chuckled. Trent was many things, but never inconsistent. Still naked, Oliver laid down on the wrestling-mat floor. Trent started as he had ended, this time treating his brother's feet to slower firmer motions. Oliver sighed in bliss as his brother worked his way up each leg. Soon Trent was massaging his brother's chest, taking time to pat Oliver's tummy and rub his nipples hard. After that Oliver sat up, and for the last fifteen minutes enjoyed one of life's finer pleasures, a back rub. Frankly, the dark-maned lion had to focus on staying awake, as his brother removed every ounce of tension from between his shoulders, from neck to tail. Trent on-the-other-hand was wide-awake. While the lust he felt towards his little brother had subsided, and in truth it was little more than vicarious stimulation, Trent's love was unrelenting. Though he wasn't one to show it, the middle of the lion siblings felt a deep compulsion to serve both his brothers. In the same way Oliver enjoyed putting on a show, and Knox felt it his duty to lead, Trent found a unique peace in working out every knot and pain from his brothers' muscles. "Well I guess my times up," Oliver pointed out. Snapping out of his trance, Trent replied, "Guess it is, Oli!" He just then realized how tired his paws had gotten. "You are really good at that, bro." "What can I say squirt? When you got it you got it," he chuckled and took a slow jab at Oliver's shoulder blade, "Thanks though," he said in a less casual tone, "I do make an effort to do good by you." "Sincere affection? Who are you and what have you done with Trent?" "No seriously bro, maybe it's seeing you two dote on the fox, but I've been feeling like I ought to... you know..." "Be nicer..." "Hey! I'm a nice guy, mostly." "Sweeter, then," Oliver suggested. "Yeah, I guess that's it. Don't think this means I won't be busting chops..." "Wouldn't dream of it!" "I just will be given more hugs in between," and Trent to words into action, embracing Oliver for the pure pleasure of holding him. "Love you too Trent. Now lets go get something to drink!" * * *

Knox wasn't surprised to see his brother's come out with arms upon the other's shoulder. He had felt the sexual tension building, and was actually glad to see Trent swallow their little brother. It appeared that his conclusions were correct, he thought. The intimacy of predator and prey, coupled with a full body massage, had gotten the physical aspect of desire out of the way, allowing Trent to realize the true nature of his feelings for Oliver. He really wanted to be closer emotionally, not physically. Knox was relieved he had figured it out on his own. Not that the eldest lion brother would have allowed anything to happen, if indeed Trent came close to losing control, but Knox knew how hard it would have been to confront Trent on the matter. After all, Trent would never hurt Oliver intentionally, but Knox was aware of how easily confused older brothers can make one mistake and ruin their relationship with their little brothers. "You to have a good time?" he called out. "Yep," Trent replied. "Trent decided he's going to be sweeter on us from now on," Oliver chimed. "Really now?" Knox hadn't expected the "us." "What can I say? I feel like I'm the only one not sharing the love around here, and I hate being left out." "BIG HUG!" and out of the blue Knox crushed his brothers against his pecs. Oliver squirmed to free himself of the suffocating affection, but Trent just laughed. * * *

Three days had past and Clyde was getting used to his new routine. With the exception of that first morning, the fox went to bed with three lions and woke with three lions. There seemed to be an unwritten rule, "Whenever you can, be with your brother when he falls asleep and when he wakes." Clyde was surprised how much better he was sleeping, considering he normally woke two or three times a night. "Guess we're just comfy," Trent had joked when the fox had mentioned it. Knox gave a deeper explanation, "You are at peace." Clyde had thought that statement over for an hour, realizing how true it was. Not only had he come to trust his new brothers, he now had an instinctual sense of safety around them. So long as he could feel lion fur and hear the heartbeat of one of his brothers, Clyde's worries melted away.

On the fifth day of Clyde's new life, his brothers decided to make good on their promise to work out with him. "Take it easy on me guys, I've never lifted weights before," Clyde's only real concern is that his brothers would overestimate him. "Not a chance, bro," Trent gave Clyde a soft punch to the ribs. "You are going to get a one-hundred-percent pure Masters-brother's workout." "Oh joy!" "Speaking of which," Knox began, "there is one little detail of our routine we haven't mentioned. We can forgo it today, if it would make you uncomfortable. It's nothing major. It's just that we... well..." "We work out naked," Oliver blurted, feeling Knox's tact was unnecessary. "Seriously?" Clyde was so surprised he couldn't formulate an opinion. "Yeah," Oliver continued, "Makes it easier to see what part of the muscles your working, and what muscles you need to work more, if you catch my drift." "Makes sense..." "Oh yeah," Oliver figured it best to get any awkwardness out of the way, "We like to jack-off between reps too." Knox and Clyde were dumbstruck, for different reasons. Trent just laughed, knowing his older brother had probably planned on reveling that factoid at a later date. "Uhh... any particular reason why." "Well it makes going to the gym that much better for one!" Trent grinning hysterically as he said this. "It also has some more substantial benefits," Knox said trying to bring keep things from seeming to Dionysian, "Masturbation keeps the heart-rate up and stimulates the production of testosterone, which helps build muscle." "Oh... sounds like fun." Clyde was a little nervous about being naked in front of his new brothers, and even more so about masturbating in front of them. Still, he could see that the lions had probably grown up seeing each other naked so much that privacy was no issue among them, and a deep down Clyde wanted to be part of that intimate a group. "Alright then!" Oli gave a smug glance at his older brothers, "Just one more rule. If you feel like you're going to jizz, do it in the bathroom or the showers." * * *

Clyde faired better than he expected of himself. The workout was grueling, and the fox required a lot of instruction with each exercise, but his brothers were supportive, especially Oliver. "Come on bro, one more rep and you can jack!" the 15-yearold had cheered, while spotting. Indeed, Clyde was amazed at how easily he was able to stroke himself in public view. No doubt that his view, three naked muscle gods, made it easy to be sexual, but Clyde had never let another fur see him erect before. After the workout, Clyde came to the stunning realization that he wasn't the least bet concerned about the showers, which had been his least favorite part of Phys. Ed. at school. It made sense, he thought, considering they had just spent an hour in the buff, playing with their own cocks every few minutes. He and Oliver had even sat on the same bench the lion's arm over the foxes shoulder as the two stimulated themselves. After that, the showers were insignificant, or so he thought. One thing that didn't surprise Clyde was how impressive his brothers were nude. Not only were their muscles, pumped and more easily defined in the sweat-dampened fur, awe-inspiring, but Clyde found it hard to keep from staring those organs that defined his siblings as his brothers. While the fox figured that such paragons of masculinity would be blessed in their nether-regions, he found their exact proportions almost absurd. From the eldest to the youngest, the cocks hung limp at around 12, 9, and 8-inches long, each gaining three inches as they hardened. Being himself 6-inches flaccid and 9 when aroused, Clyde had never before felt insecure about his endowment. Still the fox noticed a twinge of envy over his brothers' equipment, yet also a strange pride. They were HIS brothers after all, and that somehow made their glory his own. Clyde's final shocks came while the four brothers showered. First, while the fox had accepted that his brother's probably washed each other, or at least the hard to reach areas such as their backs, he had not expected Trent to be the one to offer him the service. Clyde had to consider the generosity for a moment. He had already learned the hazel-eyed lion was a trickster, Trent enjoyed leaping out and roaring from unexpected places, sending the fox leaping with fright. Still there was a solemness and a sincerity to the gesture that Clyde could not deny. As the lion ran his fingers through his back-fur, Clyde was glad he had accepted. "You may have over done it, Clyde," Trent noted, feeling the musculature as he worked in the suds, "Yep, you'll be hurting tomorrow!" he chuckled, " But don't worry. You're big brother Trent will give you a love-rubbin' that'll make you all better." "You serious?" Clyde asked. "Sure. Gotta loosen you up before I scare you stiff." "Thanks. Hey, I'll get my tail, after I wash you're back that is." "What ever you say foxy," Trent replied, giving Clyde football-style slap on the butt. When everyone was clean, the lions let Clyde in on their last workout routine quirk. "A circle-jerk!" Clyde wasn't sure why this was so surprising. It seemed like a logical next step, given his brother's previous actions, but the fox had always thought of huddling together and jazzing on the ground as a drunken frat-fur thing. While he could see Trent in that role, Knox didn't seem the type. "You don't have to join in if you don't want to," Knox suggested. "Yeah he gets it. We won't force him into anything he's not comfortable with," Trent winked at Clyde, "He's not a total idiot, Knox." Clyde laughed, letting the backhanded compliment slide. "Nah, its alright. I'll give it a try at least." "Cool!" Oliver has already dripping pre. The four brothers gathered around the drain, with their right hands on their cocks and their left arms around the shoulder of their adjacent brother. Thus Trent held Knox, who held Clyde, who held Oliver, who held Trent. They leaned in, as if huddling before a play, trying to decide whether to pass or run the ball. The teens, without conscious effort or leader, synchronized their stokes. It started of slow, each fur caressing his meat tenderly, moaning in turn and listening to his brothers moan. Then, without clear cause the tempo sped. The tender fondling became vigorous cock throttling. Their hips began to buck as they fucked their own paws. Their tired bodies began to shake, muscles twitching with exhaustion and excitement. They came within seconds of one another; each taking care not to jizz on anyone's feet. They were all left breathless, smiling in afterglow. "Hey, Oli!" Clyde used this pet name for the first time. "Yeah, bro?" "I'm glad I tried this." The brothers dried off, and then the horseplay began. They started off tossing towels and ruffling manes. Then Oliver reached out to play with Clyde's tail, "Here fluffy." That was a mistake. Without thinking, Clyde had spun and thrown an uppercut to the lions jaw. Everyone was silent as Oliver hit the floor. "Oh my gods! Oli! I'm so sorry." Oliver, still conscious sat up, spat a little blood, then rubbed his chin. "Damn, that was one helluva punch." Trent could no longer hold back his laughter, "He got you good, kiddo!" as he helped his brother to his feet. "You should put some ice on that," Knox advised, "Trent, go with him, make sure he didn't bump his head." "It'll be hard to tell." Knox didn't laugh at this, and this worried Clyde. "Feel for a lump, and make sure he's not bleeding." He turned to Clyde, "One problem with manes, they can hide head injuries." He waited till the other lions were gone before continuing, "We need to talk about this," "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean..." Knox cut him off, "I know; we all know. What you did was instinct. Same as when you sized us up on your first day." "You noticed?" "Yeah, I didn't tell the others though," he answered before Clyde could ask. "I'm guessing you had it pretty hard..." "Yeah, foxes aren't supposed to be this tall. It ticked some of the other big guys off." "Any lions?" Knox grimaced at the thought. "No, though one tiger, Kody, gave me a lot a trouble." "Your tail?" "Yeah..." Clyde had only ever talked to his mom and the doctor about it. "May I?" Knox extended his paw. "... sure," Clyde turned to the side and flicked his tail towards his brother. The lion felt it gingerly, and his eyes widened in horror, "How many bones did they break?" he just barely managed to mutter. "Seven." "How?" "They put it in the spokes of a bike... the back wheel... and..." he couldn't bring himself to say it. "I will never let anything like that happen to you again." "Knox..." Clyde turned to see tears streaming from the lion's tender eyes. The two brothers embraced one another, and each holding on until the sadness left them. "I won't tell the other's if you don't want me to." "Thanks, Knox." "Well," the lion wiped the last tears from his eyes, "We don't want to miss supper!"

At dinner that night all four boys received a shock. "Since Clyde seems to have settled in, and everyone is getting along already, we've decided to move up our honeymoon plans," Stella announced. "Now at first, your mother and I were planning to take a two week trip, but by leaving tomorrow we could actually have a real honeymoon, watching each phase shimmer upon the night-darkened ocean waves." Aaron stared dreamily at Stella, till Trent coughed, reminding his father of the mushy-stuff ban that was still in place. "Now Knox will be in charge of course, and I'll have some money deposited in your checking account each week for groceries and whatnot. The same rules apply as when I go on business trips. That means -since ‘party' is a vague term-" he winked at Clyde while motioning at Trent, "no more than four guests at any time, no junk-food, you still have to do your chores, and everyone needs to be in bed by midnight. Understood?" "Sir! Yes, Sir!" the two younger lions shouted together. "I cant here you!" Aaron was suddenly a drill instructor. "Sir! Yes, Sir!" this time Clyde, and even Knox, joined in. Everyone at the table laughed. After dinner, the boys divided up chores. "If you take the trash out and roll the big can down to the curb, we'll clean up in here, Clyde." "Sure thing, Knox." The eldest lion brother waited till he Clyde was out of earshot before, "I guess we know what we'll be doing while their gone." "Operation Heroes?" Oliver said dryly. "Yep." "We'll have to find out the names of the guys who bullied him," Trent said methodically. "I already have a lead," Knox always seemed to, "Anyone been craving tiger recently?" Trent and Oliver laughed. Knox was happy that the room had relaxed. "He's coming back. We'll talk about this after lunch tomorrow. It'll be the last meal we have till we can eat in front of Clyde. Agreed? " "Agreed."

Clyde was more than ready for sleep as he crawled into bed. The fox's muscles were already aching, and he wondered how his brothers, the three of whom were wrestling for the right to snuggle with him, could have any energy left. The winner, Trent laid down in front of Clyde, his back against Knox, who was facing Oliver. The fox fell asleep less than a minute after the cuddling began, but Trent didn't mind. He ran his fingers over Clyde's chest and down his arm, feeling the heat of healing muscle-tissue. "You are sure going to sore tomorrow, pipsqueak, but I'll take care of you," he whispered this into Clyde's ear before kissing his forehead. Soon all four brothers were sound asleep.

"Ow!" Clyde had just tried to get up. Every muscle in his body ached. He was familiar with this kind of pain from swimming and cross-country, but this day marked an all time record for the vulpine. "A little help here?" "I got you, bro. You didn't think I forgot my promise, did'ya?" Trent was smiling at him. "Thanks. Where is everyone?" "Helping the parents load up for their trip. We decided to let you rest, and I decided to cash in on your pain to get out of work." "You had to stay and give me a massage, right?" Clyde chuckled; Trent was a real character all right. "Yep, but I don't give massages. I give love-rubbin's!" There was an unmistakable pride in his tone. "Oh really, and what makes those so special?" "You'll see." Clyde did. His mother had given him back rubs when he had trouble sleeping as a child, but they simply couldn't compare to Trent's skills. The lion knew exactly how hard to press, often walking the line between bliss and pain. His paws seemed to instinctively seek out the sorest part of the muscle and from there worked outwards. After an hour, Clyde was sure he was in heaven. "Alright then, you should be feeling better now." "Ahh... its over already?" Clyde felt much better, that was true, but he had felt even better when Trent was working on him. "Yeah, you should stay in bed though. I think I actually felt some real damage there. Guess you got a little overexcited yesterday?" Clyde thought back and the image of a semi-erect Oliver cheering him on floated to mind, "Yeah, I got caught up in everything. Didn't realize how much I overdid it." "Happens to the best of us. Stay in bed today, get some rest, and I'll give you another love-rubbin after lunch. Got it?" "Yes big bwother." Clyde smiled like an idiot as Trent ruffled the fox's head-fur. Unfortunately, Clyde was never one to lie in bed all day. ---

"So," Trent asked upon entering the gym behind their house, " What will we be having as our last meal?" "Some college freshmen who mistook a girls ‘No!' for ‘go ahead and gang-bang me.' Two dobbies and a husky." Knox replied, while he spotted Oliver. The lions worked out in their usual fashion, while below three canines beat a locked door futilely.

Clyde had decided that, even if he couldn't workout, it was better to sit around doing nothing in the company of his brothers than to sit around doing nothing in the solitude of their bedroom. He was surprised to find the gym empty. He could smell his brothers' sweat, but didn't hear a sound. "They must have just been in here, but there is only one door..." the fox thought. "They must be in a back room or something." Soon Clyde's wanderings brought him to an out-of-the-way door, down a flight of stairs, and to a heavier door. He opened it a crack, playing a guessing game with himself over the basement's contents. He lost. Nothing had prepared Clyde for what he saw. Indeed a week of loving embraces made it all the harder to comprehend. His sweet, caring brothers were senselessly fucking three canines, whom were fighting their hardest to get free. The fox's mind raced, "They must be playing... that's it they're role-playing. They wouldn't tell me they did this sort of stuff, not yet anyway. Even Oli would have expected me to freak out... but its okay... I get it... they're just..." Then something happened that stunned Clyde beyond thought. Knox, the gentlest of the lions placed the larger Doberman's head in his mouth, and was opening his maw wider to take in the shoulders. Clyde couldn't believe his eyes. Not only should it have been biologically impossible, but Knox wouldn't really eat someone. But he did, and so did Clyde's other brothers. Clyde remained there till and silent as the three lions devoured the dogs, savoring the flavors and stroking their cocks. "Shit!" Trent cried as he saw his vulpine brother in the doorway. Clyde realized he had to move. Fear had overtaken him, and the only thing he could think of was escape. The lions, despite their bulging guts, moved swiftly. The fastest, Oliver, caught up to Clyde before the fox had made it all the way up the stairs. "I'm sorry," he whispered to Clyde. The fox felt Oliver's arms around his neck. He could breath, but it felt like he was holding his breath. His head felt funny, and then there was nothing.