Incest Adventures with Big Sis and Scyther!

Story by pokephilefantasy on SoFurry

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Despite planing to move through this quicker, like in a short story way, it's almost 1000 words longer than my last story... Will I ever manage to write short one shots again?

Anyway, I love Scyther, they're pretty cute and I generally love them either cute and shy or angry and in bondage <,< But this one is cute and shy. Also, incest <3 Have fun.

If I missed any tags, feel free to tell me. Also comment to your hearts content!

(again, sorry for the formating, it just doesn't want to let itself get fixed...)

Summer time! No more school, just a lot of free time to do whatever. Jacob enjoyed his time off, no responsibilities, his parent's away, celebrating their wedding anniversary on a cruise ship, he could basically do whatever he wanted. His parents had actually put this trip off for two years now, but finally, they decided he and his sister could be trusted not to burn down the house during their absence. Teresa, his sister... the only dark cloud on an otherwise sunny sky. If only they'd taken her with them...

Just like the last few days, Jake intended to spend the day being as unproductive as humanly possible, playing videogames and watching movies. He had just turned on his WiiU, when...

'Jaacooob!!!', he heard his sister yelling down the stairs.

Even though she had been almost suspiciously quiet these last few days, Jake would've rather it had remained so.

'Jake, I need to show you something, come up!', she called again.

'What do you want, Terri? I've got a Princess to rescue down here!', Jake didn't care how stupid that sounded, he had no intention to move.

'Damnit boy, do you really need me to come down and kick your ass first?', Jacob shuddered... for a moment, he had managed to blend out that she was very well able to do that. Even though she was a girl and just barely a year older than him, Terri never had any trouble pinning her brother to the ground. So many sandcakes... so many worms... Jacob's stomach twisted a little at some of those childhood memories. At least, as she grew older, she got less violent and stopped with the disgusting stuff. But she was still more than willing to prove her superiority if she needed to.

Mumbling to himself, scratching through his short, brown hair, secretly praying for one of those late in live growth spurts to hit him, Jake threw his controller to the side and made his way up the stairs.

Gulping, he placed his hand on her doors knob, expecting anything from vicious attack to practical joke being thrown at him. Entering, he found his sister standing on the opposite side of the room. She was wearing a green tank top that showed part of her belly and jeans. Her dark, curly hair hung thickly over her back, swinging around as she looked at him, before turning back to whisper something to her Scyther, her prized trophy from last year's trip to Johto. She caught it in one of those bug catching contests. Course she won first place that day, he and his Venonat never stood a chance.

With an uncanny smile on her face, Teresa turned to her brother: 'Jake, Jacob, brother dearest, there you are, I'm glad I didn't have to get you! Come here, sit down for a moment.'

With that, she pulled a chair away from her desk, pulling it up in front of her.

'Terr, what is it? Show me what you wanna show me so I can get back to my game.', he really didn't have the nerve for his sister's games.

Showing surprising patience, she patted the chair's seat: 'Well, it's not me, its her.', she nodded her head towards her Pokemon companion, who ducked her head a little, 'She wants to show you something, it's really important to her, so please, just listen to your big sis and sit down.'

The way she wasn't threatening him made Jake all the more nervous, but he knew that, ultimately, he had no chance but to do as she wanted. Giving up, he shook his head as he walked through the room.

'...fine, but this better not be a prank or something.'

What could a Pokemon have to show him anyway? Maybe she had cut the chairs legs so it'd break apart below him. Not quite as bad as that one time when she removed a nut from his bike, causing him to crash when his front wheel came lose, but still right up her alley.

Suspicious, he shook the chair some, weighting down on it...

'Doesn't seem to be rigged... and no tacks on it either.', he spoke to himself while his sister rolled her eyes.

He sat down carefully and nothing happened, everything seemed in order.

'Ok, now what?', he asked impatiently, looking back at his sister.

'Such impatience, really doesn't make you look good, Jake. Just relax and watch. Ok, Hunny, there's your chance, show him.'

'Hunny' was her Scyther's nickname. She received it because Terri had used Honey to lure the Pokemon out of it's hiding place during the contest. She liked the stuff so much, she barely even resisted when she was being caught.

'Scii..', the Pokemon replied in her scratchy voice, swallowing once before moving between the boy and the door, closing it behind her with one of her bladed arms.

She'd need the room for what she had planed to do. She seemed to blush a little, her wing's fluttering some, as she took a few deep breaths.

Then, Hunny lifted her arms high above her head, letting them flash as the sunlight hit them. Moving to a rhythm only the Pokemon could hear, she moved her blades through the air, gyrating her hips, whetting her blades, filling the room with the high pitched sound of metal grinding against metal, taking small steps as she performed in front of the human boy.

After about a minute of meticulously calculated movements, Hunny's dance ended with her holding her blades behind her head, stretching her body as high as it would go, before she crouched down low, looking to the ground and hiding her face behind her arms.

'Scyther, Scii...', she spoke in her croaky voice, awaiting Jake's reaction.

'You called me here to show me her Sword Dance? I've seen that move dozens of times, you spam it in every battle... why did it take so long?', Jake didn't seem too impressed, Scyther's shoulders dropped a little at his words.

Shaking her head apologetically at her Pokemon, Teresa tried to speak in a calm voice: 'I'm sorry Hunny, but I told you boy's were pretty dense when it comes to matters of the heart... He's seen Sword Dance so many times and he still didn't see the differences.'

'Matters of the wha-', Jake wanted to ask, but his sister cut him short.

'Shhht! Just stay quiet now, you're making this hard enough on her as it is.'

'Hard enough? What's even going-', he wanted to get up, voicing his protest, but his sister's strong hands pushed him back into the chair, her fingers digging into his shoulders.

'I said 'Shht!'. You're upsetting her.' Jake looked back to the green Pokemon. She was standing again, her eyes moving back and forth nervously, while she was whetting the tips of her blades.

'How am I-', he spoke quieter now, but again, Teresa interfered: 'Please, for the love of god, just work with me here. It's ok, Hunny, don't be upset. He's stupid and doesn't know any better.'

'Stu-', he had barely formed the word, but his sister's iron grip shut him right up.

Still smiling to her Pokemon, she kept talking: 'Hunny, he's human, he'll react to the other dance, just give it a try, I know you can do it.'

Leaning down, she continued in a whisper: 'And you just stay here and enjoy the show. I promise, it'll be worth your while...'

She relaxed her grip on her brother's shoulders and took a few steps back, leaning against a wall, smiling at her Pokemon.

Jacob's shot his sister a questioning look as she retreated, but he snapped his head back up front when Hunny's blades suddenly sank down left and right of his head.

He resisted the urge to jump to his feet, aware enough that it just might cost him an arm, pushing his back hard against the chair. He was trapped now.

Scyther was standing right in front of him, straddling his legs with hers, as she looked at him, standing just barely higher than him. She had to lean forward, pressing her chest towards Jake, using his shoulder's for support to help her balancing on her toe-like claws, to make herself big enough for that position. Though that stance pushed it backwards some, she still touched Jake's thighs with her abdomen, leaving little damp spots on his pants before he instinctively parted his legs a little, giving her some room.

Jake was too startled to even notice the warm fluids seeping through the fabric. Even though Hunny seemed to have no intention of harming him, he could feel the weight of her blades against his shoulders. Had she wanted it, she could've cut him down with ease. He'd seen her decimate trees before.

For a second, he entertained the thought of asking his sister to save him, but then, she obviously was the one to get him into this situation, so he just concentrated on moving as little as possible as Scyther crept up on him.

She moved even closer, pressing her hard, though smooth chest shell against his chin, slowly humping her upper body against Jake's, as small, scratchy sounds rose from her. He was surprised to feel the heat radiating from the bug-types body.

'Te-terri, what's happening here?', some boys might have caught on by now, but Jacob was one of those good eggs, a little too naive for his own good at times, a bit too shy to have made certain experiences. Maybe a certain influence in his life also made him a little wary of the fairer sex, so maybe it wasn't too surprising that he didn't recognize it when a girl was trying to come on to him.

Ignoring her brother's question, Teresa just encouraged her Pokemon: 'That's a good girl, you're doing great! You have him just where you want him, now move in for the kill.', Terri couldn't have chosen her words more ambiguously. His sister had gone mad and was about to murder him. Probably tell their parent's it was a terrible accident, or burying him in the backyard, pretending he had run away... Hearing the word kill with those deadly swords resting against him, Jake froze, wanting to scream something, but he just couldn't get out a word. So instead, he shut his eyes, expecting the worst to happen.

But then he felt something hard press against him and it wasn't a set of blades against his neck.

Instead, it was another part of Hunny's hard exoskeleton, grinding against his lap.

The verdant insect was pressed against him completely now, hard body against soft, rubbing her chin against his cheek as she began to gyrate her hips against him.

While Jake was at a loss for words, only being able to croak a relieved 'Haaahhhh....', both at the hard shell rubbing his most private parts through his clothes, as well as relieve of still having a head on his shoulders, his body, knew how to react to that kind of attention. His pants became uncomfortably tight.

Finding his voice, Jake, his face flushed red, turned to his sister: 'Terri, what's she doing, tell me already, this feels so-ngh!', he suddenly felt Hunny's weight pressing him down into the seat, as the Pokemon sat down on his lap, locking her legs behind him and the chair, as she humped against him, dragging her tongue over Jake's face occasionally.

By now, it became increasingly hard to ignore the wetness she spread on his loins, she'd been leaking like a faucet even as she danced, squirting drops of transparent, faintly green liquids from the end of her abdomen. Now, as she rubbed herself on his lap, its steady flow soaked him with every rotation of her hips.

Coming up behind him, Jake felt his sister's breasts press against the back of his head while she was trying to get a better look of the action unfolding between the two.

'See, now that's what humans love, lots of close contact. Did you feel him getting hard? I bet he couldn't hold it back even a second...', she chuckled, 'He's been squirming for a while now, that means its definitely working. He's all worked up because of what you're doing, Hunny.', she spoke softly, scratching her Pokemon's head.

Then she moved down, closer to her brother's ear, 'As for what she's doing to you, she's courting you, silly. That first one wasn't a Sword Dance, it was a mating dance. And now she's being more direct, giving you a lap dance and you still don't catch on? She's been practising this for weeks, just to make you feel good. You have any idea how complicated this stuff is for a Pokemon like her? She's gone through so much trouble because she wants to have sex with you, stupid.'

His sister's words rang in his ears... mate, feel good, sex?... stupid?! Was she for real? It became a little hard for him to speak, but he managed: 'Why me? Can't she... ugh... mate with another Scyther, or another Pokemooohhn?'

He turned red, talking to his sister, squirming and moaning like that as Hunny was dryhumping him, rubbing against him to the best of her capabilities, was so embarrassing.

'Have you ever seen a Scyther around these parts? We got her in another fricking region! And she doesn't want another Pokemon... she's being pretty clear about wanting you, isn't she?', she got a little grumpy now.

'But, this is weeeeird- haa, why does a Pokemon want me of all people?', Scyther was nipping on his neck now, still lapping over his skin passionately.

'Weird? You feel weird? How do you think I feel here? I've done everything I could to help her out and she still wanted you more...', the thought seemed to honestly sadden his sister. Had he believed that she actually had a heart, Jake might even have felt some kind of sympathy for her.

Scyther had slowed down a little, losing enthusiasm, hiding her face by pushing it against Jake's shoulder, while the boy pondered about what his sister just told him.

'What... what do you mean, you did everything you could?', had she really fallen in love with a Pokemon? Or more!?

Realizing what she had said and how it affected her Pokemon, Teresa tried to force herself to brighten up again, ignoring her brother's question to speak to her Scyther again: 'Oh, I'm so sorry, I know you can't help wanting what you want... we both can't...', she reached out for her head again, lifting her chin so she could see her eyes.

'I told you I'd help you, if that really made you happy. Please, don't mind me, just enjoy yourself, ok?'.

Jake couldn't even believe it, a heart, introspection and remorse for acting out of line? Was that even his sister? Then again, all of what they were doing here was out of line too, but it didn't seem to concern her when it was about him, so she probably was the same.

He didn't have to wonder for long. She leaned down, her lips close to his ear, as Hunny resumed her ride, pressing against him hard. The Pokemon began to flutter her wings rapidly, causing her whole body to vibrate against him, coaxing a distorted moan from his vibrating chest.

'I promised I'd help her and you better not make me break a promise, got it?', he could hear her crack her knuckles behind him. Yeah, that was his sister all right. Still, Jacob wondered how much more he could've liked his sister, had she at least hinted at that nicer side of hers at some point in the past.

He didn't have too much time to ponder that what could have been though, as Scyther's continuous buzzing and surprisingly skillful caressing sent the boy over the edge. 'Hnnngh!', he grunted, pressing his hips back against the Pokemon erratically, as he began to soil his pants. Not that it made a difference, Scyther already had him completely drenched at this point.

When he came down again, panting hard, still lazily humping back against the insect girls vibrating body, Jake suddenly froze, as reality caught up to him.

'I just came to my sister's Pokemon while she watched and...', his thoughts were being cut short when he felt his sister's hand on his head, ruffling his hair as she smirked to herself. Jake felt the blood rush to his head, his ears burning, even more when he felt Hunny's hot breath on one. For a moment, he just hoped that, maybe, his head might explode and save him from this embarrassing situation.

She circled around the both of them, looking rather satisfied with what had happened. She put a hand on her Scyther's shoulder, the Pokemon stopped her buzzing, allowing Teresa to place both hands on the Pokemon's shoulders, slowly coaxing her off of her brother.

Jake tried to avoid his sister's gaze as she was eyeing him, weak and messy on the chair.

Turning to her Pokemon, gently stroking her jaw, she spoke in as proud a voice as she could muster: 'You did it girl, you really made him come... and look at him, he's still hard as a rock. You completely seduced him with your body, you sexy beast.'

Taking her first close look at the bulge she'd been grinding against for the past minutes, the Pokemon blushed a little, nodding. 'Scyther!'

'If Jake hadn't just swallowed his tongue, I'm sure he'd be thanking you a whole lot right now... wouldn't you?'

Without looking back at him, Terri kicked against her brothers shin, forcing a hiss and a nod from the boy. Jake couldn't honestly deny that Hunny made him feel very good anyway... And if it wasn't for his sister, he might have shown much more eagerness to go on.

'Are we done then, is she happy...?', Jake asked, not really wanting it to be done, but also not really wanting to admit that with his sister in the room.

Terri shot him an annoyed look, she hadn't expected her little -virgin- brother to act so stubbornly at the prospect of getting laid... even if it was by a Pokemon. Though as far as she was concerned, Scyther was as cute as they'd come. To be honest, at this point, she thought he'd be begging both of them to go on, like the little dork he was.

Playing it off, she kicked him once more, harder than before: 'Oh, you're such a joker, you wouldn't leave your mate hanging now, would you? Show him Hunny, show him where you need him...', she turned back to encourage her Pokemon.

Hunny, slowly opening and closing her wings, widened her stance a little, before she pushed her abdomen forward, presenting the leaking tip to Jake, oozing more of her fluids to the ground.

'Look at what you're doing to her...', Terri spoke while she crouched down next to her Pokemon, tracing the oval shell with her fingertips, 'She's spreading that stuff all around the room, just for you, desperately trying to show you how ready she is...'.

If anything, Jake just got harder as he watched his sister dip a finger between the green plates of Hunny's shell. When she removed it again, she drew a thin string of the sticky substance behind her, before sucking her finger clean.

'Hmmmm... all of that could be yours Jacob, so what do you say? Will you help your sister by helping her cute Scyther out?', she was really trying hard to make good on her promise.

Jake on the other hand was in quite a dilemma. He didn't like the way his sisters was playing him, practically pinning him to the ground and shoving worms down his throat all over again. She had already made it clear enough that declining wasn't an option. On the other hand, the prospect of actual sex, especially in his aroused state, seemed quite a few steps up from sandcakes and worms...

Noticing Teresa's gaze hardening at his silence, he spoke up, trying to sound like he still had actual doubts beyond his sister's involvement in all of this:

'Is... Is this really ok though? Isn't it illegal to be with your Pokemon?'. Of course he knew that, unless all of this had been a very elaborate set-up, there wouldn't be much chance for anyone ever finding out about this anyway.

Terri seemed to have just about enough of his stalling though. Getting very up close and personal with him, she slowly spoke in a very serious tone that almost bordered towards threatening: 'You know I just saw you cum in your pants real hard, right? Don't you want to feel like that again, in her, without looking like a dork? You should know that I don't exactly wanna spread the word on how I helped my Pokemon get laid by my brother either. And she's certainly not telling anyone... so stop playing hard to get when you could barely take your eye's of off Hunny and agree to fuck her!...

Pleeeeease? Do it for your big sis?'.

At her plea, Teresa blinked her eyes at him innocently. She'd make a fine actress one day, switching between such starkly contrasting roles in the blink of an eye.

Jake knew the look of course, it's the same she uses to get their parents to spend a little extra money on her. But Hunny on the other hand... looking past his sister at the Pokemon, even though she had shown a bit of confidence just then, he could see it in her eyes, nervously looking at the ground, her blades pressed against each other and in the way she was fidgeting on the spot, even while she presented herself to him.

She was the complete opposite of his sister, unsure of herself, gentle and reserved, even though she could have forced him to do anything she wanted, just as easily as, or maybe even more so than Terri ever could. There would be little arguing with those blades.

Even with enlisting his sister's help, even with Terri's rather forceful way of negotiating, it seemed very important to her that Jacob would voice his interest, that he would actually want her.

Jake couldn't really say if it was pity for the smitten Pokemon, if she had already managed to capture his heart, or if he'd just been too horny to not go on, but he nodded his head.

In a way, he did feel flattered that a girl had chosen him... he hardly knew that feeling, but he liked it. Even if it was a Pokemon.

'I'll do it, but I'm not doing it for you, ok?', he got up, pushing past his sister and took a step towards the fidgeting bug-type, putting a hand on her shoulder, scratching her neck, trying to be affectionate. Hunny fluttered her wings in excitement, creating a small gust in the room, as the boy's words took a load of her mind. Her mate had really accepted her!

'Fair enough, it means a lot to Hunny to hear that, I'm sure.' Terri spoke, sounding relieved that this was settled, 'But just so you know, any longer and you wouldn't have had a say in the matter any more.' Jake had guessed that much, but he tried not to think about what her contingency plans would have looked like.

'How do I do this, then?', Jake had a general idea, of course, he'd seen porn, but that was all about humans. And even for a bipedal Pokemon, Jake couldn't imagine insects to be very similar to humans in that regard. Seeing his sister smirking, he quickly added 'Tha-that's not how I meant that! Stop giving me that look! I mean, I know about how to do this... basically... but, is it any different from, you know, normal... sex? Do... do I have to know anything about her? I don't want to... you know, disappoint her expectations...'

Terri enjoyed how her brother was struggling with the words, but more so, she was somewhat pleased that he was actually worried enough to ask her something like that, despite being obviously uncomfortable about it... maybe Hunny hadn't chosen so badly after all.

'Well, some things are different, but I'm sure you'll learn on the job.', and really, she didn't want to risk Jake thinking over his decision after a lesson in Scyther anatomy either.

'We'll start simple, ok? First of all, we need to get your dick out.', Terri didn't even give Jake a warning as she tugged his pants off of him, springing his erection free.

'Terri! Whattheheck!?', Jake covered himself up, blood rushing to his face once again, bending down, trying to grab his pants.

Teresa just pushed him forward, sending him to stumble towards her bed. 'Oh, don't be bashful now, there's nothing I haven't seen before. I remember it being smaller though.', she said that with a chuckle, though really, she was a little impressed.

Jacob's dick was almost hairless, except for a few curly wisps at the base, but it seemed rather big, on a boy of his stature. At least her brother had grown to a respectable size in one regard. Teresa was also surprised that the sight had caused a small tingle between her legs.

Trying to find his balance, propping himself up against the bed and still covering his cock with one hand, Jake scowled back at her 'Of course it was smaller, the last time we saw each other naked, we were five years old! Stop staring!'

'Oh, is that the problem then? Self concious because you changed too much? Well, we can change that... figured you'd be seeing it somewhere along the way anyway.', and with that, she hooked her thumbs in her jeans, pulling them down her slender legs and kicking them off to the side. She wasn't even wearing any underwear.

Putting her hands at her hips, she pushed them forward a little, proudly presenting her pussy, mound and neatly trimmed, dark bush to her brother, who turned red as he stared in awe for a few seconds, before he finally managed to avert his eyes. Why was it so hard to look away?

'See, we're even again, now man up. You can't fuck the girl, if you can't show her your dick, right?', she was trying to egg him on now.

'I have no problem showing it to her, but I don't need -you- to see it!', well, if he was honest, he was nervous about showing it to both of them, but being naked with his sister like this felt more than just a little weird to him. How was his sister so cool with this?

'Well, you better get over that 'cause I'm not going to leave you alone with her. I won't let you hurt her feelings just because you don't know what to do, or are surprised by something along the way.', her voice was stern, she was very serious about Hunny.

'Please, don't make her wait any more, I promise I'm not going to make fun of it either, ok?', she tried to sound sincere, which seemed sort of hard to her, despite actually meaning what she said.

Seeing Teresa try and knowing there was no way out anyway, Jake reluctantly moved his hands.

'F-fine...', his heart was beating faster, feeling two pairs of eyes staring at him, one with a hungry, needy look, the other... smiling? Somehow, the thought that his sister was seemingly enjoying seeing him as much as he had enjoyed seeing her made him feel better... awkward still, but a little less than before.

Realizing what expression had slipped over her face, Teresa bit her lip, 'Ok, alright, now that everyone has seen everyone's junk, it's time for the main event, right Hunny?', she gave her Pokemon a small peck before leading her to her bed.

Careful not to bend her wings, she helped her Pokemon into a mostly comfortable position. Though clearly not how a Scyther would normally chose to mate, she went along with it, wiggling her body against the soft sheets, lifting her abdomen towards her chosen one.

Terri slid next to her, affectionately stroking her lower body, while pushing a pillow under her Pokemon to help raise her hips up a bit.

'Come here, see, down here, this is where her pussy is.', she explained, using her hands to slowly pull apart a pair of plates near the end of her abdomen. As she did, a bump of swollen, green flesh pushed out between them, clear fluids leaking from it.

Terri circled a finger around it, making her Pokemon squirm a little, before bringing her digit to her lips to suck it clean once more.

'Just push your dick against this soft spot between the plates. The rest should be obvious, even for you.', despite her words, she smiled at her brother. Being nice to him took some getting used to, but she was trying.

A little nervous, Jake stepped up, fumbling a little to line himself up with the Pokemon in front of him. When his tip touched the curious piece of flesh, it felt warm. He pushed, slowly and carefully, but as the first inch sunk between the hard plates, it seemed like he was sucked into her in one swift motion, fresh bug juices splashing out around him and running down his thighs. Terri watched the scene intently, as the plates clamped gently against his flesh.

'Sciiii~', the bug type hissed in as pleasant a tone she was capable off, pushing herself against Jake's body.

So that was sex, huh...

'I-it's warm... almost hot.', he didn't move, overwhelmed by this new sensation. It was weird, that was really all, wasn't it? Hot and wet... water could be hot and wet, so why in the world did just standing here, with his dick inside something warm and wet, feel so... great?

'Move your hips... it's not sex before you move your hips, you know?', his sister whispered, trying to move things along. 'Go ahead and fuck her.'

'O-ok.', Jake slowly pulled back against the grip of Scyther's chitin grip. 'And now, back in again.'

'I know, I know!', the boy replied, flustered, but falling into a bumpy rhythm. Luckily, he improved before his sister felt the need to say anything else, moving in and out of his mate in a quick, maybe overly eager pace. Hunny couldn't care less about his inexperience, she enjoyed his eagerness, twitching as her lover pushed into her.

To Jake, the Pokemon didn't really feel tight... or like anything he'd imagine a pussy would feel like from the images he had seen and stories he had heard about them. Instead, her insides were kind of loose, soft and squishy, like a sponge... but also sticky, holding on to his skin, sending the most unusual jolts of pleasure through him.

Seeing her Pokemon squirm as her brother fucked her, Teresa got more and more excited. Even though she wished she was in her brother's place, having Hunny writhe under her own attention, she couldn't help feeling aroused. Moving her chair so she had a good view of her Pokemon, she leaned back on it, spread her legs and began to move her fingers through her moist folds, moaning her Pokemon's name quietly.

Jake could hear his sister making lewd noises somewhere behind him. He could only imagine what exactly she was doing, but he had a pretty good idea. Instantly, he somewhat cursed at himself for getting distracted by the wet noises, being unable not to think about what she was doing.

As he was slowing down his trusts, Scyther, trying to get his full attention back to herself, locked her legs behind his back once again, drawing him deep inside her. Grazing one of her arms over Jake's shirt, she moaned, as good and as loud as she could in her scratchy voice 'Scyyiither~'.

Scratching her cream-colored stomach section, he mentally thanked the Pokemon for drowning out his sister's sounds, concentrating on pumping into her with all his vigor.

Lacking any real experience, but bombarded with all these new sensations, Jake didn't hold for long, before he pressed his hips against Hunny's hard shell, grunting as he filled the mantis with his cum.

Panting hard, still trying to go on, pressing himself against the Pokemon's snatch, he soon realized he was going soft inside her...

'That... I'm sorry, it just felt too good...', he stammered, even though Scyther seemed somewhat pleased with receiving his load, Jake felt bad. He knew that the Pokemon couldn't yet have been satisfied.

'So two time's the charm for you, is it?', Terri panted from behind him. Jake turned his head, instinctively wanting to shoot his sister some kind of angry look, but when he caught a glimpse of her slipping several fingers between her sprawled legs, he snapped his head back towards the bug type in front of him, blushing furiously.

'You'll have to work on that, you know? That's no way to please a lady... Fortunately, your sis knows a remedy for your problem.' Before he could ask her what she meant, Terri had already moved next to him, crouching down with a smile on her face.

Suddenly, Jake felt his sisters hand, slick and warm, resting on his buttocks, one finger pressing up against his anus.

He didn't even have the chance to object as a wet digit entered him, probing around, before rubbing up against his prostate with surprising accuracy.

'TERR! Ahhhh... get it out!', the wet finger slid in easily enough and he wasn't in any pain, but having his sister's finger wiggling up his asshole wasn't what he'd signed up for! Grunting, Jake tried to struggle free, but with Scyther's legs keeping him in place, all he did was push against his sister.

'Aww, you can be honest with your sister, if you want more, just say so.', she said, ignoring his words in favor of his actions, 'And it's working, isn't it? Tell me you're not getting hard again already and I'll pull out right now, promise!'

She was right about that, almost as soon as she started to grind against his insides, he started to grown back to full hardness inside Scyther. But having his sister do that to him was still extremely embarrassing.

And then the shlicking sounds returned, closer to him this time, as she continued to rub herself, matching the speed at which she moved both her hands.

'Hrrr~, that's better... I hope you don't mind, I would've given you your space, but it's clear this is becoming a two man job. I'll take your silence as a >>Yes Terry, I'll never doubt your expertise again.<<, And now move those hips, Hunny's waiting. Or do you want me to do that for you too?'

Trying to ignore everything that was wrong about... everything that was happening today, he began to move again, grinding his teeth some, as he was forced to push against his sisters finger.

While Jake continued to fuck the Pokemon in front of him, Terri really got into fingerfucking her brother, actually enjoying how she could affect his trusts, surprising both him and her Pokemon with sudden changes in pace. At least this way, she had some part in Hunny's mating.

It stung a bit as she shoved a second wet finger inside him, but Jake didn't even see the point in complaining any more, trying to blank it out along with her masturbating and moaning, concentrating instead on Scyther, looking deeply into her eyes.

When she saw him looking at her so intensely, she hid her face behind her blades, only sneaking glimpses between the sharp instruments, as she continued to make small scratchy noises. She certainly was cute... cute enough to compensate for... the things he tried to ignore right now.

Suddenly, a greenish colored, fleshy tube extended from her lower body, just above where Jake was jamming into her. It was slightly curved, with what seemed like a round, puffy circle at the tip, akin to a suction cup.

'What in the world? I thought Hunny was a girl?!', Jake's eyes grew wide as it slowly grew to an unbelievable size, getting bigger until it slapped against the Pokemon's upper chest with each of Jake's thrusts.

Making sure his brother kept up with his strokes, Terri tried to calm him down, 'And that's why I couldn't leave you alone with her... it's her ovipositor, not a dick.', she did her best to act like she knew about this all along, but she herself was more than just stumped when she first found out about it for the first time too.

'Before, it only came out when she came... it's probably because you already filled her up, her body's not wasting any time, trying to produce eggs now. That's where they'll come out eventually.'

'E-EGGS?!', Jake had no idea there would be eggs, but his sister quickly interfered again, 'Brother, do you have even a shred of tactfulness in you? Stop freaking out over every little thing before you hurt her feelings... This is as much part of her as the snatch you're currently enjoying or the blades she could have used to force you into this. And of course, you can't even fertilize her eggs, don't be stupid.', she jammed her fingers inside him hard to emphasize... that he should stop being stupid already, though Jake didn't quite catch that. 'But her body doesn't know that, so she'll be laying blanks like always.'

Terri stopped rubbing herself to reach for the Pokemon's organ.

It was surprisingly flexible, like a hose, easily bending around Jake's hips and to his sister's mouth.

'She loves having it played with. It does look a little like a cock, yeah, but it's not really hard like one at all. It's really soft and flexible.'

Rubbing and licking the green tube, Terri caused her Pokemon to growl in a relaxed manner, receiving a double dose of pleasure now. Then it jerked out of Terri's hand and towards Jake's face, who looked away, making a face similar to a child unwilling to eat his broccoli. 'This is... seriously, I can't, its too weird!', he protested, but both, his sister and her Pokemon kept insisting. Ultimately, Terri began threatening her brother that there were two places the ovipositor could go, reminding him of how flexible it had been.

'Ok, ok! I guess this isn't going to make today any crazier than it already is...'.

Reluctantly, he reached for the green piece of flesh and brought it to his lips, sucking the tip a little, just like his sister had done it, but feeling really awkward about it. Hearing Hunny speak her name approvingly, he felt a little better about it, but not for long. He lost his nerve when a lone, round egg emerged from the tip, covered in some kind of lubricating slime, almost popping in his mouth.

'Ewww!', he spoke without thinking, again, spitting out what had gotten in his mouth. Though this time, he quickly realized his mistake.

He was about to say he was sorry, but Terri had already pulled her fingers out of him, slapping his butt hard, clearly angry now, working hard to supress the urge to hit her brother in the face as well.

'I really have no idea what she's seeing in you! For a moment, I thought, maybe she could be see something I didn't, but you continue to insult her and her body, being squeamish at every little thing, while she takes you just like you are... you really don't deserve her, I hope you know that. If you don't step up your game soon, this'll be a really short relationship for you.'

Jake knew she was right as he mumbled an apology to the Pokemon, 'I'm really sorry Hunny, really, this is all new to me. If I hurt you, I didn't mean it, I promise I'll do better, from now on...'

'You better mean that, this is about your last chance, you got that? At this point, I did good on my promise to her, so if you keep screwing up like that...'

Jake just nodded, concentrating on Hunny. It was weird, but somehow, he didn't want to disappoint either of them any more. He was just about to grab Hunny's ovipositor again, but Terri got there first.

She stepped on the bed, standing above her Pokemon, giving her brother a very close-up look of her bushy privates. Noticing how her brother didn't try to look away this time, she smirked to herself.

'If you don't want them, I'll gladly take her eggs. You don't mind that Hunny, do you?', she asked back over her shoulder and almost instantly, the long organ slapped against her leg.

Placing her left hand on Jake's shoulder for support, she lead the ovipositor to her pussy, provokingly grinding it over her lips a few times, before pushing it in, grunting a little as it parted her lips, only to snake it's way inside her, the tip sucking at her walls as it searched her insides for a good place to deposit her eggs, making the girl moan in pleasure as she was being filled by the strange organ.

This, now this was too much for Jake as he looked away again... this wasn't something a brother should be seeing, ever, it wasn't something he wanted to see, ever! Or was it? No! Not if it was his sister...

But it seemed like Terri saw that differently. He felt her hand on his chin, pulling it back so he'd look at her.

She snickered a little, speaking, between moans: 'Don't look away from it, without my finger up your ass, you'll be needing something to keep you hard, won't you?'

Screw being nice and supportive, she had helped him enough, if he wanted to keep her Scyther's affection, he'd have to work for it. And if he kept screwing up... she wasn't done fighting over Hunny's love... not after Jake had failed her expectations, no matter how low, so miserably.

Admittedly, it was kinda exciting to have him watch too, even more so since she could still get a rise out of him with it. There hadn't been a lot she liked about her little brother, but she liked to show him who's boss and she enjoyed pushing his buttons.

So she did her best, circling her hips in front of him, riding Hunny's strange appendage, moaning passionately, confidently showing her brother how it's done.

Trying to step up his game, Jake slid a hand down to Hunny's sex, grasping her ovipositor at the base, trying to stroke it the way he would stroke himself.

Jake alternated between watching himself push into Scyther and Scyther pushing into his sister, unable to keep his eye of the both of them any more. Hunny simply enjoyed herself and the attention she received, almost glad that her Trainer was hiding her blushing face with her body. Maybe... was there even a reason to chose one over the other? Her heart and instincts yearned for the boy, but she couldn't deny that the girl had both, a wish and a talent to make her feel good. But her beloved was trying to up to her, slowly, but steadily.

Tightening her grip on his shoulder, Terri grabbed for one of her brother's hands, smacking it to her hip, 'Give me a hand here, little brother, and the other one too.', but he quickly pulled away.

'What the hell? I don't wanna touch -you- like that.', he scowled at her, blushing, not happy to realize how nice her bare skin felt on his touch.

'Like I wanna have those grabby pranks all over my asssssss!', she shook a little as Hunny's organ was probing and sucking at her insides, driving her close '...but I need you to hold me to keep me from buckling or falling. This thing is soft and flexible, but if I fall down on it... it wouldn't be good, ok?'

Actually, she also wanted her brother's hands on her now, if only because he didn't want them there. But Hunny was her priority.

She urged, 'Pleease, no tricksss,', well, almost no tricks, 'I'm not joking when it comes to her well being!'

'Is that really necessary...?', he blushed even more as he lifted both of his hands, holding his sister by her hips. 'Hold on tight, you caAAhhn't let go of me!'

Feeling his hand's resting on her, she grabbed both of his shoulders and began concentrating on her own pleasure continuing to build up, while she moved her hips in small circles, pressing down on Hunny's long organ. She also didn't miss that her brother's tight grip added a nice tingle to the mix.

Meanwhile, Jake was starting to feel hazy. It wasn't just the touching that got to him. Between that and the sticky wetness surrounding his cock, his sisters pussy was mere inches from his face, obscenely stretched around this huge, twitching organ, her hard bud pressed out from between her folds, wetness trickling down from her. He could feel the heat radiating off of her body, smell her sweet scent as she shook and twitched in his grasps. All the while Hunny worked her magic inside the girl's body.

He didn't want to admit it, but he liked it. The heat, the movement, the dark patch of hair, so different from his... he started to take deep breaths, trying to inhale more of her scent. Her moaning, the way her muscles twitched in his hands as he worked to hold her steady, all of it... why did it have to be his sister though, why the tormentor of his youth?

Did he really need to know how hot she looked down there? Be forced to recognize that she wasn't just a demon of a sister, but a female, attractive and enticing, like any other?

He didn't know anymore. Closing his eyes, he leaned in, crossing the last few inches that separated them and licked, a single lap from Scyther's ovipositor, over his sister's hard nub and through her dark fur, taking in a mixture of both, Hunny's and Terri's combined flavors.

'SHIIiiihhhhhht~!', was all the girl managed to bring out.

This sudden, truly unexpected jolt of pleasure was more than Terri needed as her climax hit her hard. Her hands cramped up, gripping her brother's shoulders, as she arched her back and threw her head in the air, a mix of moans and growls erupting from her chest.

Jake had trouble keeping her wild spasms in check, as her hips were shifting in random directions, a small flood of feminine juices squeezing out between her clenching lips and Scyther's appendage, a few squirts splashing against his face and shirt, most of it gushing down along Hunny's organ, eventually mixing in with the puddles Scyther had created below them.

Excited sounds couldn't be heard from Hunny, they were overshadowed by Terri's moans as the girl's wild motions massaged Scyther's organ, finally triggering both, her own small orgasm as well as her egg laying process.

Even more wetness was splashing against Jake's lap, as the Pokemon's soft insides pressed in on him. Other than that, the Pokemon's orgasm seemed the polar opposite of his sisters.

Well, what would you expect? With swords for arms, nature probably wouldn't wanna have them spasm wildly, cutting down anything around them.

Jake could see the bumps in Hunny's ovipositor, slowly moving upwards, one after the other, as the Pokemon's eggs, about the size of ping pong balls, travelled towards his sister's snatch.

Terri's movements were slowing down, she was breathing hard above him, trying to speak, when the first egg pressed between her lips.

'Ohhh! Jake, don't let go, I'm-', and with that, her knees gave in. Though it was quite a bit of work and he was forced to stop fucking Hunny, Jake managed to keep his sister propped up in front of him, until his sister's shaky legs managed to find at least some footing. They remained wobbly though. With every egg that pressed between her folds, he could hear her hiss, moan or groan, and with every egg, he had to push against her body's wish to collapse again.

After about three minutes of standing like that, Jake had long since lost count of how many eggs had wandered inside his sister, the flow of eggs stopped. Hunny's ovipositor, with it's job well done, withdrew, shrinking and slipping back inside the Pokemon's body.

Sinking down, Jake kept his hands on Terri's hips until she was kneeling on top of her Pokemon's lower body.

He hadn't really gotten a good look at her face through all of this, she was sweating, her black hair damp and tousled, probably as flushed as himself, a happy grin on her face that appeared almost bizarre to Jake. Even more so when her eyes found his and it didn't turn sour. Instead she leaned forward, panting hot breath against his ear: 'Thanks bro... that was right... on the spot...', she croaked the words out between hard pants, giving him a peck on the cheek, before leaning back to try and catch her breath, one hand idly grazing over her somewhat gaping cunt.

Jake couldn't help but smile a little... if it turned her calm and considerate like that, maybe licking her clit once in a while wouldn't be so bad...

Then he rolled his eyes at himself. 'Five minutes ago, you were still bickering about just touching her, now you wanna lick her clit even more?', he thought to himself, wondering what he had gotten himself into.

Filled up to the brim, her top had ridden up over her extended belly. Terri almost looked like a pregnant woman, though her stomach wasn't smooth, but instead lined with small bumps.

In her kneeling position, the first few eggs were already dropping out of her, rolling over the sheets of her bed.

Jake put a hand on her stomach, feeling the bumps shifting below his hand as a few more left his sisters body the same way they entered her.

'This is so crazy...'

Slowly grasping one of the whitish eggs, the girl brought it up to her lips, slowly speaking 'You haven't seen nothing yet.' With that, she pushed the little ball in her mouth, letting it pop between her lips. A clear, gooey liquid filled her mouth, flowing from her lips before she could close them entirely. She hungrily gulped down what remained in her mouth.

'What are you doing?!', Jake was horrified for a moment. He remembered there wasn't anything in those eggs, but it still seemed creepy to do that, in general, but in front of Scyther specifically.

Terri just licked her lips, 'It's fine, I told you there's nothing alive in them. Hunny eats them too. She'll be hungry after this and these babies are essentially energy bombs. After all, they'd normally feed a new life for quite some time before it can hatch... Of course, she wouldn't need them if you'd like to offer your head instead? I read that, on rare occasions, that's a thing that happens among Scythers...'

Terri loved the look on her brother's face as he shook his head, she couldn't help but laugh out loud. Between heaves, she managed to tell her brother that she was sure, her Pokemon wouldn't ever do that to him. Her Scyther nodded her head in agreement, of course she wouldn't! Scratching Hunny's chest, the girl climbed off of her, more spheres dropping out of Terri as she moved next to her brother again.

'Well, maybe you should just feed her some while you finish, just to be on the save side. Do something nice for her, you know?'

Catching some of the wet eggs as she pushed them out of her body, she stuffed two in Jake's mouth. Before he knew what happened, his sister's sweet and sour taste filled his mouth. Then, one of the fragile eggs popped, drowning out her taste with another, even sweeter one. She kept her hand over his mouth, already expecting some silly, squeamish protest, but to both their surprise, Jake was being surprisingly calm. Then she bent him forward, down towards Scyther's face.

'Really, they're quite delicious, aren't they? Just like my little Hunny. Now chomp down and give her a kiss.'

Scratching the Pokemon's green head, she spoke to her: 'Wouldn't you like that? A nutritious kiss from your lover~'

Nodding, dragging her tongue over Terri's hand as it covered her brother's mouth, Hunny hugged her lover against her with her bladed arms. Jake felt a little trapped, but he trusted the Pokemon not to harm him as he finally started moving again. Watching his sister cum, having his face drenched in her juices, Hunny's sweet eggs and everything else that happened had already pushed him close, but he tried his best to make his final trusts count.

Starting to hump against the Pokemon again, pushing his sister's hand out of the way, Jake bit down on the remaining egg, gulping down some of the sweet slime that flooded his mouth. Then, pushing his soft lips against Hunny's hard ones, he let the contents of his mouth drip into hers, sharing the sweet liquid her body had produced.

It was an awkward kiss. Where human lips would have formed an airtight seal, Hunny's hard lips, basically her jawline, couldn't adjust in such a fashion. But they made it work anyway, pushing against each other, caressing each other with small pecks and nips until their tongues entwined and they tasted each other as the eggs sweetness slowly subsided. While the sounds of their somewhat sloppy kiss filled the room, Jake came for the third time this day, filling Scyther's spongy insides once more, all the while continuing their passionate kiss.

Terri watched them, almost in awe, munching on another egg while she touched herself, a hint of jealousy still forcing her to imagine herself in her brother's place. She had done a lot with her Pokemon, but Hunny had never been so into it with her... Despite that, she felt happy for Hunny and in a way, even for her brother. He had just barely gotten his act together at the end.

Tired, but happy and satisfied, Hunny released her grip on Jake. Free at last, even as he pulled out of her, Jake continued to lovingly caress the Pokemon with his hands and lips, much to Hunny's delight.

Before he moved off of her, he leaned down to her ear one last time, whispering a few words into it that shall remain between them.

A little tired himself and absolutely not expecting it, Jake found it impossible avoid his sister as she grabbed him and pulled him to the ground, sitting down on his chest as she looked down on him.

'Wha? What now? Get off!', Jake struggled, but even if he was in better condition, she'd usually manage to keep him on the ground anyway, so there was little chance of him escaping now.

'You did pretty well at the end there bro, but there's still the matter of all your fuck ups before that. I think you deserve at least a small punishment. Take it as an incentive to do better in the future.'

Scooting her loins closer to his face, she giggled down over her egg-filled stomach, 'Jake, I just remembered those times in the sandbox... the good old days, you know? You still as hungry as back then?'

Jake was about to protest, but his words were quickly muffled as Terri moved her wet lips over her little brother's face, sighing as his incomprehensible, but no doubt angry words, brought her a surprising amount of pleasure.

'Twenty-three worms... I believe that was your record, right? I think I'll let you go if you can break that one~'

Teresa wins... Incestually!

That night Calem fell in love with another guy

'Dodge!!' Calem shoutet at the top if his lungs at his Gardevoir, but it was too late. Nidoking's Iron Tail connected, knocking his Gardevoir to the ground. 'Gardevoir! Can you get up? Just one more attack, you can do it!', but no dice. Gardevoir...

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Sylveon just wanna have fun~

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