Heat and Desire

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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This is the last of the "149 series"! The others being Tiger Stripes and Snowdrift Passion, because they're all sister ideas. This one is similar to those two, specifically Snowdrift Passion for what occurs, but the background is like Tiger Stripes. However, this is a bare bones short sex story without an epilogue or even names. Just over 4,200 words...

Other: Now I'll be working on larger ideas again!

'I... Fell.' A figure lying at the base of a cliff face watched the cloud filled sky spinning above him. Dust and dirt stained his clothes with heavy marks. Two tears along the length of his pants showed just how rough the trip down was. He was a frontiersman in every sense of the word. Moving so far out with only himself to rely on was only natural for the young human. His body slowly sat up with a stiff groan.

"Okay... Nothing broken." He winced at a light soreness and looked up at where he had fallen from. His path was luckily marred with plenty of young saplings to slow him down. "Twenty to thirty foot drop." The sound of his voice was surprised but very thankful that it ended with only bruises and torn pants. "Huh?" He felt pieces of bark underneath his hands. "What in the-" The tree beside him was void of bark from waist high to six feet off the ground. The tree beside it revealed why. Large claw marks raked up and down the trunk leaving haunting cuts in the hard wood. The cuts themselves were fairly shallow, but the size was intimidating to say the least.

"What animal is that big?" A disturbing silence passed. He stood up and looked around for tracks but the rugged ground he was on left no impressions. The quiet place didn't offer any clues either. He normally didn't go this far out from his homestead cabin but according to an ordinance to settle the untamed land; anyone could obtain thirty acres by building a house and living on the plot for two years. The woodsman had less than a year left, but there were reasons why others didn't travel so far northwest. Creatures were rumored to live so far away from civilization. Primitive and animalistic, they were a cross somewhere between man and beast. An anthropomorphic being. The woodsman shook his head and took a step forward. He didn't have time to think about rumors when getting back home was so urgent. The cliff side he fell down was inclined steeply, and the bottom eight feet was completely vertical. The trees on his level didn't provide a sufficient way to climb out on a limb and up the cliff. Seeing no other options, the woodsman followed the cliff face searching for a viable spot to climb up.

An hour's walk quickly became two, then three. The sun, hiding above the domineering trees and clouds, gradually arced to the western horizon before the cliff face became less imposing. After several failed attempts to scramble up a lower inclined part of the cliff, the woodsman found a foothold and reached the top level of the forest.

"Ah. Finally." He stood up and brushed himself free of dirt. However, his real struggle was about to begin. Utterly lost, the woodsman had to find his way home with more rugged terrain still to cover.

Darkness settled in without a shred of light to guide him back through the forest. Shoes shuffled and rustled through dead leaves in a blind path. Simple features became tricky obstacles.

"Ah!" He swatted a spider web off his face. Despite being a frontiersman the darkness was something he hadn't been prepared for when he set out for the day. "I need to go home!" He yelled. His voice echoed throughout the pitch black forest, but no other human voice replied. He broke the stick in his hands out of frustration and violently threw the pieces away. A weary sigh was given. The woodsman wiped his face in disgust at the whole situation. 'I should be home right now.' A rustle in the leaves nearby startled him. "Huh?" He turned only to see darkness. The leaves were silent but the forest's insect inhabitants remained lively. 'Don't become paranoid...' He told himself and resumed groping through the forest. His hands found a tree and successfully navigated around it.

'Theres nothing to be afraid-' Another rustling sound somewhere behind him caught his attention again. He could hear it! Every few steps of stumbling through the forest the noise of soft footsteps above the crickets and his own mumbling curses were heard. He looked over his shoulder even though he couldn't see beyond his hand. The human gnawed his lip praying that it was only his imagination. He took a few more cautious steps and strained his ears. He was afraid to run blindly through the darkness, and hitting a tree dead on would not bode well for him. The sharp snapping of a stick alerted him. The human whipped around ready to fight.

"Who's there?!" He barked. Silence passed for an eternal minute before a soft footstep was heard in front of him. Another soon followed in succession. His heart raced as each step quietly came closer towards him. The steps suddenly halted altogether right in front of him. He gritted his teeth as nothing happened. Faint rumbling of thunder echoed far away. He held his breath and slowly extended an arm into the darkness. His hand groped cautiously in the air until something brushed over his skin. He screamed and fell backwards into a tree. His eyes could barely make out a looming shadowy figure as it knelt down to his level. The large figure peered towards the human as he scrambled onto his feet. A warm breath of air wafted over his face as something sniffed him. 'A dog?' He stood up, but the steadily breathing face stood up with him, in fact, a good inch or two taller than him. He didn't have time to guess correctly when strong arms lifted him over a shoulder.

"Who are you?!" He yelled and grabbed the mysterious person's back only to feel an odd sensation. "Hair and fur?" His hands groped at the furry back. The woodsman remained speechless for a solid minute at what was going on. Dreams, illusions, and magic set aside, he was being carried off through the woods!

"Hm." The person carrying him huffed stepping over a rotten log.

"Wait! Who are you?! Where are you going?" He struggled to break free from the steel strong grasp in vain. No response was given despite a flurry of questions from the woodsman. Eventually he was set down in front of a cliff face with an imposing crack in the rock wall. It was easily a meter and a half wide, maybe two.

"Hide. Storm." A voice said. A drop of rain landed on his forehead shaking the human from his stupor.

"O-okay. Thanks." He walked into the darkness, but not before looking over his shoulder to see who exactly brought him here. A distant flash of lightning gave the stranger's features a moment of visibility. The face he saw petrified him. A short, brusque black and white muzzle and face covered in similar fur greeted him. The person was a badger! The black and white facial markings didn't lie. Short round ears with a white underside topped the mustelid's head. Long wavy white hair descended from the back of the head and neck to the waist. A lack of male equipment between her legs confirmed her sex. Breasts covered in thick white fur were perfectly sized for her larger body. The female's arms were human, discounting the claws and pads on her hands. Her legs were human as well, until he looked at her feet. The foot resembled his own, but had the characteristics of a fearsome paw with large claws on each toe and black pads rather than skin on her soles. Her whole front was white, even her inner thighs. Starting from her body her limbs were covered in light grey fur, but darkened to black towards the extremities. Despite how shocked he was to see her, she didn't seemed surprised in the slightest to see him.

"My home." She ushered the shocked human inside, who immediately took a seat by the opposing wall. The badger's voice was gruff like her appearance, and her vocabulary was very limited . There was a thick layer of straw and hay covering the rocky floor except where the dying embers of a small fire existed. It even smelled like her. The female dropped to all fours and crawled across the small space to the thickest bedding. She was barely a large shadow to the human only a few feet sitting away from her. The human's knees were knocking together like chattering teeth. The badger could easily hear it above the rain outside.

'Oh God!' He struggled to hold himself together. It was pitch black outside, save for bolts of lightning, and he had no chance of navigating home, let alone returning! The human jumped as a bolt of lightning lit up the entire shelter. The adult female badger was standing on all fours, raising her tail in the air as far as it would go. A large boom of thunder quickly followed up, rumbling through the dark forest. He swallowed nervously. The expectant look in her eyes for that brief moment of light scared him. "No... Y-you're-" He glanced back between the outline of her legs. The human didn't know the word "heat" but he understood what she was going through. The female badger didn't know the word either, but their was never a need for her kind to say anything.

"Please." Her powerful voice beckoned him to take her. The irritating itch that came annually burned without reprieve in her womanhood. The woodsman merely stared at her, unsure how to respond to such a lecherous presentation. "Need..." The female badger gritted her teeth. His failure to act enticed her to take charge. The badger huffed and crawled to the cowering human. He yelped when she touched him. Large claw wielding hands grabbed his shirt and nearly ripped the fabric right off his body. The stretched piece was thrown aside and his pants were next. Her strong arms seamlessly yanked them off his legs despite two hands trying to hold onto them. She paused with a half torn article of underwear in her hand. The naked human was trembling, terrified of what she might do to. The badger sat down behind him realizing she pressed him too hard, but her patience was thin. Two hands with thick and long black claws reached around and rested on his front.

'Large claws!' He realized that she had defaced the trees by the cliff side. The human was pulled back a little to rest on her front. He could feel the badger now breathing behind him. No matter how terrified he was, the warm furry body stopped any shivers within him. The breasts pressing against his bare back were nice too.

'Human courtship must be different.' The badger thought to herself. She never imagined mating different than a long romp dictated by desire. The desiring female held him close and watched him with an unwavering eye. Seeing that death wasn't there to greet him, the woodsman gradually calmed down. It was nice having her soft fur warm his naked skin. He shuddered as the crackle of thunder and lightning broke outside. A hand soothingly rubbed his front until he stopped shivering.

'Ok. She isn't going to kill me.' He told himself several times staring at the large arms around his midsection. Knowing that she wasn't moving, h grew the courage to touch her. The female's ears perked forward feeling a hand touch her leg. She gladly raised it up for him to explore. "A badger..." He combed his hand through the light grey fur on her thigh. It was so soft and thick. The closer he trailed to the inside, the softer and downy it was; towards the outside, coarser. She rested her cheek against his own and watched the human hand cautiously explore her leg. 'A badger saved me...' He was lost in the dark from falling down a cliff, but she managed to share a shelter with him.

"Safe... in arms." The female gave the human a gentle squeeze hoping to put his fears to rest. A claw bearing hand dropped to his lap and trailed over his groin.

'I can't fight her.' He parted his legs feeling the large hand rub up his inner thigh with clear intent. 'She is much stronger than me.' The female badger saw the opportunity to arouse him and literally reached for it. A thumb reached out and brushed over his flaccid male hood. The human watched it trail down and slowly rub over the skin. A small thrill ran up his spine as she brushed over his glans. The pad was warm and velvety smooth against his skin! He squirmed but the badger's iron strong arms held him in place. His length responded by growing before her very eyes. He unconsciously raised his hips feeling arousal slowly form and spread. Badger or not, she knew how a male worked. Her padded hand quickly encircled his growing length. The woodsman tensed and softly moaned only to clench his teeth feeling her claws touch skin below. He immediately gave a sigh of relief feeling how blunt and harmless the edges were.

The large blocky fingers delicately wrapped around his throbbing length and gave a testing squeeze. The woodsman grunted feeling her stroke him for a minute before oddly letting go. Her receptive body tingled seeing his organ throbbing in the open air. The female suddenly backed off and crawled towards the center bedding. The human turned to watch her.

"Ours." She quietly spoke running her hand in the hay and straw. The badger's ears were pinned down for once. She less than gracefully lied down on her back and spread her legs intently. Her hand parted the fur between her thighs with a whimper, revealing her womanhood in all of its feminine glory.

'If it means getting outta here alive...' The woodsman crawled towards the wild beauty and sat between her spread legs. His human nose could detect the latent musk from her. He positioned himself at her entrance but hesitated. His aroused member was a mere inch from touching her, but uncertain doubt nagged at his mind. The badger couldn't lose him a mere inch away.

"Please." She whispered grasping his hand. "Need... you." The burning desire in her sex ached. Foregoing his doubts, the human pressed forward and penetrated her. Every inch brought an incredible heat and pressure through his skin, boggling his mind even as her furry hips touched his bare skin. All of the badger's toes curled and her entire body arched in a pleasantly slow undulation. They were joined at the hips as any two in love would be. He pulled out and gently began rocking back and forth. "Oh." She sweetly moaned holding onto his shoulder. The itch and burn that plagued her was finally being scratched! Her heart throbbed gleefully and toes dug into the bedding below. The excitement suddenly rushed to her head and caught her off guard. The woodsman slowed down feeling her insides contract. She twisted and groaned in pleasure before relaxing under a heartfelt sigh. He stopped seeing a faint grin along her black lips. The badger's chest rose and fell in a fluttery motion from a much needed climax.

"Ugh." She gave a haughty grunt of satisfaction feeling his length still buried inside her heated entrance. Black and white ears flickered feeling him pull her knee up. She watched bewildered as he lifted a leg and hooked it over his shoulder before doing the same with the other. The human leaned forward with her knees beside their faces and began thrusting once more. She growled lustfully with lust and let him take her. The lightning and thunder outside was dually ignored as they faithfully mated. The badger scrunched her eyes shut feeling a second wave of euphoria overcome her senses. She squirmed but remained still enough for him to continue mating her. She breathed heavily while the slick sounds below resumed.

'She is not done?' His pace lost its rhythm and was becoming more erratic, but he didn't stop. The human was tired from his ordeal during the day, and night, but he sought for a little relief too. Neither could hear the thunderstorm outside above their passionate lovemaking. All of her grunts and groans were silenced by the human's or the storm outside. Her partner thrusted harder, almost at his peak. Her head snapped back feeling his length rub against her clit.

"Ah! Arrgh!" She gasped and growled through the lusty fog filled craziness. This human could give her so much pleasure during her time of need! The human finally cried out and pressed as deep as he could, unknowingly pushing her over the edge as well. She yowled in a passionate cry as a third, more powerful, climax overcame her senses. The badger's body jerked while he emptied his seed inside her, dousing the flames of her primal heat. His eyes closed seeing spots. When the woodsman regained his bearings, he carefully set her legs down. The smell of musk and sweat was thick in the cave from their efforts. The woodsman could see the outlines of a wide open smile on her lips. He couldn't help but grin at the sight. The female badger was panting happily in euphoria. The human pulled his shrinking member out with a slick sound and slumped forward.

'I'm exhausted.' His heavy breathing and weak arms were more than enough evidence. Eyes glanced towards the cave's entrance, but strong arms suddenly pulled him down and placed his cheek to a breast. The badger hugged him with her limbs, trying to envelop the human in her warm downy fur. With nowhere to go, the tired human snuggled close using her breast as a pillow. It was by far the strangest day he had ever experienced.

'How?' The female badger chuffed at his hair, devouring his scent. Compared to another male of her kind this human wasn't rough, and he could give her so much pleasure during her heat. She clutched the sleeping human close to her body and closed her eyes listening to the endless rain outside. Hopefully he would be there in the morning.

The human woke up from the best slumber in his life. His body was warm and snug despite the cooler air outside from the rain. Eyes blinked open to a face full of white fur. Waking up next to a warm body was odd, but he liked it. The cave appeared to slowly rise and fall as the female badger beneath him softly breathed. He raised a hand and ruffled through the soft fur on her chest. After last night it seemed akin to a handshake.

'Badger or human, she's still a female.' He commented on the feminine feature. The human ran his palm down her side next. He could feel the strong muscles underneath her soft white fur. 'She could wrestle any man.' The thought humored him. A hand suddenly came to life and rubbed over his arms. Claws brushed harmlessly over his skin, and the velveteen pads were exquisite!

"Here." The female badger's voice softly whispered above him, marveling at his skin's bare texture. Despite how terrified he had been, the human male remained with her. There was something more to him than another male badger. He wasn't from a rough and wild upbringing like she was, or any other anthro. There was a wonderful tenderness that attracted her to him. Although she initially forced him, the woodsman didn't mate for himself or to satisfy her heat a for a single night. The human made love to her, for her. The female couldn't stop rubbing his back as she thought about last night, and the experience that was still unfolding. She had no other way of thanking him. His stomach growled loudly, interrupting their little personal moment.

"Sorry. I am hungry." He sheepishly looked at his tummy. He hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon! The badger smiled feeling a similar hunger inside her and gently set him aside before sitting up.

"Wait here." She grinned and hurried outside. The woodsman watched the stocky badger disappear, wondering what was on her mind.

'It is a cozy place.' He looked around the shelter that was her den. The cave wasn't very big, but it was a snug little getaway. Against a wall a bunch of stones and wooden tools were organized. Maybe she wasn't as animalistic as he first thought. The badger came back ten minutes later with a large honeycomb in her hands dripping with golden goodness. "Ah." She opened her mouth to convey it was food and broke off half for him.

"Thank you!" He graciously received the rustic treat and took a large bite. It wasn't exactly a wholesome meal, but he was famished and the sugar would make a sweet meal. They munched the comb down leaving only leaving only traces of the golden goodness on their hands.The badger's black nose sniffed towards his hand before giving his coated fingers a lick. "You don't waste a drop, do you?" He chuckled as she licked his hands clean with a smooth tongue. His skin received a delicate tongue massage as she slipped each finger into her mouth.

"Mm?" The badger licked her lips clean and held her honey coated hands out to him wearing a little grin of her own. Her black padded palms and fingertips were fairly large and glistened in the light. The human stuck his tongue out and licked the palm of her right hand, glad to return the favor. The badger quickly cleaned the other and sat back with her legs tucked underneath. The human watched her quietly groom herself. She was meticulous and virtually straightened every hair on her upper body.

'I probably look like that in the creek behind my house-' His eyes widened. "Ah!" He yelled in remembrance causing her to jump up. "Sorry!" He comforted her. "I need to get back home!" He crawled outside with the female on his heels. The morning sunlight greeted the human's bare skin brightly. He rubbed his arms feeling chill bumps form on his skin. The morning air was cooler and damp from the storm last night. Trees were full of musical birds and the ground was soft and peaty from the downpour. Most importantly, he could see everything. The badger stretched and brushed her rear clean of straw and hay. In the full sunlight, the woodsman was able to see the buxom female badger in all her glory. Her fur appeared to shine in the direct light, but the softness in her brown eyes practically glowed. She was stocky and definitely taller than him by an inch or two. Breasts were well rounded and healthy like her hidden muscles. Her tummy had a little pouch of fat showing that she lived a better than meager existence in the forest. Long unkempt white hair that matched her fur trailed down her back. The badger stared at him, wondering when he would start walking. The short black and white ears dialed out cutely before she scratched one.

"Hm?" She hummed motioning a hand to him.

"Oh! I'll follow you." He bashfully answered motioning for her to go ahead. The badger understood and led the way through the forest along a faint trail. He saw her short tail flicker happily.


They reached his small cabin in half an hour to the human's surprise. "Finally!" He cheered with a relieved grin. The small lodge was in the middle of the continental forest nestled amongst the trees. The woodsman stopped and turned to face his unlikely savior. "Umm. Thank you for keeping me safe last night, and leading me home." He looked up at the badger. Her black lips curled into a grin before a tongue darted out and licked over his lips and nose. His face burned a subtle red. She wrapped the human into a hug. The soft fur against his body made him smile, but suddenly realize something. "No! I forgot my clothes." He looked down at their naked bodies pressed together. Even his shoes were gone! The badger stepped back and traced a hand down his chest realizing what he meant, but a smile formed nonetheless as she briefly cupped his package.

"Come back tomorrow." She stated and gave him a lick on his forehead. Her tongue was soft and gentle to love with, not driven by lust.

'Tomorrow?' The woodsman thought to himself. That would mean going back into her neck of the woods willingly. The area he became lost at! Yet, he found the idea of returning to her oddly warming and something to look forward to. In an odd sense he now had a neighbor, and possibly, someone to court. Only time could tell.

"Tomorrow?" She sweetly asked taking hold of his hand. The badger's heat still needed to be satiated, and she found a mate. Dark brown eyes searched him for an expression. "Gentler." She shyly grinned and patted his groin.

"Ok." He agreed with a nod. The female badger gleefully bumped noses with him before skipping off. The human watched with a half stunned smirk at the badger skipping away from him, into the woods. The giddy female pressed her back to a tree and looked over her shoulder where a sliver of his home was still visible. She was panting lightly and clutching her chest.

'I want him.' She smiled looking down over her front. 'I want a family.' She felt over her tummy wearing an optimistic smile. Maybe she would have both. Just maybe.