The Draconic Dream

Story by Czarreynard on SoFurry

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The Draconic Dream

Long have I marveled at mankind's ability to create fantasy. From the imaginations of authors long since passed flew the beasts which fill our dreams as well as our nightmares. From the mountains of Greece came forth the harpy, both winged and seductive. From the shores of distant East came to life the fox-spirit of the kitsune. But my interest peaked on a creature of much more a fantastic and legendary lore.

Yes, it is the dragon whom inherits my wild fancy. Inscribed in the texts of many cultures, including the text of mine faith, the dragon is always described as a reptilian creature with a set of wings set upon its back, much like that of a bat. Often, a tail protrudes from the hindquarters and is headed with a spade-like tip. All this is encased in an armor of plate-scales, a natural chain-mail built to cover and protect the creature.

And why should I know all this? I am a cryptozoologist. (That is, one who studies mythic animals) My profession, though not crowded with competition, is the pride of my life. For many a midnight dreary I have dissected texts and murals of beasts the human mind has so creatively given birth thereof. My kin wished I would have taken up the scalpel, but there I find no amusement, not beauty in humans after having tasted mythic splendor.

Of course, I was never so foolhardy as to go out in search of these beasts. My common sense would always warn me, silently, "Do not delve too deep, these creatures are fable." And I agreed. Dragons, fascinating though they were, were simply too perfect. My profession, after all, is the study pertaining to storybook creatures, not real ones.

My work, though mocked, brought me many a tender thought and terror. In my nightly dreams I would see mermaids swoon and banshees wail! But none were so terrible, so beautiful as the dragon. Would one think me mad for admiring such a scornful creature? I have ascertained how to ignore such naysayers hence.

When my summers had totaled around one and a half score, my life was forever changed. For I would be one to bear witness to the manifestation of mankind's wildest dreams, though in no way could I have predicted these events or their incongruity.

I was summoned by Sir Wallace Dunlop to a far and isolated province of Austria during this time. I received a letter at my home one day requesting my attendance at his mansion. It so read:

"Mr. Duncan,

"If you would be so kind to join me at my abode these ides of April, my delight would be palpable. You see, in my travels so far and near, I have happened upon a great discovery which (I delight in saying) encompasses you! I implore, please come and see what the world hath hid from our eyes for so many an eon! I have sent a horse and carriage for you. If you would have the driver return here without you, then I shall leave thee be. But remember this: the threshold hath been thrown wide open for eyes which long to see."

Yours in science,

Wallace Dunlop"

I quickly pondered my options. The day was the 13th of April, his carriage would arrive in two days. Although my curiosity was aflutter with passion, the idea of leaving my work behind on such short notice felt irresponsible. Seeing as how the dragons in my storybooks would most likely not wander off, I presently threw this inhibition to the wind and made preparations for my excursion. A suitcase and a briefcase were all I required. I was able to trick my own fancy into thinking that I was in need of a vacation and this kind of jaunt was exactly what my failing psyche required. So I waited two moons before Mr. Duncan's chauffeur arrived.

Be it said that I possessed hardly what one could call "wealth". For this reason, the idea of being collected by a chauffeur, to me, was whimsical. The driver did not speak much, as he seemed far too occupied with managing the reins of the steed that drew the carriage. I attempted to occupy myself by staring out the curtains to the passing road, watching civilization, piece by piece, retreat from mine eyes. But the passing was too gradual to hold my attention. Presently I fell asleep inside the carriage.

A dark dream perturbed my sleep. Again, beasts of all forms, but most noticeably the dragon, permeated my dreams. I saw myself wandering into a lair of such the beast I had been studying. And as I waded in deeper through the tube of rock, I began to hear the heavy sound of the air being beat. And to my horror, a large dragon stood before me, nostrils flaring like the beating of a leviathan heart. Eyes, red as blood spilled on soil, stared at me with calm voracity. And as the beast opened its massive jowls to make quick work of me, I bolted upright to find myself once again within the carriage.

The driver warned that we would be there shortly, though the journey was not yet done. Quickly, I removed Dunlop's letter from my pocket and examined it forthwith. I had questioned his appeal of my presence before I left, but trusted that it was not without good reason. What need would Mr. Dunlop, a noble, have for a cryptozoologist? The answer, though it eluded me, inquired deep unrest within my bosom.

That feeling remained with me until we reached the castle. Mr. Dunlop, I had found, was a rich man with a knack for alchemy and safari. The son of a duke, his wealth allowed him to pursue many avocations in the place of an actual career. As I stared up at the flying buttresses of his estate, I could only wonder what manner of excursion this would develop to be.

Eagerly, I wished to be out of the evening cold and inside the safety of the walls. After passing through many a blossoming garden, we reached the stoop which led up into yonder mansion. Quickly the driver threw himself from off his perch and politely opened the door for me. As I exited the carriage with my briefcase and suitcase, I heard a pleasant voice call out for me.

"Ah, Mr. Duncan! So good of you to come! You shall not regret it!" came the cry of an excited man from the top of the stoop. It appeared as if this was Mr. Dunlop. And so it was.

He hurried down the stairs to greet me. He shook my hand firmly once and then ordered the driver to bring my affects to the bedroom that had been reserved for me. Although staying a night in a strange abode frightened me, it was not sensible to head for home at this hour. Mr. Dunlop then ushered me inside, it had just begun to rain.

Once inside, I took a small moment to scan the interior of the Dunlop dwelling. There were lush carpets, décor on the walls and bejeweled lamps overhead. I met this observation with delight, as it proved my stay would be comfortable and without want. Mr. Dunlop, who wasted no time on exploring the pleasantries of his abode, swiftly ushered me to the dining room for the evening meal.

"Surely the journey must have left you famished. We have business to attend to, but let us sup first. The mind works better when there is substance in the body."

This I knew and did not disagree with, though my thoughts tugged at me. Did he invite me here simply to sup and talk politics? My suspicions grew more radical as our meal began.

A sizable chop of brisket was presented before me, which I devoured like a ravenous bird of prey. Spuds were also served, along with corn, bread and mead made from honey. With gusto I ate and chattered with Mr. Dunlop about literature and such. When our plates emptied and our stomachs refused a second helping, it became apparent that the meal had ended and the time for seriousness had cunningly sprung upon us.

Mr. Dunlop rose from the dining table and I followed helplessly, as if tugged by an unseen bond. He led me through the castle, not once stopping to elaborate on a masterpiece painting affixed to the wall or a gilded suit of chain mail and steel. Rather, it was Mr. Dunlop's deed to tell me of a bizarre trip he had taken to the Ural Mountains this year.

"I had longed to see Russia," he explained, "and so my comrades, a few servants and I journeyed to the mountains so that we may ascend one of the peaks and therefore call ourselves brave. Many of the villagers heard of our plans and warned us that unforeseen dangers lurked upon those hills. We, being spontaneous and energetic, ignored them and continued our trek."

Here he paused for a small moment. We had begun to go down flights of stairs increasingly narrow and steep. The air became strange and a dull chill began to set in. He waited until we had passed the stairs to continue.

"So we continued on our merry way, making many a joke and stopping often to enjoy the scenery. However, it was not long before we took notice of a cave entrance that burrowed into the side of the mountain. From dare and from drink, we stumbled inside the infernal place."

We now proceeded down the long corridor of castle's bowels. His pace was quick, as if he was worried he would finish his tale before we reached our destination. His excitement was noticeable, as if some great epiphany was about to become unveiled.

"Deep within that grotto, we found...this."

He waved me inside one of the chambers, which highly resembled a prison cell. On the shelf-bed by the wall, lay a figure wrapped tightly in a blanket, sleeping. But the features of this being, I was quick to see, were not that of any man. There was a long, slender brush (that is, a tail) protruding out from the sheet. This was unlike the brush of any animal I had ever seen, however. It was serpentine, lavender and had a spaded end.

My heartbeat pulsed more intensely, like someone was clamoring a bell profusely in alarm. I gazed upon the slender figure resting beneath the sheet. Despite my shock, Mr. Dunlop did not seem as paralyzed as I. Slowly, he issued a solemn command to the form: "Sovia, it is time to get up. Someone is here to see you."

And to my amazement, the thing stirred. Slowly and gracefully did it rise from the cot. The blanket went with the creature, as if to be used as a cloak. Fearfully, I gazed as the being rose to its full height and a magnificent countenance met with mine.

There, standing before me, was a bipedal dragon. This is not to be mistaken for a wyvern, but a dragon which stood in the likeness of a human. At first, I thought I was again caught within the clutches of my darkest dream, but I realized, with dizzying haste, that the dragon presented before me was indeed genuine. My first instinct was to back away, but Mr. Dunlop had placed his hand firmly upon my shoulder. If this was a precaution to keep me from fleeing or simply a gesture of amity I do not know.

Although my fear seized me in the cockles of my heart, I did manage to bring myself to face the dragon. I hasten not to call the dragon "it", because Mr. Dunlop had addressed the beast by name. And from the diphthong at the end of the title, I realized this was a female.

I now understood Mr. Dunlop's request for my attendance. He had stumbled upon an actual dragon! Even better, he wanted me, a cryptozoologist, to partake in his firm achievement!

"My men and I discovered Sovia in that cave. Our first thought was to destroy her, we were so very frightened. But she was very affectionate. She did neither maim nor devour us, and therefore, we developed a fondness for her. I told her I was a wealthy man and that I would give her a fine home if she would only come here, to Austria."

Mr. Dunlop had confirmed my previous hypothesis. This dragon was indeed a female. When I asked why she had come willingly away from her natural habitat, Mr. Dunlop simply replied:

"Why does the stranger accept the offer to come in from the rain? The poor girl was suffering in those mountains. The townspeople feared her and, for fear of her own life, she could scarcely go out of doors to frolic or hunt. For the past month, she hath lived here, and dare I say she is very happy to be out of that wretched cave."

I nodded in understanding. I once more turned my attention to the dragoness before me. It is here that I shall describe her beauty. Although she was enclosed in the cloak, I could make out certain features. Her armor of scales was violet. Her eyes, green like finely-cut emerald, looked back at me with a proud shine. Two obsidian, snake-like horns protruded in serpentine fashion from her head. Surrounding these horns were (to my surprise and delight) fine locks of blonde hair. If I had not seen her face so clearly, I may have thought she was a human girl stricken with a strange malady. Without looking away from the dragoness, I mentioned to Mr. Dunlop she was truly magnificent.

"Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Duncan," spoke the dragoness. "I do not often receive compliment for my appearance."

I took a step back, despite Mr. Dunlop's firm hold on my shoulder. She had spoken! I at first had simply marveled at the discovery of such a beast, but the girl possessed intelligence! Oh, happy day! My surprise was genuine upon hearing her voice. It did not boom like thunder as in legends. Instead, it was the graceful melody of a harp. My interest only grew more genuine.

Knowing she could speak the human tongue would make research far easier. She would be able to provide me with answers to questions which would be difficult to answer otherwise.

But for a small moment, I felt a quiver in my heart. This one, unlike the others, was not out of fear. For when dragoness had spoken aloud, the words echoed within my brain as does the lute of a minstrel. This, as well as her beauty and majestic appearance, triggered within me a sense of, dare I say, love. The subject of both my life's work and my affections now stood just feet away!

"You are here to study me, is that correct, Mr. Duncan?" said she. Again, that voice as beautiful as brazen bells called out to me and only me. I nodded to her. Study her? I wanted to fall down and worship her!

"Yes," interrupted Mr. Dunlop, "Mr. Duncan is a skilled master of his art. If you would be so kind, Sovia, to let Mr. Duncan examine you, I'm sure he would be most delighted."

I blushed at Mr. Dunlop's request. He had worded it so...inappropriately. "Examining" a female, aside from inside court, would usually include seeing the more intimate parts of her frame. I wanted to learn from her, not "examine" her.

The dragoness seemed to notice my discomfort with the statement, but smiled. She elected to ignore the poorly chosen words of Mr. Dunlop and issued her reply, "I would be honored to let you examine me, Mr. Duncan. Talking about myself is one of my many talents."

I did not doubt that she had many talents. My mind had begun to formulate questions for the dragoness but Mr. Dunlop cut me off. He argued that the crypt of the castle was not appropriate for such an interrogation. He proposed we adjourn to our rooms to carry out the interview in comfort. Sovia agreed and walked with us back the way we came.

On the walk to the suites of the castle, the dragoness walked noticeably close to my person. Although this at first frightened me, I welcomed it soon after. She was slender and sleek, but not much taller than I. She stood at about half a foot above me. Therefore, Sovia was not terribly intimidating, but still impressive.

Mr. Dunlop halted our party when we had reached my suite. He cracked the door wide and motioned for us to enter. When I had, I marveled at his taste. The room was alive with splendor. An oak coffee table and several chairs were placed off to one side, with fabulous paintings and statues mounted on all four walls. A luxurious bath was in the room adjacent. A bed, which could likely accommodate a half-dozen persons at once, was pushed against the back wall with pillows and silky blankets galore.

My briefcase sat upon the bed along with the rest of my things. As I went to collect them, however, Mr. Dunlop gave a disappointed goodbye. "I must attend to other things at the moment. Sovia, behave yourself for Mr. Duncan, will you?"

Sovia smiled and nodded. My heartbeat again clamored heavily within my chest. I asked why Mr. Dunlop would not join us in the research, but he simply said,

"You are the expert, my good man. I am sure that the examination is safe within your capable hands."

I wished he would have used more care when choosing his words. He waved to both of us, then exited and closed the door. Sovia and I were now alone. She did not seem to care, however, and went to sit down in one of the chairs while I retrieved my parcel. I was eager to begin plying her with questions, but my heart seemed intent on something else. The feeling of love I mentioned earlier only seemed to be multiplying in its strength, and I feared Sovia would rebuke me for it.

I sat down in the chair opposite her at the table, as it seemed the most proper for an interview such as this. The dragoness however did not agree.

"Mr. Duncan," cooed she, "why do you not come sit here next to me? You are so very far away. If you truly wish to examine me, you will need to be up close, will you not?"

I gave a nervous nod. Surely she did not know what she was saying. It sounded to mine ears as if she wanted to be close to me, which I was certain she did not. A dragoness would surely never have feelings for a human. She would only have feelings for another dragon, a breed of which I am not.

I opened my briefcase and unpacked several texts and scrolls about dragons. I could feel Sovia's eyes upon me as I flipped through them, looking for my notes. Once I had retrieved them, I procured a pen and then looked toward the dragoness.

I asked her a number of questions. When I asked her if she could breathe fire, she told me it was complete falsity. When I asked about the rumor that dragons guard treasure, she told me this was untrue. When I asked if dragons were afraid of mirrors and reflections, she shook her head. In one fell swoop, the dragon had gone from a thing to be feared to a thing to be only admired and welcomed.

"It is a shame, however, there will be no dragons to study someday soon," said Sovia in a solemn tone. When I asked her what she had meant by this, she simply replied, "I am the last of the dragons. I have sounded my call many a night for one, but my search has left me empty handed. After I die, the breed will die out."

My heart sank as she told me this. It was enough to hope for one dragon, to hope for two was childish. A sad mood settled in as we sat in silence, looking at one another. I could not help but take in her lovely features once more. Sovia noticed the intensity of my gaze and beamed. "If you'll excuse me," said the fair dragoness, "I think I will bathe now."

I could tell she was trying to alter the subject. My helpless gaze had frightened her, I knew it. I could only watch as she moved across the floor to the bath with such grace. She carried herself so well.

I felt depressed being separated from such a bravura lady. It pained me to be away from her, knowing I had made her uncomfortable. I sat there, in the oak chair, for several long moments, not having the will or want to move. A few moments later, I could hear the sounds of water sloshing in the bath. My mind began to race as I pictured such a perfect beauty in that purifying act.

For the sake of my heart, I tried to move away from the subject. Removing myself from the chair I went over to the bookshelf on the wall. It was there a large collection of texts were sprawled out before me. Being somewhat of a naïve man, I selected one entitled Karma Sutra. Needless to say, this book was not what I expected. In fact, it only made my mind travel deeper into desire. I put the book back into place; sloppily I might add, shaking from some of the rather quaint images I had seen inside.

No sooner had I done this, however, I heard a very warm, inviting voice call from the bath. "Mr. Duncan, would you be so kind as to come here? There is something I would like to ask you."

The voice of Sovia had beckoned me. Although I trembled in imagination at what I might see, I slowly stalked toward the adjacent room. I had never gazed upon the body of a maiden in my youth and I feared seeing a dragoness bare would simply confuse my perverse mind beyond repair. But, with a due sense of loyalty toward the woman I had come to revere, I crossed through the sill of the doorway and entered the bath.

Inside, my foresight was confirmed. The blanket had been unceremoniously thrown aside on the tile floor. In the bath sat the dragoness, her back turned. The basin had been made at a right angle to the wall. Small aqueducts directed water into the basin. Mr. Dunlop really did spare no expense.

"Ah, Mr. Duncan. Please, come closer," cooed Sovia. I moved toward her without delay. I knelt down by her, but far enough back so I could not see her anterior. She then turned only her head to face me and prepared to hand me a bar of soap. "Would you care to wash my back and wings? It is hard for me to reach them. And with you being a scholar of my kind's anatomy, you seem like the most adequate for the job."

I told her I would be honored and took the bar. As strange as it was to be washing her, I could imagine no greater task. Here I was, humbling myself before a goddess of mythology. By the mood of her voice, I could tell her crossness toward my ogling was either gone or simply non-existent. With dexterity and supreme concentration, I began to wash her, starting with her shoulders. The bar slid easily over her scales, leaving them with a gloss. Presently, I heard the dragoness speak again. "Very good. Lower, if you will."

I did so will. I moved the bar toward her shoulder blades, which I could sense were covered in a fine layer of muscle. I took the time to caress the groundings for her wings, which resembled battleflags raised proudly. Here I scrubbed gently and tenderly, as I knew they were a very important part of her figure. To damage or mistreat them meant to blemish her. My hands gently lathered these, as if her wings were the tablets on which the Commandments were inscribed. I could almost feel her power course through them.

"Mr. Dunlop was correct; you do have capable hands," teased the dragoness. I knew not whether to feel embarrassed or proud. I accepted the compliment with a few words of gratitude. But the dragoness again spoke, "The wings are finished, descend."

Again, a command. This did not maim, it only impelled me to continue the gallant deed. I moved to the small of her back, above her thrashing tail. For a moment, I felt the dagger-tip would slice me open, but then I saw it was quite like a second tongue, flexible and soft cartilage. After washing the curve of her back, I cleansed the base of her tail, which was below the water. To my surprise, this area of her body felt warmer than the others.

The dragoness giggled as I cleaned this particular part of her body. "You've done a fine job with my back," said she. "Now, would you like to see my front?" The dragoness stood up in the bath and turned round. I did not have time to issue my answer, but I was content with her choice.

Now, I can describe her true beauty. That rag she had worn earlier covered her far too much. Did the Renaissance masters cover up their works with a sheet when they had finished? Nay! In all my studies, I had never seen a dragon with breasts, but Sovia did possess them. These were not simple teats, either. They were plump, well-shaped tears, each capped with a black nipple.

I hadn't the slightest idea why a dragon would need breasts, but I did not complain. She had a smooth and slender belly, coated in gilded scales. Her leg muscles were trim and proportionate. Finally, a pair of black labium sat perfectly in the apex of her hips.

One look at her and my knees went weak. I nearly swooned, but I did manage to hold myself upright. Mine eyes were aflutter, trying to capture every detail possible about her body, trying to drink her in. What a splendid body she did possess! The soap slid from my hand; I had forgotten all other worldly things. Sovia was now the center of my complete and indivisible attention.

"Am I pleasing to you?" inquired the beauty.

I nodded profusely, much too overcome to utter a single syllable.

To this, she smiled. "What part about me is it you enjoy? Is it my curves?"

I nodded once.

"My breasts?"

I nodded a second time.

"My wings? My tail? My womanhood?"

I nodded a third.

"All these things?! Surely there must be some flaw?"

I shook my head once. I then told her there was great inner beauty there as well.

In response, she strode over to me. I fought the urge to step away. I feared her not because of her strength, but because I had never been in such proximity with a woman, not under the current circumstances, to say the least.

"I have shown you my body. Now you must show me yours," said the dragoness. My fright bloomed. She wanted me to disrobe? My body was not the most attractive, as a life of scholarship and not of sport was what I led. Presently I told her she was mistaken, that she did not want to see me naked.

"Oh! But I do!" exclaimed Sovia. "Even if a vessel of muscles you do not possess, I am sure your inner handsomeness will show itself. You were wise enough to look past my earthly features. I am sure I will be able to see the same."

Although my inner core protested in raging silence, slowly I began to undress for her. I dared not disobey Sovia. If this woman possessed the humility to show herself bare in front of a saucy male such as myself, surely she was within her rights to assume the same of me. First I removed my jacket and then my collared shirt.

Sovia eyed me daringly. For all I knew, she may have been pondering how my flesh tasted, but I seriously doubted her countenance was shaped by this. I let loose the tie that held my long hair back. It felt good to abandon my attire, I must say. I removed my belt while watching for her reactions.

Would she laugh at me? Would she reel at my homeliness? Slowly I dropped my pants and, finally, my undergarment. Now I stood exposed to the elements, the object of Sovia's gape. My cheeks flushed red. My gaze turned downward. I felt ashamed.

Presently I felt a claw-tipped finger being placed underneath my chin. With a supple movement of her finger, Sovia returned my gaze to meet hers. "You silly man. You say your body is gruesome. Nay, your vessel is a fine one. Besides, it is your heart which interests me most."

I hearkened to this with curiosity. At this point my lust for her was apparent, as my member had begun to take form. I shuddered and felt ashamed for being so inappropriate, but my instincts seemed to be evicting their designs.

Sovia noticed this and her reaction was significant, but not in the negative way in which I imagined. No, she looked excited to see that I was blossoming. "Of course, your heart isn't the only thing that interests me."

To this, I beamed. Sovia dropped to one knee so that her head was roughly positioned near my midsection. With adroit hands she grasped my member and began to stroke on it. Immediately I backed away. When I asked her what she could possibly be thinking, she merely laughed.

"You said you wished to study the dragon. Do you not wish to study the dragon's mating habits as well? Keep in mind; I have been alone for a very, very long time."

My arteries curled. Sovia, the clever girl, had found a way to associate my studies with the carnal arts. Devilish though it seemed, I slowly advanced back toward her. In truth, I did want to study the draconic mating ritual, but I had never even dreamed this would be the venue for such studies. And although my timidity gripped me, my body was wont to rejoin Sovia.

When I was in her reach again, I allowed Sovia to put her hands on me. Her touch was loving and caressing, I could feel no desire to hurt or to maim me. I winced and whimpered as she worked me with a skilled hand. It was somewhat like watching a potter work on a vase. I felt a thirst for satisfaction which had not arisen since the times of my adolescence. I grew to full form in her hands, as if she were a confectioner and I was taffy. Worry seemed to infect my pleasure, as her claw tips came dangerously close to searing my skin.

"Relax," commanded my goddess, "there is no need to fidget. I will take exceptional care of you, provided you return the favor." She said this last sentence with a grin on her face, to show me it was a tease rather than a threat. Even so, I tried to remain as still as possible as she worked. Using her opposable thumb and another of the lesser fingers, she formed a tight ring around my member and stroked, using her pinky to tickle my scrotum. I moaned when she did this, as I had never known the touch of a woman. My body was sexually weak, of this I was sure.

"Sensitive, aren't you?" chortled my new lover. "I can see that you've long suppressed your urges to mate. What a shame. Here you are, abstaining from sex when my race positively needs it!"

Her words were slick with humor, she was finding quaint excuses for us to dabble in our pleasure. But her words were few, as she went back to her work. This time, she lowered her head, and with her serpentine tongue, she lashed out gently towards the head of my length. I gasped at this, not out of shock, but out of the sensuality of such an action.

Before resuming, she softly teased, "You taste marvelous, Mr. Duncan. And I don't mean that in a cannibalistic way, either."

I chuckled but just as quickly began to sense the fiery feeling of her tongue lashing against my hardness. The ribbon felt like a silk bow, embracing me, holding me, pleasing me. I became lighted-headed as her marvelous tongue swept across me. I could scarcely keep my eyes open from the intensity of her tease. But when I did manage to pry my lids open wide enough, I saw the dragoness' countenance sparkle as she performed the task. It seems she was finally happy that a lover (though hardly a dragon) was in her company.

"Do you like this?" cooed she. "I'll gladly stop if it makes you uncomfortable."

I profusely begged her not to do such a thing.

Her response: a giggle. "Well, if you enjoy it that much, I might as well accommodate you."

I scarcely knew what that meant. But it was my destiny to find out. Once again she took to her licking, but then she opened wide her maw and brought her lips snug around my member. Wicked dreams flashed before me, for I felt as if the dragoness' intent was to devour me, but I quickly relaxed as I realized it was just another of Sovia's talents.

The feeling was exquisite. I felt Sovia tug on me gently with her lips, while tickling with the tongue. For a moment, I was positive that I could die happy at this precise moment. Sovia nursed upon me, while placing her hands around my buttocks to balance herself. Indeed, the act was one of balance. To steady myself I soon found my hands instinctively traveling to the back of the dragoness' head, not pushing, just resting.

This must have conveyed that my pressure was building, because Sovia received it well. She bobbed her head up and down my length, her dynamic muzzle more than capable of commanding the entire length. Soon, her lips were moving feverishly against me, not once parting, always clasping as if I were a prize too tempting to pass up. And I very may have well been.

I shook as the feeling of climax overtook me. Although not yet at the summit, I felt a warmth developing in my loins. I tried to warn Sovia of my imminent release, but she paid me no mind. She only continued with the process, as if she was beneath the water and craved the fresh air of the surface. Seeing as how I could not convince her to stop, I merely let go and allowed her to do as she pleased. Besides, I dared not cross Sovia.

When I felt as though my member was aflame, I released my seed. I knew not whether Sovia would be cross with me for having done so. But as I expelled, I saw her greedily drink it down with much enthusiasm. She reminded me of a child suckling. Finally, when I had expired, Sovia removed me from her mouth. She gave one last lick, as if savoring a morsel.

"As I speculated, you taste magnificent. Human males are so very...interesting."

I thanked her with a light heart. Although I was tired, I asked Sovia if she would like me to pleasure her. I knew nothing of the art, but knew I at least must try to be polite.

She pondered for a moment, "Not just this moment. I will wait until you regain your vigor. You will be more...animated. Come, let us retire to the bed."

So, naked, we both exited the washroom. I followed behind Sovia, so that I may see her luxurious form in motion. She caught me in the act and bent over to show me her glistening labia. "Would you like to draw me, Mr. Duncan?"

I admitted that I would, for several reasons. Although we both pretended it was the sake of research, we both smiled, knowing the true reason for our actions.

"Where would you have me?" asked the dragoness. "The sofa? Or perhaps the bed?"

The bed seemed ideal. So, with eloquence only a mistress such as she could possess, she reclined on the pillows, arms spread over the tops in order to display her impressive breasts and wings.

Upon retrieving my sketchbook and some professional materials, I sat down adjacent the beautiful dragon and began to sketch her. In my spare time, I would often draw dragons of the four-legged variety, but none compared to this. This would be my masterpiece! Sovia looked at me longingly as I sketched her over the course of a half-hour. I tried to collect as many details as possible, from the whip-like tail, to the color of her eyes, to the perfect curvature of her breasts.

When I had finished, I clambered onto the bed to show her the result. With exasperation, Sovia took the notebook. "Well done! You have done me a great service." She turned to me a kissed me on the cheek. It was affectionate and I enjoyed being endowed with such affections.

But then, something caught her eye. "Hmm, Mr. Dunlop does not take very good care of his book, does he?"

I became puzzled when she said this. What was she talking about? Leaving the bed and I, Sovia walked over to the bookcase, where a lone book protruded out amongst the others. I swore within my soul as I realized it was the book I had skimmed earlier, Karma Sutra. Sovia pulled the book from the case and cracked it open. Inside, she skimmed through the pages, her eyes showing clear signs of what lay on the pages therein.

Slowly, she turned her head toward me, "Were you reading this, Mr. Duncan?"

I confessed that I had been.

With a smile and a lustful tone, she gave me an ultimatum: "Well, then. If you were reading this, how about you perform what's inscribed on page seventy-one?"

She held the book up for me to see. There, was indeed page seventy-one. And on this page was inscribed an ornate sketch of a man pleasuring a female orally. Sovia crept over to the bed with a sinister look in her eye. The time for her to invoke the favor was now. But, being a man of my word, I steeled myself for the oncoming dragoness.

"Be proud, Mr. Duncan. You will be the first man ever to satisfy my appetites. The sexual ones, that is."

Although I became somewhat frightened as the "hungry" woman approached, I felt delightfully frivolous. My body had recovered from the affair in the washroom and my member once again grew rigid. As the dragoness climbed upon the bed, she laid face-down against the pillows, as if preparing for another massage and I the willing masseuse.

"I am ready if you are, Mr. Duncan."

When I asked her how I should proceed, she simply replied, "Surprise me."

Although this provided more confusion than help, I prepared for the task. Sovia had spread her legs to reveal her moist, black chalice. It was quite the magnificent sight. Though my knowledge of the female anatomy was not coupled with, shall I say, experience, I felt that Sovia's anatomy closely resembled, if was not was identical to, what any human maiden would possess.

So, with some nervous delay, I lowered my head and placed myself between her legs. Already, I could feel a cozy heat emanating from her body. A spicy, yet sensual and pleasant musk also could be detected. It almost smelled like toasted cinnamon, although I haven't the slightest clue as to why.

"Are you quite finished with exploring?" came the annoyed, but still amused, voice of the dragoness. "I'm becoming bothered." I assumed she used the word "bothered" in the sexual context, so I decided to commence my duties.

With a very timid pace, I allowed my tongue to rake past my teeth and, ever so slowly, I nibbled at one of her labia. Her taste was lovely. She tasted like some rare, exotic elixir, a delicacy to only the highest nobles. Soon, I outgrew my apprehensive pace and became more daring, greedy for more.

"Ah! Mr. Duncan! Yes, just like that!" called Sovia, who gave subsequent yips. I, meanwhile, took these vocalizations as encouragement, and continued. I did not push my tongue in too deep, not yet. Instinct told me it would play to my advantage if I drew out this little affair. I swept my tongue over the full length of her labium in several strokes, on occasion deliberately lapping at the clitoris.

I received a notable reaction for this: "Yes! Oh! Keep going, Mr. Duncan! You're better at this than I had envisioned!"

Her words gave me confidence. I continued what I had been doing before, but simply with more force and greater speed. Sovia's howls grew with more volume and frequency. I continued to just barely permeate her netherlips, scooping out small dollops of her feminine juices. To me, it seemed as if I was eating a ripe and luscious fruit, such as a peach.

However, Sovia relaxed a muscle unexpectedly and I, tongue and all, slid further inside her. I withdrew, as I nearly choked on the rush of fluid.

Sovia's head came around to see what had happened, "Oh! Are you alright? I'm sorry, but it's very hard to control those muscles when you are..."

I told her that she did not need to apologize and quickly went back to my work. But seeing as how I had finally dared to force my tongue inside her, I felt no need to start over. Using my fingers to separate those immaculate lips every so slightly, I drank from the lady's chalice, consuming all the nectar she secreted.

"Thirsty, aren't you?" joked Sovia. I would have laughed, had not my lips been flooded with her nectars at the moment. I must admit, the task was far more enjoyable than I had originally envisioned. Not only was I glad that I could make my partner feel so ecstatic when doing so, but I was glad I had finally broken from my bonds of naïve virginity.

Now that the coyness which had held me back had been removed, I took more vigor in pleasing the dragoness. I took larger and larger licks, indulging in her tangy and tart secretion. Cries of pleasure and excitement bubbled through the air as I greedily tickled her.

"Oh! Mr. Duncan, I did not know you had such vigor in you! Please, finish me." Obeying her lustful command, I hastened to harvest her juices, which only seemed to multiply exponentially as my pace increased . Her walls began to grow tight around my tongue as I brought her closer to the edge. And as I twirled my tongue over her soft, silken insides with one, final, generous lick, I felt her orgasm. She climaxed beautifully. Soon, I found myself choking down the tangy juice as it outpoured from her as if in a flood. For a moment, I feared I would drown.

But I most certainly did not. After a few seconds of heavy discharge, Sovia's orgasm exhausted itself and I was finally free to remove my tongue from her loins. As I moved away from her, the dragoness turned over to face me. Although exasperated from the orgasm, she gave a giggle. Seeing my perplexity at her snicker, she said:

"Your face! It's covered with my juices. I trust you liked that just as much as I did."

In response, I told her it was an honor to serve a dragoness.

"Aww, aren't you sweet? Come here, darling, rest with me awhile."

She opened her arms to me and I laid down next to her, resting my head upon her breast. She had never called me "darling" before now and I found respite in that. Maybe Sovia had similar feelings for me as I did her.

Everything felt frightfully romantic. We had just partaken in sex twice and I felt wonderfully scatterbrained. I kissed her on the cheek several times, depositing some of her own juices on her face, which she lapped up quickly with the serpentine tongue.

"So, this is the flavor I resemble? Mmmm, it's quite good, no?"

I nodded and gave a chuckle. I commented that she was "delicious".

"So were you," retorted Sovia.

For awhile, we cuddled together, naked. My hands had time to roam her body which they had lacked before. My fingertips took in every smooth scale, memorized every daring curve and sensed the sensitive warmth growing within her body.

"Are you fond of me, Mr. Duncan?"

In response to her question, I answered with a simple yes.

"I speak of course," said Sovia, "of romantic fondness. Although I know you are fascinated in me because of your studies, I had hoped that you would develop a more...amorous feeling toward me."

I told her that I had such a fondness and that I had been hoping the exact same of her.

"Normally, I wouldn't be so forward, but I have gone so long without companionship, I thought that I might die of a broken heart."

When I asked Sovia why she had not taken any interest in her rescuer, Mr. Dunlop, she gave me an answer I had not expected.

"Mr. Dunlop, though he was very kind to bring me here, regards me as a trophy and nothing more. I am simply, to him, another ornament upon his legacy. He is a nice man, there is no doubt. But his respect for me pales in comparison as opposed to you."

I thanked her for her kind words and we presently kissed again. Before long, however, I became aroused for the third time that evening. Sovia chuckled at this, for she too, had recovered from our escapade just a few moments ago.

"You know, we have yet to experience the...main act, if you will."

I too, now remembered that we had not taken part in the core position of the carnal arts.

"Yes," said she, "it is time to make fine use of that member of yours. After all, pleasuring you orally was fun, but this is the task it was made for. After all, we have a mission to fulfill."

When I asked what mission she referred to, she only chuckled and answered thus:

"Mr. Duncan, how would you like to be my mate? My body can use your seed just as well as the seed of a dragon. I am the last of the dragons. I will give myself to eggs if that will mean the survival of my species. After all, then we wouldn't need those silly storybooks any longer."

I was silent for a moment. Then, I smiled and obliged.

With a teasing smile, she gripped me with her clawed hand and drew me out to full form once more. And with her other arm, she guided me to a sitting position upon her waist.

"Now, I know many males enjoy being on the bottom, but I fear I may crush you if you did so. So, take me like this. Feel free to hold me wherever you wish, I am at your mercy."

Although Sovia was not much larger and no heavier than I, I believe she did this to see things her way. In this position, I would be in prime position to assure her the pleasures she desired. The dragoness guided my hands to her breasts, so that I may keep my balance while performing such a service. When I was secured and ready to take the plunge, Sovia slowly and gradually guided me to her awaiting gates.

The black, slick, glistening labium of the dragoness appeared to me as a sacred portal through which our joys would quickly multiply. As the tip of my member stroked against her gleaming netherlips, I quickly groaned with sexual aches of the wildest nature. Of course, Sovia was not without her outbursts, either. She quickly tensed as I intruded her, slowly and without haste.

Although my knowledge of the female anatomy is minute, I understood the pain women sometimes go through on their first bounce. Because Sovia had disclosed this was her first time indeed, I had no doubt we would need to move past a certain...obstacle.

As if she had peered into my mind with those magnificent eyes of hers, she whispered into my ear, "Do not be afraid of hurting me. For you, such pain is meaningless."

And with those words of feminine courage, Sovia wrapped her arms about my waist and pulled me into her passage. Indeed, her "cherry" strained against me. Sovia seemed determined, however, to see to it that this obstruction was no more and pressed me father into her.

She gave a cry as the seal finally gave way to the tremendous force, but this cry was one of joy, of finally feeling the introduction into womanhood.

"Do you feel?" asked Sovia, "The joys outweigh the pains. Finally, I am free of such tormenting bonds!"

Hearing Sovia's happy cries filled me with vigor and confidence. No longer filled with the dread of hurting the virgin dragon, I pushed myself farther into that delightful channel.

The emotions that filled my bosom were nearly impossible to describe and pen, but I have tried. I felt as though my member was encased in silken fabrics. I could smell her musk heavily in the air, as though our bedroom were a spice market in some exotic land. My chest shook, as I had fallen deeply and madly in love.

So, with a maddening and angry itch to experience those throes of climax, I began to move my hips. Sovia's nostrils flared as I did this, her breathing obviously shortening as the excitement grew more copious. Her wings, propelled by the seen and unseen forces of lust, wrapped about me in an embrace, as if to keep me close.

They functioned as would quilts, trapping warm air about my body. As I felt these marvelous, graceful forms about me, I became more and more heated. I felt myself slide within that silken passageway, slowly and with poise. That feeling was the radiance of my most hopeful dreams. My head swum with love and lust and ecstasy.

Sovia, feeling the similar tickle that the meeting of our hips had produced, craned her long neck and, with her magnificent scarlet tongue, lapped at my chin and nuzzled my shoulders. Every move we made was filled with love and lust for one another, as we had both been denied this assignation for far too long.

After her affectionate nibbles began to bore her, Sovia took to kissing me. It was an amazing feeling to feel the warmth of sex float about my hips while the gifts of love overtook my head and bosom. Her tongue and mine danced about wildly as we linked. Our bodies had formed a circle, a cycle at the hip and at the mouth. Her pleasure was mine; and mine was hers.

"Mr. Duncan! Oh!" cried my Sovia as the warmth between our bodies began to assimilate. "It almost hurts!"

Indeed, the pleasure was intense. In fact, upon glancing down at my hands, which had found their rightful place upon Sovia's breasts, I noticed my veins were spiked with adrenaline. Oddly enough, I felt no strain, no weakness of the Earthly kind. I only felt the need to press on and to pass on my seed. But first, a little more enjoyment, I thought.

My hands, which had up to this point been resting upon Sovia's breasts, were now required to come away from their momentary slumber and serve me. Although they shook from the sheer ecstasy gathering in my loins, I managed to control them to an extent that they proved useful to me.

Utilizing my thumbs, I manipulated Sovia's teats in small, circular motions. Truly, her breasts were the most magnificent mammaries I had ever laid eyes on. They yielded to my touch, though they were still firm. My memory alluded back to the days whence I would watch my mother neatly roll bread dough. My efforts were soon rewarded with the dragoness' gasp, "Mr. Duncan! I didn't think you would be so ambitious!"

In truth, I had not believed so either. But I moved forward with my task, not daring to back down now. Using several of my fingers, I took those delicate buds and rolled them, swiveled them, even pulled on them. In doing so, I had created a third link between our bodies, allowing our pleasure to grow hotter and all the more wild.

Sovia's wings tightened around me. In doing so, she brought me closer so that she could whisper in my ear. "You shall give rise to a new era of dragons, Mr. Duncan. Be proud, your efforts will restore my race if anyone can."

I suddenly knew my solemn duty. Sovia had selected me to father of her hatclings. I now understood her intent and the reason for all this promiscuous behavior. I possessed the materials she required; the seed and the knowledge in order to successfully bring a young dragon into life. "Please," beseeched Sovia, "it is up to you, grrr, and I to repair the stains of, oh! time. Be my hero, Mr. Duncan! Give me that which, argh! I need!"

I had been handed a great gift and responsibility. With renewed conviction, I set a new pace to which our hips swayed. She needed me; and I her. The fire within me burned intensely, stronger than actual flame, I would believe. My mouth went dry and my bosom grew heavy. I could feel every arduous beating of my heart, like the rhythm of drum's tattoo. I forced my hips to match this tempo, but I only found that as my pleasure grew greater, my heart beat faster and, in turn, made my hips move with a great pace.

This dizzying cycle took its toll; I soon began to feel the oceanic sway of orgasm approaching. I felt liquid fire assail my member as my orgasm approached. I could scarcely believe I was about to become the father of a dragon! Sovia urged me on, hands and wings wrapped tightly about me, as if to keep me there. She needn't have done this; I would never leave her, not then, not now.

Sovia groaned and squealed as I delved into her. My pace had groan furious as I strove for depth, speed and rigor. Hard, fast and deep. That is what my dragoness wanted and that's what she would most certainly get.

"Mr. Duncan! Oh! I'm going to cum!"

Indeed she did. With a few more generous humps, I felt Sovia's gates release, unleashing the torrent they held back. And as those calming elixirs bubbled about my length, I too gave in to the fiery pleasures that had gained a hold of me. I felt a rush of my seed go forth into Sovia's womb, which was all too eager to receive me.

The ecstatic burning feeling soon subsided to a dull, yet pleasurable luster. Our breathing was labored from pleasure and from hard work. Slowly, I pulled away my member from the dragoness, relishing the warmth and silkiness as I did so.

I rested beside Sovia, who pulled a blanket over me. "Goodnight, my sweet. You've done me a great charity."

I told her how much I loved her and how willing I was to be the father of her offspring.

"I know, my love. You're such a good little boy. Now rest. Tomorrow is another day with which to manifest our love."

And rest I did.

For the subsequent days, I remained at Mr. Dunlop's abode, pretending to study Sovia. In actuality, I mated with her whenever the opportunity was to our avail. I loved her and she loved me in return. But as my days at Mr. Dunlop's palace drew to a close, a certain sadness filled my heart. I did not wish, nor care nor want to leave Sovia, the mother of my unborn children.

What I did not know, was that Sovia had bartered for her freedom. Sovia told a little lie when she told me dragons do not guard treasure. It seems the cave she dwelt in was a mine of precious stones, with rich veins and untapped quantities of gold and silver and diamond and ruby.

In exchange for presenting him with the mine, Sovia and I left the walls of Dunlop Abbey, hand in hand, and heart in heart. Now we await the birth of our young and the new age of the dragon.

I will end this narrative now, as I do not wish to bore you with petty details. But know this, my reader: This world is full of wonder. Some may call you brash and others may rebuke you, but do not be afraid to go in search of it. It took a dragon to teach me these things. They are lessons I shall surely never forget.

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