Elk Meat

Story by JPistol on SoFurry

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The teenage lion stepped onto the front porch of his new house and stood there for a moment. He heavily inhaled, taking in the fresh, dewy scent of the neighborhood he had just moved into. A contented smile grew on his face, so vast that his cheeks almost covered his eyes. He thoroughly observed the cul-de-sac, watching every blue jay that flew past and examining every floret departed from its mother dandelion fluttering about in midair over his head. Today was a gorgeous day.

Jesse was a short cub, but his upper body strength and built chest made up for it. He enjoyed working out so much, it was practically a sport to him. But today he wouldn't immediately trail off to the gym at the first glimpse of a cloud. No, today was a day for lying in the lawn, letting the ladybugs crawl all over his arms, and letting the grass blades brush against his forming mane. Jesse's pectorals were rock hard, stone thick, and already sweating. In fact, they were so overloaded, his nipples felt like they were about to pop like zits from the mighty pressure pushing them to the edge of the muscle. He had a glossy six-pack that attracted many teenage girls and some guys as well, and his arms were bulging with hearty muscle. He'd worked for years to get this body, and finally when his goal had been realized, he was goddamn proud of it.

He lived with his father, who though he wasn't quite as in shape as his son, could still rip the head off of a running zebra while running himself with his hands. Jesse's father had a strong prejudice towards any animal or mammal lower than him on the food chain and only saw them as a main course. He'd been fired from his previous construction job because of this, (he'd bitten the shoulder of a prairie dog co-worker) and from then had to work from home in a not-as-demanding, and incidentally higher-paying networking job. And that's what got him this brand new house in this brand new neighborhood. Back at his old place, the aggressive lion hardly ever left the house. He'd trusted Jesse with the groceries whenever he made a trip to the gym, and because of this gradually reduced labor, he'd really let himself go and all the muscle that had once gleamed so attractively on his chest and arms was now nothing more than piles of fat blanketing his crotch and forearms.

Jesse's father didn't know any of their neighbors and neither did he. He just never took the time to pay one of them a visit. He was surprised that he didn't see any of them out mowing their lawns on this especially beautiful day. Did they know who his father was? Probably not. The whole shoulder-biting incident had only struck the entire county they lived in and maybe a couple people in the next county, but that was it. Otherwise, he was just a bright, handsome young trooper starting a new life in a new town where no one knew him, and thinking of this made him breathe a sigh of relief.

His stomach grumbled and he pressed a paw against it. Luckily, he'd packaged himself some elk meat sandwiches in a brown paper bag before he proceeded outside. Elk meat had always been Jesse's favorite poultry item ever since he first tasted it when he was a young cub. And his dad had caught so many elk before he got his seclusive job that it seemed a sin to let it go to waste, so Jesse sliced up a little every day and chowed down on the delicious meat.

Jesse lied in the cool wet grass, fished out a sandwich from the bag, and sunk his teeth right into it. He'd slapped the meat in between two slices of authentic Italian bread and they added some salty zest to the scrumptious taste of the sandwich.

Before the lion could take another bite, an older male called to him from the next yard.

"That looks good," he stated. "What is that, zebra meat?"

"Uh, yeah," Jesse carelessly responded. He wasn't nerved by the voice, just a tad startled.

"Mmm. Can I have a bite?" the faceless neighbor asked.

"Yeah," Jesse again thoughtlessly answered. He hadn't even seen the guy's face and he'd already invited him over to his yard? Although rationally frightening, this thought didn't irk Jesse as much it would've if he were a weaker animal. But he was a lion, king of the jungle, and the top of the food chain. The worst this guy could be was a human, but Jesse could easily take him down if he wasn't carrying a shotgun or a spear.

Jesse sat up as his neighbor joined him and revealed his biological identity. He was an adult elk, a species that hadn't even crossed the lion's mind. He became wide-eyed as the elk walked closer and sat down beside him, and under his breath he reflexively muttered, "Oh shit." Yet he handed his neighbor the sandwich and the elk cocked his brow when he saw the lion's shocked expression.

"Don't worry, I'm not carrying any diseases," the elk said with a smile and took a bite out of the sandwich. However, diseases weren't Jesse's concern. What he was worried about was whether or not the elk would recognize the taste of his own species in the sandwich he had just bitten into. The thought hadn't even crossed his mind as to why the elk wanted to eat zebra meat in the first place. As the elk chewed the meat with a blank look on his face, Jesse couldn't help but nervously sweat. That's when he caught a faint glimpse of the elk's moderately buff build. He was in good shape to say the least. Not too fearsome-looking, and certainly not as built as he, but just built enough to be wildly sexy, even to Jesse. With this mouth-watering sight, Jesse worked his eyes down to the elk's lower body, which was unfortunately covered with a pair of blue jeans. He heard a muffled gulp and darted his gaze back up to the elk's face, and he was now handing the sandwich back to the lion with a comforting smile on his face.

"I love me some zebra meat, man," the elk chuckled as Jesse took back the sandwich and relaxed his nerves. Clearly this guy didn't know his poultry, but that was a good thing for Jesse's sake. This elk was much bigger than him and Jesse envisioned a short scenario in his mind as he set the sandwich on the ground in which the elk pummeled him with a single tackle.

"So you just moved here, huh?" the elk asked Jesse. The look on his face was so settling and kind, Jesse swore he spotted a twinkle in the animal's eye. "You just move here, bud?"

Jesse realized he'd been hesitating. "Oh yeah, yeah," he responded.

"You a little nervous, champ?" the elk grinned. "Don't worry. I won't bite. I'm actually concerned about you with that."

"Oh, I won't bite either," Jesse answered with a brief chuckle.

"Cool. So I guess we're friends then."

"Yeah. Uh...I'm Jesse." Jesse held out his paw and the elk gave another one of his crowd-pleasing smiles and shook it.

"Uh...I'm Vincent." The two let go of each other and the elk caught Jesse hesitating again. "Nice to meet you, Jesse."

Jesse snapped out of his trance again and quickly responded to Vincent. "Nice to meet you too, Vince."

"Vince. I like that." Vincent rested a hoof on Jesse's shoulder and the lion jumped a bit, surprised at how heavy the hoof was. "So what were you planning to do all day, Jesse?"

"Oh, you know. Just lie in the grass, look at the clouds, eat my lunch...typical shit."

"Could we watch the obscenities, please?"


"Hey, it's all right," Vincent laughed and patted his neighbor's neck. "Well, if you don't mind, you could come and hang out in my house for the afternoon. We could drink some tea and pray together." Vincent paused for a moment and gave Jesse a fixed look. "You worship the lord Jesus, right?"

"Oh yeah," Jesse replied even though he never really cared for religion. There was just something about this striking elk that demanded a "yes" as an answer to every question.

"That's awesome, man," the elk said and made a sign of the cross on Jesse. "I gotta tell ya, Jesse, it sure is refreshing to be living next door to a fellow Christian. I'm sure you must feel the same way. Sadly, in my old neighborhood, it was a different story. Almost everyone in the county was either an Atheist or a Jew. But that's not for us, is it? We love Christ, the lord and savior, right?"

"Yeah. Go Jesus!"

Vincent let out a loud chuckle and shot his arm up in the air. "Go Jesus!"

Jesse did the same even though he disagreed with everything he just mindlessly uttered.

Vincent put his arm down and stood up. "So, you wanna go inside?"

"Yeah," Jesse responded for about the tenth time in the last five minutes. He jumped to his feet and followed the handsome elk into his house. Even though Jesse's spiritual beliefs were seriously lacking, he would let this guy convert him in a second, if anyone.

Vincent ran onto the front steps and opened the screen door to his air-conditioned home. Jesse stepped inside and felt a swift breeze of cool air wash over his face. "Oh my God!" he delightedly yelled.

"Oh my gosh," Vincent censored him. Jesse had wanted to say 'Oh my fucking God', but he feared that would infuriate the elk and get him kicked out of this wintery haven. And he certainly didn't want that. Right now, he was as close to heaven as he could get, if it existed. This sexy, strong elk had just invited him into his lovely, air-conditioned home in which they were going to spend the entire afternoon together. Jesse appreciated as much of the frequent cool breezes blowing back the fur on his face and mane as he could and followed an excited Vincent into the kitchen.

Vincent had an eager skip in his step as he entered the room and he reached into a glass cabinet to get two cups for him and his guest. "I gotta tell ya, Jesse, I've never had someone come over and pray with me before."

"Well, you have now," Jesse reflexively replied and smiled.

Vincent seemed to ignore the cliche comment, and Jesse was kind of glad that he did. "What flavor do you want?"

"Oh, whatever's fine."

"All right, pumpkin spice it is." Vincent grabbed two pumpkin spice-flavored tea bags and proceeded to make his guest and himself some hot tea. From that point, the afternoon carried on pretty smoothly. The two drank their tea and talked about their lives before moving to this neighborhood, and afterwards retired to the living room, where they prayed together for over an hour to a giant golden crucifix hung in the center of the wall, surrounded by various framed pictures of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, St. Francis, etc. It took Jesse a few tries to get the Holy Mary and Our Father prayers down, but he adlibbed most of the words behind Vincent's booming, passionate voice.

Fifteen minutes later, they finished and Vincent made the closing sign of the cross and stood up. Once he did this, Jesse sarcastically muttered to himself, "Thank Christ", relieved that the seemingly everlasting ordeal had at last come to a close. Unlike Vincent, he stayed on the floor and leaned his furry head back against an arm of one of his couches.

"You don't have a TV, do you?" Jesse queried.

"I don't need one, my son," the elk replied with a self-important delivery. "So what do you wanna do for the rest of the afternoon? We got at least 3 hours before sundown."

It instantly came to Jesse, and he did it. He sat up and zipped Vincent's pants down. He pulled them down to his feet and began tenderly kissing his sheath. His furry, wet lips smooched the elk's wondrous genitalia and he slowly moved down to his balls and opened his mouth and swallowed them. He started sucking the glorious, sweaty testicles, massaging both with his flat, long tongue and gulping down every drop of sweat that descended off of them and onto the surface of his tongue. The elk didn't make any pleasured grunts or moans, but he didn't stop him either. It was only a matter of time before Vincent achieved a throbbing, red erection and tapped Jesse on the top of the head to inform him. Jesse stopped sucking and looked up at his face, but his view was blocked by a hard, dripping wet cock only an inch above his head.

"Well?" Vincent sensually whispered. "Are you gonna suck it or not?"

Jesse grinned and took the balls out of his mouth, which were now dripping with thick saliva, and swallowed the elk's cock and began to slowly and passionately blow him. The tip of the elk's delicious, warm dick rubbed against his pallet and he gagged for a brief second, but held it back and tried to swallow more of the 14-inch dick. Pretty soon, he'd gotten it in up to the knot and he bathed the shaft in a thick, hot pool of saliva. As his tongue cupped the underside, Vincent fired a strand of pre at the lion's throat and he lustfully swallowed and began to moan as he continued to blow him. Vincent moaned as well, timing his moans to be a second apart from Jesse's. Jesse showered Vincent's dick with wave after wave of saliva, and with each wave, Vincent shot another strand of pre at his throat. He was just ready to cum, but he saved it. He wanted his guest to savor every flavor and texture of his cock as he took his sweet time sucking it. Jesse moved his lips onto the elk's knot and wrapped them around it. Now his entire dick was in the lion's mouth and Jesse's moans got louder as the cock got hotter. Saliva gathered at the corners of Jesse's mouth and dripped from his lips onto the elk's sheath and balls, dampening the fur and increasing the pleasure of the wonderful blowjob for both him and the elk. He felt the elk trying to hold his inevitable orgasm back, so he sped up his sucking and pressed the cock up against his pallet with his tongue, sucking on it forcefully like a popsicle. He even made the slurping sounds. But it only took one slurp to break Vincent and make him release his cum into Jesse's mouth. He fired his first glob of sperm onto Jesse's tongue and seconds later, more globs followed and smacked against the back of the ecstatic lion's throat and tongue. The cum even coated his teeth, and Jesse swallowed every marvelous, piping hot glob ravenously. A minute passed, and Vincent finished his orgasm and made a satisfied moan. Jesse sucked every last drop of cum from the elk's dick and finally took it out of his mouth as it began to submerge itself back within his sheath. As soon as Jesse released Vincent from his mouth, the elk fell back onto his couch and panted exhaustedly. Jesse stayed on his knees on the floor, awaiting Vincent's next instruction, if he had one.

"That was quite a blowjob, Jesse," Vincent chuckled and let out another sigh. The couch made a creaking sound as he leaned forward and stood on his feet again. "Are you ready to sin, boy?"

Jesse held his tongue at first, but then decided to come out with it. "Fuck yeah."

Vincent didn't even bat an eyelash at Jesse's "obscenity". He just stared seductively into Jesse's eyes and smiled. "You teenagers, always cursing. Well, you're on the right track." With that, he crouched down, grabbed Jesse by the mane, and locked lips with him in a tongue-filled, warm kiss. Both animals closed their eyes and embraced each other, licking each other's tongues and grabbing each other's asses. Vincent set his hoof on one of Jesse's pecs and gradually descended to his sheath, which was sporting a young, hardening dick. The elk jammed his tongue down Jesse's throat and pushed his muzzle as far into the lion's as he could. He was now licking the lion's tonsils and stroking his cock. He figured he was lucky enough to have the teen consent in sex, so he wanted to keep him as horny as he could for as long as he could. Vincent ripped his tongue out of the lion's throat at such a rapid pace, it made him gag. Then he spun around, bent over, and lifted up his tail. Jesse was about to move in and fuck his neighbor, but Vincent stopped him and ordered, "Take that big golden crucifix off the wall for me."

Jesse did so and grabbed the crucifix and ran back over to the elk with it. "I wanna stretch myself out," he stated and proceeded to shove the crucifix up his ass like a dildo. The crucifix was cylindrical, so it couldn't have been more perfect. He pushed it in as deep as he could, and when he finally reached Jesus' feet, he pulled it out halfway and shoved it back in again. He kept doing this until he achieved another boner, and pulled out the crucifix completely and tossed it to the side. "All right. I'm ready for ya, Jesse."

Jesse resumed his position behind the elk and climbed on top of him and plunged his dick into his ass. He inserted it up to the knot, paused, and shoved that in as well. Vincent painfully moaned but Jesse didn't notice. He was balls deep in this elk and he was already thrusting back and forth inside his bowels. Vincent kept moaning but didn't stop the lion as he plowed his thick, hard, 10-inch dick into his asshole. With every thrust, he sped up the pace and his meaty balls smacked against Vincent's every time he plunged forward. With this rapid pace, any other animal would've easily came by now, but goddammit, Jesse was a lion. He was king of the jungle, top of the food chain, and most of all, master elk fucker. If his dad were there, he would be feeling immense pride by watching his son destroy this elk's intestinal system.

The lion's beating cock hurt inside his ass, significantly more than the crucifix, but Vincent sucked it up and took every plunge like a champ. The notion that kept him going was that it would soon be his turn again, and he'd saved up something special for it. Finally, Vincent began to numb up and receive pleasure from the assfucking, and he coordinated his hip movements with Jesse's thrusts and let out pleasured moans. He breathed quiet 'oh's that soon escalated into loud, joyous screams. Jesse's dick had gotten hotter and harder, and his weakened pace let the buck know that he was about to fire his load all over his bowels.

Vincent ceased his screams and ripped Jesse's ready-to-burst dick from his ass, spun around, and ran over to a small cupboard next to the couch, all in a split second. Jesse was leaning back against the couch, awestruck and not completely sure what had just happened while Vincent reached into the drawers of the cupboard and pulled out a belt. He rushed over to Jesse and tied the belt around his dick and balls and squeezed it tight.

"This oughta hold ya," Vincent muttered as he tightened the belt, eventually turning both Jesse's balls and cock completely blue. He continued to tighten the belt until the lion's genitals looked like they were about to snap off and pushed him to the floor. Jesse was wide-eyed and whimpering at this point, and Vincent hovered his ass over his muzzle and whispered, "Open wide." Jesse obeyed and opened his mouth wide as Vincent started to shit into it.

A few hours later, Jesse left the elk's place and walked back over to his. Vincent had pissed on him several times, so his fur was damp, his mouth tasted and his breath reeked of shit, which Vincent gave him a full belly of along with cum, and his dick and balls ached and were still leaking excess cum forcefully held back by the belt into his shorts. But his father would only notice the damp piss fur if he even acknowledged his cub when he returned home.

Jesse entered his humid, un-air-conditioned house and wiped his forehead, which was now leaking sweat. He walked into his room, which was located across from his father's. Usually the reserved lion had his door closed, but today it was wide open. He noticed his son arriving home late and walking into his room and stopped him with a question.

"Where were you all day?" he asked.

"The gym," Jesse quickly covered.

His dad began to sniff the air and winced at the foul odor emerging from Jesse's fur. "Something smells like piss."

"Oh yeah, I got into a fight...at the gym. There was watersports involved."

"Watersports? I thought that was only in gay sex."

"Yeah, the dude was a little freaky."

Jesse's father nodded it off and Jesse proceeded into his room. He was stopped when his foot was in the doorway by another question.

"So how did you enjoy that elk?"

Jesse's heart began to beat nervously until he realized what his father meant. "Oh! Oh, oh yeah. It was...it was really good. Really, really good." A satisfied smile grew on his face as he thought about Vincent and how he too was really, really good. He said good night to his father and walked into his room and shut the door.

An hour later, Jesse slowly opened his door, thinking that his father would be asleep. But his light was still on and Jesse witnessed his father jacking off to porn on his computer. Instead of sinking back into his room like he normally would have, Jesse carefully crept out of his room and walked into his father's. Without waiting for the lion to see his son peripherally and immediately stop, Jesse stealthily walked over to his dad and set a paw over the hand that was stroking his dick.

"Here," he sensually breathed. "Let me do it." His father let go of his penis and Jesse fell to his knees, crawled under the computer desk, and took his dad's hard cock into his muzzle and started sucking him off.

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