Bad Puppy: Chapter One, Entwinement & Eternity
#2 of Bad Puppy
This story is a work of erotic gay horror (fiction) that contains scenes of underage sex and species transformation between father & son. It is purposely designed to shock, arouse & offend. Do not view this material in areas that frown upon such things in a legal context. No reproduction or redistribution is allowed without the author's written consent. Feedback / style / grammar tips, are encouraged & appreciated. [email protected]
Bad Puppy
by OldeWoof
Chapter One: Entwinement & Eternity
I never heard the gun go off. I just recall a darkness, then detachedly drifted over my body, which was sprawled out on the floor below. My suicide: the result of the bone cutting loneliness and despair I had felt, after having murdered my son-- or what used to have been my son. Flashes of the the upright, black furred monster he had become, and the bloody, skinless creature I buried, suddenly assaulted my mind. I was so confused... The pelt must have somehow clouded my thinking whenever I was near it. And my son... The damn thing seemed to have tainted everything it touched. That had to explain why I had become so uncontrollably aroused whenever I was around my boy. How else could I have allowed my son's feral addictions to consume him? And now I floated, alone.
Settling downwards, drifting closer to the floor, I willed myself to stand upright in the bedroom. Everything was still exactly where I had left it. It was unnerving looking at the face of my physical body; with its open eyes, the back of the neck and skull having been blasted out. Brains and blood painted the bedroom wall like a Jackson Pollock. What had I done? Was this my final legacy? I sunk to my knees in despair. Slowly, the light from the windows began to dim, and the room cooled noticeably. A strange fog seemed to creep into the house, obscuring sharp details. I shivered.
I turned towards the living room, surprised to hear what I thought was my son's voice, calling out to me. I ran into the living room and frantically looked around. The wooden tinder box I had emptied and put the vile pelt in, was glowing slightly, giving off a blueish glow. I could sense the strange energies swirling and flickering in the air around it.
"Dad? Where are you?!?!?"
It was Shawn! My poor lost child, his spirit come back to find me in the afterlife... My heart swelled as the idea of being reunited with him once again, swept over me, making my spirit both soar & tremble with joy. I had to find him...
"Shawn! It's me, your Dad! WHERE ARE YOU????"
"I'm right here, father..." The room seemed to have faded into an ethereal mist, where shadowed figures of what looked like silhouetted, out of focus people, were milling about. They were too deeply blurred and indistinct to identify. It was almost as if an aloof audience had gathered, yet I could not make out their interests nor intentions. Then I heard my boy's youthful voice again, but much nearer this time.
"Mom says she's disappointed in you. The others won't come to greet you, after what you've done... They say your suicide binds you here, keeping you from passing on."
Turning towards the sound of his meek voice, my boy suddenly appeared behind me, smiling up at me in a slightly sly sort of way. I ignored the weird expression, grabbed him roughly; hugging my boy tightly as glowing tears of sadness sparkled in the dying light of the room. It felt so good being reunited. His energy buzzed and tickled playfully at mine as we held a deep, sobbing embrace. For a moment, I thought I heard the shadowy audience that had gathered around us sigh, almost approvingly. After what seemed like an eternity, I pulled back to gaze upon my son's features. His mousy blond hair was playfully tousled, sticking up just as it always used to do, in the back. Large cow-brown eyes stared back at me, literally seeing into my very soul. Shawn's pale body was still small and lanky, looking just as if it had the day he first pulled the hide down off the wall. No blood or bullet holes could be seen, anywhere. Tears welled in my eyes and I crushed him tightly to my chest again. Composing myself, I pulled back, trying not to show further emotion in front of my boy.
"What about your Mother? Where is she? I have so many questions..."
"We missed you so much, father. We've been waiting forever for you to join us..." His hand pulled the zipper of his baggy blue jeans down, pulling out his dick. It was unnaturally bigger than it should have been, as he started to stroke its expanding length lewdly in front of me. The ghostly crowd seemed to ooh and aah, as if disturbed or excited at the sight. It wasn't clear to me.
"U... Us?" I stammered, confused.
"It's so good to finally have you here..." he panted, ignoring the question. His cock continued to grow and thicken as he stroked; the skin around it plumping up and quickly furring over with soft blond fuzz that matched his hair. The familiar flared mushroomed tip of his member merged back into the fleshy sides. It was the only area that didn't begin to sprout fur. "You have no idea what this feels like, old man. We waited forever to share this with you..." He stepped closer to me, my own dick beginning to ache powerfully, delaying any reaction of mine as he dropped his now huge, maturing animal-like tool. He let it swing like a horse's, cutting wide arcs in the gathering mist. Someone in the vaporous audience softly giggled, others gasped in further shock or disgust. Another clapped. Unphased, he quickly lunged and pulled my cock free of my pants, with both tiny hands. Once it was exposed, he bent down and began licking at my tip like a thirsty dog. Dear God, it felt so good. I hardened instantly in response. A growing murmuring could be heard all around me.
"Us?" I blinked, and echoed blankly, while he nursed my swelling sex just like a newborn pup. A slow ember of concern flickered vaguely at my consciousness, as my urges built. "Since when have you ever called me, 'Old Man' before?" The boy slowed his ministrations, then stood back up, wiping his chin of saliva and his sly grin. His big stiffening dick was now rising to point and bob straight at my belly.
"Yes. Us, old man. As the boy roamed in the pelt of the wolf, the animal grew in the flesh of the child. Over time, they willingly surrendered into each other and thus, I became." His breathing deepened as he softly reached out and fondled my aching hardness with his small, soft hand again. It felt so good, and I yearned for his touch more than I would have ever thought possible, given the situation. With each loving caress of the being in front of me, I saw flashes of countless days and nights intimately spent between Shawn and myself. In these snapshots, there was never any guilt or shame, no matter what we did. There was only the pervasive feeling of unconditional love that I most remembered.
Gasping lustily, he pulled my cock tip up, aiming it at the threshold of the long slit that had formed at the entrance to his now chubby sheath. A warm energy seeped out the naked, wet threshold, as he pressed closer into me. The ends of our throbbing dicks kissed wetly while the fuzz on his doggy dork lengthened visibly. More pores formed deep within the darkening skin, allowing long & course guard hairs to rise up, shading his developing animalhood to an inky black. Faint moans of disapproval flickered in the voices and hazy atmosphere around us. Then another question began to form in my mind, as I slowly digested what Shawn had just told me. But the child continued to distract me with his warm, slick hand on my needy penis... Whatever I had been just thinking, evaporated as I watched.
"Pups... Pack..." he moaned. The older looking young man now before me, began to slowly hump, rubbing our hard lengths together, wetly. His voice dropped a tad lower as he continued. "The bitch would have birthed us strong cubs. But you returned early. Interrupted our mating..." His humping deepened, seemingly more urgent, primal. A flicker of a snarl crossed my son's face. "So angry. The change, blending..." He stroked the black furring dong faster as it lengthened and passed the 12 inch mark. "Hunger... New change hurt. Then we remembered, bloody chickens. You killed part of us, before... So angry. Not yet one, our rage grew." The boy's free hand reached up and softly touched my face, as if he were sorry for something. It felt almost as if he were saying goodbye to me, yet his body showed no signed of leaving. My son's other hand kept smearing the increasing stream of pre all over my throbbing pole, completely wetting it. The building pleasure helped me ignore the brightening amber in his eyes as he sadly stared at me. A sly smile returned to his face. Musky drops dripped off like glowing fireflies, into the astral void around us. Airy voices whispered in undecernable chatter amongst themselves.
Not fully comprehending what my child was saying, I blurted out, "I didn't mean to kill you, Shawn!." I gasped for more air, searching for the right words to say, but there were none. "I didn't want to shoot you! God, I'm so sorry..." I started crying and slowly humped back into the boy's hairier, more meaty hands during the ceaseless sensual stroking. The feeling of his fur against my skin made the tiny hairs on my body raise. Shivering, covered with goosebumps, I moaned deeply as the tears slowed. My soul once again reveled in being so close and intimate with my boy again, while the growing haze of passion completely clouded my judgment; blinding me to his strange thoughts and actions. I suddenly realized I wanted the beast again; to fuck him, and him me; to hold that cherished piece of loving wildness close to me forever. My trembling hands clasped his softly popping shoulders as I tried to steady myself from the stimulation he was giving me. My breathing became ragged, matching his, as the body before me swelled beneath his now tight, constricting clothes. Twitching muscles erratically churned, slowly hardening into new shapes, just beneath the taught fabric. I happily anticipated what would happen next, as drool threaded out from the corners of my open mouth...
"Trapped. Angry. Starving. We feed on her flesh... There was no choice. It eased the pain." growled the boy who now looked continually more masculine than he did a moment ago. An elongating pink tongue flopped thickly down his scruffy chin. The black facial hair already looked like 3 days of dense beard growth, but was much longer on the sides of his squaring jaw, giving his face a wider, wilder look. Suddenly, he used both of his larger hands to align our cocks end to end, as he stood up on tiptoes. With a bass growl and a single, powerful thrust from my son's deepening pelvis, my cock was shoved smoothly inside the tight, heated wetness of his canine container. I moaned and slumped forward, wrapping my arms around my son, as his clothes began to audibly stretch, tear and rip. Powerful new bone & lupine muscle covered in soft fuzz, started to spill out of the gaps in his clothes. We directly humped against each others cocks, faster and faster, savoring the vascular texture of each other. His intense body heat soaked into my shaft. I could feel the raw animal muscle hidden by his sheath throb and pulse bigger and bigger, pressing harder against my sensitive cock. I relished every raised vein on the slick surface of his maturing beasthood.
The quivering mass of muscles that exploded from the tattered remains of the child's garments looked nearly like a hairy bodybuiler, but its thick neck continued to stretch and push out into canine shape, bobbing and popping as it went, lifting the elongating head and short, rounded puppy-like snout to tower up over me, and point skyward. Once the neck loudly cracked into a new pivot at the base of the skull, the predator's toothy mouth and stomach laid connected in a single straight line. The large wolfish head that was still forming, tilted its black chin down to harshly pant stale animal breath at me. I watched the larger lupine teeth slide into position as his mouth made room for them. Huge clawed feet burst from small tennis shoes, hairy hocks forced knees to bend & bulge, shifting their proportions for heavily muscled haunches. Our cocks, still docked, let me sense the growing beast's member form a thickening bone inside its core. The bestial flesh pulsed and hardened even more, seeking its final, feral form. I couldn't hold back anymore, orgasming, then howled in a blaze of light and glory; like never before. Pumping repeatedly, my cock filled the animal's maleness with my love and energy as we both labored to sensually grind against each others mismatched members. At that same moment, someone in the audience screamed. It sounded like the voice of my dead wife... Oddly, I felt no embarrassment from this outburst of uninvited voyeurs. My hips broke their steady rhythm and the last of my thick spunk shot into the tightening sleeve of the animal, while I freely gave it the last of what I could muster...
"That's it little human... Feed me your essence..." moaned the half-formed beast whose sinuses shoved out further in a series of sharp cracks & crunching sounds. Mucus dripped from it rough, twitching nostrils while thick whiskers pulsed and stuck out from the furred dark flesh, to stand like 100's of stiff erections around its wolfish brows and lengthening muzzle. Large lupine ears slowly rose to the sides, poking up over a flattening forehead, almost like the horns of a great demon.
"Wha... What do you mean, human? I'll always be your father.." I panted. "I love you so much, Shawn..." I didn't immediately question how the creature was suddenly speaking so clearly through the awkwardness of the transformation. Then I heard a deep, directionless laugh. Shawn had never been able communicate that clearly during the heat of change before. Then I heard the rumbling voice in my head again, while its body finished the last of its major changes to its wider, stretching torso. Multiple nipples rose like half dollar coins, then darkened, spaced downward towards its sex. A luscious fur finally covered them from view. It proudly balanced on hind legs, flexing a powerful furred chest in front of me. I thought the creature poised before my eyes, was magnificent.
"No, old man. Father to part. Other father ran on all fours. He hunted, killed, fed cubs. Part of us ate the meat that roamed these woods. With rifle, two souls entwined; forever." The massive beast once again grasped its breeding tool, seeming to sniff & sample the glowing cum my cock was drenched in, as it gently pulled mine out of its tight sleeve. The mist surrounding us had grown much colder, and I felt my dick start to shrink from the sudden chill. The glow now covered the animal's pink tongue as it tentatively tasted. Seeming satisfied, I heard it growl, "Yes. Good... You will sustain us." Hungrily, it washed my dick with it's tongue, licking up everything it could. I noticed the wispy forms in the crowd seemed to distance themselves, moving back uneasily as events progressed; perhaps frightened by what they were witnessing... Soft concerned murmurers rose and fell like waves on an ocean. Then I remembered the question I was going to ask earlier, as the thought suddenly solidified in my mind.
"What happened to my son?" I asked. Hips bucked uncontrollably into the greedy maw licking me clean. I had hardened again and felt a few more pulses of fresh glowing cum shoot directly into the heavy, fanged muzzle. Nothing, I sadly realized, could keep me from pressing against that wonderful pink appendage while it expertly worked me over. Conflicted, I allowed the simultaneously disturbing & sensual beast full access. Once every drop was gone, it carefully squeezed it's own still erect pole up from the base, happily drinking my fluids that were forced from it's tip. Apparently exciting by this, the hybrid's meaty monster began to slowly peel away from it's shaggy home. A fluffy tail wagged slowly back and forth as it ate. I noticed the more of my spilled cum it consumed, the weaker I felt. Soon, I was slumped feebly to the floor, watching it helplessly. I was growing completely exhausted. All I could do, was lay there and look up at it. A red glow began to emanate from it's eyes. When the beast had finally finished, its raw dog meat was now fully exposed, pointing up along a deeply muscled abdomen. A softball sized knot had formed at the base, confidently locking the thick skin & fur back at the groin. It turned to stare impassively down at me. It's eerily colored eyes burned even more brightly, cutting laser-like shafts into the miasma of this place.
"Your son and the wolf you killed, are no more... Together, we are greater. Now, there exists only me." mentally laughed the clearly evolving wolfman as it leaned back, raising its huge human-like forepaws high above its head. Thick, meaty fingers clawed the air. The howl it made was long and low; sung with power & triumph. But the sound belonged to neither man nor beast, but something that had grown twisted since its birth. Looking down at me, the menacing voice growled again in my mind...
"Each day, I will come back here to fuck you. And I will eat of you, until you are empty. Then I will mate, combining your essence with mine. See, it begins..." as it pointed a single claw at my now soft cock. Looking down, I saw the mushroom head I had always known, was now missing. My flacid penis was deformed and longer. Touching the skin, I felt sparse downy fuzz that had begun to spread over my new length. Slowly, the hairs darkened. In spite of my emotions, my traitorous dick jumped forward and throbbed. A ball began to clench tightly to swell at my base, pulling on the heated, thickening skin of my penis. A dark red tip began to push out of me, burning and tearing the tiny opening as it stretched my piss slit wider and wider. I wept and thrust my hips upwards. Fuck! The pain was incredible, but so was the pleasure as my dick further hardened, pulling the flesh even tighter as it grew. Drooling thickly, the animal excitedly watching along with me, squatted lower on its haunches to get a closer look. It inquisitively sniffed then started smacking & clicking its black lips and teeth repeatedly, as if it were scenting a bitch in heat. The long shaggy neck stretched out towards me, as the beast planted a single, wide forepaw closer. As it rebalanced its ever leaning mass, mighty claws dug in, splintering the astral plane that held us both prisoner. A nearby voice that sounded like my dead wife, suddenly shrieked again. The dreadful wailing sound seemed to be everywhere at once.
"God no! Get the fuck away from me!" I cried as the horny hybrid raised to all fours and lunged for me, tearing and ripping my pants off. Abrasive pads smacked, flipping me over, then crushed my chest to the icy floor, while it's pointed shaft rammed painfully into my balls and thighs. The unyielding, sharpened log bruised me as its owner ferally positioned itself without regard to my safety, comfort or concern.
"I will live once again. You have already prepared the way, old man..." it growled into my head. Dense steam puffed from the open maw, like a black locomotive. It leaned down and bit my neck, holding me firm. I cringed with every uncaring, insensitive touch it made. I didn't want to be tied to this... This thing that was no longer my son. The vile entity was now rudely rolling its rough slobbery tongue against my skin, slowly tightening its grip on me. It was tasting my fear. How could I have been so blind? I had realized too late, this creature was truly evil, only wanting me to serve its perverse demands. Target acquired, the lupine monster wasted no time cruelly hilting its huge engorged length into me with one massive, painful thrust. Just as I felt my ass tear, my new canine dick popped free of it's constricting cage at exactly that same moment. Blinded by white-hot, searing pain, I couldn't see it bobbing heavily below. But I was aware of its slimy covering quickly cooling in the freezing vapor. Violated; overwhelming, grunting evil pulsed inside me; firing hot and deep into my flailing form, over and over again. The beast battered my spirit like a soulless machine, its swollen balls smashing against mine, without end. My mouth and eyes locked open to a soundless scream of surrender, that joined the wailing cries of dead relatives and ancestors. I now understood they had gathered around to bear witness to our unholy union.
The combined anguish of our tortured souls seemed to ring for an eternity as the demonic creature raped me in the all consuming darkness. But this was the first time I had actually felt shame and self-loathing for it. In that realization, I felt my heart & spirit break.
In the Eternity that is death, I had much to contemplate...
Feedback / style / grammar tips, are encouraged and appreciated. [email protected]