The Meanwhile Cliché

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#8 of The Prisoner


WARNING - This chapter contains graphic descriptions of sex and homosexuality, and contains depictions of violence and what could be considered rape. Any who would be insulted or disgusted by this, or any children under 18 years of age (or 21 in certain areas) should NOT read this story, and by reading past this point, you affirm that you

are legally mature and able to handle the subjects mentioned above. Also, the writer is not responsible for any problems which arise by not complying with this warning. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy.


Chapter 8 - The Meanwhile Cliché

Reading a good book always did serve to calm me down, especially after trying nights such as tonight. Just about every bone in my body seems to ache after putting forth the kinds of magic I had to use to manipulate my slave long enough for him to do my bidding. Just an hour ago, I checked back up on him, and of course he'd deserted me at the whim of his 'loving' prince. Then my view of him went hazy. He must be getting more powerful than when I first awakened his powers. Still, it doesn't matter anymore. He's fulfilled the one purpose I needed him for, and now he can just as well die and I'll be better off for it.

A while ago, I'd been notified of our prince's death officially, not that I hadn't known about it before. Of course, the look of shock and despair I put on for the crowd outside would surely help with their opinions of me. It had been a long time since I'd seen so many mourn the death of just one being. I was, perhaps, the only one there not mourning.

My plan had come under way quite nicely, and now it was only a matter of time before the rest of my plan would fall into place. There are rumors going around that the current village elder is getting too old, and has become sickly lately. This news, as the news of the prince's death, fails to surprise me, though again I display false shock. After all, I'm the one who's slowly poisoning her to death. The magic of the earth allows me to create a rather potent poison, but, of course, someone as wise as the elder could easily detect it. In large enough doses. But the poison is just as lethal if taken in small amounts at a time, and soon there would be no reversing its effects. With no prince around to make the decisions, and soon an opening for the village elder, the village would be looking for someone to lead them. And I intend to be that being.

Yet, there is still one thing that confuses me. I recall a thought in Hret's head, the last time I checked on him. Something about using different kinds of magic. And a distinct memory of a fireball in his hand. I know it can't be true, no being has control of all of the earth's gifts, but still, the thought was there. I'll have to do further research on it.

Tonight, however, there are bigger issues to think about. The last of my poison will take effect tonight. And the old bitch will be no more. Things have finally begun to fall into place...

From outside my doorway, a voice yells to me. "[Sir, are you in?]" Ah, my 'replacement' for Hret.

"[Yes, Wrratl, I am in.]" I say to him, loudly enough to be heard outside of the room. A timid youth enters the room. I'd discovered him early enough, he'd been an orphan since the human's attack on our village on the outside, and I'd taken him in. None others even knew of his survival, most thinking him dead. I keep a very close watch on this one. I need him to be completely loyal to me, unlike my previous failure. The teenage cub walks toward me shyly, possibly wondering if he'll be beaten for coming so close to me. I keep a much tighter leash on this one than I had on that ingrate Hret.

"[Come sit with me, Wrratl.]" I say to him. It seems to surprise him, as I hardly ever show the boy any affection. Purposefully, of course. I need him to grow to be strong and obedient, not a weakling who relies on me for everything.

He comes closer, seeming rather hesitant. I can't have that. As soon as he's within reach of me, I grab him by the scruff of his neck and push him down to his knees before my chair. I growl at him menacingly. "[Can you not follow a simple command, Wrratl?]" I say to him. "[Sit on my lap, whelp.]" I let go of his neck scruff then. With fear in his eyes, he gets up and complies. Settling into my lap, I know he feels the warmth and the bulge of the sheath now touching his butt. The sensation makes me growl in pleasure. "[That's more like it.]" I encourage him, but just a little. "[One more time you do that, and I'll toss you to the human world to end up like your parents.]"

Saying that, I can see him recoil, looking as though he'll cry. But I taught him a long time ago what happens to those who cry. Yet, even though he hasn't cried in a long while, I still crave a different kind of stress relief tonight. Usually, I would take out my aggressions on Hret, to keep him in line, but with that deserter no longer available, I would have to make due with this little brat.

"[Wrratl, your master needs you to help him relieve some stress tonight.]" I say to him, adding in a little growl toward the end. He turns his head to look at me a moment, then averts his eyes, my dominant gaze simply too much for him.

He stares at the fire crackling nearby, and speaks very softly, "[What does my master need?]"

I grin. Deflowering these young little virgins always did give me such a kick. "_"

His gaze quickly turns to mine, fear in his eyes, I can tell. But the way his eyes avert again, I can tell he'll comply. I lift him easily from my lap, and place him on the floor in front of me. "[Get on your hands and knees, little one.]" I say to him, almost taunting him by referring to him that way. Yet, he doesn't waver one bit, moving down onto his paws and knees, and displaying that little butt of his to me. I can already tell I'll love making this one scream...

I get down onto the ground, taking a moment to line up my shaft with his young, tight ass. Then I shove forward with all my might. I hear him yell in pain, bringing a paw down to swat at his tender butt. "If I see one tear or hear one sob, I'll see to it that you don't survive this night." I growl at him, taking pleasure in pounding into my little toy._

The boy lets himself relax into the hard fucking I give him, even panting softly. He seems to enjoy it. We'll see how much he enjoys it after this, I think, readying to slam my knot into him. With a long backstroke, I slam forward, feeling resistance around my knot, before the whole thing just plows on through, another yell leaving his muzzle. Yet, not a single sob leaves him, nor one tear mars his cheeks, and I actually begin to feel rather pleased with him. At least he can hold his own better than Hret ever could. I start sliding my knot in and out, feeling his tight tailhole open and close repeatedly, adjusting to my thick size, though not without a bit of tearing. I had expected that, of course. Still, he took everything just as a good bitch should. By the time my knot reached full size, the little guy was actually panting, seeming to enjoy himself.

I growl, and lift him from the floor in a feat of sexual strength, carrying him to my bed, where I can really start into him. My knot thrusts into him once again, and I leave it there, amazed when I feel his body clenching down tightly around my shaft, squeezing behind my knot. That does it for me, and I start filling his torn and battered ass with hot seed. I take his neck between my jaws, testing his loyalty, and he goes limp beneath me, letting me do as I please. I let go again after a few moments, and let him fall onto the bed. He seems rather tired, as could be expected, and I don't mind a little rest after all that.

For ten minutes, I let his body recover, speaking into his ear, telling him how well he did, what a good bitch he is for me. How much I love to fuck him. Then I start at it again. He groans once, but doesn't complain, nor cry, just lets me go. He seems to go limp after another thirty minutes of hard pounding, and I can only surmise that he's fainted. Still, I pound into him, feeling his ass take everything I give it. Finally, I feel my energy fading, and slam inside him to climax before I join him in sleep.

My eyes open slowly, in the calm of the day. I can feel the warmth at my front, of a smaller form. My little bitch, whose innocence I'd stolen last night, still lay asleep, impaled on my shaft. He took it much better than Hret had. This one would definitely be more useful to me than that other blasted orphan ever had been.

Of course, the future leader of a tribe can't sleep forever. As I tug my shaft out of him, no difficult task as it's gone soft overnight, I feel him shift, then settle again. Once my body slips away from him, he shifts more, probably searching for my warmth. He settles again, though, atop the bed of straw and feathers, and I let him rest for today. He probably needs it, after I pounded his ass so hard last night. But, no matter. Last night, the last of my quite lethal poison should have been delivered into that old bag's system. And I'd be rid of her at last. As my first task of the day, I suppose I'll go and pay her one last visit.

After bathing at the stream, I groom myself up nice, making certain that none would suspect me for the seer's poor condition. Walking into her abode, I ask to speak with her. The attendants appear worried about my presence, but I assure them I only wish to pay my last respects. I notice just about all of them quaking in fear at the thought of losing another important to their society. They allow me passage into her quarters soon after.

Surprisingly, the seer asks her attendants to leave the room. She does, however, have enough power and good mind left to erect a magical barrier within the room. Where she gets this extra strength, I'll never know.

I speak to her first, in our native tongue. "_"

The slightest inkling of a smile breaks from her lips, before she stares me down with that gaze of hers again. "[Don't bother with all those flowery words around me, Grom. You know I've never fallen for it before.]" Her voice is as cold to me as it always has been.

I'm not surprised, of course, and have a healthy retort ready. "[Not yet willing to admit to everyone that your son is such an evil bastard?]" I make my words as cold as hers, wishing I could add some extra bite into her last painful moments on the planet._

But, of course, she's as resilient as ever. "[Not while I'm still alive and kicking. Of course, it seems you're taking care of that as well.]"

That actually does surprise me, but only for a moment. I calm down quickly, and clear my throat, "[Now mother, just what do you think you're referring to?]"

The old bag has the audacity to chuckle at my words. "[Don't think you're so clever. I'm not so stupid as to believe I've just become 'old and sickly' like everyone else thinks.]" She lets out a sigh, "_"

I cross my arms, amazed that my mother still has that much of a mind to her. "[You do amaze me sometimes, mother. I'll give you that. I'm surprised you had the mind to look for it. And even more surprised that you managed to learn it by heart.]"

Her expression fades, her eyes as cold as stone. ""

At this point, her eyes flicker. I honestly believe she can see right through me, into the recesses of my mind. Were it not for the fact that my mental block is so powerful, after years of training, I might believe it. But I can already see that she has come to a conclusion. More than likely, the right one. "[All they'll need is a new leader. That's not something hard to find these days.]"_

Those chilling eyes grow hateful. "[How dare you use this opportunity to usurp leadership of the tribe.]"

I refuse to waver in front of her. "[But, as you said, none can possibly discover that your fading health is a result of poison. I've made certain of that. And you'll have a difficult time warning the village of my actions once your death occurs. It won't take more than fifteen minutes now.]"

As soon as I feel her energy shield starting to fade away, I place up one of my own. Just to make sure she doesn't try to call for one of her caretakers. "[And here is where I shall wait, until that time comes.]" I say, taking a seat next to the bed, calmly waiting, focusing on keeping my energy barrier strong, incase she has some last tricks in store for me. Yet, I don't even sense the slightest bit of resistance. It would seem as though she's given up completely. "[So, I see you're not even going to try to stop me?]"

She replies faintly, seeming to be running out of strength. "[You have succeeded now. I was too slow to stop you. However, do not expect to succeed completely. There is one thing you have not taken into account.]"

I look at her, confused a moment. Even worried, though I don't think anything she has to say could really worry me in the end. "[And just what would that be, mother?]"

She lets out a faint chuckle, then wheezes a bit before speaking. "[There are two entities, one of our kind, and one of the humans, who are joined permanently.]" Another wheeze breaks her statement before she continues. "[Your plan will surely fail, as long as they remain together.]"

I shake my head, thinking her more insane that I'd thought. "[You old bat, you know the prince is dead. I felt that premonition a long while ago, and I dealt with it quite swiftly.]" I realized a moment too late that I had at that moment divulged my part in the prince's assassination, but it didn't matter. The old hag is about to croak anyway.

Yet, she remains firm. "[You have not thwarted those who will overthrow you. Instead, you have quickened their alliance. Darkness and Light will combine, and in turn, conquer you. And you have played into my trap perfectly.]"

This statement has me riling with anger. I stand up, keeping my voice down only to assure that none of the seer's attendants rush in to find out what is the matter. "[Light and Darkness? Your trap? What are you talking about, old woman?]"

She looks at me, undaunted by my anger, knowing I can't strike her, or I would lose everything. "[My dear boy, you don't really think that Hret finding solace in your care was some lucky coincidence, do you?]"

Anger seethes inside me, but I hold back, content in the knowledge that her death will come soon. "[So you were the reason he landed on my doorstep. I wondered why you'd refused to grant him his magic, even though you knew as well as I did that he had plenty of skill in it. But why did you let him suffer? Why did you force him into such a painful way of life, if you knew he would one day defeat me?]" By now I'd discovered that darkness and light were really Hret and that human. I still can't believe I've been tricked so easily.

Her words begin to grow softer, her breath becoming more harsh. "[Were he not ejected from our society, he may have become too close to someone else. Things may not have occurred the way they did yesterday. He had to feel that pain, and loneliness, so that when he finally had to leave us, he would feel nothing holding him back.]" Judging by her complexion, I can tell that she won't last much longer. Her last words seem to take forever to get out. "[Having to harm that boy... was perhaps the worst feeling... I've ever had. You... will not find peace... until one of you... fails to take breath...]" Her eyes bore into me, as the last of her strength leaves her. "[You have... already... failed...]"

No amount of words can describe how I feel, as her lungs finally stop taking breath. Not wanting to raise any suspicions, I lower the energy barrier around the room, and rush to the door, calling out in the best worried tone I can muster. "[The seer, she has passed on!]" I cry. Moving away from the door, I barely avoid being bowled over by several of her attendants, all of them looking upon her in her death. I turn to leave, knowing that, someday soon, many of our kind would worship me as they did her. Yet, the seer's warnings still play on my emotions. I'd had nightmares of light and darkness colliding, and forever banishing me from Mother Earth... but I had never imagined Hret as being that darkness. And if that old woman's words were true, then it means that human is the light. I would have to be extra cautious of them, from now on. Another thought comes to my mind then, however. I would have to find out if Hret's thoughts about generating all kinds of magics were actually true. If I could utilize that kind of power, not even those two could stand in my way.

Though for now, I believe a bit of stress relief is in order. The cub will certainly be getting a workout tonight.

copyright 2005 - Neiko Mitaki

Feel free to e-mail me with any comments you might have, I would love to hear from anyone at all. Send comments to [email protected]

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