The Experiment (part 2)

Story by ShadowLightning on SoFurry

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A husky gets invited over by an old high school friend for some "fun". Problem is, this friend just so happens to be the same friend he's had feelings for for so long. How will things turn out...? Only time will tell.

(Here's part 2! Phew, this went a lot longer than I thought. Any constructive criticisms are nice. But please be kind with them, this is the first time I've wrote something nsfw.)

Tyler stood in front of Kyle's door, shaking in both fear and anticipation. He reached forward and rang the doorbell.

'We're just gonna "experiment", right? No need to get too worked up.' He put up his best smile. 'It'll be fine.'

After a minute of waiting, the door slowly opened. A tall large German shepherd stood in front of Tyler. "Yes...?" he yawned, stretching out his arms.

The husky blinked as he looked at the older looking canine. He must be Kyle's dad, he figured. "Um, h-hello. I'm looking for Kyle."

He stared at Tyler, leaning down a bit to take a closer look. "And, who might you be...?"

"I-I'm Tyler. I've come by here a bunch of times before. You're his dad, r-right? Don't you uh...?" The husky's voice trailed off, having gone completely silent as the large German shepherd leaned closer.

His face lit up as he remembered. "Ahh, Tyler! Yeah, I remember ya. You came by about a year ago to hang out with Kyle. He told me you were coming." The canine stepped aside and gestured him to come in.

The husky nodded and smiled, stepping through the door. 'Crap, I thought he was home alone. What's his dad doing here?!' "So uh, where's...?"

"He's over at his room." The older canine gestured upstairs. "It's just down the hallway to your right. Can't miss it."

"Okay, thank you." Tyler nodded to him again and proceeded up the stairs, heading off to the direction Kyle's father told him.

'This is it.' He walked down the hall to Kyle's room, taking in more deep breaths. 'Now or never...' The husky knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" a familiar voice asked from inside.

"It's... me, Tyler." The husky replied in a soft voice.

The door swings open. "Tyler...?"

The husky nodded and looked up to the familiar looking German shepherd. "Kyle...?"

The two stared at each other, just taking in who they were meeting. It's been a full year, perhaps more, since the two canines last saw each other. Despite maintaining a little bit of contact, this is the first in a long time that the pair has met face to face.

"You... look different." Tyler commented.

And different he indeed looked. It appears college has done quite a lot to the German shepherd. The last time the husky saw him he was about an inch shorter than him and had a pudgy looking build, a characteristic they both shared. Now, he seemed to have grown a few inches. He stood past 6 feet tall, towering over the much shorter looking husky. Not only that, but he appears to have been working out. His arms and legs were thick with noticeable looking muscles. His belly however remained large, still bulging slightly against his shirt.

Kyle chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, you're not the first fur who's said that." He raises and waves his arms up. "I get it, I get it. Stare all you want. You have no idea how many times anyone has done that."

Tyler smiled. "Aren't ya gonna let me in?"

"Of course." The larger canine smiled and gestured him in. "Welcome to my room."

The husky entered and looked around, the door closing behind him. Although he had come over to his house a number of times during high school, this was the first time he had ever gotten to go to his room.

His room had the typical college-student look to it; he had a bed placed near a wall with his study table, or rather, a table where his computer was on, standing next to it. He had a bunch of clothes lying around, most of them piled in just one corner. He had posters of random furs who, he's assuming, are famous or something of the sort.

"Nice room." He simply said.

Kyle flopped down on his bed, sitting back as he patted the empty spot next to him. "So... how have you been?"

"I'm... okay." Tyler looked back, checking to see if the door was closed. "Okay, what the hell?" he turned back to the German shepherd. "I thought you said you were home alone or something."

Kyle smiled and shook his head, raising a finger matter-so-factly. "Hey, I said no such thing."

"Well, yeah, but, when you said you wanted to "experiment", I assumed that meant no one else would be... around or... somethin'..." the husky said, his voice trailing off at the end.

"Point taken, but ya know, as you've seen." Kyle gestured around his room. "My house is big. We could be getting it on right now and my dad wouldn't even know. Unless he's right outside our door listenin'. But I doubt he'd do that."

The husky's face flushed a light red. "Uh... sure."

Kyle chuckled, patting the empty spot at his bed. "Anyways..."

Tyler nodded and sat down. "Y-Yeah...?"

He sat up, hunching over closer to the husky, putting up a playful looking smile. "You wanna do this...?"

"U-Um... uh, well..." Tyler stuttered nervously, inching away shyly from the larger canine's advances.

Kyle shook his head and chuckled. "Hey man, we don't have to do this if you don't want to." He got up from his bed and walked over to the door. "But in case you change your mind..." He turned the lock, looking back to the husky with another one of his mischievous grins. "Wouldn't want anyone to walk in on us, would we?"

Tyler smiled back, albeit a forced one. "Ahaha, y-yeah. Of course."

"So..." Kyle hopped back on his bed, landing a tad too close to the husky. "How's life?"

His face blushed slightly as he shifted away from the frisky canine. "W-Well, I'm in college and, y'know, it's... stressful and... stuff." He smiled again, trying to keep a calm face as he nervously stammered. "How 'bout you...?"

"Mmm, it's alright." He shrugged, laying down on one of his pillows. "College is a whole different world man. Like, lots of guys in my class are really sensitive. Actually, not sensitive. More like, the complete opposite of that."

The husky raised an eyebrow. "Really...? What do you mean?"

"You know, they don't like getting hugs!" Kyle shot back up, waving his arms for emphasis. "Like, Kevin, one of my friends, he was all upset about something. So I was all like, "Hey bro, what's the matter?", and he was all, "I got problems, man.", so I got up close, about to give him a hug, and then he pushed me away like, "The hell, dude?". And I was just like, "What?!"

Tyler giggled, nodding along to the German shepherd's story.

"And it's so crazy how almost every other guy there don't like any form of physical contact from another guy, except brofists. How can anyone turn down a hug?!"

The husky shrugged.

He remembered how Kyle was very... affectionate throughout high school. He'd run up and randomly hug his some of friends, with no warning either. He'd get touchy-feely with some of the girls whenever they talked. He even carried some furs, bridal-style, just because. It was one of the many aspects that got the husky to go head over heels over him.

"Wow, that must suck..." was all Tyler could say.

"I know, right?" Kyle sighed, looking over to the husky next to him. "So Tyler, got a girlfriend yet?"

The husky blinked. "Pardon...?"

"Oh right!" The larger canine chuckled as he remembered. "You're gay. I keep forgetting that."

'How can someone forget something like that...?' Tyler smiled and patted his head. "You're so silly."

Kyle smiled playfully, suddenly grabbing the husky's arm and pulling his body down on top of his.

Tyler let out a soft yelp as larger canine wrapped his strong thick arms around him, holding him close in a tight hug. "H-Heeey! W-What are you...?"

"Shhh..." he whispered, nuzzling the top of the husky's head. "It's been a long time since I've given this to anyone."

Tyler blushed heavily, his face laying down right on the German shepherd's chest as he felt him grip tighter. His arms circled around his body as he returned the hug.

Kyle chuckled at the husky snuggling up on top of him, gently rubbing his back. "I'm guessing you missed me, huh...?"

The husky nodded, nuzzling closer to him. "Yeah..." He said in a soft voice, almost too embarrassed to say it aloud.

"Ya know... I kinda missed you too..."

His eyes widened a bit as he turned his head up to him. "R-Really...?"

He nodded and smiled, leaning down to softly kiss the husky's head. "Mmhmm." Kyle's arms lowered downward around his hips.

Tyler's face flushed a deeper red, resting his head back down on his large broad chest. He felt his strong warm body under his fur, nuzzling softly on it.

'He missed me. He actually said that.'

It only dawned on the husky then who he was snuggling up next to. They had been friends for most of high school, and the most intimate thing they ever shared together physically was a hug. Of course, he knew it'd been awkward if they did anything more. Kyle never reciprocated the same feelings toward Tyler.

He smiled and murred softly, snuggling closer to Kyle.

"So..." His paw slid lower and gently rubbed over the husky's bum.

Tyler jumped a bit, looking back up to him. "Y-Yeah...?"

"How do you wanna... do this?" He whispered in a seductive tone, his paw squeezing the husky's ass playfully.

"A-Aahh..." A soft moan escapes the husky's muzzle, causing him to blush deeply. "I-I..."

The larger canine nosed his face up to look at him. "I know I already said this before, but I'm gonna say it again anyways. We don't have to if you don't want to. I'm fine with just snuggling up with your gay little butt." He pulled the husky up closer to him, their muzzles only inches apart from each other. "But I wanna ask, what do YOU wanna do?"

Tyler's face turned redder and redder with the German's shepherd soft enticing words. He stared deeply into his dark brown eyes.

'I've made it this far. No backing out now...'

The husky took a deep breath, nodding his head slowly. "I... I wanna do this."

The German shepherd smiled and pulled his head close, nuzzling his own next to it as the two shared a tight embrace.

"K-Kyle..." The husky whispered.

"Hmm?" He pulled away from the hug.

"Um... well..."

"What? Don't tell me this is your first time with anyone?" The canine teased, letting out a laugh.

Tyler blushed heavily and looked away.

"Oh. This... really is your first time?"

The husky nodded. "I... I haven't even kissed anyone before and-"

His sentence is cut short as the German shepherd rolled them over, the husky now laying on his back with the former now towering over him. "W-What...?!" Tyler looked up to him, now having a determined look on his face.

He leaned close and whispered in his ears. "I'll make your first kiss good."

The husky moaned softly as tingles went up his spine. "O-Okay..."

Kyle smiled and leaned down, their lips touching as the two kissed. He moved his head forward as he kissed deeper, his tongue sliding inside the other's muzzle and swirling around, causing the other inexperienced canine to moan inside his maw and reluctantly slid his against it.


The German shepherd smiled and pulled his head away for a brief moment. "How was that...?"

The husky smiled, his tongue still lolled out as he nodded, unable to utter a word in reply.

Kyle chuckled and lowered his muzzle back down to kiss Tyler deeply. Their tongues dancing and swirling around each other as the pair passionately made out.

"Mmm, yeah... That's it. Give me more tongue, baby." he moaned out between kisses, coaxing the husky on.

Tyler's arms wrapped tightly around the larger canine as he felt him start to grind against his rear, eliciting more moans that were muffled by their kisses. "K-Kyle..."

The German shepherd murred inside the other canine's muzzle, pulling away a bit. "Why don't we take these clothes off, hotstuff?" He said in a soft flirtatious voice.

Tyler nodded excitedly, his face still red from his effervescent blush. He sat up as Kyle moved away a bit to give each other room. "Y-You first."

Kyle grinned. "Oh no, nuh-uh. You're in my room. You're in my house." He teased and softly poked the husky's nose. "You first."

His blush turned to a deeper shade of red, looking down and away, a bit embarrassed. "B-But, I..."

"Come on, Tyler. Don't be shy." He raised his arms openly. "It's just me."

The husky thought about it for a few moments before nodding slowly. "A-Alright..."

He looked around reluctant as his paws gripped his shirt, pulling them off shyly and then placing it aside, his arms covering his chubby upper torso.

Kyle's grin grew wider, enjoying the show his husky little playmate was putting. "Mmmm, now the pants."

Tyler nodded and unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them down slowly till their on his ankles, kicking them off as he was left in nothing but his underwear.

The German shepherd murred and eyed the tubby looking canine up and down, licking his lips a bit. His blue fur covered his body, with a few lighter shades at some parts. The last time Kyle saw him, he looked a bit scrawny. But now, it appears that he's gain a couple of pounds. He had a round rotund belly, noticeable even before he took his shirt off. Yet, despite his pudgy build, he couldn't help admire his irresistible looking curves.

Tyler catches him staring. "W-What...?" He said nervously, still covering himself with his arms.

Kyle could only smile and chuckle. "You know, I never really got to see you like this." He leaned forward and pushed the husky back down on the bed, causing the latter to let out a soft yelp.

"H-Hey... y-you take off yours too."

The larger canine nodded. "Oh you'd love that, wouldn't you?" He teased and hopped off from the bed. He stood up in front of the husky and slowly and sensually pulled his shirt off, throwing it aside.

"O-Oh my..."

His belly was as large as his, if not bigger. It's quite clear that the German shepherd was still a heavy eater, just like he was before. He had a burly muscular chest and his broad shoulders accentuated the rest of his body. Truly, he looked like he was really hitting the gym hard.

"Heh, like what you see?" He flexed his thick strong arms, putting on a show for his smaller partner.

Tyler nodded, staring in awe and arousal, unable to let out an audible word.

"If you like that, wait until you see what I got here..." Kyle chuckled, slowly unbuttoning his pants and slid them down, leaving him with only his tight jockstrap. He looked to the husky and paused for dramatic effect before pulling it down.

The large canine stood bare naked in front of the husky. "Now then..." He took a step closer to him, standing at the edge of the bed as the husky's muzzle was mere inches away from the other canine's sheathe.

Tyler gulped and looked up to Kyle, waiting for him to give an order. The German shepherd only nodded, letting his new playmate figure out what to do.

The husky nodded and gently rubbed the larger canine's sheathe, coaxing his cock to come out.

"Mmmmm, that's right..."

Tyler continued rubbing as his other paw reached down to gently fondle the German shepherd's large orbs, eliciting soft moans from him.

"Oooh yeah, that's good..." The tip of his cock emerged from his sheathe as his member slowly throbbed and hardened. Tyler gently wrapped his paw around the growing cock and began stroking.

His shaft throbbed and pulsated around the husky's paw as he kept stroking, inch by inch sliding out from his sheathe.

"O-Oh my..." The husky's cheeks flushed heavily as the German shepherd's member grew to almost eight inches long, not even fully erect. He could barely even wrap one paw around it. "Y-You're huge..."

Kyle chuckled, softly petting Tyler's headfur. "Let me tell you, it's been awhile since I've heard someone say that to me." His paw reached down to stroke along with the husky, lining the tip of his shaft near the husky's muzzle. "Now lick it."

Tyler gulped and leaned closer, giving the thick shaft a tentative lick. He grimaced at first from the new taste.

"Come on, Tyler. Lick it hard." The larger canine teased and playfully rubbed his throbbing member against his muzzle.

The husky blushed heavily and nodded, giving his cock another lick. His tongue slid up and down as he felt the canine's shaft pulsated on his tongue.

"Yeah, got a nice tongue there, don't you?" He cooed as his paw lowered down on the husky's head. "Now put it in your muzzle."

Tyler took in a deep breath and nodded, moving his muzzle closer and taking the tip in his maw. The taste of canine meat had never felt so good. He suckled on Kyle's thick shaft as he felt the latter start to push it in his muzzle.

"Get some more down there, come on..." Kyle held the husky's head and slowly slid his throbbing member down his muzzle, inch by inch filling his maw.

Tyler's cheeks flushed a deep red as the German shepherd kept pushing, causing him to gag and cough a bit. Kyle took notice of his reactions and pulled back slightly, before sliding his meaty cock back in his muzzle. He soon got into a rhythm of thrusts as his hips bucked forward. The poor husky unable to resist against the larger canine's movements let out soft moans that were muffled by the latter's thick shaft.


Kyle sighed and pulled back, only the tip remaining in the husky's muzzle. Tyler looked up to him with teary-looking eyes.

"Sorry about that..." He rubbed the back of his head. "Got a little carried away there."

The husky nodded and went back to suckling on the German shepherd's pulsating member.

Kyle chuckled and held his playmate's head, pulling his cock away. "I think that's enough for now." He whispered playfully. "Now it's my turn."

With one quick movement, he pushed the husky back down on the bed, climbing on top of his crotch. "What do we have here...?" The canine gently stroked at the husky's member bulging out against his underwear, causing him to let out soft moans. "Let's take these off for ya." He pulled them down past his ankles and threw them on the floor.

Tyler blushed heavily and covered his face in embarrassment as his own cock throbbed, a few inches already poking out from his sheathe.

"Cute." Kyle teased, leaning close to lick his buddy's shaft.

"O-Oooh God..." The husky gripped the sheets a bit as he felt the German shepherd's skillful tongue swirl around his member, letting out more soft gasps and moans. "H-Have you... d-done this before...?"

"A couple of times, yeah." He said almost nonchalantly, slobbering the husky's cock with his tongue. "They were mostly just one-night things. Haven't really gotten to get any action though for the past few months."

Tyler nodded and softly pet Kyle's head, the latter looking up with a playful grin as he takes his cock down his muzzle.

"O-Ooooh my God..." The husky leaned his head back and moaned as his canine friend suckled on his throbbing member. He bobbed his head slowly as he continued swirling his experienced tongue around his shaft.

His cock twitched and leaked a drop of pre in Kyle's maw as he kept bobbing his head, suckling on his shaft vigorously

"K-Kyle..." Tyler moaned out.

The German shepherd pulled his head away, giving a few more licks to his shaft as he got back on top of the husky.

Tyler looked up to Kyle as the two stared deeply into each other's eyes, their lust starting to take over as the larger canine leaned his muzzle back down on the husky's. Their tongues meld together as they passionately kissed, the German shepherd's paws roamed up and down his friend's back as he did as well, gripping tightly to the burly canine. Their large bellies pressed against each other as the two rubbed and ground against the other's body.

"Yeah, more tongue, baby." Kyle moaned in between kisses, his tongue sliding into Tyler's maw. "Mmmm, that's it. Yeahh..." His paws then slid down to grip the husky's plump cheeks, causing him to let out a soft whimper in the other's maw.

"Damn..." Kyle pulled away from the kiss, leaning close to Tyler's ear. "You got a really nice ass..." He whispered lustfully, roughly groping the husky's rear.

"A-Aahh... r-really?" He moaned into his ear, gripping tightly to the German shepherd's back.

"Mmhmm..." The burly canine groped and squeezed the husky's chubby ass, giving it a soft spank.

Tyler yelped out as Kyle grinned playfully, holding his husky friend's head up to his own as they share another lustful kiss. Their tongues danced and swirled around each other as the two moaned and whimpered in each other's muzzles, the German shepherd fervidly spreading the husky's legs as he ground against him. His cock lined up and rubbed between Tyler's plump cheeks, poking against his virgin tight hole.

"M-Mmmmph!" The husky whimpered and shook his head, breaking the kiss. "W-Wait..."

Kyle blinked and cocked his head to the side as he stopped his grinding. "No...?"

Tyler blushed deeply and looked down. "S-Sorry... I... I don't think I can do that..."

The fellow canine smiled and kissed his cheek. "It's alright. We don't have to do that." He held his head close and stared deeply into the husky's blue eyes, leaning forward and sliding his tongue back into his maw.

Tyler let out soft moans as their tongues melding together as the two passionately kissed and made out. Kyle continued grinding his throbbing canine shaft against the husky's ass, respecting his decision of not wanting to take things any further, but still wanting to get a feel of his plump rear.

The German shepherd pulled away and whispered seductively, "So damn nice..." as he groped his ass once more; pushing the husky down as he roughly kissed him. His tongue pushed down into the other's maw and swirled around it, his thick meaty member sliding and grinding between the husky's cheeks.

The husky could only moan and whimper as Kyle got his way with him, grinding against him more. Part of him wanted the large horny canine inside him, but he knew better than to bite off more than he could chew.

Kyle pulled his head away, a trail of saliva hanging between their muzzles as they felt their warm breathes against each other. "Alright, lazy butt. I've been doing most of the work." He rolled onto his back, stroking his cock and giving the husky an inviting look. "Now it's time you do something too."

Tyler blushed heavily, looking to the other canine's thick member and then back at him. "W-What do you want me to do...?"

"Ever heard of a 69?"

The husky nodded, remembering all those porn videos he's seen online.

The German shepherd grinned and gestured with his head. "Then I guess you know what to do."

Tyler blushed deeper and nodded again in response, positioning his body on top of Kyle's. "L-Like this...?" He turned to the other canine to check.

He grinned and pulled the husky's bottom on top of his head, softly licking his hard cock. "Mmhmm." He murred, gently patting his bum, eliciting a soft yelp from the husky. "Now get to work."

The husky nodded once more and leaned down to softly suckle on the thick meaty tip, swirling his tongue around as he slowly lowered his head, inch by inch sliding it down his muzzle. The German shepherd under him groaned in delight as he too got to work with his playmate's own cock. His paws held his bottom down as he leaned up to lick the husky's cock, his experienced tongue wrapping around it as he suckled.

"M-Mmmmph..." Tyler moaned around the thick throbbing member, hungrily sucking and slobbering all over the meaty shaft as pre leaked from his own cock. He slowly bobbed his head up and down.

The German shepherd following suit as he hollowed his cheeks and sucked on the husky's member, his paws sliding up and gripping onto his plump cheeks, squeezing and groping them playfully, causing the husky to let out yelps and whimpers.

Kyle pulled his head away, grinning wickedly. "Someone's liking this, hm...?" A finger trailed around Tyler's tight pucker, gently prodding it.

"M-Mmmph...!" His hips jerked a bit as he leaked more pre, smearing Kyle's face as he pulled his head a bit. "O-Ooh, s-sorry, I-"

His sentence was caught off as Kyle gruffly pushed his head back down on his pulsating member, pushing in a few more inches than before. "Get back down there, babe." He teased as he leaned back up to suckle on the husky's leaky member, gulping down his warm pre as his finger kept poking and rubbing against his tight virgin hole. His paws gripped tightly to his plump ass, spreading his cheeks which caused the husky to let out more muffled moans.

Tyler reflexively thrust down slightly at the German shepherd's muzzle as his muzzle gets stuffed full of his throbbing member, barely able to take even half of his full length. He swirled his tongue around the thick meaty shaft as he bobbed his head slowly.

"Mmmm, yeah..." Kyle groaned out in pleasure, humping gently in time with the husky as he bobbed his head faster. His tongue swirled and wrapped around his leaking shaft as he went faster and faster, softly spanking his round ass as he kept massaging and playing with it, eliciting another loud yelp from the husky.

"A-Aaaahh..." Tyler pulled his head away and moaned out from the German shepherd's incredible blowjob. He was getting close. More and more pre leaked from his member as Kyle continued playing and softly spanking his rump, his skillful tongue and muzzle drawing pleasured moans and yelps from the poor lust-dazed husky.

Kyle grinned as he realized his playmate's orgasm was drawing near, quickening his pace as bobbed and twisted his muzzle slightly around the husky's leaky shaft. His paws groped and squeezed his plump ass as one reached down to fondle his balls filled with cum that was about to be released.

"K-Kyle..." The husky moaned out as his tongue lolled out, his face flushing a deep red as his toes curled slightly. His hips bucked slightly as he let out loud moans and pants. "I-I..."

The larger canine continued bobbing his head, murring around the husky's member. He wanted to get him off, just as much as he wanted to as well. He hollowed his cheeks as he kept sucking on his leaking cock.

"A-Aaaaahh!" Tyler moaned out loudly as his member shot his thick salty load down Kyle's throat. He grinned and murred, drinking down the husky's cum as he continued bobbing his head, milking his cock of all his pent up seed.

"Yeeaahh... that's it..." The German shepherd pulled away and stroked the husky's still leaking cock, the rest of his cum dripping on to his lolled out tongue.

Tyler panted softly as the last rope of cum spurted out. "Kyle..." His face blushed deeply as he remembered Kyle's member still throbbing and pulsating next to his muzzle. "S-Sorry..."

Kyle chuckled and shook his head. "It's fine. It's nice seeing you get off anyways."

The husky smiled and moved to sit back up. "Yeah, but, what abou-"

He gets cut off again as the German shepherd pulls him down; quickly pushing and pinning him back down on the bed. He kneeled down next to the husky's head and positioned his cock next to his muzzle. "I've been patient with you..." An evil grin grew on his face as he lined his throbbing member closer. "But I can't wait any longer."

The husky blinked as he stared up at the larger canine, the tip of his long thick shaft pressing against his lips. "O-Okay..." He nodded, leaning close as he suckled on the tip.

Kyle's grin grew wider as he held the husky's head and thrust in; stuffing his muzzle full with his cock as only half was able to slide in. Tyler gagged and whimpered a bit as he looked up to him with tear-filled eyes. He's met back with the other canine's own lust-filled dark brown eyes. "You can handle this, babe." He murred deeply, pulling back and then thrusting back in.

He soon got in a quick rhythm of thrusting into the husky's muzzle, sliding his meaty canine cock in and out hard. "Yeeahh..." He moaned, softly stroking his playmate's cheek with his paw. "Give me some of that nice tongue, baby."

Tyler moaned as well, sliding his tongue around the canine's throbbing member as it slid in hard and fast. His cheeks bulged slightly as more inches pushed down his muzzle with each hard thrust, taking in almost eight inches of the German shepherd's meaty length.

"Good boy..." He murred softly, urging the husky on as he continued his thrusts. He pulled out once and drove back in hard, pushing in more than half down his muzzle as it slid down his throat, causing the husky to gag and cough a bit.

Kyle pulled back slightly and waited for a moment, letting the husky get some air. "Deep breath..." He growled under his breath before thrusting back in. Tyler's cheeks flushed a deep red as the German shepherd's thick throbbing member slid down his throat, stretching it a bit. The larger canine continued his deep hard thrusts as the base of his cock swelled up slightly. His thick knot formed, a sign that he was getting close as well.

"Get ready, Tyler..." A deep grumble resonated from his chest as his thrusts became faster and harder, his cock pushing in deeper and deeper with each fierce thrust. His knot slamming against the husky's nose, letting him get a whiff of his musky scent. A paw slid down the husky's chest, gently rubbing and tweaking one of his nipples.

"M-Mmmmph!" The husky moaned and whimpered around the canine's meaty shaft as his sensitive chest gets played with. His tongue swirled and slobbered all over its throbbing length, hungrily and lustfully suckling on it.

Kyle growled and groaned, groping and squeezing the husky's tubby moob as his hips kept bucking hard. "Here it comes..."

With one final thrust, the German shepherd roared out as he shot his thick canine cum down the husky's throat, still bucking his hips as he held his head still.

Tyler blushed heavily as he gulped down the copious amounts of load. His cock continued spurting more and more of his thick salty cum. Unable to drink down all of it the larger canine pulled away slightly and shot the rest of his seed all over the husky's face.

"Oooohh yeah..." Kyle moaned out as he shot the last rope of cum in Tyler's open maw. "That's a good boy." He murred, softly stroking the husky's cheek.

Tyler smiled and caught the spurts of cum with his tongue, licking the canine's still leaky tip. "Mmmm..."

The German shepherd grinned and leaned close to the husky's head, staring deeply into his light blue eyes before diving once more into his muzzle. Tyler blushed heavily and moaned in Kyle's maw as the two shared another passionate kiss, their tongues dancing and melding together, the taste of each other's cum lingering in their mouths.

"More tongue, baby. Gimme more of that tongue." The larger canine urged him on, his paws gently stroking his cheeks as the other one roamed down his chest, rubbing and squeezing the husky's chubby belly, eliciting more lustful moans and whimpers from him.

Tyler ran his tongue around the other's, suckling and swirling around it. Their passionate moans filling his ears as the German shepherd's large muscular body softly rubbed against his. Kyle's paws continued rubbing and groping the husky's body, sliding up and down his plump sides.

It almost felt like hours and hours of passionate kissing and making out, their tongues exploring each other's muzzles while their paws slid up and down each other's bodies, gripping and groping whatever they could hold.

Kyle pulled away slightly, a trail of saliva hanging between their maws. The pair gazed into each other's eyes. The sound of panting filled their ears; their warm breaths could still be felt between their muzzles. The lust and passionate fire slowly died down as the two canines lay on the bed, resting in their afterglow.

"Damn..." He panted.

"Y-Yeah..." Tyler smiled, albeit tiredly, his tongue still hanging out from his open maw.

The larger canine smiled back as they lay on the bed, still caught in each other's gaze.

"Well..." Kyle spoke up, breaking the silence. "That was fun."

Tyler nodded, still having the same lustful looking smile on his face. "Yeah..."

The German shepherd chuckled and softly pet his headfur. "Ya know, you were great for a first-timer. I'd say you even have potential."

The husky raised his eyebrow. "Potential...?"

"Hehe, I'm just kidding." He teased, gently poking his nose. "But yeah, that was really great." He grinned as he saw a trail of cum on the husky's cheek. "You got a little something on your..."

"Hmm?" He felt around his face and rubbed the sticky bit of load off him.

"Never mind, it's gone." Kyle yawned and sat up, stretching his arms. "Sooo... what do you wanna do now?"


"I said..." The German shepherd hopped off his bed, heading over to his study table and picking up a towel, rubbing his sheathe clean. "What do you wanna do now?"

Tyler blinked and looked to the other canine, sitting up as well. "I, uh..."

Kyle rolled his eyes and handed the towel to him. "Here." He turned his head to the alarm clock on next to his bed, checking the time. "It's still 2:37 PM, so... if you wanna still hang out around my room, that'd be cool."

"O-Oh, well, um..." The husky looked down, thinking for a minute.

'Wait, so that's it...?'

Something feels... odd. He couldn't quite put what it was though. Somehow, he imagined things would have gone out differently.

"Tyler?" Kyle tilted his head, walking over to the husky.

"A-Ahh, s-sorry. I'm just... tired, y'know." He looked up and smiled. "Well, uh... I think I should head home now. Sorry..."

"It's cool." He softly pat his back, picking up some of his clothes and handed it to him. "You should probably get dressed first."

The husky blushed heavily and nodded. "Y-Yeah... thanks." He takes them and stands up, looking over to the German shepherd.


"Well..." He held his clothes up, gesturing to them with his head.

"You're kidding, right?" Kyle sighed and chuckled, shaking his head. "We were just making out and sucking each other's dicks, man. Do you think I care seeing you put those on?"

Tyler looked down, a bit embarrassed. "I-I guess not..."

Still, he turned around, not wanting to watch the German shepherd watch him put his clothes back on. He put on his underwear first, pulling them up to his waist.

The other canine, meanwhile, watched from behind, murring and grinning as he sees the husky's delicious looking ass. He leaned forward and gave it a hard smack.

"A-Aahh!" Tyler turned to him; his face flushed a deep red. "H-Hey!"

"Whaaat? I know you like it." Kyle teased. "Just hurry it up."

"Shouldn't you put something on too...?" The husky said, slipping on to his jeans and buttoning them up.

"Right, right." The German shepherd picked up his jockstrap and put them on. "There, that oughta do it."

Tyler put his shirt on, blinking as he looked to Kyle. "Really...?"

"What?" He shrugged. "My dad's used to seeing me in nothing like this, especially when I have a girl in my room. Or, a guy, in this case."

"Your... dad knows what you've been up to...?"

"Of course! He's my dad, why wouldn't he?"

The husky blinked. 'He's joking, right...?'

"Anyways, I'll show you out. Come on." Kyle opened the door and led the husky out to his room and down the stairs. He passed by the living room and sees his father having fallen asleep on the couch.

Tyler sighed a breath of relief. 'Thank goodness...'

Kyle led him to the door. "So... that was great." He smiled, scratching behind his head. "Let me know if you wanna do something like this again, alright?"

The husky nodded and smiled back. "S-Sure." He opened the door and stepped out, turning back to Kyle. "Um... b-bye."

The German shepherd waved off. "See ya."

Tyler nodded again and walked down, heading off down the street. He turned back to the house to wave again at Kyle, only to find the door close.

He sighed to himself and began walking back to the bus stop. 'That... that just happened...'

What does he feel...? What should he feel? Finally, he did it. But why does it feel... different? His thoughts raced once more, filling his mind with more questions.

'Why... why did I?'

Perhaps the poor husky had expectations beyond what could have realistically happened. Some part in his mind wished something more could have transpired. Some part of him wished that for whatever reason, his old high school crush would finally reciprocate the feelings he had for him for so long. But he knew, deep down however, that that wouldn't happen. He knew it right from the start. It was all just an "experiment", after all. No feelings or anything of the sort attached. He knew this is how it would turn out. Yet, he couldn't still prepare himself for it.

The bus arrived after a few minutes or so. Tyler hopped on and sat down on the nearest empty seat. He looked out the window, still deep in thought.


The husky spent the rest of the bus ride thinking again.

'What... what now...?'

The Experiment (part 1)

'I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't believe I'm doing this.' The thought had been running over and over in the husky's mind. 'I can NOT believe I'm gonna do this.' His thumbs fiddled and twiddled as he sat on...

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Merry Christmas!! :)

It's Christmas Eve. I don't know what time it is, but I just know that it's almost Christmas. It's December 24, 2012, and all the furs are out spending time with their families. They're all giving out their presents to each other, attending parties...

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Just another love story (maybe) pt.1

The day started out like any other normal day would. Well, other than the weather being a little chilly, everything else is pretty good. I don't see why I should even get up today. I mean, it's a Saturday after all. Sure, the weather is fine and all,...

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