Ryan's Bath time with his Son

Story by Aoi Wani on SoFurry

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This story will contain incest,so if you don;t like it,don't read it then.My 4th story,its not digimon related at all like my other stories.Well anyway...enjoy it.

It was an early Saturday Morning,the sun rose from the sky and the birds were chirping.Ryan awoke from his slumber,he was a white dragon that's 30 years old,he was a little small,not fat,got some muscle in him,blue eyes,not wearing nothing but a plain white shirt and a pair of gray shorts.He kinda nice at times,usually calm most of the time.He got up and looked out of the windows,had a few yawns,after wards he stretched a little to start the day. He was gonna wake up his son Kay,he was a young,16 year old yellow dragon that's kinda sensative at times,nice guy that likes to make friends.Ryan wonders if Kay is still sad ever since his mother died a few years ago due to a car crash,during the time I thought i might as well take care of him on his own.Ryan and Kay like in a single house in a calm neighborhood.Kay also has been hitting the gym lately and has muscle,a little more than his father Ryan.Ryan has been looking for a woman he could be with,but the thing is that he wants Kay to also accept her,that hasn't been working out..Ryan took care of Kay since Kay was 13,so 3 years basically. "Let's see...might as well wake up Kay,don't want him to wake up late." So Ryan went to Kay's room,it had posters of different shows he liked,and a medium-sized television,one window,a normal sized closet.Ryan went up to Kay,who was sleeping quietly in his bunk bed. "Hey Kay,wake up.you told me to wake you up around this time.Luckily today its the weekend so I don't have any work today." Ryan shook Kay a few times till he woke up,he was wearing a plain yellow shirt,with blue shorts since his pajamas were in the laundry.He got up and did a few stretching,He looked at his guardian,smiling at him.He was still tired so his talking kinda slowed down. "G..Good morning...Dad...thank you for waking me up around this time." "Sure Kay,so why did you want me to wake you up around this time again?Because I forgot." Kay was trying to remember why he wanted his Dad woke him up,till he finally remembered. "Oh yeah i wanted you to wake me up because there's this new episode of a tv show i wanted to see,and i have trouble getting up around this time." Ryan was kinda surprised,he got a big sweat drop,then gave a chuckle to his son. "Really?Because of some television show you wanted to see?" "Yeah,i missed last week's new episode,but luckily I heard today that there gonna show a new episode and last week's new episode today!" Ryan chuckled again.Kay turned on his television,it showed some television program that had cartoons in it,Ryan wasn't surprised since he knows that his sun likes to watch cartoons.He looked at the screen and he sees a cartoon about three teenagers and some creatures fighting to beat the evil from some different world.Kay was silent during the time,he sometimes get nervous when he gets excited in front of others,even his dad. "Kay,what kind of cartoon is this?" Kay replied,"A popular cartoon that said to be made in some other country dad." Ryan was continuing to ask questions on what the show Kay was watching about.Kay kept answering but he wanted his dad to be quiet to watch his show.An hour has passed,Kay's cartoon was over.Kay changed the channel and see what else is on. "Come on,get out of bed and put on your clothes and brush your teeth."Ryan said. Kay nodded.he was going to the bathroom and brushed his teeth first.He took his time brushing his teeth and get the mouthwash and gurgled and spit it out.Kay put away his tooth brush and left the bathroom.He noticed that his dad hasn't been brushing his teeth in a good amount of time.He went back to the bathroom. "Dad,you need to clean your teeth the right way." "I am brushing my teeth the right way,what are you talking about?"Ryan was confused by what Kay meant. "I mean you need to use all the toothpaste you put on your tooth brush and brush your teeth,all of them.Plus use mouthwash so your breath won't smell bad." Ryan got a little annoyed by how Kay is telling him how to brush his teeth the right way,he felt like he was a kid being taught how to brush his teeth from his parent. (Sighs)"Okay,okay i get it Kay,I'll take better care of my teeth.Just let me continue brushing my teeth alright?" Kay nodded and left the bathroom.While Ryan was brushing his teeth,he remember how his wife was telling him to brush his teeth right,Kay reminded him of that.Ryan felt depressed now.He wished his wife didn't die from that car crash and was still here. "Ruby....oh how i miss you.." Ryan has made a tear come out from his eye,he loved Ruby ever since they got married when Ryan was 21.Luckily Ryan got a little better when he realized that at least he still has his son with him.So far he wasn't too sure if he should start a new relationship cause Ruby was the only woman he ever loved.He finished brushing his teeth and put his tooth brush away.He slowly left the room,still feeling a little sad. Then he bumped into Kay who just left his room.Kay looked at his Dad's face,he noticed he looked sad. "Hey Dad,what's wrong?" Ryan hasn't said anything for a small moment till he replied,"Oh nothing Kay,just nothing." Kay knows his dad is lying to him.He went closer to his dad,and he noticed a tear was on his face. "Dad,were you crying?" "No..I wasn't crying,there was just...something in my eye that's all.Nothing you need to worry about." Kay now gave his dad a serious look on his face and went closer to him. "Dad I want you to tell me what's the matter?Be honest with me,do you miss mom?" Ryan gave another tear. "N-no Kay it not about her.." Then more tears came out,Kay was really worried about him.He then put hugged his dad,to see if he would feel better.Ryan opened his eyes and saw his son hugging him,Ryan cried. "Dad,I miss mom too...and I know its hard to continue life without her,but you got to accept the fact that she's gone.." Kay hugged his dad tight and Ryan holds his son.Kay looked to see if his dad was starting to feel better.Ryan was still crying over missing his lover,Ruby. (sniffles),"Your-your right Kay,I got to accept that she's gone...thank you for making me feel better Kay,your a great son,and i couldn't ask for a better son." "Thanks Dad,and I couldn't ask for a better father." Ryan stopped crying,Kay noticed and let go his dad.Ryan grinned at his son.Ryan patted his son on the head.He thanked his son again and he went to his room to change his clothes.Ryan felt better after his son did,He put on a Red shirt with blue pants.He wondered what he could do today,he thought that maybe he could spend time with his son.He went downstairs to the kitchen and saw his son eating some cereal and looking at the television to watch some random show he found.He went to the cupboard and found some pop tarts.He grabbed the box and took out a pack,rip the bag open and put the pop tarts in the toaster. Kay sees his dad and asks if he's alright now.His dad nodded,and Kay knows this time he's telling the truth.After a few minutes later,the time was up and the pop tarts were ready.Ryan picked them up but carefully since they're hot,he got a plate and placed the pop tarts there.He sat down next to his son,also watching the television program his son is watching.While they were both eating,Ryan asks his son what's he gonna do today. "Hey Kay,What are planning to do today?" "Um...i guess I'm gonna go hang out with my friends this afternoon.what about you dad?" Ryan gave a thought on what he was gonna do today since he didn't really think of what he'll do today. "I don't know really,I might as well do some of the dishes,then maybe clean the house after wards." "But Dad,I already cleaned the dishes,plus i also vacuumed the floor from the living room to the kitchen for you,I want you to have a day off,since I'm sure your probably a little tired from work." Ryan looked around and he indeed did those things,he grinned from it. "Thank you Kay,but I don't have anything else to do around here since my friends are busy." "Oh,well...I'm sure you'll do something today.I'm gonna take a bath as soon as I finish my cereal Dad." Kay finished his cereal in a couple of minutes and cleaned his bowl.He was about to leave the kitchen till Ryan stopped him. "Uh..listen Kay,you think maybe you wanna take a bath at night today?Please?" Kay wondered why his dad wanted him to bathe at night,he nodded after wards. It was 1:34 P.M.,so Kay decided to might as well leave to his friend's house.He waved goodbye to his dad and flew to his friend's house.Ryan then sat down on the couch thinking on what he should do during the afternoon. "Let's see...since I tend to do nothing but sometimes clean the place,and since television in the afternoons tends to get boring...what should I do?maybe I could...no no i shouldn't watch porn on the internet,I'm not that type of dragon,but I might as well get online." And so he did,he went to his computer that's in his room and went online.He's been online for a few hours,and he was bored.He thought he might as well go to porn websites since his son ain't around.He watched several videos on ladies getting screwed,and he isn't even turned on.He checked his pants and noticed that it only grew a few inches. "Damn,how come its not growing big yet?This hasn't happened before.Well then again I've seen these videos lots of times,maybe i should look at new videos." He was searching around the porn website he's been in,and he saw a category that said,"incest",Ryan has heard the word before,but he hasn't never seen a video of one before.So he clicked it and saw several videos on family members having sex with each other. "Huh,so that's what my friend meant when he told me about incest." He clicked on a few videos of young girls being fucked by their dads or uncles.Nothing has changed,a bulge hasn't came from his pants yet,he was still confused till he thought he might as well try to see a video of a father and son having sex.when he saw a video of one,he noticed his crotch was growing.Ryan felt surprised from the fact he's getting an erection from the father son video. "Why is my penis growing?Unless...maybe after not having sex in a while with woman,I'm starting to get a bulge in my pants when two guys have it..." Ryan then thought he might as well just accept it,he's believing that he's bisexual now,so then he saw a few more videos of sons and their dads having sex and his penis grew to its full length,a good 10 inches,his penis hasn't grew that long in a long time.His penis was white but kinda darker compared to the rest of his skin.He thought he might as well jack off till after a few minutes,cum came out,lots of it,some of it went to his face.he felt a little tired after wards and fell asleep on the bed without cleaning himself. After a few hours,he woke up and noticed that it was 6:30 P.M.,he noticed that his son has returned home.He quickly got up and turned off the computer.His son came in his room.Ryan turned around so Kay won't see the dry cum that was on his shirt,pants,and a little on his face. "Hey dad,I'm back,and I'm gonna take a bath now,since it night time." Kay wondered why his dad didn't show his face to him. "Um dad,something wrong?" "No no nothing wrong,um hey Kay,do you think maybe I could bathe with you?" Kay was confused why his dad asked if he could bathe with him. "Why dad?" "Well...uh...I just wanted to bathe with you like when you wee a little kid,to relive those times,is that ok with you?" Kay then nodded and left to his room.Ryan then thought why he even asked him that,till he had a thought.. "D-do i wanna have...sex with Kay?What is up with me?I must be sick,but then again...he does look attractive...well maybe from watching those incest videos made me want to do that..." So then after wards Ryan took off his clothing and he has a towel to cover his mid-section.So he went to the bathroom,and he saw Kay,removing his towel.He did have more muscle then his dad,and his penis looked big,it was a dark yellow like color,Ryan stared in awe from it,and he also looked at his son's balls,they were in good size,almost bigger than his dads.Kay noticed his dad has arrived to take a bathe with his son. "Hey dad,I see your ready to take a bath." In a moment Ryan noticed his penis was starting to grow,he panicked so he tried to cover it with his hands.(or claws in this case)Kay noticed from what his Dad was doing till he noticed his towel was down,he felt embarrassed so he put the towel back on. "S-sorry dad"Kay's face turned red. "Um..i-its okay son,you don't need to worry about it,I mean were both guys here so its alright." "W-well I guess your right,sorry again." Kay turned on the faucet from the shower and put it on the hot side for water temperature.He removed his towel again and went in.Ryan felt afraid that his penis will grow in front of his son.Kay called his dad to come in with him.So Ryan took off his towel and went inside to the shower.He saw his son cleaning himself,and he watched him for a few minutes.Kay turned around and gave his dad a bar of soap,Ryan took it and started to clean himself. Kay noticed some smell during the time,he wondered where it came from,so he asked his dad. "Hey dad,what's this smell?smells kinda..kinda like sperm sorta...dad?Did you watch stuff on the internet?" Ryan's face turn red from Kay's question,he nodded slowly.Kay also sees his dad trying to cover his mid-section. "Dad,why are you covering your middle section?" Kay was trying to take his dad's hands out of the middle section,and notice it was growing a little.He looked at his dad and his dad's face went down.Kay thinks it maybe from the videos he watched,or maybe....something else. "Dad...is your penis growing from my body?" "What?no no,i-its from the videos,I'm thinking about." "Dad isn't it cause maybe I remind you about mom in some way?" "Well...maybe that's it,you remind me of Ruby so much,your caring personality,your way of things,remind me of my wife,and your mom son." "So you wanna have sex with me?" "N-n-no I don't." "You do don't you?" Ryan felt silent after that question.Kay put his hand on his dad's face to put his face up to see his face. "Listen dad,I want you to feel better ever since mom passed away,and if having sex with you will make you feel better,then I'll do it." "Really?Well Kay I'm not sure if--" He stopped cause Kay gave him a kiss on the mouth.Ryan felt surprised from the kiss and thought he might as well do this.He kissed him back and holds his son.Their tongues have met gently and it looks like they could be dancing to each other.they kissed for a few minutes till Kay stopped went to his dad's chest,feeling his nipples.Ryan started to moan from the pleasure. Kay started to lick his dad's nipple gently,Ryan has put his hand around his son's penis and started to rub it,the more he rubbed it,the more it grew.Kay started to groan from the groping from his dad and began to twist his dad's nipples,they got to full erect and bit on one of them,Ryan grunted and Kay noticed that his dad had sort of a little pain on his face,he stopped and went to his dad's balls.He started to lick them slowly,enjoying each lick.Ryan was laying on the wall,he was panting slowly,Kay started to stroke his dad's penis.Kay also stroked his penis as well in a fast motion.His father rubbed his son's head,he wanted to ejaculate,but not yet. Kay then went to his dad's penis and started to suck on it while playing with his dad's balls.Ryan was trying to hold it,but he couldn't hold it anymore,he let out his load inside his son's mouth and his son also ejaculated.they both went down to the ground and lay there for 10 minutes,Ryan turned off the water,and went to his son.He realized that Kay went asleep,so he picked him up and carried his son back to his son's room and placed him on his son's bed.He dried him off and put on some new clothing. Ryan went back his room,thinking on what happened,he wondered if he did something bad.He noticed that it was 11:00 PM,it was late,and he felt tired too.He dried himself and put on clothing and went to bed,he still wonders why Kay would do that for him,he'll probably know tomorrow,or maybe for some reason,his wife's spirit has came and took over Kay's body and made him did this.He fell asleep after wards.

Look,i know the sex scene isn't what u call,"good",but for some reason when make the sex scenes nothing good comes to my mind,sorry if I bored you from the story,I understand.