Ryan's Bath time with his Son

This story will contain incest,so if you don;t like it,don't read it then.My 4th story,its not digimon related at all like my other stories.Well anyway...enjoy it. * * * It was an early Saturday Morning,the sun rose from the sky and the birds were...

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Armadillomon's special payment

here's another story i made,yup another digimon sex story.This time i'm a Gabumon/Armadillomon story.hope you will like it!^^ * * * Things were a normal day for the digital world,today i'm gonna talk about a day with two friends,Gabumon and...

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Playing with Blackwargreymon

Things were normal for the digital world,nothing really bad happening,and Wargreymon was flying around cause he had nothing to do. (sigh)"God i'm bored,what am i gonna do today?" Wargreymon was looking down and he saw a black figure.he...

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Gaomon confesses

my second story,this time i'll do better on it.i noticed that no one did a Gaomon/Agumon pairing yet.i might as well be first. * * * It was a regular day for the blue dog digimon Gaomon.He woke up,do some streches,and waking up his human...

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Dragon Heroes episode 1-Prologue

There is another world..on a different universe..the dragon world. Things were going peacefully in the dragon world,until a giant dark cloud appeared around the dragon world, and what came out was a black spaceship,and the dark clouds start thundering...

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Dragon Heroes Episode 3-Becoming a Dragon Hero...maybe..

Episode 3 of Dragon Heroes,I have decided to only right the episodes whenever I feel like now,reasons?I don't know,I'm just that lazy :p,anywho..let's begin episode 3.First a recap:Ryuk has fought the EPD and won the battle,he turns back to a human and...

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Dragon Heroes Episode 2-Prologue Part 2

Ok for episode 2 i decided to some changes from the last story,like i'll take out the very beggining and just get to the story,and the tiny preview at the ending,plus i'll try to make it more of a story,rather than a script for an animated...

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