The Metamorph planet Pt3

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#115 of Exploration

And so we waited. I got down and sat cross legged, taking deep breaths and relaxing. Giancarlo rested against a tree, looking around for any of my companions. After twenty minutes, with no sign of anyone arriving, although the noise outside had increased, Clover arrived, changing with a backflip from his vehicle form to his normal leopard form.

"Where is he?" the leopard asked, and I shrugged.

"Well at any rate, the guardians agree that we need to talk to them, but after Silverine, none of us know how nice they are, and while you seem to get on fine, we don't want any of us getting hurt."

"That would explain," Draco commented acidly over the head set," Why they've got a massive tank outside these bushes."

I ignored this and spoke."Well, they don't want them to get hurt either, hence the secrecy. So we've got two groups, both don't want to get hurt, and don't want the other party to either."

"I'm not entirely sure about them."

"I reckon I am. I met one of their humanoids, Ryan Lewis, he was most charming about the whole thing."

"I didn't just hear that, did I?" Ryan himself said in my headset.

"But where are all of them?"

Silverine landed directly behind Clover. Even I was taken by surprise, and I launched myself backwards. Giancarlo did the same, and Clover tried desperately not to turn around. Instead both hands slowly raised.

"You three aren't looking around. We're all here."

A branch landed next to us, and we all looked up. Draco, Simba, Sunrise, Runo and Hinori, Ryan Lewis and Deltora were all up in the trees, all staring down at us in mild amusement or scowling. Orion, Alex and Kodey appeared from around bushes and trees. Everyone had at least one weapon drawn, Orion had his sword staff, Alex was holding his pendant in one hand, Kodey had his pistol, although not levelled, Ryan Lewis had his sword across his lap as he lay on a branch. Deltora and Draco carried swords, Sunrise carried a rifle while Hinori and Runo carried short daggers in one hand. The other hand for both seemed to be spellcasting. Simba, no I stand corrected, Simba didn't have a weapon out. By god I forgot how quietly we could all move.

Clover looked up into the ranks of armed Centralites.

"Help." he said quietly. I stepped forwards, and looked up at everyone.

"None of us mean any harm to you, we just want to know about what you are."

"That could take some time, Alduin, time we do not have." Draco called down, scowling at me.

"Even a truncated story would suffice." I suggested. Clover was mumbling a prayer underneath his breath.

"Doubtless sometime in the near future we will send a group who can stay here longer, Alduin, but for now, you and your metamorphic friends will only hinder with questions." Silverine replied, and I turned.

Clover still hadn't turned around, but he did, and backed into me. I took him by the shoulders.

"This isn't the time for panicking."I whispered," They have a job to do, so do you."

"My job rather depends on staying alive. I may be a guardian, but that doesn't mean I am good at dealing with these creatures."

"I know few who are." Silverine replied, and Clover flinched again. Silverine gave a hand motion, and every sheathed their weapons. Clover gave a sigh of relief, and then gripped my arm as all the dragons vaulted off their branches, landing around the three of us. Deltora leapt down agilely, Simba stayed up there, and Ryan climbed down, forming the wall behind the three of us, me, Giancarlo and Clover, with Alex, Orion and Kodey. Thus surrounded, Clover closed his eyes.

"Alduin, Giancarlo, you are prepared to leave now?"

"About as ready as we'll ever be, I think." Giancarlo shivered in front of the Lupogriff's scowl.

"Alduin, you are prepared?"

"Silverine, I wish to make one request. Let one of you stay with us to explain to the guardians for no more than half an hour. Can you at least manage that for us?"

Silverine scowled at me, and then looked up. "Simba?"

"I can probably manage half an hour." the lion said off handed, and began climbing down.

"Very well, Clover. One of us does have time, he will speak with you and your guardians. A band will return sometime, you will treat them with courtesy, as they will be staying for longer. If one of my band it hurt as a result of any metamorph's actions, I will get involved, is that clear?" Silverine said sternly to the leopard. Clover nodded, unable to even speak at the sight of so many of these seven and eight foot creatures in front of him, staring at him.

"Giancarlo, take my hand." Orion offered his arm to the avian, who took it firmly, and Orion vanished. Runo and Sunrise took hold of Draco, and Hinori and Kodey went with Ryan Lewis. Silverine waited until Simba had got down, and then placed a light hand on Deltora's slim elven arm, and then he teleported away. Clover breathed and lay down on the ground, I got down and began stroking his back gently.

Two more metamorphers arrived, and they changed into two insectoid creatures, looking at Simba and Clover.

"Where are they, Clover?"

"They've gone, they've taken Giancarlo to wherever they live."

"And what happened to waiting for reinforcements to turn up?" one asked.

"We are not blessed with patience, or not most of us." Simba replied, folding his arms and standing next to the two of us," There are hundreds upons millions of inhabitable planets in the universe, we are determined to discover as many as physics allows. On Alduin's request, I was asked to stay behind to explain what you want."

Clover nodded at the guardians to confirm it, and the guardians looked at Simba cautiously.

"You are one of the aliens?"

"One, possibly the least intimidating. I am a medic, a doctor, and I do not like the idea of people getting hurt. I should warn you against any violent action against me."

"You mistake us." one said, shaking his head," We don't mean harm to you, providing you are in turn kind to us."

Simba sat down next to Clover, and the two extra guardians sat next to him. They began asking questions about Central, which Simba was only to happy to answer, and then ask things in return. Clover whispered in my ear.

"What is it that you like about them?"

"It is an interesting job, where I will meet lots of interesting people. Some will try to kill me, that I know, but others will be like me, and I love exploring."

"You are brave, Alduin. You have never considered being a guardian?"

"I'm not one for rules, really, I wouldn't be good at it." I shook my head, and Clover smiled.

After twenty minutes of conversation, Simba's pager beeped. He grabbed a device on his belt, and asked everyone to take a few steps backwards. Then he aimed the device at the ground.

A hologrammatic dragon appeared, my boyfriend looked cute as this bright blue illusion. He turned to face Simba, while the guardians looked astonished and a little nervous.

"Simba, Arachno is taking Giancarlo for his ABM, are you bringing Alduin back now?" this was still in the local lingo.

"Is he required?" Simba asked.

"Preferably, yes. The machines need to compute his exact abilities and atmospheric conditions. Besides, we need it to work with his DNA."

"Alright then, Alduin?"

"Umm."I looked slightly nervous for the guardian's sake," What are you going to do?"

"I'm about to teleport you back to our home. Take my hand."

"Will it hurt?" I advanced, timidly. Simba smiled.

"Not really, although it's a bit disconcerting."

Clover looked at me.

"Come back in one piece, Alduin."

"I'll try, Clover." I took Simba's hand, and Simba teleported the pair of us away.

I landed, and landed hard, not used to someone teleporting me. Simba smiled.

"See? Nothing broken."

"I feel sorry for them. Just trying to do their job, and they're confronted with Silverine and the dragons. Poor Clover, he's going to have nightmares of them for ages."

"Yes, I heard Silverine's threat on recording. That leopard's face was cold. And we left a scanner right next to them."

"I'll get it." I replied, activating it. Clover was there."Do you think Silverine will mind me bringing a guardian back for a short while so he can see how we work?"

"Not at all." Silverine replied behind me, and I jumped.

"Silverine, will you stop doing that!" I laughed.

"By all means, bring Clover. I was a little over cruel to him, but my image needs to be maintained. I'm in my office, so don't take him there."

"Will do."I listened to the scanner. Clover and the guardians were still there.

Bang. I arrived right next to them, and Clover turned surprised.

I grabbed the scanner, looking at the three of them.

"Clover, come over here."

"What the hell just happened?" he asked me, walking over to me. I took his hand, and hit my teleporter again.

Clover landed badly, and we landed next to Simba. Clover looked around in surprise and fear.

"What is this?" he asked.

"This is Central,"Simba replied," You want to know about how we work, we'll show you around."

"But, how is this possible?" Clover looked around,"And how did Alduin do it?"

"Firstly, you have been deceived, Clover. Alduin is in fact one of us, although he has limited metamorphing abilities. Second, we wear devices that allow us to teleport great distance."

I was still holding Clover's hand, and the leopard looked at me. I looked ashamed.

"I'm sorry, Clover, but I didn't want either us or you to get hurt, and I have different abilities."

"You..." Clover looked exceptionally wounded and betrayed. Simba casually walked down the corridor. I placed one hand on the leopard's shoulder.

"Do not be upset with me, Clover. I know I lied to you, but I am the same as Simba, I don't want to hurt those who are nice people.I'll promise to detour Silverine's office when showing you around, too."

Clover sighed, but didn't uncurl." I won't be able to write anything down, I don't have any tools."

I took out a recorder and a pocket video camera, Centralite made of course. These small cameras were kind of redundant when we had glasses, but a second camera was always handy just in case.

"You use these.Now come on, get up or I'll let Draco tour you around."

"Meanie." Clover got to his feet and took both camera and recorder from me.

I smiled, and hugged him gently."There's the spirit. I'm not a nasty alien, am I?"

"You? No. Is Silverine out of hearing range?"

I chuckled, and nodded."Yes, I've heard it before."

As we started walking, Zac turned up in a custom built vehicle. It was a small version of a KTM X-Bow, and Abigail had made about eight or nine of them for the twenty G'zara we had.Most of them lived in a single room, only Zac was happy to mingle frequently with the larger of us.

"Hey Alduin, how's it going?" he came to a halt next to me, and I bent down. Clover looked astonished at this tiny creature.

"Very good, Zac. Has Abigail been giving you gifts?"

"This is so fun to drive!" Zac beamed," Besides, Abby likes me."

"And why is that?" I humoured him and asked.

"Partly because I'm small and can do very tricky things that larger fingers have difficulty doing.But also partly because I am very good at pleasuring her."

"That figures.I just don't want to know how." Zac laughed, and drove cheerfully down the corridor. I often wondered how Abby was pleasured by Zac, but today was not a day I wanted to find out. Clover on the other hand, asked an inevitable question.


"We all enjoy a bit of sex. I'll take you back to my quarters, and you can ask about what you will. You've got the camera, right?

"Er, yes." He began recording, after me pointing out which button did it, and he began scanning around. We walked together, Clover looking at all these odd doors, and I explained most of them were sleeping quarters. I made no references to our technology, and while Clover asked I was not keen to talk about our weaponry or our glasses.

Clover very quickly took the hint, after the second time he was asking me a tech question. I was pretty sharp with him, and thus rebuked he dropped it.

Draco was in our quarters, but in his room when we entered. I shut the door and showed him around the common room. Draco came to examine when he heard two voices talking.

"Eeep!"Clover's squeal of surprise broke my train of thought, and I turned to see the dragon staring down at the leopard in interest. The leopard stumbled backwards into the table, ending up sitting on it.

"Draco's not going to bite, Clover."

"Of course not." Draco added,"I am merely annoyed that you're the only one who's had it off with one of these metamorphers."

Clover looked at me, and then at Draco.

"He wants to fuck me?"

"Draco is like that." I replied, as if it all made sense. Clover looked up and down at the dragon.

"If he tries it, stop him." I laughed at this, and Clover flushed. Draco rolled his eyes.

"By the way, Clover, Giancarlo mentioned that all your race can give themselves both male and female organs, is that true?" the dragon asked.

"It is, and I am not stripping to show you."

Draco launched forwards, and the table went over with a crashing noise. Clover gave a cry of pain, and I walked over. Draco ripped the leopard's clothes with two swipes with his claws, and I placed one hand on Draco's neck.

"Clover is an ambassador from his planet, Draco."

Draco stopped, but didn't look at me."If he wants to experience Central fully, he should know about our love for sex."

"I think he got the message." I replied firmly.

Clover miaowed uncertainly."Draco, I would, I'm just scared of you."

The dragon smiled, and got onto his knees, allowing Clover to get up if he chose to.

"Alduin, care to explain this?"

"Draco, give him a chance. He's not used to your rough and tumble attitude. Clover, if you wish to have sex with one of us, Centralites enjoy it a lot, and it is bonding you with them. Draco never wants anyone of us hurt, none of us do, because we've all enjoyed one another intimately."

"Am I allowed to record that fact?" Clover miaowed shyly. Both human and dragon laughed.

"If you want to. Or you could keep it private so when we next meet, you can have it with us in secrecy." Draco whispered roguishly, and Clover turned red again.

"It's a pity I don't like this idea of travelling. I'm much happier being a guardian."

"Are the guardians not allowed sex or something?"

"It is forcefully discouraged amongst the public, and very few of my fellows are open."

Draco smiled, understanding." Then let's keep it a secret. Tell you what, Clover. If you are in need of some sexual relief, I will give you a device that alerts me or Alduin.Then we can home on your position, and have some fun. That sound reasonable?"

Clover pawed the ground, nodding and smiling weakly.

"I should make a warning, Clover." I began," Draco refuses to let anyone fuck him anally, so if you want to, ask me."

"I expected nothing less from someone his size." Clover mumbled.

Draco laughed at this cheap shot, and picked the leopard off the ground, enveloping him in his grasp. Clover gave a miaow of surprise.

"Now, if you want it now, both me and Alduin are prepared to give it. Now if you change into a herm, that allows both of us to fuck you, and still leave our hands free to stroke you off."

"Yours looks pretty big, Draco..." Clover began, looking at the dragon's cock. All this talk was making Draco erect, and I changed form rapidly, stripping down and placing my clothes in the corner.

I sat on Draco's upper legs, facing him and Clover. My own already erect cock was next to Draco's, and Clover looked shy again.

"I don't think my ass could possibly take Draco..." he began, and Draco pulled him to his feet.

"You sit according to how you want it done." the dragon said firmly. Clover hesitated, and then turned to face Draco, exposing his very nice ass to me. Draco smiled.

"If you want, let Alduin get his cock in you, and then I'll loosen you a bit with my fingers before fucking you."Clover nodded quickly, before Draco added,"I'm surprised a cute guy like you doesn't get more sex than this."

Clover blushed, and sat down on me. I angled my cock at his ass, and his ass reluctantly opened to let my member in.I pulled him slowly all the way in, and then stopped. Draco lowered one hand and began fingering the leopard's vagina with two claws, gently splitting the vagina apart, and then probing deeper, so the leopard became accustomed to size. Clover sighed and began to stroke Draco's arms. I took hold of both arms, drawing him away. With a small glower flash, his hands were secure in rope. Clover didn't fancy this, and he tried to struggle.He slipped, and two of Draco's fingers slipped deep into the metamorpher.

He purred in pleasure, and stopped struggling.

"Alduin, I don't like my hands being tied.Could you please?"

The rope disappeared, and Draco spoke." Just don't try to fend me off next time."

"Yes, Draco." the leopard nodded, and rose, lifting his vagina a little higher so Draco could get his cock in.The dragon placed his hands on the leopard's waist, pressed his cock against Clover's pussy, and then forced it in hard, all one foot and a half going into the leopard's tight vagina.

Clover moaned in surprise at this, as we held ourselves in him, not thrusting until he was used to us.His tail played across my chest as he swished it in reflex, and I held it mid flight, stroking it. The leopard leaned forwards, resting his head against Draco's upper chest, smiling. Draco began stroking the leopard's neck and back with broad strokes, and the leopard purred and muzzled against the dragon's golden chest. I let go of the tail and began playing with Clover's nipples, while he was herm he hadn't given himself larger breasts, but I gently pinched and rubbed them, forcing him closer to Draco, and me practically against his back.

Draco began thrusting, and the purrs from Clover increased three fold, having the dragon slowly hitting all the sweet spots inside him on every stroke. His cock twitched, and I nodded at Draco. I removed one hand from my fondling, and Draco used his free hand to do what I had been doing, as I began stroking the leopard's cock.

I was just getting into the swing of things when Silverine buzzed me.

"Alduin, Giancarlo's looking for you, are you available?"

"Just give me five minutes."I replied, and shut off my link. I apologised to Clover, got Draco to promise to teleport the leopard once they were finished, and went into the bathroom.

"Glower..."I began.

"It has been most interesting, Alduin. I think it has been as much of a privilege for me to be within you as the other way round." Keen said firmly.

"So how do you leave?" I asked.

There was a sharp jolt of pain, and I felt the powerful glowing sensation leave me. Instantly, I felt weak on my feet, and I stagged back into the sink, holding onto the marble to keep me upright. The warm feeling vanished, and I felt exposed and naked, helpless. I was given a stark view of mortality in that one second, and I shivered. The glower pulsed once in concern.

"Are you O.K., Alduin?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, it just feels, odd now." I stood up, the slight disconcertion fading, and the glower pulsed.

"We have learnt many lessons from one another, Alduin, I look forward to doing this again."

Not for some time, I thought hopefully, as the glower wafted out. I slowly walked out after him, past Draco and Clover, and down the corridor. Giancarlo was in Silverine's office, looking around apprehensively. Kodey was sitting at his desk, doing something on his personal computer, and Silverine was in his relaxing chair. Giancarlo now had a necklace for himself, and I spoke in Centralite.

"Has he terrified you yet, Giancarlo?"

"You have no idea, Alduin. And, as a third party, is he really going out with Kodey?" the metamorpher nodded at the reindeer, and Silverine tried not to grin. Kodey's frame shivered, I knew the reindeer was trying not to laugh.

"While it looks impossible, Gi, it is in fact the case. I am yet to see Kodey fuck Silverine, so I guess all their stuff is one way traffic."

"What did you expect from our respective sizes?" Silverine laughed.

"umm, you occasionally letting the reindeer fuck you? Sorry, you chose the wrong moment to ask." I giggled, and Silverine rolled his eyes.

"Giancarlo, I should warn you. Everyone says I'm the leader, but with Joker over there, I'm not entirely sure that I have it under control."

"Since when have you ever had me under control?" I asked with a grin.

"Well, that last time..."

"Not including sex." I added before the Lupogriff completed his sentence, and he stopped, thinking on it. Kodey leaned back and looked at the two of us, waiting for the Lupogriff's come back. The Lupogriff shrugged.

"The defence rests." he said, and nodded to Giancarlo behind his back."So what is your plan with Giancarlo for the afternoon?"

"Gi, wait outside a minute, I just need to tell Silverine something." I nodded to the metamorph, who immediately got up and walked out.

Silverine looked at me in interest, and I sat down.

"My merge has finished. Keen's gone back to his own quarters."

"Congratulations, Alduin. You have no idea how much you impressed me, firstly to accept, and secondly how you used the power."

"It is a burden, to hold that power. I am glad I am not one of them, to be honest. But anyway, have you exerted your dominance on Gian yet? He's more submissive then Kodey."

Silverine laughed," If my boyfriend has no objection, that sounds like a plan. Where are we suggesting?"

"Well, I'll take him back home, and we can all give him a run for his money.Gareth was in the mood before I left, so that's two, not including me."

"Make it three, I would like to get to know this 'even more submissive than me' metamorpher." Kodey smiled, scoring a hit on my flank, and I turned and leaned on the chair.

"Kodey, when's the last time you really fucked someone, in the ass or vagina?"

There was a long pause, and Kodey laughed.

"The defence rests." quoting Silverine, and then added," Alright, you have me. Can I break that with Giancarlo?"

"I don't see why he'd mind. He loves the idea of sex, and he's a tad gullible. I bet if you told him he had to be fucked by ten of us as an initiation he'd tie himself to the bed."

"We do have that, it's called the Scouter's Ball, the Hunt and the fucking afterwards." Silverine chortled.

We all got up, and I took Giancarlo's arm as we walked out. We all teleported home, and found Ryan and Gareth playing chess. I didn't think Gareth knew how to play chess, and one look at the board confirmed it. Ryan took Gareth's queen, and Gareth looked at the position.

"Alduin, some help?" I looked at the hopeless case again.

"Your best bet? Resign, around"

The fox sighed, and nodded, knocking over his king with a claw. Ryan leaned back.

"So who's the newcomer?" Gareth asked, spotting Giancarlo.

"This is Giancarlo, a metamorphic creature." Gareth got up and shook Giancarlo's hand, introducing himself. Giancarlo responded politely, and Silverine spoke.

"Right, Giancarlo, let's show you a good time. Get your clothes off."

Silverine and Kodey began stripping, and Gareth looked interested. I nodded at the fox, and he smiled widely, following the metamorpher as all four stripped.

I stepped over by Ryan, and my fellow human looked at me.

"Are you joining in?" he asked, quietly, looking as Silverine discarded his trousers. I watched as Giancarlo got his clothes off, and Gareth and Kodey grabbed at him, pulling him down to the ground. Silverine took a step, avoiding the laughing collapse, Giancarlo was beaming as Kodey wrestled with him. Gareth got behind the metamorpher, and pressed his cock against the avian's ass. Kodey pressed his own member against Giancarlo's vagina, and Silverine knelt down next to them, and got Giancarlo to work him orally.

I smiled, and motioned Ryan over to the bathroom. I closed the door, and locked it.

"Not with them.But I did want to do it with you.I feel like some slow, deep, one on one sex would be perfect."

Ryan laughed, and we both stripped down. Ryan watched as I turned on the shower, and I got it to the temperature we could both stand. The two of us, two humans in a group of creatures so amazingly varied, it was poetic.

We both got in, and the spray soaked us within seconds. He lay against the back wall, his legs slightly spread, and I moved in on him, grabbing his hips firmly, and pressing my cock against his ass. He smiled, giving a small sigh of pleasure, and placed both hands on my shoulders, and then lifted both legs around my back. The weight was too much for me at that moment, and my cock slid all the way into Ryan's ass, and he moaned.

He looked passionately into my own blue eyes, and smiled widely, moving forwards and kissing me square on the lips. I closed my own eyes and kissed back. I shuffled my hands lowered, and gently began thrusting back and forth. Ryan's hands left my shoulders, and he placed them both on the back of my head, firmly forcing me to make out with him. He moaned through our kiss, and I pressed my tongue against his teeth. He opened his mouth, and our tongues met and interwove, running over one another sensuously. I let go with one hand, making my thrusts slower, and began stroking his cock delicately.

So deep and slow was my own stroke that it took quite some time for me to get to climax.Ryan on the other hand, having his cock stroked in rhythm with his ass being taken, came to orgasm a lot quicker.After a few howls from outside which suggested Gareth and Silverine had let go, Ryan began humping my hand, willing me to work faster. I took the hint, and began stroking fast and deep. I could feel him clutch me tighter, his legs tightening sharply, and I stopped thrusting, working his cock faster. He jerked as though his member was trapped in a milking machine, although Draco would have made an acidic comment about me using that term, I've milked him enough times, and let go with a huge burst of semen, which ran down over my own cock and legs.

The water quickly swept the semen away, and I resumed my gentle fucking.

Draco announced half an hour later that he had taken Clover home, and I added the restaurant menu to my drawer of objects. Silverine had taken Giancarlo and Kodey back to Central to get set up in a room, and Ryan had gone upstairs to get ready for bed. Upstairs really had changed, going up that ladder was the same, but you stood in a small corridor, with three doors. One led to a new guest room, we needed it for all those Centralites who came around. It was bare, but had a bed and wardrobe, and a dresser.

The second door led to the toilet, and we had installed it up there so Ryan wouldn't have to keep coming down when he needed a relief.We had worked the plumbing so it would move around behind the original bathroom, and we had expertly fitted the rooms with silencing batts. The third was Ryan's bedroom, his own little world. He had his bed, wardrobe and dresser, but he also had a keyboard and chair, a second dresser for personal effects, and his own computer desk with internet computer.

I bid the others goodnight, and went into my own bedroom for a really, really long sleep. After the last two days, pretending to be some one I wasn't, I wanted it.

The dangers of the job Pt3

I was only out for half an hour. When I came to I found I was lying next to my car, we hadn't moved, and that Kodey was asleep under the blanket that someone had kindly put on us. We were still a mess of blood and dirt. Silverine was sitting on the...

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The dangers of the job Pt2

Waking up was NOT the most pleasant sensation I had ever encountered. My head was sore, my neck was sore, my shoulder and chest was covered in blood, as was Kodey in my arms,his head was covered in blood which must have been from me. My entire body...

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The dangers of the job Pt1

Two weeks after the phenomenal trip to the metamorphic creatures, and after Giancarlo had settled in on Central, we were advised of a new planet. Salbar had gone for a rest on his planet, so the metamorphic creature was invited to see how we worked....

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