Trouble in Paradise

Story by Fenryx on SoFurry

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Trouble in Paradise

Insectile monsters, each one the size of an SUV touch down in Maui, causing a great panic as various species scatter screaming. the base bug is a rhinoceros beetle with eyes like a spider and the stinger of a scorpion. Apparently those tails have spinnerets as they web up random furs and stab them profusely.

As suddenly as the bugs invaded from outer space the super heroes arrive. First to fly in is an African lion with a red, white and blue Afro mane in a blue bodysuit featuring a white star on his chest, red boots and boxing gloves and a white cape with a blue star on it. Next is a black stallion in red, white and blue power armor.

Bouncing in after the armored horse is a sable ferret in a red and blue bodysuit that is as flexible as he is. Following behind the ferret on an ice slide is a monkey lady in a blue and white bodysuit. Coming in hot is a flaming pig in a red and and white bodysuit.

After the pig is a red vixen in a green bodysuit with a black Greek letter Psi on her chest flying through under her own power. Finally and old wolf in the Hawaiian version of a stage magician's traditional attire. The magician closes the portal and the fight commences.

"Great job, Kazam," the shouts to the wolf. "You predicted the next attack of these alien bugs!"

"I fear for what they are trying to accomplish, American Pride," Kazam the Mystic says with some apprehension. "Stretcher Truth, would you mind setting up a cordon?"

"Right, Kazam!"Stretcher Truth says as she stretches to help protect the people from the bugs. "Hey, War Horse! Have you figured out how to take care of these things?"

"Still working on it Stretcher," the stallion answers. "Blizzard! Volcano! Try alternating your attacks!"

"Hot time!" Volcano yells and lays down a blanket of flame. "Blizzard, love, come cool 'em down!"

"Yes, dear," Blizzard says with a smirk and ushers in a snow storm in a place that has only seen that sort of atmospheric condition on TV and in the movies.

"Any appreciable help from mind scans, Psi Fox?" American Pride asks of the vixen who is not happy.

"Nothing worth mentioning, American Pride," Psi Fox says with disgust as she mutters under her breath. "Nasty, buggers!"

"Blasting Bolts of Bizzarium!" Kazam yells as he casts a spell of offensive nature.

The bugs recoil from the purple bolts of energy Kazam tosses at them.

"GO HOME!!!" American Pride screams with his booming blast voice.

"They're responding to offensive powers," War Horse observes as he blasts them himself.

Three of the bugs concentrate firing green beams of concussive force of Kazam and knock him from the sky.

"KAZAM!" Psi Fox screams. "Got to use telekinesis to guide him to ground and safety."

"Take me to my bungalow, Cassandra," Kazam asks. "I need to contact my grandson."

"He's hurt bad!" Psi Fox announces. "I'm taking him to his bungalow."

Kazam lies naked in a hot tub and concentrates on the water.

"Michael!" Come to the Hawaiian House," Kazam says with conviction.

On the television the All-American Advocates are beating back the invaders as Cassandra Yamaha brings in refreshment naked as well.

"I fixed something to help you feel better, Jonathan," Cassie smirks lustfully. "Any thing else I can get you?"

"Nothing you have in mind unless you want to wait for Michael." Jonathan Morrigan says with a smirk.

"You summoned the Wraith!?!" Cassie yells and almost drops the tray in surprise. "Terry's gonna have a shit fit!"

"What do you want, grandfather?" A sinister sounding voice calls from the shadows behind them.

Cassandra screams and Jonathan conjures a save for the tray effortlessly as a black furred wolf in a black bodysuit, red gloves, black cloak and silver pentagram (fifth point skyward) on his chest steps out of the shadows. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Not especially, grandson," Kazam says with a smirk as Psi Fox just stands there staring at them in the buff. "Wraith, allow me to officially introduce ou to Psi Fox."

"Hi," Cassie says weekly as she waves and stares at him fearfully. "War Horse is not gonna like this." She says under her breath. "But he is a handsome wolf."

"Eyes of the Grand Examiner!" Wraith says in ancient Atlantean then switches back to American English. "This is what you have been chasing, elder?"

"Yes, Michael, what are you looking for?" Kazam asks with a raised eye ridge.

"I thought I..." Michael says distractedly. "Great Gods of Light and Darkness! This can't be! Grandfather, compare these with the ancient tales you taught me when I was small, please."

"Which tales?" Kazam asks initially but then his eyes go wide. "NO! It can't be! It musn't be! But you are correct, my child. I do recognize them, now."

"Would someone please clue me in!?!" Psi Fox says annoyedly. "What are you two talking about?"

"Beasts like that were harbingers of the fall of Atlantis, Cassandra," Jonathan says gravely. "We keep such records in the family, when they finish this batch we ned to have a meeting."

"You mean invasions like this plagued ancient Atlantis?" Psi Fox says fearfully. "How are we going to have any luck against them!?!"

"There's a bigger issue," Wraith states. "Buzzer Killers are not strong enough to break through the wards on their own. They're being summoned. Why?"

"That's what I'd like to know!" A voice behind them yells angrily.

All heads turn to see a livid War Horse storming in. "We just got finished chasing those things back to wherever the HELL they came from and come to relax..."

"Do not presume, Shaka Jackson!" Kazam thunders. "I may not be able to help you with this. This mission could be last mission so I brought in my grandson. He has already figured and recognized something that I could not..."

"He's a godless Heathen!" War Horse yells back at Jonathan which angers Kazam enough that Shaka is tossed outside by the Mystic's blast.

"FOOL!" Kazam screams. "Do not presume your insignificant cult is worthy of consideration! Wraith is more vocal about it but I do agree with his faith. We Morrigans have never accepted your false faith and we never will!"

"You too?" War Horse asks meekly. "But...I thought you were wise..."

"I am wise, you fool," Kazam growls. "I have met the gods and found them worthy of adoration. I have never found your god so your god does not exist."

"What the Hell is wrong with you magic folk!?!" War Horse yells as American Pride just sighs and strikes his head.

"Grow up!" American Pride growls to War Horse. "This is still America that freedom of religion clause is not limited to your brand."

A squad of ten Buzzer Killers fly over the bungalow of Jonathan Morrigan and family asks Kazam the Mystic and his descendants. When they land they are monitored by stone tiki totem poles as War Horse goes back into the house. The squad passes by a set of the poles that alight their eyes with mist spilling out of their mouths that encapsulates the alien bugs; when the fog finally clears the invaders are nowhere to be seen.

"They're...they're gone!" Stretcher Truth says as he watches the monsters disappear from sight.

"Neat trick," Blizzare says as she looks to Kazam. "What did you do?"

"It's a basic security measure utilizing Atlantean magic techniques." Wraith explains. "The mist acts as a teleportation medium." He glances at Kazam. "where do you dump them, grandpa?"

"Temporal stasis on Mars, Wraith," Kazam says simply. "I'm sure their owners can collect them easily enough."

"Hey!" Volcano yells. "How come the Wraith can call you gramps!?!"

"Even if he means it in a derogatory manner," Kazam explains with a smirk. "The fact is that I am his grandfather. We are related by blood."

"My father was Mojo the Mystic," Wraith states. "Even if I disagree vehemently with the gray muzzle, I still respect him. Grandfather, has the portal been checked? Recently?"

"No, it hasn't actually," Kazam says in fearful revelation. "Do you think that is what they seek?"

"It's a prime target," Wraith states with a nod from Kazam. "We haven't been able to seal it properly so it could have opened."

"Stay here and make sure they keep out of the area," Kazam orders to which Wraith nods. "Psi Fox, I'll need your help for what I have to do."

"Where are we going?" Psi Fox asks. "Somewhere important to your faith?"

"I'll explain when we get there," Kazam answers grimly. "Grandson, I need you to be a beacon."

"I know what to do," Wraith says. "Shall I bring them here?"

with that Kazam and Psi Fox leave as everyone looks to the Wraith.

"What the HELL are you two witches babbling about?" War Horse demands to know. "What portal? What do you mean imprisoned on Mars? We're still probing that God Forsaken dust ball!"

"Just because your science in the public eye has no ideas," Wraith says in a mockingly jovial tone as his face is obscured by his hood. "But suffice to say it has a lot to do with artifacts of Ancient Atlantis and aspects of its fall. Especially that portal, which opens to the vault of R'lyeh."

"Didn't Lovecraft write on that?" American Pride asks.

"He wrote about a lot of things we know about and keep hidden for good reason." Wraith says with a dark voice. "How he got his info we have few ideas. Suffice to say we fight to keep the monster he chronicled in his most famous tale slumbering eternally."

"And these buggy aliens?" Blizzard asks fearfully. "How do they fit into all of this?"

"Buzzer Killer serve the elder evilsin many, many ways," Wraith says plainly. "From the time I was a pup I was told horror stories of alien monsters overrunning portions of Atlantis before and as the empire fell. They serve the old ones as fanatical enforces of their mercurial whims and now they wish their freedom. I may need to check some charts but I don't think the stars are right. More than likely there is cult activity on the island."

At a secluded location of a cave inside of a live volcano Kazam the Mystic and Psi Fox enter a strange temple. Tiki warriors guard its entrance and animate as they approach only to return to a dormant state as they apparently recognize Kazam. Worked stone bridges and stairways in both Polynesian and a weirder style that seems to be an amalgamation of numerous European styles but also includes numerous octopus references and sea beasts in a sea of lava that no doubt feeds the volcano.

Psi Fox is amazed by all she witnesses but is taken back when a stone tiki styled octopus rises out of the lava pool, Kazam barks an order to it in a strange language Psi Fox had never heard before that causes the thing to sink back into the lava pool. She looks to him for an explanation.

"Survivors of Atlantis with local help built this place to keep out cultists of the dark ones." Kazam states. :Some of the defenses are made in such a way to make them believe their own 'Gods' oppose their actions. For thousands of years the ruse has worked. But those things won't be fooled so easily. It will slow them down but stop the ravaging horde."

"What about the entity itself?" Psi Fox asks. "Could it seize control of these constructs for its own purposes?"

"The entity itself still slumbers in the vault Lovecraft described in his most famous story." Kazam relates. "Or at least we hope it is. We better check on that."

"We can check on the thing?" Psi Fox asks fearfully.

Kazam just chuckles as they walk into a high domed chamber above a lake of lava. A clockwork dragon snake coils in front of the entrance to a bridge over the lava to an island in the lake dominated by a huge circular doorway in which sparkles a portal to someplace else. The magical machine awakes and speaks a challenge to those in front of it.

"Who dares tread upon this sacred ground?" The thing says in Atlantean which Kazam understands and Psi Fox can translate with her powers. "Only those authorized by the High Council and the Emperor may be here!"

"The High Council is no more!" Kazam says in Ancient Atlantean which set the ancient automaton aback. "I am Kazam the Mystic among the last of the Atlantean High Magi!"

"Stand and be recognized, Kazam!" It bellows in Atlantean and then scans him. "At last! One of the Masters has returned! What is your command, O fountain of wisdom?"

"Open this portal to the sleeper," Kazam commands. "I wish to inspect the wards. The female is my attendant."

The golem complies rather than responds to Kazam's orders and scans Psi Fox before obeying what it perceives as one that has the authority over it according to its ancient programming. The portal behind it shimmers as Kazam and Psi Fox move through it. The sunken vault beyond the portal is a nightmare of geography with the unspeakable denizens that haunted the dreams of Lovecraft and tormented him even as he penned his lurid tales to appease them.

Kazam's mystical might provides them with some measure of protection even as Psi Fox has to fight an overwhelming urge to cower in fear before blasphemous entities only too happy to assault her super psyche. Horrific beings that seem to combine aspects of insects and animals or arachnids and animals in such configurations that would assault the very mind of the viewer at merest glimpse of their aberrant forms. Most of these being are mercifully shrouded in shadows as the chamber is dimly lit but the silhouettes call forth primal fears as alien voices whisper in the very minds of the travelers.

Within a mostly flooded chamber, he who would be master of this realm of nightmares slumbers eternally though the sleep is so deep he appears to have passed on but Kazam knows better. Features from reptiles, cephalopods and primates blend in titanic proportions as the form of he who should not be named rests in deathless slumber. Poles with light globes ring the chamber with runes of every color of the rainbow floating in the air between them.

Psi Fox is fascinated by the illuminated floating script as he looks at it with a more critical eye. In fact Kazam interacts with said script as if it means something to him.

"What language is this?" Psi Fox asks as she is in awe of what she sees.

"These are the very words of Magic," Kazam explains, "as written in the empire of Atlantis in its height. Every Atlantean High Mage was expected to learn this script to the point that each glyph could be understood at a glance. It is a lost art and a dead tongue spoken by those families who trace their ancestry back to Atlantis herself. My family among them, although my father was much better at this than I. My son is even worse."

"What about, Wraith?" Psi Fox asks to which Kazam issues forth a heavy sigh. "What's wrong?"

"Michael shows my father's grasp of Atlantean," Kazam admits. "Even, no, especially with that costume, he is the spitting image of my father with few exceptions."

"He freely admits the costume is based on the Grim Guardian's on the Global Powers dot com forums," Psi Fox to which Kazam just shakes his head.

"Mojo never knew his grandfather," Kazam admits. "He pretended well but when Wraith was born I could have sworn he looked like my father. As he grew older the similarities became greater. The fact he would study my father and his life disturbed me. But the costume was the final straw."

"What do you mean, Kazam?" Psi Fox asks.

"Do you believe in reincarnation?" Kazam asks.

"Not really, but I'm not sure any life after death belief system is accurate." Psi Fox admits honestly. "Do you think Wraith is the Grim Guardian reincarnated?"

"I strongly suspect that he is," Kazam states. "We of the Morrigan clan believe that most of our family reincarnates every one hundred years or so unless causes them to return early. Other members reincarnate other lost souls of Atlantis."

"So why would Mordecai Morrigan come back so soon?" Psi Fox asks as Kazam is on the verge of tears.

"My father and I fought bitterly before he died," Kazam admits. "Mainly about methods and priorities. I felt the need to be a Global and Universal citizen using my powers to bring peace and democracy to the world and fight the scourge of communism to the bitter end. My father called me a fool.

For the Grim Guardian the only reason to travel outside the country was to make sure other key sites like here maintained their so the sacrifice of Atlantis would never be in vain. This site in particular caused him many sleepless nights of worry. Very few things could ever frighten the Grim Guardian; this entity is the one thing that ever truly terrify him."

"But why tell me all this?" Psi Fox asks.

"I need you to convince Michael to swallow his damn pride," Kazam growls. "If her is my father returned a pretty face will get him to do what Presidents failed to accomplish." He points to the runes. "Each rune here represents the soul of one who has sacrificed themselves to keep this monster sleeping. I may join them I'm afraid. I can feel it stirring."

As if on cue the old one opens one of its great alien eyes in a sleepy manner. One eye is at least twice the size of a normal person. It's not yet awake but neither is it fully sleeping as the eyeball of this alien aberration glares balefully at them both.

Even mostly asleep the old ones command such great power that mere mortals can hardly hope to stand against. Tentacles burst from the floor and capture Kazam and Psi Fox in their grip. Both canines are stripped of their costumes and molested but not before Kazam can issue a summons to his grandson.

Back in Maui have the Wraith swatting amorphous blob of sickly yellow protoplasm into oblivion with a greater degree of success than his fellow heroes. War Horse continually shoots dark looks at Wraith as the blasters have only half the effect Wraith's mystical missiles do even though he is using his offensive systems at full capacity. Blizzard are doing slightly better at flash freezing and then frying the things but they are working in tandem with the occasion butt slaps on each other's rumps.

"Grandfather calls," Wraith says in a spooky voice. "You'll have to make do on your own."

A fissure opens up beneath him with the chanting of disembodied voices that the Wraith dives into much to War Horse's aggravation.

"Wraith! Get yer worthless liberal tail back here! You do not have my leave to just vanish on us!" War Horse screams at the departing Wraith.

"He's not beholden to you, War Horse," American Pride growls as he destroys a blob. "Kazam must have summoned him and Wraith IS beholden to Kazam."

"When Grand Papa calls you come," Volcano says in all seriousness. "Sometime Grand Papa call for something silly; sometime Grand Papa calls for something serious. But serious or silly, when Grand Papa calls you see what they want."

"Family is family," Blizzard says in agreement. "We could disband tomorrow but I would still have my family to come home to. Although I doubt Volcano would leave me."

Volcano kisses Blizzard rather than respond to her.

"Incoming!" Stretcher yells as car sized lobsters with scorpion tails start to emerge from the surf.

"What else are we gonna have to deal with?" War Horse whines.

Wraith arises in the chamber where Kazam and Psi Fox are being molested by naughty tentacles. Psi Fox especially is being violated as she has things in her vagina and anus, stuffed in her mouth as well as having her breasts roughly fondled. Kazam just has a tentacle shoved up his ass and a bud like pod has engulfed his penis and scrotum but he has his mouth free and uses his voice to warn his grandson.

"Wraith! The elder is stirring!" Kazam yells. "We need to add another soul rune! Hurry before it drains our spirits!"

"Grandfather..." Wraith says morosely and sighs heavily as he shakes his head while Psi Fox gives them both a look. "Are you prepared?"

"I am, perform the ritual!" Kazam commands.

"Ancient spirits of Magic!" Wraith cries in Atlantean as the runes glow brighter. "I. Mykuul Y Morreegon, humbly request the loan of your power! Your number shall grow as it should to ward against this dangerous beast! Accept the soul of this Atlantean," he points to Kazam. "Who gives of himself of his volition..."

"For the preservation of the world I commend my spirit to this pool." Kazam states in Atlantean as white mist pours forth from his nose as Psi Fox watches wide-eyed. "I wish to strengthen these wards with all my power."

"Return to your slumber, great old one!" Wraith says as the mist from Kazam's body forms a dull purple rune that joins the others and his body slumps to lifelessness. "The stars are not right for you to awaken."

The great eye closes and the tentacles recedes from Psi Fox's body as she drops into the Wraith's arms. The Wraith uses the shadows of the chamber to teleport his grandfather's body and Psi Fox out of the vault and confronts the golem. With a harsh rebuke in Atlantean Wraith orders the portal sealed which it complies as quickly as it can as Wraith takes Psi Fox and his grandfather's corpse to the Morrigan family bungalow.

Kazam the Mystic lies in state as soon as his corpse arrives as the ghostly servants of the place had already prepared his coffin. It's Psi Fox's mental state that needs attending to as her body has new needs that it demands some action on. The touch of the tentacle activated her heat and they instituted a state of nymphomania in her mind.

Wraith lays Psi Fox down and strips himself nude before approaching his bed with a nude vixen upon it. Cassandra eagerly sucks Michael off as he starts to eat her out to begin their session together. After she gets him hard enough Cassie spreads herself and beckons Mike to fuck her.

Michael doesn't need much urging as he invades her box with his soft sword. His muzzle licks at her breasts as he takes her slowly but surely. A part of her mind rails against this as she contacts the magician's mind with her own.

"What's happening here?" Cassandra asks telepathically. "We just escaped with our lives from a horror beyond comprehension and all I want to do is get laid?"

"In some ways all this is psychosomatic," Michael answers back in the same telepathic bond. "A part of you wants proof you survived your ordeal while another part of you perversely misses the tentacles."

"Part of me also wanted to do this with your grandfather," Cassie admits. "But you know what you're doing."

"I believe in making my partner feel better than I do when making love." Mike relates. "And the fact I wasn't bottle fed."

"So that's why you're so into my rack?" Cassie mentally giggles. "Not that I'm complaining, mind you."

Wraith's knot begins to form when a commotion is heard downstairs. Unwilling to suspend their mutual pleasure Psi Fox and Wraith ignore the noise downstairs as much as possible. It's only after Michael howls in pleasure that Stretcher Truth elongates himself them out as he has no idea as to what room they are in.

Psi Fox and Wraith come out of Michael's room, Kazam reserved certain rooms for members of his family, in civilian dress. Cassandra wears a Polynesian party dress while Michael wears a Hawaiian with dark casual pants. The pair hold hands as they fly down to address the team.

"What the FUCK happened!?!" War Horse bellows. "Kazam is dead? How and why? Answer me you sick pup!"

"Kazam died in battle with the very thing he went to check on," Michael says calmly. "I managed to reseal it before it could escape its prison."

"You couldn't destroy it?" American Pride asks incredulously. "You're one of the top mages in the world! How powerful..."

"Very," Wraith growls. "The collected high mages of Atlantis together could not destroy that which killed my grandfather. But you expect me to do what they could not? I maybe good but I know I'm not THAT good."

"How long has that thing been contained?" Stretcher asks fearfully.

"Millenia," Michael answers truthfully. "If that thing ever gets loose, we're all doomed."

"How powerful could it be?" War Horse asks in a mocking tone. "If its been locked up that long..."

"Maybe you'd like to see," Wraith says with a dangerous smirk.

"NO! Michael, you don't need..." Cassie yells as she can guess what Mike is thinking of doing and is trying to dissuade him.

"Maybe I should," War Horse challenges. "Maybe some one of true fair in an ACTUAL GOD..." He doesn't get to finish when Wraith pushes him into a shadow and he's gone.

"Wraith! How could you!?!" Psi Fox whines.

"I'll bring him back tomorrow!" Wraith thunders back. "Meanwhile, Mister Ultra-Science and Intelligent Design idiot will get an education on the nature of true evil.

"Sacre Diablo!" Volcano swears. "Is the entity really that bad?"

Shades are drawn and everyone is parked in front of a big screen TV as Wraith prepares a presentaton. "The world at large is not really ready for what I'm about to tell you. Some of you may not be ready..."

"SWEET MARY, MOTHER OF GOD!!!" War Horse's voice screams from the TV. "SAVE ME!!! JESUS CHRIST WHAT IN GOD'S NAME IS THAT!?!"

"Are we picking up audio from wherever you sent him?" Blizzard asks nervously.

"Yup," Wraith replies simply.

"He's gonna hate you even more after this, you know that?" American Pride asks.

"Probably," Wraith says with a shrug of his shoulders. "I really could care less though. If he comes our of this with the barest understanding of why I remain at my post in Dar Myrrosha I'll be happy."

"You can monitor things from there?" Psi Fox asks.

"More or less," Wraith admits and turns on the television to reveal nightmares straight out of Lovecraft's twisted tales chasing War Horse around."As you can see there are many minor horrors haunting the vault."

"Those are minor!?!" American Pride asks incredulously. "What the Hell constitutes a major horror then?"

"Compared to the main occupant," Psi Fox relates. "Yeah, those are minor horrors. Although it looks like he's coming up in their master's chambers."

Then they see a huge mass of blue protoplasm in which eyes, mouths, tentacles and other body parts that are created and disappear at random.

"Uh, oh!" Wraith says with great alarm. "That's not supposed to be there. I'm bringing him back now for his own safety."

War Horse fades into view. "Where!?! Back in Hawaii! Thank God!"

"Now do we have a better understanding?" Wraith asks mockingly.

"What sort of Hell was that?" War Horse asks.

"Earth's future if I don't maintain the seals." Wraith answers coldly. I'm sure you have hundreds of questions. But take one thing for granted, War Horse: Kazam's soul now wards that place ensure your safety and everyone Else's. Do not make his sacrifice trivial! I was only able to strengthen the seal with his willing sacrifice. I don't like what I had to do today. Your little cult means NOTHING compared to what has gone before. I have better things to do that accommodate the petty whims of dictators who think just because they fooled millions of people into electing them to high office that they have people like us at their beck and call. I make sure you can live your pathetic little lives and worship your non-existent deities. All I ask in return is that YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!! I will decide what is worth my time and what is not. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal," War Horse says and fearfully nods. "You made sure those things can't escape?"

"Yes, War Horse," Wraith says condescendingly. "The monsters are trapped in the cage you just escaped from."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" War Horse says over and over again.

"If he's that penitent even after that speech you made," American Pride says. "It must have been really nasty. Can we consult you if have a mystical problem?"

"Certainly," Wraith says. "If it's a matter you need my expertise I'll give my professional opinion on the matter. If it's something you can handle yourselves I'll give my opinion on what needs to be done to resolve the issue. If it's something I need to deal with like a demonic invasion. I'll be there as soon as possible to fight along side of you.l Or I may aid you directly if the problem intrigues me."

"How many sites like that are there?" Psi Fox asks.

"Seven in total," Wraith admits. "Devil's Tower in North America, Stonehenge in England, The Sphinx and Great Pyramids of Egypt, the Vatican is sitting on another..."

"THE VATICAN!?!" Everyone else yells at once.

"Yup, the Great Wall of China and there's something in South America. I forget where," Wraith says. "I'm not sure if they rediscovered it yet though."

"Do you check up on all of them?" Stretcher asks.

"I try to, I can't get to the one in the Vatican but I know it's locked up and the one in Egypt is being used as a base by Set-Amon." Wraith admits with much consternation on his face. "I have links to all them though. But this was the weakest one so far. Everything else does not need my attention yet."

"Did Kazam's sacrifice...?" Psi Fox asks fearfully.

"Yes, Cassie, it's stronger than ever now," Michael states. "Well, let's have a party to honor him shall we?"

A grand tiki party is held that night to honor the memory of Kazam the Mystic and all he did in life. Cassandra and Michael have their own more intimate celebration later. Even though the Wraith is still a loner, he and Psi Fox are now friends with benefits.

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