The Forbidden Lovers(chapter 2)

Story by Abraxas The Dragon on SoFurry

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"The Forbidden Lovers" ©2009

Character Descriptions:

-As always, any new characters, aside from the ones listed in chapter one will be described as I go. Thank you all for reading, you're my inspiration ^w^

-LeatherHorse; June 25th, 2009

Chapter 2

The churches bells rang out loudly though the town, sending flocks of birds fleeing from out beneath the tower, Alex's eyes opened, stunned as he was knocked from his trance, the wolf let out a quiet sigh to himself as he kicked his feet on the swing, causing him to glide almost lifelessly on the seat. "Where is he..." said the wolf as he looked to his cell phone, assuring he read the text he had gotten from the stallion early this morning. The phone buzzed again softly in the wolfs pocket, it was another text from Jason, it read: Sorry hun, I ran into Sarah again, ill be there in a few minutes **kiss**.

Alex's expression dimmed as his eyes quickly glanced over the message, his thoughts once again taking over his mind, "I don't know how much longer I can take this..." said the wolf in a long breath to himself. Alex was the type that didn't want to keep anything hidden, he was in love with the stallion, and he was proud of it, he wanted people to know that he was dating the schools star athlete, but apparently, for now at least, the young steeds reputation seemed to be more important.

Moments later the stallion came into sight, his hoofs clicking loudly onto the sidewalk as he approached the wolf sitting on the swing. Jason sat on the swing aside from alex's, "I'm sorry I'm late hun... I didn't expect to run into Sarah." Said Jason as he reached for his lovers paw.

Alex pulled his paw away before the stallion could reach it, his eyes shifted over to the stallions, a sad look of despair took over the wolfs face, "Listen Jason... We've been together for almost 8 moths, I've been very patient with you, not showing emotion in front of your friends, hiding our love from everyone, but I can't take it anymore alright? I really can't deal with it anymore, I am not going to live my life in the shadows... Either your with me, and your not embarrassed about it, or you leave me with your popularity and "Image" being more important then me." Said the wolf as he stood there, his arms crossed, a tear dripping from the wolfs eye as he awaited a response.

Jason almost gasped, surprised from his lovers sudden purpose. "A...Alex you don't understand, please don't do this to me! You know I love you! I... I'm just not ready for it." Pleaded the stallion.

Alex's eyes widened, getting an answer he had not expected, "Jason... What's more important, your image, or our relationship?" asked the wolf.

"Our relationship!" shouted Jason.

"Then prove it to me, tomorrow at school, behave like you're my lover, my mate. Prove... that our relationship means something to you..." finished Alex, his eyes almost shooting an icy stare into the stallions eyes.

Jason looked away, seeming to think deeply as his face went to a soft frown, letting out a soft moan as if annoyed, or confused, "O...ok Alex... I'll do it, but what exactly do you mean?" said the steed, his eyes to the wolf.

Alex let out a soft laugh as he wrapped his arms around the stallions neck, leaning in to a soft warm kiss as he felt his lips touch the steeds, his tongue teased his as they both let out a soft moan, Alex pulled apart, breaking the kiss, "Just act like you are now with me hun." Said the wolf as his cheeks reddened softly.

Jason smirked, "Hmm, well there are a few things I probably shouldn't do, my sexy wolf." Grinned the stallion as he sent a lust driven stare into wolfs eyes.

Alex's cheeks turned a soft red as he slid his lips across his lips as he stared down the stallions body, "Mmm careful there stud, we shouldn't do anything here." Said Alex with a wink, reminding Jason they were still in the park.

Jason giggled softly, "You know... Like I said, my parents aren't going to be home all day, you could probably stay the night, that is... If you want." Said the stallion with a seductive grin.

"Hmm, I see no problem in that." Said Alex as he cheeks went a darker red as he reached and grabbed the stallion's hand, "Let's go." Finished the wolf.

Jason gripped the wolfs hand softly, realizing he narrowly dodged a hurtful fate, he knew what he had to do the next day at school, and he was now quite determined to do so.

It took the two about ten minutes to reach Jason's house, there were no cars in the lot, the two would have the whole day and night together.

Jason opened the door to the large estate, Alex closed the door behind him and looked around, "OH my... I forgot how big this place was." Said the wolf.

The steed let out a soft laugh, "It's nothing special hun." Said Jason un-phased.

The wolfs face started to turn red again, "Umm, where's you're room again?" asked Alex.

Jason took the wolfs paw again as he pulled him down the hall to a large, closed door, "It's right here hun." Said the stallion with a small laugh as he opened the door and pulled him in the room.

Alex giggled softly as he went to the stallions bed and sat down on the side, "Been a while since we've had time for this." Said the wolf softly.

Jason grinned as he went and pushed himself over the wolf, their lips meeting, both letting out a soft moan as they got lost in each others presence as each felt their mouth invaded by the others tongue, Alex laid back as he wrapped his arms warmly around the stallions back, softly stroking his majestic mane. Jason broke the kiss as he went down and kissed the wolfs neck softly, lifting the wolfs shirt from his chest exposing his own chest, him doing the same as the stallion felt himself begin to erect, his almost pulsing cock pushing hard against his tight pants, pulling away quickly as he quickly pulled them off kicking them from around his hoofs as he softly let his wet tongue caress the wolfs chest, Alex let out a soft moan as he felt his lovers tongue drape down his chest, the stallion pulled off the wolfs pants as he griped his own now hung erection as he breathed heavily kissing the wolfs lips, forcing his tongue into the wolfs eager muzzle, softly pushing his now fully erect member against the wolfs tight entrance, causing the wolf to let out a soft submissive moan.

"Please be gentle hun, i... it's been so long." Said the wolf.

Jason kissed the wolfs neck, leaning further over the wolfs chest, "Oh don't worry hun, I'll take care of you." Replied the stallion.

Jason let out a soft moan as he slowly pushed his cock into the wolfs tight entrance, the wolfs head threw back hard into the pillow as he felt the equines cock slowly penetrating his tight ass, his claws digging sharply as he let out a sharp moan, "Ohhhhh my god Jason!" moaned the wolf, his body getting lost in pleasure as he felt the equine push almost his entire length into the wolfs ass, Jason panted softly as he kissed Alex's neck, "Mmm I forgot how tight you were." Said Jason, his thick cock pushing roughly against the wolfs prostate.

"Ah..Ahhh..." moaned the wolf as his teeth dug into his lower lip, "Forget what I said about being gentle, I want to feel your full power you naughty steed." Smirked the lust driven wolf.

Jason grinned as he slowly slid all but the head of his throbbing horse meat out of Alex's tail hole, "Mmmmhmmm now you're really asking for it." Replied the steed ramming his lengthy member into the wolfs tight entrance, Alex let out a sharp cry, feeling his tight walls close around the stallions vein throbbing cock, pre shot from his own member down onto the wolfs lips as he felt his prostate prodded roughly. The steeds animal instincts began to take over his body as he began to thrust his cock roughly into his lovers entrance, letting out a grunt with each thrust as he felt the wolfs tight walls push roughly against his cock, the steed forcing himself in harder with each thrust, his large equine testicles pounding hard against the wolfs crack, his body slowly beginning to emit beads of sweat as he forced his cock deep into the wolfs ass, both panting loudly as Alex picked himself up hugging his arms around the equines neck kissing the lust driven steeds lips, their moans came quickly as they tasted each other, slowly taking in the others scent, Alex letting out soft gasps as he felt his ass being pounded harder and harder by the stallions throbbing meat.

Alex began to moan out loudly, gasping with each thrust as he felt the stallions cock hit his prostate with each hard driven thrust, his own climax hit him hard, with his cock aimed at his face, it throbbed quickly as he shot countless streams of thick cum onto his face and chest, feeling his body being covered in his seed causing him to breath in deeply as he tasted himself on his lips, Jason groaned deeply as he felt himself pushing harder and harder into the wolfs ass, trying to hold back as long as he could from cumming into his lovers hole.

Jason leaned down and swiped his tongue across his lovers cheek, taking most of the wolfs seed into his mouth as he swirled it in his mouth before kissing the wolf again, forcing him to taste himself as he spread the wolfs seed between their lips, the stallion broke the kiss as he let out a loud grunt, feeling his cock throb quickly into the wolfs ass, veins throbbing from his cock just waiting for him to release his load, moments later the steed threw his head back as he gripped the wolfs sides hard, digging his nails into the wolfs skin as his cock throbbed shooting the steeds large thick load deep into the wolfs ass, feeling his walls close tightly on his cock, not letting a drip of his lovers precious seed be wasted, both let out a long moan in pure ecstasy and pleasure, Alex panted quickly as he felt the steeds juices mix with his, pulling him down to another deep kiss holding each other tightly in their arms, "O..oh wow, I think im bleeding hun." Joked Alex as he felt his hole pulse tightly around the stallions cock.

Jason let out another soft moan as he lied up and slowly backed his hips from the wolf's tight hole, his cock laying limb against the wolfs also limb cock. The stallion gripped his limb cock in his hand as he looked back up at the wolf, "Mmm is my wolf thirsty?" smirked the stallion winking at the wolf.

Alex's eyes widened as his tongue drew across his lips, "Hmm, now that you remind me, after that performance, I'm wiped out." Grinned the wolf.

"Open that muzzle wide you naughty wolf." Smirked the steed as he got on his knees over the wolf's chest holding his re-erected member in his hand pressing his cum dripping head to the wolfs lips.

Alex's opened his muzzle as wide as he can as he felt the steeds cock forced down his throat, gagging as he wrapped his lips around the steeds wet member, mumbling under his breath as he slid his wet tongue down around the stallions cock, tasting the cum already dripping from his tip.

Jason gripped his hands into the wolfs fur, pulling his head deep onto his cock as he began to face fuck the wolf hard, forcing his full length into the willing wolfs throat, his balls smacked hard against the choking wolfs chin, feeling his stallion pride being swallowed and surrounded by the wolfs wet mouth and tongue, "Oh yea, mmm eat it you slut." Grunted the stallion as he felt his cock begin to throb down the wolf's throat, shooting small shots of pre down his throat.

Alex's eyes began to water as he felt himself run short of breath, the steeds full length down his throat as he managed to swirl his soft tongue around the steeds cock, slowly caressing it as he let himself drool over his lovers shaft, his eyes looking up into his as he drooled out onto his chest.

Jason began to buck his hips into his lovers open muzzle, feeling himself draw closer to his quickened climax, pre flowing quickly into the wolfs mouth as his tongue draped to the side panting loudly as his eyes closed clenched shut.

The wolf swallowed roughly on the stallions cock, feeling himself being filled with the steeds pre, knowing he wouldn't last long as he rubbed his paws against the steeds tight balls.

Jason let out a loud groan as his grip tightened on the wolfs fur pulling his face into his cock, his full length now down the wolfs throat, holding it there as his cock throbbed quickly, his climax hit him as he panted loudly sending his seed down the wolfs throat.

Alex gasped quickly, his eyes widened as he pushed the steeds cock from his mouth, choking violently on the stallions sweet release, his face red, eyes dripping as he gathered himself swallowing what he could of the stallions seed as he eyes shifted up to the stallions. "That was a little t..too hard don't you think?" gasped the wolf still catching his breath.

Jason smirked as he laid over the wolfs chest kissing his neck softly, "I'm sorry hun, I couldn't help it." Said the stallion as he held the wolf tightly in his arms laying his arm across his chest.

Alex giggled softly as he coughed again, "You sure it's ok for me to stay the night?" asked the wolf.

The stallion nodded softly as he felt himself grow tired over the wolfs chest.

A smile spread across the wolfs face as he felt himself grow tired as well, holding his lover in his arms, lying in each others spilt seed as his eyes blinked shut, Jason doing the same as he nuzzled the wolfs chest. Not to wake again before the morning came. Alex eagerly awaiting to see if the steed could finally prove his feelings.


Well that's the end of chapter 2, please leave comments, vote and if you pawed off to my story, please hit the blue "cum" key below this very text, thanks for reading, next chapter on the way.


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The Forbidden Lovers(chapter 1)

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A Dragons First Love(chapter 4)

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