Indian Summer

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#38 of Miscellany

This story got away from me like a mountaintop avalanche. I would be curious to see what you all think. I will not bite anyone's head off for stating their opinion, as long as it's a valid one. And by valid I mean pointing out flaws that you see. Keep it respectful and I will do the same. Happy reading!

                I know

a lot of people consider themselves to be natives of this country, and I for

one will never argue against it. It doesn't matter in the long run. Knowing

where you came from is great, but knowing where you're going is a far greater


                My name

is Johnnie Greatstrides. Greatstrides is a name that goes back a long ways in

my family, clear back to when we first came over around five hundred years ago.

That gave us a pretty good footing in the whole lineage thing, but not nearly

so as it did others.


what I understood my kind had originated here and had left or gone extinct a

long ways back. So while I always felt I belonged here, I never felt completely

at home on the plains of this continent. I didn't have a solid reason, only that

I had a wanderlust to see more of what there was to see. It drove me like a

gale wind, and it moved me to the outer edges of this great land.

There is nothing quite so

impressive to a landlubber than the sight of water that disappears off into the

horizon. And nothing quite like it to send chills down your spine.

The first ocean I saw was when I

was twenty eight. Jobs were where you could find them, and I got one with a

construction firm that had contracts spanning the borders and beyond. When I

joined up with them, they gave me a couple of choices of where I could go. I

chose the west coast, mostly because I had heard tell the fables of its rugged beauty.

Now, for a stallion like me,

leaving home was a big deal. I mean, it wasn't like I wasn't going to come back

some day. But good money was hard to come by, and solid work like this could

set me up if I saved it instead of squandering it. So it was my intention to

make something of myself and then return home.

The gig was up higher on the coast

than I had anticipated, past the regions with the earthquakes and the constant

warm temperatures. That was alright with me. I like solid ground under my

hooves, and this place seemed pretty substantial.  And to top it off, one could smell the age

and the permanence of the place with every breath they took.

We were going to build a cannery

for the local fishing conglomerate, which seemed to be made up of otters, seals

and orcas. I found it funny that these guys all used boats, considering they

could easily live within the water much less tread it like a pro, but it made

sense to use whatever tools you had available. After all, one can only hold so

many fish before they slip through your paws...or flippers. The hold of a boat would

make their jobs that much easier.

The weather was fine my first week

there, seeing as it was the start of summer. Locals told tales of chilling

winds and terrible winters, but I had dealt with the likes of that back home.

It might not have been the same, but I think I was equal to the task. The

locals took my word on it since they didn't see many equines out this way. For

that reason alone I was a local favorite at the bar. While many of them

considered themselves drinkers, few of them came close to matching my ability

to handle alcohol.

I had learned of a drink someone had

called a boilermaker, whereas you poured a dose of whiskey into a big mug of

beer. I found it to be a favorite drink of mine. I could do a good six or seven

of them before I even felt a warm glow in my cheeks. It helped that I was big.

There weren't too many around who were equal in size. There was a sour-faced

walrus captain who frequented the place, a few killer whales with admirable

bulk, but otherwise I was about as big as they came.

Ladies took an interest in me,

which was fine, until I would have them feel me up. A few of the otters turned

pale and darted out the door when they found out what they were going to be

dealing with if they dared take me to bed. I didn't want to hurt anyone, so I

got my kicks just watching them faint away at what they found. Overall, that

was enough to dissuade the local talent. I was a little saddened, but I could

deal with a little deprivation. Not everyone was cut out to handle a horse, not

even some of the mares back home.

It was a pity really, but life

dealt us some hard knocks. And me knocking hard where I didn't fit was the

rudest thing I could imagine. I respected the ladies far too much to be doing


About halfway into the second week,

I was at the bar again, mostly because I liked the food (seaweed was a novelty

for me) and the drinks didn't cost you like they did in the big cities. This

meant I could get drunk if I wanted to and not wake up with an empty wallet.

I sat at the bar and watched the

patrons as they spilled in and out the front door. I was learning names slowly,

for in some cases the various members of the individual species looked vaguely

alike to me. I was picking up on nuances as time went on, and while I didn't

exactly chum up to them, I did at least learn their names. I wasn't planning on

living here for my entire life, so there was little point in making any

permanent friendships.

As my grandfather used to say, "The

wind passes by everything and everyone on its way to where it is going. In its

passing it touches many, and of those only a few will remember its cool touch.

When you move through life, make sure that others know of your presence. It is

the only way to achieve immortality."

Grandfather was a little crazy in

the head. But I liked him. Folks thought we were a bit alike. Maybe we were.

Who was I to judge?

Anyway, back to the bar. There was

only one orca in there this night. I found that odd. Usually they kept together

as a group, or something they called a pod. Herd, pod, pride, gaggle... everyone

called their groups something.

But this one was alone, sitting in

half-shadows in the corner near the game tables. I squinted against the harsh

glare of the lights and the smoke filled room before my eyes got a good look at


Or rather her.

There isn't a lot of different in

the looks of this species. There were differences in all males and females, but

in some cases the obvious differences were slight. She was as smooth skinned as

her bothers (a loose term that) and as big as them to boot.  I was impressed by the fact that she was

sitting alone. I'm not one to say the girls around here were easy, but with the

variety of new males introduced thanks to the cannery project, there had been a

mad rush for them to find fresh mates.

Me, I wasn't interested, and I

think I just told you why having just plain, ordinary sex was out of the

question. So I spent only a little more time staring at her before surveying

the rest of the crowd. It was the usual mix and I turned back to the bartender

and asked to have my glasses refilled.

He had just filled them up and set

them before when his eyes widen and he stepped back. I didn't flinch, but I was

immediately on my guard.  A voice, which

I would love to call sultry, only it wasn't quite right for that, spoke from my

left side.

"Buy a girl a drink?"

I knew the voice by its timbre and

its intonation. It was all orca.

I turned my eyes back to the

bartender and smiled. "Get the lady whatever she wants."

He nodded and produced a full

bottle of whiskey, pulled the top off and handed it over to her. I still hadn't

moved to look her in the face. Any gal that was as tough as she was making

herself out to be was all right in my book.

She tapped my glass with her

bottle. "Watcha drinking?"

I explained the concept to her.

"Beer and whiskey? What are you trying to do, better the beer or ruin the


I chuckled. "Neither. It's just a

combination of flavors."

"Combination? You make it sound

appealing. There isn't much flavor around here."

"Oh, don't say that! This place is

so different from home it makes my head hurt!"

"What's there her on the coast for

a plains horse like you?"

"Well, for one I have a job to do.

Secondly, I'm making every effort to soak up as much culture as I can."

"Culture?" She guffawed in an

unladylike manner. "The folks hereabouts are only interested in fish, fish and

more fish. I don't mind it, but I get a little sick of hearing about it,

smelling it and some days, the tiresome taste of it. I would love to go

somewhere else and soak up some "culture."

"You could come back with me," I

said for no particular reason.

"Can't happen. Some of us live by

the ocean because that is where we came from. And there are times when you just

have to go back. So you see, I would love to take you up on your offer, but

when an orca says seasick, it's what you folks would call homesick. Only if we

don't get into the water, it'll literally drive us mad."

"So the sea has a tether on you?"

She smiled. "More like an umbilical

cord. The sea is our mother, as my great grandfather used to say."

I stuck out my hand. "Johnnie


She frowned a little. "You won't

like my name."

"Why not?"

"Because it's hard to say."

"For you or for me?"

She punched me in the shoulder. It

actually hurt. "For you, you jackass!"

"So then you say it and I'll be the


"Yirba Qalqalexic."

I paused. I was used to what I

considered normal names. Others thought our tribal names were a little weird,

but this was plain ridiculous. "OK, so you got me. Do I call you Yirba?"

"I go by Labana. Some sailor gave

it to me and I liked it so I kept it."

"Labana? That is a little easier to roll off the tongue."

She took a pull on the bottle.

"Just like this liquor." She

stopped and grinned at something that was beyond my knowledge.


"So Johnnie? Do you have any


"A few. My family calls me Crazy


"Is that so? I like a good dose of

insanity now and again."

Her tone was getting more and more

unmistakable. What I had taken for mere coincidental innuendoes was now adding

up to subtle seduction. I wasn't against it, but I was going to need some

assurances that she wasn't going to run the first time I dropped my pants.

True, she was a big girl in that sense; not fat or bulky, but solid and sturdy.

In fact, she was fairly streamlined in her form, and I was pretty sure she was

one hell of a swimmer.

"Are you sure you're up to the kind

of craziness I can generate?"

"How the hell should I know? I

haven't had a chance to experience any of it yet."

I looked her up and down very

carefully. I wasn't an expert on beauty, especially when it came to other

species. All the otter girls had been cute, but I think it was more their

nature than their looks. Really, they all looked the same to me. But Labana had

a definite style about her, from her bold black and white markings to the

unnaturally smooth skin. Despite looking soft and rubbery, I knew from the

males of her type that they had very tough hide that could take a lot of abuse.

I only hoped that what she had

hidden under that hide was up to the same sort of thing. I wasn't a nasty or a mean

lover, but I had a lot to offer. And I mean a lot. So I had to be a little choosier

in my choice of a lover than did a lot of guys.

"OK, so let me get this straight.

You're interested in having a go with me?"

"You're sort of dense aren't you? I

want to fuck, to shag, to screw and otherwise find out what an equine is like

in bed. You'll probably be my only chance at it and I intend to take it, even

if that means knocking you out and dragging you home."

She could have done it!

"Alright then. I like a girl who

knows what she's about."

The fact was, I was curious what

she was like. I mean a female is a female, but they weren't all created the

same. Neither were guys, so don't think I'm being sexist. I had a few buddies

back home who were envious of what I carried as a concealed weapon. But I had

no idea what a killer whale had hidden away. But if she was game, how the hell

couldn't I go along with it?

"So, are you staying with the other


"Yep. Boss says it's the only way

of keeping track of us."

"Well, he'll just have to make do

without you tonight."

"Just remember I need to work in

the morning."

"I'll get you there in time. In the

meantime, quit worrying. I'll make any possible delay in getting on the job

site worth your while."

"That sounds like a big offer!"

"Big? Call it magnanimous. Just

understand that I expect to get as much as I give. Do you understand me?"

"Loud and clear. So I take it you

have some place in mind?"

"I might. How's your swimming?"


"Then I'll go with my second

choice. We'll just need to be a little quieter."

"Quieter than what?"

"Than what I was hoping we would

have to be. Still, a little less noise and a little more action might be just

what this gal needs."

"I don't mean to be rude, but I

take it you're not real active?"

"Honey, they don't call us killers

for nothing. And I don't mean murder either. I've been known to do some damage

in the quest for pleasure. That can give a person a reputation"

"Sounds intriguing."

She smiled at me. "I hope you're up

for what I'm expecting."

"I hope you are too!"

That seemed to settle matters and

we left the bar like best buddies. It felt a little strange to me, and the few

people that saw me walk out with her had made protective signs as we exited the

door.  I wasn't sure what the local

customs were, so I ignored them.

It turns out her house was quite an

interesting thing. The building seemed as dark as the evening but as it had

lights in it, it altogether that made it rather incongruous looking. It seemed

to have been built a century or more ago, and was longer than it was wide. It

sat partially on solid rock, with a portion of it extending over the water. She

told me that was to allow access from either land or water.

It gave me shivers stepping inside.

The carvings on the walls were exquisite, brilliant, and seemed totally

opposite of the nature of her kind. Orcas were essentially monochrome, except

for their eyes, but they seemed to love color. She pointed out a few figures and

identified them as being representations of some of her ancestors. I was

fascinated by all of this, despite the fact that I should have been falling all

over myself heading for her bed.

But the fact was, there were a few

other obstacles and distractions that I could see besides the wonderful

renderings covering the interior of the longhouse. The place was filled with more

of her kind.

There were those who were obviously

elders and a few I recognized from the bar, which may have meant that they actually

were direct relation to her, so overall it wasn't quite the place I imagined

our tryst as taking place. I got looks of curiosity with a few of the males

snickering and whispering among themselves. I shrugged it off. I didn't set out

to discover the country by then holding back from promising experiences because

of what someone else thought of me.

She turned to the group and called

  • nay bellowed out a warning.

"I expect to be making some noise.

If you don't like it, stuff tree bark in your earholes. And if that don't help,

I can tell you where to stuff a branch or two that might take your mind off of


The open area went silent. I was

impressed, and also just beginning to wonder if I might have gotten myself into

more than it I had originally bargained for. But by now I was feeling pretty

randy and unless she actually tried to take a bite out of me, I wasn't going to

be easily dissuaded from lying with her. I like girls who walked on the wild

side, and if I had to learn to swim to get on her good side, I intended to put

my heart into it. It wasn't like I hated water or anything, but when you don't

have a lot of it around you swimming was a talent you didn't often foster.

Learning here in the great expanse that swallowed the horizon wasn't appealing,

but as I've heard said in the past, nothing ventured is nothing gained.

Labana gave me a look that said she

was satisfied with the response from her household. She grabbed my hand and

pulled me to the back, where I could hear water lapping at the bank.

"I take the back room just for this

reason. That, and there are times when I just need to get away from the land

and my family. The others don't feel the pulls that I do."


She sighed. "I'm sure you know the

stories of your ancestors. Mine came from the ocean so many generations ago that

the stories concerning them are muddled and confusing. But the fact is; the sea

calls out to us as if it wants us to return."

She held up her hands.

"These used to be flippers. I know

this from the stories."

I held up mine.

"And mine used to be hooves, just

like my feet. So what?"

"Nothing I guess. It's just a

wonder sometimes at how evolution has changed us in some ways, and in others

have left us longing for something more."


She sighed again, sadly this time,

in direct opposition to her previous attitude. "I don't know Johnnie. Haven't you

ever wanted to be something else?"

"No, not really. I am what I am. I

can't change that. I can only change my attitude and my outlook."

She looked at me and smiled. "Wise

words. What else do you have hidden away to change a girl's outlook?"

"Would you like to find out?"

"Like doesn't come into play. Need

is more like it. And those fools out there have never been up to the


"And you think I am?"

"You had better be."

She opened the old wooden door to

the room, pulling a chain hanging from the ceiling. The harsh glare revealed a

comfortable setting, which included a massive bed (the ones at the hotel where

a little fragile in my opinion), several chairs and enough tribal artwork to

entertain one of those city slicker connoisseurs for days.



"This stuff is absolutely


That was when I noticed she was

getting undressed. She turned to me and lowered her head in a sort of doubting


"Is that so? Which piece is your


I was staring at her body.  "I think I'm looking at it now."

She cocked her head to one side.

"Don't getting funny with me equine."

"I was being completely serious.

I've never seen a completely naked orca before. I had no idea how sensual your

bodies were."

She stared for a moment before

turning away. "You're just saying that."

Now she was making me mad. "Are you

calling me a liar!"

Turning back, she stared at me some

more - long and hard. "You're just ignorant."

"Yes, I am. Enlighten me."

She stood there in the harsh light,

pondering what to make of me. I too was sizing her up. She seemed to waver from

being overly confident to being as fragile as a child. We held each other's

eyes for what seemed like an eternity. She finally broke away, tears streaming

down her face.

"You wouldn't understand."

"Not without you telling me."

"You wouldn't want to hear it."

"Fine." I turned to go out the


"Wait, where are you going?"

"Away. I'm not into keeping things

from a lover. If you ask me something, I'll give you an answer, even if you

don't want to hear it. If you want to just fuck and be done with it, then say

so. But never, ever call me a liar. And never act like I don't care. Neither

thing is a trait I care to have."

She leaped for the door, pressing

her bulk against it. "No, please don't go."

"As you wish. But you need to loosen up a little. I know I'm not the

type you're used to, whatever that happens to be, but don't judge me until

you've weighed all the facts."

She hesitated a moment. "Labana

means knife. It was given to me by a lover who said that I stabbed him in the


I laughed, but not mockingly. "That

sounds a little dramatic. I take it you have commitment issues?"

Her head jerked up. "What the


"Look. I don't care. You and I are

two different species. I'll not be around long, for when the work is done, I'll

be on my way. If you're looking for a friend and a lover all in one, then I

might be just what you're looking for. So they'll be no commitments outside of

that. Friends can remain friends until the end. Lovers can remain lovers as long

as they desire each other. But as for anything more formal, I think we can

eliminate the chances of that right now."

"And you're fine with that?"

"Are you?"

"Uh, I guess so."

"Then let's stop talking until

after we find out if this is going to work or not."

She snickered. "Don't think you can

handle me?"

"Just the opposite. I'm not sure

you can handle me."

"Then let's find out, shall we?"

I shrugged and undressed. The

moment my pants were off, she found out why I was questioning her ability to deal

with what I had to offer. It wasn't me being a braggart. An equine had one hell

of a cock, a holdover from our earlier days. And hell, as much as I was proud

of it, it did limit my encounters to those who could wield it. Back home that

meant either girls from my own tribe, or those from the neighboring bison


Labana was a big girl, but I was

still wondering if she could handle me or not. After all, a quick inspection of

her body failed to show me any place where I could stick my cock. But rather

than being deterred, she dropped to her knees and got down level with it. I

wasn't hard yet, but I was feeling pretty spunky. She didn't say a word, but

instead touched it gently with nimble fingers.

That was all it took.

She was suitably impressed. When

eighteen inches of pink flesh becomes fully inflated, everyone notices. Heck,

those otter girls had only felt it while it was soft and "short". I could only

guess what they would have done in a situation like this.

As she stroked it, not so much in a

sexual manner as one of disbelief, Labana was only making me hornier. But I let

her go, knowing full well that she had to be ready to take me before she did. I

was therefore a little unprepared when she opened her mouth and licked it. That

tongue of hers was as flexible as any, and longer than most. Heretofore she had

used it to talk. Now she was proving it had other uses.

Oral sex wasn't a common thing in

my tribe. Girls got it more, because few of them could take what we as males had

to offer. So finding a girl who didn't hesitate at all to tackle the issue was

a rare treat indeed.

She had teeth. I had seen them

before, and knowing her nature, it gave me just a little anxiety. When your

lover is nicknamed "knife" and has a mouthful of sharp teeth, it does make you

wonder if you really were crazy to be associating with someone like her. And

when your cock was now sliding past those teeth, you had your heart skipped a

beat or two until you suddenly realized she had the whole thing inside her.

And never once did she allow a tooth

to snag it along its journey.

By that time I was clutching her

smooth head with a grip that often held steel beams in place. Her hands grabbed

my ass and held me in place with a strength to rival my own.

I wasn't in love, but damn, I was

in lust!

Her tongue rolled around my shaft like

a snake around its victim, and the flared tip of my cock was presently wedged

against the sides of her pharynx. Never; and I do mean never in my life had

anyone been able to take the whole thing in one shot. She had just done it on

the first try!

She pursed her mouth and pulled

back a little, forcing me to release the grip I had on her head. It was worth

it. She pulled back until just the tip was in her mouth, stuck against the taut

ring that was her lips. Her tongue wove a pattern over the end of it until my

flesh was crawling from the intensity of it. Then, she slowly worked her way

back down along its length until her face was up against my crotch.

If an otter had tried this she

would have found that tip coming out her backside.

Labana knew how to do what she was

doing, and it made me wonder about her male counterparts. They were certainly

of a size to be equipped like I was, but were they actually? Did it really

matter? The answer was no of course, but one could still speculate idly about

such things. I was always interested in learning as much as I could about other


And other's anatomies.

Which brought me back around to

her. From what I had seen, outside of the firm breasts on her chest, she seemed

devoid of telltale genitalia. Maybe that was one of the problems she faced.

Time would tell, for I figured we were going to get to something a little more

in the style of mating later in the night. For the moment I was plenty content

with what she was doing.

Still, I was a little startled when

her fingers made their way to my anus. I was a little more intrigued when one

of hers stroked it until the tip wiggled inside. I was expecting to be repulsed

by her intrusion, but instead found an odd thrill running through me. As it

quested deeper, it was rubbing my insides until it hit some spot that nearly

triggered an orgasm.

It would have too if she hadn't

squeezed my balls at the same time. The brief discomfort was enough to reset

me. Either she was doing things blindly and they were working, or this gal had

a lot more experience under her hide than she let onto.

She continued to suck me off,

fingering my ass and giving me gentle squeezes until I thought I was going to

have to force her down and finish the job in a nasty way. It didn't come to

that thankfully, but it came damn close. She knew how to keep a guy going for a

hell of a lot longer than he wanted. I only hoped she had an inkling of what

was about to come.

Or I guess maybe I should have

said... cum.

When she finally freed my balls, I

relaxed and went with the flow. And that flow started deep inside me, somewhere

low and obscure. It worked its way upwards, taking the path of least

resistance. That took it the entire eighteen inches of my cock before blasting

down her throat like a geyser.

She felt it coming and at first didn't

flinch. As the seconds ticked by and there was no sign of it stopping, she

tried to pull away. She might have been successful had my vice-like grasp not

been latched onto her head in a death grip. There was a brief struggle as I

held on as she tried to break away. By the time I let go, most of my cum had

been blasted into her stomach with a force unparalleled in her prior experiences.

She fell back on the floor with a

thud. My cock was still actively spouting, hitting her face with a shower of

frothy white. I dropped to my knees in front of her, sucking in air and shaking

like an autumn leaf in a north-wind gale. She looked shocked, and to be honest,

rather amazed and disgusted by what my body had just done.

She wiped her face a little,

staring at the organ that had just about choked her.


"Yes?" I choked out the word as Iwas

still trying to catch my breath.

"All I can say is damn! If I had

known you were packing that much heat, I wouldn't have wasted a week or so

waiting to meet you."

"Are you sure of that?"

The smile on her face was the most

genuine I had seen on her as of yet. "Oh hell yes! I can't wait to see how you

feel when you're where you belong."

I was staring at her crotch. I

didn't see a thing. There had to be something going on that I didn't

understand. She noted my intent investigation of her anatomy and chuckled.

"What's the matter? Looking for

that obvious donut hole your regular girls have?"

She was correct. A mare had some

pretty distinctive anatomy when it came to their rear ends. This girl seemed to

have nothing.

"To be honest - yes. You seem to

have an unblemished expanse of skin running from your chest to the tip of your


"Fluke. Don't call it a tail. You

have a tail handsome but mine exists for a different purpose."

"Sorry. I didn't mean any offense."

"None taken. You get one chance to

make a mistake and after that you get reprimanded."

"Sounds fair. Now, about

your...sexual apparatus."

She about choked on those words.

"Apparatus? I have a cunt and an asshole."

"Those words seem a little severe!"

She wrinkled up her nose. "I like

you Johnnie. You keep trying to treat me like a lady. I ain't no lady, not by

any stretch of the imagination."

"I'll tell you what. You let me do

my thing, and you do yours. But if you don't like being treated well, then I'm

not for you."

She looked suddenly very serious.

"Don't go messing with my head."

"Talking is presently getting us

nowhere. Show me somewhere else to muddle and I'll make a mess there."

The grin resumed its place on her

face. "I think I underestimated what I was getting myself in for with you

afterall. That makes you a challenge. And I never back down from a challenge!"

She stood up and held out a hand to

help me to my feet. My hooves dug into the hard wooden floor as she hauled me

erect like I weighed nothing more than a flour sack. She pulled back the covers

and spread herself on the mattress with as much style as any girl I had ever

known. If she was trying to put on that she was some sort of tomboy, she was

doing a poor job of it.

I was ready to follow but she held

up a restraining hand. She then put both of them to her crotch area and pried

on the skin. The seemingly unmarred white flesh there parted, showing a vibrant

pink slash that had been the hiding place for just what I had been looking for.

My cock began to wake up.


"Oh, you're just saying that

because it's a novelty for you."

"Yes I am. Damn! Who would have

known you had such a great looking set of holes packed and camouflaged right

out in the open?"

She looked at me like I was daft.

"I'm no different than any other orca female."

"Sure you are!"

"Oh really?"

"Do you know any others hereabouts

that are about to get laid by a horse?"


"Then I think I've made my point."

She shook her head. "You are one crazy

son-of-a-bitch, Johnnie Greatstrides."

"My mother was a mare, not a bitch.

And yes, I am a bit insane. But we already discussed that.

"Yes we did. Crazy Horse I believe."

 "Yep! But you take me part and parcel. If you

don't like it, I'll leave."

"Like hell you will. You'll not go

until I release you."

I was ready to get my dander up,

but I figured there was no point in getting worked up over something I wanted

anyways. This was her place and therefore her rules. And after what she had

just done for me, I thought that I owed her a bit of fun in return. So instead

of getting angry with her tone, I made a sweeping bow and said,

"As the lady wishes!"

"Oh do shut up and get into bed!"

I complied with as much style and

grace as I could manage. My cock was already sporting most of its length by

now, making a delicate entry into the bed a little more cumbersome than I would

have liked. She didn't seem to notice. She pulled me on top of her and I

immediately straddled her form with my own.

"Do you think you can handle all of

this?" I asked as I lifted my meat in one hand.

"How the hell should I know until

we try? So shut up and get moving!"

Well, at least if this didn't work,

she'd have a partner who wouldn't push it. I had been disappointed in the past,

so I was ready for it now. That slit closed right up when she wasn't holding it

open, so if that was the way her body worked, how the hell could she deal with

all of this?

Taking the lead, I put my own

fingers down there, finding that her crack was a neat slash in her otherwise

taut skin, easily urged open with strong fingers. I inserted one inside her

front hole, feeling how hot she was. She groaned a little as my finger slipped

in past the second joint.  My fingers

weren't anything compared to my cock, but they were thick and strong from all

of the work I did.

I was fascinated by her anatomy.

Like she had said, I was used to a fairly obvious physical expression of the

sexual organs. This enshrouded set of holes was the most interesting thing I

had ever seen. There was no doubt that they served the same purpose as they did

in other mammals, but their configuration was as novel as was their owner.

I worked in a second finger,

feeling the moisture dripping out. That she had it bad was obvious. I could

sympathize. I was ready to go again, but I felt it was only fair to give her a

little kindness to match what she had done for me. I worked in a third finger,

feeling her clamping down on them with a force to make a rhino wince. It only

made our upcoming encounter all the more tantalizing.

I wanted to see if she could still

do that when there simply wasn't room for her to squeeze.

I slipped one finger out and worked

it a little lower until it found her ass. I figured if it was good for me, it

would be good for her as well. Being slippery and all, it slipped in and sunk

to the hilt. I pressed upward, finding my other fingers with only her pink

tissues separating them. She let loose a squeal that I took to be one of

pleasure, since she didn't make any move to stop me.

I changed positions a little,

pulled out my fingers, making her groan with disappointment. I had no intention

of stopping, but if two in the front were good and three was better, then three

it was. This time I replaced the one in her ass with my thumb. Her eyes opened

wide as I thrust my hand until it simply couldn't go any farther. I then worked

her over with the same arm I used to handle a riveter. Needless to say, it had

sufficient strength to bend iron bars.

Or iron wills, if that were the


She took my actions like a pro. I

even used my free hand to rub over that lovely pink protuberance that some

people called a clit. We had other terms for it back home, but names weren't

important right then. My friction on it was.

She came up off the bed simultaneous

with a high pitched squeal. It was enough to give me temporary hearing loss.

She began to shake and shiver as I worked her over with increasing intensity.  Mares were sometimes easy to get off this way,

but my fingers were a little rough for a lot of gals. This one seemed to thrive

under my manhandling, so I took it as a cue and picked up the force and speed

of my actions.

I was rewarded with the most ear-piercing

scream I've ever heard. I've listened to some pretty pitiful howls and

screeches in my time, but this one was a topper. Her hands grabbed mine and she

proceeded to force them to keep going.

Like I was going to stop!

Her shaking was soon

uncontrollable. It carried over to her arms, which in turn kept mine where they

were in a fantastical grip, forcing them to do what they were already doing quite

willingly. I gave up trying to do anything more than keep them rigid as her

shuddering was more the enough to give her pleasure via my thick digits. I kept

one finger pressed on her clit until she finally shook so violently back and

forth that I moved out of the way to save myself getting thrashed in the face

with her fluke.

She continued to roll about the bed

for who knows how long. After a while she seemed to wind down to the point that

I felt it was safe to join her again. The first thing she did was grab my cock

(which was still hard as a rock) and pull herself up by it.

"Goddam you!"


She leaned over and kissed me. It

was unexpected but pleasant enough. And when a girl this big has a grip on your

most precious possession, you pay attention.

"You motherfucker you! Here I

thought you were just going to be another stupid ass male. Where the hell did

you learn to do that?"

"Well for one, I am sort of an ass.

They're just a cousin tribe. Secondly, I didn't do anything more than I ever did.

I take it your males around here aren't too imaginative."

She let go of my cock and put both

arms around my neck, entwining them in my mane. "Johnnie... Oh Johnnie, you have

no idea how clueless they are."

"So teach them!"

"I have no patience for slow learners.

I gave up on them a while ago. I gave up a hope a few months back of ever

finding anyone who could get me going. I never thought it would be a plains

pony to get my blood going again."


"Oh shut up! You know what I mean!"

I did. And there was nothing wrong

with being of that tribe either. To each their own.

"So you liked it?"

"I take it back. Maybe you are


"My question was rhetorical. I

seemed to have touched off a firestorm."

"I couldn't have said it better."

She was still panting. "I felt like my nerves had been lit from within."

"If you liked that, maybe we should

proceed a little further."

She shuddered. "I don't know if I

can take it."

I must have looked like I had been

sucker punched. .

She hastily corrected herself. "I

want you stupid. I was implying that I might not be able to tolerate it after

what you just did."

"Then I'll go slowly."

"If you insist."

I pried her apart, making her jump

a little, placing the flared tip of my cock against her hole. Each movement I

made caused her to jerk a little, and the last one forced me inside her an inch

or so.

Her eyes came open again.


"Are you alright?"

"I just can't believe that you just

got inside me with that thing."

"Uh, I wouldn't call that being

inside you. In fact, I would hardly say it's even started."

She closed her eyes. "Then do it.

It might be the end of me, but I can't think of a better way I'd prefer to


I knew she was being dramatic, so I

dug my hooves into the footboard, grabbed her shoulders and thrust. She leaned

up, started to scream and silenced it by sinking her teeth into my shoulder. I

retaliated for the sudden pain by jerking hard with my hips, forcing half of my

length into her in one swift motion. Those teeth sunk in deeper. I was one

tough horse but getting bitten by a predator, even one whose linage had never had

a chance to prey upon mine was enough to get my nostrils flaring.

I shoved until the tip was

somewhere so deep inside her I was certain that no previous lover had ever

touch the flesh my cock was now pressing against.

The teeth let go as another scream

came vaulting out of her throat. I put a hand over her mouth, quieting but not

silencing her. Instead she bit me again, and this time my cry took the place of

hers. Damn if this girl wasn't hard to handle! But the best thing was; I had

every inch of my cock inside her. That hadn't happened in a long time. It was

well worth the pain, as well as the future scabs to my shoulder and hand.  Being this deep inside a female once again

was something so great that the punishment was worth it.

I held still for a moment to see if

she'd calm down. She did, but just barely. She looked liked she wanted to say

something, but her mouth wouldn't work. Her eyes were rolling wildly, and every

time I moved even an inch, they would roll back in her head. I remained

motionless for as long as I could, but my cock needed to have another release

and it wasn't going to happen by itself.

I pinned her arms back above her

head and proceeded to pull back. A foot and a half of cock was not something

you could easily ignore, and as I pushed it in and out, her voice eroded and

devolved into high pitched gurgles and moans.

It was fucking awesome!

Not only was my size making her

hole totally tight, but her slit tended to want to close up around my cock. It

was like her body was trying to engulf me. Good luck on that, I thought

humorously. While I was certainly inside her, by the same note I was now in

control. Her body couldn't do a thing to expel me no matter how hard it might

try. As it was, she was twitching uncontrollably as I pounded her insides like

my mother used to grind corn with a pestle. 

My mother, by the way, was very good at that job.

I leaned down and dared to engage

her mouth. I figured I might lose a lip doing that, but she responded so

passionately that I let go of her arms. She returned them to being wrapped

around my neck as she slipped her tongue into my mouth. I hesitated at first,

then joined in when I felt I was safe from those teeth.

She wrapped her legs around my

waist, lifting her hips even higher with the help of her tail.

I know - fluke. Whatever.

The fact was, her back end was far

stronger than it looked, and she was pushing up against my thrust like no

female had ever dared. I thought I might end up wrecking her for any future

male she might encounter, but for the moment she intended to ride me like a pro

regardless of the consequences.

I have had a few buffalo gals that hadn't

been able to handle it.

She was shrugging it off like it

was nothing.

Well, I shouldn't say nothing. It was obvious she was feeling

it. She might as well have cut the nozzle and a length of tubing off of a fire

hose and filled the whole thing with rubber. That was what it had to feel like

inside her. And like that aforementioned hose, when I went off, you noticed.

I was coming very close to opening things

up full stream. I had started just a little cautiously, but once I knew she

could take it, I doubled my efforts.  I

wasn't pulling back all that far now, since that took time, but what I did have

moving was plenty for any gal. And since I was tickling her in places normally

reserved for unborn foals and calves, I knew that I was scratching at spots

that were normally beyond her reach.

We kept it up for who knows how

long. I didn't care how much time we spent on this, and even if I had, I think

that looking at my timepiece would have been the height of effrontery. This was

all about her and I, and I wasn't about to let anything else interfere.

Not even the time.

When I finally came, I did so with

savage grace, making sure that each thrust was measured and deep.  When my balls began pushing out their

contents, the head of my cock was right up against her womb. While I couldn't

see what was happening, I think I can be sure that a good amount of it was

forced right into her babymaker. From the look on her face, I would say I was

right. Her eyes went wide for the...well I had lost count, but they about popped

out from her rounded skull for yet again.

She tried to cry out, but it seemed

stuck in her throat. What came out was a series of high pitched clicks that had

all the undertones of an ancient language. Horses had a few old mannerisms like

that, but nothing this in-depth.

Then again, she had likely never

had a cock this in-depth before.

There was nothing like tickling the

ancient chants out of a girl with your ability to get right to the heart of

matters. I had never seen a female act so relieved to get some relief. We

really had to talk about her love life at some point, assuming she was

interested in continuing our relationship over the course of my stay. I get

that the local boys might not carry the same caliber that I did, but something

had to be better than nothing.

Her grip had gone from rock-solid,

to frantic to suddenly flaccid. As my hips wound down their little dance, she

rolled open her eyes, which were now bloodshot and distant, and sighed heavily

before she shuddered one last time. Then she was out. And I do mean out. I

pulled my cock from its hiding place within her and she didn't even flinch.

I thought about trying another go

on her, but I knew that it was getting late. Sex was great, but I was pretty

conscientious about my job duties. I would have gotten up and left right then,

but that seemed both rude and possibly unforgivable. So I positioned myself

against her back (after rolling her onto her side) and spooned up against her

and fell asleep.

Before I did, I inhaled deeply of my

surroundings. I know that may sound strange to you, but I have an excellent

nose, and the aroma of the night was as much part of my memories as was the

activity. I wanted to never forget our time together, if in fact it was fated

to be this one single night.

I smelled smoke; fresh smoke and

old smoke from fires long past. I smell wood; mostly cedar and its aromatic

fragrance. I could smell the seawater as it lapped up just outside her room.

And I could smell her. I don't know how to describe it to you, but it was a

pleasant, salty tang mixed with...with... well, I don't know what it was.  I had noticed it before this of course, but

only now was I taking the time to dwell on the finer points of the evening.

Overall, the experience was going to last with me for a very long time and my

nose was taking in everything my eyes, ears and mouth had missed. And that was

how I fell asleep. Dreaming of what I had just finished doing.

I awoke early to a darkened

room.  Labana was still asleep, her chest

rising and falling as air from her blowhole tickled my neck. I was loathe to

move, but even under such a wonderful setting as this, my instincts told me to

get my rump moving.

As stealthily as I could, I got up,

gathered my clothing and stepped outside her door. I dressed quickly, making my

way towards the front of the house. There was someone there tending the fire,

something I found a little odd. I didn't know who it was, but it was a she by

her dress. The outfit was of a very ancient design, something like my great

grandparents might have worn, only in a different style of course. Orcas didn't

age in the same way many of us other tribes did, there being no graying or

wrinkling of the skin. So one might say they looked ageless.

"Good morning son of the dust."

"Good morning mother of the sea."

She seemed pleased with my retort.

"Sit down."

"Uh, I really need to go."

"Yes you do. But you will have much

time ahead of you. Sit."

One thing you learn from a very

young age. Listen to your elders. I plopped down on the floor and crossed my


"Good. Did you enjoy yourself last


"Yes." If she expected me to

elaborate, she was quite mistaken."

"That is good. I take it Yirba

enjoyed herself also."

"I think so."

Her eyes narrowed down to mere

points of darkness on her face. "Either you know so, or you do not know so.

Which is it?"

"She did."

She leaned back away from the fire.

"Good. She is a very lost child. She is torn between the land and the sea. Our

people are not like yours. We live where we live because we must. It is no bad

thing, but unlike you, where roaming is in your blood, we must remain fixed

where we are."

"Uh, ok. I mean, can't you just get

into the ocean and swim away any time you like?"

"Yes we can, and sometimes we do,

but we will always come back to here. For some, home is where the heart is. So

you might say that our home here is our heart. It gives us life and we work to

keep it healthy. Do I make sense to you?"

"I suppose. My father said

something similar."

"Then you are lucky to have good

counsel in your bloodline. Yirba needs a mate, but she has refused any of the

males here. Now that she has found joy in your arms, she will no longer even

care to look for any other."

"You sound awfully sure of


"No, but I do understand a woman's

heart. You are a handsome devil, for an equine. We don't see many of your kind here

you know. If not for this supposed need for a cannery, you would never have



"And you will leave when it is


"Are telling me or asking me?"


She was a wily one.  "I intend to leave."

"Then watch your heart. My

granddaughter has kept hers very closed until last night. And please do not

assume I have anything against you. If she found favor in you, even if only in

the matter of a bedding, then she has seen something in you that she finds to

be worthwhile. I find no fault in that. If I were younger, I might find myself

tempted as well."

I know some of you might find such

an open assessment to be disturbing, but if a wise old lady such as this

thought I was handsome, then I paid attention.

"I am honored. Perhaps we can give

it a try some time?"

She made a few clicks with her

tongue. "Now now young stallion. I was referring to if I was younger, which I

am not. I am just saying that I understand her being drawn to you."

"And I was simply saying that you

have all of the looks of your granddaughter."

I think she actually blushed, but I

don't believe that her skin tone or the interior light would ever have allowed

it to show. "Go! You are making me feel things I should not feel. But..."

"But what?"

"Come back. Even if you eventually

leave her, she needs you now. She needs you more than she will ever admit too.

Only, don't tell her we have spoken. She must be allowed to do this as she sees

fit. If she thinks that anyone is interfering on her behalf, she may sabotage

your relationship."

"Are you interfering?"

"No. I wish the best for her. I

only wanted to have a few words with you. You seem like a very nice young


I got up, did a ceremonial bow as

was custom in my tribe, and she nodded her head forward in response. As I made

my way to the door, I could hear her giggling to herself.

"A young buck like that thinking I

looked good. What a liar he is. But what a kind liar he is."

I almost turned around to tell her

it was no lie, but I figured it wasn't worth the bother. If she were anything

like her granddaughter, I would be more than happy to service her. But

entanglement with one was probably enough for me at the moment. As it was, I

had to hightail it out of there and to the jobsite before I was missed.

No one said much to me that

morning, but the site-boss said a few words that drew my attention.

"Hey Greatstrides. Your shoulder's

bleeding. Are you getting clumsy on the job?"

I felt where she had bit me. I had

forgotten about it mostly because I did tend to shunt injuries aside like they

never happened.

"Sorry boss. Something that

happened last night."

He stared at me. "Watch who your

hanging with boy. Those with teeth often aren't afraid to use them."

"I'll be careful!"

"Personally I doubt it." But that

was all he had to say.

Work seemed tedious that morning,

and when lunch came I realized that I had forgotten to pack a meal. I had

toughed it out before, so I was mildly surprised when a bag arrived from one of

the local diners. The otter delivering it was one I thought I recognized, but

it was hard to tell. She didn't say much, only that it was paid for and to

enjoy it.

Now you have to understand that

there weren't many vegetarians in this neck of the woods. So when I opened it

and found a variety of things that I happened to like, I was properly

impressed. There was a solitary napkin inside with a note scribbled on its surface.

"Thanks. Enjoy."

I knew who it had to be from. The

question was, what did it mean? I figured I would find out later. We had made

no commitments the night before, so anything was a go and everything was up in

the air.

When I left work that night I was

tired and only wanted to get a shower, some food and hit the bed. Labana was

there at the gate, waiting.

"Hello Johnnie."

"Hi yourself."

"Is that all I get?"

"That depends. What do you want?"

She smiled. "I have a little

something planned if you're game."

"To be honest, all I want to do is

get cleaned up and eat something."

"Then how about you eat something

first. Cleaning up will come later."

I thought about it. "Why not?"

We went to the same diner where my

lunch had come from. It was on one of the quaint little side streets in the

town, and its décor showed that it was as old as some of the elderly patrons

inside. It seemed popular enough, and since my food earlier was exceptional, I

figured the evening meal might prove to follow that lead. One never look

hospitality in the mouth. One accepted it with grace, even when one wasn't


My uncle once said that.

As I was hungry in more ways than

one, I was fully prepared to accept any and all acts of kindness.

Supper was interesting; a

combination of root vegetable laced with the local kelp. I know it didn't

appeal to her, but she didn't say a word as I devoured my plate. Her own

platter was smoked fish, carrying a local name I couldn't quite pronounce, but

which I took to be salmon. Some of the bear tribes in the more mountainous

regions spoke of this fish.

After our repast, she settled back

against the seat and looked me in the eye. "Did you have fun last night?"

"Of course I did!"

"Want another round?"

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"Nope. If I was trying to kill you

we wouldn't be having this conversation."

"I can believe that. So what do you

have in mind?"

"Come back with me to my place and

I'll show you."

"Can I get my shower first? The

guys don't mind a little stink but if I don't get washed up soon, they'll be

sure to complain."

"No. No shower. You either trust me

or you go back to your motel and stay there."

I sighed. "I do trust you. I also

have a commitment to my crew."

"I know you do you dolt! But maybe,

just maybe I can arrange something better than a shower."

I was intrigued enough to bite.

"OK. When do we go?"

"Now or never stud."

I waved down the waitress and paid

the bill, leaving a big tip. It wasn't as big of a tip as I was thinking Labana

was going to get, but it was sufficient for a little girl like her.

We got to the longhouse in good

time. It was amazing what you missed when you were distracted or in a hurry.

What I had taken for misshapen trees in front of the house were in fact the

carved symbols of their heritage. The figures on them rose up thirty feet,

towering over the yard like silent sentinels.

I stopped and stared. She stood by

my side, looking up at them with me.

"Pretty impressive, aren't they?"

"Yes they are. How is it I missed

them before?"

"It was dark last night, and as for

in the morning, I can't say. You snuck out without saying goodbye."

"I had to work. So I wasn't really

leaving, now was I?"

"I guess not. And you did

comeback." The tone is her voice was touched with a sprinkling of joy.

"Of course I did. I wasn't sure

that you wanted me back, so the invitation is nice."

"Fuck it Johnnie, I want you to do

to me what you did last night. I want you to do it to me a thousand times over.

Can you promise me you will?"

"Of course I can't. But I will

promise to for as long as we are together."

I thought my honesty might backfire

on me, but it didn't.

 "I think that's a better promise."

She leaned on my arm and led me

into the house. This time those gathered within looked at me with a new

appreciation. I don't think all of them approved, but the grandmother must have

said something to them. Labana went on the defensive, but was stunned when no

one confronted her. She turned to me, but I feigned ignorance. Well, I didn't

feign it exactly. I really had no idea what had gone down during the day here.

After all, I was busy working. But if the elder had approved of me, you had

better bet the rest would come around as well.

She led us back to her room. Once

the door was closed she stripped. "Ok Johnnie, now you."

I was quick to oblige, but I really

would have preferred to have gotten cleaned up. I'm not a fanatic about

smelling flowery, but a horse can get ripe damn fast when he's working.

She opened the door again and

stepped out. She motioned for me to follow. I wasn't shy, but I wasn't an

exhibitionist either.  But if she was

willing to do it, what less could I do? I stepped out and followed her to the

rear of the house. The water was quietly sloshing against the hard rock floor. Like

the walls, the surface of it was carved with figures and beings, some of which

I found most intriguing. But our reason for being here was not to investigate

the art, rather to enter the mesmerizing water.

To be totally honest with you,

entering the ocean frightened me to no ends. Just the thought of water that

sank a mile or more beneath its surface was enough to make me weak in the

knees. I never told anyone, because there wasn't a reason to. But now that I

had to confront that fear, I found myself hesitating. She looked up at me as

she slipped in. I think the look on my face said it all.

"What's the difference between a shower

and bath? I take it you don't much like the water?"

"Water is fine. We have rivers back

home that I used to splash around in as a colt. But this..."

"This is nothing. You have to let

go and feel the water. The salt here is the same as what runs in all of our

veins. Even you, horse boy."

"If you say so."

I took a hoof and stuck it in the

water. It was cool, but outside of that I didn't feel any negative vibes from

it. If a water lover like her could spend time on land, why the hell couldn't a

fool like me turn the tables? I stepped in, finding the pebbly bottom just a few

feet under. I settled down until only my head was above the surface. My mane flowed

as the water ebbed and coursed across the rocks.

"See! Look at you!"

I was looking at her instead. Here

in the water she seemed to come alive, even more so than last night while we

had made love. Her eyes glowed with an inner light, though that may have merely

been the setting sun reflecting off of them. It was just hitting the horizon as

she took my hand and pulled me out from the safe confines of the house.

"Are you sure this is wise?" I

said, a little fear showing up in my voice.

"One can never tell if it is wisdom

or foolishness until one has completed that which they are undertaking."

"That doesn't make me feel any

better about this."

"No, but maybe I can help you along

during your ordeal."

"I didn't say it was going to be an


"Then quit making it sound that

way. I'll make this as pleasant for you as I can."

I sucked in a breath, closed my eyes

and tried to relax. She could make all the claims she wanted, but I was close to

being totally terrified of this water. Even though I could touch bottom here, I

knew damn well that not far off the shoreline the floor dropped off to

unimaginable depths.

The next thing I knew she had

slipped below the surface of the water and was grasping my hips. I jerked a

little, and then stiffened as she worked over my cock with that fantastic mouth

of hers. I went to grab her head, stopped and then wondered.

Could she drown?

Don't judge me! I wasn't all that

informed on the extent to which her tribe could deal with being underwater. The

matter hadn't come up in conversation during the less than two weeks I had been

here. I opted to keep my hands off of her and allow her to do as she pleased. I

sure as hell didn't want to be responsible for drowning her.

As before, she managed to get the

whole thing down in the first try. That was an impressive feat. From then on I

forgot about things like dark oceans and watery deaths. I was all into what she

was doing. I even failed to notice when my body relaxed and floated calmly with

the lapping waves.

God she was good!

This time she worked me over right

until I lost it. I don't know if I had filled her a little too full last time,

but when my cock began spurting she pulled away and let me shoot my cum into

the water. I hardly cared at that moment. She was still stroking it, and I dare

say, watching from her vantage point as the milky contents of my cock shot into

the sea to be carried away by the ever moving currents.

It was only then that I seemed to

note that she had been under the whole time. That almost gave me a panic

attack. I couldn't hold my breath nearly that long! But I immediately got

control of myself. I hardly thought she expected the same from me.

I watched as her head rose just

above the surface and exposed those eyes. I could see a little amusement in

them as she saw the mixed emotions running across my face.

She rose a little more. "Well,

well, well. Look at you. Shooting a load for the fishes to enjoy. It seems a

little wasteful, but I don't have room for any more after the supper I had."

"No room at all?" I asked.

"Not in my stomach mister go-by the

gallon. But I might have room elsewhere if you like."

"Now you're talking!"

"Hold your... horses!" She snorted at

her play on words.


"You need to get clean first. I

started with your cock, but there is still plenty more of you to get clean."

"Are you sure about this? I don't

want you to feel like you have to treat me special or anything."

"Have to? Hell no I don't have to.

But want to? Now that's a different story."

I have never in my life had a

tongue bath before. I know feline tribes do that, but having one in the water,

with a tongue as talented as hers just about drove me crazy. To hell with

showers! I found a new passion in personal hygiene!

She got her hands involved as well,

and while there was no sort of soap involved, she still managed to work every

inch of my hide free of dirt, sweat and other such filth until that left only

my head, which was above water.

She moved up from below and surfaced,

water dripping down her face.  She put

her hands on my head and pushed me under. I sucked in a deep breath and prayed

to my ancestors that this wouldn't be the death of me. She shoved my face

between her breasts and proceeded to work the tangles and dust from my mane and

hair. I relaxed, knowing full well that panicking would cause to me to use more

oxygen than I might have available.

I surprised myself by remaining

unruffled until she was done. She dropped down, kissed me and pulled me back to

the surface.

I had to blink to get the salt

water out of my eyes, but when I did, I was looking into eyes full of pride.

"For a plains dweller, you're

pretty quick to accept the ways of the cetaceans."

I was still snorting water out of

my nostrils. Her blowhole was adapted for this sort of thing.

"Cetacean? That sounds kind of

sexy. So, is my bath complete?"

"It can be. How do you like the

water now?"

"I'm feeling a little more

comfortable with it, thank you very much."

"Good. Because I want to have sex,

orca style."

"Whoa, wait - what?"

"Oh relax! I happen to like having

sex in the water. It's the way we used to do it, generations ago. I think we've

moved a little too far down the evolutionary trail."

"You did say in the water and not

under water, right?"

"Yes I did. I'm not willing to have

you drown so early in our relationship."

"Good. Neither am I."

Her hands went to my cock, gently

grasping it and massaging it to life. It didn't take a whole lot of effort on

her part, for between the predicted danger to my person (of being in the ocean)

and the presence of such a wild thing like her, my libido was working overtime.

I had never had such a thrill in my life. Trust me; a plains boy like me was

used to a lot of things, but this was something totally new. I doubt you can

comprehend that, but if you ever have a chance in your life to try something

that frightens you, do it. You may find the ride bumpy and chaotic, but you'll

never ever forget it.

After she had me as hard and

straight as those cedar poles in front of her longhouse, she straddled me,

gripping my shoulders to lift herself up. A well place drop impaled her onto me

and the fun began all over again.

This time she dropped slowly,

unlike my rather coarse maneuverings from the night before. She would sink a little,

stop, and then rise up. Then she would drop a little more, rise up, and repeat.

Eventually she was resting on my lap, her hands on my shoulders.

 "Sorry if I'm boring you."

I couldn't clamp my mouth closed

fast enough before I said it. "I think I'm boring you."

"No you're not, for I'll have you

know..." Then she got the pun and shook her head. "You're incorrigible."

"Among other things, yes I am."

She sighed and laid her head on my

shoulder. "I hope you don't mind something quiet and insouciant tonight."


"Oh never mind. Let's just relax

and enjoy ourselves."

"I think I am already."

"Are you?"

"Yes. I thought that maybe I would

freak out, but if I had to learn that the ocean wasn't as bad as I thought,

this is definitely the way to do it."

"I thought it might. If only I

could adapt so easily."

"No solid land for you?"

"Oh, I don't mind. I have legs

after all. But there is nothing like swimming to relieve the stress of the



"I consider this to be swimming... of

a sort." She grinned and kissed me.

"You may call it what you wish. All

I know is that it's delightful."

She used her tail to move us to a

position where the rocks were hollowed out a little in the general shape of a

torso. I rested in this depression which helped me to be anchored in place

while she had her way with me. I had been the forceful one last night, though

those punctures in my shoulder reminded me that we were only fairly equal terms.

She had failed to mention them, and I was too proud to complain. But it was a

reminder that she was much more than a typical mare.

But let me remind you; mares can

bite too. And don't you ever forget it!

They just usually don't draw blood.

Labana gyrated her hips in the

water, using her fluke to push herself forward. She also freely used her arms,

which moved from my shoulders to my sides depending were she wanted them at any

particular moment. She wasn't jittery, but she kept moving, never once allowing

herself to remain motionless. She was as restless as the sea, and that made

sense to me.

You may think the plains are mostly

desolate dry expanses, but you would be wrong. 

If you were to find a low hill and sit on it, you would find the wind

playing over the tall grasses, making patterns and waves in them as the breeze

scurried across the amber seed heads. Even when it was dry the wind kicked up

little swirls of dust, animating the earth with little dancing whirlwinds that

lasted a few moments before dying back into the ground.

There were remarkable similarities

to our homes. And there were definitive differences.

But for the moment, we made it

work. I don't know how, but we did. The real question was how long we could

keep it up. Two days was nothing. A week was nothing. A month was nothing. After

that, all bets were off. Then again, after that I would be leaving.

I was brought to the present by a

sharp tug on my mane. She had entwined her fingers in it on either side of my

neck and was leaning back, rocking her hips ecstatically as her eyes remained

half-lidded. She was humming from deep in her throat, some ancient song from her

linage, passed along from mother to daughter.

I would have chimed in with one of

my own, but I had a feeling that would have ruined the mood. My singing voice

was; well - awful.  I couldn't carry a

tune worth a damn. So I just lay there, rocking in time to her movements and

thinking what a lucky stallion I was.

I can't say how long we were there,

but it had to be hours. The longer we went, the more absorbed I became in the

whole experience. When she finally came I wasn't even feeling it yet. So I was

content to allow her to slump against my chest and nuzzle my fur. It was

amazing how the water supported our weight, making her seem no weightier than a


I wrapped my arms around her and

pulled her close. She murmured something indecipherable and snuggled in closer.

Mind you, we were already pretty damn close. I was still inside after all. But

for the moment, I fought down my desire to bone her good and simply held her

tight. She fell asleep for a little while but that didn't touch my ardor in the


I was thankful when she awoke. She

sat up, blinked and stared me in the face. "Oh, hello Johnnie."

 "Hello yourself!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go out

on you."

"Why be sorry?"

"Well, that was unmannerly of me."

"Unmannerly? I think that only with

someone you could trust could you so readily fall so fast asleep. Therefore I

take it as a compliment."

I think those were either the

stupidest words I have ever uttered or the smartest. At the time I had no idea

which it was going to be.

She looked like someone had stabbed

her in the back. She was going to move away I think, but she recognized that

she was still anchored firmly to me.

She sighed again. "I hate you."


"Oh, I don't mean it. I wanted

something different in my life. You looked like you'd fit the bill. Only..."


"Only you have been fitting in too

well. And I don't mean that outrageous cock of yours. You know, if you ever

want my brethren here to feel inferior, whip it out sometime. They all think

I'm crazy for hanging out with the likes of you."

"Maybe you are."

"Maybe I am. But so far, I wouldn't

trade the experience for anything."

"Are you sure of that?"

"Yes. Even though I know it'll hurt

something terrible when you leave, I intend to get every last bit of joy that I

can from you before you do."

"Then I guess all I can offer is a

little more action to supplant all of the words."

"Supplant? See, you can use big

words too."

"Big? I think what I offer in

action is bigger than any words I know."

She twisted up her mouth in a wry

grin before breaking out in a laugh. "God I you Johnnie Greatstrides!"

"I like you too Labana."

"Call me Yirba."


We finished up the night churning

the waters into a frenzy of bubbles and eddies that fled the scene and

disappeared into the dark. I even allowed myself to be carried away from the

relative safety of the rear of the house I and into more open water. By the

time were finished I was exhausted. And I had to work in the morning.

At this rate she was going to kill

me for sure. And if she didn't, the boss would certainly be happy to do the job


The next morning was a repeat of

the first. She was still asleep, I got dressed, and grandmother was sitting

there tending the fire. Before she could open her mouth I sat down.

"You learn quickly."

"That's better than the

alternative, isn't it?"

"It is. So again she sleeps. It is

strange that you are not the medicine I foresaw in her future."


"Oh don't be coy. If you are

plains, you know that sometimes what ails a body is what ails the mind. You are

just what she needs."

"I guess so. She seems...smitten."

"Yes. But what of you?"


She looked at me with piercing eyes

until I was squirming where I sat. She finally asked her question.

"What is in your heart?"

"I don't know for certain." I

thought she might get angry with me for being honest.

"It takes time."

"What does?"


"I can't love her!"

"Oh shut up. Have you learned

nothing in your travels? Love is boundless. Sex might have limitations, but not

affairs of the heart. "

"But if she loves me..."


"I don't know. I mean, I like her a

lot but love?"

"It is something to consider. I

know you meant nothing by this encounter but to have fun. There is no shame in

that. But unlike any of her other suitors in the past, she has found comfort in

your soul."

"Other suitors?"

"Yes. Did you think she was some

silly virgin waiting to give herself to the first male she met?"

"Well no! But she didn't mention

other suitors."

"I'm sure she did. She might not

have stressed it. She seeks more than a compatible mating partner. This

distresses some in the community. But there are plenty of females to calve and

replace the population.  Some souls need

to have a perfect match or else they will shrivel and fade."

"So you think she needs me?"

"I think you need each other. Given

time I think you will find yourselves to be the missing halves that you might

not even know you are lacking. Only by discovering what you each have to offer

will you find that of which you are devoid."

"You may be right. But that will

take time and time is something I do not have."

"We all have time youngster. What

we do all too often is waste it. Now get back in there and climb back into her


"What? Hell no! As it is, my boss

is likely to can me if I show up late."

"Boss? There's a funny thing about

bosses. You do realize the simple fact that there are bosses over bosses."

"And your point is what exactly?"

"Who do you think hired your

company? We did. So your boss is our employee until such time as the job is

completed. So, as you must see, I'm your boss's boss. And I say you stay here."

She grinned and added. "Unless you

don't want to."

"Old mother, I would like nothing

more. But do you really think that it's advisable?"

"I just advised you to do it. What

more urging do you need?"

I thought about it. Unless she was

lying to me, then I had nothing to worry about. I did hate taking advantage of

the boss like this, but when you're pretty much told to not the

girl's grandmother... you tended to listen. I made my way back to her bed,

climbed in without waking her and curled up next to her.

And fell back asleep.

When I awaken a while later, Yirba

was perched up on her elbows, staring at me with loving eyes. She had a stiff

brush in her hand. I was a little thrown off by that, but I yawned and

stretched even as I sank back into the pillows.

"Good morning!"

Her reply was very

lighthearted."Waking up to you in bed makes it the best morning ever!"


"You'd better believe it!"

I leaned forward to look at the

brush in her hand. It was large enough for even my fingers to hold daintily,

but I had no artistic qualities whatsoever.

"Doing some painting?"

She giggled. If you've never heard

an orca giggle, then you're missing on a unique experience. She had done it

several times over our brief time together, but this one was the most joyous I

had heard from her. She held up the brush, showing the black liquid on its

feathered tip.

"I was. I decided to teach you a

little of my family history. You never know when it'll come in handy."

"Um, ok. I'm game. I think that you

probably have a great heritage."

"Oh I do. But it's no fun to share

it unless you can share it with someone who'll be able to appreciate it."

"And you think I'll be able to do


"I hope so. I made a little

demonstration for you."

"Is that so?"

For an answer she pulled back the

sheet, exposing my cock. Like almost any morning it was awake and standing to

attention. Well, it was erect anyways. And on it were a series of symbols and

images, pictographs and such that wound their way from the base to the tip.

"Shit! You decorated my cock!"

"Decorated? You make it sound like

a cake. I used it as a base for giving you my oral history."

When she said oral, she really lit

up. I fell back against the pillow with a laugh. "You got me with that one!"

"No really. I thought that maybe I

could give you a lesson and have a little fun at the same time."

I sat up. "You're the most

interesting person I've ever met, do you know that?"

"Do you mean it?"

"You had better believe it."

"Good! So let me start at the


"Is that the base or the tip?"

"The base. We all come from

somewhere after all. Every tree has roots."

"Are you calling my cock a tree?"

"Yes. Now shut up."

I obeyed.

"Here you see the images of the

ancestral whales. Legend has it that back then, they were strictly ocean

going." Her fingers traced lightly around the shaft of my cock, making me


Her fingers moved higher. "And here

is where it is said that they first evolved to leave the water." She grasped my

shaft and gave it a squeeze before moving higher.

"My family group settled at this

location a thousand or more years ago.  I

am two hundred and fifty seventh in the maternal line."

Her fingers traced more shapes.

"These represent the generations of females in this pod, going back so far it

makes even the best storytellers pause and think."

"And you know them all?"

"I do!"

"Can I ask a question? You may not

like it."

"You may ask anything. I may choose

not to answer it."

"Are you sure?"


"Do you want your line to end with


"Men are such idiots!" But she

didn't sound upset.


She smiled. "I have two sisters

Johnnie. I have nieces and nephews already. The line continues."

"But your grandmother never said..."

"Said what?"

"Oh nothing."

"I doubt it was nothing. She is

very wise. But if you think that I will be missing out on part of life by not

bearing calves, then think again. I love children, but I do not wish to have

them. I wish to explore and be free of such commitments. I know that sounds

harsh and selfish, but it is nothing more than the truth. Grandmother says that

not everyone is meant to be what others think they should be."

It struck me right in the heart for

it sounded a lot like me. It was part of the reason I had moved on, away from

the village where I had grown up. Too many mares seemed to think that all there

was in life was settling down and having foals. That was ok, if that was really

what you wanted. But as for me...

I didn't know.

I mean, yeah, you want to carry on

your family name, but did I really want colts?

I sighed.

"What's the matter?"

"Sorry Yirba. I was just thinking.

Are you sure you don't want to have kids?"

"With you?" The amusement in her

voice was close to breaking through as a laugh.

"No! I know we can't. But that's

just it. We can't have kids together. Are you alright with that?"

"Let's see. Sex without

repercussions. No noisy interruptions in the middle of the night. A cock the

size of an eel. Yeah, I think I can live with that."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm not sure. Everything

in life that I have ever been sure of has been wrong. So now I'm trying to live

a little. I figure if this doesn't work, what have we lost? A little time and

maybe a few sleepless nights. There could be worse things to suffer through."

She had some valid points. I was

willing to settle down, but on the other hand, I wanted to travel. That's why I

was here. And now, I was faced with settling down and I didn't know where to

take that. I mean, I wanted to, and yet; where would we live?

She could see the indecision in my


"Johnnie, don't worry over it.

Right now, let's just take it a day at a time. Heck, for all I know, I may get

my fill of you before it's time for you to leave."

"Haven't you already been filled up

with me?" I asked humorously.

"Just a little. This is a new day!"

"Room for more?"

"You had better believe it!"

I was just a little torn. I knew I

should be at work, but if what the elder had told me was true, I didn't have

anything to worry about. As it was, I was ready to nail her good. But then,

that was just my cock talking. Speaking of which, I got back to what we were


"So my dear little orca, where in

this story do you come in?"

"Where? When coming to the present,

the subject in question is at the topmost branch. Thus, I am here."

So saying that, she slipped her

mouth over the tip of my cock. Indeed, there had been an image there which I

took to be a modern version of her kind. But once her mouth was firmly planted,

I forgot all about what she had told me. All I could think of was how I was

going to be giving her a hot breakfast without the aid of a stove or oven.

I'll spare you a whole lot of

detail on the rest of the morning. Needless to say, I forgot all about work. I

even forgot about breakfast. By the time lunch rolled around, we had assumed

just about every position possible. And I must tell you that using her fluke

for an anchoring point while positioned behind her and slamming away is


But I suppose you didn't want to

hear that.

What? You want to hear more? (sly

grin) Well, we'll see.

Grandmother had a nice, if a bit rudimentary

meal ready for us when noon rolled around. The whole clan seemed to be gathered

under the roof, which made me feel quite slightly insecure. But I was

completely surprised at the general reactions of the males in the group. I was

expecting to feel like an outsider, which I technically was. But apparently

word of my seduction of Yirba, who to this point had been as difficult to pin

down as a fresh jellyfish, had circulated to all of her relatives near and far.

Apparently the only ones who were angry with me were the ones who had bet that

she would end up an old maid.

But then, nothing solid had been

set. For all I knew we were still in the middle of a fling, and nothing much

more than that. I liked the girl, and she liked me, but I wasn't much of one

for the whole love at first sight fairy tale thing.

But I was beginning to catch faint glimmers

of it.

I was an aloof stallion. I wasn't

supposed to be head over hoof for any female, much less one completely outside

of my species and tribe. But here I was, feeling pretty damn sure that was

where I was headed. Grandmother must have had the second sight. Otherwise, I

had to think that she had somehow set us up. But even if the latter were true I

found it hard to be upset. I hadn't had this much fun in a long while.

From the sounds of her cousins and

other extended family members, apparently getting the affections of Yirba was

as unlikely as me swimming from the coast clear across the ocean to the next

landmass. And here it was, apparently just what I had done. I didn't see it the

same way they did, but since it seemed to make me a hero of sorts, I went with

it. I was only hoping I was able to maintain that status for a long enough

period of time.

How long?

I didn't really know.

My grandfather was full of wisdom

(among other things) and had told me once that love would always find a way. I

was growing a little older, and therefore a little wiser, so what he had said

was beginning to make a little more sense. Love was something far deeper than

the mere appearances of those who happened to fall into its trap, but even then

it was something far more insidious and wonderful than even his meager words had

hinted at.

Was I in love? I couldn't say. But

I was willing to find out. I mean, I didn't want to get tangled in a commitment

I couldn't keep, or for that matter, to tangle her in one she wasn't happy

with. I had every intention of heading back into the interior of the country

when I was done here, and she had made it rather plain that she wouldn't travel

far from her beloved ocean.

So the meeting with all of her

relatives was pleasant enough, but laced with undertones that I didn't think

were wise to bring up in polite conversation. While I'm sure they knew of our

activities together, it didn't seem polite to mention them out loud. We had

been loud enough as it is, so I'm pretty sure no one had any doubts as to the

nature of our relationship.

Leastwise, none of those living

under the same roof as her.

Over the course of the next several

days I split my time between her and work. The boss pulled me aside my first

day back and had a few words with me.

"Goddam it boy! What the hell is

going on?"

"Going on sir?"

"Don't be coy. I need you on this

job, so don't think I'm not grateful you're back, but who the hell are you


"Screwing?" I tried to put my best

look of surprise on my face.

"Cut the shit Greatstrides. I've

been told two things recently. One was to let you come and go as you please.

Secondly, I've been told that if we get the job done on time, the customer will

give everyone a bonus. So what the hell am I to make of that?"

I shrugged. "That fate has somehow

stepped in and maybe we shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth."

The boss twisted up his mouth and

shook his head. "You're a damn fool Johnnie, and I'm glad I'm not you. But

whatever it is you're doing, keep doing it until were done here. I can use the

extra cash."

"You betcha boss. And by the way,

it's not what I'm doing."


"It's who I'm doing."

"Then boy, don't wear yourself out

too terribly much. It ain't easy working two jobs at once."

"I'll pace myself, don't you


The guys on the job, that is to say

my coworkers, evidently knew what was going on too.  I felt the need to explain myself but I just never

did. I think that none of them wanted to broach the subject and that was just

fine with me.

Labana started bringing my lunch

very day, which while nice, made me think a little that she was pretty damn

serious about our relationship.

Not that I wasn't, mind you, but if

she wouldn't leave her home here, then would I be willing to stay? I wasn't

into fishing at all and what else was there for a horse of my caliber?

That question preyed on my mind for

the next several weeks.

As did something else.

"Yirba?" I asked her one evening as

she was once again going over her family history with me.


I pointed to the still vivid

symbols embellishing my cock. "How long before those disappear?"

Her grin was immense. "Why? Don't

you like our story time together?"

"I do. But I figured for as much

polishing as you've done to my wood, all of that would have disappeared by


"Sorry but no. I used India ink and

it's indelible."

"Meaning what?"

"Meaning its not going to fade any

time soon."

"But it will fade?"

"Yep. If you use it on non-living

things it stays for good, but since your body is constantly renewing itself,

it'll be gone in a few months."


"Oh relax. It isn't like it's a

tattoo or anything. And besides, are you planning on whipping that thing out

and showing anyone?"


"Then it's all good, isn't it?"

And so the summer carried on, with

the cannery going up in record speed and our relationship growing stronger but

increasingly problematic.  I was no

longer staying at the hotel, having long abandoned that bed for one far more


Labana (as I was still fond of

calling her) was soon the flower of her family clan. Whereas before she had

been sulky and irritable, now she was more outgoing and jovial. I had failed to

understand the depths of her depression, if that was the proper word for it.

Whereas once she had forced herself into a rather terse confinement, now she

was open and willing to participate in many more family matters.

Grandmother told me one morning

during our regular discussions, "She is yours you know. You need only ask."

"Ask whom?"

"Her of course."

"I would, but..."

"But you know she can't part from

the ocean."


"And you cannot be convinced to


"There is nothing here for me." I

held up my hand to halt her imminent reply. "Nothing but her. And while that

should be enough of a reason, in the end it just isn't."

"Yes, you are a child of the

plains. That makes your needs a little different from hers. But there is

nothing wrong with compromise."

"What's there to compromise?"

"That will be between the two of

you. It is not for me or anyone else to interfere in your decisions."

"That's not a lot of help."

"It is more than you may realize

young stallion."

I decided she was correct. Whatever

was going to happen had to be worked out by the parties involved. The problem

was, as I saw it, was that we were both happy with the way things were at the

moment. Any changes to that were bound to disrupt the fine balance we had

managed to achieve. Any alteration to our situation was very likely going to

upset the apple cart. If you don't know what that means, it means that if we

weren't careful, someone was going to get hurt.

But the fact remained that I simply

couldn't live the rest of my life just in this one place. Not even for her. So

it was one evening after a particularly rabid sex-fest, we were laying there in

each other's arms, enjoying a little respite between the acts. I hated to bring

up the subject, but I knew I had to do it before the cannery job was completed.


"Yes?" was her quick response.

"Would you move to the plains with


She was silent for a while.

"Are you inviting me?"


"Then the answer is no. No one in

my family has ever managed to leave the proximity of the ocean for very long.

Not even those inland lakes you have can compare to the comfort of salty water

on the skin. I appreciate the offer more than you can know, but the need to

stay here is too great."

"And your answer is final?"

"Johnnie, if you can move the ocean

to your plains, then the answer is yes. But I know you understand how I feel.

You'd never be happy spending your days here, even if it was with me. We have

our base natures to deal with."

"So that's it then?"

"NO! We have whatever time that

remains until you have to leave. Let's not waste it lamenting our fates."

"You seem pretty sure of that."

"Which part?"

"I don't know. I thought you'd be


"I am upset you ass! But I'm rather

resigned to my circumstances."

"Well I'm not!"

"Good for you. Have you found a way

to circumvent it?"

"No, but the hell if I'm going to

let go of you without a fight!"

She pulled sharply away from me. I

thought that perhaps I had angered her when I refused to accept defeat in the

face of nearly insurmountable odds. There was no way I was going to let her

storm out on me now. I grabbed her tightly and refused to release my grip. She

jerked back, fighting with considerable force and will. I didn't want to hurt

her, but I wasn't about to let go until we had talked this thing out.

I thought that she'd never stop

thrashing about. Finally however, panting from the exertion, she looked at me

with tears in her eyes.

"I believe you."

"What?" The change in her manner

was enough to momentarily daze me.

"You didn't let go of me when I did

put up a fight.  I really don't deserve

you, you know."

So that settled it. We were the

stupidest, luckiest couple in the world. And here we were, not able to do

anything more than what we had done over this summer. Yes, I was willing to

stay, but I knew that given time I would end up being miserable. And the same

went for her. So what was it that we could do?

There wasn't much in our lives we

could compromise on.

We had a few more good times before

I had to pull up stakes and leave. It was painful, but we each promised to

write. And we did. I valued above gold each letter I received, and I wrote back

in turn. But even this had to come to an end.

I know, you think I'm an idiot. You

think that she was worth staying there. And she was. And I'm sure that if I

could have found a way to move the ocean closer to my home, she would have

relented and come to live with me. But I'm only one horse. I can't move such a

huge mass of water.

But I'm a wily one. Sometimes when

you can't change the world, you change the part you need to alter.

And I did.

We stopped writing because we got

married. Compromise can work wonders when applied correctly.

There were two weddings, because

there were two different sets of rules for us to follow. The first one was

there by the ocean, in front of her longhouse. It was a little unusual by my

standards, but I didn't complain. We all have our routines and our procedures passed

down by custom, and I was sure some of ours would be a little odd to them.

My family had heard so much about

her that the village was overflowing with sightseers. To say she wowed them was

an understatement. People still come around to see her. And she welcomes every

one of them.

So how did we make it work?

I borrowed some construction

equipment and dug a hole. It was a big hole and it was carved out of the living

rock. And in it I had trucked thousands of gallons of sea water. I couldn't move

the entire ocean, but I could manage a little portion of it.

And we still go back several times

a year to her place. We have her old room, and when we aren't there we're back

on the plains. And sometimes, when we're both feeling daring, we go somewhere else

for a little while. She found out that she can love the land as much as she

loves the sea. And she loves me as much as I love her.

And I still call her Labana, though

only in private. And she has a nickname for me too. No, it's not Crazy Horse.

She has one that is much more personal than that.

You see, when I thought that I

would never see her again, I went to a tattoo artist and had him make permanent

her artful depictions on my cock. It was well worth the pain. So now, it's a permanent

reminder of who she is and what I am to her.

My nickname is derived from this.

She called me it once and it stuck.

It mostly refers to my cock mind you, but she lovingly applies it to me from

time to time.

She refers to it as her little Scrotum Pole...

The Cat's Meow!

                Hometowns. For some of us, they are our bane. We hate to admit where we're from if we have moved on in life and we find that our roots are an embarrassment to our present social status. Now me, I have fond memories and yet I don't talk...

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Farm Fresh Fox

                Yes, there was more to the camping trip, but don't you think I should leave a little of it to the imagination? After all, it wasn't like we were purposely going out of our way to advertise what we were doing.                 I will, if...

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A Night of Discussion

Two hours later the pair was still at it. Maggie had been caught in a loop of ever changing forms, from werewolf to feral and then back to her winsome, pre-nubile self. Edward loved it all, knowing that despite all of the hardships and heartbreaks, he...

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