Forest Keep 33

Story by Shimrod on SoFurry

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#35 of Forest Keep


Marre shifted uneasily as James insisted that he would be staying and watching Cill learn how to shift her shape. He had tried to explain the difficulties and the possible mishaps that could occur, easily reversible of course but nonetheless disturbing for those watching.

Letting his breath out in a heavy sigh he gave in "Very well Lad. Just don't say I didn't warn you"

James smiled and stroked Cill's neck gently "You don't mind me watching do you love?"

Cill hesitated briefly; she too had heard the tales and rumors "Only if you don't laugh at me". Having laid down the conditions she was quite happy to have moral support.

Marre coughed "Alright, if you two could keep your paws off one another for a few minutes I shall endeavor to explain the process"

Both human and dragoness sat down with rapt expressions as they waited for the ancient to speak.

"Now then, as you both know the Anifornum incantation forces a differing body shape upon the caster for up to three days depending on the power of the caster. It can also be imposed from without by the caster on a willing castee with the same limitation."

He harrumphed and unrolled a portion of a scroll slowly so the pair could see it clearly.

It showed a large dragon changing size to a smaller dragon in step by step illustration.

"The spell cannot create mass, or rather cannot create much mass without additional strain for example when Moona becomes a horse we have to add some mass. The most basic exercise is simply changing size down by shifting mass into an extra dimensional pocket and thus maintaining weight without sacrificing agility."

Further unrolling of the scroll depicted a small dragon sunk into the ground up to its neck and both Cill and James exchanged glances.

"As you can see this mass exchange is vital otherwise a dragon shrunk to half size yet weighing the same would easily present a threat to itself as well as others" He looked meaningfully at the pair.

Cill gulped and nodded in understanding and while James had a little trouble with the big words he got the main thrust of the lesson.

"There are other problems too" Marre continued, unrolling the scroll further "Becoming too light, wrong proportions and moving too fast are all easy traps for the beginner"

Cill raised a paw in question and Marre nodded "Go on"

"How is the change effected though? Once the size is reduced what is the process of appearance change?"

Marre sighed "I know you are eager to try and look human Cill but be patient. Most of the appearance is a glamour cast around the form of a smaller dragon and you have to visualize the image you want to project to others"

Cill nodded and kept quiet as Marre unrolled the final portion of the scroll which was drawn in vibrant red ink that was strangely disquieting to both of them.

"The final warning" Marre intoned "Loss of control in this spell due to overloading or lack of mana can lead to very nasty consequences, such as implosion due to mishandling of the loci or excess power transfer" he smirked at James "Something you have had experience in already" James blinked at the ancient.

"I have?" he asked, scratching his chin trying to remember.

"Oh yes, when you were being tortured, you were leaking power all over the place, you could have burnt your brain out and become a form of Wight that would wander around aimlessly destroying everything or else you could have imploded and taken the keep with you into another material plane of existence"

James gulped and took Cill's paw in his hand "Perhaps I should try a little harder at keeping control" Cill gave him a gentle squeeze then turned back to Marre.

"So...knowing the risks are you still prepared to try?" Cill risked a quick look at James then nodded slowly "I will"

"Very well, let us move to the workroom. It has many spells woven into its walls to help minimize damage "the old dragon heaved his bulk up and moved with surprising grace into the lab and over to a clear space at the rear.

"James, sit over there and keep quiet - no matter what happens" Marre ordered.

James complied quickly; there was no disputing the dragon's tone.

Cill was motioned into the centre of the area and Marre presented her with a scroll bound in a red ribbon. "Here you are, do you know all the runes?"

Cill unrolled the scroll slowly, reading them carefully to make sure "Not this one" she murmured pointing at a complicated curlicue of calligraphy.

Marre peered over at the scroll "Ah I forgot that's a new one, an improvement of my own that removes two whole lines from the original spell - Raxacoricofallapatorius "

Cill tried this tongue twister several times until she could pronounce it correctly and nodded to him. "I'm ready master"

James quietly crossed his fingers as Cill stood nervously in the ring and Marre stepped back "then go ahead and try"

Taking a deep breath and peering at the scroll Cill gathered her powers; summoning a glow to her hands she intoned the spell carefully making sure to pronounce each rune correctly.

The glow spread slowly over Cill's form as she read from the scroll until she was glowing lightly all over and looked quite splendid to James, he noticed something alarming though - she seemed to be getting smaller! He clenched his fists but sat in his place as instructed, after all Marre hadn't said anything so it must be alright.

Marre watched with pride, not a single error so far as she concentrated on shrinking down - and quickly too! She was almost human sized now and still shrinking.

James itched to ask a question or two but kept silent as Cill rapidly shrank to the size of a child and yet showed no signs of stopping.

Marre held up a paw "That's enough Cill, I think you've got the idea now..." Cill didn't seem to hear him and kept concentrating on the scroll that was almost as large as she was now.

"CILL!" bellowed Marre. Cill jerked her head up and let out a squeak, dropping the scroll onto the floor. She had halted the shift at about twenty inches high and she now resembled a new-hatched dragonet. Peering up at Marre she blinked and looked down again before giving a horrified squeak and dancing round in a rapid circle trying to see all of her body.

She turned to look at James who was threatening to turn purple, his hand covering his mouth in a vain attempt to cover a smile.

Cill stamped her foot cutely and growled while pointing an accusing talon at him "You promised you wouldn't laugh!" she squeaked.

James looked at Marre helplessly with a wide grin and shrugged "She just looks so darn cute!"

Marre couldn't help hiding a smirk either "Go test her weight then" he chuckled.

James nodded and reached out to Cill, picking her up like a child and lifting her easily into his arms "Mmm...very cute".

Kissing the reduced dragoness on her snout he tickled her stomach "kitchy-koo"

Cill growled and struggled in his grasp trying not to laugh at the tickling "Just wait till I get you home!"

Marre coughed and tried to look serious "fun's over - now put her down and let her try and get back to normal size" James gave Cill another kiss then placed her gently in the centre of the ring and stepped back to his seat.

Cill huffed and lifted the scroll once more, reading from the end backwards, trying to memorize the complicated spell while concentrating on returning to her proper size.

The glow returned and she felt herself growing once more, this time she spent more care watching the size and stopped as she felt herself reach the correct size.

Shaking a little she looked herself over carefully, making sure she had all the proper bits in the proper places. "That was...interesting" she said carefully, giving a dagger-filled look to James who smiled placidly back at her.

Marre clapped his paws in satisfaction "Well done Cill. I think that will be enough for one day as you will find it tires you out quickly to hold it for long. You will gain stamina though and will soon be able to hold it for the maximum time"

James held up his hand and looked enquiringly at Marre "I have a question master"

Marre nodded "Go ahead James"

James coughed "If a dragoness was it safe for her to shape shift?"

Marre nodded "This spell has been used safely for centuries by dragonesses in varying stages of pregnancy. We don't know exactly how but there has been no effect on hatchlings it seems"

James let out a breath, somewhat relieved "Thank you Master"

Marre grinned and sent a quiet private mental message to him "you can even mate with her while she is smaller too"

James gave a cough and flushed as he caught a quizzical look from Cill. "Well I want to know that you're safe when you become gravid" he explained to her.

Cill looked suspicious but stepped over to give him a lick before tugging his amulet out from under his jerkin. "Now for this" she smirked as she held him down firmly with a paw.

Marre walked over and nodded "Ahh yes, you need to be linked properly. This won't take a moment to do"

Marre placed his paw over Cill's and the amulet and muttered briefly. There was a flash from the amulet and it was done.

"There, now if you concentrate on him you should be able to locate him and even transport to him if you have enough mana"

Cill blinked "It acts as a travel portal as well? "She frowned a little "Doesn't that mean someone who is bonded to the amulet could summon him as well?"

Marre gave a very human-like shrug "It is possible and may be useful in an emergency too though I wouldn't rely on it"

The pair exchanged glances; such a skill would be useful especially if either of them got into trouble in the future.

James proudly held out the scroll that he had spent so much effort on the previous evening "Here you are master, I think I'm getting better at them"

Marre grunted as he looked at the scroll "And so you should. Good, I want you to do the same tonight and review last nights as well so they remain fresh in your mind"

James nodded as Marre turned to Cill "And I want you to carefully practice the spell. Only change your size a little then return to normal. I don't want you trying anything exotic just yet as we will work on that later. Understand?"

Cill nodded happily as she already had an idea forming in her mind. "Yes Master" she murmured while gathering James close on the travel portal. "I'll be most careful"

Marre narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her but he couldn't pick up anything but a vague hint of excitement from her mind. "See that you are" he harrumphed as the pair returned to the keep.

Two breathless fairies were all but jumping up and down in eagerness as they waited for the king to notice them. Ploom thought they hadn't spent enough time there to see what was going but they had to tell the King there were two dragonesses sharing the keep and in apparent alliance with the humans. It was hard to tell which item was the more disturbing.

King Dougal scrunched his eyes shut and sighed as he saw the pair approaching, taking a deep breath he opened them again and leaned forward in exasperation "That was amazingly quick" he commented dryly, trying to keep the sarcasm from his voice.

"What do you have to tell?"

Jasmina gave a hasty curtsy and looked at Ploom for support "Sire, we have information about the dragoness... or rather the dragonesses"

Dougal's brow furrowed thickly in interest.

"Two female dragons are sharing a territory? Where was the male?"

Ploom gave a delicate cough "We didn't see one sire" he shifted from one foot to the other "We er...did see something else though" he glanced at Jasmina.

King Dougal and the others on the council leaned forward curiously "Well spit it out boy - how bad can it be?"

Ploom coughed again "The dragonesses seemed to be in alliance with the humans and indeed they were er... very close to a pair of human males in particular"

King Dougal slumped back in his chair thunderstruck. The council muttered quietly amongst themselves until one old fairy, his wings flexing anxiously leant forward.

"Are you sure of this? Both of you saw humans and dragons together?"

Jasmina nodded "Aye sir, In fact one dragoness held a human and licked his face while the other one was well, holding hands and walking with one as if they were a courting couple"

The old fairy covered his mouth in alarm and leant back into the huddle of other councilors where various mutterings could be heard "impossible it could be so soon! - You know the prophecy as well as I - this is dire news if true - "

The king sat on his throne with his face growing redder and redder while the council argued "Will someone kindly tell me what is going on "he stated acidly while staring at the huddled fairies.

There was an abrupt shuffling and adjusting of positions "Our apologies Sire, this news has caught us by surprise - if the signs are right and we have no reason to doubt these two excellent scouts " he gestured at the pair of proud fairies "then we are on the brink of a major catastrophe" the old and slightly ruffled fairy stated in a matter-of-fact way.

The king went from red to white astonishingly quickly "What sort of catastrophe?" he asked nervously as his gaze shifted from fairy to fairy.

The old fairy coughed quietly "That's just it Sire - We don't know - but if the humans and dragons have formed an alliance it can only mean war is coming"

King Dougal leant back slowly "War? Who with? And Why?" he slammed his fist down on the arm of his throne "Are we in danger?"

The old fairy quailed in fear "We know little Sire. An ancient prophecy made centuries ago by Nissa the mire-witch states that a joining of human and dragon will usher in both a new age and a terrible war - the problem is, we don't know much more than that!"

Dougal leant forward in astonishment "And this is happening here? In our forest?"

He sank back with a groan "As if the humans weren't bad enough on their own!"

Gripping the arms of his throne he looked intently at the two suddenly quivering scout-fairies

"You two! Get back to that keep and find out what the hell's going on - talk to the dragons if you can and avoid the humans - we cant trust them"

Ploom and Jasmina exchanged looks and nodded "Yes Sire" and flew off swiftly into the dusk.

As the mist cleared from the travel portal in the keep's courtyard James and Cill stepped over the logs surrounding it hand in paw. "Well that was fun "James said with a grin.

Cill nodded and gave him a prod in the buttock "I can't wait for you to try it - when you get strong enough"

James blinked "I could do that too?" he sounded worried "What if I got it wrong?"

Cill smirked broadly at him - her tongue poking out "then I get to laugh at you instead"

James nodded "I don't think it will be for some time if I have to keep learning all these runes before I can do anything worthwhile"

Cill nodded as the padded slowly down towards the bailey "It won't be that long really. You are learning fast and I'm sure Marre will set you some simple spells soon" She paused and hissed quietly "Look!" while indicating with her snout.

James peered ahead and saw Tommy and Shalla sitting side by side watching the merchants down in the bailey. Tommy was leaning against her side and scratching her neck gently with a hand.

"See... I told you there was something going on there" Cill giggled quietly as she paused to watch "I wonder what she's thinking - if she's as confused as I was it must be hard for her- she was most upset this morning and I've given her enough to think about already"

James nodded "I know Tommy was confused too. He was asking me how to talk to a dragoness this morning - I think we should leave it be for now and see what happens"

They quietly walked down the path towards their house, not disturbing the quietly conversing couple overlooking the bailey.

Back in the storehouse James walked over to wash his face while Cill spent a few minutes updating her parents on what was going on, her lessons and the fact that there seemed to be another human-dragon romance blossoming at the keep. This last news was received with interest but when Nokala heard that it was Divitchka's daughter who was being actively courted by Tommy there was some alarm.

"You are aware of his feeling's toward humans aren't you Cill? He makes your mothers attitude look positively benevolent". There was a grunt at the other end that was reminiscent of someone being elbowed in the ribs painfully.

"We are being careful Father, Her brother is also here and learning how to work metals from a human blacksmith"

There was another surge of surprise from Nokala "What on earth for? Since when do dragons need to work metals? We gather them already shaped for our hoards"

Cill let some amusement flow through "He wants to make armor to sell to other humans for gold father"

Nokala raised an eyeridge as he lay next to Carlina in their pool "What an amazing idea" he murmured to Cill as his paws roamed over his mates back. "And how was your first try at shifting today?"

Cill flushed as she sneaked a look at James who was busy washing his face. "It was alright - but I think I need to practice more"

Nokala nodded then grunted in surprise as he felt a long questing tongue slither over his sheath. "You be careful dear. Don't try and do too much too soon. I'll drop over in a couple of days to see how Tomako and Shalla are doing" he broke off the connection and groaned as he relaxed and let his shaft slither from his sheath where it was promptly engulfed by Carlina's eager muzzle.

Cill giggled as she had felt some of the sensations coming over the mental link and wondered what they had been up to.

Her eyes narrowed as she remembered James teasing her while she was small and she pondered some way to make him pay for humiliating her in front of her teacher.

Concentrating on the spell and making sure not to overdo it this time she carefully adjusted her size until she was at the same height as her mate and with a wicked grin sneaked up behind him.

"James Sweetie?" she murred and waited until he had turned around before she grabbed him and pushed him onto the bed with a grin, easily holding him down and straddling his hips.

"Kitchy-koo" she purred running her talons lightly over his naked belly making him squirm and chuckle. "Make me look silly will you?" growling low in her throat and grinding her vent over his groin. She found the size difference allowed her to look down at him and the experience was exciting.

James growled and reached up to cup her breasts, now each a modest handful and squeezed them gently as he arched his hips upwards.

"Well you did look soooo adorable as a hatchling" he husked, leaning up and nipping at her neck gently making her growl with lust. "So what do you want to do now?"

"Mmm...well there is one mating ritual you haven't done for me yet" she murmured as her vent dampened his breeches.

"Oh?" James's eyes widened "What do I have to do then?" he breathed.

Cill grinned down at him "Oh its have to catch me..." She gave one last slippery hip-grind on his loins and leapt off the bed.

"Better hurry!" running to the door she tugged it open and ran out into the inner bailey leaving a stunned James half naked on the bed.

Gathering his wits rapidly he clumsily clambered off the bed and staggered out the door and into the sunlit outer bailey where there was no sign of her!

He groaned as he looked around and spotted a couple of terrified merchants hugging one another tight and trembling violently.

"Which way?" he asked and they responded with quivering fingers pointing towards the keep.

"Thanks" James muttered and ran off towards it, his gaze firmly on the ground looking for signs of her passage.

Pausing for breath as he reached the base of the keep he looked round once more and heard a light pattering as something whisked past and smacked him on the rump with its tail. He made a grab at her then belatedly remembered how fast she could be when she wanted to.

Looking down he caught sight of her tracks leading away and towards the courtyard.

Oh no...he thought - he couldn't go running after her into the merchant's area half naked!

Taking a deep breath he followed the tracks quickly, through the gate leading from the inner bailey and towards the open area where the tents and buildings of the merchants and traders were. He was getting a little worried as well - he couldn't turn invisible or change his size like she could. This was so unfair!

Cill paused by a wagon and swiftly ducked under it just before James ran past rapidly trying to follow her tracks. Stifling a mental giggle she slipped out and began following him quietly, stepping where he stepped a few paces behind him.

James looked carefully at the ground and realized he'd lost her trail, finding himself near the smithy he walked around the corner and looked at Tomako and Desmond who both gaped back at him as he stooped puffing, covered in sweat and wearing only his breeches.

"H-have you seen Cill?" he asked.

Both Master and Trainee could clearly see Cill behind James but she raised a talon to her snout and winked at them broadly.

"Er- no Lad, can't say that I have" said Desmond while wondering what was going on, the dragoness also seemed a lot smaller than before too.

Tomako managed to keep his face straighter than Desmond's and shook his head "No James. Perhaps she went to see Tommy and Shalla?" grinning at Cill who blurred and disappeared before her mate could turn round to head for the hill overlooking the bailey.

The pair watched James heave a breath and turn to trot away, they managed to wait till he was out of sight before both laughing so hard they had to sit down to recover.

Cill trotted up the hill where Tommy was deep in conversation with Shalla, the pair having shifted comfortably together and in a position where each could caress the other easily.

Shalla watched as Cill approached and gave a little head-bow to her in greeting "Good eve Cill, I see you are practicing shifting your size"

Shalla grinned "It is fun - though I don't know how long I can keep this size up. But it certainly makes it easier to get around the keep"

Shalla peered past her to watch the sweaty, laboring form of James running up the hill "I think James wants you" she asked with a bemused tone in her voice.

Cill turned to watch and narrowed her gaze as her puffing mate struggled towards them.

"Hmmm, just a little further I think" she said with a smirk and as James reached the crest of the hill she skittered off back towards the keep with a cheeky flip of her tail.

James groaned inwardly as she took off towards the main buildings again and waved to Tommy and Shalla in passing, trying to ignore their puzzled looks as he strained to see where she had gone.

Cill stopped around the corner and looked for a place to hide and hopefully rest, this size-holding was starting to take its toll on her and she needed a few minutes to recover. Spying a large stone building with several large open stalls she moved closer until she could scent the contents. Several large horses were inside and she gathered that these must be the stables that she had heard of.

Hearing James getting closer she backed into an open stall and quietly shut the doors just as James thudded past. She sat on her rump and listened closely at the door just in time to hear him come to a halt nearby.

Bending over James tried to ease the stitch knotting in his side. Breathing hard and staggering around in a circle he tried to see where the tracks went without stamping over them in the process. She could be anywhere!

Trying to concentrate he took in the surroundings and tried to think where a human-sized dragon could hide in a hurry.

Cill peered through a gap in the doors and giggled to herself. This was Fun! She felt her heart pounding in anticipation and the mingled fear/desire of discovery.

James ran in a wider circle to see if he could find any tracks but unable to find any in the dust of the paths he turned his attention to the hay barn and stalls of the stable. There was no sound apart from the occasional snort and whinny from the equine occupants.

He paused and considered the range of places she could go, after all there were no screams of terror coming from the main keep so that was easily ruled out.

Now that he had stopped and was actually using his head instead of running blindly he fancied he could feel an amused mental shadow coming from one of the stalls and he pondered his next move, slipping to one side of the building.

Cill carefully peeked through the gap once more - he'd gone! Where was he? She shifted uneasily and wondered if he'd given up and gone back to the house? She shifted uneasily on her rump and felt a sudden anxiety. Pushing quietly at the door she risked sticking her snout through cautiously to look round.

James grinned as he flattened himself against the side of the building and waited. He knew she had little patience and decided to let her make the first mistake in her eagerness.

Hearing the doors creak open a little he slipped round the corner of the building and waited...surely she would come out and look for him? There was a hesitant shuffle and the unmistakable drag of a tail as Cill poked her head out from between the doors and looked carefully around before stepping out a little further. Hearing her snort he held back until heard her body turn away from his corner of the building.

He risked a peek around the corner and saw her standing looking away from him down towards the bailey with her forearms folded and her tail twitching impatiently. Judging the distance carefully he thought he could reach that lashing tail before she realized he was behind her and ran off again, then again he wasn't sure if jumping her tail would hurt her or provoke an unwelcome reaction involving claws and teeth.

Giving a shrug he chose his footing carefully and peered round again, she was still there and looking down the hill...NOW!

Cill gave a shriek as James latched firmly onto her tail and losing her balance due to the size difference and the additional weight on her rear she staggered back and forth flapping her wings. Finally she tumbled snout-first into the stable she had just vacated and ended up atop several hay bales with a triumphant James still clasping her tail firmly.

"Gotcha!" he said proudly and wiped a wisp of hay from his eyes as Cill tried to stand upright and only succeeded in managing to fall on her side once more whilst scrabbling at the hay and filling the air with loose straw.

"Now I've got you - what shall I do with you?" James moved his hands further along her tail until he was rubbing her warm vent. Cill's eyes widened at the stroking and she arched up into the caress with a low moan.

Feeling her stop and writhe as he ran a fingertip over the now damp lips of her sex James suddenly realized he was just as excited but that this wasn't the best place to mate - at least with the stable doors open. Sliding his way down her tail he released her briefly to close the doors from casual observers though it was still unlocked.

"Mmm - so you thought you could get away from me hey?" he chuckled and stroked along her tail base as she managed to get her head free from the hay bales.

"Ooh I'm going to..." she started and let out another groan as he slipped his finger within her sex while teasing the fat nub of her clit.

"Or you'll what?" he murmured "Hold me down and ravish me? Lick me all over?" It was thrilling to have her almost the same size as he was as it gave him the ability to nibble her neck while holding her close among other things.

"Perhaps I should make you chase me now - is that part of the ritual?"

Cill surged against him with a growl and flexed her wings "you wouldn't dare" she panted, her paws fluttering against his breeches.

James grinned "last one back to the storehouse is a rotten egg" taking a breath he released her and shot out the door...a growling dragoness hot on his heels

"Come back here you!"

Shalla and Tommy watched in astonishment as James sprinted past them and down the hill with Cill loping after him, her eyes wide with lust and her tongue lolling from the side of her mouth.

Waving cheerfully to them James shot past and headed for his home where he threw the door open and jumped onto the bed. Cill folded her wings against her body and cannoned through the door right behind him- her tail slamming it shut behind her before she pounced onto the bed, pinning her delinquent mate beneath her.

Shalla looked at Tommy, her ruffs aflame as her sensitive hearing picked up happy squeals and moans coming from the storehouse.

"Do they do that often?" she finally managed to ask as they exchanged looks, her expression shifting to a somewhat shy and curious one.

"Often enough - and they certainly make enough noise" Tommy stated with a smirk. "They sound as if they are having a lot of fun" he also hadn't missed the commotion and how the growling and hissing had turned to moans.

Shalla nodded "I haven't ever seen that before - not even my parent's play like that" she seemed momentarily sad and Tommy reached up to stroke her neck "That's why choosing your mate is sometimes a better idea" he murmured to her.

Shalla nodded and gave him a friendly nuzzle as they both sat and listened. Each thinking their own private thoughts.

James rolled Cill onto her back and looked down at her as she wrapped her paws around his waist, her long tongue slurping along his neck and tasting his sweat as his shaft pushed against the tight lips of her vent the size shift making it smaller and tighter than he had ever felt before. He nipped firmly at her neck and thrust into her with a groan as she spread her thighs wide for him, their mingled juices slicking her silvery-fine scales as they ground their bellies together in shared passion.

Cill trembled as they mated face to face, gazes locked and minds one, sharing each thrill and delicious shiver. She felt her innards twitch and work around her lover's shaft as he brought her to orgasm, hungrily kissing him and entwining her tongue with his as she shuddered beneath him.

"My lovely Cill" he murmured to her as she moaned long and low through her release, her wings twitching as she tried to unfurl them. Realizing this James rolled her atop him so she could spread them freely and rest her paws on his chest as she started to move once more, intent on making him spurt within her clutching womb.

James watched her expression as he felt his seed rise and his hands clenched at her waist as he let out his own cry of joy and pulled her down to kiss her once more.

A mating couple confirming their bond of love in long delightful shudders. The human jetting powerfully within his dragon mate as she made happy cries and worked to prolong his pleasure while drawing out her own before collapsing together in a tangle of wings and arms and murmured endearments.

High above the exhausted pair and both with an astonished hand in their mouths the two fairies sitting in the window slot ground their own damp thighs together and stared in shock at one another.

Tomako and Shalla moved to the travel portal slowly with Tommy walking alongside her. "Will you come back with Tomako tomorrow?" he asked her quietly.

Shalla looked at him shyly and nodded hesitantly. "I will Tommy" she murmured back with a smile hovering on her muzzle.

"Perhaps we could go for a walk in the forest and talk some more" he said hopefully. "I want to learn about dragons - one in particular" he added cheekily.

Shalla flushed a little and cursed herself quietly for doing so. Couldn't she keep control of her own emotions around a curious human?

"We shall have to see" she said tartly and catching Tomako's amused smirk couldn't help darting him a dagger-filled glance.

Almost daring Tomako to say something she leaned over and gave Tommy a slow lick along his neck. "Take care" she murmured and stepped into the ring followed closely by Tomako who winked broadly at Tommy before triggering the spell that would take them home.