Halloween Story: Reunion

Story by LeiLani on SoFurry

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#28 of Underwater Fantasies

Well, I'm a touch late for Halloween antics, but come on, my dear reader, is there really a bad time to tell a ghost story? ^^ I swim quite often at the gym, well, when I remember to, and the subject came up once while I was chatting with an off-duty lifeguard about accidents at the pool. Fortunately, the pool isn't too deep, so there hasn't been a drowning yet, which is good. Sadly though, people drown every year in senseless accidents at gym pools across the globe. This story is a testament to that fact - and serves as a reminder that life is precious. The afterlife, whatever it is, can hardly compare - except maybe on one special night, at a very special swimming pool...

Song lyrics: "Riptide" by Vance Joy (my new favorite ear-worm) ^^

"Lady, running down to the riptide

Taken away to the dark side

I wanna be your left hand man

I love you when you're singing that song and

I got a lump in my throat cause

You're gonna sing the words wrong..."

Gary Stellano grinned and shook his head before switching off the mp3 player and removing the ear buds. Through the heavy October mist, he saw the fitness center's parking lot lights loom like tiny beacons in the midst of the raging storm. The ghostly outline of the main building came into view next, the corporate section to the left of that, an enormous gymnasium to the right, and surrounding the center two large outdoor swimming pools, one for the cubs, and one for the cats.

Gary walked up to the parking lot and saw mercifully few cars sitting like forgotten guardians, scattered here and there across the slick asphalt, already pelted with ongoing rains. A jagged fork of lightning flashed down relatively close - about a hundred yards away, aiming for the tallest tree in the nearby forest - and then a loud crack of thunder shattered the steady pattering of rainfall a second later.

"Geez, that was close." The lion muttered and pawed through his soaked mane, then wiped water from his eyes and along his cheeks. He gripped his gym bag tightly by the handle and ran the rest of the way through sheets of cold rain blindly. By the time he reached the door and was safely inside, his fur was positively drenched, rivulets of water sloshing from his jeans and shirt.

He fumbled for his wallet and gave his ID card to the lone lioness sitting at the front desk, wearing the traditional black shirt and pants of the establishment.

"You are late," she said, not unkindly, but her eyes seemed accusatory.

Gary managed a disarming smile. "Sorry. I completely forgot about the time."

Now the lioness frowned and shook her head. "Mr.Stellano, it is very important that you adhere to the rules of the center the same as everyone else." She swiped his ID card and handed it back to him. "Please try to remember, we only get certain days to be here. And certain hours."

Gary looked ruffled. "I know, I know. I just..." He looked around him, hoping perhaps a sympathetic ear was nearby. "I guess I'm just not...ready..."

Then the lioness finally smiled and she seemed nicer. "None of us are." She nodded towards a large room behind her. "Everyone's already inside. Have a good swim."

Gary thanked her and headed over to the locker room to change. Inside, he acknowledged a few other lions with kind nods and a few pleasant greetings and exchanges. One little cub, no more than a teen, was having trouble getting into his swimsuit, despite encouraging words from his father that the lycra fit him like a glove.

Gary watched the cub finally succeed and receive a warm hug from the father, then the two walked paw-in-paw over to the pool room. He watched them as they go, their tails twitching excitedly, laughing and remarking about swimming. He frowned. He'd always wanted cubs. He and his wife Carla had talked about it, but then the accident had happened, and Carla was gone. If only he could-

He shook his head at the thought, opened an available locker door, and looked at his reflection in the mirror attached to the back. Soulful blue eyes looked back at him, nearly lost in the thick black mane of dripping-wet fur. He chuckled at the way he looked, so much like a drowned cat. Others walked past him, drenched to the skin, sloshing footpaw prints as they headed towards the pool, carrying towels, goggles, and other equipment.

He hurriedly changed, slammed the locker door shut, and followed them to the pool.

Inside were at least twenty other cats, male and female, sitting down in the shallow area and talking amiably, or doing competitive lap swims in the Olympic-sized pool. He spotted the cub and father in the four-foot section, splashing one another and giggling back and forth. A couple of black panthers kissed one another shamelessly as they stood waist-deep in the water. A pretty, petite tigress about his age, in her thirties, wearing a lovely red two-piece, sat on the edge of the pool at the deep end, staring at the water intently.

Gary sighed deeply and, seeing most of the other cats already involved in friendly conversation, padded over cautiously to the tigress and sat down next to her. She didn't acknowledge him, and continued to look at her reflection in the rippling, fluorescent-lit surface.

"Um. Hiya," Gary offered, looking over at her. She was a raven-haired beauty, with golden-striped fur, and white tufts dipping into generous cleavage. Her legs were long and shapely, and black jagged lines of fur crisscrossed close to her thighs, and along the back of her calves.

"Hello," she said gently, and her voice was low and sounded morose.

Gary dipped his legs in the water. "I...I haven't seen you here before. Are you mew...I mean, new?"

She turned to face him and Gary was nearly lost in her deep emerald eyes. "I am, yes. Um...less than a few months." Her legs joined his in the water and Gary was turned on watching the way she swayed her feet back and forth, pointing her toes.

They were interrupted by a loud shout and whipped their heads around, seeing the boy and the father now engaged in a little horseplay, dunking one another underwater and laughing. Soon the cub hugged around the adult's shoulders and purred loudly, nuzzling his cheek, and the two sat down on the stone steps to relax.

"Cute kid," Gary chuckled, for want of something to say.

"You don't have any?" the tigress asked.

Gary turned to look at her. "I did. I mean, I wanted some. My...my wife...died about ten years ago..."

She put a paw on his arm and the lion felt immediate warmth from her. "I'm so sorry."

"Thank you. I...I really wanted to move on...you know? But..." He felt his eyes tear up and then shook his head. "I guess I'm just...not ready..."

"Neither am I," she whispered back and moved closer to him until their bodies touched. "I wanted cubs too but...well..."

"Recently, you said?" Gary took her paw gently into his lap to hold.

"Mmmhmm. I had the accident about, oh, three months, no four. Seems like time already slips away after your...well..."

"I know," Gary chuckled again and looked at the water. "Hey, you want to go swimming? We seem to be the only cats in here not wet yet." He felt emboldened and brushed her cheek with his nose. "I'm Gary. Gary Stellano."

"Vicki," she replied and smiled, rubbing noses. "Vicki Daniels."

"Nice to meet you." He pulled himself forward and slid into the pool feet-first, feeling the silky warmth of the chlorinated water already penetrating, turning him on. He then turned and waited while Vicki slid down in front of him and the two tread water, their legs and feet touching every now and then. "So...um...you come here often?"

Vicki chuckled and shook her head. "I was actually here just once. I guess once was enough, wasn't it?"

Gary looked at her closely. "You remind me of someone."

The tigress' smile softened more and she floated closer to him until they were pressed together. "I do?"

The lion shivered at their bodies' warmth and nodded. "Yeah, um...oh, I don't really remember. Sorry. I guess the memory's the first thing to go, eh?" He laughed uncomfortably and glanced around the pool again.

A few other felines had joined the swimmers, and now the deep end was full. A few obvious couples were kissing and embracing one another. Gary caught a flash of indiscretion as one of the females, a black panthress, wiggled out of her bikini top, throwing it at her apparent lover before diving naked below, with the panther in hot pursuit.

"They seem playful," Vicki laughed and reached for Gary's paw to hold. She dipped her face down into the water. The female had reached the deep 18-foot bottom and was now wiggling within the arms of her lover, who was trying to pin her down. The tigress watched, entranced, as the panther managed to spread his lover's legs apart, and now nude and fully erect, impaled her deeply. The panthress' face registered first pain and then exquisite pleasure, and she wrapped her legs around her lover, moving with him in a seemingly endless series of bubbly moans. Vicki rubbed between her legs, feeling the first stirring of her own arousal, and was elated when Gary pressed up against her from behind, sporting his own lust and desire in a hard, thick bulge beneath his swimsuit.

"They didn't waste any time, did they?" Gary chuckled and moved his paws down to caress the tigress' stomach.

Vicki purred with pleasure and leaned back in the water, her butt grinding against his groin now. "Mmm, they didn't. I wonder if that's how they-"

"Oh, I doubt it. I've seen them here in the past. Sometimes they sex each other up in the shallows. Once they sat on the pool deck here and just went at it. They're obviously in love, you can tell." He laid his chin on her shoulder, watching as every so often a burst of bubbles came up to the surface, becoming trickling blurps, and then stopped completely, returning the water to ripples.

Vicki trembled and pressed her paws atop of Gary's. "What's it like?" she whispered, as though worried they'd be overheard above the din of watery activity around them.

Gary smiled, shaking his head. "It's weird, I guess. I've been coming here for a while and it's still hard to get used to. After the first few times you just don't think about it." He nuzzled her neck. "Is this your first time since...?"

Vicki turned around in his arms and nodded. "Yes. I'm...I'm really scared."

"Hey," Gary said gently as he saw tears in her eyes. "It's okay. You can swim with me for a little while and we can just talk. Nothing has to happen. This is our night. The one night we get each year. Sex is totally optional, I give you my word."

Vicki snorted and playfully splashed him. "I don't mean that." She then blushed and pawed his chest-tufts tenderly. "I...I'd like to have sex...with you. I just...c-can we stay above the water? I don't want to experience the whole...you know..."

Gary nodded, understand at once. "Oh, God, yes, sure...I promise I won't try to get you underwater, if it's too uncomfortable."

Vicki bit her bottom lip, and to Garry she looked wildly seductive. "I just felt it the one time. The burning in my throat was so intense, like I was swallowing fire." Her green eyes twinkled as she smiled again, and floated until the lion could steady her against his lap. Behind them, bubbles started to burst at the surface again, tickling the tigress' tail. "I guess they're at it again."

"It doesn't take long. I swear those two were underwater the whole night one time. I got so horny watching them I-"

The tigress' paw had gone further down, and was now stroking his engorged sex through the cotton drawers. "I'm horny right now too, just watching them going at it." She looked at him steadily. "I've never done it underwater before..."

Gary grinned. "I have a few times, with some ladies. Once I was with this really hot lioness and she-"

She cut him off with a warm kiss and his arms drew around her, holding her firmly. But before he could go further, the tigress giggled and pushed him down hard underneath the surface with surprising force. As she started to pull away to swim, she was grabbed by the foot and pulled down. Beneath the surface, the lion and tigress looked at each other for some time, smiling, then slowly moved against one another, kissing first upon the lips, and then longer, deeper, more passionate thrusting of their tongues together.

Their swimsuits were removed before either knew it, and they played a little game diving down to the deep bottom to collect and fight for them. For some time, the two felines rolled naked across the slick, cool tiles, neither willing to pull away from the other. Vicki rolled off first, now in need of air, and was about to push off to swim back up, but Gary grabbed her leg and pulled her struggling back to the bottom again to kiss. She yelped through the deep water and this time clubbed at Gary's chest with her fists until he let go, and she could swim back up and gasp for air.

Gary swam up and surfaced in front of her, then held her closely, trying to steady her trembling. "Hey, hey, relax, Vicki. Nothing can happen to you, you know that...it's not like you're-"

"I know," the tigress growled, looking ashamed. "I'm just so used to having to...to..." That did it. The floodgates were opened. Vicki put her head against Gary's chest and had a long, good cry, and the lion's strong arms encircled her nude body.

"You want to just stay here?" he said after her crying faded to sniffles, and nuzzled her ear.

"Listen to me," Vicki replied, sighing. "I'm not even out of breath at all. I'm not...I mean, I don't..."

"The first time for me was the hardest. But you get used to it. For however long you need to. You're just still used to breathing..."

Vicki looked at him fondly, and brushed her paw along his mouth. "I want to make love with you now." She didn't wait for his reply, just softly giggled and then dove back down. Gary, out of sorts for an instant, heated up at least a hundred degrees and dove down after the tigress, his hard, full sex bobbling between his legs with every kick he took.

She reached the bottom first and shimmied her breasts at him teasingly, then he was atop of her, pinning her down to the tiles and kissing her hard. She reached down his body, bringing her paw over his arousal, tracing it, and finally clamping around it to pull towards her waiting folds.

In time, her paw strokes were more than Gary could handle, and he quickly rolled them both over until she was above him, grabbed her hips, and brought her down fully onto his member, impaling her. Vicki let out a bubbly coo and jerked her head up in ecstasy as they mated, first with slow, steady thrusts, and then with wild, nearly reckless abandon. She looked around her, and noticed a few other couples had joined them on the bottom, engaged in their respective pleasures and fantasies, enjoying pool-bottom sex, fellatio, blowjobs, and more.

She watched one of the players, a black lioness, break free in alarm from underneath her partner and flail to reach the surface. Halfway up, she twitched violently, letting out several bursts of bubbles from her mouth before she went motionless. Her companion swam up to her, grabbed her arm, and dove with her still body back to the bottom. The lioness then opened her eyes and smiled, wrapped her legs around the lion, and allowed him to continuing mating on top of her.

Vicki smiled as she looked down at Gary beneath her, and put her paws on his chest to steady them while they mated. Every so often, she'd feel the pressure on her lungs, and try to push free of his member, but Gary held her still. When Vicki couldn't hold her breath any longer she closed her eyes and after a quick swallow of water and a dizzy, light-headed feeling for a few seconds, the searing pain in her throat subsided and then was gone, and she was ready to continue anew. Gary too, when he couldn't hold his breath anymore, swallowed water, felt a rush of energy through his being, and then he was alright again.

For what seemed like hours, the couples underwater continued their erotic displays, reaching orgasms after orgasms, enjoying the sweet afterglow of the underwater lights around them, making their shadows shimmer and dance within the electric gleams. In time, almost as one, the felines stroked for the surface and laughed, hugging one other closely and kissing. Gary and Vicki swam for the edge of the wall, still joined, and made love again, bringing one another to climax one last time.

"Enough!" Vicki giggled as the last of her orgasm left her, and he finally emerged flaccid and soft from between her thighs. "Oh gods...that was so hot...I never realized just how lucky we-" She bit her lip and looked at Gary, and he could see the original morose tigress once more.

"Don't," he kissed her softly. "Please. We are lucky, in a way."

Around them, the other cats were swimming to the edges of the pool from different sides and climbing out. The panthers from before walked arm in arm to the shallow water and up the steps before fading away completely.

"How?" Vicki asked, and tears were in her eyes again.

Gary swallowed hard. "I-I don't know. But...maybe you and I are lucky. We found each other tonight."

The boy and father walked past them. "You two should come out soon. Almost time to go." He and the boy took a few steps towards the locker room and disappeared.

Gary nodded after them and looked at Vicki fondly. "Can you stay with me? I...I really wouldn't mind the company, at least for a while."

Vicki looked at him affectionately and took his paw. "You sure you don't mind?"

Gary smiled and kissed her, and again was mesmerized by the haunting green eyes. She looked so familiar somehow. "Vicki? Um...have...h-have we met...before?"

She smiled and nodded. "Maybe you saw my picture somehow, after the accident here. It made a few headlines."

Gary grinned . "Oh, right! You're the singer who fell into the pool and drowned!"

Vicki tapped his nose. "Bingo. My stage name is Sapphire. Not many people know Vicki Daniels, the corn-fed Nebraska farm-girl."

The lion laughed. "Well, I do now." He moved to kiss her again, to wrap his body around her, to make love to her, but the lights above them suddenly flickered several times, making an annoying buzzing sound.

"We'd better go," Vicki sighed and closed her eyes. Her nude body slowly levitated and then she was standing on the water's surface, smiling down at him, a dripping-wet goddess. She squealed with laughter as Gary followed her up and tried to grab her, and leaped from the surface to the deck, wrapping a towel around her. "So...any place in mind?"

"Where do you usually go?" Gary reached for his own towel and dried his mane.

Vicki frowned. "I...I don't really go anywhere. It's been too soon."

Gary suddenly looked sad and slipped his arms around her, even as the morning light started to seep through the rain-streaked windows. "I normally stay at my place. There's a couple and daughter that live there now, but they're really nice..." His voice broke and tears ran down his cheeks. "She's the daughter I couldn't have. I stop by her bedroom every night, just to make sure she's okay. She really loves that about me. I think she'd grow to love you too..."

Vicki gently licked at his tears and then kissed him passionately. "Let's go then. And...and when we're both ready to finally go for good, we'll go together, okay? Promise?"

Gary beamed and kissed her back as they started to shimmer. "Promise."

The two embraced, still kissing, as their forms faded completely into the morning sun.