Facility One Oneshot, Kelly and Sam

Story by Brodec on SoFurry

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I know its short, but I really don't seem to have more plot in me yet for the main story, so I'm just writing mindless sex, I hope none of you mind... I know most of you LIKE mindless sex. So, here are the twins, getting up to no good between class. I hope you enjoy it.

Just so ya know, if you like my work, I do take commissions and (if you can't tell by the mindless one shots I'm writing) I have nothing to write right now. If you would like a story, please, let me know. I'm happy to write any setting, any characters, almost any kink, and I am also happy to work for just about any price you name! I just need something to write about!

I think I'll do two more of these One shots, just to flesh out the school a bit, I hope you enjoy them!


Facility one, One shot, Kelly and Sam.

The bell had just gone, telling the students that one class was over, and it was time to make their way to the next. As sighs and moans filled the air, knots tugged free and faces washed clean, the student's filled the hall. Animals of all shapes and sizes, all ages, hurried to their next block, some with books in their paws, some with backpacks. If you could see past the seed coated thighs, rumps, and faces, the still half hard members, the bare breasts and the smell of constant sex, it would seem like any other school.

Giggling and running down the hall, weaving between the legs of other students, ran a pair of sisters, twins, cute little mice girls, not even ten. It was next to impossible to tell them apart, but today, it was oddly easy. Sam, running a few paces ahead of her sister, was more or less clean, where as Kelly, chasing her, was dripping head to toe in sticky cum.

Sam, trying to lose her sister, darted into a bathroom and tried to slam the door behind herself, but her sister was simply too close. Soon, Sam was on the ground, pinned by a dripping, cum coated twin, who way being none to gentle.

"How dare you! leave me there to be cummed on while you go off and get rumped by a bull! You greedy little witch! They didn't even TRY to make me cum! You know what the older boys are like! They just want to make a mess!" Kelly yelled, shaking her sister.

"Hey, its not my fault he wanted a nice loose rump, not your over used ass!" Sam spat back.

But their fighting was broken up when the door opened. They both looked up, laying seemingly unnoticed on the floor, as a large male lion walked in, kissing a small, down right tiny, and much younger female bunny. He stepped past them, not even seeing the twins, and took the moaning female to the shower.

The sisters looked at each other, both fighting back giggles, as they watched. The male waisted no time, he took the female to the shower, turned on the water, and stepped in. She wiggled from his arms, very large breasts and a heart shaped rump, a bunny no male could resist. She turned her back to him, and wiggled her rump, tail fluttering over her tiny tailhole.

The lion, not being the sort to pass up a very good thing, leaned over her, sank his thick, pulsing lionhood into her hot rump, and started thrusting. The twins watched, giggling quietly. They were laying on the floor, with their knees under them, rumps in the air and wiggling. Each had her tail in the rump of the other, the fight seemingly forgotten as they enjoyed the show.

The lion took her fast and hard, and roared as he cam, then pulled back. The pained, lusty moan that left the bunnies mouth made it clear that his barbs had done their job. He didn't stop, instead he thrust back into her, taking her tight cunny and thrusting just as hard, and slightly faster, than before.

The twins were just getting close, as they tail fucked one another, when the bathroom door opened again, and they both turned to look. A pair of their friends, boys their own age, from the class they should be in at that point, stood behind them, member rapidly hardening from the view. One was a tall, sleek furred stallion, the other, a husky.

The twins grinned up at their friends, pulling tails from one another and holding them high, inviting the males in. The lion and bunny had noticed they were being watched now, and moved accordingly. The bunny was now pressed against the glass, one cheek and her heavy breasts rubbing along the glass as the lion took her from behind.

Both of the younger males took the invitation and kneeled behind a twin, and hurriedly set to work, eyes fixed on the bunny being used as they sank deep into twin rumps, listened to twin moans, and started pounding in and out of the now very happy mice.

Moans and groans grew louder than the shower, and seemingly at once, all six students came. The husky pulled back, not wanting to know to the mouse, and coated her once clean rump in seed. His friend thrust as deep as he could, more than a foot of his two foot length inside the rump of the tiny mouse, and soon joined buy a very large load, stallion balls emptying themselves into her. In the shower stall, the bunny moaned out in climax, then screamed out lustfully as her lover pulled back, barbs ripping at her sex, as he coats her inner thighs and lips with seed.

Now they just needed to explain to their teachers why they were late.

Facility One - Christina Kidd

Alright, so, this is the first commission I have ever done, this story, along with its second half that will be posted... someday soon, with luck, belong more or less in full to Christina Kidd, I am simply posting them because I think they should fall...

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Facility One, Day two, part one

Day 2, part one. His dreams that night where... strange. He slept threw the night and well into the morning, dreaming of many things, and awoke with a start. A wet tongue was sliding along his member, and when he looked down, he saw a pair of long...

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Facility One, Day one.

Please, don't read if your under 18. Contains plenty of underage sex, messy matings, and a confused human, enjoy :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to facility one, please take a...

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