Addiction - Chapter Eighteen: Sealing the Deal

Story by Rufus01 on SoFurry

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#18 of Addiction

Dustin and Alex are at it again. Their newfound privacy is affording them the freedom and space to allow their relationship to blossom. All relationships have their ups and downs. It's not all romance and blue skies. Dustin is dragging his foot-paws about what to do beyond high school. Alex has been putting pressure on him to get organized. This causes some friction, but it seems to be a minor road-bump. They still seem eager to make their relationship more permanent. It looks like they're about to consummate their love in a way only canines can. At least they are playing it safe.

This is a work of fiction that will contain graphic incest between consenting adult characters. All characters are 100% fictional. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental.

Alex and Dustin are now honestly in love. There is no more beating around the bush, no more hesitance, and no more half-truths. They both seem to know that now. In this universe, just like in or society moods have been changing over the past half century. Pre marital sex, divorce, and non normative sexuality are finding much more tolerance. In a world populated by anthros there is a species specific element as well. Tying is associated with tradition, marriage, and the symbolism of willingness to have children together. West Virginia is behind the times, which explains part of Alex's reaction. Even though she is counter cultural in many ways, and even finds premarital sex okay, she draws the line at tying. But in her own words, she's ready to tie the knot. She's obviously been thinking about it. What will this mean for the two of them after they've gone through with it? Will Dustin get into college? What will happen to their relationship after they graduate? How long will the condoms last? Stay tuned for next week's chapter of Addiction!

This chapter also concludes act 2. We're down to the last act, people. Alex and Dustin have become friends who respect each other as individuals. They have discovered an attraction for each other that blossoms into open sexuality and subsequently love. What challenges await them in the final act?


Chapter Eighteen

Sealing the Deal


Rufus Quentin

Early December, 1998

The good news was that the teen girl squad seemed to have broken up by the beginning of December. I don't know what caused their downfall, but I'm sure I played a part. Bryn probably got chased off by uncomfortable conversations once too often; she stopped taking her lunch in the cafeteria. Around the same time, and mainly due to fear of domestic espionage, I stopped eating lunch there too. I felt tired of the judgment and the awkward, overly prying conversations. I knew that if I kept spending time with the likes of Jennifer and to a lesser extent Heather, I'd probably end up spilling certain beans, even if accidentally. With Melissa long gone, just the core gossipers were left. I guess they exhausted their material and began turning on each other.

I knew it was risky, but I started doing lunch with Dustin instead, or Bryn, or even them both since my trust in the greyhound was strongest. We'd brave the cold and sit on the stoops, or eat in the stairwell by the main hall. So long as we didn't drop overt hints that we were more than brother and sister, maybe, well maybe we could get away with it without harassment. Besides, the incest word was typically only thrown around in in scandalous situations, and well, eating lunch together doesn't make for much scandal. I'd still hang out with Bryn and Amanda after school. All things considered, they were my only loyal friends. We met after school, went to the outlet malls near Huntington and Charleston to do Christmas shopping, and hung out as typical girlfriends do. We felt like survivors, the accompaniment of the last lifeboat of what was once a larger crew. I thought of it with indifference, after all, everyone left were people I actually liked.

The bad news was that application deadlines were starting to arrive, not to mention finals and all the other end of the semester crap. I'd done all my research junior year and made my decisions where I wanted to go. I painstakingly reviewed my choices and calculated the chances of actually getting in. I came up with three schools, plus two backups. Dustin, however, hadn't yet committed to applying. We talked about it a few times over the past previous months, but most of those conversations usually ended with an outburst of anger, or at best, inconclusiveness. At least I'd gotten him to take his SATs, which he did well enough on, but getting him to talk about, let alone research schools and fill out applications, well, that was another matter.

"So where have you decided to apply?" I asked Dustin as we silently penned our responses to short answer questions on our respective history assignments.

Dustin shrugged and gave no other reply.

"You are going to right? You took your SATs. They came out alright."

"Grades still kinda suck though."

"You're doing much better now and you still have a 2.4 GPA."

"It's crap. Who's gonna admit that?"

"It's actually pretty average. If you work real hard this semester, you might kick it to a 2.8 or even a 3.0 by the spring. If it doesn't work this round, well, don't give up. There's always next year. Harvard ain't gonna admit you, but they probably won't even take me or anyone out of the county."

"Cuz' nobody here can pay for that shit."

"There's loans. Scholarships. Tuition reductions for people like us."

"Can you give it a rest? I'm tired of talking about this. I don't have the grades. I don't have the SAT scores, and even if I did I can't pay for this kind of shit."

"So you're not gonna apply?"

Dustin shrugged.

"What else are you gonna do?"

"Just back off, okay? I'll burn that bridge when I get there."

"You mean cross not burn."

"I meant what I said."

"Please Dusty?"

"I'm really sick and tired of this fucking conversation!" Dustin slammed his book and pushed it off the table. He was up and out of the kitchen before the pencil he'd knocked onto the floor stopped bouncing. I sighed and watched it roll toward the refrigerator as my brother's footsteps pounded up the stairs.

I really felt helpless. I hadn't seen Dustin angry since we became friends again back in August. It scared me, as it always did to see a temper flare so close to me. I lowered my ears and felt responsible. I got on the floor and collected the papers, books and writing implements and set them in order on the opposite side of the table, just in case Dustin calmed down. I hated when people were mad at me. A larger part of me wanted to avoid conflict and give up. He could make his own decisions. He was certainly wise enough. What would happen to him though? What would he do after I was gone? What would become of us?

A wild fantasy I had, one I hadn't shared with anyone, not even Dustin, was that we would go off together at the end of the summer. He'd follow me to Baltimore, Providence, or Raleigh-Durham or wherever I got accepted. Maybe we would even share a place, or live so that we could see each other on a regular basis. I never believed that we would go to the same school together, that wasn't in my wildest fantasies, but there were other schools everywhere, community, technical, and liberal arts. He'd find the right fit. That hope, as distant and as ill-conceived as it was, seemed more distant than ever as I sat there trying to get back into my own work. I felt bad enough knowing I'd be leaving my home behind. Every question I answered to the best of my ability was a tiny inch-worm undulation towards that goal.

Whatever we had going, it didn't carry a name, but it meant something to me. Dustin wasn't just an ersatz for a relationship peer pressure dictated I should crave. Maybe in the very beginning, right after things escalated well into the realm of taboos, I believed it was just that, temporary. It had a terminus right around the corner. We could put an end to it as easily as we let one escalation beget another. Now, a few short months later, I began to believe it, whatever it was, had an expiration date. Selfishly, perhaps, I wanted to take Dustin with me and draw out the impossible in another city, in another state, someplace we could get away with it.

I finished my homework and then finished Dustin's when he failed to calm down and come to his senses. I lay everything in a perfect order so that he'd have it all in the morning. I laid out the things for our lunches and set the coffee maker for breakfast. His laundry was folded. He had enough money. Everything he could possibly need for the next day stood prepped and ready. I wished I could do more, but I couldn't. The next step was his to take.

I stopped in front of the counselor's offices at school later that week. They were both pretty useless. One was a devout Jehovah's Witness and the other was so notoriously clueless even the densest freshmen wondered how she even kept her job. Between their offices stood a broad bulletin board and a shelf, all of which were stapled and stacked full of posters and brochures from a whole host of colleges and universities. The bell was about to ring, but I paused. I picked a few brochures up and plucked a few flyers from the cork board, not for me, but for Dustin. I avoided the big names and concentrated on what I would consider safety schools. Places that might accept a 2.5 GPA with no extracurricular activities on record and still provide a decent education. Hell, maybe I'd apply to one of them as well, as an extra safety. Then, maybe, maybe...

After school, on a day Dustin was at work, I made a pit stop to our school library, where in a side room once reserved for readers, the perhaps only computer in the county hooked up to the internet stood. I sat down, and employing the blazing fast 14.4 connection, I painstakingly downloaded and printed out college applications on continuous form paper, not just mine, but for Dustin as well. I spent an evening filling them out, carefully answering question after question, down to parentage, household income, citizen status and so forth. I ordered transcripts and had SAT scores sent out. I boiled everything down to one step for Dustin; the signature. This left only the most difficult step, confronting Dustin and getting him to sign it.

I knocked on his door during a relatively dry period in early December. Final projects and examinations occupied the both of us. Indeed, for as long as I can remember, December represented a mad dash toward Christmas, a blur of scholastic activity that suddenly and violently ended just four or five days before the holidays. In my paws I held a binder of materials; the brochures, forms, and information packets sent to me from a number of schools I believed might interest my brother.

Dustin inherited Brandon's super Nintendo and played away like mad, laying lethargic on his bed.

"Dusty?" I said, standing in the door with my armful of gifts.

"Hey sis," he said, muzzle pointed forward and eyes on the screen.

"Got a present for you," I said.

He looked hopeful for approximately six seconds, until he realized I carried an arm full of paperwork.

"Not this again," Dustin said, preemptively throwing the video game controller down to his foot-paws.

"It's important," I said, taking a seat at his desk chair and plopping the stack right beside him on his bed.

"I'm not interested," he said.

"Please?" I continued. "It's hearing me out. It isn't a commitment."

"I'm not gonna get into those places."

"The only sure-fire way to know you won't get in is if you don't apply."

"I don't even know what I'm gonna do there? I don't even know what I want my major to be! I like guns, radios, building shit and taking it apart. Can you even study those things?"

"It sounds like you would be a good engineer. Maybe you can even design your own weapons."

"You need to know math for that shit. It's still my worst subject."

"You've gotten so much better, Dusty. I'm amazed at you."

"Fuck," he said "I think I'm better off in the military."

"You wouldn't make it through boot camp. You suck at taking orders," I said, chuckling at the thought. "Seriously though, I don't think you're the kind of guy who would do well being bossed around by someone whose job it is to be an asshole."

"And what makes you think that I would do any better in college? It's the same shit, except with passive aggressive professors, assholes who went to grad school for nine years just so that they can get some letters in front of their name to justify their egos."

"That is a good assessment of them," I said.

"Damn right it is," Dustin confirmed.

"But seriously though," I said. "Egos aside, I think you should apply."

"Why?" Dustin said with a resolute tone in his voice.

"Because applying isn't a commitment. Because if you have a degree, you can earn more. Because you might learn a few things that you can't learn at a pawn shop in Wayne County, West Virginia."

"How much does it cost?"

"A couple bucks per application. I've got that taken care of though. It won't cost you anything."

"And if I get rejected?"

"You can do whatever you want. Keep working at Sam's, take night classes in Huntington, follow me wherever I'm going and make a go of it there."

"Last option sounds best."

"You have a lot of options out there. Just look." I said.

I lay the pamphlets out on my brother's bed. He picked up one, then another. He had questions and I did my best to play the role of college recruiter. He didn't make up his mind that night, but at least I got him thinking. At school I dragged his ass away from his friends and took him to the wall with college posters and the rack with brochures. He stared blankly at all the options, probably far more than he expected. He picked out a few more choices and we printed and filled out the applications together in the library. To my relief Dustin ended up signing the application forms. Come mid-December we took our neighbor's 4-wheeler to the post office. I submitted six applications and Dustin admitted four a few days ahead of the deadlines. It felt like a victory to watch my brother step up to the mailbox and drop in those four fateful letters.

"What do I get now?" He said, turning to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, repositioning a helmet under my arm.

"Don't I usually get a reward for a job well done?"

"Shh, Dusty," I said, surprised he'd bring things up out in the open. "In a few weeks you get your application reviewed by the undergraduate recruitment committees at those four colleges. If they deem your application and cover letter sufficient, you get accepted. That's what you get. You do this for yourself and not for me, not for any sort of reward. It's you, Dusty, you do this for you."

Dustin didn't say anything else. He merely meandered back to the ATV and turned the ignition, looking at me expectantly, but with no other show of emotion. I threw my helmet back on, clicked the buckle into place beneath my chin and hopped on behind him. Seconds later we were back on the road, darting through the biting cold. Despite what I told Dustin, I was in fact planning a reward. The semester would shortly come to a close. If he didn't bomb his finals, he'd end better than ever before, maybe even honor roll. Besides, I got him to apply to college. I felt proud of that bastard, I really did.

That night after a dinner I went all out trying to prepare, I found myself topless, tossed on the living room couch with my brother above me, making out with me with an intensity he hadn't displayed in weeks. His paw rested on my breast and his tongue wiggled well within my muzzle. I held him close, relishing his juvenile eagerness. All the while I contemplated a serious problem; how to tell your biological brother you're ready to mate. With our applications out, the horizon of the future got pushed back so that I could tentatively glimpse beyond the summer. If we were lucky our love wouldn't have an expiration date. Like the time I gave him my virginity, my choice didn't arrive from a rational decision. It was just something that was suddenly there, a possibility. There we were again, engaged in some advanced foreplay. The possibility that we'd end up together in his bed or mine ranked ostensibly high. Though I had my doubts and anxieties, the effects of horizontal thinking mitigated those pretty well. After all we'd done and after what we'd become, of course the next step was to experiment with tying.

"I love you so much sis," Dustin said, taking a break from the kiss to concentrate on undoing my jeans.

"I love you too Dusty dog," I replied, sucking in my belly to make that task easier. It would be easiest if I just flipped him over. He could be in me in under a minute. Then all I had to do was rock until his knot got big enough. Shame on me, I thought, for so many reasons. There needed to be a conversation and at very least a condom, especially around this part of my cycle. I'd even drafted a calendar of my fertility so accidents wouldn't happen. Biting my claws at the end of two cycles in a row was not a pleasant experience. I was still guessing, but educated guessing is better than nothing. At least we had some condoms left.

"What's a matter?" Dustin asked as I grew unresponsive.

"Nothing," I said and bit my tongue.

"But what?"

"I think I'm ready to try," I huffed, looking down my brother's muzzle, into his eyes. "I want it to be you."

"You sure?" He panted. "Ya seemed pretty against it before."

"I've thought about it, I want it, and I love you." I said, feeling rather childlike in my reasoning. "I just want to try it out. See how it fits," I added. "No guarantees."

"I think I'd feel like shit if we never got a chance to do it," Dustin said.

"So it does mean something to you?" I said.

"Of course it does. Why do you think I've been pushing for it?"

"You're horny," I said.

"That and I want the same thing you do. I don't want this to be just about fucking," he replied.

"We're pretty far gone, aren't we?"

"It would seem so," he said, leaning down to nurse on my breast, obviously losing interest in the conversation. While he suckled on my petite mound and slobbered over my nipples' sensitive skin he began to deprive me of my jeans, or at least the cover they afforded my intimates. They got stuck around my knees, which seemed good enough for him for the moment. The pubic fur and the sliver of pink flesh he exposed in the process were enough to satisfy him.

"Shall we then?" I asked as Dustin raked the fur on my denuded flanks and hips and wedged a paw between my thighs as if to lay claim over my vulva. His possessive touch worked me up to the point where I felt as amenable to the prospects of taking my brother as my mate as I'd ever be.

"Tonight?" He asked, leaving my nipple wet. His paw trapped the heat escaping my sex. Any idiot could interpret that furnace as a sign.

"If I keep thinking this through, the higher the chances I'll chicken out," I said, gazing into Dustin's eyes. It finally clicked. All this talk wasn't just flattery or horniness, well it certainly was to an extent. Dustin seriously wanted me, his sister, to belong to him. I squeezed my thighs and trapped my brother's paw up against my sex. I actually wanted him to belong to me.

"Fair enough," Dustin said, waiting for me to let go, which I only did reluctantly, before crawling off my body. He sat on the side of the couch and straightened himself out as I rose.

I got up and let my jeans and boxers fall to the floor. I stood naked in front of my brother, devoid of shyness and decency. I shifted my weight from one paw to the other, anxious and timid. Dustin looked at me. My body hid no more secrets from him, but he looked at me as if it did, curious and eager.

Dustin stood up after a moment of collection. "This will be my first time doing it," he said, making eye contact despite the distractions in my nudity.

"I know," I said and turned, walking toward the staircase.

Dustin wordlessly followed.

"I can't believe we're going to do this," I said on my way up the old wooden steps to the second floor of our house, careful not to force too loud a creak out of the boards.

"How do we even do this?" Dustin said. "Do we just hurry and let it get hard inside you? Or do we just do it like normal and just sort of push it in?"

"Ouch," I said. "Let's try the first way. Plan B sounds painful."

"Fine by me. Just can't do too much foreplay then," my brother said.

"We'll probably have plenty of time afterwards. How long do you think it's gonna last?"

"Usually it's down in about fifteen or twenty minutes, but I'm not sure how long it's gonna last when it's inside you. Could be longer." Dustin said.

"Will it hurt?"

"How should I know? It shouldn't be that bad, I mean, you're made for it."

"Hey now." I said, coming to a halt in our upstairs hall.

"Sorry, I mean, you're meant to tie at some point. It only makes sense that your body is meant to accommodate it."

"What if I want it to stop?" I asked.

"I really don't know. I mean, of course I'll stop whatever I'm doing, but I don't know how to get it out. I heard we weren't supposed to pull it out, that could hurt us. I guess we would just have to wait for it to go down, which could be tough if I haven't gotten off yet. It could take a while. Do you still want to do this?"

"We can try," I vented, feeling the excitement build inside of me. We stared at each other in the dark of our hallway. "I figure if I don't go through with it now you'll keep pestering me for it until I eventually do."

"I'll be honest. I really want to try this, but I want it to be your call. Forget everything I said."

"Hey, it's out there now. You won't find me this willing that often."

"If you like it. Fine. If not. We'll stop and I'll never ask you for it again."

"Fine," I said.

"Your bedroom or mine?"

"Mine," I said, and turned the corner into my room.

"You sure you want this? You know I worry about ya, sis."

"Shoulda thought about that before you badgered your sister into becoming your mate."

Dustin chuckled at the absurd combination of words.

"Oh, and be a dear and pick up a condom," I said, turning the light on in my bedroom. I stepped into the light, naked in plain sight of my brother. My tail flagged not entirely under my control. I looked over my shoulder as I stood by my tape deck and told him, "We'll definitely need one for this."

"I can't believe we're gonna do this," Dustin said standing the hall instead of doing the task I'd delegated, watching me put on music appropriate for the imminent act in nothing but my birthday suit.

Easier said than done. It took the span of several evenings for us to get it to work. The first time Dustin got a little bit too excited and got too big before he could knot me. Another night I found myself in the perfect position. My brother's big canine bulge was rapidly swelling within me, growing bigger than I've ever handled him before. I chickened out last second, right as he spread my vagina to the point where I felt new and questionable sensations. The same thing happened the next night. I pulled off him with a pop when the feeling became too much. By the end of the next week we were growing desperate. Our dad was due back the next day and we were running low on condoms. We'd been at it for over an hour and a half with ten minutes of fucking and fifteen minutes of recoup until Dustin's knot settled down for the next attempt. I believed I passed the point of even wanting it anymore. I was ready to call it off for the time being and postpone it for some time in the future when I had more experience. All I wanted was for it to feel special and it ceased to be that way about two attempts ago.

I lay in a nude post-fuck sprawl across my bed in a way that would have given a view of my indecency to anyone who walked in through the open door, which I expected to be my sibling. He went off to piss and cool down his knot or something along those lines, leaving me horny and sore.

"I didn't think this was so hard," Dustin said, upon his return from the bathroom. He stood in my doorframe holding a limp, but unseeded condom. It didn't take more than a glimpse of me before his cock looked a little less flaccid.

"You're just being too nice," I said, rolling toward my brother. "Most guys probably wouldn'ta given me a choice. They'd a gotten me to a point where I'd be just too turned on to care, then rammed it in there last second."

"You giving me instructions?" He asked or stated. He stepped closer to me until he stood by the side of the bed.

"Na. I'm glad you're being gentlemanly about it," I said, sprawling on my back and stretching. My bones cracked. I relaxed in my sexiest position and looked up at Dustin.

"I can do it the other guy's way, but then I'd have to track myself down and beat myself black and blue. As your brother I ain't gonna let anyone take advantage of you without giving them that sort of treatment."

I chuckled. "Would be fun to watch though."

"I'll bet," Dustin said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He did his best to slip that condom he held back down his shaft.

"Shouldn't reuse those," I said, slowly getting to my knees and sliding over to my brother.

"Didn't cum in it yet."

"Still, the box says use fresh one every time," I said, crawling beside him and running my paw down his shoulder across his chest.

"Yea, maybe when I'm not buying 'em for three times the store price on the black market. At least I'm tossing them when I do get off. Not like washing them or anything," Dustin said, turning his muzzle toward mine.

"How many do we have left?"

"Like three," he said before receiving my brief kiss.

"Fuck, how did we burn through the whole box so quickly?"

"Because we're fucking like foxes." Dustin kissed me again.

"I'll put in for some more. Got a little bit left in my jar."

Dustin reclined and gazed up at me. I kneeled beside him, running my paw down his chest over his taut belly. I even tickled his pubic fur. "I'll talk to my guy. Tough convo to have. He's gonna ask with whom I'm going through a box every two weeks," my brother said, with his arms crossed behind his head.

"Not gonna tell him you're fucking your own sister?" I jested, noticing he'd gotten hard again from my belly-rubs. I reached for Dustin's balls again, fondling the twin orbs within his furry pouch.

Dustin chuckled, all the while looking up at me with that weird combination of amorousness and cockiness that bewildered me as much as it made me want to scoot just a little bit closer to him and not let go. "I probably could. Nobody would ever believe me."

"Maybe we can go bare again closer to my period. We've been good this month. It's safest around then." I said. I couldn't believe my own ears, but it was true. The risk was nill around then.

"Fuck. Wasn't so bad last time. We can also go back to pulling out until I can score some more of these," Dustin indicated the colored latex shrouding his cock. My paw moved to his length and adjusted the condom, properly fitting it for him. I gave him a few tugs as well, idly caressing my brother's penis as we conversed.

"Told you it'd be clean."

"Remind me not to go down on you when it happens," Dustin smiled.

"You'd probably do it anyway. It's impossible to keep your muzzle out of my pussy when you want it, which is always."

Dustin chuckled, "I do have my fun on you. Anyway, you up for another try? No pressure. Let's just make this one about getting off if it doesn't happen. Fucking blue balled as it is." He looked down at what I was doing to his cock then up at me as if I were part of the problem.

It didn't take any more of an invitation for me to swing around and take my place straddling his lap. I smiled at my brother as he eyed over my naked form one final time. He leaned back up, guiding me as we took our preferred seated position on the edge of the bed. I wrapped my limbs around him and smiled with a confession of deeper emotions. His eyes beamed his typical, juvenile delinquent smile back at me. "I'm ready," I said, as one of his paws came to rest upon the small of my back.

Dustin's other paw moved between my legs. I felt his fingers and his scarred palm-pad brush over my sex, tickling my slit in a shallow but nonetheless effective way. "I can tell," he said, finding me dripping wet.

We made out for as long as we could stand the buildup. Dustin's fingers swept through my loosened folds and soaked fur, feeling me up with the clumsiness and curiosity as if he pretended not to have mastered my pleasure spots. It still got my heart racing again and my fires stroked. I tried not to buck or show too obvious signs of eagerness, but my tail swished behind me on its own volition as if undecided whether to flag left or right in approval of our imminent mating attempt. Of course I felt as nervous as I did back in the forest when we turned wishes into reality and first transgressed into incest. The possibility that we might actually accomplish it and score the home run of home runs sunk in more than ever before.

Dustin and I were in tacit agreement when the time had come to start. His fingers left my lips at just the right moment and took hold of his cock, directing it upward for me. I descended and allowed my twin's cock-tip back into my body not a moment too soon. The both of us sighed during the seconds it took for me to get hilted on that perfectly fitting collie arousal. I wiggled on Dustin's sheath and smiled at him. He smiled back at me and I giggled.

I was glad that I was with Dustin. I wanted him to be the one almost as much as he did. It turned me on knowing that we were actually going for it. I'd accepted the fact that I was having an incestuous relationship, though at the time I would have disputed the term relationship. As I gazed at my brother and felt his presence both around and within me, I made peace with the fact that I was beginning to perceive incest as a kink; just a little extra turn on that made our deeds all the more illicit and therefore satisfying. That's just who I was. No one could ever tell me what I should want or that I should blankly accept what was normal. I was a born and bred renegade as was Dustin. Somehow, as we started to engage in that taboo revolting to everyone but us, it made sense to me that Dustin and I should find each other. After all we were cut from the same perverse and stubborn cloth.

My brother and I carried out our rebellion against laws, culture, and our own biology. I spent minutes stifling genuine utterances of pleasure as I bounced up and down on Dustin's lap, anticipating the rewarding sensations of every genital uniting slap. Every scent and every opening of our eyes reminded us that we shared a common bloodline. Our paws sought out and caressed visual evidence of the genes we shared, all the dominant alleles affecting our coats and facial features. We kissed insofar as we were able in our accelerating union, and let our tongues dance between our fangs. Our tastes completed the sensory experience of our deviance.

My legs squeezed Dustin and my paws once again grabbed fistfuls of fur. Every ounce of muscle, especially the more intimate ones, held on to my twin for support. In turn my brother's guidance impaled me upon his intimidating and yet satisfying cock. I already started to feel the discomfort of his knot stretching my poor opening as it slipped in and out. Fortuitously my brother's movements slowed. He flexed his hips and pressed that firmness inside me a final time, his paws tugged me down and curtailed my movements.

"Wanna try this one more time?" Dustin panted into my bashfully swept ears.

I nodded twice against his cheek. I wished I could bring myself to vent some more affirmative words, but I knew they'd come out distressed. I dipped my nose into his mane-ruff, disguising the blush visible around the tip of my muzzle.

Dustin pet me down my spine. His fingers passed through my erect fur. "Just take it easy. Breath deep, and if you really want to quit, just say so."

"Okay. Let's do this." I vented in a single quick breath and wiggled affirmatively upon my brother's immense seeming maleness. It already felt as if it parted me all the way up to my stomach. The touch of his drenched sheath-fur upon my vulva enticed me, since it meant he couldn't get any deeper. He would just get a little broader around the base and that was all there was to it.

Dustin started to buck again, albeit with very short and sensual undulations. More ominous than any of his movements was the sensation of that bulge pressing upon dangerously deep vaginal walls, throbbing as it threatened to make my brother and me mates. My eyes quivered closed and I bore my fangs as the deluge of conflicting voices shouted out to be heard within my mind. I felt myself stretch in an uncanny way as Dustin rearranged my insides. I squirmed as I reached the point where I could bear no more, hitting the wall I'd come to and failed at during our previous attempts.

Dustin's paws caressed my trembling body, placating me during the moment I felt more tempted than ever before to pull off. "You okay Alex?" He asked, his paw coming to rest right above my swishing tail.

I nodded into his fur, "Good god, you feel so fucking big Dusty." I said, blushing even more at the vulgarity of my statement and the litany of other profane words I wanted to give voice to.

My brother chuckled, showing a bit of nervousness in him. "And you're fucking tight," he said, employing a Dustinism to mitigate my anxieties.

I chuckled too, which resulted in a flex of belly muscles. I felt how close I'd come to going through with it. I wanted it, but at the same time it took every ounce of willpower I had to keep my inexperienced body from pulling off. "Oh god," I whispered with a desperate shudder into my brother's upright ears when I felt as if I couldn't go on for another millisecond. "Please tell me something to keep me from chickening out."

Dustin fell silent for what seemed like an eternity. "I love you," he said with a tone of voice as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

It turned out those were the correct three words for me. "I love you too," I said as my limbs squeezed Dustin, drawing him closer to me in an attempt to eliminate space between our bodies. I wanted him to feel every inch of my nudity. I wanted him to know those months of his instigations, escalations, and my capitulations succeeded. I wanted him to know that he'd won me over and I hung onto him so that he could feel it. My mind was perhaps too overloaded by sensations and instincts to fully process my brother's words. Perhaps he meant it in a brotherly-sisterly way, perhaps he was roleplaying to make the moment I bonded with him match my expectations, perhaps he truly meant it in a way unfit for siblings which would have meant I had the exact union I desired. "I think it's happening," I hissed through clenched fangs, my expression contorted into some strained distortion of exertion, discomfort, and sexual obscenity.

"Relax," Dustin said, his paws caressed down my flanks. One rested on my hip as if to convince me I was good where I was, that I didn't need to pull away. "It's just me," he said and leaned back just far enough to lick my muzzle.

Yes I felt a twitch of pain as my passage gripped the rock-hard canine form filling me more than I ever thought I could take. As soon as my vaginal muscles seized Dustin and made him my first mate I grew conscious of a new and more intense sensation. That familiar pre-orgasmic bubble of pressure was there, except this time it grew incredibly vast, and more acute and vivid than I've ever felt it before. My bladder, belly, vagina, tail-hole and even half the length of my tail were all involved in that immense aura of sensual pressure. I felt as if I teetered on the tipping point of a powerful orgasm, as if all I needed to do was breathe or shiver and I'd be underway releasing powerful contractions and enjoying an indulgent biochemical cocktail of endorphins. "Are we?" I asked under the barrage of his licks, my voice sounded uncharacteristically meek.

"I think so. Give it a minute," he said and continued to lap over my nose and whiskers. Eventually he succeeded in coaxing my tongue out to join in the game. It was the only thing I could do to distract myself from the confusing intersection of fullness and sexual urgency. We gave each other little canine kisses over the tips of our muzzles. The tension in me eased ever so slightly now that the choice was gone. Our paws resumed their exploration in the moments it took our bodies to grow accustomed to the very advanced sexual scenario we'd put them in. If my body could speak, would it protest all the incest I'd put it through? Would it cry out in alarm as I forced it to accept its fraternal counterpart as its mate or would it be as complicit as Dustin and I in this taboo? If I took my involuntary and anxious shifting and the instinctive craving to rock and feel just a little bit more, to unleash that burden of captive sexual pleasure as signs, then I had my answer.

I gasped as Dustin tested the tie by trying to withdraw. The firmness slid only a tiny fraction of an inch until it got caught on taught bands of feminine muscle. My body, willing or not, held on to my brother. We broke our kiss and leaned back. I gazed upon the one I'd chosen to become my mate. It still didn't compute that I'd actually gone so far with the one to whom those familiar facial patterns, that all too obvious forehead blaze, and those shared shades of brown belonged, even though every nerve in my body broadcast at maximum volume that that was indeed the reality. Condom or not, the symbolism of what I'd gotten into represented a willingness to become a mother of my partner's impending pup, which in Dustin's case seemed especially awkward. Even though that line of thinking was dated even by the standards of the day, I couldn't help but be reminded that that was the technical end goal of what we were doing, had been doing for months, and a distinctly likely outcome if we relapsed back into our more precarious methods. I tried not to think that I was straddling the lap of my future son or daughter's sire on a symbolic level or otherwise. What was I even doing? This was way too far to call practice.

"How do you feel?" Dustin asked, pointing his muzzle down between our bellies.

"Full," vented with a hint of desperation. I followed Dustin's gaze. His paw moved in and began brushing aside the strands of fur hiding our conjoined sexes, tickling my clit in the process. I sucked in my stomach to make the task a little easier for him.

"I mean, you okay? Does it hurt?" He asked, teasing aside my wet pubic fur to expose my stretched lips. Though it may have been my imagination, it seemed my mound was distended slightly by the size of my brother's knot.

"No," I said, now watching my brother tug down his sheath, "I'm fine. It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Good," he said. "Check this out." We looked together. The very base of Dustin's cock disappeared between my lips. When he pulled back ever so slightly one could see a little of his bulge tucked within my spreading labia. "We're doing it!" He said as if in disbelief.

"Trust me I know," I said right before Dustin pushed a gasp from my muzzle with a slight but palpable buck.

"You feel really good." He said just as my breasts received some of his attention. His hips pressed upward and again I felt the immensity slide the restrained distance through me.

"Is it everything you expected?" I asked before venting a sigh, feeling Dustin's prodding that wellspring of pleasant fullness.

He nodded. "Ready when you are, even though I feel like I could get off any time." Dustin continued. He chose one of my breasts and began to nibble on me in a way that seemed to indicate that he could be patient, so long as he had access to an erogenous part of my body to tide over his oral fixation.

My paws swept up Dustin's back and cradled his head upon my nipple. I felt a little too agitated and anxious with that enormous cock inside me to match his patience. In a moment I started to test the limits of our bond. A wiggle here, a rise, a tug and I'd discovered the extent of my captivity. Dustin joined me with a slow and sensual buck. All the while his fascination with my breast grew more ravenous. I had to relearn the motions of sex. The best I could do was fall into slow gyrations. My hips undulated in Dustin's lap, pressing down on his sheath and balls. That was all it took to coax him to join me in earnest. Eventually his attention shifted away from my bosom, now that his interest in concluding that mating session he wanted so badly inched toward culmination.

Dustin licked my muzzle and chin then pressed his nose into my fur. His paws reinforced their dominance over my body. Every caress merely contributed to that immense need within me. As badly as my brother wanted to get off, so did I, more desperately than ever. It didn't bother me in the slightest when Dustin's motions grew more intense, as he tried his best to push his cock though my intimate folds in pursuit of his own needs. Evert gruff thrust or lustful prod pleased me as much as my brother. I acted equally self-serving. Our movements were different but our cravings were the same. The only thing we did in tandem was grind sexually wet pubic fur against sexually wet pubic fur.

The kind and considerate Dustin checked out. I was now being clawed and mated by a more lustful and selfish version of my brother, whom I could safely assume would like his previous self never take no for an answer. None of his slightly uncanny, uncharacteristic behaviors troubled me. Something about the completeness of our union, the totality of our tied and thorough fucking eroded all restraints. There was nothing left to hide. We owned each other completely. The more assertive he tried to breed me, the more I met the challenge to be just as domineering. The tie may have been Dustin's idea, and I may have been impaled on the entirety of his dick, but as our claws bit into our bodies I showed my brother that it was my choice to enjoy it.

My claws raked fur and pressed into flesh. I fought a desire to bite and be bitten. I wanted more than anything to be pinned and bound, more so than I already was. I felt like recanting my consent, but only if it wouldn't impede Dustin in the slightest. I wanted to feel him hammer away and slake his needs on me no matter what. I already craved the distinctive feeling of his sultry orgasmic breaths upon me. I sensed it in Dustin and it pleased me. He wanted it too, or so every action indicated. His movements and the suggestive course of his touches, like mine, expressed possessiveness, an urge to claim, and a desire above all other impulses to breed.

There was no word to describe my motions. They resembled a chaotic yet restrained back and forth, a grinding, and pelvic tumult. I rocked down upon the canine maleness locked inside of me, willing it deeper, using it to tease forth erotic sensations to my own gratification. Soon my eagerness trumped even Dustin's. If I could witness my own behavior I probably would have been ashamed of it. I rode Dustin like the incestuous beast I had become, like a feral mongrel incapable of comprehending right and wrong, driven by nothing more than emotion and animal impulse. I essentially pounced the nearest boy indiscriminate to our shared bloodline and let him become my mate, now I ground my vulva upon his sheath and pubic fur as if begging to put a loop in our family tree.

Dustin struggled to keep up with me. His panting swept through my fur in a sensual way. He whispered the occasional curse word into my mane and into my breasts, or whatever part of me he wanted to taste. Eventually he grew erratic, his bucking slowing down due to exhaustion or to delay a climax. He gripped me as if to control me, but I would have none of it. I kept bouncing upon my sibling's dick, feeling his canid point jab deeper than I've ever felt it before and his knot kiss that overwhelming bundle of pressure. Every descent sent a ripple like echo of satisfaction deep into my belly, but no matter what I tried it wouldn't burst and send me into bliss.

Dustin grew tense and pressed his muzzle into my neck. He bucked upward and let me ride his manhood as I pleased. Our muzzles scrunched in an overwhelmed show of what could have been pleasure or pain. Our fangs shone white in my bedroom. My brother's eyes winced shut and so did mine as our minds concentrated on the friction of our locked genitals. It became difficult to tell where I ended and Dustin began. I stopped feeling pressure altogether. Warmth took the place of that intensity, which ebbed outward from where I held my brother's knot captive. Eager to see what would happen next I continued until it overcame me.

All of a sudden my vaginal walls contracted. I lost the strength in my limbs and relied on Dustin to keep me from losing my balance. I sighed with a mixture of grunt and vented air. It did hurt as internal muscles gripped Dustin's length and found resistance upon his hard knot, but that little discomfort quickly got lost in the maelstrom of bliss and gratification. I felt those familiar flutters throughout the entire lower half of my body, into my stiff and twitching tail and along the darker patches of my fur all the way up my spine to my ears. My clit twitched against Dustin's sheath-fur rapidly at first then in ever more drawn out waves. Every vaginal contraction forced me to feel the tie. When I rediscovered my strength I gripped the boy I'd chosen to become my mate and held him close.

As soon as my climax ended I felt pretty much ready to flop down into the sheets and stifle my embarrassment. I was pretty much done with the fullness and the pressure, and the constant reminding of prolonged incestuous intercourse. Dustin felt as hard as ever. I wondered if he even got off, or if my behavior prevented him from satisfaction, which would have meant another round, which I lacked the reserves and the endurance to be up to. Either way as soon as the endorphins started to wear off I couldn't help but feel a growing claustrophobia. I just wanted off and to give my poor, sore sex a much needed rest. I felt like I owed it an apology.

"Damn sis," my brother said, panting as much as I. "What got into you?"

"I think I peed a little," I joked. It was all I could think of saying. I felt I could counter my embarrassment by owning it.

Dustin just chuckled and gave me a kiss, "you're just in a rare mood."

"I couldn't help it. It was hard to get off or something."

"How did it feel?"

"Good, definitely a bit more powerful than usual," I said, understating the obvious. "Damn Dusty, you still feel really fucking big. Did you even get off?"

"Yea," he chuckled again, "like a long damn time ago. Sorry. You just felt too good. Blew my load like right after we started. Need a bit of practice. Kinda embarrassing actually."

"Shit," I said. "Didn't even feel it."

"I tried my best to keep up. The condom luckily makes me a bit less sensitive, so it didn't get uncomfortable. Plus just watching you was really sexy."

"Shoulda said something. I think I overdid it."

"Nothing wrong with that. I like seeing you enjoy yourself. You were fucking beautiful. The way you moved, the way you looked while you were at it. Damn. What I wouldn't give to have you like that again," my brother said, his paws in motion over my nudity in a much more tender way, now that the deed was done. It was funny how he pretended this was still experimentation, he knew and I did too that what we did was not just one of those things that you just let happen. We both grew up in the same culture after all. We let something happen that wasn't supposed to occur so soon, not out of wedlock and never between siblings. Deep down we both understood what we meant to each other, we owned each other. He would get his chance to see me naked and up close, writhing in ecstasy, hilted upon his throbbing manhood now that we were mates.

I giggled again, more feminine than I'd care to admit. I let Dustin feel me and flatten my fur. His touch felt full of confidence. He didn't shy away from anything as if he knew that contact was exactly what I needed. "Thanks Dusty," I said, "but I could really use a break right now, everything's sore."

"No can do," he said.

"How long's this gonna last?"

"It usually goes down in twenty-thirty minutes, but with a sexy young collie like you on top of me keepin' it warm, I'd say a little longer. Like I said before, it's gonna be a while. This is the fun part."

"Come on!" I begged. "It's sore. Plus I gotta go pee like a racehorse. I'm getting tired of holding on to ya too. Even my arms and legs hurt."

"Give it a few. Don't want to send one or both of us to the hospital tonight. There will be questions if we both show up with those kinds of injuries. But here," my brother said, scooting further back on my bed. It took a few awkward and uncomfortable moments as we inched bit by bit into a more comfortable position. Every shift made it impossible not to feel the collie cock locked womb deep inside me. I ended up straddling Dustin a more familiar position lengthwise down my bed. He reclined, admiring me, lying far more comfortable than I. It still felt like an improvement. "Better?" He asked.

"A little. Still ready to be done."

"Relax a bit. You earned it. Squirming ain't gonna fix it, you'll just end up with another cumshot."

"What if the condom broke?" I asked. "What if I'm bleeding? It's starting to hurt."

"Relax," Dustin said. "It's all gonna be okay. It's okay to be nervous. This is my first time doing this too."

"I'm scared," I said.

"Come here." My brother said and pulled me close. I lay down on his chest and nuzzled into his mane. I took in his scents, which thankfully had a calming effect. His paws too swept over my body, stroking down my spine as if massaging out those anxieties to where my wagging tail could shake them off. "Just breathe easy," Dustin said, which I obeyed. My brother and I lay quietly in my childhood bedroom, mated, sharing each other's warmth in the aftermath of incest. He kissed me between the ears. My ear swatted his whiskers and my fingers curled into his chest.

I kissed Dustin's neck and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too, Alex," Dustin softly said, unmitigated and unmediated into my ears. His paw moved to my scalp. His thumb caressed the blaze stripe on my forehead. Unconsciously he traced all the patterns on my face in a slow and soothing way.

I suspected this whole connection between tying and marriage came from some Bronze Age patriarchal tradition. It probably began when some guy, probably a king or something knotted up some bimbo, then said, "Thanks for letting me shove this thing inside you. Now go run home to daddy and tell him to prepare a wedding feast, oh, and there better be a fat dowry for me when I get there." On the other hand I'd also hear stories and even read articles in credible scientific journals that tying between canines can lead to a more significant emotional bond. It may be debatable if that bond is lifelong, but as I lay there upon my brother, connected to him in the most intimate way possible, listening to his heartbeat and feeling my body elevated by his breathing, I could almost feel the little metaphysical tendrils leap out of his body and mine and intertwine in a way that gave the impression that it would be.

I felt the body I clung to change, transmute in an indescribable way. This collie was no longer just my brother, no longer my childhood playmate or adolescent antagonist. He was an adult and so was I. He had emotions I could almost feel, thoughts I could almost read, desires I shared, and mysteries I'd never comprehend. I'd fallen in love with him, a complex individual, a being such as I. I loved him for his faults and for his virtues. I loved him with all my heart. Perhaps it was just the overwhelming deluge of emotions, but he felt different than before. So did I. I chose him and he chose me.

When I did feel Dustin's cock start to slip I wished it wouldn't. My confidence had risen to the point where the two of us made out as deep and desirous as ever. Despite the soreness and a full bladder I could once again enjoy the justifiably forbidden connection. We both gasped when it finally popped free and I just had those accustomed first few inches of Dustin to hold onto. We broke the kiss to smile and then happily renewed it until the time came where my limbs failed and I slipped off entirely, crashing beside Dustin, totally and utterly spent. My gaping pussy throbbed on emptiness, sorely flexing shut on the phantom presence of my brother's knot. The first thing I checked was the condom. Thankfully it was still intact, indeed filled to the brim with Dustin's semen. There were a few more pecks and a few more caresses as we lay side by side, but really that's all I really wanted to do. I gazed into Dustin's eyes and he gazed into mine. I held my mate, my first choice, the one I elevated above all other men. That bond we so desperately tried to achieve was forged. We were just too juvenile to fully comprehend it.

When I looked at any other guy on earth, in particular the cute ones, I saw a myriad of possibilities. Sometimes I could see myself with them. I could see a future, or at least an optimistic projection of one. I could see numerous joyous events, getting stuck in the rain, and a slow strip of clothes so that our drenched bodies could utilize each other for warmth. I could even wish for a ring on my finger, eventually in a time far away. My mind disseminated fur patterns and breed characteristics and hypothesized what our potential offspring would look like. If I got a long enough look I could even picture us far down the highway of life, middle-aged, then going gray, then in the twilight of our time on earth. When I looked at Dustin I saw blankness, an empty white page. Against all advice we'd fallen in love, but when I looked at him, into his clear crystal eyes the color of a forest canopy changing from summer to autumn, and tried to catch a glimpse into the future I saw nothing but stark uncertainty. We'd dared each other into too many misdeeds. We'd confessed our love for each other too many times to be taken for anything other than face value. I'd lain with him too many times. I divulged too much of myself and absorbed too much of him. We really did love each other. We were really mates. Now I had to reap the consequences.