A strange hospital~

Story by TicklishFurry on SoFurry

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Nathan couldn't believe that he had to go to the hospital on his birthday. Seriously, to who assing an hour that day?. He couldn't change it. Nonetheless, he was sure. He asked his friend Treburg to accompany him, he wasn't be alone on the conference. They were sitting on the waiting room, talking.

-You seems nervous- said the lion- is just a revise.

-I know, but I don't like doctors.

-You're so tense, let me relax you- said Treburg, starting to tickle the grey wolf's belly.

-Hahaha, stop, it's not funny!

-No, you seems so happy, you will be relaxed soon.

-Stop hahahaha!

Suddenly they heard a voice.

-Nathan Wolf- the voice said, while the doctor came closer, a horse with white coat.

-It's me

-Your diagnostics testings will start soon. Please go to the box nine

-Sorry doctor- Treburg interrupted- how long will delay this matter?

-Mmm five hours, more or less- the horse answered- if you like you can join or take a coffee on the café. To half block just opened a new branch The Caribbean Lizard

-It's ok. I think I'll go there

-Treburg!- Nathan exclaimed anguished

-Calm down. I'll come back to carry you to your house, and will celebrete your birthday

Treburg went to he café, while Nathan walked nervous to the box nince. Just he walked in, a nurse went in, a lizard, with good look, and not too old but so intimiating. She ordered to the young wolf to take his clothes off and take a coat. Nathan didn't react, so the nurse ripped his clothes with her claws.

-What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy?

-Silence, little one, I know what mi doing

The nurse sat on the litter, took the wolf face down on her lap and placed an injection on his butt cheeks on a violent way. Nathan couldn't avoid to holw of pain.

-God you're a baby- the lizzard said- it's a shame for you that the next I will do is necessary to make the injection go faster The nurse started to hit his cheeks on a violent way. Nathan screammed again. It could see the red of inflamation through his furr. The lizzard place his coat on him and took face down to the litter till a test room. She left him there, and she went away. The little wolf could take a rest. After a couple of minutes three people went in that will check. They greeted warmly. They were young, maybe students of university. They presented themselves: Diego, a siberian husky; Rudy, a jaguar and Martin, a peregrine falcon.

Nathan vas dizzy for the injection. The young boys noticed it, and they sat him gently. Rudy looked his head, checking his teeth, eyes and ears. He made him stick his tongue out and placed his hand inside Nathan's mouth. Meanwhile, Martin with a stethoscope listened his heart's beat and Rudy was in charge to check his reflexes in his legs. When Rudy was checking his legs, he brushed his ribs with his feathers. He shuddered letting go a giggle.

-Look!- the falcon said- we have a ticklish

-Really?- the jaguar asked- let me check it- said pulling out his hand from the wolf's ear and starting to scratch his neck.

Nathan started to laugh.

-Please, no hahahahahahahaha- the little wolf was interrupted. Diego started to tickle his soles

The feet, the belly and the neck of Nathan were tickle at the same time. The wolf didn't stop to laugh.


But the boys ignored him and kept tickling the poor wolf.


Nathan was on a limbo between hate tickles and the pleasure of take them. He didn't stop of laugh, or to beg the youngs boys to stop. When Nathan had an erection they stopped

-We lost a lot of time- the falcon said

-Yeah, we should continue with the tests- Rudy said

-Mmm... what do you think if we do it on a different way?- asked the siberian

-You mean like we did on the medicine school?- Martin asked


-I like the idea- the jaguar said

The three boys laid down the wolf on a lateral way on the litter. Rudy started to rub the butt cheeks of the young wolf. Diego lifted up his leg with one hand, while he used his other hand put the middle finger on his hole. Nathan let go a moan while the siberian moved his finger inside him.

-Please, stop- Nathan said slowly

-Don't worry, we know what are we doing- Diego answered- but I have to say it's hard to find your prostate

-You're doing wrong- Rudy said- is in the other way

-Are you sure?- the siberian asked, changin the position of his finger

Nathan screammed, a big moan, and his erection turned bigger.

-I think this answer you

-Pl-please...- Nathan talked- st-stop... agh...

-I don't think so- the jaguar said- I'll check you like the old times

-You mean like the medicine school?- Martin asked while he was taking some bottles

-Yeah. And now boy say "A"

Nathan stayed silent

-Diego, please take your finger outta of there and search the prostate like I said

The siberian obeyed. Nathan moaned louder than before. On that moment, the jaguar took his head en put his cock inside the mouth of the little wolf.

-Let's see- the jaguar checked him- the ears are okay, the pupils are dilated. The mouth...- he moved his cock inside his mouth- well, his theeth seems to be okay, they are a bit dirty, but is normal

-wow- Diego said- you don't lose your touch

-That can't be lost, Martin. Could you take some seminal samples?

The falcon was taking and analyzing wolf's samples, from tears, blood, saliva etc. When he heard the jaguar, he took some glasses, he placed them close to the exit of the urethra of Nathan and started with his feathered hands to tickle and jack off his erect cock.

Nathan couldn't take it. Diego sank his finger more deeper on his prostate, while rudy watched how his pupils kept dilating, and Martin kept touching his cock. Nathan eyaculated and passed out.

-It's a good cum sample, but I think we can take more- the falcon said

-You think so?- the jaguar said, taking out his cock from nathan's mouth, it has saliva and cum- he passed out

-Better, we can rotate a few times- the siberian said

-I want his head- Martin said

-The file said we would be four hours with the tests more or less, and now we're less than one. How much have we?

-Absolutely everything is okay, we did all the testings and took all the samples. It's a very healthy wolf

Well, we have a bit more than three hours, let's have fun- Diego said

The three guys looked at Nathan now unconscious, and started another testings...


Well this is a gift wrote by a friend from FA as a gift for today ^^ hope you like it, and I wanna go to a place like this <3

Treburg and story by a friend from FA Nathan belongs to me Diego, Martin and rudy are random characters

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