Don't feed the monster

Story by TicklishFurry on SoFurry

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This is a story request I wrote for yabamycing2 ^^ hope you like it!

Yaba belongs to yabamycing2

It was a quiet nice night. Yaba was walking in the forest, trying to not get discovered. It was because the police were looking for him, so he decided to hide between the trees. The sky was covered by a lot of stars, shinning and making a good view for the dog. While he was walking, he found a strange placard.


Yaba titlted his head, curious about what could it mean. But he just wanted to be hid so the sat behind a tree. Suddenly, naughty thoughts ran in his mind. The white dog couldn't resist it and, taking his trousers and underwear down, he began jerking himself off. He blushed softly as he felt a bit closer to the orgasm. Finally he cum after some minutes, moaning loudly and blushing. The cum fell onto the grass, but a little of it dissappeared instantly. Then Yaba heard a little growl around him, and something wrapped around his wrists and lifted him up.

A lime monster was near to him, tying its tentacles around his body, making sure he won't scape. Yaba whimpered and struggled but it was useless. The green monster approached to him and more tentacles appeared from its body. Two of them got under his feet. They were tube tentacles, and two tongues emerged from them. The green monster took Yaba's shoes and socks off of his feet, leaving them exposed. Then, the wet tongues began licking up and down his soles. Yaba's lips trembled and a big smile appeared on his face, and finally he laughed.


Yaba's laughter could be heard around the forest, but no one went to save him. The wet tongues made his feet slippery and wet, while the poor doggy laughed hard and nice. He shoke his head crazy, struggling weakly and blushing softly, the monster was obviously enjoying it. He kept laughing and screamming for an hour, and suddenly the monster stopped. Yaba panted and whinned, recovering his breath. When he looked down, another tube tentacle was standing in fron his cock, now hard for the tickle torture. It slide his tip inside and began to suck slowly. Yaba moaned and struggled softly, now getting red for the pleasure, and his cock throbbing and leaking pre cum.

It took another hour for Yaba to cum inside the tentacle, moaning loudly and tired. Then the tentacle dissapeared one more time and now two drill tentacles approached down Yaba's feet. They were wet and soft, but their spines were hard enough. They began to brush and drill his wet feet, Yaba's laughter increassed and his feet turned red and soft. His toes wiggled crazy, trying to make the monster to stop. Meanwhile, his cock got hard again, throbbing and leaking some pre cum to the grass.


But the monster didn't hear him, and continued the torment. Then it stopped after two hours, and Yaba was about to pass out. His tongue was out, drooling while his own body sweated, and tears fell down his cheeks. When the white dog thought it ended, the tube tentacle came back to his cock, sliding all inside this time. It sucked hard and nice, making him moand lustfully. Meanwhile, another tentacle began licking and massaging his balls. But it didn't end there. The tongue tentacles and the drills appeared again under his feet. They began wetting and brush the helpless feet one more time.

He was laughing hard and nice, with moans between the laughter. After two hours of tickle torture and sucking, Yaba had a big orgasm, screamming of pleasure and moaning. The monster drank it quickly and left the dog, who passed out moments ago, on the floor.

When he woke up, it was at day. The sunlight made him open his eyes and get up, panting and rubbing his face.

Yaba: W-what happened...?

Then he noticed he was nude, and remembered the lime monster. When he looked around he saw another placard.



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