Popping the Pinata

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Animorph59 as a sequel for the story Nightmare Pinata, found here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/935620

If you like these stories, keep an eye out for when I open commissions. They open every week and a half to two weeks, and stories cost between $14-$42, depending on length.

And if you're interested in my characters, come on by and check out my tumblr and ask my characters and me stuff. http://draconiconcharacterask.tumblr.com/

Popping the Piñata For Sunkit By Draconicon

Strike panted as the last of the sticks were finally pulled away, most clattering to the ground with one still sticking out of his hole. The piñata hung from the rope in his back, slowly turning as the mass of ponies around him slowly dispersed. Most moved with some exhaustion, all of them making their way back to their homes now that Nightmare Night was officially over with the rising of the sun.

He would have slumped down in relief if he'd been capable of movement. As it was, he couldn't even breathe, let alone move. Then again, a piñata didn't need to do that.

He couldn't help but take stock of himself. His over-stuffed body of sturdy paper and candy was sore, but not fully in pain. There was something to be said for being an inanimate object; nerves were dulled to a massive degree. Strike sort of thought that he could feel something in the sides of his body, something that was uncomfortable or maybe a bit stretched thin, but nothing was broken.

I guess they weren't able to break Luna's toy, he thought with a silent chuckle. He should have guessed that the Princess of the Night wouldn't have given up her candy that easily.

He heard the sound of wing beats overhead and instinctively tried to turn to see what it was. Of course, that was a little fruitless, considering he couldn't do anything. All he could do was ride out the swiveling of the rope as a shadow passed overhead, and then something landed with a thump behind him.

A firm hoof on his hindquarters stopped his spinning, and he 'smiled' as he heard her voice.

"Ah, so our piñata didn't break overnight. We knew that the other peasants wouldn't be able to shatter you. You have done well for your princess."

Thank you, he thought.

The princess used her magic to lift him free of the rope, setting him down on the ground. He half expected her to transform him back - though what would happen to all the candy inside him, he didn't know - but wasn't too disappointed when she didn't. Instead, she picked him up and floated him into the back of her chariot, her guards already kicking and rearing in their eagerness to be off.

Since he couldn't hang on, he was grateful when she pulled a few ropes around him and tied him to the side. They took off with a rush of speed, and soon they were flying towards Canterlot.

Princess Luna turned to him, and a small part of Strike shuddered as she smiled with all of her teeth.

"You did well for us, peasant. You will be the 'honored guest' at our after-party in Canterlot."

Somehow, he didn't think he would be getting much honor. He grunted silently as the last piñata stick fell out of his ass, falling the hundreds of feet back towards the earth to land with a clatter before going still.

Luna carried him all the way through the palace after they arrived, coming through so many different hallways that Strike quickly lost count. It finally ended, however, in a large chamber. Not the throne room - he would have recognized that - but something like a meeting hall, or - as in the case here - a party room.

Streamers of orange and black still hung from the ceiling as Luna carried him through the crowd of guards and some of the better off of society. He recognized a few of them; Prince Blueblood, Hoity Toity, even Soarin from the Wonderbolts seemed to have been invited to this. The others, he wasn't sure. They were too far out and there were too many of them for him to make out what they were supposed to be.

Luna stopped in the center of the room and lifted him up with her magic again, letting him hang from the ceiling on another rope. He started to spin a little bit, and he was able to look down at the mass of ponies that had been gathered for the event.

A tingle passed over his face, and he realized that he could open his mouth. Strike gasped, sucking in a bit of air and shaking his head as other bits of movement were returned to him. Turning to the princess, he quickly bowed his head.

"Thank you, your highness."

"You will thank us all by the end of this, peasant."

Luna chuckled, turning to the rest of the crowd. She immediately cranked up the volume of her voice, and the room trembled with the echoes of her Royal Canterlot Voice.

" Friends, cousins, you've been invited here tonight as a reward for all of your service and your friendship to the crown. This piñata has withstood all that Ponyville has to offer in their attempts to break him. Shall we show them what the royals can do?"

The resounding yes almost equaled the princess' voice in terms of volume, and Strike blushed as he saw a number of them take up new sticks. He braced himself, but figured that if he could take the blows from Ponyville's best, the people here couldn't be much worse.


He had ended up being right. In fact, it was much better. The piñata continued to spin, unbroken, after the best efforts of all the nobility. Neither Blueblood nor Hoity Toity had made much of an impact on him, and even Soarin, for all of his power in his swing, couldn't make a dent in the piñata's skin. Strike chuckled, even prancing in mid-air as the various party-goers failed to make him pop.

Luna trotted over to him, lowering him until his hooves touched the ground. She smiled, shaking her head.

" It seems that the entire body of our party hasn't been able to make a dent in you, peasant."

"Sorry, Princess. I think that they just aren't used to working for what they get. Or maybe I'm just too strong of a piñata."

How he was getting so used to being one, he wasn't sure. He hadn't had that much experience with being in different shapes. It showed what one could get used to, he supposed. Still, he was hoping to get out of it before -

The Princess gestured with her horn, and suddenly his front legs slid forward, nearly throwing him off balance. The rounded pony yelped as he was held with his chest down and his hind legs still up, his ass pointing towards the other ponies as they started gathering around him again.

Luna smiled, nodding towards all the other candy bowls, and Strike looked with her. The idea she must have had hit him like a bunch of dragons fighting over a gem mine.

Oh, no. Not again.

" My friends, there's more than one way to pop a piñata. Gather yourselves, and collect all the candy in the room. The first one to fill him to bursting will have the greatest share of the candy, and we will all feast!"

Don't you ever grow up?

The thought went out of his head as the bowls were grabbed, floated, and pushed across the room to sit between his hind legs. He could hear the other ponies lining up behind him, and several hard pieces of candy were quickly floated up to his hind end. He heard one of them, Soarin, he thought, speak up.

"Sure that this is alright, your highness?"

" Of course I'm sure! Push it in. He's clean."

"For now."

The mutter was barely enough to carry, and Strike wondered just what that was supposed to mean. However, he didn't get a chance to dwell on it as his plastic and paper hole was rapidly stretched around a piece of sweet sugar. It had to be a candy apple or something, because not even the sticks had stretched him that wide. His eyes opened as far as they'd go, and he groaned as his body was stuffed.

Thankfully, after the apple popped in the stretching went back down. That didn't stop him from feeling the solid thing plop into place somewhere inside of him, adding to the stuffed feeling that he'd been carrying around for hours.

Strings of beaded hard candies came next, pushing into him and threading through his rim. It stretched wider and wider to allow him to take it, and some of the bigger pieces approached the apple in terms of size. Strike moaned as some of it was tugged back out, and soon, there was a fight between those pushing stuff in and those pulling it back out, the popping sounds mixing with the rasping sounds of paper being stretched and starting to rip. Painlessly, of course.

Luna held him down, but she wasn't still. He saw her move around to his side, and tried to watch as she stuck her horn under his stomach. It glowed, and suddenly his shaft - somehow still there despite being a paper mache construction - dropped and swelled. He moaned louder still as his cock stood out, lewd and hard in front of the whole group.

" My friends, do not feel like you have to wait. There is another place to stuff your candy."

"You mean -"

" Yes! He is open there, too."

Strike was more than a little shocked at that, but the ponies were already moving on to make sure that he was filled every which way that he could be. Some grabbed at his cock, while others started lifting bits of candy. Little chocolate balls were nudged towards his opening, and Strike started shaking his head. It was impossible for it to fit. No way -

He broke off in a moan as the first ball was pushed into his cock, the opening stretching beyond what it should be able to. Hooves and magic squeezed at his cock, forcing the solid ball of chocolate further and further into the shaft. He could feel every inch of it as it pushed further and further back, swelling him up as more followed it. Each and every one eventually made it back to his paper balls, filling them up and making them bigger.

In fact, each bit of candy was swelling him up further than he had been before. The sensation of his body getting bigger, getting wider, was something that he couldn't ignore. It didn't hurt, but the feeling of pressure on his stomach, on his sides, hell, even on his ass and his balls was incredible. It was like he was being filled to the point of popping, and then pushed beyond. His sides were straining, and he could hear the sound of cracking seams as his body was driven to its limits.

Bit by bit, the candy continued to slip inside of him, and he didn't know how much more he could take. He'd been filled with sugar apples, chains of sweet honey drops, wrapped up chocolates, lollipops, and more. They'd stretched his ass so much that he swore that some of them were looking in and gazing at the bits of candy that they'd managed to shove inside of him, and his cock...

Well, it was a good thing that he was a piñata, or a fair bit of that candy would be ruined by how much he would have been leaking. His whole body throbbed in need, and all he wanted to do was cum. However, that seemed impossible. The way that his body was made up now, it was like he had the outer parts, but none of the inner stuff to make that possible.

Luna circled him, occasionally tapping his sides to test them. He always groaned, worried that he was about to pop, but it never happened. There were little rips popping up all over him, little spots where the paper had torn, but never enough to let the candy through.

Dang...how sturdy did she make me?

Perhaps too sturdy. Soon, they were all out of candy, and the bowls clattered to the floor empty. Strike wanted nothing more than to collapse onto his side and lay there, but he was too rolly-polly for that now. His belly had swollen so much that his legs had been lifted off of the floor, and as he rolled back and forth, his cock went from being under him to being just behind him, then under him again.

He moaned, and he was honestly not sure if it was in discomfort or in pleasure.

" More candy!"

Strike shuddered at the order, but no matter how much the other party-goers looked, none of them were able to find more candy. It was all stuffed in him, and he felt like he had to be bigger than the ball that hung over the Grand Galloping Gala at this point. No wonder there wasn't any more to be found.

Luna shook her head, seemingly in disappointment. But he could see that little twitch at the edge of her mouth. She had another idea, he knew.

She was quiet, just long enough to let everyone think that things were over and the party would be a disappointment, before she clapped her hooves together.

" Be not disappointed, friends! There is one more thing we can do to bring this party to a close!"

Everyone blinked, but looked hopeful. She walked around them for a little while before settling on Hoity Toity, and lowered her horn. He had just enough time to gasp - "I say!" - before her magic hit him. Strike couldn't see, but the sudden pants and grunts that came from the normally suave and sophisticated pony told him all he needed.

" If we can't stuff him with candy, we stuff him with something else! After all, a little cream has never hurt us."

Strike groaned at the thought, but the pony was already on him. He felt the hooves digging into his sides, pulling the stuffy pony up and onto him. And there it was, the hard cock of the best fashion designer in Canterlot, prodding and pushing at his hole.

It didn't take long to slide in with all the loosening he'd gotten, and the pony moaned as he was filled. All the bumps and lumps and bits of candy inside of the piñata's hole didn't seem to bother the horse at all. If anything, it seemed to entice Hoity Toity to take him that much harder, because that cock was plunging in DEEP. Strike shuddered, trying and failing to clench down on that horse cock as it pummeled his hole.

As he was rocked back and forth on his large belly, Luna knelt down by him. She whispered in his ear as he could hear other ponies lining up.

"I'm sure that you will be fond of this, peasant. The people here are loving the idea."

"But, P-princess, what if your candy gets all gooey?"

"Magic. And besides, someone has to pop the piñata. Hehehe, wonder who it'll be."

She stood up again before he could ask, and he couldn't shout because of all the weight in him. Rocked back and forth with each rough thrust from Hoity Toity, the unicorn piñata panted, his own excitement growing even though he could do nothing to bring it down.

He caught sight of some of the other ponies gathering around him, their cocks dropping down from heavy sheaths. Prince Blueblood was pulling a face as if he didn't want to participate, but the throbbing nature of his cock gave him away. Strike had little doubt that the prince would hold back from fucking him.

Soarin, on the other hand, was chuckling and getting into the whole thing, even going so far as to playfully jump on top of one of the guards and jokingly thrust against him. The guard tolerated it, it seemed, but didn't seem that interested. At least, as far as Strike could tell.

It didn't take much longer for Hoity Toity to finish, and as he came, Strike swore that something else had been transformed. Even when he'd been fucked before - and he had experience with that, if nothing else - he'd never felt that much splatter inside. His eyes went wide, feeling his swollen body get that much bigger as what had to be almost a gallon of cum spurted through his guts.


He barely had a chance to think of what Luna must have done before that cock slid out, replaced by another. It came in even harder, even faster, slamming through all the messy candy and riding on the 'lube' left behind by the fashion designer. Strike panted, rocked forward almost on his face as the new fucker used him hard.

His eyes rolled back as a mouth wrapped around the head of his paper cock, and he tried - and failed - to thrust forward against it. All he accomplished was a few twitches, and get everyone around him laughing.

The mouth came off of his cock, and he heard Soarin shout out.

"Hey, he leaks chocolate down here! Come try!"

A number of ponies were suddenly sucking and licking at his paper cock, and the unicorn whimpered as he was teased and sucked and licked like crazy. The whole situation was beyond anything that he could have imagined just the night before, and he just wanted to cum. He wanted it so, so badly.

But he couldn't. No matter how hard his ass was pounded, no matter how hard the ponies around his cock licked and sucked on it, he couldn't get off. The pleasure kept climbing and climbing, and soon he could smell his chocolate 'pre' that they were enjoying, but he couldn't blow his load.

Soon, the second horse was done, and someone else came up. He caught a flicker of Blueblood's cutie mark before he disappeared, and realized it would have to be him.

The first touch was tentative, almost weak in terms of how much it slid in. Strike could feel every detail of that throbbing cock head, every little bit of room that it took up as it slid inside of him. He blushed, wondering how long Blueblood would hold back.

Not long. Someone slapped his rump from behind, and the prince slipped in. Strike's hole and belly was so slicked up by cum that Blueblood slipped in without even trying, and once he was inside, he started humping away like crazy. Each thrust rocked the ball of a piñata back and forth, thrusting his cock in and out of the pony mouths around his cock, and driving him out of his mind again.

The prince was rough and eager, using him hard and without much technique. The heavy balls the horse had were slapping against him, and he could feel it much harder than any of the other horses. He whimpered, knowing that this time it was going to stretch him even more, and with all the rips currently in his piñata body, and some of them oozing 'cream', he didn't know if he could take it.

But he couldn't escape. No magic kept him pinned, only pleasure, but that was enough as he rocked back and forth, taking the cock in his ass while being forced to feed his cock to the other ponies that were underneath it. Hard hooves held him by his sides, scraping at the paper and battering at it.

But nothing was as attention grabbing as that thick royal cock inside of him. It was huge, suitable for the prince, and it was battering its way through the candy without effort. The cummy insides didn't hurt, either.

He could hear the prince panting and grunting, and he knew that it wouldn't be long.

"Please," he hissed, wheezing. "Not in -"

His wish went unheard, or at the very least, unacknowledged. Blueblood slammed in one more time with all the royal pride that he was famous for, and Strike gasped, moaning at the top of his lungs as he felt all that seed splattering around inside of him. His sides swelled outwards, and he felt a massive pressure at the base of his neck as the royal orgasm pushed him further and further outwards.

All the ponies but Blueblood pulled away as he swelled, his legs pushing further and further off of the ground as he got bigger and bigger, until -


It happened on the bottom of his belly, the pressure finally too much. Candy and cream spilled out like a flood, rushing across the room like a river breaking its banks. He moaned, his voice finally getting louder as the pressure was relieved, though he would have been surprised if any of the other ponies had heard it. Soarin, Hoity Toity, and all the others rushed towards the candy, and as soon as Blueblood had emptied his balls, he joined in, claiming his majority of a share.

Strike was worried that he'd be trampled, but Luna lifted him up and pulled him off to the side. She patted his head gently, and he smiled up at her, panting softly as her magic started re-stitching him together. The hole was quickly repaired, and as her magic flowed over him, giving him a little of his body back - and definitely more ability to move - she chuckled.

"You were a good little piñata, peasant. We are going to have to do this again next year."

"Is that the royal we, or you and me, we?"

"Hmm hmm, can't it be both?"

She chuckled a bit, the two of them watching all the candy getting snatched up. The princess used her magic to seize a fair bit of it, floating it over to the two of them and starting to munch on it. She offered him a piece, but he turned it down.

"I know it's clean, but I know where it all went. I don't want to see candy for a while."

"Hee hee, more for me."

Luna continued munching away as Strike watched the squabbling between some of the other ponies, including watching Soarin working out his erection on Blueblood as the prince got stuck under a pile of candy he'd tried to claim in greed. It was rather funny seeing the prince get the pounding that he'd just handed out, that was for sure.

Leaning back, Strike just focused on the feeling of his body gradually becoming more pony-like again. It was a good one, he had to admit. Being a piñata for a while hadn't been a bad thing, but he was glad that he had over a year before he'd need to be one again.

"By the way."

He looked up at Luna again, who chuckled.

"Celestia's birthday is coming up. I think I might pass on this idea to her."

He groaned, shaking his head.

"Come on."

"Oh, you know you loved it. And besides, Cele doesn't get to see so much stallions having fun. You can put on a show for her."

"I think she likes other kinds of shows..."

"Well, you can still be a good piñata. Your princess commands it."

"...Yes, your highness."

Great. Now I have that to look forward to. What else do I have to - hey! That doesn't go - ooooooh.

The End

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