The Conquest: Part One

Story by travisbuchanan on SoFurry

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Conquest is a symbiote looking for a suitable host - will it find one and successfully subjugate him into just another minion to take over humanity, or will their desires clash and create something different entirely? In this story, both symbiote and human corrupt each other. Enjoy!

A black, oily sludge crept slowly along the vents. It was a symbiote that named itself Conquest, though that name was not to be uttered aloud until it had properly formed a bond with its first host; it was tradition on the planet it was born on. Those who disobeyed tradition were quickly slaughtered. Symbiotes were born, lived, and died as the role that they had been appointed to.

Conquest in particular was a Hunter - symbiotes send far and wide throughout the galaxy to search for suitable hosts to bring under their domain. He had the ability to draw absurd amounts of biomass from the core of their planet, a system that their race of symbiotes readily abused to transform potential hosts on the go. No need to gather additional mass, to force the host to eat and eat. Everything was processed and ready on their planet.

Gatherers, on the other hand, searched for food. Creatures that were unworthy of being made a host - typically unintelligent animals and plantlife - were captured by the Gatherers and brought over to the Processors, who processed it into the pure biomass that the Hunters used to take over worlds.

It was all a very efficient system, and Conquest was proud to be a part of it.

The symbiote had landed on Earth as its very first mission, teleported to the planet through the use of a wormhole tunneling system. It was one of the first facets of technology that they had assimilated into their culture, and it proved exceedingly useful.

Now? Now, Conquest was on the prowl, searching for a suitably intelligent host to take over and make its pawn. It could imagine the glory it would have already. It would convert the man into a creature of its own design, a large and dominating thing with monstrous proportions, and together they would conquer all that stood in their path. The rush of adrenaline, the exhilaration of battle... there could be nothing more glorious.

Conquest shook slightly at the thought, a small shiver rippling its way through the sludge its body was currently composed of. Small filaments of black slime rose and collapsed back into the ooze. For perhaps the first time in the symbiote's life, it was excited - and there was something else. It sensed a person nearby through one of the vents, someone that could very well be a host for it.

Two longer, thicker filaments extruded outwards from the symbiote, gently probing against the vent it was pressed up against. It didn't have a sense of sight, per se - its vision, if it could be called that, was far more primitive. It consisted of a combination of vibrations and thermal imagine to give it a faint map of its surroundings. More importantly, however, the two stalks it extruded was capable of sensing minute electrical currents - the same kind a potential host might have, for example, through the neurons in his brain.

Conquest watched with a trembling eagerness as the scientist below shook his head, trying to push the exhaustion out of his system. It could tell how tired the man was - he'd been working for hours, perhaps far longer than he should have been able to. All that did was tell the symbiote that the man was dedicated to his job, determined. Though the papers he was looking at swam in front of him, he didn't give up. Conquest respected that perseverance; it was something that a hunter would need when chasing down its prey.

The symbiote probed deeper, and was delighted at what it saw. Under the haze of exhaustion, the scientist was a brilliant man - on the verge of a discovery that would benefit the entirety of the human race, in fact, though Conquest couldn't get quite that much detail from the man's thoughts. It knew that the scientist was close to an accomplishment of some sort and knew that the man's mind had a startling intelligence.

Conquest also sensed an inner darkness inside the scientist, but dismissed it. That surely wouldn't matter. It would easily push past anything the scientist tried to throw at it.

The symbiote settled down to wait. Patience was important in a hunt; the scientist was exhausted. Sooner or later, he would leave the room, either to freshen up or prepare to leave for the day.

Right on cue, the scientist let out a sigh of frustration. He pushed himself out of his seat, gripping on to the table for support. Conquest noted with some concern that the man's hand was actually shaking. He'd neglected sleep for so long that he was barely functioning - and still he persisted.

Well, the symbiote would be able to fix all that exhaustion, and it admired the perseverance.

"Maybe I'll feel a little better once I get some coffee." He was muttering to himself now. Conquest perked up at the words. It understood enough of English to know that meant the man would likely return soon. "Probably wash my face too. I'm so close... Can't afford to sleep now."

In his tired state, he didn't notice the black sludge that slowly oozed its way out of a vent. Strands of slime waved about in the air, the symbiote unable to completely contain its excitement about finally having found an appropriate host. All it needed to do was find a good hiding spot and wait for the scientist to return...

All of this, of course, went unnoticed. The security guard that had been employed for the facility was sleeping on the job, and wouldn't have reported anything even if he had seen the sludge - he'd seen far crazier things in the lab and would simply assume it was part of the tests. The scientist was splashing water on his face, completely unaware of the creature.

And so Conquest was able to slide underneath the desk without being spotted by even the person who was supposed to be keeping an eye out. It felt the warmth that its soon-to-be host had left behind, and little filaments reached out from the ooze, almost as though it was stretching in satisfaction. The human would return. All it needed to do was be patient.

He returned only a few minutes later, feeling refreshed and ready to continue his work. Conquest sensed that there was still a lingering haze of exhaustion that hung over his mind - but he was no longer so tired that he could barely keep his eyes open, and he felt confident that he was close enough to completing his work that he could afford an extra few hours. Conquest began to inch forward from its position. It wanted to wait and be certain that the scientist would not notice it, but it would be spotted the moment it touched the man's bare skin regardless - and it so badly wanted its host...

Above it, the scientist sat in his chair and grabbed a pen, starting to scribble notes on the papers in front of him. He was having ideas now - potential solutions that would let him circumvent the self-replication and mass issues of nanotechnology, ways to convert one form of matter into another. So absorbed was he into his work that he didn't notice the slime that dripped slowly from the bottom of his desk.

Conquest quivered in a mixture of excitement and eagerness, knowing it would soon have a host. Soon it would have the ability to see, hear, smell - things it had never known in its life beyond a faint genetic memory that urged it to find a host to bond with. The things it would be able to accomplish! It would have give its host the strength of a warrior, a predator of all, and together they would take over all who stood in their way.

The symbiote felt its way across the shoes that the scientist wore. It found itself momentarily confused by the layers of protective coating that the man insisted on wearing. Such things would be completely unnecessary once it was done with its new host; he would be impervious to most physical damage and poisons, and anything he wasn't already immune to he would simply adapt. On top of that, it would be able to draw straight from the biomass kept on its planet and allow the scientist to regenerate at an absurd rate. They would be virtually unstoppable.

Conquest found an opening in the scientist's clothing quickly enough. It was close enough to the man's bare skin that were the symbiote to have a mouth, it would be salivating; even now its reaction was much akin to that, little shivers and ripples repeatedly running through the oozing sludge as it climbed its way up the man. Almost as soon as it found the opening, it surged in, stretching itself thin and spreading over the male as quickly as it could.

As tired as the scientist was, this wasn't a sensation that he could fail to notice. The man jerked upwards in his chair, knocking it over with a clatter and staring down at his legs with wide eyes. "What the hell-"

He didn't get a chance to finish his shout. The fabric of his trousers visibly bulged underneath his lab coat as Conquest did its work, drawing in as much biomass as it could to fuel the process. As it did so, its individual cells began to burrow into the scientist's skin, easy filtering through its epidermal and dermal layers. In no time at all, it had connected itself to all of the nerves in the scientist's leg, and it immediately forced the muscles to tense so that the scientist fell over backwards.

The scientist - Frank by name, Conquest realized, having a much clearer view of the man's mind now that they were close enough to be touching - groaned in pain, falling haphazardly over the chair that had been just behind him. The symbiote worked quickly; just as soon as the pain appeared, it began to fade. Frank didn't pause to consider it, didn't realize that it was the symbiote dampening the pain as it connected to the nerves in the damaged tissue, healing it with its own biomass. Instead, he began to smack at the ooze crawling up his body in panic, shrugging off his lab coat so he could better see the progression of the creature along his body.

"F-fuck!" Conquest had managed to spread all the way up to his stomach despite his best efforts; the symbiote was excited, eager, barely even noticing the scientist's attempts to stop him. Every inch of bare skin it covered filled the parasite with a strange sort of pleasure, one rather unfamiliar to it but that it associated with bonding to a new host. It was gaining access to so many new sensations, so many new feelings... Frank shoved at it, trying to wipe some of the strange sludge off, but it only stuck to his fingers instead - and the small bits that stuck to his fingers almost immediately began to grow in turn, spreading quickly along his arms.

The scientist cursed as he stumbled to his feet, trying to find a source of water, anything that would let him wash whatever this was off of him. Conquest fought back. Its mind had not yet linked to that of its host, not fully - and the process needed to go as smoothly as possible.

With a single thought, long strips of slime detached themselves from the main body of the symbiote, instead curling around the scientist's wrists before snapping them together. Conquest did the same for his legs, cushioning the blow to his chin as Frank fell to the ground with a shout. This was its first host; it refused to lose the man so easily.

Frank, however, was terrified - and yet as much as he struggled, the parasite that had latched onto him was simply too strong. Whatever it was made of, it managed to bond to itself with an astonishing amount of adhesive power, despite the flexible nature of its body. He would have been fascinated if it hadn't been trying to eat him, or... whatever the hell it was trying to do.

Conquest spread quickly. Where it had attached to the human's body, the rough-looking sludge quickly smoothed out, leaving a slick surface in its place - a texture not unlike a skintight latex suit, though its optimization of the host's body was far from over. For that, however, it needed something else. The finalization of the host body was a traditional thing to symbiotes, one that was done in tandem.

If only Conquest knew what would happen as it latched on to the scientist's mind.

Frank let out a gasp as the symbiote finally touched his mind, the sludge having spread over most of his body. He was still clothed, but what skin was visible was a dull black rather than a healthy pink. Every time he moved, small ripples ran through the symbiote. It wasn't ready yet, hadn't fully bonded with Frank; given time, however, those ripples would cease.

It was hard to describe the moment of connection. Two minds touching at once, one incomprehensibly alien and the other far more human - but Frank was smarter than most. It didn't take him long to understand the nature of the connection, but he saw into Conquest's intentions, saw what it wanted, and began to fight with all of his might.

It was an intellectual battle more than it was a physical one; the human stood no chance against the parasite in a physical battle, and the suit had already covered every hint of bare skin. Large, white eyes had formed over his own, the symbiote's synthetic optic nerves transmitting the data to his eyes - but that was all. There could be no further progress until their minds were fully integrated with one another.

They clashed. Conquest saw Frank in his entirety, from his intellectual accomplishments to his more intimate vices. Frank saw what Conquest wanted, the absolute subjugation of the human race; the parasite's abilities were considerable, and could augment his body to a degree that would allow him to withstand the force of most human weapons - but that wasn't what he wanted! He'd gotten into his job to learn and understand the underlying nature of reality, but more than that, he'd wanted to help the human race, to make them better.

So he fought. Every image of battle he was shown, he envisioned healing those that were sick. Each time he was presented with the thought of being a king, a leader on the planet, he countered with thoughts of the families of those his technologies would help save.

Conquest was frustrated. It didn't understand Frank's sentimental nature, had a minimal understanding of human emotions - but the pictures that Frank presented had feelings that accompanied it, and it didn't understand the strange warmth it felt at the thoughts. He searched for a way to subdue the stubborn human; his mind had proven to be too strong to directly overcome, and they were too different to perfectly unify, but... perhaps there would be another way. If it could just distract its host...

The symbiote remembered the vices it had seen in the scientist's mind, the thoughts of impossible creatures bending the scientist over compromising positions. If he had been able to, Conquest would have grinned; its access to Frank's mind meant that it could directly manipulate what the scientist was thinking about, what he was feeling.

Without a second doubt, it sent a flood of hormones through Frank's body, a hundred flickering images of exactly the things the scientist enjoyed. The symbiote tightened slightly around the man's cock, his balls - and oh, how the scientist reacted! The man reached full hardness almost immediately, gasping and jerking his hips upwards, his fingers grasping uselessly at the floor.

He wasn't the only one affected, however. Conquest _quivered_on the scientist's body, suddenly overwhelmed. It didn't know what it was it had just felt, but as the suit had shifted along Frank's thighs, along his cock and balls, there had been a feeling that was almost electrical in nature. It didn't understand, not exactly, but it felt good - so good, better than anything it had felt before... it wanted more.

Frank shifted and groaned in discomfort when Conquest's assault on his mind suddenly stopped, the symbiote very clearly distracted by something else. His eyes widened underneath the makeshift mask when he understood what it was that had happened, and...

...he didn't know how he felt about it. The symbiote enhanced the sensations his body felt. He hadn't noticed it before, but he felt the cold floor underneath his skin more acutely than he ever had, every ridge and speck of dust that littered the laboratory floor. It was no surprise that the small tightening of his suit had felt so surprisingly good.

Come to think of it, he was lying on the floor of his lab, still clothed but rock hard with precum staining his pants - there was every chance that the security guard he'd seen from time to time was watching him right now. Watching him as he writhed on the floor, gasping with pleasure, scrabbling at the tiles for purchase only to find none... The man had been handsome, he remembered, with muscles that were barely hidden by a tight uniform.

His cock twitched. Frank reached down - hesitantly, at first, but he thought a little further. This had distracted Conquest, hadn't it? Perhaps this would be the key to defeating the symbiote - flood it with sensory information it didn't quite understand, overwhelm it. There was a small part of the scientist that was aware that this whole deed was perverse, that he was simply indulging himself...

...but what did it matter? He didn't have any good plans, anyway.

Conquest didn't resist as Frank's hand slowly trailed along his inner thighs. The symbiote's presence made the action feel strange - almost as though it was someone else teasing his skin. He teased along his shaft, quickly getting fully hard. Now that he thought about it, there was something sexy about the way his skin was fully covered by the symbiote, the way it stretched with his cock even as he got hard.

Conquest had no idea what was happening, for its part, but through their connection Frank could hear the quiet moans the symbiote was emitting. They were purely mental in nature, but Conquest had no idea what to make of what was going on, except that he enjoyed it, that he _loved_it on a primal level he had never understood before. Frank's other hand reached down, and this time it was controlled by the symbiote, grasping his shaft with gentle hands -

The scientist abruptly reasserted his control, even as the shudder of pleasure that shook his body distracted Conquest and left him open. A small smirk appeared on his face underneath the mask.

It seemed he might have his solution after all.

Let me handle this, he told the symbiote in his mind. You want to feel good, don't you? I'll teach you all the pleasures of being human...

Conquest seemed to struggle with this for a moment. The idea of giving up control to its host was one that had never even crossed its mind; it just wasn't something that symbiotes typically did. Yet it remembered the rolling pleasure it had felt through its connection with Frank, the intense, all-consuming need that consumed him...

The scientist's fingers twitched on his cock, and Conquest groaned, the mental state of the symbiote _shuddering_for a moment before he abruptly gave up all his control over to the scientist. Tradition didn't matter. He just needed Frank to keep doing what he was doing, to teach him more of this incredible act. The only thing it held on to was the connection between the two - it needed that connection to be able to keep feeling the pleasure, after all.

Perhaps Frank should have taken advantage of his moment of freedom to do something to get help. It could have been as simple as leaping over to the fire alarm and slamming the button before the symbiote realized anything was going on. It was sufficiently distracted that it wouldn't have noticed.

But this did feel rather good...

What Frank had yet to realise was that the symbiote did more than simply control his bodily functions. It enhanced his emotional state, amplified the feedback from his nervous system. To put it simply, the scientist was incredibly aroused, and he didn't want to stop. Besides, he reasoned, an orgasm would surely lull the symbiote into a false sense of security! It was simple psychology.

He ignored the fact that psychology should not at all apply to an alien organism.

Frank ran a hand up his cock again, groaning at the delightful sensory feedback the simple touch represented. He could feel so much _more_than he could before. It amazed him how a simple touch was enough to make him gasp and groan as though he were still a virgin, how a single squeeze was enough to bring him almost to the edge of orgasm. He avoided it by just a bare margin, wanting to prolong the experience...

"...Conquest..." Frank barely realised he'd moaned the name, and on reflection would not have been able to say if he'd been moaning the name of the symbiote or simply the name he'd thought was his own. They'd spent long enough together that their identities had begun to meld, though enough of Frank remained that he was the dominant personality. Why not picture the symbiote as a creature he was having sex with? No harm in it, really...

That way, he could imagine that as he gathered the precum leaking in copious amounts from his cock, the symbiote was moaning. He could picture it in his mind almost perfectly - the ideal body he'd never admitted he wanted, large and muscular, a monstrous creature with white eyes and a jaw too wide for its face. Large, sharp teeth decorated his mouth and a long tongue hung out and ran all the way to his chest.

It was a predator he had captured, he imagined - a monster used to getting its way with others, of killing and conquering with no regrets. It was Conquest, a creature he'd subdued, was testing to see how extensive its capabilities were. He saw it struggling and moaning as its cock throbbed against his hand. It would be the first time it experienced pleasure for the sake of pleasure, and it would love it so much that it wouldn't even want to escape...

Frank moaned softly, squirming against the ground, his hips jerking desperately into his hand as he immersed himself into his fantasy. In it, he imagined himself climbing up onto the large creature, teasing its cock with his body as he gathered samples of its precum, ready for later testing.

What he didn't realise, perhaps, was that the symbiote saw the same things he did. Conquest shivered with delight, not entirely certain what the scientist was doing with its mental avatar, but he knew for sure it felt amazing, that it didn't want it to stop. More than that, it saw his desire - not the one on the surface, but the one hidden deep within, and with that knowledge, it began to change.

The scientist had no idea, at first. The changes were minimal, and the man's eyes were closed, so lost was he in his fantasy. He didn't notice it when the bones in his skull began to painlessly warp, the symbiote feeding Frank its own biomass to fuel the transformative process. In no time at all, the scientist's skull began to widen and stretch, his teeth slowly sharpening and elongating, his tongue becoming a little thicker and longer...

The changes weren't merely there. Conquest began to manifest patterns on its body, inspired by the creature he'd seen in Frank's fantasies - white markings in sharp angles that decorated his chest like a spiderweb, accentuating the curve of muscles that bulged more and more with every passing moment. Conquest drew more biomass than it should have been able to, but oh was the reward worth it...

With each change in his body, Frank groaned and shuddered, his eyes still closed - but there was a wave of pleasure, not so much physical as it was mental. His body was turning into something he had always wanted to be, and though he wasn't consciously aware, there was a part of him that accepted and celebrated the fact.

His spine lengthened and stretched. His body grew, the fabric of his clothing slowly stretching then tearing apart as the creature's body became too large for them to hold.

In his fantasies, Frank had changed things up a bit; he was rubbing the creature's large, throbbing cock against the cheeks of his ass, eagerly eyeing the way Conquest growled and tore at the sheets with its pleasure. Warm precum dripped onto his lower spine and Frank moaned happily, blissfully. Conquest roared, hips jerking up with incredible strength, lifting up the scientist and causing a flick of green slime from his cock to land on his neck, slowly trickling down his back...

Frank reached a hand up to his backside in the real world, slowly rubbing at his entrance with a thick finger - larger than it had been before, the tips beginning to taper into claws. He didn't seem to feel its increased sharpness. Frank was too occupied in his fantasy, in the idea that it was not his hand but a hard, eager cock pressed up against his ass...

The scientist didn't wait for any lubrication, impatiently shoving his finger into his ass. Thankfully, the symbiote could not damage itself and he was insulated against cutting himself with the newly-formed claws on his hands; instead, the large finger now simply stretched his passage, filling him with what he imagined to be hot, leaking monster cock. Conquest quivered once more, its reaction more mental than physical but intense nonetheless; all of this was so new, so good...

In his fantasy, he'd begun pressing down on the Conquest's cock, moaning in wild abandon as the creature's precum slicked up his ass and thighs; he didn't notice when his self-image began to change, when the picture of him he held in his mind began to darken. The scientist's body, even in his fantasies, got larger and more powerful, reflecting the body he now held; it made it easy to fit that monstrous cock into his tight, eager butt. His skin gained a certain sheen to it - not the sheen of sweat, but the same synthetic texture of the symbiote...

His fingers pushed deeper into his ass, and his mouth fell open, tongue rolling out as he panted. The scientist didn't realise that this was in part because his tongue had grown too large to fit into his still-changing jaw; instead, he swept it across his newly formed muscles, shuddering at the feeling of the slick organ teasing his skin. Green slime stained his skin, now, left behind from his tongue and from his dripping shaft.

Conquest suddenly tensed in Frank's mind, snarled at him, flecks of saliva staining his skin as the monster pushed against the scientist in a sudden show of force. Frank stumbled off the bed, and as soon as he did, he was slammed against the wall. He felt the thick cock pressing against him again, felt it being forced into him in one smooth thrust - and he understood.

This was no longer a fantasy of his own. This was Conquest's fantasy, too; the two of them locked in a battle for dominance. The symbiote had finally managed to understand what it was that it was feeling and experiencing, and it wanted more. It wanted the human to give himself over to it.

Conquest took the control from Frank just as suddenly as he had given it to him, and the scientist allowed it willingly, a part of him shivering with anticipation. He didn't know what Conquest was going to do, but he knew it would feel good - and sure enough, he found his body pressed up against a wall, the same as had been done to him in his fantasy.

As if that wasn't enough, his suit abruptly split apart. Not to reveal skin, no; his body had been so thoroughly integrated with that of the symbiote that there was no skin to show. However, Conquest pulled additional biomass from whatever storage space it used to so utterly transform Frank's body, and a bulge began to form just above the the host's now well-muscled ass. That bulge quickly expanded, extruding outwards into a thick, meaty tail.

The tip of the tail abruptly split into four separate smaller tentacles, the split widening along the length of the tail until it reached the halfway point and merged back into a single base. Each tentacle writhed about in a slightly different way. It was obvious what Conquest intended; the symbiote had pulled the image straight from Frank's fantasies, after all. All at once, all four tentacles plunged into his ass.

Frank moaned. He jerked up against the wall, his cock slapping against the cool metal barrier. A splatter of glowing green precum struck it and slowly began dripping down. The human-symbiote hybrid was gasping, his cock leaking far more than it ever had in his life. He was more turned on than he could ever remember being. His fluids dripped slowly down his balls, staining the floor...

Without thinking about it, the scientist stuck out his tongue. His jaw had finished its transformation and was more than capable of keeping the impressive organ hidden. The teeth in his mouth had lengthened, become far sharper than before, yet didn't damage the symbiote or its host in the slightest.

The tongue rolled down the monster's chest, easily reaching his cock. Frank didn't hesitate to wrap his newly flexible organ around his shaft, moaning with pleasure as the taste of his own musk and the precum he was dripping hit his tongue; something about the taste filled him with lust, made his body shiver. He knew, abruptly, that his precum and his seed would both have properties that would spread the nature of his being to anyone who came into contact with it - and that idea turned him on beyond belief.

Conquest had begun carelessly fucking the scientist in his fantasy, with not a care as to whether or not its human counterpart enjoyed it. Even in his memories and fantasies, though, Frank wasn't quite so human anymore; he was a large, muscular monster, thrust up against the wall by a superior creature that was dominating him and laying its claim on his ass. It was hot, simply put, and the former scientist couldn't have enjoyed the scenario more.

It thrust into him with the same timing as the tentacles thrust into his ass in the real world, both feeling unique and oddly exquisite because of the symbiote's influence on his mental fantasy. In his thoughts, he saw himself being spread wide open by a thick, long cock, the thrusts rough and unforgiving, reaching far deeper into his body than he had any right to. Liquid slime was forced out of his ass with every thrust, the monster's pre more than enough to lubricate his passage.

In reality, the tentacles forced themselves in at the same pace - but they were far more active, curling and twisting with each other during each thrust, carelessly rubbing up against his prostate and teasing him. The scientist couldn't help but moan again and again, even while his tongue coiled around his dripping cock, even while he panted and gasped and gave over more and more of his body to the symbiote.

The transformation was almost complete now. The man had been replaced by a monster - one with thick, bulging legs, muscles coating his body, and a fine pattern of white defining every muscle. His eyes were not so much actual organs meant for sight than a large pattern of white flares on his head, meant to intimidate his opponents.

There was only a final change to make. As his tongue wrapped and sucked on his cock, it began to grow longer, thicker - and the feeling was indescribable, so much so that Frank collapsed onto his back and thrust mindlessly up into his tongue, even as the tentacles on his tail continued to invade his ass. He needed to reach his climax; he was so close, and every part of his body screamed for release...

Conquest was moaning inside of him. He saw it both in the fantasy they now shared and through their link. The symbiote was completely and utterly overwhelmed with the sensations that poured over them both, so much so that Frank could have jumped in to hijack the symbiote and force it off of his body...

...Except he didn't want to.

Frank found that he liked the way he was now. He was far greater than he had ever been, possessing a body like those he'd only dreamed about. He was a monster, a creature to be feared and worshipped, and the thought only made him harder.

"We..." The symbiote's eyes glowed briefly, narrowed in concentration as a final link was established. The tentacles thrust one final time into his ass. His tongue pulled back from his cock and he grabbed it with a large, powerful hand, giving it a single hard stroke and thrusting into his palm. "...are... Conquest!"

The last words were practically roared out together with the new monster's orgasm. Sticky green cum spurted out of his cock in amounts too large to be even remotely human; Conquest's human side was astonished, wondered if it would ever stop. The first spurt was enough to land on his chest and trickle down to the floor; the second reached his face and tongue, and though he swallowed as much as he could, much of it still spilled over.

In the end, the monstrous creature sat moaning quietly in a puddle of slimy goo, his tail still jerking weakly in and out of his ass, one hand still grasping his shaft. Slowly, Conquest rose to his feet, and a twisted smile rose up on his face.

There was more to conquer. He remembered, in particular, a certain security guard that should have been keeping watch on his shift...

The monster ducked under the door, his long, slimy tongue darting out to lick his lips. Although he could have shifted his member to hide inside his suit, he didn't bother; instead, he allowed the thick, drooling cock to remain swinging between his legs, leaving a stream of precum trailing behind him. His tail lashed in excitement and anticipation.

Soon, he wouldn't be the only monster around.

The Conquest: Part Two

Victor yawned, glancing lazily at his watch. He had only two hours left to go on his shift, thank goodness. The man had never really been good at holding up a night shift; he could never really get himself to sleep in the middle of the day, and so...

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Pendant of the Wolf

Eager eyes and hands snatched the pendant from the hooded figure. The pendant glowed softly as it made contact with Alon's fur. Even that simple touch was enough for the wolf to feel a shudder as the magic tingled and began to spread through his body -...

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The Swamp

Jeram did not like the swamp. Travelling around in heavy armor was bad enough; while he'd grown used to the physical labour over time, he would never enjoy the feeling of sweat pouring down his back. It didn't help that the weather had been hot...

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