The Question:Part 1

Story by Ookamiotoko on SoFurry

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#1 of Questions and Answers


Allan had been trying for ten minutes to build up the courage to ask the large otter, who's back he was currently sitting on, a question. The otter in question, had finally had enough of the fox's hesitation.

"Starting to piss me off, bud. What is it?" Asked Kane huffing, and trying not to loose count of his push ups.


Kane growled and considered bucking his friend off his back. Allan took a deep breath, and decided that testing the other male's limited patience was a bad idea.

"Will you go to a party with me?" The question came out as one quick stream of sound, that he hoped his friend understood. Repeating the question would be beyond him..

"With or with," grunted Kane.

"Uh... the second one."

Kane grunted, and picked up his pace.

Asking his straight best friend to, effectively, go on a date with him had been a gamble, but he had a good reason, sort of, and he wasn't asking for a date exactly.

"Hear me out, please." The small wine that followed the the plea hadn't been intentional, but it had the desired effect.

Kane let himself collapse to the ground the a grunt. "I'm listening."

"I got invited to a party by one of my classmates, its next Friday, and..."

"Let my guess you're too embarrassed to go to your first college party without a date, and too shy to ask someone else."

Allan blushed, and pulled his tail protectively to his chest. "Yeah.... I was hoping you'd go with me and pretend to know...w_ith_me."

Kane pushed himself up with one arm, purposely making Allan tumble onto the floor.


Kane laughed as he stood up and stretched. For his part Allan remained on the ground longer than he had too. Watching the thick slabs of muscle slide under the shirtless otter's sleek, chocolate fur, was just too good a view to pass up. Kane couldn't help but notice Allan staring, he just snorted and humored his friend by standing there and flexing for a moment. Then he helped the blushing fox to his feet.

"You know, Fridays are the days I normally work my other job. You're a senior, I'm sure you could find some little freshman to go with you." said Kane looking down at Allan, who was barely chest high on him. And that was counting the black tips of his ears.

Most of the week the otter was personal trainer at a local gym, but during the weekend he moonlighted as an escort. He'd been doing it since they finished high school, and judging by the reviews that he'd shown Allan, he was in high demand. The thought of a bunch of random females pawing at his friend had always made Allan jealous, but it wasn't as if there was a damn thing he could do or say about it.

Frowning slightly, Kane wandered off to the kitchen to get a protein shake.

"Fine, I'll do it," he called as he walked back into the living room of his apartment, a few minutes later.

"Really! Thanks, Kane," said a very surprised Allan as he practically leaped across the room to hug his friend around the neck.

Kane gave a long suffering sigh, then smirked, amused by the fact that his friend's paws were dangling about a foot from the ground. "Yeah, yeah, you're welcome. You know, I usually charge for this kinda thing, so you owe me one."

"Sure, anything," said Allan smiling as he dropped to his feet.

Kane flopped into the recliner and flipped on the television. "You staying here tonight, or going back to your dorm?"


"Cooking dinner again?" asked Kane looking at the fox hopefully.

"Don't I always? Seriously man, you're a walking stomach, and I honestly think that all you eat is junk and protein bars, when I'm not around," replied Allan as he took his usual spot on the couch.

"I eat a lot, so what. I need the calories. Besides, cooking is too much of a hassle."

"Isn't cooking the kinda thing most guys get a girlfriend for?" asked Allan, only half paying attention to the channels that Kane flipped trough them. He was glad for the fact they were having normal conversation again. Between the awkwardness of the previous conversation, and the scent of the otter's musk in the air, he needed something normal to distract him.

"Why the hell would I want to do that? No way, been there done that, way too much trouble. Besides, any guy that tastes you cooking would tell his girl to hit the bricks," replied Kane with a chuckle.

"My cooking is not that good."

Kane snorted. "If you say so. Anyway, I don't see why you haven't just moved in already. My guest room is pretty much your's anyway."

Later that night, after dinner had been eaten, showers were had, and goodnights were said Allan lay curled up under his blankets and unable to sleep. It was not as if he wasn't tired. He had had a full day of classes before visiting his friend. More than that, asking the otter to go to the party with him had taken a lot out of him.

"Maybe that wasn't such a good idea...Asking him to go with me, what was I thinking," he murmured to himself.

That he had feelings for his friend was no secret. Allan had never bothered to hide the fact that he was attracted to Kane. For his part, Kane never seemed bothered about it. As far as Allan could tell the big, occasionally grouchy otter had always responded to Allan's long standing crush with a mixture of patients and understanding. The simple truth of the matter was that it was more than a crush. Allan was in love with his best friend. His best friend that he knew could never feel the same way from him. This had been the situation for a long time. Allan was a living cliché, and he knew it. Mooning after a straight guy, and one he had known long enough for them to practically be family at that. Even still, most days all he wanted was to be around him. As long as Kane kept him around, he'd always figured it would be been enough for him. Most days it was.

"Damn it I can still smell him on my fur."

Allan brought his paws to his nose and inhaled deeply, and then exhaled in a whine. The scent of Kane's musk, and the idea that Kane's scent was on him, made his body respond, in spite of his wish for it not too. His pulse raced and his cock began to slip out of his sheath.

"Damn it," he swore ,under his breath, as he threw back to the covers.

He slipped off his boxers, rolled onto his side, and curled his body in on itself until his muzzle was touching the six inches of red now staring at him. He gave it one soft lick and then another. Each time shuddering at the thrill of pleasure that raced up his spine. With a sigh, he bent his back a little more to get a more comfortable angle, leaned in, opened his mouth wide, and closed it around his cock. Allan started to bob his head up and down, the sound of wet slurps alternating with low moans. He started to move faster, twisting his head from side to side, and moving his tongue in slow circles around the his length, until gradually he felt his knot start to swell. A moment later, with a muffled groan, and a violent shudder he came.

That night, and not for the first time, he cried himself to sleep.