Master Emerald

Story by xax on SoFurry

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dear diary, today i wrote a bunch of knuckles fucking sonic the hedgehog w/ his gigantic anatomically-correct echidna penis. sorry / you're welcome, depending on how that makes you feel

(sometimes i think to myself why no one ever does sonic stuff w/ knuckles having an echidna dick and so i decided the other day to be the change i want to see in the world, etc)

Sonic pulled up in front of Knuckles' house, his dust cloud catching up with him as he stopped on a dime, sneakers soaking up the momentum as he stopped on a dime. He'd been everywhere looking for Knuckles: the grotto, the caves, the mountain observatory. It was only later he realized he could probably also check where Knuckles lived, but, whatever. Really it was Tails looking for him; he wanted Knuckles for a thing, to test one of his latest inventions. Whatever; Sonic just liked to stretch his legs.

He wasn't in his house, so Sonic checked to the side: the chamber of the Master Emerald, built in the side of the hill. Or, Knuckles' house, built in front of the Master Emerald chamber, whichever. The chamber was big and round, echo-y, with the gem itself sitting in its sconce in the center of the room, brilliantly lit from within, faceted sides casting sharp beams of light across the walls and ceiling. But its bumbling guardian was nowhere to be seen.

"Knuckles?" Sonic called, but there wasn't any answer. Sonic hummed to himself, tapping a foot impatiently on the ground. If Knuckles wasn't here, he had no clue where he would be. He resolved to check around back, at least, and turned to leave, except -- then there were footsteps on the tiled floor, and he turned to see Knuckles wander in.

Sonic was about to call again, go, hey, didn't you hear me the first time, except then...

Then he realized Knuckles was naked. Well, he was still wearing his sneakers. But he was naked with intent: Knuckles got to the center of the room and leaned back against Master Emerald stand, hand first scratching idly across his inner thigh, and then as Sonic watched, tugging on his sheath, spreading his legs wider. Sonic looked over at Knuckles, bug-eyed, and took the half-step to the side, hiding behind one of the pillars ringing the edge of the room. Not to watch. Not because he had any interest in that kind of thing. Just because... it would be awkward if Knuckles saw him now. He'd sneak out. Sure.

Knuckles tugged his balls, kneading them gently, letting the heavy sac hang forward, and his groan brought a blush to Sonic's face. It was a side of Knuckles he'd never seen before. Knuckles tipped his head back, eyes closed, fingers stroking the lip of his sheath, and if ever there was a perfect time for Sonic to make his exit that was it. But he kept staring, face hot as he watched: the very tip of Knuckles' dick pushed from his sheath, already swollen fat, flesh pale pink against his red fur. Sonic stared, eyes wide, as Knuckles kept at it, hands running across his stomach and thighs, blocky muscles clenching when he reached down to toy with his sheath, pulling it back and forth over the unsheathing length of his cock.

And the echidna's dick was enormous. It hung from his crotch like a limp hose, floppy and heavy. The tip was nearly brushing the ground, and he grabbed it and hefted it higher, arms visibly straining with the weight. His shaft flopped to the side, excess hanging from his hands. This was soft, completely limp. His cockhead was enormous, a fat spade-shape, bashing against his calves. It was just so, so big, like a third leg hanging limp and rubbery from his crotch. His balls hung below, like wrecking balls, framing the huge heft of his drooping shaft.

He tugged on the length, not really able to stroke it exactly, hands moving up and down the enormous shaft. It shuddered, slowly thickening, bending in rubbery arcs instead of being a limp weight.

But it was so huge it couldn't get fully hard; Knuckles didn't have enough blood in his entire body to do that. Knuckles slid down to the base and took his shaft in both hands, wringing the spongy flesh like it was a wet towel, trapping all his blood inside. He tugged up his shaft, everything above his hands inflating, swollen as thick as his arms -- then he relaxed, let go, sat back, and let the thing flop down across his chest, pointed cockhead smacking across his cheek with a crack Sonic could hear all the way from the door.

Knuckles grunted, mouth open, panting as he started all over again, lazily tugging on his cock. A gush of pre spilled down the side of his shaft, glistening, and Knuckles' strokes got louder, wetter, palms slurping as he tugged on his turgid shaft.

He slowly worked higher: shaft rubbery and heavy below his hands, ramrod straight and straining above it. His cock was flanged, a huge gristly-looking rib running down the underside, but it was submerged into his turgid flesh until he forced his cock hard, only bubbling to the surface as he slid his tightly-gripped hand higher along his shaft.

He worked all the way to the tip, and by that time his cockhead was swollen grotesquely, nearly as big as his entire head: skin shiny and straining, tinged a deep blood red, pulsing with his trapped blood. He kept his hand clamped tight below his cockhead, fingers not-quite spanning across his rubbery shaft. There was new structure visible as his flesh swelled. Two broad divots on the sides of his cockhead, little trenches that were folded shut before; that was where his pre was flowing from. He rolled his hand over the tip, pre gurgling up under his fingers, spraying in all directions when he dug his palm against the source of the flow.

Knuckles twisted his flesh again, a painful-looking wringing, but he seemed to like it at least: he moaned, loud, hips rolling back and forth from his seat on the Master Emerald. He smeared his hand over his cockhead, fingers sliding across the left divot and then digging inside with a slurp, thumb rubbing against the curve of his dick. He groaned, looking for all the world like he was shoving his fingers inside his cock somehow, and then tugged out, pulling against resistance, until his hand came out with a sloppy gush of pre.

It was like Knuckles had pulled his cock inside-out, or something. His cock was lopsided, the left divot bulging out instead of curving in, and there were two stubby things sticking out from that, all the previously-internal flesh a raw-looking purple-red. Sonic just stared, uncomprehending, as Knuckles groaned and did the same thing to the right divot, shoving his fingers inside and teasing out a second thing, four weird stubby things in all, like a fat branching tree, or a glove turned inside-out. In fact, forget a third leg; Knuckles' cock looked like a third arm, thickly flanged shaft running up to his spread-hand cockhead, all four protruding fingers drooling glistening lines of precome from broad circles at the centers.

Sonic had always suspected Tails had two dicks, but he'd never expected something like this from Knuckles.

After fishing out his... twin cockheads? Quad cockheads? Knuckles let his shaft go, rubbery length flopping to the side. It was limp, still flexible, but swollen enormously thick. With his four cockheads out, forget the tip being nearly the size of his head; it was easily larger. His cockheads stayed out, all four fat fingers oozing strands of pre, drooling down to the floor. He sat back, spreading his legs, and lay on the top of the Master Emerald, both hands wrapped around his cock -- not even fitting half of the shaft in them, much less the splayed monstrosity that was the tip -- and started stroking in earnest, up and down, cock nearly as big as he was surging and shuddering, slinging pre all over him for all that it was only half-hard.

Knuckles let out a moan that was closer to a bellow, hips hunching up, one hand pumping near the top of his shaft. His muscles clenched, rippling as he hunched up, and his cock erupted again, messy gushes of pre soaking his fur into a dark, shiny mess, excess spilling down to coat the Master Emerald, drooling in liquid waterfalls down the sides.

He stroked faster, groaning low in his chest with each pump, breath coming faster and faster. He kept one hand cradled around the tip, working back and forth over the distended tips, the other wrapped tight around the base, keeping his enormous cock from getting too floppy. It pulsed, a ripple running from base to tip over a second or two, and then it erupted, a enormous gush of come spraying from one tip, and then another.

Knuckles just groaned, cock throbbing in his hands as it erupted. The four spread tips shot erratically, out of sync, muscles in his enormous cockhead clenching and squirming as he sprayed thick cords of come in all directions. As his orgasm went on they seemed to synchronize, spurts from all four happening closer and closer together, until he was gushing like a water show, four synchronized squirts of come, splayed out in a fan, arching up into the air and coming back down all across the floor -- and over the Master Emerald, and over Knuckles himself, wet smacks as his load hit his chest and sides, spilling down his pumping hands and glazing his cock in layers of come.

He shot pulse after pulse, balls churning, shaft visibly throbbing in his fists, completely soaking himself in his load, groaning and thrusting the whole way through. His spurts slowly subsided, the final few just gurgling from his cocktips and pouring down his shaft in a tarry mess. He finally released his death grip on his cock and it fell with a crash, hitting his chest with a meaty thwack and sending up a wave of come.

Knuckles lay there for a few seconds more, breathing hard, cock drooling sluggishly across his chest; there was a solid sheet of come pouring down the sides of the Master Emerald, turning the reflections of its cut facets into a mess of swimming caustics.

He didn't stop: he inhaled deeply, groaning again as his searching hands wrapped back around his cock, clamping it to full erection again. Not just toying with himself after the show was over; after a few seconds his cock spurted again, fresh pre bursting up across his snout in a watery rush, and he groaned and started stroking again, come slurping and squelching under his hands, smearing into thick clumps of white froth as he started the whole thing over again.

Sonic swallowed, throat dry. His cock hurt, the tip peeking from his sheath, pinned there by reflex; a wet streamer of pre dribbling down the underside. He couldn't just wait here forever; Knuckles could be doing this all day. It wasn't like they had plans. And, thinking back... Sonic frequently didn't see Knuckles all day. With the show he was putting on, it seemed more and more likely that every second Knuckles was by himself he was furiously masturbating, constantly, endlessly.

His body wasn't sure if he wanted to stay or go. His cock ached, hard inside him, pinned by force of rapidly-eroding will. But he couldn't just... jerk off watching Knuckles. What would they all think of he got caught? And what if --

Like his body started moving the second he stopped consciously keeping himself frozen, he drifted forward, shambling, unable to drag his eyes from the tableau of Knuckles spread over the Master Emerald, every surface in a foot radius slathered in pre or come or both, the steady slurp slurp slurp of his wet thrusts filling the room.

And then Sonic's foot caught on the floor and squeaked, high and sharp, a tone that rung right through his bones. Sonic froze in place, a chill of terror running down his spine as Knuckles looked his way. "Um uh I was just... watching! I mean, not watching!" He stammered, preemptively.

"Oh, hey." Knuckles didn't try to hide himself or anything, just turned towards Sonic, waved. His cock followed in a rubbery arc a second later, smacking against his chest and rebounding; a splatter of come flecked across his side, the fur where it hit even more mussed than the rest of him. Sonic's gaze swung to match his cock, and Knuckles broke out into a doofy grin.

"You like it, huh?" Knuckles said, and stretched, or more like struck a pose: one hand behind his head, the other raised up in the air, just letting his cock loll back and forth, shaft bending in a fat arch, the flesh on the underside folded over itself in thick slabs. Every beat of his heart sent it twitching, juddering up and down, sloppy gushes of pre spurting from each tip at irregular intervals. "Hey, you wanna fuck around or something?"

Sonic realized his mouth was hanging open, and he swallowed, heavily.

Knuckles kept talking: "I mean, usually, y'know, Vector and them help me out, but they're all away -- I gotta take matters into my own hands." Knuckles groped his cock, holding it steady with both hands, grinning at his joke. "Never thought about calling you over, didn't think you'd be into it, but man, trust me, it's way easier to manage with a few extra hands."

Sonic staggered forward, closing the distance, palms pressing against the meat of Knuckles' cock: spongy, skin supple, coated in his load. This close the smell of it was dizzying, bleachy-come scent overpowering. "It's really big," he said, surprised to hear his voice squeak.

"Yeah," Knuckles said, and then his hand was on Sonic, huge fingers curling around his sheath, palm rubbing against his unsheathed cockhead. "Gonna show me yours? I never seen it, you know."

Sonic groaned, muscles in his hips spasming as he unsheathed in a rush, cock spilling out from inside him. Knuckles wrapped his hand around it, the entire thing sheath and all still fitting in one hand, and tugged forward; Sonic stepped forward with the motion until he was plastered against Knuckles' front, that log of a cock smearing come all across him.

"Y'know, I always thought you were kinda cute," Knuckles said, pressing a friendly little kiss against Sonic's forehead. "You got a pretty nice dick too, huh?" He tugged again, grinning as Sonic groaned. "Nice handful."

"My dick is perfectly normal sized!" Sonic yelped.

"Mmm," Knuckles murmured. He stroked Sonic's cock, fingers tugging against the ridge of his cockhead, and Sonic moaned, legs trembling. "Huh, you really are pretty sensitive, huh?"

"Shut up," Sonic said, gritting his teeth, hands wrapped around Knuckles' wrist, hips jerking forward to fuck his hand. He moaned again, almost whimpering. "I've had plenty of sex!"

"I didn't say anything about that," Knuckles said, still stroking.

"Just, uh, not with -- not with guys."

"Well whaddya think we're about to do?" Knuckles tugged Sonic forward, sitting back as he did so, until Knuckles was sitting right on top of the Master Emerald, in the middle of his mess of come, and Sonic was practically sitting in Knuckles' lap. Knuckles' massive cock pressed against his ass cheeks, the rest of it bending down behind him, still nearly touching the floor. Knuckles reached back, sliding his fingers under Sonic's tail, zeroing in on his asshole.

"Lemme show you:" he said, tapping a finger against Sonic's ass, the sensation -- new. He'd never thought about what his ass felt like, but if the slick slide of Knuckles' fingers against it was something, evidently, it felt pretty good.

Knuckles bore down harder, Sonic's hole clenching tight against his finger -- feeling like little electric shocks jolting across his ass, muscle quivering when Knuckles drew back.

"Man, you're pretty tight," Knuckles said, rubbing his fingertip back and forth over his hole, slathering it with pre.

"No I'm not, you've just got huge fingers," Sonic groused. Knuckles jabbed harder, the very tip of his finger breaching Sonic's hole, and he whined, ass squirming.

"It's not bad, just means you haven't really done much, c'mon, lemme show you." Knuckles pulled back, drooled on his hand -- and for good measure swiped his hand along his cock; there was a puddle of pre in his palm, spilling down his wrist. He dug his thumb against Sonic's asshole again, rubbing back and forth: "Open up, you can do it."

Sonic hissed as Knuckles slowly sunk inside him. It felt like -- being spread open, something way too huge shoving inside him. Like his muscles finally gave up and let them be torn up. He huffed, panting, hissing with each twist of Knuckles' thumb inside him -- and then he twisted just so, thumbtip knocking against something, and Sonic let out a yelp, entire body jerking.

Knuckles laughed, repeating the motion, and Sonic moaned, flushing afterward. Knuckles slid his hand down, wrapped around Sonic's cock, stroking him in time with his prods.

Sonic whimpered and whined, fucking Knuckles' hand, gasping when he pulled back and shoved himself deeper on Knuckles' thumb. Then Knuckles pulled back entirely and he looked up: "Hey, why'd you--", cutting himself off. "I mean, okay, I can return the favor I guess."

"Nah I was just thinking about how I was gonna fuck you," Knuckles said, like it wasn't anything.

"Fuck me?!" Sonic yelped, twisting back to stare again at the brutal, grotesque echidna dick tapping against his back. His really, really big cock. Still there, still drooling, still making an absolute mess of the floor. "There's no way that'll fit."

"Yeah, you're really tight, and a virgin--"

"I'm not a virgin!" Sonic interjected.

"--but I think we can do it," Knuckles said, totally ignoring Sonic's outburst.

He trailed his fingers back around Sonic's ass, hole clenching and opening now, and slid his finger down to the base. "See, you're already relaxing."

"I'm gonna have to relax a whole lot more to fit that thing anywhere!" Sonic snapped.

"Oh I mean, usually I just ask the Master Emerald for stuff." Knuckles pulled his finger from Sonic's ass and slapped it against the side of the gem. The impact splattered come over Sonic's side, still-hot droplets slowly soaking into his fur. "Since otherwise it'd be like, months before you'd be skilled enough to stretch that much."

"It's not about skill--" Sonic started, and Knuckles tapped his other hand against Sonic's face, slathering his cheek with come. The motion was surprising enough he cut himself off, twisting, stuttering over his own words when Knuckles brushed his come-coated finger across his lips, slick and spicy, almost meaty as the taste spread across his tongue. "Um," he said, hoarsely.

Knuckles gave his cock a quick tug with his other hand, gushing a rope of pre up Sonic's back. "Listen, we're supposed to do a whole, like, ritual, but let's make this one quick."

"Maybe like... 'dear Master Emerald, please let me not kill Sonic with my dick when I fuck him, thanks, amen!'" Knuckles clapped twice sharply.

Sonic let out a sharp yelp, a pulse of energy shooting up his ass in time with Knuckles' claps, the gem beneath him hot for a second. It had a familiar rush to it -- the same rush of fiery energy he got when he turned into Super Sonic. Just, confined entirely to the inside of his ass.

"So it worked then, huh?" Knuckles said, fingers trailing over Sonic's mussed fur, down to his hole -- which stretched almost effortlessly around Knuckle's thick finger, digging into his ass. Knuckles curled his finger, jabbing under his tail, and then added a second one, spreading them apart to stretch his ass open in a wide oval. "Yep, that looks about right." He sunk his fingers all the way down, til the huge spike of his oversized knuckle was pressed flush against Sonic's ass, rubbing the skin just under his tail. "Wow, it really opened you up, huh?"

Knuckles slid his fingers back and forth, slathering pre down Sonic's channel, slurping inside him, asshole clenching and spasming. Knuckles' fingertips rammed against something inside him and he yelped, a throb of heat surging through him. Pressed against Knuckles' front, his cock throbbed, oozing a bead of pre -- lost in the mess of Knuckles' first load, smeared all across them.

Knuckles hoisted his cock up. "Well, get ready." He pulled it back in a sharp arch, nearly a U-bend, to cram the head under Sonic's tail, rubbing it up and down over his spread asshole, soaking him with pre.

Sonic leaned forward to give him a better angle, head over Knuckles' shoulder, bracing himself. Knuckles pushed down, the pulpy flesh of his cockhead dragging over Sonic's ass, pushing minutely into his ass. He slid his finger across where they were touching, Sonic's skin pink under the thin fur, Knuckles' cockhead rubbery, and wrapped his hand around the right side of his cockhead, fingers laced with the 'fingers' of his cockhead.

Knuckles pressed the right side of his cockhead against Sonic's ass and shoved, enchanted asshole bowing out, flexing around the two stubs as Knuckles worked his flesh back and forth, wringing it up and down as he eased it inside. Sonic whined, the stretch strange if not unpleasant, Knuckles' cock rubbery and heavy inside him. Then Knuckles' cockhead twitched and gushed, the first burst of pre happening with half his cockhead inside him, and Sonic yelped, wet heat flooding inside him, tingling as it washed inside him, and erupting out all across Knuckles' cockhead.

Knuckles leaned in, cock slipping against Sonic's flesh, and some part of his cockhead rammed against his prostate, a burst of pleasure racing up his spine.

Sonic choked on his own spit, cock slapping against his stomach, breathing hard. "Do that again!" he yelped.

Knuckles did it again, rolling his hips back and forth, ramming his bloated cockhead into Sonic's prostate, grinning at Sonic's moan. His cock twitched, gush pre, half of it spraying inside, the other half splattering in lewd gushes across his cheeks, dribbling down the backs of his thighs in a messy waterfall.

Knuckles' fingers slid over Sonic's skin, trying and failing to get the leverage to pry him open deeper. His palm clapped Sonic's cheek and Sonic yelped again, squirming as Knuckles scrabbled for a grip, his sodden fur spiking up in the wrong direction. He dug deep against his asshole, fingers nearly hooked inside him, hand entirely covering the left half of Sonic's ass. He pulled, the hedgehog's asshole stretching in shocky little spurts that left Sonic yelping and huffing, and slowly crammed the middle of his cock inside, only leaving the left fingers, pulpy and heavy pressed tight against the side of Sonic's hole, gushing continually over the thin fur there.

"Almost there, see, that's not so bad," Knuckles said, encouragingly, as if his cockhead alone wasn't bigger than several of Sonic's dicks. Not that he'd ever had any his-dick-sized dicks up his ass either. Sonic just whined, spread-eagle across the Master Emerald, just trying to catch his breath. It felt like he had rocks up there, the huge swell of Knuckles' cock stretching him in ways he'd never felt before, turgid shaft rubbery and distending inside him, bulging larger with each beat of Knuckles' heart, tips scrubbing the inner flesh of his ass.

Knuckles grabbed the other two stumpy fingers of his cock and shoved them against Sonic's hole, turgid flesh squishing and dragging over the sloppy rim. His ring spread wide, still tight as Knuckles eased his fingers in, leading the way for the rest of his echidna dick. "There we go," he said, slotting it in with a slurp, cockhead rolling to rest like a boulder lodged between Sonic's hips, the fat flange of his shaft a steady pressure against Sonic's prostate. "Wasn't that easy, buddy?"

Sonic just gurgled, feeling like he'd been wrapped around Knuckles' cock. Every time either of them moved it felt like sparks going off everywhere inside him. His muscles clenched again and again against the enormous intrusion, and Knuckles groaned, cock surging fatter for a half-second as he let loose a volley of pre, gurgling into Sonic and then flooding out, pouring down his shaft. His stomach trembled, hollowing, and he could see the shadow of Knuckles' cock stretching his fur, a messy lump just above his hip.

Knuckles wrapped his hand around the base of his cock and squeezed, slowly raising Sonic with his other hand so his shaft could unbend, ramrod straight, the entire thing flared fat, swollen thick. Sonic looked skewered on the first few inches, jerkily sinking downward. Sonic groaned, just looking up at the ceiling as Knuckles' wrapped his other hand around his hip. His cock was still rubbery, but hard enough to plunge deeper, cockheads squirming and kicking against his insides as Knuckles ploughed into him, sinking another few inches inside him before he let go, shaft bending again as Sonic smacked down on Knuckles' lap.

Knuckles reached around, fingers wrapping around Sonic's cock, stroking as he hunched his hips, cock not sinking any further but still stirring inside him, shifting, dragging ragged yelps from Sonic's throat. He leaned in, tongue wet and slithering up Sonic's shoulders, and then he was biting at the junction of Sonic's throat, nipping.

Sonic groaned, reaching back to cup Knuckles' head, thick dreads under his fingers, pulling him to bite down harder. He whimpered with each chomp, entire body jerking, hips fucking forward to slide his cock into Knuckles' grip, whining louder and louder until he came with a shout.

Sonic saw stars, entire body trembling. His balls drew up so tight they practically vanished, just a lump under his cock, and he spurted hard, gushes of come spraying from his cock, lancing up in the air. Knuckles kept stroking, thumb rubbing the underside of his cockhead, teasing out the next gush, teeth sunk into Sonic's shoulder. Sonic's load splattered across the two of them, thick white lines -- nothing compared to the mess they were already soaked in, just a thin glaze on top of the mess, fur already all soaked to the skin, spiky and matted.

Sonic groaned, boneless in the haze of afterglow, cock still steadily drooling. Knuckles raised his hand to Sonic's face: a wet streak of come over the back of his hand, and Sonic opened up, let him push it into his mouth. He'd never tasted his own come before -- not withstanding that Knuckles' hand was glazed with his own come too, churned up and smeared. It tasted salty and rich.

Knuckles groaned, humping Sonic's ass -- shaft bending with each thrust rather than sliding inside, heavy muscle pounding against his thighs and taint, but the motion stirred his cock inside him, sending it churning back and forth, kicking inside him like a punch. He wrapped his hand around the base of his cock and ploughed forward, shoving more of his rubbery cock inside, sawing back and forth with harsher and harsher pants.

Sonic groaned, the swell of his stomach rising and falling with each of Knuckles' thrusts. It was clear he was getting close; his muscles were trembling, the smell of his sweat rising against the reek of come, breath harsh against Sonic's neck, bursts of pre sloppy explosions in his ass, gurgling and slopping down his shaft to burst from his distended ring.

Finally he tipped over the edge, sawing back and forth with nearly half his cock rammed into Sonic, the bulge of his stomach grotesque, lurching up and down. Knuckles roared, cock spasming with enough force to jolt Sonic forward. His cockheads all spasmed, pulsing and churning inside him like snakes, like a second heart beating in his guts.

Come gushed inside Sonic, heat washing through him, visibly distending his already-stretched stomach. Knuckles' pulses all lined up -- a half-second of eruption, come gurgling and sloshing, a moment of pause, just the two of them panting like feral animals, and then the next spurt, over and over as Knuckles' load washed out of Sonic's overfull ass, soaking their lower bodies and coating the Master Emerald in a fresh glaze.

Knuckles listed to the side, the both of them crashing down atop the Master Emerald, Knuckles just wildly humping Sonic's side, the length of his cock still outside bending and flexing, rutting up across Sonic's rumpled fur as he spent the rest of his load inside, powerful gushes slowly ebbing to a steady pulse, the wet slurps of come spraying out of his stuffed ass slowly replaced with a steady gurgle, slime pouring out in a constant waterfall.

Pulling out took forever, the rubbery shaft sliding and sliding, cockhead sinking and sinking, but it never seemed to stop. The mess of Knuckles' load churned inside him, sloshing and gurgling as it spilled out around his withdrawing cock. His cockhead finally caught on the rim of Sonic's ass, heavier than ever as Knuckles slowly worked the immense thing out, practically peeling Sonic's ass off the head until it finally slopped out, each tip one at a time, accompanied by a waterfall of come.

"Whoo!" Knuckles exclaimed, listing to the side, stumbling and then sitting down abruptly, panting. "Yeah, that was good!" He knocked his hand against Sonic's leg: "Good job, buddy."

Sonic sprawled in the other direction, bloated belly pressed against the Master Emerald, and he just groaned in response. His ass was gaping, a thick wash of come steadily pouring from his well-used ass, dribbling down his balls. Knuckles sat on the ground with more of a squelch than a thump, his still-unsheathed cock splayed all across the floor.

Knuckles stretched, hands in the air, groaning. "Yeahhh, that was really what I needed today." He paused a second, looked over at Sonic's disheveled form, still dazed. "We should do that again. Oh, hey, when Vector gets back you think we could double-team you? I was kinda thinking you could suck my dick later."

Sonic huffed in response, groaning. More come drooled from his hole, slurping down the side of the Master Emerald, gurgling through his guts with each spasm of his abused muscles. But inwardly: yeah, probably. Who was gonna stop him, after all.

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