Blunder of the Mother Lode

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - owlette

Writing - Runa

Xanril - TheWizard

Ceylon - Runa

I don't know what came over me. I just...this story just clicked! 8600 words over the weekend. It's sensual, it's sexual, it's kinky, yet it's somewhat grounded. Love it, and I hope you do, too

In this story, pirate captain Xanril the winged wolf decides to weigh anchor and take a trip to the shore of a seemingly abandoned island. While there, he finds a cave full of glowing, vibrating crystals that he feels he could plunder and sell back on the mainland.

Problem is, The island isn't deserted, and the gryphoness that guards the glowing gems is as lonely and hungry as he is...

Blunder of the Mother Lode

"Time to weigh anchor!" Xanril shouted from the bow of his ship. He was holding onto one of the ropes that connected to the foremost mast for stability as a series of waves rocked the vessel. The winged wolf could feel the salty mist of the sea dampening his fur, a constant reminder of the sea that he sailed; a home away from home. His mind was elsewhere, as he was staring at the beach of the tropical island that was before him. "I think it's time to take a break for the night. I'm going to head off and go ahead to the island and investigate."

His first mate, a dashing gryphon lad, had to ask him about this peculiar decision. "But captain, shouldn't we form a party, explore together? What's there to explore on your own that wouldn't be safer to do together?"

"Nay. If you wish, you can come with me to the beach and set up camp there, but I confess to you that I desire some peace and quiet. My desires are not for exploration, but solitude. This past month has been quite eventful, what with the sea beast attacking the ship and the unfortunate run-in with the dragon lord, and I feel that my mind and body both need to be rebooted." Xanril explained. In truth, he just wanted an excused to be on his own for the night, maybe masturbate or meditate, whichever was more relaxing. He - along with all two dozen of his crew - had been stuck travelling on the seas for the better part of two months and he wanted some time away from them. Perhaps not the smartest thing, to desire solitude rather than the comfort and unity of his crew on an unknown and uncharted island, but even canines needed alone time.

"Well, if you say so, Cap'n. What shall we do in your absence?" The gryphon lad had a confused look on his beak, but respected the captain enough to not question him further. He knew that Xanril must have had plans or a reason for his actions.

"That's entirely up to you, I trust you to command when I am away. Like I said, we have a few boats, so weigh anchor, and take one of them to the beach and enjoy some local plunder. When I was scoping out the shoreline, I saw a few Uriel fruit trees and some game. I'm sure you could have your meat and fruit rather than the dried and spiced garbage in the storage below deck." He whipped out a retractable telescope and pointed to a peninsula of sand near one of the uriel fruit trees. "Take a landing party there, set up camp. I'm heading north along the shore. As we were sailing, I saw some interesting formations that I presume would be perfect for housing buried treasure. If anyone has found this island before us, I can nearly guarantee booty. If nothing else, that will be worth my trek."

The gryphon cocked an ear and squinted with one eye. His vision was as good without aid of a telescope as Captain Xanril's was with, and he didn't see anything special north of the proposed landfall location. "If you say so." He shrugged and turned to face the crew. "Alright mates, we're heading to shore, but Captain Xan's gonna be taking some personal time. Get your hunting weapons ready, and keep an eye out for meat!" His declaration was met with a resounding cheer.

While the crew was busy getting worked up about the prospect of meat that didn't taste like salt or spice, Xanril slipped off the port deck and onto the nearest of the boats that was hanging there. He had wings, so he could have flown to shore without the aid of the a boat, but flying over water was hard due to the density and and moisture of the air. It would have been far too exhausting a task, and he wanted to save his energy for his alone time.

The moment the underside of the vessel hit the water, he got both oars and started rowing, offering only a casual salute to his crew before disappearing over a surge of a wave. The trip to shore took only ten or fifteen minutes, but his mind was growing lighter and unburdened by the responsibilities of caring for the crew with each passing moment. In his mind, he was already prepared to call this a mini-vacation. His intention was to disappear overnight and return the following day, unless something went wrong. He was quite adept at using a sword and had a pistol with a dozen shots in his satchel. He would be fine.

Once his boat hit sand, he hopped out and grabbed the bow of it, tugging it up onto the beach far enough that even the tide would not be able to catch it and steal it back to sea; still, he stabbed an anchor into the sand just in case. He shielded his eyes as he looked out over the ocean and caught a glimpse of two more boats full of a dozen or more crew members. They were headed right towards the peninsula he told them to check out.

Content with his crew and his position on the island shore, Xanril turned to the wall of green and blue vegetation that lined the beach, looking for some berries or fruit he could harvest and munch on. He had some dried meat and salted nuts in a pouch in his satchel, but it was barely enough to last him the two days he planned to be alone. It would sustain him, but not likely satisfy him. No, he needed something more.

He walked north up the shore line, keeping an eye on each of the trees before finally finding some bright orange and yellow orbs, each about the size of his fist on a low hanging branch. He plucked one from the tree and cracked the soft skin open, sniffing at it to test its viability as food. He wasn't familiar with this fruit, but it smelled clean, no hint of toxicity or any sort of bitterness. It smelled sweet, so he gave it a lick to find that it was actually quite delicious. Like an orange, but softer and chewier, with less of an acid taste and more of a strawberry taste. Quite delicious. He would have to save some on his way back to the ship and see about cultivating it on the mainland.

Three more of the fruit were plucked from the low hanging branch to go in his satchel along with the dried meat and salted nuts. It nothing else, he was going to eat well on his travels.

A large wave crashed against the shore, blowing mist up to his chest,, his white shirt flapping in the wind. It wasn't cold, but it wasn't particularly hot either. A nice seashore summer breeze. "Finally, some alone time." He sighed to himself as he looked south down the shore line. His crew was huddled around a fire, cheering and chanting and singing their shanties. Good for them. Let them enjoy themselves. Xanril was too busy with his quest to be alone to worry too much about anything else.

He kept on the way up the beach for over an hour, munching idly on the fruit he'd found and intermittently chewing on some of the strips of dried meat. He knew the food had to last, but he only had a few small strips, so he was being quite conservative with his rations. The sun was on its way over the horizon and the sky was growing a dark blue dotted with stars before he finally found anything more interesting than a few crabs and spiders.

Ahead of him lie an odd rock formation jutting out from the thick vegetation of the jungle that nearly went out to the crashing foam of the sea's waves. He had to walk in the water just to get around it, but once he had done so he was shocked to see what spread out before him.

It was a beautiful crescent cove surrounded by stark, sharp mountains in a nearly full circle, with only a small opening on one end leading to the beach, no more than a few meters wide. The beach pinched to near nothingness around it, and it was clear that, at low tide, the inside of the crescent had to be nearly all beach. The still water was clear and shallow, and as he peeked around the wall of rock, he could see a gentle purple glow emanating from the opposite end of it, coming out of a small cave.

A brief wisp of hesitation swept over him as a gust of wind caught his wings and tickled the feathertips with the light mist of the sea. On one paw, he really did want to find solitude to 'meditate' and not be burdened by the treasure hunter life and all the dangers that came with it, but on the other hand a mysterious glowing cavern illuminating a cove was too intriguing to ignore.

"Well, if I'm gonna be an intrepid explorer, I had better investigate farther. Can't call myself a lover of booty without a love for adventure!" With that mantra in mind, he slipped through the opening at the end of the crescent and made his way around the rim of the circular beach, his paw dragging along the flat, moist rock that enclosed the cove. The formation was so perfectly smoothe and round, the rock jutting up almost perfectly vertical; it almost seemed like it was anthro-built.

As he drew closer to the cave opening, he could hear - nay, feel - a deep reverberating hum vibrating in his chest that got stronger with every step. Certainly particular, and a touch distressing, but he still wanted to find out what was glowing in that cave and hoped it wasn't dangerous.

Xanril poked his head over the side of the cave opening to see the mother lode inside. While the mouth of the cavern was tiny, the room was massive, with waterfalls and stone platforms and glowing purple crystals jutting out form everywhere. Like the outside, much of this cavern felt like it was deliberately crafted and chiseled with ease of access in mind, with stairways going up either wall to link all three of the plateaus. Each of the levels had its own pool with a single rock platform in the middle, and waterfalls trickling down from the top level down each layer to sea level before flowing out into the cove.

While the formation of the rocks and water were peculiar, the thing that caught his eye most was the crystals, each glowing and humming the same frequency from every angle. Each crystal was unique, ranging in size from tiny little fingers jutting out from the rock to massive crystalline boulders that looked like they'd exploded from the walls, floor, and ceiling. As he looked down to the clear water, he could see that there were even crystals at the bottom of the pools, illuminating just how deep they were.

"Well this is something new." Xanril muttered to himself. Naturally, his first instinct was to walk up to the nearest finger-sized crystal and use his sword to chip it off from the rock face it had emerged from. To his delight, the crystal popped off with ease and continued humming and glowing in his paw. "Must be worth a fortune, to have glowing, humming crystals. If nothing else, this will fetch a pretty coin or two on the mainland." Since it was still emitting light and didn't seem to dim or lose rhythm with the other crystals that were humming and pulsating every few seconds. Also quite interesting.

He chiseled off a few more that would fit into his satchel before deciding it was time to either relax or plunder this cave's booty. For now, he was going to relax. The crystals would certainly be there the following morning, and this seemed like a very, very pleasant place to relax. The humming of the crystals would be very meditative and he'd heard that vibrations were therapeutic, like a feline's persistent purr. Yes, he'd plundered just enough for himself and it was time to hop over the water and onto one of the large platforms so he could meditate.

Xanril leaned up against the wall of the cave before running across the pathway to flutter-jump over the water so he could land on the mossy, flat platform. His paws slipped and he almost had to carry the momentum and hop over to the opposite wall of the cave, but with the aid of his wings for balance, he was able to stop with his snout dangling over the rim of the platform. It took only a moment to eventually gain control so he could take a step back to sit cross legged in the middle, satchel off to the side.

He smiled as he closed his eyes, focusing his mind on the trickling of the multi-level waterfalls and the steady droning of the crystals that were pulsating around him. He could feel their vibrations in his chest, a steady massage pummeling his body in all the right ways from every angle.

Meditation came easy, given the circumstances, and before long he felt his breaths being longer and more drawn out to match the deep waves of intensifying humming coming from the crystals around him. He was serene, at peace, and his mind felt like it was floating above the island. In his trance-like state, Xanril could feel the world around him expanding and contracting, and for a second he felt like he could actually hear the rambunctious sounds of his crew in he distance, a full hour's walk from the cove.

Serenity was quickly interrupted by the sound of a rock clacking down the stairs up one of the walls. He shook his head off and lowered his ears to the back of his head as he spun and got to his feet. His canine instincts were shouting for him to flee and return to the pack before assessing any threat, but he was caught off guard by the source of the disturbed rock.

As he focused his mind and his vision, he could see a large black and white gryphon emerging from the shadows, fur and feathers lightly lit the color of the crystals. It was keeping itself low to the ground, wings tight against its back like it was stalking him and ready to pounce. Their sapphire blue eyes were squinting and staring directly at Xanril, sizing him up as they got closer.

He couldn't take his eyes off the gryphon, as he was also sizing it up. Was it a threat? Could he scare it off? Would he need to distract it and run? So many things were going through his head as he kept his vision locked with the gryphon, his wings slowly spreading as his paw reached down to the pistol that was in his belt. With one fluid motion, he whipped his gun out and aimed it at the gryphon, letting loose a shot before quickly turning to run and jump off the platform, quickly crouching and grabbing his satchel before leaping into the air.

The gryphon, however, was able to deflect the musket ball with its wing and dive after Xanril, catching him in a pounce mid-air to tackle him down onto the platform near the cave opening.

"Gah!" Xanril cried out, already reaching for his sword before the gryphon laid its talon down on his wrist, holding him in place. It looked down at him with a curious intensity, blue eyes dancing in the reflection of the glowing crystals, beak drooling. Clearly this beast was hungry, and there wasn't a lot Xanril could do to stop it. After all, this gryphon was larger than any horse he'd ever seen, and if his bullets were ineffective and his sword arm was pinned underneath a beast far too strong to overpower, he was done. Best he could hope for was mercy or understanding.

"Kill me if you must, gryphon. Make a meal of me, but get it over with quickly." He took in a breath to hold before closing his eyes and pressing his cheek to the damp rock of the cave floor. To his surprise, he felt the gryphon's talon pull away from his wrist.

"Why not? I'm sure you'd taste delicious. Fear is a delicacy of a seasoning, you know." She slowly opened her beak wide, showing fleshy gums and rows of needlepoint snake-like teeth, all guiding trails of saliva to land square on Xanril's chest. Her voice was smoothe and silky, which gave away her gender, clearly a hen-mare of a gryphoness. Perhaps she was a mother, protecting her chikits. Clearly she was sentient, so she could be reasoned with.

"Well, I'm sure there's lots of game here on the island, you don't need to eat me. That would be in bad taste. But if you must, I suppose there are worse ways to go." He looked up at her, getting an even better glimpse of the flesh lining the inside of her beak. Yeah, certainly worse fates than being swallowed by a gryphon.

She drooped a single ear down against the back of her neck as the corners of her beak turned up in a smile. "Bad taste, you say?" She stepped back off him and chuckled at his position beneath her. "Nice wordplay, but I don't think a chuckle is likely to sate one's hunger. Still, I suppose I could hold off, but I think you might have to work a little harder to convince my tail end." Just then, her tail tip snaked its way up between her legs to rest on Xanril's lap, the long hairs and feathers peeling back to reveal a three-jawed tail maw, drooling copiously over the four rows of teeth per jaw.

Immediately, Xanril scuttled backwards away from it, startled by its sudden presence. He was moving so fast, he cracked his head against the cave wall before resting. "Your tail, it's....alive?" Despite his surprise, he Xanril couldn't help but lean in to get a better look at the gaping maw of her tail. He'd never seen a tail like that before, but it didn't take much for him to piece her together; clearly she was a chimera, with a snake for a tail, even if there were no eyes.

His curiosity and adventurous spirit got the better of him as he leaned forward, prodding at the tail with his toe, only to have the maw clamp down on his foot and squeeze, the teeth penetrating his fur and stabbing into his flesh. It hurt a bit, but also felt quite nice. Oddly enough, he could see that the gryphoness was arching her back, like she was being mounted. "Everything alright?" Xanril asked, prodding up at her chest with his other foot.

Her tail opened up and pulled off his foot, leaving a trail of viscous slime behind its maw. "I'm fine, of course. Just hungry, is all. Need to be filled. Maybe....maybe you can remedy that." She leaned in and used her beak to prod at his neck fur, preening him.

Xanril's body was a jumbled mess of emotions. He was scared of this massive gryphoness and her tail, but also experiencing the tingles as his fur stood on end in reaction to her beak nuzzling at him. He was getting excited at her touch - especially the soft flesh of her tail maw sucking on his foot - but also apprehensive of her intentions. Was she safe? Was she going to eat him? Would he return to his crew in one piece? Clearly she was powerful, as evidenced by her casually deflecting a bullet with her wings and apparently not holding any sort of grudge about it. She seemed downright affectionate, and it was throwing him off his usual mental acuity.

"So, uh, tell me more about yourself." Xanril asked as he got to his feet, nearly slipping on the rock floor thanks to the slippery saliva that coated his one foot paw. He had to widen his wings to stay steady.

The gryphoness raised her head high and looked down over her beak at the wolf, a grin spreading again. "What do you want to know? Why do you wish to know it?" She spread her wings a bit and flutter-hopped backwards onto the rocky platform, her pose that of nobility with one fore-talon folded up on her chest while she sat on her haunches, wiggling her hips.

Xanril pushed off from the wall to slowly dip his foot in the still, clear water of the cave, rinsing the saliva from his fur. "Anything, really. What's your name? What do you know about the island? How long have you been here? Just curious, because my crew is here and I want to make sure they're safe and not in danger of being attacked."

"I knew about your crew. I saw them as I flew overhead and I'm pretty sure they saw me. My name's Ceylon, and I am the guardian of this island. I live here with some of my friends. It has been nearly a year since I have been granted audience with strangers. I must admit, I am quite happy to see you, Xanril." She smirked as her gaze intensified, staring directly at the wolf.

"I never told you my name." Xanril pointed out. "How did you know my name?"

Ceylon's expression softened a bit as she smiled, lifting her head up high again. "I don't think that's important. What's important is what you're going to offer me in exchange for those crystals you've got in your bag." She used her tail tip to point at his satchel.

Xanril gulped as he put his paw in the bag, the gentle vibrations still massaging his finger tips. "What do you want from me? We have only dried meat and some fruits to trade, and I need them for my crew to get back to the mainland."

The gryphoness cooed at him, a deep rumbling vibration emanating from her breast that matched the throbbing hum of the crystals. "Oh, I don't need bounty. I have plenty to eat here on the island, and I have no use for your silly currency. No, I'd want to trade goods for services. I'm sure you could think of a few ways to make a lonely gryphoness happy." She shifted her body in such a way that she exposed herself, giving Xanril a clear - if brief - look at her plump, moist vulva.

He gulped again, not sure where to go from here. She was massive, and there was no way he would be able to pleasure her, but he also didn't think he was going to get out of this without getting wet. Not that he minded. He, like Ceylon, had been without anyone to play with for many months, and his paw just wasn't doing it anymore. He came to this island, this cove, for meditation and perhaps some self-pleasure, so of course he didn't hesitate at the opportunity to be with a clean, well groomed beast of a gryphon. He had more than a few creative ways he could please her. "Indeed. Indeed." He had to stop before he said anything else, because there was some drool trickling of the end of his drooping tongue.

"Oh? I get the impression you're just as hungry as I am, in much the same way. Tell me, Xanril, what are you going to do about this mutual need." She got to all fours and slowly turned, her tail lifted and arched just high enough to give the wolf a good, long look at her lips as her clitoris folded out and clenched, a single drop of creamy fluid dribbling off the end of it, a tiny wisp of steam billowing up from under the tail. "So tell me, Xanril, what are you waiting for? I promise I won't bite, unless you want me to."

"I, uh, wouldn't mind a bite, but....whatever." He quickly lunged forward, jumping over the water to land next to her on the stone platform, sticking the landing without skidding or sliding along the mossy rock. He brushed her tail tip away, the drool from the maw soaking the fur of his forearm. Standing straight up, his muzzle was right at the height of her rump and pussy, so he didn't need to crouch or get up on his tiptoes in order to get closer.

Ceylon swayed her hips back and forth as she laid her chest down to the ground, another squeeze of her pelvic muscles spurting another single drop of her creamy fluid onto Xanril's chest. "What are you waiting for? Don't make me wait any longer than I already have!" She shifted her weight backwards, practically pressing her rump cheeks against the wolf's chest.

The sudden rush of pheromones that wafted up from her lips tickled his nostrils and activated his base instincts, forcing his cock to start inflating in its sheathe. His chest heaved as he lurched forward, his hands sticking up to lay flat on either of her rump cheeks. He gave a gentle squeeze and tickled at the fur with his claws as he leaned over to the side, getting a look at her to see how she was reacting.

Ceylon smiled and continued to sway her hips, tail lifted high and back arched so that her sex was angled somewhat down. She wanted him and all he had to offer her. Another squeezing wink forced a trickle of gooey fluid out over her clit, moistening the ebony flesh between her thighs and matting the fur flat against her powerful muscle.

Another waft of her scent billowed up and stuck to the roof of his mouth and nostrils as he inhaled. It was sweet, but also earthy - as a mare should be. The overwhelming aroma sent shivers down his spine, but he was trying his best to be restrained. Cautious, he slipped his palm around her flank until his thumb was pressed against her moist, velvety lips, slipping the claw and digit in to pull her flesh to the side, exposing her smooth cherry pink insides. He could see her walls glistening with the lubrication of her arousal, and the opening released another wave of scent into his nostrils.

"W-wow. Never been this close to the underside of a gryphoness tail." He muttered to himself before leaning in to rub his snout into it, tongue pushing out to slip inside her, capturing her fluids so he could swallow.

"What was that? Less talk more-" Ceylon tried to taunt him into pushing forward, but was cut off mid sentence as she felt his moist nose press against her rump flesh and tongue slipping into her.

Xanril smiled and moaned a bit as he brought his other thumb in closer so it could pry the other lip apart, gaping her open. He could see her walls expand with ease, her muscles relaxing for better ease of penetration, only to jiggle and rumble with each movement and breath. Every bit of her flesh looked so soft, so malleable; he couldn't help but slip his muzzle into her, jaw parting to keep her spread open as his tongue explored her depths.

Just as he got her lips to swallow him right up to the ridge of his snout, eyes nearly pressed against her moist flesh, he felt the walls clench tight and the flesh of her clit roll and fold outwards, her urethra expanding to loose a flow of her climactic fluid down his chin and neck. He immediately pulled back and spread his maw open to catch as much of it as he could on his tongue, gulping it back. The powerful flavor coated his throat and the scent was so powerful he could smell it in the back of his snout as the pheromones travelled up out from his lips. A distinct, fleshy whoosh and guttural slap echoed out from her cunt walls as they collapsed inwards after being gaped open, blowing more of her scent his way.

"Sorry Xan. I will try not to push you out again, just...don't stop." She squatted down a bit and angled her pussy down again, her clit winking as another splatter of her fem-cum dripped onto the rocky platform.

Xanril wiped his lips with his forearm and gulped back the tiny droplets of her fluid that was coating his tongue before aggressively nuzzling back up under her tail, fervently lapping from clit to her pert, moist pucker in long, loving licks. He paused momentarily to wrap his lips around her engorged, soaking wet clitoris and gulp down any fluid she involuntarily spewed on his muzzle.

Ceylon whimpered a bit as her knees weakened, a shuddering vibration resonating under her tail as her tender pussy lips quivered and her clit pushed outwards as far as it would go. Her muscles were tensing up so tight that her lips folded outward along their entire length, exposing a slit of slick pink pussy flesh to Xanril, which was met with his tender, loving tongue.

While he was still sliding his tongue up her slit, one time after another in slow, deliberate succession, he got an idea. With one hand, he slipped two fingers up on either side of her clit, digits in her pussy but her tender nub of flesh resting on the crotch between his fingers. He gave a little bit of a squeeze followed by a gentle push downward, the inside of each finger dragging along either side of her button. She let out a low-pitched wailing as she shifted her hind end, going from hind paw to hind paw. As she was focusing on her re-positioning, he reached into the satchel that was still hanging over his shoulder to grab at one of the vibrating crystals.

He bought the glowing gem up to his face, grinning as the purple light illuminated her flesh and fur to the same color. He could see the subtle contractions of her vaginal wall squeezing tight, then relaxing and gaping open with the aid of his fingers parting her lips. She relaxed and shuddered, flesh vibrating and undulating while gaped open before closing up and forcing the air out in a wet squelch, squeezing his fingers in a pinch around her clit.

On her next relaxation and gape, he brought the humming, vibrating crystal up into her pussy, slipping the tip of it into the urethra that was twitching on the anterior wall of her opening. Almost instantly, she tensed up and forced his fingers from her depths, powerful muscles squeezing so tight he literally couldn't keep the crystal inside her. Instead, he slid it down between her meaty lips to rub at the rim of her clitoris, pressing hard into her flesh in time with the more powerful humming and vibrating of the crystal that was still in synch with the waves of energy every crystal in the cave was intensifying in unison.

The added sensations made her nearly collapse before steadying her rump end, pushing back and bucking her hips to 'fuck' the crystal in his hand. He wanted to wrap his lips around her perpetually engorged and exposed clit, but that would mean he would have to take the vibrating crystal away from it, so he decided he'd take this time to pleasure her before pleasuring himself.

Ceylon moaned and chirped in approval before pushing into Xanril, once again nearly pushing him backwards off the platform into the water. He had to grab onto the base of her tail with his free hand as he kept the crystal pushed against her clit. Ceylon's tail wrapped around him, curling over his shoulder and between his wings to cradle between his legs, holding him in place as he continued to pleasure her.

Xanril was growing increasingly confident in his ability to pleasure this gryphon, so he started rubbing up and down with the crystal, smearing her fluids all over it before he transferred it to his other hand. He still had a few more of the gems in his satchel, so he reached inside and grabbed two more of the crystals and angled them in a V, cradling her clit between them and pinching, pulling the original one out so he could rub the tip of it against the opening of his sheathe, under his pants. While he was focusing his mind mostly on the crystals and the tail that was cradling him, he was able to un-tie his pants and drop them before kicking them over the water to land in a heap near the wall.

"F-finally getting excited, I see. Come on, don't be shy." Ceylon managed to grunt in between moans and full body shudders of pleasure. She paused momentarily to clench her pelvic muscles tight as she felt the crystals pinch her clit.

The wolf, still mostly focusing on her massive pair of pussy lips, used the fluids he's gathered on the first crystal to rub at the opening of his sheathe, lubricating it so he could slip the tip of the crystal into himself. The gentle vibrations mixed with the added pressure of having the crystal rubbing against his cock blasted a wave of pleasure up his spine, coaxing a few beads of precum to trickle out over his sheathe opening.

Her gyrating hips mixed with contracting muscles shifted in such a way that Xan dropped one of the crystals. He watched helplessly as it bounced off the rock and rolled off the side of the platform to land with a plop in the water. There was a hint of disappointment, but any thoughts that passed through his mind were easily overrun by the pleasure that seemed to now be coursing through his veins, starting with the protruding trails of blood that were lining his cock.

Another idea crossed his mind, so he immediately went with it, slipping the tip of the crystal up her flesh until the tip of it slipped into her urethra, the vibrations and glowing continuing to illuminate her passage from lips to cervix every time she relaxed and her quivering walls parted to gape open. As soon as he felt her flesh relax enough, he used his thumb to force the crystal into her with one big lurch.

She chirped in surprise, but then immediately clenched her walls tight to squeeze at the crystal in her urethra, forcing his fingers from her. She looked back over her shoulder with a needy look, head down in subservient fashion as she widened her stance and pushed back on him.

Once again, he leaned in close and buried his muzzle in between her lips, parting the vulva as his tongue lapped at her flesh, one hand up on her tail base for balance and the other hand squeezing his sheath to apply pressure to the humming, vibrating crystal. As he was focusing mostly on himself for a moment, Ceylon's lips parted with ease and another gush of her fluids erupted, squirting erratically in all directions thanks to the crystal that was lodged in her urethra. The scent was powerful and acidic but also sweet, the taste delicious and earthy but acrid at the same time.

Xanril decided to apply the same pressure to her crystal that he was to his, so he brought one of his free palms up to rub at her clit before pinching all fingers and thumb into a point, using the tapered fist to punch into her like a stallion would, his entire arm slipping into her deep enough to prod at her cervix.

She stopped moving entirely for a few seconds as she relaxed and acclimated her nether region to the large forearm that was now buried nearly shoulder deep inside her. She squeezed a bit, holding the clench for a few moments before relaxing, her body shuddering and her lips quivering and a long, drawn out coo of a moan escaping her beak, the vocalization stuttering and pitching high in an erratic expression of euphoria.

Ceylon's body was a mess of fluids and eclectic behaviour, and it made Xanril wonder just how long she'd been alone to have a simple fisting from an average sized wolf would bring her this much pleasure. Still, he didn't want to waste even a second of it, so he brought his other hand up and pressed his fingers tight against his forearm before slipping his second limb in her. She was so loose, at least when she was relaxed. He knew she'd be clenching soon, and those powerful muscles could likely force out a pencil, let alone two awkwardly angled arms.

To his delight, she didn't clench. In fact, she shook and trembled at the knees as her tail curled up over her back, the muscle control actually forcing her vulva and plump anal ring outwards while still remaining loose and tender for him inside. He couldn't help but give her pucker a kiss as it extended out towards his snout, his two hands balling up in a double fist inside as he rotated around side and side, alternately spinning and thrusting. He could feel her cervix spreading open a bit more with every motion and prod.

Xanril started off slow, passionately rubbing his knuckles around in her cavernous pussy before slowing pulling them out, the pressure pushing against the vibrating crystal in her urethra. All at once, every muscle under her tail squeezed as tight as it would go, threatening to force him out with one solid lurch, but he angled himself and dug his claws into the cracks of the rock platform to hold his ground, leaning into her to force himself in deeper.

She pushed, he pushed back, and they trembled in mutual pleasure as his elbows both went in a little deeper, his hands in a prayer position deep within her, fingers threatening to prod into her womb, the quavering flesh rumbling and squeezing in protest intermittently. Another squeeze and grunt, another rebellious push, which he applied until she relaxed again. The second she started breathing again, he slipped both hands from her depths to smear her fluids all over her inner thighs before bunching both hands up again together, punching in deep one at a time, using her lube to slide in deep as it would go and pull out, forcing the second one in alongside the first. Back and forth, one at a time, he forced his fists into her, getting a bit faster and rougher with each pump.

All at once, she relaxed for a moment before squeezing down as hard as she could, the pressure popping the crystal from her urethra to slap at his chin followed by a torrent of creamy female fluids splashing against his chest and spraying out, splattering in a puddle between them. She grunted and relaxed, letting the flow dissipate to a trickle before arching her back and pushing again, a second wave of fluid exploding from under her tail and between his arms to soak his neck and torso.

In spite of it coming from her urethra, every drop of the fluid was incredibly slick and viscous, further lubricating her canal and soaking him in the slick concoction. It was delicious, and it emanated an even more powerful scent than her fluids had prior, the sensations overwhelming his senses, dulling the sound of her squelching depths that were grunting and slurping at his limbs with each thrust he offered her.

He was about to pull out and focus more on her external pleasure points again, maybe to suck her clit or rub at her vulva a bit, offer a lick to her lips, when he felt her powerful tail wrapping around him like a snake, squeezing his wings up against his back and holding him in place with his hands still deep in her hot-fleshed depths. The angling of her tail wrapping around his body forced his snout in between his biceps so he was in a diving position. She gave one final squeeze of her tail-coil before pushing back as far as she would go, her loose lips sliding over his arms, around his shoulders and head, and squeezing around his wing tips and upper torso.

There was a brief moment of utter confusion about his predicament. He could feel his hands poking through her tight cervix into her womb. HE could feel her clit squeezing and rubbing at his chest, more of the fluid running down over his abs to soak his sheath and fill it up thanks to the gaping brought on by the crystal still nestled in there next to his shaft. He tried to struggle, but felt her walls squeezing around him and holding him in place, her heartbeat faintly heard throbbing around him, each pump a gentle squeeze in between the more powerful muscle contractions.

Without anywhere else to go, he tried bending his knees to slip out of her depths, but found that the squeezing of her vulva around his torso was pushing up against his shoulders and holding him in place. He panicked at first, but the sensations were quite nice, the flesh squeezing around him and forming to him like a wet cloth covered in lube on every patch of his body. He tried to open his maw to get a taste of her depths, but the pressure was too much.

Before he could think of another course of action, he felt her weight push down on her, followed by an increase in heartbeat as he felt her flesh slide over more of his form, swallowing him down to the hips, her clit rubbing and winking on the opening of his sheath. The pleasure was too much for him to handle; without any direct contact on his cock, he felt his climax building up alongside the crystal, followed by a spurt of precum on her lips.

He was about to kick off the ground and dive in deeper, but then she pulled up off him, her slick walls sliding over his form and relaxing at just the right time, her distended lips shifting and changing in tiny shifts and pulsations. Bits of fluid were dribbling down his back between his wings as he felt her pussy lips slide backwards over his shoulders and skull, forcing him out with one gentle squeeze thanks to the assistance of another torrential wave of her cum shot directly at his snout and chin.

Xanril gasped as he got a breath, only to be caught off guard by the fluid that assaulted his maw, choking him as he accidentally inhaled it. His fists were still deep inside her, oddly squeezed tight by her cervix despite his wrists only being a dozen centimeters or more inside her. He couldn't think much of that, as his chest was heaving and he was hacking at nothing, coughing and trying to expel the fluids from his lungs. Oddly enough, it didn't hurt, and the fluids didn't escape his lungs, but instead seemed to coat his throat and maw, giving him an uncomfortable feeling like something was lodged there but he could still breathe, albeit belabored.

Before he could really catch himself again, he saw her rump push back, her spine arching to angle her pussy up above him before slamming her hips down over his body, the entire world growing dark as her lips once again slid over his form and swallowed him up. Once again he could feel her heartbeat throbbing against his ears, her muscle contractions massaging him from the waist up. This time, he pushed up into her, trying to further slip inside her. If she was going to use him as a sex toy, he might as well pleasure her as deep as he could.

Just as he was trying to spin and rub against her walls, he felt her lips slide up his body again, resting at his shoulders before slamming down to his hips again. Up and down she went, riding him like a dildo with her muscles contracting and relaxing in between each thrust, optimally squeezing and releasing to ensure the best, most aggressive friction against her tender walls. He tried moving around, re-adjusting the position of his arms and wings, but she was squeezing him too hard. She may have been relaxed enough to engulf his form, loose and malleable like rubber, but she seemed to be exactly tight enough to constrict him with her flesh.

He could still feel her tail wrapped around his upper thighs, clenching his legs up tight as she twitched and slid her form up and down his. Every push got a bit farther down, swallowing a few more centimeters of his body as her clit kept prodding at his sheathe opening. With all his remaining control and power, he bucked up against her meaty lips as she slammed down on him, his cock slipping from the sheath, the pressure of the growing knot forcing the vibrating crystal from his depths to bounce off the rock between his feet, but he could not hear it, all he could sense from the waist up was the squeezing sensations of her walls riding his body from finger tips to tail base, accented by her rapidly increasing heart rate.

She clenched her muscled down tight, forcing him from her depths in one motion as she stood up as high as she would go, nearly letting his head and shoulders burst out with the aid of a torrent of fluids, but before she released him, she pushed back down one last time, the tiny bubbles of air inside her trickling out and spurting fluids out beneath him, her distended vulva sliding over his sheathe and hips, peeling the flesh back over his length to expose his fully inflated member and knot. He could feel her fluids all around him, enough that her walls were a little bloated around him, giving his form room to slosh about inside.

Her flesh slid over his cock, winking clit squeezing his shaft up against his belly as it entered her flooded vaginal canal. To his surprise, he felt a tightness around the tip of it as her motions and flowing fluid guided it to her now-gaping urethral opening. He could feel her hot, gooey slime coating his member before trickling out through his legs and dribbling down to splash in a puddle between them.

Xanril could feel her tail maw bite down on his ankles, grabbing him and hoisting him up so that he was facing down, diving right into her womb. He squirmed and tried to bend his legs so he could twist and turn inside. His shoulders were starting to hurt, but he wanted to curl up inside her and relax, so he was trying to slither his way in deeper.

Problem was, his motions just served to further stimulate her, resulting in a quivering movement from womb to vulva, her canal squeezing him tighter than ever before, the fluids that smothered him easing his passage to be shot out of her cunt, landing in a messy pile of female cum between her legs.

The moment he landed, he started bending his arms again, getting the cramps out of them, and the first thing he did was grab a hold of the base of his knot and squeeze, using her fluids to massage the bulging lobes from below, coaxing a series of cumshots into the cool cave air.

However, before he had time to blink the lubrication from his eye, he felt the three jaws of her tail maw smother him head first, the rows of needlepoint teeth penetrating feather and fur to dig into his chest and back before lifting him up. He kicked his legs as he was raised off the ground and flipped upside down, the petals of the tail maw gaping wide and spreading apart to let his form slip deeper and deeper into her tail. He was absolutely smothered in lube from head to knees, and even his wings were soaked in the fluid, so gravity was more than enough even without the three jaws clamping down in circular patterns, forcing him deeper.

Despite the pressure and his predicament, he never let go of his cock, even as the teeth clamped down on his midsection and punctured the length of it. It hurt, but it also tingled and enhanced his pleasure. He didn't bleed as far as he could tell, the gooey lubrication of the mare must have stopped it.

He kept kicking and writing around as her tight tail flesh stretched and slid over his form, the three maws clamped down on his thighs and wiggled ever so gently, stepping their way down his limbs and forcing him deeper. He could feel the waves of muscle contractions slide down one side of his body then the other as the tail bunched up, the tip curving tightly to use the muscles and spine to swallow him further.

Her flesh was stretchy as can be, not as tight or muscle-controlled as her pussy walls, but he slipped through her form with ease, muzzle slipping deeper and deeper as the pliable tail throat pushed him deeper and deeper. Only a few minutes passed before he felt his muzzle pressing up against bone, which was likely the base of the tail when he was about to go into her belly. However, he felt her form shift and expand, allowing gravity and the tail's length to squeeze and force him in with a slippery lurch. The added pressure helped him explode, another spurt of his cum floating in the fluid of her tail's belly alongside him.

He emerged into a cavern walled by soft, malleable tissue, much like her vaginal canal; it had no end, he had to curl up in a fetal position just to stay comfortable, his wings wrapped around him and his legs still sticking out of the cavern, squeezed by the gullet of the tail maw. The walls were rippled, throbbing, and squeezing tight while still loose fitting enough to leave a layer of fluid between him and his fleshy confines. He could hear her heart beat slowing its pace as she seemed to be relaxing. A moment later, he felt another shift followed by pressure as she seemed to lie down, exhausted from his vigorous pleasuring.

As he squirmed and shifted inside, trying to get even more comfortable - he didn't imagine he was going to be escaping any time soon - he noticed his other paw slid into another tight fleshed hole. A cervix, two of them, both with different canals. His mind was fading a bit into semi-consciousness, but given the two entrances, he had to realize that he was in her womb. Both tail and pussy led to the same place.

His mind continued to dissipate into a nearly dreamlike state as he nestled into the soft flesh that was cradling him close. He was comfortable, still aroused, and content. Somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered how he wasn't choking or gasping for air, but that fear was alleviated the moment he felt his chest slowly expand, his gullet and nostrils taking in the fluid that he was suspended in. There was no pain, no discomfort, only a silent lucidity.

Xanril was at peace. The gentle throbbing of the gryphoness' heart a steady reminder of his place inside her. He never did find out how she knew his name.