Kevin's Highschool days: Chapter 2 Halloween fun

Story by Boomerthemagnificant on SoFurry

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#2 of Kevin's Highschool Days: Chapter 1 The start of school

With school starting out great, I had a really good time here. The Lucian brothers were pretty friendly. Well Snow sometimes was a little tense which scared me a bit, but Equinox assured me that the leopard was really quite friendly. It's just that he can get quite aggressive if threatened so it's best to try and not do anything too serious that could be dangerous to him. I made a mental note to myself to be a little careful around Snow.

A month passed and soon we were in October. My progress with the human and the orca became a little more successful with each day. Sometimes the human would tip his chess hat at me if he wore it when we passed by each other in the hall meaning soon. That soon kind of got to me. When is that soon going to come? The orca made a good impression with this sign. I occasionally met him in the lockeroom and he'd point, wink at me and mouth soon at my face before he left. Hopefully that soon comes around I thought to myself.

After three weeks in October had flew by, Halloween had rolled in. On the night of trick-or-treating, Snow, Blaze and Equinox decided to go hunting for candy to load up their bags (and stomachs of course). I wasn't too sure if I still wanted to go trick-or-treating and the costume dressing up was sort of dead to me but I told the three of them that I might make a decision soon.

It was 6:00 at night and I was rummaging through my closet and downstairs for something good to wear. I found an old bushy grey and navy blue hoodie from a couple of years ago, my old blue baseball cap and some pants from the ninth grade. Hey this odd pair of old clothes could be something good I thought to myself. I slipped on the pants, pulled the hoodie over my head and topped it off with the baseball cap. Then I checked out my look in the mirror. It was pretty amusing. Just then the doorbell rang. I quickly ran downstairs and opened it up finding the Lucian brothers all dressed up in their costumes.

Equinox sported a shiny pair of black pants with plastic diamonds and a vest which featured a green sports car on the back. The front of the vest was opened and I could see he had a pretty good featured chest. It looked like he was developing some muscles and I always seem to enjoy looking at guy's built chests.

Now Phoenix's outfit had a lot of great things to marvel at. There was his black leather jacket for one with a chest pocket holding a cellphone in it. His other great features were dark glasses on his face, a pair of grey pants with some furry doing the rock sign and a gold chain around his neck which said,"Rapping rocker."

Finally I saw Snow's costume. The snow leopard was probably dressed up as a samurai because he wore white robes with a red belt, a red bandana across his head and a plastic sword holder with a long plastic sword sticking in it. All three of them were holding an orange candy bag with a cartoon witch flying on a broom logo.

"So," Lucian spoke at last. "What do you think of our costumes?'

"They're great!" I said. "Interesting choices and I don't believe anyone's dressed up like you guys before, but what kind of samurai are you Snow?"

"I'm supposed to be dressed up like this dark samurai from a human anime series I saw on TV," Snow replied. "His fighting style inspired me to dress up like him."

"Hey Kevin, Blaze said. "We got a surprise for you." "Two more guys are joining us for our candy hunt."

"Really who?" I exclaimed. Now another set of guys would be joining us, we were going to get some sweet loads tonight!

"Oh I think you'll recognize them from school," grinned Snow. "They know us from another school we went to." "Now come on, we'd better hurry if we're going to rack in some sweet bags of the good stuff." He headed off down the street with Equinox and Blaze lead me away under his right wing.

My parents were going to be back at midnight so they said I could go out with my new friends for trick-or-treating. I carried the house key to my house in my pocket so I could get back inside once we finished. They decided that grade 11 was the perfect grade to start giving me my own house key.

The walk didn't take long. We rounded some houses, walked down a small hill sidewalk and stopped outside a white balcony house under a streetlamp. I could make out two figures standing in front of us in the dark, but couldn't tell who they were. Blaze took his right wing off me and stepped back.

"Gentlemen,"he boomed. "Step into the light." With that the two figures stepped into the light. My mouth dropped when I saw who they were.

It was the human and the orca from school!

The human had a old brown hat on as well as a hunters outfit and brown hiking boots. I assumed he dressed up as Indy the famous explorer human hunter from the famous movies on TV and theaters. His right hand clutched a black treat bag containing a plastic brown whip on it.

The orca had a pretty impressive costume on as well. His right hand held a mini video camera and a gold ring was wrapped around his index finger. His jacket looked mighty fine as it had a bright shade of white, six buttons on each side and a name tag was pinned on his left which read,"XXX Director." I could see he had a six pack since it kind of showed through his jacket. He then showed me the back of his shirt which showed a grinning green reptile wearing only a loincloth rubbing a bulge under it. There were a set of letters under the reptile which read,"Raging Reptile hard-on studios." I chuckled a little since I knew what "hard-on" they were referring to.

"Hey please to see you," the human said tipping his hat towards me. "We saw each other at school, I'm Ryan."

"Please to meet you Ryan," I replied back waving a clawed hand at him. This must of been the right time they were referring to! "Who's the orca?"

"That's Morrell my orca friend," Ryan said looking over at the bulky figure who walked on over to us. "He's dressed up as an adult movie director."

"Please to meet you new friend,"said Morrell extending a black and white striped hand at me to shake. I shook his hand feeling mesmerized by his huge size. This big orca was actually standing right in front of me with a human, what a great surprise for Halloween this was. I quickly brought myself back to reality and finished shaking before detaching my clawed hand from his.

"Equinox, Blaze and Snow have told us you'd be a pleasure to meet,"Ryan spoke up. "They were right, you certainly look like a fine dragon to hang out with."

"Thanks,"I replied to Ryan. "Hey Morrell where'd you get that pornographic jacket?"

"Oh this?" Morrell said showing me the jacket back again. "I got it on vacation with my dad in California in summer of August." "We were visiting a special studios lot where they make some of the world's finest anthro porn which surprisingly was next to a human porn studios lot." "Anyway this reptile in a brown jacket and tight blue shorts had a studio garage sale of old stuff he was selling and offered this jacket to me." "He said it belonged to the head director of his studio and sold it for just $25!" "What a deal and my dad especially admired his bargaining!" "That's quite cheap coming from an adult movie studio sale!"

All of us had a laugh about it because we found it rather funny how he got a great deal on a porno jacket.

"Hey Kevin," Ryan asked. "Who are you dressed up as?"

"I'm dressed up as the past highschool's of me!" I exclaimed stretching out my arms. "I wore these pants, this hoodie and this cap from grade 8,9 and 10." "Makes a great costume you can reuse." Ryan and the others gave me thumbs up showing that they liked my outfit.

"Excuse me guys,"interuppted Blaze. "We still got some candy to collect!"

"Oh yeah right,"responded Equinox. "Let's get going everyone!" After that response, we set off to rake in our sweet rewards.

It was quite easy to get a lot of Halloween treats. We targeted the houses that either had the most kids or were filled with people from families since we knew their houses had the best loads. Morrell even filmed us going door to door at the best spots so he could save our trick-or-treating on camera. Now I knew what he brought it for. The goods we got mostly ranged from small bags or chips to mini Snickers bars. Some of the women freaked out over the orca's costume because they thought it was a little perverted that he'd dress up as an adult movie director. The Lucian brothers however reassured them that Morrell's design was original and he wasn't going to perform any sexual actions on them. The women had a good laugh after that and even mentioned that he could ring in some girls as his treat. We found that rather amusing since we were bringing in the candy instead of girls.

We found a great spot after the neighborhood to get even more great stuff: The rich neighborhood! The houses there gave us loonies, toonies and even a huge Mars bars or a one litre bottle of pop! A couple of houses even gave out 5 dollar bills! That neighborhood was the last stop on our candy hunt and by that time, our bags were heavy and full. As we headed back to our stop under the streetlight, we had to swap bags all the way back because they were quite tiring to lift. Morrell and I offered to carry the most bags during our swaps because we were the biggest and could haul the most weight.

We finally reached our destination and found a couple of benches to sit on. We plopped down on the wooden seats with our bags panting and sweating from the exhausting trip back. There was a lot of sweat on our heads and we had some pretty bad body odour from the stains under our arms.

"Phew,"Equinox panted undoing his vest. "That feels much better." I could see that he was developing some muscles a bit after his vest was opened.

"I think we could all use a bit of fresh air after that trip,"remarked Ryan. All the guys begin undoing their jackets, shirts and even Snow undid his samurai belt thing. Once their chests were exposed to me, I was having a difficult time controlling myself from staring at their bodies.

Ryan's figure looked slighty slim, but his chest showed that he had an athlete's body in the making since I could see him getting a bit of a body pack on his chest. Snow's features were quite amazing as well, his furry abs sort of stuck out under his furred body. Now Blaze was a different story. He had some amazing features like his colored feathers, but I couldn't really tell if he had muscles or not. Morrell was the biggest problem of all.

He had a six pack that girls would drool over. The sweat dripping down and off of it reminded of a summer ad for coke or beer. All the guy's sweaty chests were arrousing me. It was difficult to prevent the stir I was feeling in my groin. My cock was extending in my pants and they started feeling uncomfortable. I looked down and saw that it had poked out a bit showing a "missile." I quickly grabbed my candy bag to cover it though Equinox noticed it quickly.

"Hey Kevin, what's that?"he asked.

"Oh nothing," I quickly said though he didn't think it was nothing. He pulled the bag off my pants showing my raging penis. Great I thought to myself, now the guys are going to laugh at me for having a public erection but instead of laughing Equinox put his hand around me. Blaze even stretched one of his feathered wings around me as well. I guess they were comforting me since they knew I was feeling quite embarrassed of my "pole" showing.

"Kevin, it's nothing to be ashamed of,"Blaze said. "We all get hard-ons in public, we're guys."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Yeah, but this time it's in public view of a group of males,"I responded. "I've always done a good job of hiding it and now guys are seeing it."

"Are you gay?"asked Snow.

"I don't know!" I cried out. "Girls are mainly the kind I like, but I can't help staring at naked guys in the sports and public changerooms." "It's so hard to tell if I'm bi or not!" Hot tears began to fill my eyes from the shame, but Equinox wiped them off with his hand and turned his head to me.

"Hey how about we make you feel better?"asked Equinox bringing his head closer to mine. I knew where this was going. I'd seen enough movies and tv shows to know whenever guys or girls say something like that to each other, it leads to something passionate. I was certainly right because Equinox kissed me on the lips!

"Woah that was amazing," I said after the kiss ended. "Are you gay?"

"Oh heck yeah he is,"Snow spoke up. "All three of us are gay, Equinox, Blaze and me." "Hope you don't mind it though Kevin."

"Doesn't bother me," I replied. "It's actually kind of neat to hang out with you guys especially guys who dig guys." Blaze then turned my head to his.

"Oh Kevin,"Blaze chirped. "I believe we were still in the middle of something."

"Okay, but just do something simple," I quickly spoke up. "We're in public and I'm not ready to take off my pants for the hard-core stuff." The phoniex nodded yes and with that, Blaze locked his lips onto mine.

Now I had never made out with a girl, let alone a guy but Blaze helped me through with it. The phoniex carefully positioned his talon carefully around my mouth so that it didn't scratch mine up or cut it. It was then I noticed the feathered arms of his were caressing my back like a sex session from a romantic comedy movie. Feeling confused on what to do, I decided to return the favor by putting my arms around his back. Caressing Blaze's back felt good as his smooth feathers were like heaven in my hands. After a few minutes of smooching, the phoniex stopped kissing and pointed my head over to Equinox's smiling face. Guess he wants a little more time I thought chuckling to myself.

I knew what to do now so I grabbed Equinox's face and forced my tongue into his opened mouth. We wrestled our tongues together for what felt a least 7 minutes to 8 minutes of heaven occasionally departing out mouths up for air every now and then. When the kiss was almost over, Snow coughed a bit to grab our attention.

"Excuse me guys,"he interuppted. "I don't suppose I could get some of that action now too?"

"No problem bro,"Equinox replied back. Giving me one more kiss, Equinox then got off of me and Snow climbed onto my lap. He sat and positioned himself as close to my body as possible so that his butt wasn't sitting on my cock. I felt a bit stunned looking at the snow leopard's face. He could see I was daydreaming a bit at his face so he locked our lips together.

My night was going great! I had raked in huge treats and now three good-looking males were making out with me. Snow was definately the best so far since his furried face looked awesome and he seemed to be experienced at kissing. He guided my arms around his body and then we began caressing each other's backs while our tongues explored each other's mouth. I felt a bit tired after Blaze and Equinox gave me their turns, but managed at least 5 minutes of playing "tonsil hockey" with Snow before departing our lips.

After sitting up on the bench, I then noticed that Morrell had taped the whole thing with his video camera! It was pointed at us and the red record light was blinking!

"Uh Morrell,"I stammered. "You won't show that to anyone especially the school.?"

"Don't worry,"said the orca. "I see you're nervous about your sexuality and I'm quite friendly." "This footage will be our secret so it won't be shown to the school or anyone."

I then decided to walk back to my house as it was getting late. Morrell, Ryan and the Lucian brothers offered to help me with my huge treat bag all the way back. Once I got back to my house, they said goodbye and Blaze mentioned that we might have a private session for the "Real good stuff."

Closing the door, it then hit me that I really needed a shower from the stench of B.O. flowing into my nostrils. I quickly ran upstairs to the bathroom locking the door. After pulling off my clothes and tossing them into the clothes basket, I stepped into the tub and turned on the warm water. Showers always felt great since I loved the warm water flowing down my body. As I began soaping up, I looked down and noticed my cock was still erect. It then showed a perfect opportunity to rub one out. Grabbing my cock in my right hand, I slowly stroked it. I then closed my eyes and pictured the Lucian brothers in a mental image of my brain. They all looked so good in their features, Equinox's scaly body , Blaze's feathered body and Snow's furried body. I then sped up the process masturbating faster and faster until I cummed hard onto the shower tap.

Now dragons I learned in sex-ed class had amazing orgasm results. They had some of the best ejaculating abilities out there and could produce huge sperm amounts whether from stimulation from masturbating, butt sex or vaginal sex. I saw my huge result over the shower tap and quickly pointed the nozzle at it to rinse it off before shampooing my head.

As I dried myself off and changed into my pajamas for bed, another thought occured to me. Could this mean I'm a bisexual? Were Ryan and Morrell into guys and would I ever get to experience a real good sex session with the Lucian brothers?

Well here's my first attempt at yiff and I'd like to note a couple of things:

  1. Ryan and Morrell were used with permission from ryan-master-paladin-lewis. I might feature them in future chapters, but want to see what he thinks of it first.

  2. The tonsil hockey bit was intended to add a bit of humour to the story. Hope that part made you laugh.

  3. I don't think there are rich houses which exist that give out money, but I picked up the idea from Charlie Brown's great pumpkin special and added it.

  4. Originally Blaze was supposed to say the "good stuff" as a line, but in editing it I decided to let him mention it instead.

Here are some future chapter titles

Ch 3: New anthros in the school

Ch 4: Cry Me A River

Ch 5: Video making can be so arrousing

Review below what you thought of it!