Samus Aran: Space Pirate Cum Dump

Story by Snake Burton on SoFurry

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#3 of Random Requests

Another request I fulfilled, this time inspired by some Samus cum inflation pic. Don't have it on file at the moment, but it's some "thank you for 3,000" type of picture. Unfortunately, the OR ended up not being a fan, but hey, at least I had fun! Still need to work on my proof reading. I found some errors while uploading this, so I thankfully fixed them but there are still likely way more errors that I've missed. Well, hope you guys enjoy!

Samus awoke to the feeling of metal latching around her wrists. In her disorientated state, she could only just make out the vague shapes of her captors and the grimy, metallic haul that contained her. She could hear the things chittering to one another, but she was unable to make out a word they said. Trying to gain a grasp of her situation, she flexed her arms and legs to test the strength of her bonds.

As she forced her muscles against the hard cuffs holding her down, she realized she was locked in a spread eagle position on a metal slab. The cold clamps bit her skin as she tried to wrench herself free, but her efforts were for naught. Shaking herself, she focused on her surroundings once more.

Space Pirates. A lot of them. Three Zebesians were huddled around her, dragging her further into the dank halls of their ship, as others cleared the way or followed behind. It was now that she became acutely aware of her missing armor, currently wearing nothing more than her Zero Suit. She tried to remember how exactly she ended up in this situation, but her memory was nothing but a foggy cloud. How she could ever have been overwhelmed by low-lifes such as this was beyond her. Unfortunately, one of the pirates took notice to her.

"Ah, glad to see you're finally awake," rasped the Zebesian. It's speech was rough and sharp to Samus' ears, but she made sure not to flinch as it continued. "You've been a thorn in our sides for far too long. Now, it's our time to reap our revenge."

The pirate made a move towards her, dragging its chitinous purple claw against her face. Samus showed now reaction, and stayed quiet, even as the giant insect snapped it's claws beside her head. The Space Pirates began to laugh as they pushed her past big iron doors and into a large room with another set of doors on the opposite side. In the middle of the room was a wide open space, with a giant open container hanging above with tubes hanging down. The walls were lined with stairs that lead to a walkway above that circled into the center, leading to the suspended container.

The pirates stopped her underneath the clear vat, their chittering laughter ringing through her ears. Behind them, Samus spotted more of the insectoid aliens dragging in more carts, these covered in a gray tarp. The sharp voices bounced off the rounded walls, creating a horrendous cyclone of noise.

Five carts, ten carts, now twenty and still going. What exactly are they planning? Samus tried once more to struggle against her bonds, but the restraints were much. The laughter stopped as the final cart was pushed through, and the door slammed shut behind it.

She could barely keep track of them all. Hundreds of Zebeians and at least a hundred of the carts filled the room, causing the pirate scum to crowd around her. There laughter had died, and all that could be heard was the tense whirring of industrial fans.

The air was clammy and a bead of sweat formed on her brow.

"Do you know why we brought you here?" Samus remained quiet, even as the pirate leaned down to face her. It's breath was rank and hot. "Do you know what you're here for?"

Samus looked around the room, trying to find anything that could aide in her escape. The Zebeian shock it's head as it watched her.

"You've been beating us down for far too long, bounty hunter." The pirate flicked it's claw in the air, and the Zebeians by the carts lifted the traps.

Each cart had two shelfs loaded with ten glass buckets. Inside the buckets looked to be some sort of white paste. The pirate that had been talking to her made a noise of amusement as it pushed through the crowd and towards the cart. It motioned towards a pirate who lifted up the lid of a jar, and the pirate dipped it's claws into the white. As it lifted it's claw, Samus realized that it wasn't a paste, but a very viscous liquid. With a dripping, white claw, the Zebeian walked back to her.

"You do know what this is, don't you, bounty hunter?" Samus remained quiet, even as the pirate stood over her once more. Heavy drops of white fell onto her as the claw rose above her. The pirate's beak opened into what Samus could only think would be a grin. It continued.

"What you see here is all of our frustrations. Our pain and suffering. Our pent up anger. Every time we've faced against you and returned battered and bruised, we limped back and released our loss into these. As you can tell, we've had this happen quite a bit," the pirate mused. "We've been collecting this for the chance that we would one day best you, and now, that day has come. This room was modified specifically for you in mind. Ridley would be proud."

The Space Pirates growled around her, the mention of their fallen leader being an obviously sore wound. She suddenly felt claws holding her head still as pirate lowered it's head to stare her down.

"So, Samus, the mighty bounty hunter, do you know what this is?"

Samus remained still. The pirate was bemused with her ignorance.

"It's our seed."

Samus' eyes widened as he said that, her struggling started anew as she tried to wrench herself away from the Zebeian holding he. The pirate talking to her lifted it's arms high as the crowd grew excited.

"And now," the pirate screamed. "It is time for us to plant it inside you!"

The Space Pirates exploded into cheering as the pirate slammed down it's free claw onto her stomach, causing Samus to gasp out as the air was knocked from her lungs. Before she could recover, the pirate shoved his dirty, sticky claw into her open mouth and rubbed the fluid everywhere it could.

"How does it taste, Samus," the pirate cried as it spread the collected semen across the length of her tongue. Samus desperately tried to bite down on the claw, but the armor plating of the exoskeleton proved too strong for her. The musky taste of their fluids overwhelmed her taste buds, causing her to gag and spit around the claw. The liquid was rolled around the surface of her mouth, becoming almost gummy as the seed began to age.

Samus coughed and wretched as the pirate ripped it's claw out. She spat out all that she could onto herself in a poor attempt at removing the essence of the cretins from her pallet. As she collected her wits once more, she realized that many of the pirates had begun climbing the stairwells up to the vat, and began pouring their collected fluids into the container. She watched as gallon after gallon filled up the clear container, the sound of the liquid rushing into the tubes hanging above her.

While she was distracted by the quickly filling vat, the pirate that had been taunting her climbed on top of her, and positioned it's crotch over her covered breasts. Samus was perturbed, but as she watched the slimy shaft slip out of it's armored vent and harden in front of her, her feelings quickly turned to dread. The gross, veiny, purple shaft was drenched in his vent ooze. Angry and pulsing bumps and fins ran up and down along the entire shaft, making it look more like some sort of mad man's drill. The head of the shaft spread out into a queer star shape, and the hole in the middle was already dripping.

The Space Pirate took a hold of her breasts, wrapping them tightly around his shaft. Using his own self lubrication and Samus' spit from earlier, he grinded his cock in and out of her body's forced embrace. She could feel the ridges pressing against her cleavage, painfully bruising her chest valley as her suit caught onto his dick on every odd thrust. Samus tried her best to shake the pirate off of her, but that only seemed to give the scumbag more enjoyment.

"Oh yes," moaned the Zebeian. As Samus thrashed around between his legs, she consequently moved her breasts around his dick even more, giving him even more pleasure. "I like that you fucking bitch!"

Samus stilled after the pirate spoke, mortified about her situation. The beast on top of her just laughed and began thrusting harder.

"I've been waiting for this! Now, let's fill her up!"

The room shock as the Zebeian's cheers rocked the room. Samus' view was blocked by the depraved Zebeian on her chest and his dick thrusting between her breasts, but she could sense somebody getting too close for comfort between her legs. Her blood went cold when she felt an eager claw prod her mound. Not willing to give these pirates anymore satisfaction, she remained quiet, but was angered that she couldn't try to move away from the curious touch without pleasuring the one on top of her.

"With how still she is, I think she's finally understanding!"

Samus could only glare daggers at the creature on top of her as she felt the claws take a hold of her suit's crotch. With a quick tug and rip, her gentiles were exposed as the pirate successfully got through her zero suit, a quiet breath escaping her lips as the air made direct contact with her nethers. Without letting her a moment's rest, a pirate out of view quickly went about molesting her privates, a slick and rough claw teasing her small sphincter and grazing between her labia lips. Samus gasped as she was unprepared as each ends of the claw quickly penetrated both of her holes, spreading the slick pirate filth against the beginning of her insides.

As the claw was removed, Samus took a fast gulp of air, only to have it shocked out of her when she felt two metallic rods take place inside her. She felt the bulbous heads of the rods move further inside her, until she felt a second bulb quickly pass inside her, locking them in place. Straps were quickly tied around her legs and a different cool liquid was poured around her orifice. Whatever the liquid was, she realized that it congealed around the rods, locking them in place. Even when she flexed her legs, it didn't do anything to remove the rods, only to move them around her insides. Curious as to what they were doing, she scanned the room for any clues, before realizing the tubes connecting to the vat above her fell down towards behind the pirate on her chest, and aimed towards her legs.

If her blood was cold before, it was practically ice by now.

With a hiss of machinery, the vat above her shock, causing the tubes to jostle and cause the rods inside Samus to jiggle around, adding to her discomfort. She could hear the filthy white gunk gushing down the tubes, rushing towards the only exists they could find. As the rumbling grew closer, Samus tensed herself, causing the Zebeian above her to groan as her chest coiled tighter around his shaft.

As the first deluge of pirate juice began filling her insides, Samus couldn't help but stare wide eyed and mouth agape as her insides were violated. In the process of pumping her, the hose also seemed equipped with something that heated the semen as it passed through, causing it to be incredibly warm as it made it's way inside. She could feel the thick liquid getting pumped into each and every crevice in her body, more and more of the sick stuff squirming it's way deeper and deeper. Unable to focus, Samus could hardly react as the pirate cock between her breasts ripped the chest of her suit and forced it's way into her mouth.

"Damn, this bitch has a nice mouth," moaned the Zebeian as he continued to rip up her suit with the barbs at the base of his cock while the head pistoned in and out of her mouth. As the filling sensation increased, Samus could do nothing but lay there in disbelief as she could feel her toned stomach begin to inflate. Her normally flat stomach began to form a small bump as she felt her vaginal canal completely fill with cum, gushing past her womanly barriers and getting to work on her deeper parts. Her ass was also filling at an alarming rate, the many twists and turns of her intestines, as well as the strength of her muscles put up as much as a fight as it could against the white onslaught. Her anus practically ballooned with cum as it tried to maximize as much space as possible.

Despite being unable to move from the intense feeling, Samus was still aware of what was happening. Even as more pirates came to pour more of their rank spunk into the container, others decided it best to masturbate then and there, releasing their jizz with strained grunts, mixing fresh juice with what was stored. They took turns, bringing up more jars, then furiously masturbating, and then coming back down to crowd around Samus and the Zebeian riding her, cheering him on as he continued to defile her big sweating boobs and drooling mouth.

Even though her uterus and anus were at what felt like max capacity, Samus could only gawk as the pumps continued pushing more and more of the stuff into her. The Zebeian above her was now sitting on her expanded stomach as he thrusted on top of her, her flesh somehow stretching enough with no end in sight. She could feel her zero suit strain against her skin as she was flooded with more and more of the sick stuff. Her body positively coursed with the essence of the Space Pirates inside her. She felt more like a depository for Zebeian cum than a bounty hunter as her insides quivered against the never ending flow.

Suddenly, she felt some sort of wall give way inside her intestines, a waterfall of cum quickly rushing into some chamber inside of her. Her body was never meant to feel such a sensation, but the tingling and swelling she felt as the viscous seed filled her even deeper was absolutely mind shattering. As the pirate on top of her once more stroked his dick through her lips, crashing her own boobs against her face, she felt herself nearly ready to black out. An intense wave of nausea washed over her as the fluid spread to parts inside that were designed to be one way paths only.

Even her woman hood was facing a situation it was never meant for, now, nearly filled, Samus felt a sharp pain as the liquid was forced into her innermost sanctuary, a place where cum was never intended to expand. Tears formed in her eyes as the pain grew, her vagina on the cusp of bursting into a painful mix of Zebeian sperm and her ovaries. The Zebeian riding her took notice of this, and quickly waved his arm without stopping his own siege on her body.

Samus could feel the rod in her vaginal canal cease its river of alien cum. She would have sighed in relief, if it wasn't for the insectoid cock still ramming her face as the far more worrisome increase in force her ass faced. Due to the flow being cut off from one of the hoses, the rest of the liquid was now being forced out a single exit, the one leading into her sphincter.

While her stomach was already horribly distended with the amount of cum that had been pumped into her, she was appalled to learn that her body could still somehow expand as the entirety of her intestines were filled. She could feel the rushing currents as it spread deeper into her, practically see the ripples on her beneath her skin as it continued to stretch. She was glad she was too preoccupied with the horrific pressure in her belly to contemplate what exactly was happening to her skeleton or other organs, though, some part of her was glad for her unique Chozo DNA to keep herself from painfully rupturing.

As she felt the jizz inside her start to rise further and further inside her body, the pirate atop her also began to hasten his rutting. The Zebeian panted and groaned like a wild animal as he pleasured himself with the bounty hunter's body. Her cleavage was soaked with their combined sweat and his pre cum, as well as all of the saliva he scooped from her mouth with his unique cock head. Not even her suit was in the way anymore as his shaft completely stripped away the not so durable fabric. Suddenly, he felt the bitch beneath him begin to jerk spasmodically as she began to gag. Looking at her wide open mouth, the pirate could clearly see her convulsing throat, and he knew what he had to do.

Samus was no longer fully aware of herself as she felt the thick seed rush up her esophagus. She wanted to vomit, but the only thing left inside her was the rank cum. There was a weird, almost burning, sensations at the back of her throat as she suddenly was overcome with frantic coughing. She was, however gagged when the pirate shifted forward, and buried his disgusting shaft deep into her spasming throat.

"She's gonna blow," cried the pirate as he finally began to add his own contribution the new resident cum dump.

Samus could do little as she felt the cum forced inside her body break through the last of her resistance, quickly reaching her head from her throat. In fear of getting the spunk in her lungs, she desperately tried to wretch and force out the oncoming wave through her mouth. This however, caused a good portion of it to escape through other means. Within moments, Samus wasn't just having alien cum from her ass being forced out of her mouth around the Zebeian cock, but also felt it rushing out of her nose, and even dribbling out of her ears.

The feeling of her throat quivering and squeezing around his shaft, as well as the force of his fellow brothers' combined sperm was heavenly to him. His own contributions were immediately swept away by the ocean of cum being forced out of the bounty hunter bitch. He weakly humped into her mouth, grinding his vent and crotch as hard as he could into her face, before letting himself go and falling into the open hands of his comrades as he slipped out and off of her.

Now, with nothing obstructing her mouth, the aliens' semen geysered out of her, as if she were a human sprinkler. No longer able to breathe and feeling the cum escaping from every possible pore, Samus finally relinquished her hold on reality and slipped off into darkness. In her final moments, she believed that death would be a mercy in the face of what she was currently experiencing.

Death would not be granted, however, as the pirate weakly lifted his arm and called for the pump to be turned off. With another mechanical hiss, the many gallons of alien batter slowed to nothing but a trickle, the geyser that was Samus' face weakened until it was merely pouring. Not wanting to let their newly acquired juice balloon go to waste, the pirate hit a button beneath the slab she was connected too, which slowly tipped her over until the cum simply poured out any of the excess keeping her from breathing.

A minute had went by before Samus could properly breathe again, or as close to proper considering how her lungs had to struggle against her inflated intestines. Her senses were completely saturated with the taste of Zebeians, the smell of Zebeians, even the sound of Zebeians. She did her best to recuperate, still in awe at just how filled with cum she was. Her stomach spilled obscenely to the side, jiggling with each breath and movement. She could still feel some of the cum wanting to escape her lips, and she gladly vomited out more of it, upset that she once more had to taste it, but glad that at least some of it was out of her system.

With the sound of grinding metal, Samus was brought back to her normal position, the metal slab moving back to neutral and she once more glared at her captors around her. The pirate that had tormented her chittered as he slapped her bouncing belly.

"Well now, would you look at that," he said, giving her taught skin a light pinch. "the great Samus Aran, bounty hunter extraordinaire, reduce to nothing but a condom for us 'low-lifes' to fill." He growled as he felt his loins churn with more man milk. "Isn't that wonderful."

Samus merely glared, but she couldn't help but wince when he smacked her side hard, the thick globs inside of her bouncing against her inner walls. She could hear the doors open behind her, and too her dismay, even more carts loaded with their loads were pushed in.

"Yeah, don't you worry. We got plenty more where that came from. We've been saving up for decades!" The pirates cheered as they witnessed a part of Samus' will break. With a wave, her tormentor quieted the crowd and gestured to the door. "And one more thing..."

The big metal door on the opposite side of the room slowly opened, revealing nothing but darkness.

"Soon you'll get to have a nice reunion with the boss," said the pirate, as the lights slowly began to brighten in the adjacent room. "To say he'll be excited to meet you after your last encounter would be an understatement. And don't worry, we made sure to add a few improvements that you're sure to love."

For the first time in Samus' life, she felt true fear as the body of her arch fore Ridley was illuminated, hooked onto metal tubes and wires. Most of his body was now machine, but somehow the winged beast was still alive, as his eyes slowly opened and locked onto her. It's mangled beak twisted into a sick grin as it took in the sight of his archenemy in such a sordid state. There was a certain thrill to have so much dominance over those you hate most, and the pleasure he got from seeing the bounty hunter turned cum dump quiver with fear as his own modified spire of flesh rose out of his half flesh, half machine cloaca. What was once his glorious manhood that gave him so much pride was now a sadistic torture device aimed at running Samus for the rest of her life. And Ridley planned on enjoying every second of it.

"I'm sure you two can't wait to be together once again, but unfortunately, the boss needs a bit more time to recover." The pirate laughed again, as he watched the bounty hunter's pale face. "Don't you worry though, you have all of us to keep you company until then!"

Samus felt the adhesive holding in the rods in her lower holes suddenly ripped off of her bare skin, and before she could scream out, every Space Pirate around her quickly swarmed in to plug up any free holes.


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