Wolfy 1

Story by KevinFoxboy on SoFurry

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#7 of FurryShots

Hmm, feral watersports; you're warned. When a feral wolf loses his pack, he has to start over with a new one... on the bottom.

Wolfy 2014-0218.1322 Text and characters (c) 2014 Kevin Foxboy. All rights reserved.

Adult, Feral, Wolf, Pack, Dominance, Submission, Degradation, Humiliation, Watersports, F/M, M/M

Jacob Wolf woke and stretched in his hastily-dug partial den. The day hadn't begun yet, but Jacob didn't have the luxury of enjoying the breaking dawn.

Not any more. He missed his pack, the familiar scent of his mother. Even the prey odor of the second-paw rabbit den the family took over. Its inhabitant had been delicious.

Jacob had been loping along with his pack, the winter almost over but snow still thick in places. The yearling wolf was just starting to hunt small game himself, technically just now an adult wolf.

Mom had been a dozen paces ahead, his sister between them to the left. Dad was up ahead, one of maybe eight gammas. There had been so much game last summer that even a pair of gammas had been allowed to mate. Mom and Dad took full advantage of the privilege.

The other gammas were pupless. If the deer were still plentiful, another pair would mate this year. It was a great pack to be in, and Jacob felt great pride that he could start to help make them even better. The four betas were mated, and the females showing pups. They were in rear-guard positions, to protect the pack's future.

Jacob was at the age when he'd have to prove himself. He wasn't a cub anymore. Mom and Dad would no longer protect Jacob from the other gammas, and he'd had to defend his own kills even from the omegas.

Jacob had gotten himself in trouble as he'd been running over snow-covered dead branches. He'd misjudged a step, and his left hind paw had broken through a hollow part. He hadn't broken it, but he'd stumbled, and dragged the paw against something sharp.

His pained yip sounded loud in the quiet, at least to him. But the pack scented prey, and took up the howl, loud enough to drown out the single young adult. Even his sister, closest to him, had been distracted as the pack broke out in a run.

Jacob had tried to follow, and made his wound worse. His ankle bent to the right, and he yipped again. He struggled to lean even a quarter of his weight on it, and failed. He couldn't keep up with running wolves on three legs.

That had been three days ago. Now on his own Jacob was scared. He'd hunted alone before, but this was the first time he couldn't run back to the safety of the pack. They'd been following game trails for weeks, denning together when they could, scooping snow instead of returning where his birth den had been.

Now all Jacob did was return to the place of his injury, because the branches provided cover. It was still cold at night with the wild blowing, and Jacob was old enough to know he needed shelter before water and food. The snowmelt tasted good, and there was still game if he took enough time to hunt.

His left hind ankle had healed, just a sprain. He could run, but it still hurt a bit when he turned on it. It was easier to turn right, with the hurt paw in the air. Jacob knew staying put would mean the cougars would find him, and that meant his death.

The cold dawn broke, and Jacob was careful to stretch, put little weight on his paw, let it settle. Soon he was able to walk normally, but he knew running would hurt. He could get up to a trot without much trouble, and proceded to do so.

He knew he was following his pack, but three days behind and losing. He was startled to hear a faint questing howl, because he didn't think Mom or Dad would circle back. Sis maybe, but gammas didn't leave their pack on a whim. Sometimes wolves didn't catch up, and they'd wait their turn. If there was enough food in a few years.

The questing howl sounded again. Jacob paused, his dark ears twisting. If it was a rival pack on their own hunt, they'd be as much a danger as the solitary cougars. The howl was taken up by several feral throats.

Jacob panicked. He was surrounded! Hungry wolves, pack strong. Trotting for days, only running after game. He shivered. Alone, weakened, Jacob was prey.


He ran, blindly away from the first and second howls, ignoring his left ankle. As long as it hurt, Jacob was alive. He forgot about the rabbit tracks he'd been following, forgot the direction his pack had disappeared. He knew instinc- tively he needed *a* pack, the safety of numbers, but he wasn't sure about *this* pack.

Two black shapes appeared suddenly. Damn, they'd flushed him like prey! He knew the method, hell he'd begun to use it himself. These wolves weren't his killers, they were the shock troops, and he'd almost skittered away from the surprise of their appearance.

Jacob slowed, and planted his left hind paw. He aimed a little left, not a real turn, and the ankle held. He aimed right at one of the shapes, knowing the strange wolf wouldn't take his impact, so his speed would take him past that one, and he'd have to push himself to evade the other.

He saw the wolf leap aside, and tore through the empty space. That wolf lifted tail to balance, so Jacob saw her wolfess evidence. He was old enough to know about females, and become interested despite her being out of season, and his testicles shrunken as well. It was past breeding time.

His testicles were certainly big enough for a young male. He licked himself clean often enough to avoid giving prey a scent, and his sister was old enough now to take an interest in his size. Jacob lifted his tail as he ran by, to try to distract her.

The other wolf was a female too. She was timid enough to fail to sprint at Jacob to cut off his retreat, but he knew it was a hollow victory. He had to escape the next wolves. And the next, and... the whole pack. How many strong were they?

He never got past the next test. A bigger dog streaked by, knocking Jacob down and tumbling free. It was enough of a delay for more wolves to arrive. Outnum- bered, outpowered, Jacob knew he'd lost. He did the only thing he could.

Jacob squatted, and raised up on his hind legs. He peed forcefully, sending his yellow stream out in defiance. Drawing a line in the white snow drift. His hind legs gathered under him, ready to spring to meet his death in another wolf's jaws. He would not go quietly into the night.

The wolf who came trotting up would be a beta or gamma, depending on how well he'd acquitted himself. He was in deep trouble, perhaps his death, but showing fear would make it worse. Seeming fearless, they'd just kill him. Show fear, they'd make sure they took awhile.

Several wolves surrounded Jacob. He stood up, fluffed his fur to look as big as possible, and growled. He wasn't giving in. The rules for wolf fights meant they were supposed to send one against him; it would be insulting to just jump him, since everyfur knew he couldn't fight several at once, let alone the whole pack.

If they fought by the same rules. Jacob was alone against a strange pack. One wolf could only die with honor. And if they allowed it, several might worry him, but only one would attack. It would be a beta, and the alpha and his mate would sit aside and watch. They might even let him bite the beta's throat before starting the next attack.

Wolf packs have a social hierarchy, based on physical strength and agility. The alpha has his position while he can fight off all challengers. His mate gets pup privileges through him. The fights for dominance don't usually end in killing; one wolf surrenders and rolls over, letting the other bite his/her throat.

The victor is supposed to control the kill urge. After all, the loser doesn't get thrown out, just down in status. There's a pack for a reason, and as long as the loser accepts the new status, the whole pack heals and gets stronger.

All Jacob had to do was acquit himself well. If they hated him, they could've killed him already. Heck, even two wolfesses would be difficult to defend against. It was actually a test of his strength and courage.

The beta, or maybe gamma, in front of Jacob fluffed, and Jacob saw the bigger male show himself. It was a challenge, a mild insult, you get to look at a bigger male because he's confident he'll win. Jacob had already shown his assets, and that too was a test. If he was male enough he'd be an asset to the pack.

Jacob didn't hesitate. As soon as the other male lifted his forepaws, Jacob did the same. The two males stood balancing on their hind legs, their maleness hanging in their scrotums, their penises limp in their sheaths. Taking them out and measuring, so to speak. Each male slid his baculum down and let the pink flesh poke out.

Jacob was furrier, his rival blacker. He knew enough not to get distracted by the scent wafting over the field of honor. The bigger male had the bigger organ and the whole pack got to see. Jacob's injured left hindpaw made him drop first, and the pack yipped at the first defeat.

None of the other wolves attacked, and Jacob nodded at the honor given. His rival growled, and Jacob matched. He was just adult, and everyfur knew their choice was in his prime. He waited for Jacob to make a move.

Jacob chose to challenge. Why he didn't just whimper and submit, he didn't know. He needed to prove himself, and if he was still back with his own pack he'd still have to accept challenges. He figured it didn't matter who killed him.

Jacob squatted again, spread his hindpaws, and released his bowels. He was marking the place as his, and he'd defend it. The show seemed to amuse the pack. A really big black wolf padded up, and everyfur gave him room. This was obviously the Alpha, getting himself a good position to watch.

Letting his gamma fight. Jacob wasn't worth a beta, certainly not the Alpha. Jacob stepped away from his pile, resisting the urge to turn and sniff.


When the gamma stood still, Jacob paced, showing his right side, then turned and showed his left. He wasn't limping, and he was showing his body to the pack. If they'd been anthro, it'd be an audition. The pack was sitting down to watch the gladiators, not ripping apart wolf prey. Perhaps they just wanted to relax and watch the entertainment.

The gamma paced. He was showing off too, and I suppose somefur was taking bets. Oops, anthro thinking again. Ferals didn't think it through like that. Jacob knew the longer he delayed the more confident the other wolf would get, so he began taking a step toward his opponent.

The gamma lunged. His powerful hindpaws propelled him forward, eating up the distance. Jacob shifted right, deflecting the blow which took them both down in a big furry heap. Jacob's left hindpaw was still a little weak, and he was the one rolled.

He managed to avoid the first snap of the gamma's jaws by sheer momentum. As the bigger male rolled over him Jacob tried to rake his flank with a forepaw. A quick whine meant he'd gotten some contact, but the bigger male wouldn't give him any benefit of doubt again.

The two wolves faced each other and this time Jacob tried to leap. The other wolf parried and almost got a bite of Jacob's ruff before he had to body check the smaller wolf. Rump to muzzle the two wolves pushed and spun, the gamma giving ground when Jacob bit, but slowly pushing the smaller male back toward his pile.

Jacob wasn't paying attention. He had some strength of youth, but the bigger gamme had experience and weight. He repeatedly nipped at Jacob's thigh and calf, while pushing Jacob's muzzle. Jacob was getting angry enough that his adrenaline increased his strength.

How the gamma knew to shift his own weight and paw at Jacob was a mystery. It wasn't a blunt-claw attack on Jacob's eyes. The smaller male wasn't insulted that he was losing the fight to a bigger male, just that the other seemed to be holding back. He pushed Jacob's muzzle, clawing at the whiskers and taking Jacob's attention.

Finally Jacob got a brief chance and took it. He lunged forward and caught the gamma's muzzle a toe width back from his vulnerable black nose. The pain was more a surprise for the gamma, who merely kicked Jacob's left hindpaw from under him.

Jacob lost his grip to howl in pain. Just as he'd put weight on that paw, his enemy kicked his knee, and the paw. Jacob crashed to the cold frozen ground, already trying to bite again in counter. The bigger wolf used his own weight against Jacob, and then basically sat on him.

Jacob flailed around, trying to gouge the gamma. His hind paws kicked against wolf weight, his front scrabbled against the victor's chest. But the gamma was lying on top of Jacob now, far too close for any leverage. Jacob panted heavily as he struggled.

All the gamma had to do now was wait. His own panting slowed down, as he was on top of the smaller Jacob, slowly pressing his ribs down making Jacob gasp for breath. It didn't break anything, because then Jacob couldn't hunt for the pack.

Slowly Jacob's peripheral vision darkened. He was still struggling, but get- ting feebler, and when the gamma had enough of that game he just ducked down and engulfed Jacob's muzzle. Sharp canines poked sensitive flesh, and Jacob had to accept defeat.

With a whimper, Jacob put his head down. He rolled his throat clear, and offered his life. The gamma was still excited from the battle and might have ignored his Alpha, but the victor's mate brushed her tail over the defeated wolf.

She stood over Jacob, her mate's teeth on Jacob's throat. The meaning was clear, and Jacob whimpered, admitting his defeat. The wolfess walked around the recumbent wolf and sniffed a bit at his hind end. Jacob knew not to kick, not with teeth in his neck.

The wolfess lifted a forepaw and pushed Jacob over on his back. With his wolf hind legs folded, his maleness was exposed, and he whimperd again. The gamma moved aside as the Alpha's mate padded over. The gamma wolfess took a gentle bite of Jacob's left hind leg.

With the victorious male at his throat and the female at his leg, Jacob was held open for the Alpha's wolfess. She sniffed him as he whimpered in defeat. Her cold wet nose touched his scrotum, and Jacob whimpered pitifully. He knew his maleness was in danger, and he could only protect himself with submission.

Her tongue was a relief. No teeth at his balls, the frightened male let her explore. Another gamma male padded up, licked Jacob's muzzle, and was amused at the lack of struggle. They knew Jacob was surrendering, not giving up, and they'd guard him.

The victorious gamma released Jacob's throat but stood over him. Jacob wasn't allowed to lick his wounds yet. The Alpha male padded over and stepped on Jacob, putting just enough of his royal weight to teach Jacob his new place.

The other wolves got off Jacob, but stayed a body length away. Jacob whimpered because he knew what was next. The Alpha male stood over his prone captive, and lifted his dark muzzle in a victory howl that was joined by the entire pack.


Then the Alpha took what was his by right. As the wolf stood, Jacob looked along his underside to see the male's sheath twitch as the baculum slid down into his penis. Once free of the Alpha's sheath, it stared at Jacob briefly before the male released his piss, all over Jacob's lighter fur, soiling the defeated male and marking him as the bigger male's possession.

When he was done, he jumped off Jacob and trotted off. A cold muzzle rubbed the male's inner right thigh, and the low growl reminded him to relax his legs, opening himself completely to his captors. It was the gamma wolfess who licked Jacob's thighs, easing him into his new life.

She lapped down his thighs, spreading the Alpha's degrading gift before moving to his sheath. She forced Jacob to release his baculum, and used only her lips to pull the wolf's penis from his sheath. It was humiliating to be exposed to the entire pack.

Which was the point. The defeated wolf had lost all status and was now merely an omega in the new pack. Jacob whimpered, but it wasn't in objection to the treatment. The alpha wolfess padded over, and the gamma retreated. The new dominant squatted over Jacob, and marked him thoroughly. He had to close his mouth and turn his muzzle.

Once the wolfess was done, Jacob knew his ordeal was just beginning. A beta male pissed on him, followed by his mate. The cold snow was making Jacob shiver, and the only heat he had was the warm urine spraying on his chest and tummy fur.

It was already dripping through to his underfur, thoroughly soaking it and running down his skin. The second beta, then his mate took their turn. The third pair confused him although the pack was used to it.

The third beta pair were both males, both with light grey fur, and they took Jacob together. Jacob was too beaten down to take advantage of the pair of wolf testicles hanging over his muzzle as the males emptied their bladders on him.

The smaller one at Jacob's hind end rubbed a forepaw over Jacob's scrotum, rather gently feeling the contents and moving them in a perversely pleasant manner. His larger mate was facing him over Jacob, and their muzzles touched. They actually kissed each other, while finishing their group humiliation of the new pack member.

They left Jacob to go somewhere to groom each other. He hadn't met gay wolves before. What that one had done to Jacob's organs had felt much better than the rough nose-poking some had forced on him.

The degrading treatment wasn't a complete shock to the young adult wolf. In his old pack the omegas were punished, and even gammas weren't immune to being rolled and marked. That pack's Alpha had probably been pissed on several times when he lost challenges, and Jacob himself had joined in humiliating the last wolf who'd challenged Alpha.

His own humiliation wasn't over. After the Alpha and his mate emptied their bladders, they'd padded down and dug with their hindpaws, scooping cold snow onto Jacob's exposed underside. The betas had taken some kind of delight in soaking him in their piss, then tossing snow on his helpless balls.

The social meaning was clear. Jacob was just a thing to piss on, then bury in snow, and metaphorically dirt. He was so far below the Alphas and betas he wasn't even really a fellow wolf. The good news was they used snow and earth, never actual wolf dirt.

After the Alphas, betas and even gammas had thoroughly soaked Jacob's fur, he lay degraded and humiliated in a puddle of yellowed melting snow. It was when the last omegas had finished marking and burying him that Jacob's whimpers and crying took full voice.

Nofur was left to hear his total self-disgust or sorrow. It was cold under the dug-up snow, and Jacob was shivering, sniffling, crying. The urine stench flooded his sensitive lupine nostrils, and slowly faded to background.

A young male wolf padded up. Jacob had been curled up for warmth, but spread himself before the male in total submissive surrender. He offered his tummy to the piss, hoping to amuse. The male omega smiled and shook his head, then padded near Jacob's head with a warning growl.

Jacob let the younger wolf stroke his paw over Jacob's muzzle. The male was full but wanted to degrade Jacob completely, make him know that a mere omega was above him. The male walked up to Jacob and stood on his chest. His sheath was directly in Jacob's view, but it was soft, and his small testicles were out of biting range.

The male thrust his groin at Jacob. He was too young to have male scent, but he rubbed his sheath on Jacob's nose until his little penis began to show. It was one thing to be pissed on by adults, but this... *pup* was another.

When Jacob tried to growl his refusal the youth looked up and Jacob saw the Alpha standing a few bodylengths away. This was obviously the Alpha's pup, and his parents showed preferences. Jacob was reluctant, and whimpered. But that opened his muzzle, and the youth rubbed his sheath on Jacob again.

The defeated wolf felt hopeless. He nodded and opened as the young male slid out of his sheath into Jacob. The stream was weak and he had no trouble swal- lowing the pale fluid. Jacob was very careful to keep his teeth from meeting as he swallowed.

The pup was satisfied with his captive's helplessness. Jacob had been beaten in a fight, degraded until he accepted an adolescent marking him. A wolfess had given voice to something he wanted to try. The Alpha sauntered over to his captive and nodded to his flank.

Jacob got the message. He whimpered his reluctance, even when the bigger male pounced and slapped him. Jacob got up on all fours before another blow knocked him onto his injured ankle, which collapsed. He had barely a second to recall that he'd fought and lost to one of this pack's gammas.

It was another humiliation that he wasn't worth the betas' time. Jacob was afraid of the Alpha and didn't fight the next slap on his muzzle or the gesture for his next degrading humiliation.

Jacob reluctantly lay down in a fresh snowdrift and let the Alpha straddle his aching muzzle. Despite having marked Jacob the Alpha pissed strongly down his submissive's throat. It tasted vaguely of venison, and the Alpha laughed at Jacob's stomach rumbling.


Now that Jacob was the entire pack's communal urinal, his place had been established and he was forced to accept it. The wolf pack hadn't hunted Jacob like prey, hadn't just killed him for trespassing on their territory. Perhaps because the pack was on the move, and their prey was elsewhere.

They could easily have used him far worse. On his back from fear of the Alpha, Jacob had been symbolically defecated upon and buried. He'd proven his lack of skill in battle, forced to roll and submit, marked and forced to drink.

But wolves aren't vindictive. They simply kill and feed, or allow a wolf to live. He was taken into their pack, but below even the omegas. Even the pups had rights over Jacob, in the next kill. Soon he would have to prove himself again, in the hunt.

Jacob had hunted alone, and he knew where to bite, but he had only been with his parents on hunts. Now he'd have to learn his place again, how to help the new pack hunt. The advantage of a pack was clear: even with smaller prey it's helpful to have a few wolves flush the prey, worry it so it can't think, just run blindly in panic, and aim it into the jaws of its killers.

Heck, any prey can run in a broken line and evade a single wolf, or two. But not the pack. Humans say there is no 'I' in 'team', and wolves illustrate it. Soon enough Jacob was pushed into place and shown his place in the hunt, at first the flusher, then a worrier. Several wolves took turns, to learn each skill.

And soon Jacob's skill from his old pack helped the pups. The wolves allowed Jacob to teach, as long as he stayed omega. There's no room for ego when your very life depends on pack skill, and although the Alphas might hunt alone, and even the betas loped off for a week or so, it was rare for the gammas to go alone.

The gay pair, however, wanted to teach Jacob some other skills. The defeated dog had allowed them to mark him, and stayed down as they kissed. Soon enough it was Jacob's turn to accept, kissing one gamma while the other stood guard. Even ferals knew it meant Jacob was to stay in line.

And he did. Even for the adult omegas and their pups. As the pups grew, so did Jacob, and they became used to using him, as he became used to being used. At first they had to double- or triple-team him to knock him down and bite, but soon Jacob would respond to a certain pitch of growl.

Even just before dawn, when the urine was thick and pungent. Throughout the day the wolves would provide more watery drink for Jacob, and as he contin- ued to submit, albeit reluctantly, it all became very habitual.

It was one warm night in the first summer with the new pack that Jacob took initiative with his pack. It wasn't the only one around, and some wolves would have to stay awake as guards. It was lonely, and the pack would suffer if a guard had to disappear to pee.

Jacob awoke for no apparent reason and looked up the hill at the rock where a guard wolf stood. Maybe the venison the night before had been a little salty, or he'd been distracted from drinking at the stream. Jacob got up and padded quietly toward the rock.

Halfway up he paused and chuffed. Just enough to let the guard know a wolf was there, so the guard wouldn't be startled. He heard the answering chuff and padded meekly uphill.

He saw the Second Beta waiting. Jacob didn't want the higher wolf angry, so he whimpered softly and fell to his belly. He was well aware of this male's bite, and crawled toward him ready to roll.

Jacob knew the male's duty and didn't distract him. Jacob curled to lick his own sheath, then pushed his muzzle into the air and made swallowing noises. The guard knew perfectly well what Jacob was offering, and chuffed.

As Jacob approached, he rolled in submission. The guard took a quick look around and nibbled the submissive wolf's muzzle. Jacob opened his lips and kept his teeth well-closed as he stroked the bigger wolf. Then he moved aside and showed the wolf his throat.

As the guard had more important things to do for the pack's welfare he crouched over Jacob's muzzle, with his scrotum hanging over the urinal's neck and tail over Jacob's body. Jacob lifted his muzzle and carefully licked the male's belly.

The beta took a step away and his sheath slid over Jacob's willing nose. His dominant baculum slid down to extrude his penis, and he emptied his bladder down Jacob's waiting throat. The submissive wolf simply drank until the beta rubbed his cockhead on the fur and stepped away, relaxing his baculum and resheathing himself.

He went back to his rock and turned his head to look back at Jacob. The darker wolf still lay on his back, exposing his own maleness to attack. The guard chuffed to dismiss the omega, who rolled back slowly to stay submissive, crawled away a respectful distance, then quietly padded down- hill to the next guard post.

Jacob's thirst was well-satisfied that morning, and he soon made it a habit.


The scent of the dominant beta wolf was heavy around the weakened omega. His left hindpaw had healed well, and he was allowed to run with the pack as long as he didn't try to escape. Soon enough the gay gammas knew their toy had accepted his new place, and they wanted to teach the young dog some tricks.

Sometimes they took their turns in his muzzle, and sometimes licked him. They asserted their dominance of the omega, and he no longer needed the threats from the pack Alpha to force Jacob to roll and submit. He soon found the gay use for his muzzle more fun.

This wasn't the only wolf pack with gay members; just that young Jacob hadn't realised it. For some reason the gays were less rough with Jacob. Oh sure they'd bite him and knock him down, but by now they could make him submit without needing to break his skin and draw blood.

Jacob learned to submit to the licking. He was getting used to being the pack urinal, and they used him to hide the scent of their marking. Only the Alphas had the right to mark territory, and the wolves didn't want prey to know their numbers.

Of course being peed into meant Jacob got full much more often, and they let him up on his paws under guard. The guard wolves took Jacob several hundred yards behind the pack, and humiliated him by taking turns using his muzzle again. Then Jacob was allowed to empty himself and cover his marks.

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