-Skin Preferences -

Story by YZuntReticulan on SoFurry

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This story is non canon.

Part 1 to this is here -https://www.sofurry.com/view/956659

It had been a few months since Rick's pleasureful abduction by Yerneley. Now Rick had more interest in paranormal events happening around his town in rural Oklahoma that his visits with his drinking buds were less frequent compared with those of the paranormal club in his town. Tonight was a meet at a rest stop that was next to a grass patch with a fire pit that was above a clear night sky. Beside that grass patch was a dim but fluorescent-ly lit building with some snack and drink machines outside and on the wall in front of it with each restroom entrance on either side.

The fire was lit up in the fire pit with Rick and the rest of club surrounding it, just having finishing skywatching for U.F.O.s.

"Cold night, hm?" one chimed in.

"Mm hm."

"I'm starting to think we aren't going to catch one."

"Don't give up hope, Bethany. And try not to blink either, you might miss something."

"I just think those E.T.s are evil," one remarked followed by some annoyed sighs from the group.

"You're always at this, Bernard."

"And I always tell you that they've taken me. Done horrible things to me. May I go into detail again?"


"Y'all don't believe me."

Rick shrugged, "I wouldn't blame them if they didn't. Unless you have proof."

Annoyed, Bernard backfired, "What da fuck are you doing here anyway Rick? It's been a few months and you haven't contributed anything to the group but useless commentary!"


Rick glanced at her, "Naw, naw, it's okay Bethany. Bernard, perhaps I just have an interest and point of view on matter."

Bernard mimicked him talking with a hand and then pointed convincingly at Rick, "I think this fucker is hiding something!"

"You're assuming."

There was a pause, "A-A-Are you?"

"You're siding with him, Bethany? Him?"

"You sound like you are criticizing me to defend yourself. Now, Rick, if you have something to share, share. Because this a sharing group. Because obviously besides Rick, Bernard and I...you're all just really, really fucking great at sharing, aren't you y'all motherfuckers?"

There are some times like this when Bethany just cracked and then things went haywire and argumentative, and Rick didn't want it to happen, "Fine then, a few months ago I was abducted by an alien." There was a regret and an unsettling silence after this statement, but this group itself was a joke around the town, so the chance of taking Rick's account seriously from the group compared to the town was zero percent.


"What happened Rick, did they hurt you?"


"Then tell us from beginning to end."

"Should I?" Rick thought. "It sounds more like a wet dream than an abduction. I'll just summarize what I want, that's it," Rick breathed, and told his account specifically but somewhat vague as possible. "Well, I was brought aboard pretty much as passed out from the booze. I awoke in what seemed like a ship and a being strapping me to a chair. I was of course scared, but he told me it was okay and was only testing with stuff he injected me with a needle full of stuff, record some physical reactions, and then draw my blood out to test how that was effected. I then told him that the ray that brought me up gave me a headache, so he let me out of the bottom of his ship and that was that."

"Aw, that's nice."

"What's nice about it Bethany?" Rick asked.

"That he'd do something that thoughtful before letting you out."

Bernard scoffed, "How did you know it was a guy?"

Rick shrugged, "He just seemed like a guy, you know, his voice I think it was."

"You think aliens have human like junk or something freaky?"

"You'd be surprised on how similar us and them are in that department," Rick slipped.

Bernard looked quizzical at Rick, "And you know this how, Rick?"

"Oh, did I mention he was naked the entire time he was testing me? You've all seen those specials right? Well, they are right on point. Those guys just walk around their ship without a care in the world, heh."

Bernard crossed his arms, "It's funny how you mentioned it now and not in your story."

"I didn't find it important..."

Bernard scoffed louder, "Not important? How about earlier when you said 'oh I knew it was a guy because of his voice' instead of "oh I knew because his johnson and apples were hanging out.' Hm?"

Rick sighed, "Okay, okay, you proved your point."

"You just seem a little on edge tonight, Rick."

"I didn't mean to. It just was an experience I was little uncomfortable with sharing..."

Bethany looked at Rick, "Yeah, and he still looks that way, Bernard," she looked at her watch, "Boy, look at the time everyone. I'm sure we all have to get off and do things in the morn, especially our rancher Rick here, hm?"

Rick nodded and everyone in the circle got up and Bethany put out the fire with a bucket of water and Rick said his goodbyes to everyone and they said theirs in return. Rick was going around his pickup truck to check around it and was just about to get to the driver's side when Bernard blocked his hatchback. But he saw something else. Some back of a fatass in some blue snug but almost wedgie inducing jeans and a red hoodie purchasing snacks and a drink from the machine. But that fatass - he recognized it almost instantly, but to get Bernard out of the way.

"Rick, Rick, Rick..."


"I was just wondering..."

"Yeah, I'm just in the mood for some snacks and some shuteye, so get to the point..."

"You think being honest and easygoing can get you out of this?"

"Bernard, please cut the shit."

"Fine, I was just wondering how such an innocent and, I guess, general story like that rose up such the stiffie like you have now and when you were telling the story."

Rick looked down and he had a full blown erection and looked at him and tried charming his way out of it, "I guess I like guys and talking about them," he leant on his truck, "And you, Bernard."

Bernard sighed, "I'll accept that first part, but the charm at the end disgusts me. I still suspect it has something to do with something that happened on that ship...it was something that gave a good rise out of you..."

Rick snickered, "All right, 'suspect' away Bernard. I have nothing to tell."

"So you say. I won't keep you Rick, but I am watching you," Bernard stepped out of the way and went, got in, and drove away in his own pick up.

Rick walked up and approached the fatass who was taking an unusual amount of time around the snacks and restroom, "I knew I recognized that ass from somewhere, Yerneley." The figure turned and had a ski mask under it's hoodie and sunglasses. "I suppose you came for seconds?" Rick placed his hands on his belt hoops and pointed his index fingers toward his crouch area in which his erection still remained. The figure scoffed, "All right, Yerneley, I'll stop, what's up?" The figure grabbed Rick by its hand and brought him into the men's bathroom, "Oh, so we are going for seconds?" The figure also had large gloved hands but removed the right one and exposed a grey skinned hand that reached in his front right jean pocket and then grabbed its left back onto Rick as they materialized out of the bathroom back onto the examining level of the ship, "Yerneley, how many times do I have to tell you I don't like materializing?"

He removed his hood, ski mask, and sunglasses, "Oh right, almost forgot.'

"Why are coming to me out in the open without a suit or something? Is this an unscheduled test or something?"

"No, I came to tell you something..."

"And why in disguise?"

"And why talk about me?"

"Ohhh, you were stalking me by the fire hm?"


"Come on, Yerneley, it isn't like anyone other them believes. I thought leaving out the sexual stuff was thoughtful."

The alien sighed, "Whatever."

"Sorry, why are you here?"

"I came to tell you that you're half alien."

"Oh, how?"

He shrugged as Rick's erection was dying down, 'Well, do you have dad or mom that wasn't there? Or something?"

"I was raised by my dad, yes."

"Well, lucky for you, you don't have to live that way anymore. You know, 'no tests until sexual release'"


"Well, I have a cure."

Rick crossed his arms, "I think I'm fine the way I am and I don't have to listen to you..."

"But it's important that you-"

"I don't care what you have to say, you should have gotten me to it sooner or at least given me a heads up because I have a schedule here too."

"You're right, this was a sort of spur of the moment thing here, since I'm busy and what not," Rick glared at him, "Yeah, I'll get you down and out. Want any water?"


"All right, I'll land the ship." Yerneley did and he walked down only to find Rick leaning on the panel.

"Input your code."

Yerneley inputted his code and leant over and kissed Rick. Rick relaxed and moved around the panel, reaching around and cupping one of the alien's fat ass cheeks and Yerneley returned with some tongue in the kiss, but only a quick tongue. Yerneley delicately pushed him away, "Go on, you're busy."

"You're such a fucking tease," Rick laid a spanking from his recently cupped hand onto Yerneley's ass cheek and then rushed out onto the ramp.

Yerneley closed the ramp again with a code. Unknown to Rick, the alien had planned this and had laced his tongue with tracking nanomites. At first he put them in the water, but Rick did not accept the water, but luckily Yerneley had a backup in his tongue. Yerneley wanted to plant the cure in Rick in as soon as possible so they wouldn't come. The same 'they' that would come for Rick unless the cure was put into him and his skin was just plain.


The next morning, Rick had eaten breakfast and was about start his work on his ranch when he spotted an all black car spitting up dust heading down the mile and a half road leading to his house. The ones in the car spotted Rick and stopped and all four of them were dressed in a black suit and tie and sunglasses.

Rick looked at them quizzically as they approached him, "Whatever you're selling, I ain't buying.

The buffest one grabbed Rick's arm, "We don't sell, we take."


Yerneley watched his tracker on his tablet in his ship as he stepped in the circle in the tube in his conference as a holographic screen descended from the ceiling and surrounded the tube. The tube lit up and the enlarged head of his boss came onto the screen, "Shame how his mom is getting into this," Yerneley remarked.

"Yerneley, focus," his boss said.

"Right," he looked up form his tablet. "I still don't understand why I have to eliminate all of them."

His boss sighed, "Well, there has been a development in how the systems over there are dealing with what the Navills are doing."

"What's that?"

"Oh, it's to the death every time, there's no tolerance for it over there now. We'd been doing them a big favor by eliminating them."

He nodded, "We'd just have to tell them."

"That's in my department, I'll take care of it. But may I ask you a question?

"You may."

"Based on how his skin type makes up this human, how did you acquire a blood sample? Did you or do have any sexual tools."

Yerneley sold a lie, "I had to stop and get his vibrating fleshlight."



"Well, I have calls to make and you have Navills to kill."


Rick awoke and found himself chained in a dark room with four reptilian like being surrounding him with lizard like heads. The one facing him was glaring at him.

"Morning, sunshine, we're the takers."

"W-w-hy am I here?"

"Well, you sir have a very unique sort of skin that we like."

"It's nice," another being remarked.

"Yes, nice for eating," the main one said, "Now, we know you aren't quite the species that dons this sort of skin, but the skin does emit its own unique tracking ability, something our species are drawn to, as well as this ship in our same tracking ability. But I am thinking, hm, why does this primitive human have such a unique skin? Well, say hello to your mother," the leader spread out its scaly palm and a circular object in it emitted a hologram of a femininely formed creature in a dress but with frog like facial and skin features with a dark skin tone. It looked like it was in distress but spoke, "Hello, Rick, this is your mother. My real name isn't so important, because by the time you see this, I'll be dead and eaten. I really hope it did not come down to this, but it has, these creatures are going to eat me and you too. And it's not just for survival they do it, they have done many other things like murde-" she was interrupted as a creature struck her down with something, "Shuddup. Now guys, how should we get that skin off of her : fuck her or drown her?" the creatures around him muttered, "Fuck her." The leader closed the hologram and leant over, "We fucked her like a what you humans like to call a whore and then chopped her up alive and ate her like what you humans call 'turkey'."

"Fuck you, you're cruel."

The leader shrugged, "Perhaps, but because I'm nice, I'll drown you."

"You show me 'that' and now you think you'll be nice? You're a hypocrite."

"Shut yer face, dinner."

"Captain, a ship is hailing us."

The leader stopped and glared at Rick, "Put it through and you come with me. The remaining shall stay here and make sure dinner isn't trouble." He left the room to the command deck where a holoscreen remain and Yerneley was waiting on the other end, "A Reticulan, eh? Come to turn me in? If so, I'll blast ye to bits."

"My ship has that same capability too," Yerneley remarked.

"What do you want?"

"To initiate a trade. I believe you have a human on board."

"I've told no one outside this ship about this! How come you to know this?!" His finger was hovering over the ship's defensive controls.

"I've been keeping tabs on him. As you may or may not know, we Reticulans strive to have some interspecies coincidence with new species."

" 'Tabs' doesn't cover how you know he's here."

"I've been tracking too."

"Funny, how you couldn't have mentioned that earlier."

"Well, before consideration of shooting me down, I do have tools of how to, let's say knock out a target, something I've heard that you have some trouble with."

There was a pause, "Let him aboard."

Another Navill approached him, "But sir, I don't have a very good feeling about it..."

The leader turned to the other Navill, "And I'm also your C.O., so let him aboard, that's an order."

Yerneley came into the ship carrying a box with his right hand, but the leader stopped him, "What's that?"

"What's what?"

He nodded to the other Navill as he removed Yerneley's gun. Yerneley looked to his side as he felt the weight of his gun leave him.

"Now, my rotund Reticulan, I thought this was going to be a peaceful exchange and no need for that," he pointed at the gun.

"I wasn't going to take any risks, given your species reputation."

"All rumors, " he stroked Yerneley's cheek.

"And you threatened me, unless that was a joke. It didn't sound like one."

The leader withdrew, "I apologize, but I can't believe I'm saying this, " he looked toward the Navill who questioned him earlier, "but there is something." He walked over to the one who took Yerneley's gun and took and inspected it. "There is, and it's kind of refreshing that I am not the only one is this ship who thinks something is up with this!" He was pointing the gun into the Reticulan's back, "Based on my knowledge, this gun is police grade. Give me one reason I shouldn't pull this fucker."

"You can't, it's built into my touch and voice."

The leader was pulling the trigger but nothing was happening, "That's all right, I can work around it. You see, I recognize you," he grasped the left ass cheek of Yerneley's suit and tore at it and it came off, exposing a bare part of his scarred butt cheek, "You're Scarred Pear, aren't you? I sort of recognized that bod of yours. I also know what you did to a friend of mine and his goons, remember? It made quite the news story, didn't it? Now howabout we tear the rest of this off and I'll give you the fuck you always refused?"

Yerneley sighed, "Fuck, you will." He jammed his right elbow back into the leader's face as he staggered and made the gun fall as the Reticulan dropped to the floor as the other Navills around him scrambled for their own guns. Hearing his own gun drop, Yerneley quickly triangulated the position of it and grabbed and spoke into it, "Kill." He leant back on the floor and fired into the center of the leader's face and then the one who took the gun before him right in the center of the head and then leant back and finished off the last Navill in the room upside down. The one's in the prisoner's cell overheard the commotion and the cell was located to Yerneley's left. Yerneley turned on his side and finished off the two left quickly as they came out. Yerneley got up and canvassed the scene but only found final silence. He spoke into his gun once more, "Disintegrate," he shot the lifeless captain first, followed by the guard, the one that was behind him and then the two that came out of the cell as they all erupted into red dust. Yerneley holstered his weapon as he walked into the cell where Rick hang stunned with an erection.

"I am slightly aroused by this."

"Slightly?" Yerneley remarked smugly.

"Just get me the fuck out of this, please."

Yerneley looked at Rick's binds and then pressed his gun to his mouth, "Laser." He carefully cut the edges of each bind and let them fall to the floor as Rick did as well with his boner going away.

"Boy, I'm dizzy."

"Slowly, Rick."

Rick slowly got up, "Ugh...brains..."

Yerneley smirked, "Okay, come on, Mr. Comedian," he put his arm around the human as he let him lean against him out of the Navill's ship and up into his own and to his own top floor in his ship and into the entertainment room couch.

"Oh, you have an entertainment room."

He nodded, "Just rest here and I'll be right back." Yerneley walked to the control room and detached his ship from the Navill's. He directed the ship back a bit and then swiped on the control tablet and he heard his ship's gun covers opening, gun's prepping and then firing and disintegrating the Navill's ship. Yerneley heard something behind him and it was Rick slowly coming toward him, "Go lie down, Rick," but Rick continued and then turned and slowly sat down on the floor in front but a little beside the left of Yerneley.

"I couldn't help but snoop, but you've got a nice place here."


"Thanks for saving me too, how did you find me?"

"I had nanomites in my tongue."

There was a silence, "Oh, so that kiss wasn't real."


"Sure felt real."

"I didn't want to be pushy with the water and what not, so I did what made sense if the water didn't work out.."

"Ah, so I had this screen and audio right above the room I was held on, so why did he call you Scarred Pear?"

"Oh, it's not a big deal."

"No? What then?"

"It's just nothing what I want to talk about."

"It just seemed you snapped once he mentioned that."

"I was planning to do it regardless of what he said."

Rick leant back, "I think you're just saying this to cover yourself in an explanation that makes sense."

Yerneley shrugged, "Well it does."

Rick shrugged, mimicking him, "Well, you lie."

"Well, he was about to kill me and him knowing that information was just building to my quicker demise."

"Uh huh."

Yerneley sighed, "It was a stage name I took on...once."

"A stage name? Oh. Ohhh...I'm sorry."

"It was a just a time when I had a situation and the only way I found that was nearby was...that."

Rick nodded, "What about what he said what happened to his friends and his goons?"

"That's all what I can reveal to you."

"Oh, come on."

Yerneley shook his head.

"Well, I guess that explains how you know how to move that trunk down there."

Yerneley nodded, "Your mom's probably dead already, isn't she?" There was a silence, "Well, justice was done, even though it was a little harsh, that's how it was going to be done to those monsters."

Rick nodded, "So what now?"

"I give you the cure for your skin condition," Rick sighed and stroked his crotch, "Well, Rick, do you want more of those things to track you down?"

"No, I guess you have it?"


"Are you gonna give me a show to get it into me?" Rick watched as the alien glared at him, "I'm only joking."

"You can ingest it or have it put it into you. I suggest after that you get a physical so the rest of their species doesn't track you down through your medical records like they did and have them erase any previous medical records mentioning your skin condition."

"Will do. I'll take the ingestible, 'cause I do want a drink or a chow now." He watched as Yerneley got up with his still torn back of the suit to get the ingestible cure. He came back with a cup and offered it to Rick. Rick gulped it down and got up and Yerneley leant over the controls, "I'm going to get back to your home."

Rick grasped Yerneley's ass cheeks and began to grope them, "A quickie maybe," Yerneley glared over his shoulder and Rick removed his hands, "I guess this it, goodbye, hm?" his posture collapsed and Yerneley looked back at him.

"It would seem so, Rick."

Rick got back to where he was originally sitting in front of Yerneley, "It's just what happened between you and I felt special and unique. And you were so great at it. And you liked it too?"

The off worlder leant back and nodded, "But now, if it is any console, I can't say whether or not I will be assigned to you again."

The human smirked, "Actually not very consoling, but, nice try."

Yerneley shrugged and looked at his tablet screen. "We're here," his corner of his screen also had a notification, "work's calling too, so we should be quick." After he landed the ship, he led the human down the stairs to the engine room with the panel to the ramp down to the ground and entered the code as the ramp descended and Rick began to go down but turned, "Stay here, I'll be right back, it'll be quick."

Yerneley nodded and waited as Rick went down and out from the ramp and then came back up.

"Okay, now come down where you're well lit. Don't worry, I checked around for anyone."

Yerneley came down to where Rick was on the ramp as Rick reached down in his pocket and reached out and pointed the camera toward them, "Now, Yerneley, just come back and grind your ass against my crouch and look into the camera like you love doing this."

Yerneley looked over to him, "Really?"

"Yeah, we'll take some regular selfies after if you'd like."

"Fine, but you better get someone for yourself after this."

"Okay, okay, someone with a juicy ass and a mouth that drives me crazy, yes, now do it so you can go."

"And keep those files safe so no one can find of see them."

"Yes, I'll be careful, now back on up..."

He sighed, "Fine," he leant his ass back into Rick's crotch, moved his ass up and down against it for a little bit as he felt Rick return in some light to then hard crotch grinding to what felt like an ass job, "Rick?"

"Oh, yeah, control, right," he tapped the end record button and then swiped to the photo and then stepped to the side, "Now, just side by side, peace sign if you want, eh, yeah that's good," he put his phone down and walked back down the ramp and turned to give a light wave goodbye as Yerneley returned the wave. Yerneley watched as Rick made his final walk to his house and then used to the panel to close the ramp and then sped walk and climbed back up to the controls, lifted off, looked at his notification for a conference and then went to his conference room.