Chapter 4 Enter Summer
#4 of The Gilded Suburb
Preface/disclaimer: Beyond this warning lie furries, gays, and erotic script. If you are offended feel free to vacate the area. If your still here be prepared for more important foreshadowing and plot development. Use caution when viewing as hot furry sex may cause increased heart rate and serious arousal. Chapter 4: Enter Summer Tobias felt like shards of ice and glass had collected in his heart. Every beat caused a frozen pain to pulse through his chest. Professor Sharon stood at the front of the room and read an English paper (My motherfucking paper) while the class fell under a deathly silence. "The dragon represents nihilism and its relation to the living..." Sharon carefully read and every word hit Tobias right to the soul. (Holy shit holy shit holy shit) After she finished reciting the text Sharon sat down and the class continued to softly buzz. ======== Mortecai stared at the grimacing wolf with his vision locked onto the center of his desk (Did he really write that? That paper is fucking psycho) confused. How did a student just write 3 pages on the pointlessness of life and defend his position in an educated manner. Mort turned back and waited for class to end. Questions wandered through his brain faster than he could catch them. ======== The bell rang a final time and the class erupted. With exams over school was now finished and every fur scrambled to leave. Tobias tried to slip by behind a fox but Professor Sharon beckoned him over without looking up. "P-Professor?" Tobias's guts chilled and contorted. He tried to stand still but he shivered slightly. "Tobias, I'm sure you just realized I read your essay to the class. I think it is the best of the three but I'm still concerned. The implications of this, is there anything you want to talk about?" "Um..." Tobias locked his knees to keep from fainting as the otter's unwavering brown eyed gaze pierced him. "No, I just wrote the paper like you assigned." The wolf tried to sound convincing but Sharon's neutral expression and unblinking stare gave him chills. "If there is anything at all. I'm here and so are the other teachers." The professor's face softened and she smiled. "You're a brilliant student and I would be more than willing to write you a letter of recommendation for college." The otter's eyes flashed again and Tobias recoiled. "Very well," she put away the papers on her desk "You may go." Tobias was gone before she looked up. ======= Mort waited across the hall waiting and watching until Tobias left but he looked like he'd seen a ghost. The tiger grabbed the wolf's shoulder. "Hey T. That was yours wasn't it? The dragon?" Tobias felt his heart sink lower until it felt like it was hiding behind his liver. "Yeah, I just kinda, you know, wrote it. It's nothing big, just 3 pages like she said." Mort gave him the same concerned expression. "Didn't you hear Professor Sharon? That paper was seriously fucked up, who writes like that?" The wolf inched away, his shoulder shaking and trying to pull out of the tiger's death grip. "I, I uh got to go. Um I guess I'll... see ya." Tobias broke away and vanished into a sea of students, like wisp of smoke consumed by the wind. ======== The walk home was shitty. Having to put on a positive face for his mom was shitty. And the screams from the box were shitty. After waiting for his mom to check her pda and keys Tobias retrieved the cardboard box while she and Raymond drove out of the garage. (All night. Just me. Just me and, me and them. Till Mom brings home Blake) The razors mewled low and Tobias wiped his palms against his jeans but they still shook and sweated. The metal fiends called him, called him closer. He lifted one from the plastic cube and pressed it against his arm. The edge met the scab from earlier, from the metal came a cold sweet laugh. He had no choice. He never had a choice. The platinum tinged plane voraciously tore into his wrist, its mewling raised to a hellish scream of madness and joy. Blood tumbled forth and in the red slick he could sees his eyes shining back, pleading, pleading against the blades. ======= Mort sat in his car, Tobias's anxiety had unnerved him. He had known the wolf since freshman year (He's always been quiet and smart. And kinda weird.) but every day T seemed to withdraw more and more. The wolf who eagerly answered biology questions freshman year has dissolved and dissipated, like sand from a broken hourglass, into a ghostly husk, his sweatshirt providing a shell to prop up his spirit. (And it's a million fucking degrees in the summer, who the hell wears jeans AND a jacket, what the fuck?) Justin approached in the rearview mirror, a mischievous smirk on his face. (Oh shit) The lab knocked lightly on the window and Mort lowered it. "Hey Mort, my car's totaled, think you could give me a lift back to my place?" (Justin I want to do more than lift you) "Uh sure, get in." The dog opened the door and slid over. Mort tried to grip the wheel without breaking it but the hot scent of dog was starting to get him going. "You live on the north edge of town right? Behind the fountain." "Yeah, the house with the green gate." (Fuck your voice is sexy man, and damnit thanks for the bj in the shower) The lab smiled and Mort felt a warm surge through his body. "Um Justin?' "Yeah?" "Uh about earlier, uh just, why?" Justin chuckled softly as the Mercedes smoothly accelerated and turned like a snake on wheels. "Cause man, I've been wanting to do that all year." Mort felt his chest clench. "You're really hot. And I don't give a damn what people think, you attracted me." The lab rubbed a paw over Mort's thigh. "I noticed you didn't object." "Uh I was uh yeah kinda confused." Justin smiled and looked out the window as the blue car pulled up to his house. "Could you do me a favor? Come by later tonight, around 11" "S-sure man." Mort almost had a heart attack when as Justin opened the door he turned back and grabbed Mort's head in a deep kiss, the doggie tongue exploring the tiger's maw. "See yak later babe." And Justin stepped out; Mort could only watch, mesmerized as the muscled Labrador gently walked up the steps, every muscle gliding underneath the tight mesh shirt. (Guess I won't need to jack off later) ======== Tobias sat on the dark green couch. He looked at the blank T.V. screen but only a bedraggled pup stared back. (Fuck it all Dad, why'd you have to leave. Blake's a total douche. And, doubt he'll accept me like you do.) Outside the wind picked up and howled in a black lament. Tobias walked down the hall and stared at all the pictures, him as a pup and building a birdfeeder or snowball fights with Raymond and his sisters, or. Tobias stopped at one of the more recent ones. Florida, the hot beaches and cool surf. The night in the hotel restaurant. (He knew something was wrong, he wouldn't leave me alone) Somehow he already knew. ("So Tobias, any interesting young ladies in your classes?" He had blushed and tried to hide his opinions behind some rigatoni. "No? Maybe then you could tell me about that tiger?" Frozen to the spot. "Heh, thought you could pull one over your old man, eh? It's fine Son, fine." He patted my hand, he didn't care, I was still his son. "You just don't give up on love mahboy. That's one of the worst things you can do. If you think you want to be with him, go for it!" It was awkward, but I guess it didn't matter to him if his son was gay or straight. But Blake's gonna flip shit) Thunder broke him out of day dreams. As the cold drops crept down the window glass, Tobias sat on the floor by the large window in the study and sobbed along with the sky. His body trembled in tune with the claps of thunder and splintered serpents of light illuminated the tears on his muzzle. ====== Mort fell asleep shortly after getting back to his house and though it took a while for the storm to rage loud enough to reach the tiger behind his bedroom door, a particularly loud crash startled him. The clock blinked a neon purple in the darkness (10:45 better head over) and Mort snuck out and down the stairs. His dad was in New York dealing with his latest client (No sleep for lawyers) and his mom was working the graveyard shift with a seriously disturbed patient (psychiatrists wonder if she plays mind games with me?) and since he was an only child, there was no one to stop him. Mort locked the front door and dashed to his car through the rain. He Mercedes sped through the night, headlights peering into the inky horizon. He parked on the side of the street and cleared the gate in one good vault. The tiger huddled against the door after ringing the bell, hoping it would be answered quickly. Justin opened and ushered him in to the foyer. Taking the tiger's hand without a word he led Mort up the stairs to the bed rooms. "Shit man you're soaked." Mort tried to avoid dripping but the entire upper floor was carpeted. As he turned though Justin's paws grabbed the back of his shirt and removed it in fluid motion. "Much better." The dog leaned in and Mort backed into a wall as they kissed. The canine's warm mouth tasted sweet, like spearmint toothpaste and his tongue was rolling around in the tiger's mouth. Justin broke away and he raised he took the tiger's hand again. "Come here babe, got a present." Justin's room had the light on low but vanilla scented candles were on a heating plate, the soothing aroma permeating the enclosure. As Mort looked around Justin clipped a leash and muzzle around the tiger's throat and face, not tight for asphyxiation but enough for domination. (A leash? Shit, not sure I'm gonna be able to take this) "I got this just for you Mort. I wanted you, wanted you to be mine." The Labrador embraced the feline again his kisses soft like morning dew. Then he pushed the tiger back and Mort fell onto the bed. It was a queen sized bed but his broad shoulder filled it up. Justin stood above him and pulled off the mesh shirt. The dog's thick chest rippled as he moved and the sculpted abs tempted Mort. "You're gonna love tonight Mort, I gave you a taste of what I wanted earlier." (Uhhhh) "Now be a good kitty and take of those shorts. You look so uncomfortable in them. Mort unbuttoned his denim shorts and slid them off. His blue and white boxers tented as he could feel the blood rushing south. "Good kitty, doggie's gonna treat you right." Justin unzipped his jeans and stepped out of them. (Convenient?) He was commando and hardening. Not waiting for instruction Mort pulled Justin's hips towards him and ran his rough tongue up the shaft. The dog softly whined as the hot tiger's mouth enveloped his cock. Bobbing up and down as best he could with the tight muzzle on, (Damn I could do a better job without this thing) Mort could hear grunts coming from Justin, then the lab pulled his meat out. He kissed Mort briefly before turning him around and down on all fours. Justin ran his hand down Mort's back as the tiger felt sparks racing across his spine. The doggie paw teased him by slowly pulling down the boxers. Justin ran his other hand up the outside of Mort's thigh, enjoying the low purr. "I'm gonna make you scream." (Give it to me Justin) "I'm gonna make you beg" The canine lowered his head and his tongue slid out and lifted up the inside of the tiger's thick orange thigh. The pink snake massaged back and forth over skin and fur until it got to the balls. Using all the muscles in his tongue and lower jaw, Justin partially wrapped his pink mouth meat around the swollen sack. Mort purred in delight as the wet roughness groped him and then traveled up. Justin delicately rimmed the tiger, easing his tongue in slowly. Justin reached into the pillow and pulled out a tube of lube. He smeared some over his aching dog cock and the rubbed some more in a circular motion over Mort's tight ring. With no warning Justin forced a digit inside and Mort yelped. "Shhh, kitty's gonna be good. Wait for the real pain." One digit eased in and out then two jammed their way in stretching and lubricating. Justin crammed a third digit in and twisted his wrist as he moved in and out. Considering Mort to be ready he aimed his dog meat at the quivering target and thrusted. Mort would have screamed if Justin had not pulled the leash tight. The muzzle gripped his face and stifled the cry. Justin's cock pushed farther into Mort and he could feel the heat and pulse of the organ. "Fuck yeah, take it, big strong kitty is till my bitch." Justin pulled the leash and Mort raised his head. The lab nibbled playfully on the tiger's ears as the thrusting slowed. Justin's knot started growing and each time it as harder to punch in and yank out. Before it was fully swollen Justin moved back then jammed his pulsating dick right down the tiger's virgin chute. Stars danced before Mort's eyes and they teared as his hole stretched impossibly wide to accommodate the additional bulge. Justin pulled back but they were stuck together. Growling softly in Mort's ear Justin whispered "Doggie's gonna make his bitch cum." Despite not having a lot of room Justin still eased his organ back and forth in Mort ass until his hit it. (Fuuuuuuck) Mort whimpered as the dog touched his prostate. "Gotcha, get ready kitty" Pumping wildly Justin slammed the tiger's guts as hard as he could. With the canine bucking and rubbing the insides of his ass Mort growled into the muzzle as he felt his balls tighten. Justin jerked the leash back and as Mort rose his load shot across the bed and streaked the window. Milky white tiger goodness streamed down his organ and fell onto the bed in heavy drops. Mort purred low as Justin's cock throbbed and thrusted. The tiger's hole clenched uncontrollably through the orgasm and Justin stabbed as far as he could and shuddered as he pumped Mort full of sweet lab juice. Mort collapsed, panting heavily as Justin's knot still tied them. The dog wrapped his arms around the tiger's massive chest and ran his paws through the delicate ivory fur. "Love ya babe, don't you forget it." Mortecai slowly drifted off, the semen drying to his fur and his ass wincing from the workout. When he awoke the next morning (Un fucking real) Justin was still asleep. His cock had softened and receded into his sheath so Mort gathered his scattered clothes and hastily pulled them on. He kissed Justin on the cheek and left without a sound. ====== Tobias woke up with his back in pain; the floor did not make an ideal bed. The clock in the kitchen glowed dimly and he headed to his room, determined to sleep away the last hour he could till Blake arrived. (Damn it Mom, what do you see in him?) * * *
Yeah this is a little longer than the previous chapters but there was a lot of info to get out. School is over and everyone will be a senior in the fall. Wonder what yummy surprises summer has? Updated to fix some typos.