grin and bear it

Story by angelo_raccoon on SoFurry

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#1 of TF stories

Story 1: "grin and bear it" (F human-F anthro bear)

It was a warm summer's day, and Mary was sitting alone in her house. She was a single, 21 year old brunette, who had decent curves to her body, and a bright cheerful attitude. She was simply talking a day off from her hectic work as a waitress in a local restaurant. The work was difficult at times, and the hours and pay could be bad at times but the people she met daily more than made up for it. The entire place attracted strange and unique people and furs; just the other day she had served two adult raccoons chocolate milkshakes, but she understood that everyone had there own tastes.

As she watched the seemingly endless commercials she could not help but to zone out slightly, fanning herself with a magazine when suddenly an ad caught her eye.

"Hey, you. Yes, you. Is your life dull and boring? Do you wish you could experience a change? Well our simply, easy, and free advice can offer new and interesting experiences that can give your life a new, fresh outlook. Just one phone call to a free number can bring you one step closer to being happier, healthier and more popular. For information please dial..."

She smiled to herself. Maybe it was a good idea, after all if it was free then there was no harm in it, surely, and she had been meaning to do some self improvement of late. Even if it was a con, it was worth a shot at least.

She picked up the receiver of her white phone and started dialling the number. It started ringing, and after just a few rings, she heard a click, then a male voice. "Hello, Mr. ofsnart industries, you are speaking with Paul, your advisor for today. How may I help you?"

She paused, and then spoke into the phone. "Uh...hello? My names Mary...and I just saw your ad."

The voice responded, "Ah, yes, well then I guess you're looking for some helpful advice?" She blushed, still fanning herself as she sat on the large chair. "'s still free right?"

Paul seemed to chuckle a bit. "Yes, Mary. Now, listen carefully, you need to start taking things easy. You work hard to support yourself and you can easily get a better job with your personality, maybe making some friends in a new community could help you. When you put down that receiver, your going to start afresh, trust me."

She smiled a bit, shrugging. "Well, that's nice and all. I might call again if I need a motivational speaker. Thanks." The voice chuckled once more. "No problem. Any time 24/7..."

As she hung up her phone gave her a short, sharp static shock. "OWCH! Goddamn..." she muttered, shaking her hand a bit before sitting back down.

She had dozed off, that was clear once she opened her eyes and saw it was at least two hours after she last remembered. She had that groggy feeling you get after waking up from a badly timed nap. She groaned, her muscles were sore from her position and she felt like she had cramps in at least three separate places.

Something was not right. Why was she so sore? Why did her clothes feel tight? As she looked down things became clearer, as her vision cleared she sore her clothes had rips all over, her jeans and shirt were straining and she was shocked "WHAT THE...?! She barely had time to notice before her shoes burst open.

Her feet had grown quite a lot, her entire body, in fact, had gained much mass that she felt heavier, and found she could not move out of a sitting position. All she could do was sit and watch. Her feet got wider and her toes grew slightly pudgy, her toe nails darkened to a shade of black and grew to a point. As her entire feet grew bigger she felt them crack and reshape, it did not hurt, but she could feel it for sure. She was dumbfounded by the new shape, so big and...yes...she was certain they were big, fur-less paws.

She barely had time to study them as the changes crept up her legs. She felt her legs and thighs get bigger, and groaned as they expanded extra layers of muscle and fat. She could feel her butt growing, her jeans straining to hold it in, and finally her belt snapping off. She could only stare in disbelief as her thighs grew fuller and thicker, her rump quite large now, the chair groaning under her increasing weight.

"Unnnngh...w...why...does it feel so.....g...good?"

She was right, the sensation over her body were intense, even pleasurable. She groaned loudly, still unable to move apart from a few twitches. She noticed her hair was growing at a very rapid pace, even her freshly shaven legs were growing short brown hairs, way more than a normal person, and they were slowly creeping up her. As the hair reached her loins she moaned. She raised her hips up as the pleasure began to wash over her like a liquid fire.

Her hips had finally stopped widening but the pressure continued, she moaned as she felt her clit throb and get bigger, her pussy was twitching, getting hot and wet while sliding back, towards her asshole. She finally fell from the chair, landing on all fours and trembling. She noticed that her hands had swollen, and her fingers had gotten shorter and thicker. Her perfectly manicured nails has gotten thick and black, and reduced to claws in her thick, stubby fingers, which had formed into thick paws and were quickly growing hair.

No, it was more than that, now it was fur.

As her bulk continued to increase, she felt her breasts grow by at least two cup sizes, her nipples turned dark black and grew bigger, causing a deep moan from her. "ohhhhh...w...w....what's happening..."

She stretched her neck forward, trying to ease the pressure on her spine, and it worked. As she heard snaps and pops as her spine stretched slightly and settled into position, she moaned louder, her pussy was blazing hot, and dripping as it kept shifting and changing, growing larger as her pussy lips thickened slightly and darkened. She fell onto her stomach, writhing in pleasure on the floor as her face began to shift. She saw her nose turn jet black, and get very cold.

Her face was cracking and stretching forward, and her ears rounding up and shifting to the top of her head. Her entire face had shifted and changed, and she was trembling in sexual bliss, and just a few moments after the strongest orgasm of her life.

She passed out.

A few days later...

Mary smiled happily as she entered the door, tossing her keys from her paws into a bowl and sitting on her new chair, as the last one had collapsed under her weight.

At last she was happy. Her boss had promoted her to assistant manager, she had gained dozens of new furry friends, and she was stronger and healthier than ever. Just as she had sat down, the phone rang, and she answered it. "Hello?"

There was a second pause. "Mary? It's Paul here from Mr. ofsnart industries. I'm just calling to get feedback." She smiled to herself, brushing her glorious brown fur. "Oh it's AMAZING! I don't know how you did it, but I have never been happier."

The voice gave its typical chuckle "Good, we live to serve. Now, I have a few questions, and a few forms for you to fill in."

She gave a deep laugh. "Oh yeah? And how we gonna do that over the phone, Pauly?"

He chuckled once more. "I'm outside your apartment." She leapt up and opened the door, coming face to face with a muscular, handsome male bear.