Story by Deathsia on SoFurry

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A normal looking Pikachu walked though new bark town smiling at everyone he saw."Hey Jolt!" A Vulpix said smiling to him. "Hey!" Jolt replied with a smile and turned to look at the rest of the town he saw children playing with Pokémon laughing without a care in the world. As jolt looked to the distance he saw a very menacing cloud of flames approach the town...it was coming in fast.

Jolt looked in horror as the flames come closer and closer. He then tried to call out and tell everyone to run but his voice seemed to have been muted and he could not be heard as the children continued playing laughing as they played tag. Jolt continued to try to call out but he could not. Jolt then turned and saw the flames mere moments away as he gaped in horror as the flames engulfed him and everyone around him...He heard everyone scream in horror as the flames hit the town. Jolt looked at himself in confusion seemingly unharmed and looked to see the children and Pokémon that were playing moments ago now screaming in agony as they seemed to slowly be burned alive until only bones remained and few moments later incinerated. Jolt looked around him as the town was burned to the ground and an ominous laughter could be heard in the background becoming louder as the flames slowly dissipated. Jolt then looked around him to see a very familiar scene. New bark town was in ruble as he looked around in horror. Then without warning he was suddenly swept to another all too familiar place.

Jolt found himself strapped to a table in a laboratory room. He struggled to get free but could not then moment later the door to the room opened and a face Jolt knew all to well walked though it."You weren't strong enough to save them Jolt....but I can make you strong...with this." The man said holding up a vial with a needle on the end of it.

"Please Chris...no...I don't want to change!" Jolt called out his voice finally seemed to have been un-muted but Chris continued to walk toward him with the needle smiling evilly. He continued to walk until he was right next to Jolt and began to lower his hand to jolt's side.

"Please no! I don't want to change! I want to be normal! Please stop!" Jolt yelled out and pleaded but Chris ignored him and began to cackle loudly.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Jolt screamed as the needle was jabbed into his side as he suddenly sat up in his bed still screaming the last word in his dream aloud looking around panicky as he panted loudly after he finished screaming. Beads of sweat dripped down his forehead and onto his lap as he realized it was only a nightmare."That same nightmare again....." Jolt said to himself as he placed both paws on his face and sighed loudly.

Jolt's door was then opened and a few moments later Chikaria walked through it."I heard you screaming in your sleep...are you alright?" Chikaria asked in a concerned tone.

Jolt blushed furiously in embarrassment."I'm fine...it was just a nightmare was all...nothing huge." Jolt said still red faced.

"What did Chris do to you?" Chikaria asked in an even more concerned tone now."That's what your nightmare was about right? What Chris did to you...?" Chikaria asked.

Jolt's face went from embarrassment to anger in the blink of an eye at the mention of Chris's name as he punched the wall next to his bed putting a crater in the wall."I've got a mission to do..." Jolt said in a mellow tone as he walked back Chikaria.

Chikaria watched Jolt go up the platform and up to the top then turned to Josh."What did Chris do to jolt?" Chikaria asked curiously causing Josh to let out a sigh.

"He changed his DNA...he made him stronger, faster, and more powerful than any Pokémon in the world...but he also made him grow to the size of a small child...making him look like a freak to other Pokémon." Josh said in a depressed tone.

"That's terrible...the poor Chu." Chikaria said looking up at the platform doors that were now closed.

"What's more...he failed to destroy Chris 10 years ago...which would have saved everyone from this terrible fate...but you can't blame him for losing...he gave it his all...but it wasn't enough...he pushed his body past even it's own limits...and drove himself into a 10 year long coma...which he only recently awoke from about a month ago" Josh continued.

This new set of information caused Chikaria to gasp and shed a tear as she lowered her head in shame."I was so cruel to him....he saved my life and all I did was call him a nut case...hell now I even feel bad for turning him down for a fuck...the poor chu." Chikaria said raising her head only a little so that it met Josh's eyes

Josh chuckled at chikaria's comment about turning jolt down on a fuck." So he didn't get you eh? We all assumed he had considering Jolt's way with females. He has a knack for swooning them over...but don't you dare call him a pervert for it." Josh said waving one digit of his paw at chikaria's outraged face."I figured it out long before dad did....when jolt is having sex he doesn't feel pain or remorse...he doesn't feel depressed...all that is there at that moment is the pleasure and the feeling of being loved for what he is....in my opinion if that get's him through each day and keeps him happy, then I won't grudge it against him and neither should you." Josh finished leaving Chikaria with a slightly confused impression. "Course I'm not insinuating that

you should go and fuck him...it's purely up to you weather you let him or not. Get to know him...you never know...you may actually like him." Josh added fairly quickly with a smile.

Chikaria stood there for a moment before an aged man walked up to her." Ah, yes...miss I need to ask you to wear this that way we can understand you. Oh and where are my manners? My name is Professor Oak." Professor oak said placing a device held by a leather strap around chikaria's neck.

"What's this thing do? And I didn't know there were humans here too...i thought they had all been enslaved or killed." Chikaria said lifting it slightly with a vine to get a better look at it.

"It allows us to communicate with Pokémon and understand your language. And we are sort of what you could call a family." Professor oak replied causing Chikaria to gasp in shock.

"Y-you can understand me?!" Chikaria asked in amazement causing professor oak to chuckle and Josh to double over laughing."

"Your face is priceless Chikaria!" Josh said still laughing extremely hard as Chikaria blushed furiously.

"Josh Ketchum! Don't be like that to a guest." A Pikachu said walking into the room and looked at Chikaria." Ash Ketchum...you must be Chikaria...Jolt told me about you" Ash said with a smile.

"How's mom? Has she made any hint of waking up yet?" Josh asked with a concerned glace towards Ash.

"No...she hasn't made any hint of waking up yet...but other than that she's fine son." Ash said in a slightly depressed tone as another Pikachu began to walk up to them.

"Gosh...we need to get that plumbing fixed...I could barely wash my fur." The Pikachu said in a annoyed motion to Josh.

Ash began to sniff the air and gave a stern look over in the Pikachu's direction." Ashley....what have you been doing?" Ash asked in a stern tone causing Ashley to blush.

"Meo....where are you?" Ash asked as his voice rose slightly causing a Meowth to appear from behind the door down the hall opposite from where Ashley walked from.

"Right here Ash....Something up?" Meo called from there.

"No were good...."Ash said turning back to Ashley looking kind of sheepish."Ok...I'll drop it..." Ash said in a low tone.

"Next time you may want to clean yourself up a bit better next time you...Have your alone time" Josh said laughing loudly causing Ashley to go beat red from embarrassment and begin to chase him leaving Chikaria with an "Who,what,when, where?!" expression on her face.

"Josh, I swear you are soo dead this time!!" Ashley yelled thundershocking Josh in the tail several times causing him to yelp out as he ran.

Ash facepawed and looked at Chikaria with an embarrassed look."Kids...if you'll give me a moment..." Ash said turning to Josh who was being chased in circles by Ashley."Cut it out! Both of you! Don't make me turn you both over my knee and tan your furry hides!" Ash yelled out in a father type stern tone which caused Josh and Ashley to stop mid-run and lower their ears.

Chikaria simply smiled at this" I knew someone in my resistance group before I was captured...a Vulpix with two cubs....she said she would pull out her fur daily with them but loved them dearly." Chikaria finished as Ash turned to face her.

"Ya...well try raising six teenagers..." Ash said with a groan.

"Umm...I am a teenager....I'm fifteen." Chikaria said meekly which caused Ash to give a slight shocked look.

"Wow...I would have never guessed....you act so much older then your age." Ash said trying to sound complementing.

"Well I had no choice but to grow up...my parent were killed when I was only ten and I sort of took hold of the leadership thing when I became thirteen just after the last one got killed." Chikaria said in a depressed tone.

Ash stood on all fours thinking for a moment and then looked up."How about I show where my Wife rests...she's in a coma currently but she is healthy still thankfully." Ash said as he began to guide Chikaria out of the room leaving Josh, Ashley and Meo standing there.

"You owe me big time sis. Next time you two fuck...try to cover up the scent more next time." Josh said in an annoyed tone as Ashley gave Meo a passionate kiss.

"Hey...if I hadn't shown up when I did Dad with have gotten suspicious....good thing you put that tunnel system in leading from my room to Meo's room or we'd have problems." Ashley said with a smile.

Josh facepawed at this "How much longer are you going to hide it? He'll figure it out eventually...he's not stupid you know."Josh said shaking his head.

"Dad has enough on his plate as it stands with Mom still being in a coma...he doesn't need to worry about my relationships or who I fuck on top of that...." Ashley said looking at Meo.

"Or more the case he wouldn't let you fuck Meo...and you know that..." Josh said with a smirk causing Ashley to blush slightly.

"You know...he's probly going to fry me when he finds out...but he'll get over it soon afterward...me and him are good friends and I know he won't have much of a problem with it after the initial shock..." Meo said sweat dropping realizing he had made a Pikachu related pun causing Ashley and Josh to both give Meo an annoyed glance.

Meanwhile in Julian's room....

Julian lay still in her coma looking as if she was resting peacefully as Ash and Chikaria walked in."How long has she been like this?" Chikaria remarked placing a paw on Julian's cheek.

"Ten years...and like jolt has had her DNA altered by Chris minus the height effect that Jolt had done to him...which is most likely what saved her life." Ash said in a depressed tone as he cupped Julian's right paw in her paws and kissing her forepaw softly.

"Looks like she suffered an extremely bad case of Mass electricity loss....your right...she is lucky she's not dead." Chikaria said to which Ash gave a curious glance.

"You know about a Pikachu's anatomy?" Ash remarked curiously.

"I've had some time to study on your species yes....I'm a book Caterpie" Chikaria said with a blush."I was taught when I was little read some kinds of human language...this was just before Chris took over...after he did...I took what I knew and taught myself the rest. But I never mastered how to speak it." Chikaria said rubbing the back of her head with one of her vines.

"Well, I knew one other Pokémon that did that...and he even mastered how to speak it...but he was killed by team rocket long before you were born I would assume." Ash said with a depressed glance then look upward to the ceiling."I wonder how Jolt is doing...." Ash remarked curiously...