A Conventional Weekend

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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Happy bonus day everyone! That's right, it's February 29th, a not really all the special day that comes once every four years. Well, I thought i'd make it special by releasing this short story for you all to enjoy! Previously only on my Patreon, and in celebration for the start of my newest novel, "Rain and Snow", I present to you this wonderful story about Jessica during her summer vacation. Please enjoy!

Want to check out the new novel, "Rain and Snow", but don't want to wait until the end of the month? Well, you can head on over to my Patreon page and for as little as $1 get one month early access to all my stories! Head on over and check it out! https://www.patreon.com/darkhom

"Woah." Jessica Snowtail's mouth was agape as she pulled her car up in front of the hotel entrance. "The convention isn't until tomorrow, yet there are already this many people here? This weekend is going to be crazy."

Doing her best to contain her excitement, the young fox parked her car and pulled out her phone, wanting to get the all too necessary arrival phone call out of the way. "Hey, Mom. Made it here safe and sound."

"Hope you had a safe drive. Are you sure you're going to be okay out there on your own, all weekend?"

"It's just a couple days, Mom." Jess countered, and not for the first time. "I'm at a hotel, attending a fully staffed convention with hundreds of other attendees. Plus I'm splitting the room with a friend. I am not out here on my own."

"Are you sure you can trust those internet friends? I know you say you've been talking to them for years, but how well do you really know them? Have you even talked to any of them in person?"

"Oh my god, Mom." Jessica groaned. "Yes, I am meeting a few online friends. Yes, I have spoken to them live and seen their faces. Besides, I'm rooming with Chip, who I've known since, like, eighth grade. You know Chip. And I told you all this already, Mom. I'm going to be careful, have a good time, and be home by Sunday night."

"I just worry." Her mother insisted. "I'm not used to the idea of you being off on your own like this."

"Mom, Aiden's been living on his own for years. How's that different? And I'm nineteen years old already. I had to leave the nest sooner or later."

"I suppose you're right, though I don't have to like it. Alright honey, I'll leave you to your fun. Enjoy yourself, and I'll see you on Sunday."

"Will do, Mom. Love you, see you in a few days." Jessica hung up her phone with a chuckle. "She makes it sound like I'm moving away forever. It's only an anime convention."

The hotel lobby was already packed with people, many checking in like herself. Jessica was surprised to see a few people already in cosplay, considering the convention didn't start till tomorrow, but she liked the commitment. "This is gonna be awesome."

"Guess who." The vixen's world suddenly went dark as a pair of hands clasped over her eyes. The familiar voice gave it away though, and with a squeal Jess turned to give the tall capuchin behind her a hug. "Chip! Oh my god, I've missed you!"

"Missed you, too." The young man replied with a smile, wrapping his long arms around her. "How long has it been? A year?"

"Yes. One very long and crazy year." Jessica said with a laugh. "I'll get you fully caught up later, Mister world traveler. How was Europe?"

"Foreign." Chip joked. "It was pretty cool. Got to see a lot of stuff, eat a lot of great foods. We'll have plenty of time to tell you all about it later."

"Or you can tell me about it as we check in. Looks like there's quite a line."

"Good thing I already checked in." With a grin Chip pulled out a pair of plastic key cards. "Just been sittin' here waiting for you."

"Waiting to sneak up on me." Jess smirked, taking one of the keys. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get our stuff and get settled in our room!"

"Eager, aren't we?"

"Well it's my first anime convention, Chip!" Jessica was jumping with excitement, already pulling Chip back towards her car. "I've been looking forward to this for months! Now come on! I wanna get settled in so we can start having fun!"

"Someone had their double espresso today." Chip laughed as he followed the hyper vixen back outside. "Are you going to be like this all weekend?"

"Maybe. I dunno." Jessica giggled, popping open the trunk of her car. "Depends on how much sugar I have. How are you not more excited? This is your first convention too, right?"

"Yeah, but you know me; chill to a fault." The capuchin smirked, grabbing one of the fox's bags. "Jeez, what did you pack? You know we're only here for the weekend, right?"

"Aside from clothes and other essentials? It's my cosplay stuff. I'm gonna be Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket. Might seem simple but it is only my first time."

"So all this is a schoolgirl uniform?"

"And hair product. And some repair supplies. And why do you care so much? What are you cosplaying as?"

"You'll have to wait to find out." Chip teased. "But I assure you my bags don't weigh this much."

"Oh shut up." Jess stuck her tongue out at him as she closed her trunk. "Let's just get this stuff to the room, then we'll see just who's stuff is heavier."

"Not mine." Chip insisted with a smirk, which earned him a roll of the eyes. They shared a few laughs on their way up to their room, only a couple floors up and thankfully not too far from the elevators.

"Hey, this is a nice room." Jessica remarked as they stepped inside the modest space. "Chip, why is there only one bed?"

"We're on a budget." He explained, clearly not seeing an issue. "Even with splitting the cost we could only afford so much. Didn't I tell you?"

"No." Jessica replied, tossing her bag on the queen sized bed. "But it's alright. We're all adults here, I'm sure we can share a bed together."

"If not, I'm fine with sleeping in the chair. Or we could thumb wrestle for the bed, if you feel like losing."

"Oh stop. We'll be fine splitting the bed. Now let's get going! I want to get our badges and start mingling!"

"Have I mentioned I love your energy?" Chip chuckled, following her back out of the room while matching her infectious grin.

After grabbing Chip's considerably lighter luggage they got in line to get their badges. It was a long wait, but a fun one given all the fellow attendees they got to geek out with. Plenty of stories from veteran con goers, plenty of advice on how to stay somewhat healthy, and lots of discussions about everyone's favorite fandoms. By the time they got back to the room exhaustion was finally starting to overtake their excitement, which was fine since both wanted to get up bright and early for the opening ceremonies.

"So, how long is it going to take you to get ready tomorrow?" Chip asked, comfortably lounging on the bed. "Cause, if you're gonna spend an hour in the bathroom I want to shower first. Maybe I should just shower tonight..."

"I won't take an hour." Jessica stuck her tongue out at the capuchin. "I'll just need a couple minutes to straighten my hair. You'll have plenty of time to shower, monkey boy."

"Good, cause I'll need plenty of time to wash my coconuts."


"I'm gonna get ready for bed." Chip changed the subject, still snickering to himself. "Hope you don't mind that I sleep in my underwear."

"Of course you do." Jess rolled her eyes. "You really couldn't bring some pajamas? I bet you wear tighty whities oh sweet Jesus!"

Jessica had turned in time to see Chip drop his pants, a tight pair of purple boxer briefs leaving little to the imagination. Her eyes were momentarily drawn to the bulge at his crotch, before she quickly looked away. "Jeez, could you find anything tighter?"

"I like support." Chip explained with a shrug as he laid back in the bed. "Though I normally sleep naked, so if you prefer..."

No, that's quite alright." Jess quickly replied. "You just keep your coconuts wrapped up. I'm gonna get changed into my pajamas, like a civilized person, and go to sleep."

"Civility and clothes are overrated." Chip stated, emphasizing his feelings with a well timed belch.

"Classy." Jessica stuck her tongue out before heading off to the bathroom, to change in privacy. "You're gonna do this all weekend, aren't you?"

"Maybe, but you know you love it."

"Yeah, I just forgot how... you, you can be. You were gone for a whole year." The young vixen returned in a t-shirt and Hello Kitty themed pajama pants, a soft smile on her muzzle. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, nerd."

"Dork." The two made some faces at each other as Jessica went to check her luggage. "Where is... Oh crap, I forgot my pillow."

"The bed comes with pillows you know."

"No, my body pillow." She elaborated. "I always sleep with my Kyo body pillow. Damnit, I can't believe I forgot him."

"If you need a sexy, half naked man to curl up to, I'm right here." Chip teased, faking a sexy pose. "I'm a hell of a lot warmer and fuzzier than a pillow."

"Don't flatter yourself." Jessica chuckled. "You're cute, but no where near as cute as Kyo."

"At least my animal made it to the zodiac party."

"That was the damn rat's fault!" Jessica suddenly snapped, causing Chip to break out in laughter. "That dumb Yuki lied to him so he wouldn't make it! Kyo deserves to be in the zodiac!"

"Alright, nerd, calm your tits." Chip said with a laugh. "Save it for tomorrow. We don't want you getting all worked up before bed."

"Yeah, alright." Jess grumped, crawling into bed herself. "But Kyo should have been included."

"Goodnight, nerd." Chip chuckled, shutting off the light.

"Goodnight, dork."

"Too early." Chip groaned, hitting the snooze on his cellphone to silence the alarm. "Five more minutes won't hurt."

The capuchin yawned as he settled back into the bed, letting the coziness envelope him for a bit longer. It was surprisingly comfortable for a hotel bed, the blankets in particular nice and warm. Very warm, in fact, and wrapped around him oh so pleasantly. And, snoring?

"Jess?" Chip glanced down to discover that it wasn't the blanket, but his foxy friend curled up around him and keeping him warm. Her head was gently resting on his chest, an arm loosely draped over him as she slept. "Okay, this is pretty cute. Guess I'm sexy enough to be your pillow after all."

With a playful grin he picked up his phone, stealthily taking a selfie to immortalize the moment. "She is going to kill me for this. Worth it." He was just about to wake her up when she shifted in her sleep, bringing Chip's attention to a not so little problem. "Morning wood? Crap."

When Jessica had shifted, her thigh had brushed against his crotch, and the fully erect member straining against his underwear. The warmth of that thigh was now pinning his shaft against his body, pleasantly inviting and daring him to rub up against that thigh. Plus, he really had to pee.

"Of all the times." Chip groaned. "Maybe if I'm careful I can slip out without waking her."

Before he could even try, Jessica let out a soft moan. Her eyes fluttered opened and with a cute yawn she pushed herself up, looking down at Chip with a bit of confusion. "Good morning? Guess I, uh, got a bit snuggly."

"I don't mind." Chip said with a grin, trying to play it cool and not attract attention to his erection. "So, do I make for a good body pillow?"

"I suppose." Jessica mused, getting comfortable on his chest once more, and further pressing her thigh against his crotch in the process. "Still not as cute as Kyo, but you'll do in a pinch."

"I'll take it." Chip smirked. "But now that you're awake, could you get off me? I gotta drain the lizard."

"Aw, but I'm comfy and don't wanna get up yet." Jess pouted, gently clinging to him. "Well, except for your tail digging into my thigh."

"Wait, that's not-"

Before he could stop her, Jess reached down and gripped the turgid shaft. Her attempts to pull it out of the way had him wincing, and Chip was actually thankful when she rolled over to see why she couldn't move his 'tail'. Jessica gave the shaft a squeeze, staring at it for a moment as her tired brain processed what she was seeing. Comprehension came with a squeal as she pulled her hand away, a heavy blush tinting her cheeks. "Oh my god! Chip, I'm so sorry! I didn't know!"

"It's alright." Chip chuckled, blushing a bit as he propped himself up on his elbows. "Though I did try to warn you. Can I go pee now?"

"Yes, please, go." Jessica insisted, purposefully looking anywhere but at the tent in Chip's underwear. Despite her best efforts, she still stole a glance as he walked by, secretly impressed by the size of that tent. "How long were you poking me with that thing?"

"Since I woke up?" Chips answered from the bathroom.

"Well, why didn't you say something?"

"What would you like me to say? F.Y.I. that's my dick you're lying on? Besides, I tried to stop you. You just have quick hands."

"Well... whatever." Jessica couldn't help but blush, still remember the feel of Chip's member against her thigh, and in her hand. "Just, let's try and not do that again."

"I hope this doesn't hurt my standings as a replacement pillow." Chip joked as he stepped out of the bathroom. "I kinda liked waking up with you on my chest. You can actually be kinda cute sometimes."

"Shut up, dork." Jessica spat, throwing a pillow at him to distract from her brightening cheeks. "Now let's get going. I want time to hit the complementary breakfast before the opening ceremonies."

"Whatever you say, nerd."

Showering and dressing didn't take long at all, thanks to the simplicity of both their cosplays. Jessica was soon adorned in the simple school uniform identical to Tohru Honda's, while Chip nearly matched her, wearing a comfortable suit reminiscent of Spike Spiegel. With the extra time, the two got to relax and enjoy the simple, complimentary hotel breakfast, along with many other cosplayers and a few rather confused hotel guests.

"That cosplay looks amazing." Chip commented as he finished off his hastily made waffles. "It looks just like Tohru's uniform. Where'd you get it?"

"Made it myself." Jessica boasted. "I hated all the ones I saw online. Too much money for poor quality work. So, I got my mom to help me make my own."

"Wow. You did a great job with it. You look really cute, too. Those hair ribbons really push the look over the top."

"Cute?" Jessica blinked at him, a noticeable blush spreading across her cheeks. She squirmed in her seat, unsure how she felt about the compliment. "So, uh, where'd you find the Spike cosplay?"

"Thrift stores and the like." Chip said with a laugh. "It's amazing what you can find at used clothing stores. Especially when you need a blue suit with a yellow shirt."

"You mean you didn't make that yourself?" Jessica smirked.

"You kidding? I don't even know how to thread a needle. Could you imagine me tryin' to make a suit?"

"But you have those hand-feet." Jessica teased. "You could get twice as much done in the same amount of time."

"And have pin pricks all over my toes? I don't think so. Besides, I'm too lazy for all that. So much easier to just buy the clothes."

"Lazy!" Jessica teased, stealing the last bit of food from his plate. "Now c'mon, let's get to the opening ceremonies. Then maybe we can check the vendor floor, and there's a ton of panels I want to see. I just have to make sure I don't spend all my money today. Vendors sometimes have discounts on the last day, so I heard."

"This is gonna be a busy day." Chip chuckled, already rising from his seat. "Alright, let's go have fun until we pass out."

"Yes!" Jessica hopped to her paws, overflowing with a level of excitement that Chip couldn't help but find infectious.

The day proved to be a whirlwind of excitement. After an energizing opening ceremony, the two joined the masses as they migrated to the vendor's room. Over a hundred different vendors were set up in a massive hall, selling a wide variety of licensed merchandise, hand made goodies, plushies, and imported snack foods. It was impossible to see everything in one pass, the whole experience proving to be rather overwhelming for the virgin con goers. And yet that was only a small part of the convention. A wide variety of panels, showings, and other events were going on throughout the day, providing a myriad of distractions to choose from. Jessica and Chip kept going from start to finish, only taking a couple short rests for meals, before heading right back into the fray.

By the time they got back to their hotel room, they were both exhausted but neither could stop smiling. The first thing they did was change out of their cosplays and into more comfortable clothes. Then they collapsed on the bed to unwind and enjoy their haul for the day.

"I thought you said to wait for tomorrow to buy stuff." Chip said with a smirk, perusing the convention pamphlet while Jess flipped through a newly purchased doujin comic. "Looks to me like you bought quite a bit."

"They only had the one copy!" Jessica tried to explain. "If I had waited someone else might have gotten it."

"Well, I guess that's acceptable." With a grin Chip sat up behind Jessica, glancing over her shoulder. "Is that Tamaki and Kyoya making out? Is this yaoi? Did you buy yaoi?"

"No!" She slammed the comic shut with a heavy blush. "It's just a little romance boy love stuff I swear!"

"Just a little romance? They looked pretty naked to me." Chip pressed on, never one to pass up a chance to tease the girl. "Reading some naughty stories about a couple best friends? It's not canon you know."

"I know, but I don't care. Let me ship my ships!"

"Alright, you can ship whatever you like. But if you've got some good smut there, you should share it."

"I'll just read it later." The vixen huffed, trading the doujin for a box of Pocky. She fell onto her back as she tore into the package, trying to forget what she was reading. "So, did you get anything today when I wasn't looking?"

"Nope. Just food and snacks today. I did see a few things I want to get tomorrow, but it's nothing that's gonna be sold out by then... I hope." He glanced over at the girl beside him, comfortably munching away at the delicious, chocolate coated biscuits. "Hey, can I have one?"


"What? Oh, come on, why?"

"Because you teased me over my doujin." She replied with a smirk. "You shoulda bought your own box."

Chip watched as the fox placed the tip of a Pocky stick between her lips, and with a grin he suddenly leaned over, biting most of the exposed biscuit with a devious smirk. "Or I could just steal some."

"Thieving monkey." Jessica gave him a playful shover . "Keep your stank breath away, please."

"Stank breath?" Chip faked a pout. "Fine, then I'll just keep my surprise treat all to myself."

"Yeah well... wait, what treat?"

"Just a little something I brought for us to enjoy. But if you think I have bad breath..."

"Oh c'mon, I was just teasing." Jessica sat back up, pouting as Chip grabbed one of his bags. "I'm sorry. You're breath smells fine and I'll share my Pocky. What'd you bring?"

"Just some refreshing beverages." Grinning ear to ear, Chip pulled out a six pack of hard cider. "Wasn't sure what to get, but I thought this would at least taste good."

"How'd you get that?" Jessica asked, staring eagerly at the bottles as her tail wagged slowly. "Did you get someone to buy that for you?"

"I have my secrets." Chip smirked, handing her a bottle. "Don't worry about it. Let's just enjoy the good fortune and cut loose."

"No arguments from me." With a grin Jessica cracked open the beverage. "Just so long as we don't go overboard. I still wanna be able to get up in the morning."

"We'll be fine." Chip assured her. "These things aren't all that strong, and I only brought the six pack. Unless you've never drank before we should be fine. You're not a lightweight, are you?"

"No." Jessica stuck her tongue out at him after taking a sip. "Oh, this stuff is pretty good. See, I could see myself drinking way more of this than I should. I just don't want to go too far."

"Responsible. I did it." Chip agreed. "This is why I hang with you; you keep me out of trouble."

"And you get me into it." Jessica giggled. "A perfect combination to get into just the right amount of mischief."

They shared a laugh as they relaxed on the bed, enjoying their drinks and each others company. Plenty more laughs were shared as they recounted their adventures of the past year, Jessica telling Chip all about her first year of college while Chip told her all the stories of his adventures traveling through Europe with his family. The stories became sillier and the mood more relaxed as they continued drinking, Jessica feeling rather toasty by the time she was finishing her second cider.

"I could do this every weekend." Jess said with a grin, idly munching on her Pocky once more as she laid in the bed "Conventions are way more fun than I expected. Hey, Chip, we should do this again next year. You wanna?"

"With you?" Chip thought it over for a moment, taking a long sip of his drink. "Yeah, of course. If you'll share your Pocky."

"With a Pocky thief? If you promise not to steal anymore, then yeah, I'll share."

"But it's so much more fun to steal it."

"But, I'm too cute to steal from."

Chip knew better than to argue with that, especially when she was batting her baby blues at him. At the same time, that Pocky looked so tasty and inviting held between her lips. Taking a chance the capuchin leaned over to steal the treat once more. But his aim was a little off on his approach, stumbling at just the last moment. His face snapped the biscuit aside, his lips accidentally pressing against Jessica's instead. They stared at each other for a moment, lips pressed together, too stunned to actually react.

"Sorry." Chip mumbled as he slowly backed away. "I didn't mean..."

"Stealing kisses now?" Jess giggled, not nearly as embarrassed as he was. "You really are a thieving monkey."

"Well, I can't help but steal things that, uh, taste good."

"You think I taste good?" The vixen said with a grin, squirming underneath the man. "Does that mean you want to eat me up?"

"You're drunk." Chip accused, chuckling down at her. "And you're one hell of a flirt when you're drunk."

"Am not." She argued. "Besides, you're the one that kissed me. That makes you the teasing flirt."

"Me the flirt?"

"Yes, you. Kissing an innocent girl, keeping her pinned down like this. If I didn't know better, I'd think you had an ulterior motive. Like maybe you wanted something from me."

"You're right, I do have an ulterior motive." Chip confessed with a smirk. "I want your Pocky."

"My Pocky? No!" Jessica faked a wail of despair. "Well, if you want it, you'll just have to take it." With a grin, she grabbed one of the chocolate covered sticks and placed it between her lips, wiggling her eyebrows up at the man.

"You sneaky little..." Chip couldn't help but laugh at this display. "If that's how you want it." He bit down on the other end, the two staring each other down as they worked their way through the biscuit. Soon there was only one bite left, and Jessica wasn't taking it. Chip could feel her breath on his face, and his own heart was pounding in his chest at being this close to her. With a deep breath he took the last bite, his lips once again grazing across her own.

He didn't get to pull away this time. Jessica's arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders as she kissed him back, suckling on his lower lip and moaning ever so subtly. Chip didn't bother fighting it, pressing down on Jessica as they kissed. His hands gripped at the fox's sides, holding her close and tight. Her lips were so soft, and she really did taste good; a pleasant mix of apples and chocolate.

"Oh Chip." Jessica breathed, her fingers already clinging to his hair. Her body pressed right back against him, the feel of Chip's hands running up her sides causing her to moan out his name. She shivered as his long fingers snaked their way under her shirt, the two throwing away their inhibitions and just enjoying the moment.

With a gasp Chip broke the kiss, nuzzling into Jess's neck and kissing at her tender flesh. The fox clung all the tighter, exposing her neck to his lips, gasping as his hands worked their way up her shirt to cup her supple breasts. His hands kneaded into her flesh, Jessica soon moaning and squirming at his touch. With a heavy breath, Chip dared to lift her shirt up, exposing her body to his gaze. Her breasts looked so perky and supple, the capuchin couldn't hold himself back if he had wanted to.

Jessica gasped as Chip's lips wrapped around one of her stiffening nipples. His teeth lightly dug into her flesh, his tongue swirling around the sensitive flesh and setting her nerves aflame. The vixen could only squirm, gasping as he suckled from her breast, his hand massaging her other mound, her entire chest heaving with pleasure.

"Oh fuck that feels good." Jessica mewled, her fingers tangling in Chip's hair. "You're so fuckin' good at this."

"Your body is so soft." Chip moaned, nuzzling against her breasts. "You really okay with doing all this?"

"Yes." Jessica breathed, hugging his head into her cleavage. "I trust you, and it feels so good. Don't stop now."

"Then how about we go a bit further?" Chip snuck out of Jessica's grip, licking his way over her soft stomach and down to her panties. He took a moment to admire the cotton fabric before slowly pulling them down her thighs. Her labia, protruding ever so slightly from her mons, were already glistening with her dew. Chip found the view irresistable, and with a lick of his lips he pressed in against hers. The musky flavor coated his tongue, and as he dragged that tongue over her petals Jessica mewled with pleasure. Her hips bucked up against his mouth, the young vixen gripping the bed sheets as Chip slowly yet thoroughly ate her out.

"Oh fuck, that tongue." Jessica was panting heavily now, fingers digging into the sheets, then into the supple flesh of her breasts. She could feel Chip's tongue swirling around her stiffening clit, then delving deep into her moist folds, teasing her nerves and making her squirm. "It's so good. You've done this before, haven't you?"

"Maybe once before." He admitted, his fingers rubbing her folds as he licked his lips. "Glad to hear I'm that good at it."

"So good." Jess said with a shiver. "I want more."

"Well, maybe we should go all the way?"

Jessica tilted her head curiously as Chip stood, tossing his shirt aside then dropping his pants. Her eyes widened at the sight of his tented boxer briefs, and she gasped when those too fell away. "You're bigger than I thought."

"Not too big I hope." Chip blushed, rubbing his fingers along his shaft and pulling back his foreskin. "So, do you wanna keep going with this?"

"Yeah." She nodded, eyes still locked on his shaft. "But, do you have protection?"

"Condoms? Uh, no I didn't bring any. I honestly didn't think we'd be doing this."

Jess whimpered, chewing on her lip as an internal debate raged between logic and lust. Lust finally won out as she rubbed her thighs together, her fingers teasing her plump nethers. "Fuck it. Just, pull out or something, okay?"

Chip nodded as he crawled back onto the bed, kneeling between her legs while pressing the tip of his shaft against her warm folds. "I haven't done this bareback yet."

"Me either." Jess admitted, reaching down to help spread her lips. "Kinda exciting. Just take it slow to start."

"I got it, trust me." Chip assured her, leaning over her as he started to push in. "I like to take it slow, and really enjoy the experience."

"God you're such a dork." Jessica gasped, gripping Chip's sides as she felt him slowly slide into her. "Spare me the corny talk and, uhn, do me."

"If you insist, nerd." Chip grinned, finally pushing in all the way. "Damn you are tight. So hot and moist."

"Too much talking, not enough fucking." Jess suddenly tightened her grip on the man, wrapping her legs around his waist as she pulled him in for a kiss. Her hips bucked against his, fingers grabbing at his fur and tongue forcing its way into his mouth as she desperately tried to get things started.

Chips eyes were wide with shock, but he overcame it quickly. His tongue was soon wrestling with hers, his hips thrusting back against hers. He could feel her muscles clenching around his length, pulling him back in each time he tried to pull out. They moaned into each others mouths as they made love, Jessica's eyes shut tight as she thrust against him. Her entire body was already tightening up, her fingers digging into his back as Chip started thrusting even faster. Suddenly she broke the kiss, her head thrown back as she howled out in pleasure. "Oh fuck I'm cumming! Yes!"

Her entire body tightened up as she cried out in bliss. Her folds were like a vice around his shaft, and it took all of Chip's willpower to pull out before it was too late. "Fuck, so close. Fuck!"

On the edge and unable to back down, Chip kept thrusting his hips, his shaft grinding against Jessica's folds and stomach. In only a few thrusts he joined Jess in climax, thick ropes of his seed coating her stomach. They both quivered for a bit as they recovered from their orgasms, panting heavily as they caught their breath.

"Damn." Jessica panted, propping herself up on her elbows. "So much. Is this normal or were you just backed up?"

"Guess I just have a healthy production." Chip said with a shrug. "Maybe you just felt so good I couldn't help myself."

"Sure." Jessica rolled her eyes. She took a moment to enjoy the afterglow, her sight still drawn to Chip's moist, semi hard shaft. She'd read her fair share of erotic fiction, the unfortunate source of most of her limited sexual knowledge. She knew what would usually happen next in those stories, and a part of her was at least curious to try it herself.

Without a word she crawled over to her friend, taking a hold of his shaft and giving it a closer look. Turning her blue eyes up at a confused Chip, she ran her tongue along the underside of his length, slowly working her way up to the tip. A small drip of cum slipped out onto her nose as she did, but she ignored it, gently suckling the tip of his shaft.

"What are you doing?" Chip had to ask, the act already making him hard again. "Don't tell me you want to go again."

"No." Jess replied. "I'm just cleaning it for you. Guys like that, right?"

"You don't have to... oh god." Chip's eyes rolled into his head as Jessica took much of his length into her muzzle. Gently, if a bit awkwardly, she suckled at his shaft, her tongue swirling over his flesh as she tried to clean him off. After a few passes she pulled away, licking her lips as she tried to swallow down the unusual, musky taste. "How'd I do?"

"Pretty damn good." Chip gasped. "You got a little on your nose though." Using his thumb, he wiped the seed from her muzzle. To his surprise she took his hand, gently suckling the cream from his digit while still gazing up at him. "Damn, you are something else."

"Just trying my best. Not bad for my first time, huh?"

"Wait, first time!?" Chip's eyes went wide with momentary panic. "But, I thought you said you lost your virginity earlier this year!"

"Yeah, but that was to a girl, silly." Jess clarified with a giggle, crawling off the bed to clean herself off. "You're the first guy I've ever slept with. Not that that sort of thing matters to me anymore."

"You really are something else." Chip chuckled, grabbing what was left of his drink and collapsing onto the bed. "Not that I'm complaining. I really needed that."

"What?" Jess asked as she returned from the bathroom, her fur mostly clean. "I missed that."

"Oh, nothing." Chip smirked. "Just thinking that it was time for bed."

"Yes!" Jessica agreed, diving into the bed. "Sooner we sleep, sooner we can get back to the convention fun."

"That and I'm exhausted." Chip said with a laugh. "Good night, nerd. Get some sleep so we can go crazy again tomorrow."

"You too, dork." Jessica giggled, curling up at his side as he turned off the light. "So glad we could do this together."

"Me too." Chip agreed, wrapping an arm around the fox. "Now seriously, go to sleep. Plenty more fun to have tomorrow."

The second day of the convention was just as exciting as the first, though it was all crammed into a shorter length of time. Jessica and Chip didn't make any mention of what had happened the night before, continuing on as they always had. There was simply too much to see and do to worry about the ramifications of one night of unadulterated fun, especially when neither was interested in anything more. The day went by too quickly, and by the end of it they were all packed up and saying their goodbyes in the hotel parking lot.

"Call me when you get home." Jessica insisted as she gave her tall friend a big hug. "And don't be a stranger! There's still plenty of summer left before school starts again."

"Yeah, guess I can't stay away from college forever." Chip chuckled, giving the young fox a squeeze. "That European vacation put me a year behind. Guess that makes you my senpai."

"You better believe it." Jess laughed. "So you better not disappoint me."

"You're living on campus, right?"

"Yeah, stuck in the Freshman dorms though, just like you. That'll be fun."

"Eh, we'll make the best of it." Chip said with a wide smile, giving her a light punch on the shoulder. "It's gonna be just like old times again. I'm actually looking forward to it."

"You know what, so am I." Jessica admitted, matching his smile. "I was worried about not having any friends at that school last year, but things have really taken a turn for the better. And after all that happened last year, there's no telling what surprises lay in store for us this year."