Q and A to clarify things

Story by Mercenary Canine on SoFurry

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here's another little FAQ/Q&A ................................................. Are carnivorous Mammilians cannibals ?  Answer: No.  Though all mammals have a sentient form, they evolved on different planets, so for example a planet where canines evolved as the sentient species would have all other animals as ferals as we do on Earth. the deer, cattle, etc would not be sentient.   the same goes for other species too.  each planet evolved a single dominant species, and the other species on that world remained feral.  some planets developed with the same dominant species as well.....if mammilians have cows that arent sentient too why do they drink lioness milk ?answer : it is a part of carnivore physiology that carnivore milk is easier to digest, hence when humans were domesticating bovines, carnivorous mammilians were domesticating Panthera Leo for milking and bovines/cattle for meat.    Why then do non carnivores still drink lioness milk use lioness milk dairy?  Simple. Infrastructure.  when they became spacefaring races, and formed the mammilian alliance, trade meant standardization, and with the major players (canine and feline empires) being carnivorous, lioness milk became standard for all dairy......................    toilets?well all ships have them, obviously.   they are sized differently for different species, and ships like Excalibur have a few of each size.  they work much like ours, only the water flushes into a waste reclamation tank, where excess water is drained away to be filtered, treated, and recycled for things like flushing toilets/urinals, putting out fires, etc.  the solid waste and remaining liquid is then passed on to the sewers, where it collects until being purged, either at a waste disposal station, or (ilegally) into open space. (Maya does that usually for the sake of convenience).  Urinal water is recycled completely, and serves the next flush cycles as well.  Toilets and urinals all use greywater, or ''sink/shower runoff'' for flushing in the first place...................gas?well, flatulence is mostly methane, which the ships' life-support system filters out along with CO and Co2.  the methane is then stored in tanks to be combined with other substances for various uses...................   What about females' periods?Mammilians do not mensturate.  They have Estrus of "heat" cycles like feral animals...................Sexual maturity?At their first heat, a female is considered sexually mature, as she is capable of getting pregnant and carrying a litter / foal / calf / etc to term properly..........................can humans and mammilians interbreed ?"Naturally, no. genetics gets in the way.  Mammilians can breed with their feral counterparts without medical help however.Medically, yes.  Doctor Natalie Buckner

developed a serum that when injected into a human male's testicles will replace any missing chromosomes with nanoparticle equivalents, allowing him to impregnate any female he wishes.  Unfortunately the good doctor has yet to have any success developing a method for human women to  have mammilian offspring however.  she can manipulate the ovaries easily enough, but uterine design, body temperature, and PH all prevent the pregnancy from taking.....................  what do mammilians eat?Pretty much like we do, though their own dishes and delicacies just as any nation would have.  If you sat down to a meal on Excalibur, about the only thing truly ''alien'' with the food would be the elongated silverware designed for canine muzzles.  and of course the glass od lioness milk on your tray.................Are the Xians really anything like us?In many ways, yes.  they evolved from a primate type creature, so their physiology is much closer to humans than mammilians.As to whether humans and Xians could reproduce, possibly, though medical assistance might be needed, its impossible to know as so little is known about Xian reproduction.Why anyone would want to is beond me however.  they are the epitome of everything humans are bad about, magnified a hundred fold.........................................Does Maya ever fight other mammilians?Yes, the Aces are mercenaries.  Soldiers of fortune.  They go where the payday is.  Although sometimes Maya lets her morality get in the way (such as refusing chastidite contracts, in favor of less-paying contracts AGAINST the chastidites form another fanatic religious sect, "Kayla's right hand".........................Are the Xians a serious threat to Earth?  With all our nuclear capabilities?  Well look at it this way.  If Maya made a run at Earth, Excalibur could level the planet in a matter of hours, or less.  every missile we got might eventually collapse her shields, but not in time to save us.The Xians have billions of ships the size of Excalibur, all newer models, with even better shields/weapons. so no, if the dickheads came in force, we're screwed without the Mammilians' help.

 With all Earth had to offer, they destroyed one small Xian cruiser.  a drop in the bucket compared to all the Heavy Dreadnoughts out there.What about the earthships? you askWell, the Lee, and the Jackson are certainly formidable, they are no match for the size of fleets the Xians can field.  Hence why Landry hired Excalibur to help the earthships fight the Xians off...........................Why dont the Xians hire Maya?Pride.  they are so full of themselves, they believe themselves to be invincible gods, and command all races to worship them.Hatred.  Maya kicked their asses when she first met them, and they still despise her for that.stupidity  the Xians

believe themselves invincible, so they think sheer numbers will do the job...........................water?Excalibur has massive freshwater tanks in between several decks.  they hold enough to sustain the equivalent population of the city of New Orleans for a  year before needing replenished, and replenishment is simple as tanking up at any spaceport.  As the Aces are only 580 people at the moment, the supply will last them much longer.The water is pumped through pressuretanks and then into plumbing to run throughout the ship.  there are large water heaters that provide hot showers as well....................................................hope this helps

more refs

size of my characters is directly proportionate to breed.  (Body size not Phallic / Vulua / anus size)aquatic mammilians (obviously not on Excalibur) denoted by a ** signa single * means not on Excalibur  no mark means at least one present.  Crew size...

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The Enlightened

    Excalibur came out of hyperspace above a planet in the Pleiades-Maia system for some R&R  THe Lee and the Jackson joined them moments later.The locals of a canine colony in the pleiades-merope system had told Maya this place was some sort of...

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