Q and A to clarify things
Are carnivorous mammilians cannibals ? answer: no.
Some of them like amos clay (deceased) were wartmongers bent on starting a war with the mammilians, fortunately the masses didnt let it get that far.
Excalibur senior staff
Human, acadian (cajun) male. zoophile, and mammilian lover. married to maya.
Ship references part 1
Crew: a mix of all mammilian races, (mostly canids), and a few hundred humans, as well as human/mammilian hybrids. and one xian (kept in the brig until needed for really nasty clean up jobs, or information on xian tech), nicknamed billy ballchin by the crew
more refs
(body size not phallic / vulua / anus size)aquatic mammilians (obviously not on excalibur) denoted by a ** signa single * means not on excalibur no mark means at least one present.
An Endless Voyage: ch:3
The movie was an adventure/romance film, about a team of mammilian archaeologists exploring the ruins of a cor-ai city. they were underground, as the ruins had been buried by millenia of settlement, but the team was desparate to press on.
An Endless Voyage: ch:12: Showdown
(mammilians gave them transporters as well as hyperdrives). "excalibur, lee." james announced, "the willy is history.""lee, excalibur, 's good t' hear."
Prelude to An Endless Voyage: The day the Xians came
It was a good thing too, as neither mammilian empire was taking the xians seriously.
Joining the Aces: A short story
I was on my way to earth, to relieve the maremma boy who had been serving as liason between the mammilian alliance, and president chloe landry, of the confederate states of america. the most powerful nation on the planet.
An Endless Voyage: ch:9 The Unexpected
Its capable a' blackin' out even the bes' mammilian pilots, s' watch those g's. we're fahrin live rounds t'day, s' check yer targets. ah aint lost a pilot t' friendly fahr yet, an' ah dont intend t' start.
Sam's Origins: The Egg cycle part 2
Although she now laid eggs she was still mammilian in that she had breasts and would lactate. after her sudden transformation was over with another one had started.
The Enlightened
"all mammilian races.""a spaniel." the priestess said. "i never thought your people would venture this far from home.""i am a mercenary." karen said. "like maya. i owe maya my life.""then welcome." the woman said.