Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 27.

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#27 of Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire

Wolfie Steel. ©

Assassin/Bodyguard for hire. ©

Written by Vinnie Van Daz.

A/N: My continued thanks go to the following list of furs, who were prepared to appear as a character in my humble story.

Wolfie Steel : Wolfie Steel ©

Wolverine Steel : Proudfur ©

Linkin Doberman : Linkin Doberman ©

Todd Styles : Flipp_HaVok_13 ©

Commander Michael T Nash : Wolf Pup ©

Matt Bond : kashito91 ©

Hammy: Hammy ©

Loboron: Loboron ©


As this story contains references and scenes of a homosexual nature, if you are not old enough to read such literature in your country, then DON'T. If you are not old enough and read it anyway and get caught, I will deny all knowledge. With that warning given, to the rest of you I say ENJOY!

Chapter 27.

It has now been just a little over a month since Tony, Loboron and I had made the trip to the USA for a vacation come training trip, many things have happened during that time, including a certain piece of extra curricular activity that I would just as soon as forget. Today is the day where my family and I find out if we make the grade as elite bodyguards and drivers. Tony and I, stand in the training room, still kitted out in our military uniform, amongst other hopeful furs.

During our training, we had seen many promising candidates for elite status. General Stanford made his way into the room and headed to the podium which had been set up for the "Passing out" ceremony, once he was in place the room fell silent, he then cleared his throat and began with the ceremony.

"Just over a month ago, we received a batch of hopeful furs at this base, all of whom were intent on becoming the best of the best, the elite in bodyguards and drivers. Some of them were still wet behind the ears and quickly fell by the wayside, but, I stand here today in front of eight very capable bodyguards and drivers. Now, unfortunately, though you are all here, some of you didn't quite have what it takes, but you can still leave here with your heads held high. I have here a piece of paper with just three names upon it, these three furs can now officially call themselves the best of the best. Please step forward Res Caine, Wolfie Steel and Tony Steel".

In the gallery above us there was but one yelp of joy, uttered from the muzzle of Loboron, the son that Tony and I had adopted. As we make our way towards the podium, I look to the other recipient of the award, Res Caine, another wolf, he seems to be here alone, there is no one shouting praises from the gallery for him. The three of us stand on the stage facing towards the other five now applauding furs, as General Stanford begins to hand out the awards. First he hands Res his award, the once emotionless face now breaks into a beaming smile as he holds his trophy aloft in one paw and punches the air with the other.

Next it's Tony's turn, I watch my mates stubby tail happily wagging side to side at about one hundred wags per second, the look of pride on Tony's face fills my heart with joy and love, the General hands Tony his trophy, and just like Res, he holds it aloft with one paw and again punches the air with the other. Finally it's my turn, the General stands in front of both of us and hands me my trophy, as I take the trophy in my paw, I realise that the General still has hold of it, a broad smile spreads across his muzzle as he speaks.

"I knew that you guys would be good because Senior Doberman does not hire trash, but the reports that I'm getting back from Staff Sergeant Locklear, let me tell you gentlemen, that Dobbie is one lucky son of a gun, he now has two Elite bodyguards working for him, other rich furs would give their high teeth just to get the services of just one".

The General now stood back behind the podium to conclude the ceremony.

"Those of you that missed out on gaining elite status do not have much to do before you too will be standing where these three fine furs stand at the moment, and if you wish, you may stay here to retake your training, but for the rest of the day, you will be allowed to rest. As for the three gentlemen on the stage, you have all pushed your bodies to their limits, and in some cases beyond their limits, so you too will spend the rest of the day here resting, then you will leave this base and head back to your working lives, wherever that may be. I will now bring this ceremony to a close with just one order..........CLASS DISMISSED".

After being dismissed we all headed to the PX for some much needed food and drink. As we enter I see two furs sitting at a table, young Micah and Staff Sergeant Mike Locklear. Tony, Loboron and I head over to the table and take a seat. I am sat facing the Staff Sergeant and offer my paw and speak.

"Staff Sergeant, I want to thank you for taking care of me and my family whilst we were here at the base, I would like to think that we could remain in touch, and maybe even remain as good friends, and as for you young Micah, I'm sure that your father is very proud of you, I know that I would be if you were my son, I also know that you have been a very good friend to my son, and I would be happy to see that continue".

The Staff Sergeant looked at me and took my paw in his and gave it a quick shake, then replied.

"Mr Steel, Wolfie, your training here is over, you and your charming family have earned the right to call me Mike, as for remaining in contact as friends, I would like that, I'm sure that Micah would also like to stay in contact with young Loboron too. Now I know that you will be leaving for London early in the morning and so will need an early night tonight, however, I would like to extend an invitation for you and the family to come to my quarters tonight, for a final "Goodbye" BBQ".

We agreed to the generous offer, with that done, Mike and Micah stood from the table and left the PX. With Mike and Micah now gone, Tony, Loboron and I all started to eat what would be our last meal in the PX. As we eat, a voice comes from behind me, my head spins to the source of the voice, only to be confronted by our fellow newly trained elite member, Res Caine.

"E......Excuse me gents, b...but would it be okay if I joined your table to eat? I am a lone wolf, you may have noticed that there was no one waiting and shouting for me in the gallery earlier, not like your obviously very proud son here".

I look at Loboron and Tony, then back to Res, he was carrying his food tray, but he also looked so very alone, like he needed a friend or three, I gesture with my right paw to the now vacant seat opposite me, Res graciously takes the offered seat and begins to eat his food.

After a few minutes of eating in silence, Res pushes his now empty tray slightly away from him and speaks again.

"So, your Wolfie Steel huh? Senior Linkin Doberman's bodyguard, I was hoping that somewhere on my travels I might just cross your path, I have heard all about your......body-guarding talents. I believe that you know an acquaintance of mine, by the name of Matt Bond?"

At the mention of Matt's name I remember the state that I had found my mouse friend in, and remember him speaking of some guys that would not take politely to him meeting back up with me. I immediately go into a defensive posture and let out a growl.

"You lay one paw on my friend Matt, and I will make you wish that you hadn't been born, I saw the state you guys left him in, it's just lucky for you that we are where we are, because if we ever meet up again and we are alone, I will tare you limb from limb, you beat him up and left him for dead".

Res now looks at me with a look of panic on his face, and begins to back away slowly, but then begins to speak again.

"I admit, I was there when it happened, and that I am one of the ones charged with finding him and you, to finish the job, but please Mr Steel, you have to believe me, I want no part in the death of either you or Matt, and you will find that now Vinnie Van Daz is dead, most of the other hit-men that have been hired to find you, have now given up on coming after you. When we left Matt at that house as you say half dead, I wanted to stay back and help him, but at the time I was just being swept along by my piers. Now though, I wish to get a legitimate bodyguard gig, hence the reason why I took this advanced training course. Please Mr Steel, I know that both you and Senior Doberman have many contacts, I would be most grateful if you could maybe push a bodyguard job my way. Like you, I'm on the flight to London in the morning, and I hope that you can see your way clear to helping out a reformed gang member now professional bodyguard?"

With that, I just let out a disproving grunt as Res stands from the table and leaves. Tony, Loboron and I all now head back to our quarters to begin packing ready for the journey home, I'm packing my last case when Loboron enters the room.

"Dad, please tell me that you will help Res out, I know that he is truly sorry for what happened to Uncle Matt, and the fact that he did nothing to stop it, you see dad, there is something that you don't know about me, I have a.....power, I can feel peoples emotions, I can sense when they are lying, I can also levitate some things, dad, with Res I sense nothing but truth, I also sense that if he doesn't get a regular job soon, that he will do something stupid".

With that I let out a deep sigh, what Loboron had just told me about his powers hit me hard, but what he had said about Res also struck a chord. I look at my son with a weak and loving smile on my muzzle and assure him that I will consider what he has just told me.

With the packing now finally complete, it is time for us to head to Mike Locklear's quarters for the BBQ, as we leave our quarters, I catch sight of Res sitting outside his quarters looking into the darkening sky.

"Yo Res, we are just heading off to Staff Sergeant Locklear's quarters for a BBQ, I'm sure that he won't mind one more tagging along, would you care to join us?"

Res looks at me and I see a weak smile form on his muzzle, then he stands from his seat and walks with us to the BBQ. 22:30 hrs. and the BBQ has come to an end, it's now time for some sleep as we are going to be leaving early in the morning, so we all head back to our quarters for the final time for a good nights sleep.

05:30 hrs. I begin to load the truck with our cases and see Res heading with his case towards the main gate.

"Res, I take it you'll be waiting for a bus to get you to the airport? Well considering the fact that you are on the same flight as us, why don't you put your case in the back of the truck and then join us? After all, we are going to the same place at the same time, so it seems stupid to me that we are going in separate vehicles".

Res looks back at me and shrugs his shoulders, after a few seconds though he decides to take me up on my offer and makes his way towards the truck, once at the truck he lifts his case into the trunk and thanks me for the offer.

With all the cases now loaded, the four of us get into the truck, and I drive towards the main gate, once at the gate, I hand the keys to our quarters into the soldier at the gate office, he then salutes us and lifts the gate so that we may make our journey back to the airport.

We make it to the airport check-in desk and check our cases in, once check-in is complete we head to the coffee bar and sit with a drink whilst we wait for our flight to be called. Suddenly, half an hour later, the public address system sounds.

"This is a passenger boarding call for British Airways flight number BA-313, en route to Heathrow, the flight is now ready for boarding, will all passengers for the flight please head to gate number 12".

After hearing the boarding call, the four of us head to the gate, ready for the long flight home. At the head of the waiting line, I see a fur who I recognise from the TV, though for the life of me I can not remember his name, just as I'm raking my brains for the name, Res speaks up.

"Oh great William Shatterwolf is on the flight, probably boldly going where no wolf has gone before".

I let out a small snicker as I lightly punch Res on the arm. So the mystery is now solved, William Shatterwolf, the original Captain James T Wolf of the Starship Enterprise, is on our flight, though in truth, the plane will be a lot slower than what he is used to, but I bet he is going in first class! Then something odd strikes me, an actor of Shatterwolf's calibre on his own, with no visible form of security. Suddenly the line begins to move as we all board the plane. Once on board, we take our seats and listen to the stewards droning on about the safety procedures, jeez these guys are enough to send a guy to sleep.

With the safety procedures check list now complete, the plane begins to taxi to the runway. The four Rolls Royce engines now go to full throttle as we roll down the runway, thirty seconds later, I look out of the window and watch as we leave the runway behind. Once we reach level flight the captain turns off the fasten seatbelts sign and then speaks over the intercom.

"Good morning ladies and gentlefurs and welcome on board British Airways flight WX-313 bound for London Heathrow, my name is Captain Leonard P. Smithe, we are now cruising at 35,000 feet, you will notice that the seatbelt light has been extinguished meaning that you are now free to move about the cabin, the cabin crew are on hand and ready to serve you, we are also lucky enough to have a TV legend flying with us today, Captain James T Wolf himself actor William Shatterwolf is on board and has agreed to sign autographs for those of you who would like it, please ask the cabin crew first then you will be brought into the first class lounge where he will then sign the autographs, we are expecting a smooth flight today, and baring any unforeseen weather problems, we should land at Heathrow at approximately 3 pm GMT".

As predicted, there were many furs that wanted to head to the first class lounge to get an autograph, Loboron being one of them.

After an hour, Loboron still had not returned, and I was getting a little worried, Tony was dead to the world, so I decided to enquire about my sons whereabouts, as I was about to ask a stewardess about my son, I suddenly got a shooting pain in my head, it was like nothing that I had experienced before, suddenly the pain began to subside, but in it's place I could hear a voice, it was the voice of Loboron, and though I couldn't make out quite what was being said, I knew from his tone that he was in trouble.

I give Tony a nudge to wake him up.

"Tony, it's our son, he's in some sort of trouble, I want you to head to the first class lounge and see what you can find out, I'll get into the bagage compartment and make my way forward".

Without another word Tony and I went about the plan.

Once in the bagage compartment of the plane, I start heading towards the front, as I make my way forward I hear Loboron's voice in my head again, he is leading me to the exact spot where a hijacker has taken three hostages, one of them being Loboron, once again my head clears and I see a hatch which should bring my back out onto the first class deck behind the hijacker.

Before heading up through the hatch, I take off my shoes and remove the laces in one of them, it will act as something to strangle the hijacker with, if I get the chance. With my hand made weapon in my paw, using the news from the engines to mask the noise of me lifting the hatch, I slowly climb through the hatch. It seems though that my plan has a flaw in it, as I stand back on the main deck, I look to my right and see both Loboron and Res tied up on a seat, in front of me is William Shatterwolf also tied up and facing me, I can see from the stars face that he has been beaten quite badly, I then look beyond the star, and standing there, with a gun pointing straight at Shatterwolf's head, is the hijacker.

Just behind him, and as yet unseen by the hijacker, is Tony, waiting to pounce. What happened next seemed to happen in slow motion, though in truthfulness it was over in a split second, the hijacker pulled the trigger, as the shot went off, Res jumped up in front of the star, the bullet slamming straight into Res's right shoulder. As the shot hit Res, Tony kicked the hijacker forwards causing him to fall to the floor, that was all I needed, I rushed to the hijacker and straddled his back, the using my shoelace, I wrap it around his neck, I then get up from his back and pull on the lace bringing the hijackers head up, I then force his legs up and tie the lace around his feet, I then sit on his back again and he screams out in pain.

Whilst I'm dealing with the hijacker, Tony rushes over to Res and gently lifts him up and carries him to one of the seats, with that done, he then unties Loboron and Shatterwolf. Once untied, Loboron heads to one of the cabin crew who then heads back with Loboron and a medical kit and begins to tend to Res's shoulder wound, William Shatterwolf heads to the cockpit door and hammers on it to raise the alarm.

With the alarm now raised, the captain announces a change of flight plan to the passengers.

"Ladies and Gentlefurs, due to an unforeseen incident we are having to divert to Charles de Gaul airport in Paris, whilst the incident is taken care of. I wish to make it clear that though the incident is a serious one, there is absolutely no danger to the aircraft, once the incident is over, we will continue our journey back to London Heathrow. On behalf of myself and the cabin crew, I would like to thank you for your patience".

Once the plane touched down at the airport, the French Police went into action, arresting the hijacker and leading him away to a waiting police truck. With the hijacker now in custody the paramedics took over, first removing Res from the plane, then William Shatterwolf then finally Loboron, Tony and me.

After an overnight stay in hospital and an operation to remove the bullet, Res was fit enough to be transferred to a London hospital, so five furs headed back to London via the Channel Tunnel, once back in London, Res was taken to hospital, whilst, Loboron, Tony, William Shatterwolf and me headed back to Doberman Manor.

The cab pulls up to the gates and we are met by Wolverine, as we get out of the cab, Wolverine's eyes go wide as he sees that we have a Hollywood star in tow, he then hurriedly opens the gates to let us pass.

As we walk up to the main house, Wolverine whispers into my ear.

"Wolfie, what the hell is going on? Why do you have William Shatterwolf with you?"

I assure Wolverine that all will be revealed once we get into the house and I have reported back for duty with Senior Doberman.

We enter the large drawing room where we find the great dog himself, Linkin looks up from his book and immediately does a double take.

"Mr Shatterwolf, this is indeed an honour, but may I ask the reason for this impromptu visit?"

The star held out his paw and took hold of Linkin's, shaking it gently".

"Senior Doberman, I just had.. to come and meet the fur who.. employed this incredible wolf and his partner, and also to ask you a huge favour, that favour being that you give young Res a chance to shine, as a bodyguard in your organisation".

We outlined the events of the flight home, including the part about Res taking a bullet for the star. Senior Doberman was now in complete shock and stayed that way for a little under five minutes, then he eventually found his voice.

"Wolfie, where is this Res furson now?"

After telling Linkin about the whereabouts of Res, we all piled into three cars and headed to the hospital where Res was being looked after. We all entered the hospital and were taken to Res's room, Res was now awake and sitting up in bed, William Shatterwolf now approached Res's bedside to speak.

"Res, I owe you my life, son, what you did for me on that plane was nothing short of remarkable and as a reward for your bravery, I personally will be settling your hospital bill, and I've also asked Senior Doberman to find it within his heart to let you work alongside Wolfie".

We all turned towards Senior Doberman, almost looking for approval from him, soon enough the great dog spoke.

"Well, young Matt needs his own personal bodyguard, so, I suppose I could always take you on for that purpose, and of course, like Wolfie and Tony, you are now an elite bodyguard, but Wolfie has also told me that you were there when young Matt was beaten and left for dead. Let me tell you Mr Caine, I will not stand for that in my organisation, if I get a sniff of you doing anything like that again, you will have to have a chat with the Steel Brothers, do I make myself perfectly clear?"

Res nodded his agreement and then slid back down into the bed to continue his rest, the rest of us left to let him sleep. William Shatterwolf headed back to London Heathrow to continue on his journey, whilst we, minus Res, headed back to the house.

Once back at the house, Tony, Loboron and I headed back to our pad. Just before getting to the door, I looked at Loboron, to see that he was out like a light, I carried my son up to his bed this time though I felt a strong enough connection to him to be able to change him into his night clothes without fear.

Though Tony and I were also worn out, we still had enough energy to plug in our charging packs.....if you know what I mean!!!!!!

Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 28

Wolfie Steel. © Assassin/Bodyguard for hire. © Written by Vinnie Van Daz. A/N: My continued thanks go to the following list of furs, who were prepared to appear as a character in my humble story. Wolfie Steel : Wolfie Steel © ...

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Wolfie Steel: Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 26

Wolfie Steel. © Assassin/Bodyguard for hire. © Written by Vinnie Van Daz. A/N: My continued thanks go to the following list of furs, who were prepared to appear as a character in my humble story, I would also like to thank wolf pup, for...

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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, part 25.

Wolfie Steel. © Assassin/Bodyguard for hire. © Written by Wolfie Steel (aka Vinnie Van Daz). A/N: My continued thanks go to the following list of furs, who were prepared to appear as a character in my humble story. Wolfie Steel : Wolfie...

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