Dragon Storm: Chapter 8: Unbeatable enemy!

Story by DS-Rio on SoFurry

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#8 of Dragon Storm

Arthur's note:

Hello again friends! I know it's late, but I wanted to wish everyone a happy 4th of July! I hope you all had a good time and enjoyed all the colors! ^-^ Moving on , I am now four more chapters behind. This brings the dude chapters up to seven after this one. u.u Man, this is harder than I thought. Also I have been keeping an eye out on the views for my chapters and they are not looking so hot. In fact, I think the only reason for the first chapter having as high of a count in views as it did was because of the keyword I used in explaining it. Which was "Nudity" . *Face palm * I can't see myself doing a yiff scene in a story. Anyhow, without further delay please enjoy! *Sigh *

Dragon Storm

CHAPTER 8: Unbeatable enemy!

The sound of death was everywhere as one griffin soldier after the other died. Rio could not believe his eyes. He was seeing how skilled Yun really was up close. At first, Rio had his doubts, but then he began to see how it was possible for him to make it as far as he had. Rio watched as Yun killed one griffin soldier after another over and over again. Yun quickly inhaled a mid sized breath of air and exhaled a mid size light blue mist. It froze everything it touched by completely turning whatever it touched into ice. Yun aimed for a group of six griffin soldiers and froze them all and all their gunfire too. After word there was a light mist that slowly filled the room from Yun's attack. Rio thought that all dragons could only breathe fire, however he had just seen otherwise first hand. Just then, Yun reached for a sword on his back and pulled it out and blocked more incoming bullets. Then he swung the black and red sword toward another griffin soldier and the bullets he had just blocked were propelled toward that griffin soldier and killed him. As the griffin soldier died he triggered his gun firing off more bullets at the griffin soldiers right next to him thus killing them all. Suddenly, Rio noticed a griffin soldier trying to flank Yun. Rio inhaled and exhaled a small blood red fireball and roasted the griffin soldier behind Yun.

"Your welcome Ying-Yang!" Rio said sarcastically.

"I could have handled it on my own! And stop calling me that!!" Yun said back while killing another two griffin soldiers.

Rio rolled his eyes and watched Yun slaughter more griffin soldiers. He noticed that the room was now filled with massive amounts of griffin blood. Rio could not stand the sight of any kind of blood regardless of color. It always made him feel sick to his stomach. Rio then began to ponder why he did not blast as big of a fireball as he did last time.

(Flashback: An earlier event)

It made Rio's heart beat faster then ever before. He felt almost no pain at all suddenly. He then inhaled the biggest breath of air he had ever inhaled before and Wild Horn knew right then what was coming and had no way to defend himself. Wild Horn was to weak to evade it this time. Rio exhaled a blood red flame so big that for Wild Horn it was completely unavoidable. There was a huge explosion and the exit was sealed via debris. There was smoke all over the place and Rio fell to the charred floor in massive pain.

"Heh....... looks like......I finally found.........my resolve. " Rio whispered as he passed out.

(Flashforword: Stronghold labs)

Rio thought that maybe he needed to find his resolve again before he could use his more powerful fireballs. The fireball he just exhaled was smaller then the one he exhaled at Lazz when they first met. Rio was confused about himself, and then got a little depressed. He had never been confused of himself before. Just then, a griffin flanked Rio while he was thinking and raised his gun to fire, however Yun noticed this and threw his sheathe at the gun to mess up his shot and then threw the black and red sword at the griffins face and killed him. The dark green blood that erupted out made Rio sick to his gut.

"Do you mind helping me out instead of standing their Mr. Emo. " Yun said sarcastically.

Rio ignored what Yun just said and instead picked the sheath and black and red sword and sheathed it. Then pulled from his waistline his S&M 9MM semi-automatic handgun and took aim at a griffin soldier. Just then, the device on Yun's arm started to beep like crazy.

"No wait don't fire that gun!" Yun said.

It was too late. Rio placed his finger on the trigger and pressed it. The handgun made a click noise and didn't fire anything. Rio was once again confused by what just happened.

"Your gun must be jammed, hurry up and fix it!" Yun said while killing another griffin soldier.

"Jammed? But when? Huh?" Rio mumbled to himself as he remembered when and how it got jammed.

(Flashback: An earlier event)

"I see you found the animals we are going to use to test our project on." Wild Horn said.

"You'll never get away with this!" Rio yelled.

Just then, Rio pulled out his handgun the S&M 9mm, and tried to take aim at Wild Horn, but Wild Horn quickly and effortlessly shot the handgun out of Rio's hands.

"I have one shot left. I have never been pushed this far before kid. You are the first to have ever met my 11th bullet let alone my last. You will die now......there is nothing you can do to avoid this." Wild Horn said.

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"Check your gear." Lazz said calmly as he did the same.

" Huh? Sure." Rio replied back.

He wondered if Lazz sometimes forgot that he doesn't have that much to check when it came to gear. In fact Rio only had one thing to check and that was his Smith & Wesson 9mm semiautomatic handgun.

(Flash forward: Stronghold labs)

"I see. That's why Lazz always said to check my gear. It got jammed when Wild Horn shot it out of my hand and I never checked my handgun after wards to make sure it wasn't jammed or anything. I feel so stupid. I wonder what Lazz would do if he was here." Rio said to himself.

"I would run away!" Lazz said.

"Lazz? Where are you? How come I can't see you? " Rio asked.

" What do you mean? You used your codec to contact me just now." Lazz said.

" I did? Hey! Don't get smart with me voice! " Rio said.

"I kind of got to go Rio sorry." Lazz said.

"Wait! What did you mean run away? " Rio asked.

It was too late Lazz was already gone. This made Rio feel better because he knew Lazz was still ok. Rio didn't want to admit to it half the time, but he considered Lazz a good friend. Then Rio realized that all the griffin soldiers either ran away or Yun killed them all off.

"Amazing job Ying-Yang!! " Rio said.

"That's not my name!! Stop calling me that!!! And no thanks to you did we survive this!!!!" Yun said.

"If I recall I saved your life with my huge fireball blast." Rio said to Yun.

"Yeah, but I saved you too, When your gun got jammed remember. And your fireball was the smallest I've ever seen! " Yun said.



"The name is Rio and I believe this belongs to you." Rio said and held out the black and red-sheathed sword.

"Umm.......thanks I guess." Yun said then reached out to grab it when all of a sudden Yuns device went off again.

"You know, I hate your device do hicky thingy. It only beeps like that whenever something bad happens or is about to happen." Rio said.

Just then another wave of griffin soldiers rushed in the room and pointed their guns at them both. Rio was in shock, he didn't know what to do other then keep fighting. The thing was if he kept fighting them all it would only bring that many more griffin soldiers into the room. The way Rio was looking at the situation; it was going to get worse long before it would get better. Suddenly Yun got frustrated and yelled as loud as he could.

"WHERE DO ALL YOU FLYING TURKYS KEEP COMING FROM?!" Yun said as he reached into his back and pulled another sword.

Yun swung the sword at a rather huge class tube and shatter it about one third of the way. Rio noticed that this time it was a white sword he was holding. As the glass hit the floor water gushed out and splashed onto the floor almost endlessly. The huge tube of water proceeded to pour out as the class tube was as tall as the ceiling and reached the ground. Rio then seen something inside move, it was hard to tell at first but then he had noticed how big it was and grabbed Yun and dived to the ground.

"GET DOWN NOW!!" Rio yelled.

"What the hell?" Yun asked.

Soon after, an enormous creature emerged from the tank of murky water and roared at the top of its lungs. The sound it made was so loud that it shattered all the other tanks of water and creatures and let them on the loose as well. All the creatures of all kinds of shapes and sizes nimbly scurried around the place attacking Yun and the griffin soldiers. Yun quickly got back up and started to fight them off as if they were nothing. The griffin soldiers fired their guns and some of them used their talons and beaks. Rio was on the ground and noticed the room at this point was completely destroyed. There was water all over the place and glass could be seen everywhere. As he got up he saw Amy taking cover in an opened filing cabinet. He knew she was safe for now and that made Rio feel better about himself. Suddenly the enormous beast dashed at Rio with no delay and attempted to slash him with its sharp claws. It's white claws clashed with Rio's black sharp claws and when they clashed it made sparks fly. The large beast had black fur and was as tall as a building; he glared at Rio with his giant olive green eyes. Rio jumped back and tried to analyze his weak spot. As Rio was in the air from jumping back the huge beast snarled and spun around sending his long spiky tail into the wave of now fighting griffin soldiers. He knocked them all out of the way with ease and Yun jumped just in time to avoid the tail sweep. Rio saw the tail headed right for him, but there was nothing he could while in the air. Just then Amy jumped out from hiding and jumped onto Rio turning him sideways a little bit so Rio's back would now get hit instead of his front side. Rio grabbed Amy with his remaining free hand and held on tight as the beasts tail smacked Rio's back, sending him flying.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Rio screamed.

This caused Rio to skid across the floor with great velocity and slam into the wall. Rio eyesight was a little blurred. Then it returned to normal. He felt warmth and wet on his side. When he looked down to see what it was he got sick to his stomach and gagged. He was covered in his own dark red blood. It almost soaked up half of the griffin uniform he was wearing. He was bleeding due to being smacked so hard and by a spiky tail no less.

"Amy? Did you just save me? No. However you did prevent me from taking more damage then I would have if it had hit my front side. Thank you..." Rio thought to himself.

Amy looked at Rio and whined as it was also bleeding on its side. Rio didn't know what to do. However there was no time to even think, just then the giant beast let out a roar and shot a giant fireball blast from its mouth.

"HEY!! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY YOU IDIOT!!!!!" Yun yelled as loud as he could, then got restrain by one of the griffins and tackled by a creature.

"Damn it! That hidden resolve would be nice right about now!" Rio thought.

Rio got up and stood in front of Amy to try and protect her. He inhaled and exhaled a small red fireball. It headed right toward the giant fireball and collided with each other. The large fireball, however absorbed the small fireball and crashed into Rio and Amy and completely destroyed the wall on impact. Rio and Amy were sent flying through the wall and started to fall toward the ground almost twenty stories high. The giant beast let out another roar and jumped out the destroyed wall after Rio.


"Damn! I never thought that trying to out run a jet could be such a challenge. What was Rio thinking just now when he called me via codec... dose he think this is a game? Huh?" Lazz thought, but was then interpreted.

Suddenly, Tiger Wanghu pressed a button inside his BAE Hawk T.1 trainer jet and two missiles blasted out from it's respective hatches. The missiles followed Lazz and tailed him and then started to close in on him.

"Your no match for my heat seeking missiles Lazz mwahahaha!!!!!!" Tiger Wanghu said firmly.

"Heat seeking huh?" Lazz thought.

Just then Lazz shot a mint-green fireball into the air and jumped back and started to run once again. Only one of the missiles redirected itself toward the new heat source and the other one kept tracking Lazz. Tiger Wanghu saw Lazz's green fireball and saw the missile following it.

"Trying to make my missiles hit me huh? That won't work!" Tiger Wanghu thought.

Tiger Wanghu pressed another button and a gatling gun started to fire from the under side of the jet and shot the missile. The missile exploded and Tiger Wanghu then aimed for Lazz as he moved out of the way to avoid Lazz's fireball. Just then Lazz jumped up and hoped off of the missile and did a back flip to land right on top of the jet. The missile hit the snowy ground and exploded. Snow went everywhere and a white cloud covered the spot of impact.

"What the hell?!" Tiger Wanghu said loudly.

"It's over!" Lazz said.

Lazz whacked the glass of the cockpit with his Grenade launcher and glass went everywhere. Lazz then inhaled a big huff of air and stuck his face through the broken glass. Tiger Wanghu quickly piloted the jet to turn upside down and Lazz fell to the ground and exhaled his fireball and it hit the left wing of the jet. Lazz landed on the ground with a thud, it was a good thing that the snow softens his fall.

"Damn, I could have had him right there. He has fast reflexes, I can't get around that." Lazz thought. Then started to run again.

"I can't believe he almost killed me right there. I got to be more careful...huh? Whets this? My left wing has taken heavy damage?" Tiger Wanghu said to himself.

Lazz proceeded to run, but something caught his attention. He saw the stronghold he was running up to sudden explode at the top floor almost and then a giant creature jumped out.

"What in the world is that thing?!" Lazz said while still running toward it.

"What the hell is that?! Ahh!! I've never seen anything like it!!!" Tiger Wanghu said.


Rio lands on soft snow and tries to get up. Amy is hurt bad at this point. If she loses any more blood she will die. Rio felt this sudden urge to protect and rage began to build in his heart. He had never been this mad before. He felt his ears get hot and could feel his blood boil inside him. Just then the giant beast lands next to Rio and screams in pain. He begins to morph. His fur turns into a light brownish color and grows black wings and his tail becomes a scorpion's tail with spikes. His eyes turn bright red and his talons turn a brownish color as well and his muscles bulge out even more so then before. He grows a blond colored main and a dark black color aura surrounds him.

"Just who do you think you are?! Huh? " Rio said then turned to Amy to see her in pain. Then proceeded to say... " SHE WAS JUST TRYING TO PROTECT ME!!!! I WON"T LET YOU HURT HER ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!" Rio screamed at the top of his lungs.

Suddenly the giant beast tried to stomp on Rio, but missed Rio was so upset that he was blinded by rage and very alert at the moment. He quickly dodged the attack and dashed at the giant creature and jumped up to his face and scratched his face with his claws and then turned his body as to do a front flip and upon flipping downward he landed another hit with his red tail and hit the creature's face. As he began his decent Rio blasted a fireball. The beast screamed in more pain from Rio's attacks, which caused him to bleed on the face. However the beast blocked the fireball with his arm and kicked at Rio. Rio landed on the ground and jumped out of the way of the kick. Just then Lazz got to where Rio was completely out of breath.

"Rio!! What is that thing?!" Lazz asked.

"Lazz where did you come from?! Stay back!!!!" Rio shouted.

Just then, Amy got up and howled and fell back on the ground. Rio noticed this right away and ran toward her. Suddenly the giant beast grabbed Rio with his scorpion tail and started to slam Rio on the ground over and over and over again. Then let go of Rio in mid air.

"RRRIIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lazz yelled as loud as he could.

The giant beast let out another roar and as Rio began his decent falling slowly toward the ground, the creature formed a fist and with all its might punched Rio right out of the air.

"No........way................ugh.............every...............bone.............in..............my..............body...............broken...............arhhhh............." Rio thought before he passed out. Then crashed into a smaller building and the building crumpled upon impact, thus crashing what was left of Rio.

"What the hell....Rio noo......this was never in the report or the mission explanation." Lazz said, and then fell to his knees in shock.

The giant creature roared even louder and started to walk toward Amy. Amy tried to move, but she could not. Lazz didn't know what he should do or what to even think for that matter. He looked up to see the smoke clear. The only visible part of Rio that remained was his dead-still arm that was cover in his blood. The rest of him was buried by dibre. Lazz wanted to move, but he was bound by fear.

"Now is my chance to finally put an end to you once and for all Lazz!!!!" Tiger Wanghu said loudly. Then shot two more missiles and laughed to himself.

"There's no way you can dodge them now....Mwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tiger Wanghu said.

The beast was closing in on Amy. Lazz had never been so afraid before in his life. He didn't understand how or why this was happening. Lazz was running out of time as the two heat-seeking missiles were closing in and fast.

To be continued.........................

Dragon Storm: Chapter 9 Rio dies?!

Arthur's note: Hey they're all! Just to let you know I have left a journal entry on my user page that apologizes for my absence. I have run into a few things that slowed me down a great deal. Also I hate to inform you guys of this, but I'm afraid I...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 7:Ying-Yang Yun!

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 6: Lazz's Lament!

Arthur's note: Hello again! I'm still trying to catch up to where we all should be in Dragon Storm. After this chapter I will need to post two more to catch up. Things aren't looking so good for Rio, but lets hope for the best. In case anyone was...

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