My Son, the Camwhore

Story by TastyTales on SoFurry

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Marlon had a secret; he fantasized about incest whenever he was alone. His son had a secret; That he stripped online for money. Tonight, both their secrets would be revealed.

First time writing an incest story, though this one entered my head and wouldn't go away until I got it down on paper. Not sure if I'd write another, but this was pretty fun, and great practice for writing standard erotica since I get plenty writing vore.


My Son, the Cam Whore

Marlon watched as the car left the driveway, waving goodbye as his wife left for a night out on the town. He knew she might not come back tonight, she was a beautiful vixen with sparkling blue eyes and a tail that could turn priests into sinners. Of course, he knew she wasn't out looking for guys, they had an agreement after all.

Marlon and Sophie were both bisexual, and as foxes they were somewhat inclined to fool around. They knew they could each only satisfying one half of the other's sexual desires when they got married, which was why they had agreed on an open relationship with a twist; They could only go out in the prowl once a month, and they could only hook up with people of their own gender. Sophie could have her tacos and Marlon could have his hot dogs... It was one happy family picnic.

The old brown fox often wondered how the agreement settled with Nathan, their only son. They had never told him about it explicitly, but growing up he had occasionally questioned who the strangers having breakfast with them were. The two had always been careful with how they explained things; saying that they knew them through work or that they were friends in college. As a child he would let it slide, though as he went through his teenage years he began to figure out what was happening... Nathan was a smart kid.

'A smart kid, but a terrible adult.' Marlon thought as he fixed himself a drink and headed over to the computer on his mahogany desk, enjoying the silence of his study while it lasted. Nathan was 21 years old and he had made no moves towards pursuing a career or education. He was always in his room on his computer, talking with his online friends or playing videogames. Sophie usually had to turn off the internet just to get him to come downstairs for dinner, and he'd moan like a spoiled brat whenever the idea of cleaning his room came up. It concerned him that their son was a layabout, but at least they always knew where they could find him.

Despite it being 'Open night', Marlon had decided to stay in and try out Nathan's lifestyle for an evening. It was partly due to the fact his car had broken down, leaving Sophie with the only car in the household... and who wants to car pool with your wife and her one-night stand? There was a tightness in his jeans as he considered it, though he shook his head to disperse the thought. Foursomes weren't his style, he preferred to keep things intimate... well, for all intents and purposes.

He tapped in the name of his favourite website and sat back, unbuckling his belt in anticipation. ''. This was his open night, touching himself to the hottest pairing there was; a dominant, muscular male and a submissive, girlish boy-toy. He'd often imagine himself in the place of the larger of the two, fondling and fucking the obedient twink as he begged for more. He unzipped his pants and tugged his briefs down, freeing his sheath and resting his balls on the top of his underwear. He didn't think his private time would be disturbed since he had made it clear to Nathan and his mother not to enter his study, but the fox was a careful sort.

He tapped in his username and password, and clicked to check the recent submissions of his most-watched tags. He opened the first 'same species', and reached one hand to his member as it slipped out of his sheath in anticipation. The fox wasn't racist, he'd screw any mammal or reptile that caught his eye, if they were up for it. He just enjoyed seeing two of the same species together.

As he clicked on a picture of a Stag towering over a younger deer, he knew exactly why. The older male had grizzled brown fur, long horns and looked to be in his late 40s. He held the leash of the feminine male, pulling his muzzle against his cock and forcing him to breathe in his musk as he took in half of his enormous length. Marlon murred approvingly as he began to stroke himself, imagining the dialogue between the two. His eyes locked onto the brown eyes of the father as he taunted the young buck, then turned to the hazel eyes of the son as he begged for more.

He blinked as he realized what he had just fantasized, though it wouldn't go away. This wasn't a picture of a muscular beefcake holding his twink boyfriend by a leash, this was a picture of a father disciplining his son. As he stroked himself he began to think about why... perhaps the boy had snuck out, or drank from his liquor cabinet? Perhaps he had talked back to the head of the household, or better yet gone somewhere he shouldn't have, say, a private study.

They looked like they could be related, there was no way he was just imagining it. He had to know for sure. Marlon scrolled down to the comments section, wading through the 'So hot!' and 'Buck that buck!' in search of answers, and finally he came to a comment.

Anonymous: 'Wow, you guys look really similar Are you related? Like, brothers or something? o_O'

BigDon: 'Nah, just a coincidence. Crazy though, right? It's like I was fucking myself from the past!'

Marlon's member stopped twitching, almost becoming entirely flaccid. He huffed and leaned back, his mood killed by a single comment. He wasn't sure why it even mattered, he could always have just used his imagination. He clicked onto the next picture, one husky pinning another against a wall with one hand, his knot ready to enter the boy's tight hole-

But the thumbnail of that deer picture was still there, he could still make out the eager look in the boy's hazel eyes and the pre dripping from the side of his mouth. He clicked to the next image, trying to escape it by looking at the picture of a small white wolf riding a grey wolf... though eventually he went back, his member throbbing excitedly as it came back into full view. He began to stroke himself vigorously, panting and letting out short gasps of pleasure as he found a rhythm.

There was no sense in denying it to himself, he had always fantasized about incest. The website had proven perfect for finding older males matched younger ones, and looking for same-species was a great way to filter it down to couples who looked like they could be related. Brothers, Fathers, Sons; the thoughts left the fox's head spinning with lusty desire and his shaft standing at full-mast.

Of course he could never tell Sophie, what would she think about him? Would she come to the assumption that because he fantasized it he would act on it in real life? Marlon had never found his own father attractive, and Nathan... well, Nathan was his son. He'd never do anything to hurt him. The boy hadn't made it easy, having come out as gay a few years ago. His parents were accepting and even approving, though the approval left him eager to express his newfound sexuality through 'scene style'. Marlon wasn't quite sure what it was, all he knew was it involved his two biggest twink turn-ons; Styled, Highlighted hair and skinny jeans.

He knew he couldn't have Nathan, but it didn't stop him from looking at other femboy foxes online. It was 'Open night' after all. He clicked on the search bar and typed in things that might get him a good shot of finding a similar todd; 'Fox, femboy, blonde, highlights, scene, twink'. He hit enter and awaited the rewards of his search efforts.

The first picture was an arctic fox with golden blonde hair. He was on a bed on all fours, his tail raised for the camera as his shaft hang freely. There was the edge of the dresser in shot, which left him with the expression that this was an amateur pornographer. Due to the angle Marlon couldn't quite see his face, but he didn't need to. He began to stroke furiously, licking his lips as he stared at the curvaceous, youthful rear of the male. He imagined walking in on the fox and pinning him to his bed, pulling on his tail and fingering his hole while he moaned.

He clicked the next image, this time of tan twinkish fox with his hair brushed down to cover the majority of his face. The todd must've been shy, Marlon grinned as he imagined the twink's blushing face as he stood in the provocative pose; his arms rested behind his back as he displayed his rear proudly, his face down on the bed as though he were waiting for his master's approval... or in Marlon's mind, a hard spanking from his father. He gave the rear a swat with his cursor and went back to stroking himself, his bushy tail thumping against the chair.

The fox let out a low moan as his member throbbed, he was already reaching climax and he was only a couple of minutes into his free night. He took his hand away from his shaft and closed the window, allowing himself a short break to ensure he didn't shoot his load too soon. The boy's voluptuous, vixen-like ass was imprinted firmly in his mind, even with the images off the screen he could still picture it perfectly, bouncing as he buried his shaft in it. He tried to distract himself by looking over the banner ads as he waited for to start again, sipping his drink as he did so. He almost spat out his drink when he saw a familiar face.

It was Nathan. A photo of the blonde fox boy sucking a lollipop was nestled between two other profiles; An adorkable Dalmatian and a rebellious looking tiger. He narrowed his eyes on the profile picture, and even zoomed in on the ad to make sure, then read the text; 'Sexy Twinks Livestreaming RIGHT NOW 18+'

No, no it couldn't be him. His mind was playing tricks on him, that or he had poured himself a stiffer drink than he had planned to. Though thinking of 'stiff' his member perked up curiously, as if wondering what Marlon had found. His eyes turned back to the ad, focusing on the effeminate fox in the centre, his pink tongue running over the candy treat as he stared right at him with those perfect blue eyes.

'It's part of my subscription package, I guess I might as well check it out.' Marlon reasoned with himself, clicking the ad. Once he had fended of the many fake pop-ups he was greeted by a deep red screen with a chat window on one side and a video player in the centre. After a few seconds of buffering it opened on a close-up of the fox's ass, bouncing up and down on a bright pink dildo.

He recognized the room immediately. The band posters he had always hated, the shelf filled with graphic novels, even the bedsheets that shook with each bounce of the fox's pear-shaped body. There was no doubt in his mind... and yet, his member throbbed with excitement, begging to be held. He groped at it gently, though the mere touch of his hand left him unable to hold back. He grasped his shaft and began to pump it, blushing hotly as he stared.

"Oooh! AhhHhh~!"

'Blip! Blip!'

"Ffuck, yeah!"

'Kkssh! Ching- blip! blip!'

The sounds took Marlon by surprise and he searched for the 'mute' button like his life depended on it. He hadn't noticed the chat before, filled with messages from the other viewers about how much they were enjoying the show, goading the fox to continue. Every now and then a message would appear in green, and as his eyes turned to the counter beneath the screen he found himself staring at a number twice as high as his weekly paycheck. Not only was his son a cam whore, but he was a profitable one.

Marlon couldn't believe what he was seeing, more-so he couldn't believe what he was doing. But he couldn't stop, pre was dripping from his tip and spilling out over his hand, some droplets even made it as far as his underwear. He whimpered in delight as Nathan lifted his tail, revealing its base along with his tight foxhole being penetrated by the toy. Nathan had his mother's ass and his father's dick, which was put on display as he shifted and rolled onto his back, jacking his member furiously as the comments cheered him on.

Marlon could barely contain himself, but he wanted to time it just right. He had began to stroke himself in rhythm with the fox on screen, watching the pup's muzzle widen with muted moans as sweat ran through his fur. He clicked the volume to unmute it and listened to the sweet moans of his own flesh and blood. The cries of his son were music to his folded ears, and he responded with his own, passionate moans.

The fox arched his back and bit his lip, trying to avoid making too much noise as he grasped blindly for the box of tissues he had set out for the night. He grabbed a handful and held them to the tip of his member shortly before his orgasm came, blasting the wad of tissue paper with his hot, sticky seed. Marlon gasped and leaned back, riding the afterglow as he turned to see if Nathan had done the same, only to find the younger male had stopped to catch his breath.

'Edging, I should have known.' Marlon thought to himself, watching the chatbox to read the comments. Now that he had climaxed he found himself a little offended at some of the things being said about his boy. Some were discussing their intimate sexual fantasies or how they would split him between different viewers. It seemed most wanted his son's ass, though others said they'd rather take his mouth, one even suggested 'cleaning up' with Nathan's tail. The fox let out a possessive growl... he was -his- son, what say did these people have what they would get?

"Thanks for all the tips, everyone." Nathan winked at the screen, leaning a little closer to the microphone on the bedside table, "Heh, you all know how much I like -big- tips." he panted, his soft pink tongue sliding out of his mouth and over his lips, revealing the shiny stud in the centre of it. Oh yes, he was a -very- bad boy. The little cock-tease had his viewers in the palm of his hands, and he was willing to do whatever it too to get more out of them.

it seemed his efforts were paying off. Suddenly the donation number was changing every minute. $1200, $1245, $1300. It finally stopped at $1350, with a very satisfied breath from Nathan as he carefully slid the dildo out of his ass and placed it before him, allowing his audience to see it's full eight inches clearly as he winked at the camera, his finger playfully pressing the tip as he teased his viewers with a curl of his tail. He reached one hand back and spread his cheeks, allowing them to see the pink of his tail-star as he reached his other hand off-screen. "Going to take a break to catch my breath. I'll be up for a chat in the meantime, if you've donated."

The camera cut out suddenly, and people began to leave the chatroom. It seemed as though the show was over just as quickly as it had begun. Marlon finished cleaning himself off and tossed the waded ball into the trash can by his desk, though as his mouse hovered over the red 'x' that would close the window, he found himself unable to do so. He had wanted this for so long, who was to say he would ever get this chance again?

He clicked the donation button. Fifteen dollars was probably enough to get a word with the star of the show. He clicked and watched as the funds drained from his account, and a pop-up chat window with the screen name 'Goldiefox' flashed at him. 'Goldiefox' Marlon thought, 'That's kind of cute, I guess he likes bears.'

Goldiefox: Thanks for Donating! ^///^

MarDILF: No Problem. Enjoyed the show ;3

Goldiefox: Hehe, glad you came. <333

'Oh, I'm sure you are.' Marlon smirked to himself, his hand stroking between his legs as his member perked up for a second round. It was exhilarating to be anonymous but to know the one he was flirting with, more-so from the relationship they shared. He had to tease him more before he 'got back to work.'

MarDILF: You weren't moaning very loud. Do you have to keep it down?

Goldiefox: Yeah, Dad's in the other room. :<

Goldiefox: Otherwise I'd be blowing your speakers out with how loud I am. ;3

MarDILF: You look more like a pillow-biter to me. You still live with your dad?

Goldiefox: Yeah, saving up to move out. Donations and sales are helping. <3

Marlon was glad his son was at least saving the money he was making, though as the subject of sales came up he couldn't help but quirk a curious eyebrow.

MarDILF: You sell things then?

Goldiefox: Yeah, recordings of my old streams, plus porn bundles. You should check them out!

Nathan sent a link, and Marlon clicked it without even thinking about it. There were at least ten pages of 'bundles', 15 images per pack, and that wasn't even going into videos. Toys, butts, balls; the fox seemed to like sticking to themes. He couldn't help but grin as he realized the cover of the 'Panties pack' was his son wearing his wife's underwear. He had always wonder where those lacy red panties had gotten to, he was surprised at just how well they fitted his son's shapely curves. He clicked the 'buy it now' button, planning to make use of it after the younger fox was done entertaining for the night.

MarDILF: I'll have to browse sometime. Anything of you with other people?

Goldiefox: Lol, nah. Don't have anyone to do stuff with. :P

MarDILF: What about your dad?

Marlon froze. Had he really just asked that? Regret swept through his body as he searched for a delete or edit option. There had to be some way to remove the message, to hide it before Nathan saw it. The fox would probably get him banned from his stream for suggesting something like-

Goldiefox: Mff, I love Daddy's knot <333

Goldiefox: He's too shy to do it on camera though. Gets envious when we compare. ;3

Marlon's eyes narrowed on the screen as a grin spread across his muzzle. The little shit had probably noticed his screen-name, he was playing to his kinks to try to get more out of him. He could probably suggest anything and the boy would talk about how much he loved it... though now that he had him in his hand, he couldn't help but go further.

MarDILF: Bet you'd love if he came in right now and fucked you in the ass.

Goldiefox: I would! <3 Heh, why do you think I've turned off the cam? He's sucking my dick while I'm chatting.

MarDILF: You'd better show some respect for your elders and do it for him too.

Goldiefox: Duh, he's just showing me how to do it. Making sure I get it right ;3

MarDILF: Ha, maybe he'll give you a spanking too. No doubt you're a naughty fox.

Goldiefox: Mmph, the naughtiest. Always getting into trouble. My butt's still aching from the four hour spanking he gave me last night! <3

MarDILF: I'll bet! What do you do, little foxy? Take nudes in his study while he's not around? ;3

There was a pause. Nathan wasn't typing, he wasn't doing anything. The fox's hands trembled as his member shrank back into his sheath. Had he gone too far? No, no, he hadn't given himself away. Plenty of people had studies. Maybe Nathan was just finishing up, maybe he was getting ready for his next stream or getting ready to send him a private picture.

Goldiefox: ...Dad?

Or maybe he had just noticed his full name on his PayPal information. SHIT. Marlon scrambled to close the window but he could already hear movement in the house. Nathan was on the move and heading straight for his study. He barely had time to button his pants as he heard a knock at the door.

"Dad, are you in there?" Nathan's voice came through the door. He didn't sound angry. He sounded more... concerned.

"Yeah, I am." Marlon called back, taking a sip of his whiskey to calm his nerves before opening up a blank document and typing some gibberish into it, "Just finishing up something for work. Everything alright?"

"...Yeah." Nathan replied, not even opening the door. "Just wasn't sure if you were out tonight or not." He explained. The fox's footsteps grew further away from his study, and Marlon's heart slowed back down to a normal rate, though the cold fear of being caught remained with him.

'Blip', a message appeared in the main chat.

GOLDIEFOX (HOST): Not doing the second part of the show. Goodnight everyone.

<<Goldiefox Signed Out.>>

The chat went into an uproar, and the stream cut from a black screen to a message that read 'This stream is offline'. One by one the chat petered out until only the loyal or AFK fans remained. Marlon tucked his ears back and sighed as he ran a sweaty hand through his short black hair. It was his fault, Nathan probably cottoned onto what was going on and was just too shy to admit it to him. He didn't want things to be awkward between them, he loved his son dearly, even putting aside what he had learned about him tonight.

He had to make things right. Even if Nathan hated him forever, it felt like it was best to come clean. Marlon buckled his belt and got up from behind his desk, his eyes narrowing in determination. He found himself hesitating during the long walk to his son's room; first at the door to his study, then at the top of the stairway that was placed between their rooms, and finally at the door to Nathan's room.

He paused, asking himself one last time whether he really wanted to do this, but the fox saw no way of turning back now. His son was inside, and no doubt traumatized by his father's advances. He curled his fist into a ball and reached it up to knock on the door.

The young golden-furred fox opened the door before he could, dressed in one of his band hoodies and a pair of pyjama pants. The blonde fox looked up at him, having to flick his head to get his pink highlighted bangs out of his eyes before clearing his throat. "Hey Dad... uh... so, I've got something to tell you."

"So I thought," Marlon replied. It hardly seemed like the best answer, but Nathan didn't seem mad at him. He was afraid, but the fear wasn't directed at him. The todd moved back and sat on the edge of his bed, sinking into the mattress slightly as he sat down. His father followed suit, his eyes looking to the laptop set up on the desk opposite. He had never noticed how the webcam was so perfectly lined up with the bed... not until now.

"I've been... doing porn for a while now." the fox admitted, running his hands over his soft fluffy tail in an attempt to keep himself calm as he confessed. "Streaming, mostly. I guess 'Amateur Cam porn' is the best way to describe it. I got into it a year or so ago, it's a way for me to make money without..." he sighed, trying to stop himself from rambling, "Being smart or talented... or... anything." he tucked his pierced ears back and glanced up at the older fox, "I thought you should know because I saw someone use your credit card in a stream today. I refunded the money though, but... you might want to look into it. Call the bank, you don't have to say what it was about. Just 'suspicious activity' or something."

Marlon stared at him in disbelief. His son genuinely thought his PayPal information had been stolen, that whoever was talking to him in the chat wasn't him. This was perfect, he'd get off the hook and Nathan would be none the wiser to what had really happened. Though as he stared into his icy blue eyes, a tinge of guilt stung him from some hidden spot behind his heart... he couldn't do it, he couldn't lie to his son. He had come to his room to come clean, and that was what he'd do.

"Actually," the dark brown fox cleared his throat as he looked away, unable to bring himself to look his son in the eye as he told him the truth. "That was me. I'm sorry, Nathan. I didn't realize it was you at first and when I did..." he hesitated, shaking his head as he moved to get up and leave. "It was stupid of me. I promise, I'd never do anything to hurt you, and I'll never think about you that way again. I want you to feel safe around me."

"Dad... are you kidding me?" Nathan shook his head, a smile creeping over his muzzle as he watched the older fox. "This doesn't make me feel any differently towards you... I mean, I knew you were into guys like me for a while now." he glanced over at his laptop briefly, blushing as he recalled their conversation. "And... I didn't exactly stop you in the chat, did I?"

"Nathan... you're..?" Marlon blinked in disbelief.

"Into it.. for about four years now. Ever since I saw you skinny dipping in the pool when you thought no one else was home." The younger fox confessed with a blush. His confession left Marlon blushing too, he really had thought he was alone. Nathan shook his head, "I dunno, I tried thinking about other guys but it always came back to you." he cleared his throat, "Even in the chat... I sort of hoped it was you. Is that weird?"

"Weird? No." the brown fox replied, his arm wrapping around the todd's waist as he pulled him into an intimate hug. The boy's head was rested against his firm muscular chest, listening to his heartbeat beneath his thick fur. He leaned down and nuzzled behind his son's ear affectionately, "Hot? ...Yes." he whispered, leaving the todd squirming in delight. He began to run his hand down his tail, fondling the young fox's fur as he murred into his ear. "But all this time lifting your tail for strangers on the internet? ...oh, you've been a bad boy, Nathan. I think I'd better punish you."

"Heh, I guess there's no time like the present." The fox murred as he leaned against his father, tilting his head up to give the old man some affectionate licks. His hand slipped and landed on Marlon's crotch, though instead of drawing it back in flushed embarrassment he instead began to stroke along the bulge in his pants, feeling its girth as he expertly massaged it. "But first, how about I try to barter my way out of taking my punishment? I could show you some of my tricks."

"I'm sure you couldn't show me anything I haven't seen before, Nathan." Marlon replied, smirking down at the smaller fox as he patted his lap, "Come on, stop playing with that thing and lay across my lap. Take your spanking like a man." he told him, trying to sound more aggressive. It was working, the young fox was shivering in anticipation... they had both wanted this for a long time, but it looked like Nathan wanted more than just a quick spanking. He wanted -him-.

"Oh really?" the fox chuckled with a sexy swish of his tail. He leaned up and stuck his tongue out at his father, revealing the stud piercing on his tongue. "Ever got blown by a guy with one of these?" he teased him before running his tongue over his lips.

"Several times. Get down there, you little slut." Marlon growled, grabbing the back of his son's head and forcing it onto his lap. He could hear him inhale his musky scent, and before long he could feel his nimble fingers as they unzipped his pants and tugged down his underwear, allowing his shaft to spring out. He held his hand firmly against the back of Nathan's head, pushing his muzzle up against his cock, "What do you think, Nathan? Still think yours is bigger?"

"By a couple of inches." Nathan giggled in response, only to get a firm swat on his bubble butt for his remark. The younger fox let out a yipe of surprise, though that was all his father needed to bury his shaft in his muzzle. He began to thrust into it, holding the femboy in place with one hand and leaving him with no choice by to taste his meat. Nathan seemed eager to please, his tongue ran over the underside of the shaft, the cool metal of his smooth stud adding a new texture to the blowjob.

"G-God, Nathan. Where'd you learn to give head?" the fox panted, bucking his hips into the lithe fox's muzzle. He was expecting to have to ease himself in inch by inch as his son struggled with his shaft, but the younger fox was engulfing his member with ease. His could feel the cool steel ring on the fox's lower lip rubbing against his sheath, and as the head of his member entered the todd's throat his tongue slipped out and cupped his father's balls, leaving him howling in pleasure as his seed spurted over the back of the fox's throat, "Aaaah, Y-you're better than your mother."

"Mmmph," Nathan thanked him in a muffled voice, continuing to bob his head up and down on his father's rod. Marlon could feel his loins stirring, his orgasm was rapidly approaching and all he had done so far was gotten head from him. He had to do something, he had to make it last. He grabbed the fox by the scruff of his shirt and pulled him off of him, leaving a string of drool hanging between the tip of his foxhood and Nathan's lips. The blonde fox looked up at him, "S-sorry, did I go too far?"

"Just don't want to shoot too soon." Marlon explained, ruffling his son's hair before planting a gentle kiss on his forehead, "Now that you're mouth is free, you can answer my question; Where did you learn to suck like that?"

"'I learned it by watching you'." Nathan stuck his tongue out teasingly, hoping his father would appreciate the reference. After the two shared a chuckle the younger fox shook his head and nuzzled at his father's neck, "Seriously though, I've had plenty of time to practice. Adam gave me a lot of mentoring when we were together, and the rest is just honing my skills at 'work'." he gestured over to the camera.

"He was cute, shame you two broke up." Marlon murred as he ran his hand over his son's curvy rear. He had almost completely forgotten the todd was still fully clothed, his pyjama pants hugged his form and showed off his rump perfectly, not to mention the firm tent at the front of them. He slipped his hand past his waistband and grinned as his hand met warm fur. "Going commando, pup?" he asked, groping at the boy's left cheek lovingly.

"Just in case I changed my mind about the show." the fox replied, looking into his father's eyes with his own piercing blue ones. Marlon could have stared into them forever, but Nathan soon turned away as he stood up from the bed. He began to sway his hips, sliding his hands over his body before finally reaching his waist and pushing his pants down. They dropped just as he bent over, leaving his father with a full view of his youthful rear. He gave it a playful wiggle as he raised his tail high, exposing his tight pink tailhole, still glistening with the lube from his show.

"A strip tease? It's not even my birthday." Marlon winked, reaching out and running his hand over his son's curvaceous rear. Nathan didn't reply, he simply clutched the hem of his hoodie and pulled it up, stripping off the remaining clothing and tossing it on the ground. The older fox raised a brow as he noticed something he hadn't before, a heart-shaped black tattoo just above the boy's tail. He grabbed his tail forcefully and gave it a punishing yank, "Is that a tattoo?"

"M-maybe." He whimpered in response, a blush crossing his muzzle as he looked over his shoulder at the muscular brown fox. He wiggled his rear seductively as he hand trailed over the edges of the tattoo. "D-do you like it?" he asked nervously.

"What did I tell you about getting tattoos, Nathan?" he growled, getting back into character as he brought his hand back and smacked it forcefully against the boy's backside, causing him to let out a yelp. Once he was off-guard he yanked his tail, pulling Nathan towards him in an attempt to pull him over his lap so he could give him the spanking he had been wanting to give him for the last 3 years. He hadn't expected the twink to turn though, landing him facing his father and sitting in his lap with one leg either side of him, and his tailhole perfectly lined up with the older fox's member. "O-oh, hey." he blushed, letting go of his son's tail and watching as it rose behind him and began to sway back and forth.

"Hey." Nathan murred, his eyelids lowering seductively as he stared into his father's eyes. It was like the fox was hypnotising him, he couldn't bring himself to look away. The golden-furred fox wrapped his arms around his father's shoulders, gazing deep into his eyes as he brought his muzzle closer and closer to the other fox's, until finally they met. The taste of his shaft was still on the boy's breath, and soon he wrapped his own arms around his son, holding him tight as they locked their muzzles and explored each other's mouths with their tongues.

His member throbbed, begging him to do more, begging him to finally make his fantasies a reality. They had come this far, and Nathan only seemed to want to go further. He gave into his desires, slowly pushing upwards until the tip of his member entered the fox's hole. His heart skipped a beat as Nathan began to push down, grinding against the shaft that threatened to penetrate him. They were both in agreement... this was what they both wanted.

He broke the kiss and turned himself around, leaving Nathan's back landing on the bed as his mattress squeaked beneath him. It seemed like a better angle to take him at, and as he saw the excitement in his son's sparkling eyes it looked like he agreed. With a flirty smirk he dug his claws into the boy's back and thrust himself in, finding the fox giving way to his shaft surprisingly easily, though as he saw the 8-inch pink dildo barely hidden by the fox's pillow he knew exactly why. "That toy of yours really loosened you up, You spoiled little cockslut."

"Bite me, old man. At least it can make me cum. What're you going to do with four inches?" His son smirked back at him, rebellious as ever. Oh, he was going to get it now. Marlon began to thrust into him, wiping that smile off his face and replacing it with a moan of pleasure as he pounded his hole mercilessly. "A-ah, ah fuck! Slow down!" he yelped, starting to kick with his legs as his tail thumped against the bed next to him.

"It's six inches, you brat." Marlon corrected him, speeding up as the whelp begged him to slow down. His son had been talking back to him all night, he needed to learn some respect for his elders. His hand ran down the fox's slender front before finally stopping at his shaft, and after taking a moment to cup his balls he began to pump his member, "What've you got here?"

"M-my dick." the blonde fox mumbled in response, only to let out another hearty moan as the older fox gave him an extra hard thrust. He panted and gasped, already beginning to sweat as his member dribbled pre over his father's hand, "F-five inches, s-sir."

"Sir? Heh, good boy. You're finally starting to show some respect." he murred in approval, stroking his son's wood a little faster as a reward for addressing him properly, as well as his honest answer. He used his other hand to caress the boy's ass, groping at his youthful cheeks as he buried himself between them, "Mmmph, bet you'd love to do this on stream, wouldn't you? Imagine all the tips you'd get from a live video of your dad fucking you in the ass."

"Y-you'd go on cam?" Nathan whimpered in response, shuddering as he felt his father's pre coating the inside of his walls, making it all the easier for his shaft to slide in and out of him. The bed creaked under them, the springs squeaking with each thrust his father gave him. He was better than any toy, or any guy Nathan had ever been with.

"I might have to make sure my head was out of frame, don't want anyone recognizing me. Heh, not sure if your mother would approve of the two of us 'bonding' like this." Marlon replied before moaning as he felt the fox's tailhole clench in response, "But I wouldn't mind getting some pictures of us together, even if they're just for private use."

"F-fuck, I think I'm gonna cum." the smaller fox yelped out, reaching his own hand down to his shaft to deal with the growing problem. His father was quick to pin his hand down above his head, and as he reached the other down he pinned that one down too. Marlon loomed over him, looking into his eyes as he denied his orgasm, all while getting closer and closer to his own. "D-dad, let me go. A-aah, I-I can't take it!" the fox begged between pants and moans.

"What's the magic word, Nathan?" Marlon teased him. He could feel his knot swelling at the boy's tailhole, and he planned to see whether he really meant what he had said in the chat before. He brought his hips back, preparing for the thrust that would tie them together.

"Is it 'Mom's coming home in ten minutes?'" Nathan replied breathlessly, though by then it was too late. Marlon had already pushed forward, forcing his knot through his son's tailhole and into his body. He howled out in pleasure, moaning as he fired load after load into the blonde fox. The intense feelings left Nathan howling out in a girlish moan, orgasming and spraying his seed up over his stomach and chest, some of it even managed to reach his face.

Marlon threw his head back, his moans slowly dying out as he shot the last of his seed into his son before collapsing onto him and pinning him under his weight, causing Nathan to let out a wheeze in response. He basked in the warmth of the afterglow, nuzzling and running his tongue over the boy's ears in a feral display of affection, "Th-thank you, thank you. God, I love you so much..." he panted, replaying every moment of their evening in his head. His eyes shot open as he recalled what Nathan had said, and he looked down at his son in fear. "...Wait... what did you say just now?"

"Mom's on her way home. She texted me just before you came in." The fox replied, squirming under his father's weight. Finally Marlon got the message and rolled them onto their sides, allowing Nathan to rest his chin on his shoulder as he cuddled with him. "How fast does your knot go down?" he asked, reaching down and spreading his cheeks with his hands to make it easier for the older fox to pull out.

"I dunno, I'm used to sleeping like this." Marlon blinked, staring down at the todd as he tugged against him. It was no use, they were stuck together, and from the look on Nathan's face attempting to separate them was hurting him. He ran his hands over his back, trying to calm himself down by stroking his son. "It's okay... we'll just have to tell her what happened. No matter what happens, I love you, son." he told him, though his nervous gulp revealed he was only suggesting it because it seemed inevitable.

"I-I love you too, dad." Nathan replied, hugging his father tighter than ever. Unfortunately there wasn't much time to argue. Both their ears perked to the sounds of fumbling keys, following by the click of the front door's lock. They could hear the door opening, and the footsteps of Marlon's wife as she walked into the hallway before closing the door behind him. Marlon held his breath and looked over at Nathan, who looked equally nervous as the sounds of his mother climbing the stairway echoed throughout the house. They grew more distant, heading to the study and opening the door... only to turn around and come towards them quickly.

Nathan reached up to the cord dangling over his bed and yanked it, turning off the light in his room. A loud rapping came from the door, though it didn't open. It seemed like his mother valued his privacy. "Nathan?" she called through, "You awake?"

"...Yes." Nathan called back, turning his head away from his father. He moved his hand up and covered his muzzle, unfortunately picking the hand which he had been using to stroke his wood earlier. It stank of his musk, and some of the sticky semen from his son's orgasm was stuck to it. Marlon resisted the urge to make any noise, trusting the boy to deal with this one.

"Have you seen your father?" The voice called back, "He's not in his study."

"Steve came over, they went out for drinks." Nathan called back. Marlon stared in disbelief, it seemed like his son had recalled one of his previous flings; a burly stallion who was something of a gym nut. It was one of the few times Marlon had opted to be the submissive in a romp, so of course Nathan would pick him out rather than one of the many men he had dominated. "Dad said he'd be out all night." he called, winking over at his father. It was the perfect alibi.

"Oh..." ...the pause was maddening, Marlon tugged the covers up over his head in case she decided to come in anyway. Nathan held his breath, staring at the door as his tail curled between his legs, waiting for her answer. "Well, alright. Don't stay up too late, sweetie."

...and with that, she walked away. She didn't even open the door, and now Marlon could stay in the boy's bed until the morning. Nathan grinned down at him, only to get a firm slap on his ass from his father, "Ow! Hey, what was that for?"

"Don't lie to your mother, Nathan." Marlon growled at him, twisting his tail for good measure, though from the pleasured whimper he got from that he instead decided to just rub the spot he had smacked, knowing it would still be stinging. "That was quick thinking though... well played."

"Well, now that I've saved your ass, you owe me." The fox told him with a playful grin as his bushy tail wagged against the bed and the cover. He ran his hands down his father's muscular form before leaning forward and giving him a lick on the nose. "10 photos of us together, for me to put in a pack. I'll give all the money back to you."

"The two of us, hm?" Marlon chuckled at the thought, nuzzling the fox behind the ear as he wrapped his arms around him. He was finally free to pull out of his son, and he did so only to flip the boy over so he could spoon him. He leaned down and nibbled on his neck affectionately as he mused over the idea before nodding, "I suppose I'd be willing to do that. Shall we schedule the shoot for next open night?"

"Sounds like a plan. I'll invest in a better camera." Nathan murred before resting back against his father and closing his eyes, ready to fall asleep after the night of fun they had had together.

The month crawled by, and Nathan didn't make it any easier with all his open flirting. He'd often drop things just to have an excuse to bend over to get them, making sure to lift his tail as high as it could possibly go whenever he did so. He seemed to always dress in the most provocative clothes in his wardrobe, switching his hoodies and t-shirts out for tanktops or shirts that showed off his slim midsection... though of course he was sure to cover up the tattoo on his back. Marlon could often see his wife's red panties peaking out from the fox's skinny jeans, and he would respond by constantly making threats to tan his hide whenever he stepped out of line even slightly. Sophie didn't seem to pick up on it at all, she was just glad that Nathan was downstairs more often than usual.

The night finally came and Sophie went out again, Marlon entered the room and found Nathan ready with a tripod and an expensive looking camera. He called it an investment in his future, and the older fox could barely keep himself from ravaging the boy. They got some great pictures and managed to sell a hundred copies of the photo pack in its first week. Marlon even put up some promotional shots from the pack on boysxxxbears, and the comments rolled in about how attractive the two were.

As he was scrolling through the comments and stroking his ego, he found one from a familiar looking Stag. 'Anyone else notice they both have the same muzzle shape? It's driving me nuts, does anyone know if they're related?'

Marlon tapped his chin, considering his response. He leaned back on his chair, took a swig from his scotch and leaned forward again to type out his answer. 'Nah, we just look similar. Nice though, right? It's like I'm fucking my own son.'

The End.

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