Bogo’s Dilemma (Zootopia Story)

Story by BAYOKKO on SoFurry

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#4 of Other Stories

Well, like everyone else and their dog I went to see Zootopia in theaters. Here's the result of what seeing Clawhauser and Chief Bogo on the screen did to me.

For anyone wondering where I got Bogo's first name from, Mansa is a Mandinka word meaning "sultan" (king) or "emperor". Had to use it because I don't think he has an official one. At least I couldn't find one.

As always Zootopia and all it's characters belong to Disney.

Bogo's Dilemma

There were a lot of things Mansa Bogo disliked in this world. Things he had actually gone as far as to place on a list which he often added new things to on a regular basis. First up on this cantankerous catalog he had concocted was his displeasure with things being a mess. A strange little habit he picked up back when he was a calf nipping at his mother's heels. Next thing that truly irked the six-foot four cape buffalo was when that smarmy pussy cat Mayor Lionheart got on his ass about something or other. The bossy feline happily bossing him around and handing out orders that often led to more trouble than good. In fact, he had done so earlier that day informing Mansa about his cockamamie "Mammal Inclusion Initiative" he was trying to get off the ground. Not that Bogo had spent too much time listening to the pompous blowhard after he brought up potential candidates. Especially that bunny he told him about.

Getting back to his list if there was one thing that Police Chief H. Bogo the second hated the much in this world it would absolutely be being set up on a blind date. Oh, how he hated being set up. The panic of he felt after the horrible event was arranged. The annoying way he always had to be the one who made reservations. The fact he had to dress up. And lastly, worse of the worse, the way he always, yes always seemed to end up sitting alone in a restaurant waiting for said "date" to make his or her appearance without knowing anything about them save for a had to remember name and the phrase "Trust me. He/she's really nice!" ringing in his floppy ears.

Mind going back to the last time he had heard the exact sentence, a few days ago, Bogo slouched in his seat and quietly began to grumble to himself, his sisters name coming out alongside a series of curses that had some of the other patrons inside of the restaurant looking over to the large horned man in worry. It had been his sister Zuri Bogo who had constructed the recent bout of torment Mansa was being put through. The older woman laying it on thicker than usual as she talked to him in that damn motherly voice that always made the rough and tough police officer instantly crack like a first year rookie.

What made him all the madder was that the argument she had brought up when he had refused to go on yet another one of her blind dates was a rather truthful one. Zuri had calmly stated that he had been single for far too long and that it was about time he found someone special to share his life with. Not that Bogo wanted to admit she was right.

Sure he may have been a little lonely but he could handle it. He had a job to keep him busy. His family to look after both Zuri and her two boys often came over to his home given that they lived in the same building. And... ah... and... there was even that old baseball cap collection he had started a few months ago. Not... that a man with horns as big as his could wear a hat the right way mind you. Anyway, the point was he had a lot of balls in the air. Far too many to waste time with failed dating attempts.

'Yes, that's absolute right! I don't have time for anymore of this nonsense.' Mansa told himself coming to a quick conclusion. 'If this Jonathan person isn't here in ten more minutes and then I'll pay for the waters I drank and make my exit. Besides, this man Zuri choose is probably just one of her screwball friends she met down at her work.'

Eyes going over to the clock on the far side of the room so he could count down the time Bogo unexpectedly caught sight of a couple a few tables away from him. They were a pair of Ibexes one male and one female. The young and obviously in love pair acting in that sickeningly sweet lovey-dovey way all young couples acted, long tan furred colored arms intertwined as they sipped wine from delicate glasses and stared into each other's eyes adoringly.

Seeing this sight, the decorated police officer rolled his eyes and glared down at his plate. How could people be so sappy, so disgusting, so annoying, so... so... so... happy. It was with that thought that the great horned man huffed in defeat his vision traveling down to his empty plate. Truth be told Zuri was right about Mansa needing someone to share his life with. Eight years. It had been eight years since him and his wife had divorced and he was still nothing but an increasingly bitter single man. Heck, he hadn't even been with anyone intimately in nearly a decade.

Sure, like tonight he had gone out with dates but none of the mammals he had men caused his heart to flutter or even peeked his interest. Just a depressing march of suitor after suitor who were uninteresting or worse wanted to know every little detail about his work as a police officer. Something which any cop who comes home after a hard day wanted to avoid thinking about at all costs.

'Alright... so maybe I'll give him an extra ten minutes.' Mansa said rethinking his earlier statement in an attempt to cheer himself up. 'But that's it, not a second more. He just better be as nice and handsome as Zuri said he was or else I'm going to give her a serious piece of my mind!'

Decision made Bogo settled himself for a long wait for his dinner companion for the evening. However, just as he resigned himself to a night of waiting a large shadow suddenly fell over him from the side. This dark and intimidating shape followed by a voice so deep and velvety that it sent an electric spark straight down Mansa's spin and to the tip of his tail.

"Um... h-hello?" Whomever it was said. "I'm sorry to bother you if you aren't, but would you happen to be Mansa Bogo?"

Gazing over to the source of this enchanting vocalization Bogo was pleasantly surprised to find himself coming face to face with what had to be the most attractive man he had ever seen. The being standing next to him was a moose, his body toned and fit and his horns so large that they threatened to catch on the low hanging chandeliers positioned above each table. But what had to be the most stunning thing about him was the dazzling smile framed by a short jet black goatee. If there was one thing Mansa had a weakness for it was a killer smile.

Suddenly realizing that he was staring after several long awkward moments Mansa hastily went to stand and held out his hand to greet this Adonis of a man with the best smile he could muster. A feat given his dour personality was a difficult task most times. "Ah, yes, I'm Mansa Bogo." The cape Buffalo said, doing is best to keep his voice steady. "And you must be Jonathan Mooswinski, correct?"

"Yes that's me." John said taking the offered hand and squeezing it gently. "But I prefer to be called just John if that'll be alright with you."

Bogo chuckled, his attitude beginning to defrost. "John it is then."

"Thanks." Withdrawing his hand John motioned for them to take their seats, both men positioning themselves across for each other as the placed their hands on the table. "By the way I've got to apologize for being a little late. The roads are pure chaos right now because of that concert they're having down town."

"Yes, that's that dreadful Gazelle thing isn't it?" Mansa said with a visible shudder. He didn't know what it was about the pop idle that rubbed him the wrong way but he was sick of having to hear about her. He couldn't even get away from it at the office with the way several of his officers gushed about her. Especially that pudgy fellow at the dispatcher's desk.

Pushing aside all thoughts of singers in sparkly outfits and how he'd never, ever be among their admirers Bogo inclined his head and smirked. "So back to more tolerable topics, how exactly do you know my sister?" He questioned. "She wasn't too clear about it when I asked."

"Me and her met through a friend of mine, Robert Chitterson." John explained with a shrug. "Truth be told she surprised me when she asked if I wanted to go out with her baby brother. I would have declined but she spoke so highly of you that I couldn't resist."

Frowning in a suspicious way Bogo eyed the moose nervously. "I hope she didn't tell you anything embarrassing." He said warily. "She tends to spout off things that I rather she keeps private."

"Don't worry she mainly stuck to the bare facts." John chuckled, his melodious guffaw making Bogo smile back in response. "Said she wanted me to be pleasantly surprised when we met. Something which I might add I very much am."

'Oh, Johnny boy you just won yourself some serious brownie points with that one!' Mansa thought happily to himself.

Out loud the horned man subtly leaned forward, his hand going to cover the other man's as he smirked playfully at him. "I'm pleasantly surprised myself." He easily admitted. "I can't wait to hear more about you over dinner. Let's order, shall we?"

"Yes, lets." John replied back jovially. "I've heard this place is quite good and I'm very eager to try it out."

Pleased with whom was seated across from him Bogo quickly picked the rather large laminated menu he had been given earlier and used the hefty booklet to hide the excitement expression that was developing on his face. If the rest of this blind date went as well as their meeting just had, then he could seriously see himself and John going out again.

And maybe... if he played his cards right Mansa could finally kiss his life as a lonely divorcée goodbye. No more evenings sitting alone on his couch. No more having to grumble jealously at couples as they blissfully walked down the street. And most importantly it meant no more having to endure his sister's constant pestering for him to get himself a nice guy or girl. Yes, finally after all the failed attempts and frustratingly awkward dinners his life could get back on track and Chief Mansa Bogo cloud--

"So what's it like going to work every day and playing cops and robbers?" John suddenly asked out of the blue. "Is it fun shooting "perps" and driving around in one of those cars with the sirens?"

Both his mood and his smile falling as soon as the other man stopped speaking, Bogo lowered his menu slowly and inwardly groaned as John's goofily grinning face came back into view. Seeing that it was almost like every drop of enthusiasm and hope drained out of Mansa at once, the wonderfully warm feeling growing cold as an awkward pause extended between the two of them souring the atmosphere. So much for having himself a good evening.

Opening the door to his apartment with a broody huff Mansa Bogo sullenly shuffled his way into his home with all the grace and sulkiness of a man who was completely fed up for the evening. Reaching his large department store couch the tall grouchy man flopped down on it and rested both sides of his face on his hooved hands, his glare intense as he stared down at the small digital clock on his old VHS player. Imagine it, already home at nine o'clock on a Friday night! This had to be an all-time low for him. Not that he would have wanted to remain out on the town with Jonathan any more than he already had been.

After the bothersome moose had regretfully brought up his career Bogo had begrudgingly fumbled through a quick explanation about his job in hopes that it would be enough satisfy his question so they could move onto more pleasant things. Of course all his attempt got him was more probing questions. Truly stupid ones like: "Do you carry your gun around with you all the time?" and "Hey, I bet you sneak things out of the evidence locker when no one's looking, dont'cha?" or the always dreaded "Do you like to use your handcuffs when you're in bed with another guy?"

After that last one Mansa had done his best to finish his dinner and pay for his share in record time. A quick excuse passing his frowning lips as he beat a hasty retreat and nearly sprinting out of the restaurant door, completely ignoring the calls of the annoying man his sister had oh so helpfully decided to set him up with.

Oh, and speaking of his sister... it was about time for the last part of his usual dating routine. One that he hated almost as much as the first part. Adjusting his position on the couch Bogo sighed deeply and mentally began to count down from ten. Each number causing his expression to slowly morph from mild irritation to utter annoyance.

Just as he had expected as soon as Mansa finished his spontaneous countdown there was a knock at his front door, the obnoxious noise making the police chief wince and rub his forehead as it was quickly followed by a soft sounding, "Mansa? Can we talk for a bit or do you have someone in there with you? I'm hoping that's the case.", from the other side.

Quickly debating with himself if he should just ignore the inquiry Bogo realized he had no option but to respond and called out to his guest. Last thing he needed was his sister angry with him. "Don't worry Zuri I'm alone." He ground out. "Not that it means I want any company."

As she always Bogo's older sister took his grouchy words as an invitation to enter his home, the door opening slowly as the head of a female cape buffalo appeared from behind it. At seeing her brother's stooped posture and frowning features Zuri Bogo sighed and stepped into the apartment, her plump body swaying from side to side as she made her was over to her sibling. "Alright, what happened?" She asked with a motherly chiding tone. "John was perfect for you!"

"You mean the same way Jenny, Rachel, Gary, Fred, and Jessica were all perfect for me too?" Mansa growled grumpily. When his snippy reply earned him a scathing glare from his sibling the instantly cowed man huffed and folded his muscled arms over his chest. "He pissed me off." He said responding to Zuri's original question. "Started asking me about my job."

"Mansa, Mansa, Mansa is someone asking about that really that bad?" Walking across the room and past her brother Zuri went over to the fridge and took out a can of soda, going back over to Bogo a moment later and handing him the chilled beverage which he accepted with a thankful nod. "It gives you something to talk about after all."

"No, what it does is remind me of my job." Mansa was quick to counter as he took the drink. "And I don't know if you remember this or not sister dear, but the last thing I want to do after a day of working is to talk about working."

Another round of tsking came after Bogo's trite explanation, Zuri taking a seat on a nearby chair to give him that pitying look she always seemed to give him when she thought he was being silly. "Still, you could have least tried to like him." She sighed. "Jonathan was a nice man. You should have just explained to him that you don't like talking about work. I'm sure he would have understood."

"Yeah, in that way all you civilians understand." Bogo groused continuing to argue. "That pitying look that just screams "Aw, he must have seen something horrible crap in his day. I hate that look."

"You know what, FINE!" Throwing her hands up Zuri turned away in her seat and glared at a spot on the wall. "You get mad if a date brings up your job! You get mad if they offer to let you stay quiet about it! I really don't know what to tell you!"

After the outburst there were several minutes of eerie silence, the two siblings each stewing in their own thoughts as a clock somewhere in the room ticked away the seconds. It was only after a deep sigh that Zuri spoke up again, her tone gentler than it had just previously been. "Mansa... what is that you want?" She asked. "I know you want someone, anyone in your life right now so just tell me and I'll look for you."

Head low as he stared into the open top of his soda can Mansa sighed himself. "I just want someone who understands how I feel." He admitted. "Someone who knows that I don't want to talk about my job and who won't act like I'm some fragile flower because of it."

Looking back up to his older sister Mansa cringed when he noticed a gleam in her eye. One that spoke of an idea forming in her mind that would only make him miserable. "Alright, what are you thinking?" He asked concern growing. "And whatever it is please just stop thinking it before you say anything."

"You know...." Zuri began, completely ignoring her brother's pleas. "If you really want someone who would understand where you're coming from... why don't you look around the police station and find yourself another cop!"

And there it was! The idea that would cause so much mayhem and chaos in his life. "No." Bogo simply said, his voice firm. "I will not date someone who works for me. It would be a breech in my personal protocol not to mention cause nothing but awkwardness when things didn't work out."

"But, Mansa, it's perfect!" Zuri exclaimed. "You could see each other every day and even go to lunch together. Oh, why didn't I think of this before? First thing tomorrow morning I'm going down to the station and--"

"--You will do no such thing, is that understood." Mansa quickly said before he couldn't stop her forward momentum. "And I swear if you don't listen to me this time I'll tell mom about what really happened to her car when you were sixteen."

Her optimistic smile lessening with that Zuri gave her brother the evil eye. "You wouldn't dare." She warned.

Smiling in response Bogo leaned back and gave his sister a smug look. "Oh yes I would." He sing-songed. "And I'll even tell her that your bad boy delinquent boyfriend Jerry Zebari behind the wheel when the happened. The one who had just gotten out of juvenile hall back then."

Knowing when she was beat--at least for now--Zuri gave a haughty pout and got out of her seat. "Ok then I won't try and fix you up with one of your officers." She said relenting to her brother's will.

However just as Bogo thought he had completely one their little battle of wills, his shoulders slumping in relief as he reached for his TV's remote, Zuri quickly spoke up again. "However, I'm still going to find you someone Mansa!" She insisted. "In fact... I met this woman the other day who would just be perfect for you! See, she's this cute little deer who's looking for..."

Tuning out his sister's latest spiel about a potential date Mansa quietly took another sip of his drink and thought over the suggestion that had been brought up a short time ago. Imagine him going out with one of his own men. If it weren't so audacious it'd be laughable. Like he had said he had a personal rule about interoffice dating. One that he had made when he had been promoted. As long as he was their boss it just wouldn't be right for him to seek out a partner among their numbers. There was always the threat of perceived favoritism that could ruin a healthy functioning station house with petty squabbling.

Thankfully keeping this vow wasn't something hard for Mansa to do when he thought about it. Most of his officers were either married, straight as an arrow, or just plain unattractive to him. It was for the best in his opinion. Not that the idea of having someone who could handle his office life wasn't appealing in a "it was never, ever going to happen" sort of way.

With a groan a tired and grumpy looking Chief Mansa Bogo tiredly cracked his back and placed the last of the arrest reports he had been going over into his "out" tray atop his desk. Twelve hours... he had been sitting there doing paper work for a full twelve hours. Something which he usually avoided doing like the plague but had chosen to take part in because of the unfortunate series of social predicaments he had found himself ever since that disastrous date with Jonathan Mooswinski a week prior.

It seemed Zuri had been serious when she proclaimed she would find someone to date. The all to nosey woman heading out early the next day and returning at nightfall with a whole list of potential suitors. When he had been presented with this dreaded thing Mansa had as he always tried his best to convince her to leave him be. In only took one hard glare and a single threat for that to fall through however and before he knew it Bogo found himself going out with a new person on almost a nightly basis.

That was the reason for his overtime that night. With him "stuck" at the office doing "important" paper work he didn't have time to go home and be ambushed by a surprise blind date. Really, a simple little lie on Mansa's part. But one that he was oh so grateful he had thought up that morning when Zuri gave him that thumbs up.

Only problem with his ball faced like now was for it to look feasible Mansa had to kill a few more hours at the station before he could safely go him. Something which was a problem now that he had exhausted all the paper work he had been given the previous day.

Eyes going up to his clock and reading that it was nearly one in the morning Bogo reasoned that he could do with a bit of exercise and stood, his already sore back popping and cracking as he stretched and clumsily made his way over to his officer door and out into the hall. Rising one of his arms as he made his way through the hallways the tired cape buffalo got a rank whiff of the odor coming off of his armpit and cringed. Seemed that sitting in a stuffy office hunched over a desk tended to make one sweat a little.

"Well lucky for you Mr. Bogo there's a fully functioning shower right in the station." Mansa mused aloud as he walked out into the mostly empty lobby and made a hard left turn towards the locker rooms. "One that just happens to be completely empty this time of night."

His decision to shower made the slightly ripe man slowly made his way through his precinct and towards his new goal on the other side of the building. As he walked Mansa--always the good boss--made sure to nod and greet the occasional police officer and administrative worker he passed along the way.

Night had always been a relatively quiet time at Zootopia's first police station. The usual hustle and bustle of the busiest prescient in the city replaced with a slightly calmer atmosphere of quiet vigil, most of the officers either at home for the night, patrolling, or quietly roaming the halls in case anyone came down to the station needing something.

For Bogo this small skeleton crew manning the building was a relatively good thing. It meant that it was the perfect time for him to take his much needed shower in peace. Not that he minded having to bathe with them around, no. He just preferred a nice quiet steamy soak after the week he had been having. Something which would be completely impossible with all the roughhousing and towel snapping that happened among a group of rowdy naked men.

A little smirk at the dirty images that little thought brought up in his mind Chief Bogo finally reached the locker room and entered, his hands heading downwards so he could begin to unbutton his work shirt. However, before the first button was even undone something caught the tired man's attention that had him freezing in his tracks. Drifting out from the directions of the showers was the unusual sound of someone cheerfully singing to himself, the voice only growing louder as whoever it was truly got into whatever song he was belting out.

Continuing to listen to this odd melody as he returned to undressing Mansa tried his best to place where he had heard the song from before. It was only after several minutes of intense eavesdropping that the horned man scowled, suddenly reorganized it as the newest hit single from that pop singer gazelle. A tune which he never thought he'd hear coming from one of his rough and tumble officers in a million years.

Finished with his disrobement a fully naked and now curious Bogo absently walked towards the source of the music peeking his interest, the large man popping his head around the side of the archway leading into the showers so he could get a quick look at whoever it was using the showers before he had to make his presence known. It was in doing this that Mansa surprisingly found out that his mysterious crooner was none other than his stations rotund dispatch officer and all round donut garbage disposal, one Benjamin Clawhauser.

Eyes locked on the feline in morbid fascination Bogo silently observed as the younger man continued to obliviously sing his spotty little heart out in the corner of the room in nothing but a pair of sandals and a neon pink shower cap. Pudgy body swaying back and forth rhythmically with a surprising amount of finesse for a man his weight and size as he used an empty shampoo bottle as a microphone and acted out some sort of bizarre rock star fantasy.

'How on earth can he move like that?' Mansa wondered as Clawhauser moved onto the chorus of the song. His left foot gently tapping on the floor as the crescendo of the cheetah's song rose Bogo suddenly began to find the way the younger was singing and dancing rather cute. There was just something so carefree, so earnest, so... innocent with the way the feline was acting that was infectious. This jolly little cat defiantly didn't have the same kind of worries on his shoulder that the gruff cape buffalo had.

With Bogo being so completely entranced with what was going on right in front of him he failed to realize he had left his hiding spot behind the doorframe leading into the shower room until Clawhauser spun to face him and suddenly let out a very unmanly yelp. A shrill almost girlish squeal that instantly snapped the older man out of his thoughts and back to reality with a hard crack.

"CHIEF!?" Nearly falling over in his shock Clawhauser did his best to quickly cover himself and worriedly gazed over to his superior officer. How long had he been there watching him!? "I-I-I didn't e-expect to see you down here!"

Shaking any lingering thoughts of dancing cheetahs out of his mind Bogo did his best to put on his professional mask of indifference and strode forwards into the room. "These are the public showers officer Clawhauser." He reminded the other man curtly. "I would have thought you'd expect other people to use it sometimes."

Face tinting a little Clawhauser chuckled and scratched at the back of his neck with one of his hands, eyes drifting away guiltily. "T-That's not what I meant sir." He explained quickly. "I just never thought I'd see anyone in the shower right now is all. I mean, the night shift won't be back until around five in the morning?"

Giving a grunt back in response at the nerve wracked explanation he had received Mansa went over to the nearest shower head and turned it one, starting to absently clean himself. However, as the water began to pour over him the horned man suddenly thought of something and gave his unexpected companion a curious look. "Wait... didn't your shift end at five?" He stated more than asked. "What are you still doing here Officer Clawhauser?"

This seemingly innocent questioned seemed to only make Clawhauser more nervous. The stout spot covered man doing his best to suddenly avoid eye contact as he gave a guilty pout and played nervously with his hands. "Um... y-yeah sir my shift ended at five." He began timidly. "But I... I... ah, sorta had to come back to the station cause..."

Annoyed at the was his questioned was being answered by a stutter Bogo turned to fully face his underling and gave his best "angry" snort. The same one that caused even the most hardboiled and experienced officers to wince. When his rough exhale garnered the same response from the younger man standing before him, Clawhauser snapping his mouth shut to whimper the cape buffalo smirked. "Good. Now, I'll ask you again officer: Why are you still at work when you should be at home?"

Realizing that the jig was up Clawhauser visibly deflated and stared down at his feet, ears lowered and tail wrapping around his legs as he stood there. "I sorta came back because the hot water is on the fritz back at my building." He admitted. "I know it isn't professional to use the facilities once I've clocked out but I just can't stand could showers, you know? They're murder on my nerves."

Frowning at this disregard for the established rules Mans narrowed his eyes. "You know I could bust you down to records for breaking the rules like this, don't you?" He grimly pointed out. "Actually, as your superior It my job to punish infractions like this."

When Clawhauser paled at what he said the usually serious and grim-faced police chief felt a twinge in his chest one that instantly made him feel sorry for the pudgy cheetah. The boy was only using a little water after all. Not to mention the amusement Bogo had found in the little show he had given him. "You know what officer Clawhauser forget I even brought it up." Mansa quickly said. "I've done more than enough paper work today and filling out the proper forms for your punishment isn't something I'd like to do. Consider yourself lucky."

At hearing that his dirty little secret was going to remain under wraps Clawhauser surprised Chief Bogo by giving him the biggest smile the horned man had ever seen. The stunning gleam reflecting off of the sunny looking expression making the usually stuffy and repressed man blush as his stomach did a small flip.

"Oh, chief thank you so very, very much!" Clawhauser exclaimed as he rushed forward, both of his flabby arms coming to wrap around the larger man's dark furred torso as he pressed his naked body up against his superiors equally nude form. "You've got to be the nicest boss in the history of bosses to put up with a rule breaking dunderhead like me!"

Shocked as he was squeezed by the water logged man in the room with him Bogo quickly had to bite his bottom lip, stopping the unexpected, unwanted whimper that came out of his mouth as a warm living body rubbed up against him. How long had it been since he had felt someone else's arms around him? Must have been going on nearly three years.

However as nice as the hug he was receiving felt it soon became apparent how inappropriate it was. Here he was the chief of police, naked as the day he was born, being hugged by one of his just as naked officers. If someone walked in on them in the moment they'd think there had been having sex in the showers!

Starting to squirm in an effort to wretch himself free from the death grip being used on him Mansa growled darkly. "Officer Clawhauser, not that I don't appreciate your gratitude but I'd prefer it if you didn't hug me while you are naked!" He snapped.

"Naked?" Blinking up into the scowling face looming above him Benjamin tried to figure out what chief Bogo was on about for several seconds. Then, with sudden and horrible realization the pudgy man stepped back and peered down, his big expressive eyes catching an eyeful of what was usually hidden under layers of clothing as he gave a yelp similar to the one that had come out of him only a short time ago and jumped back a good foot.

"O-M-Goodness!" Spinning around quickly Clawhauser covered both his eyes with his wet paws and groaned. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" He exclaimed, his face heating up. "I totally forgot that we were both naked. I mean, I wouldn't ever do something like that unless we were--"

"--Don't worry about it Officer I'll just chalk it up your slip-up to exhaustion." Bogo quickly interpreted before Clawhauser could faint from the blush rising in his fur. Something which would most certainly happen if he realized that he was currently mooning him with his large spotted backside. The sight lighting a heat in the older man's body that he quickly ignored in favor of aggressively cleaning his chest fur.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a shower to get done." He absently explained to the feline as he avoided the sight of him. "I should have been out of here twenty minutes ago."

Seeing that he had been keeping his boss from doing his own shower time ablutions Clawhauser quickly gifted the older man with a quick smile over his shoulder and nodded. "Alright then sir... I'll... I'll, um see you tomorrow then." He hastily said as he made a waddling dash towards the shower exit. "Oh, and I promise you that you'll never catch me using the showers like I was again."

Amused at the other man's promise Bogo found himself caving in on something and began speaking before he even realized he was. "Actually, officer Clawhauser you can use these showers as much as you want until yours is fixed." He called out. "Just as long as you keep it under your hat mind you."

Stopping mid-step Clawhauser peered over his shoulder, surprised by what his boss had just said. "I can?" He asked. When Bogo stiffly nodded the cheetah giggled back. The melodious laughter making Mansa smile again much to his own mortification. "Oh thank you sir! And I promise I won't tell anyone."

"See that you don't." Growing quiet Bogo watched out of the corner of his eyes as his unexpected company gathered his things and left the room, the horned man's eyes his eyes momentarily flicking downward to watch as his rather shapely bottom disappeared from his sight.

Mansa had never noticed before but the pudgy cat did have a certain charm to him. One that almost made him wish that he'd go against his iron clad rule about pursuing his own men. Sure, Clawhauser wasn't his type. Far from it in fact, but there was something intriguing about the boy that he was having trouble resisting. Something that caused the same strange warmness from before to develop in his chest and travel downwards to his groin.

This renewed heat got so bad that without realizing what he was doing Mansa slid his hand down his wet chest and wrapped his hooved hand around his rapidly hardening member. The thick, uncircumcised organ giving a hard throb as it's master tentatively stroked it for several long minutes before he realized what he was doing and stopped with a huff.

Looking down at his cock Bogo sighed and slowly shook his head. "Manhandling yourself in a public shower. What's wrong with you?" He growled quietly as he shut off the hot water and switched to cold. "I swear I don't care what sort of loser Zuri dredges up next time I'm going to go out with them if only because I need a date more than I realize."

Chief Mansa Bogo had a problem. A problem that no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't seem to shake off. What was this annoying situation you asked? Well, for the seventh day in a row the great horned man was bogged down with so much stress that he couldn't function like he usually did. His steady increase of stress making him shorter than usually with everyone who dared come into contact with him.

In fact, the latest victim of his ever volatile bad mood had been one of his best officers. A friendly and high spirited rookie wolf who had accidentally started a howl among his fellow canines that had disturbed the sanctitude of the percent. Mansa had been so angry after the commotion had been contained that he had dressed down the shaking man so badly that his outburst would be the talk of the station for the next few months or so.

The worst thing about his new attitude was that Bogo didn't know how he could pull himself out of his current funk. Usually he'd just go down to the gym and blow off steam by beating a punching bag to dust or to the shooting range for some therapeutic target practice but this time he knew that neither of these things would help solve his problem.

You see, unlike all his previous rage induced fits in the past which had been caused by the pressure of his job or something similar this recent bout was solely the byproduct of an intense and overwhelming sexual frustration. And that distracting sexual frustration's source could be completely pinned on a certain spotted man who's every move and smile seemed to cause the grumpy cape buffalo to grow hard in his pants.

Speaking of this heinous perpetrator. Getting out of his seat Mansa walked over to one of the windows in his office, the one that faced out into the lobby of his police station. Peering downward after he pulled apart the blinds Bogo grumbled as his vision fell onto the form of dispatch officer Benjamin Clawhauser who was currently eating his way through his forth box of doughnuts that afternoon with the zeal of a starving man.

What was it about the sprinkled covered face of that man that drew Mansa's attention these days? It wasn't like he hadn't seen it before. No that goofy, completely kissable face had been a mainstay at the station for nearly five years. Maybe it was his sunny disposition? Then again when had Bog ever found a cheerful outlook on life appealing.

Continuing to watch as he tried to figure out his fascination Bogo chuckled lightly to himself when the object of his attention dropped one of his ringed pastries and went looking for it with all the dedication of one of his other men when they were on the job. Clawhauser even had his large rump high in the air as he stuck his head under his desk, the round full thing swaying back and forth, long tail high in the air as he retrieved the fried dough and stuffed it into his mouth with an orgasmic flutter of his eyelashes.

Giving a disgusted huff at what he had just thought of Chief Bogo quickly turned away from the sight down on the first story of the station and slapped his cheeks with both his hands a few times. What the hell was wrong with him! It was like ever since that night he had caught the cheetah using the showers he had been unable to get him out of his head. Those soft curves, that blinding smile, and then... the way the fat little dork had hugged him close, their wet and naked bodies sliding up against each other as hot water poured down over them. Just that arousing image alone had caused Mansa to pleasure himself every single night for the last seven days.

It was obvious to Mansa that he needed to do something about his problem. Some way to sat this unwanted heat in his loins and chest and keep himself from descending into madness. Maybe he could try going to a bar and finding someone to spend the night with him. But just as quickly as that thought came up he dismissed it. He was never one for the bar scene, his sandpaper-like personality to off putting for the usual late night partiers that frequented those sorts of places. Maybe he could rent a dirty movie then... no... that would only make things worse he supposed. But still, he had to do something!

It was only after several minutes of deep thought that Bogo came to some sort of conclusion. Though whether or not his idea was a good one he couldn't say. He had to see Clawhauser naked again! Yes, he knew it was a terrible idea, stupid even. But, maybe... just maybe if he saw the feline's naked form again he'd finally loose interest. After all, he had never been attracted to an overweight mammal before, the sloppiness that usually came from such a hefty stature turning him off almost instantly. Maybe it was just the newness of seeing it that had caused him to obsess over it.

'It's decided then.' Mansa said leaning back in his chair. 'Clawhauser is still using the showers after hours so I'll stay late again tonight and catch the little guy using them like last time. Then but I'll only do it once though. Can't become some sort of pervert now can I?'

The shower room was deathly quiet as Bogo fidgeted around nervously in his hiding spot inside of the closet where they kept their clean towels. Bringing his wristwatch up to his nose the horned man grumbled as he checked it for the sixth time in ten minutes. It wouldn't be long now. Clawhauser would come into the locker room for his usual nightly shower like he had for the last four days and then Mansa could do what he always did afterwards. Stick his hand down the front of his pants and fantasize for a good half hour.

To think, a decorated police officer, someone who was supposed to uphold the law becoming a peeping Tom who invaded someone's privacy. And for what? A daily chance to catch a fleeting glimpse of the object of his unwanted desires!? If IAB caught wind of his new hobby Bogo just knew they'd can his ass and throw him in a cell in a single heartbeat.

But as horrible as that potential outcome was in his mind Mansa just couldn't help himself but come back night after night, his eyes tracing every single solitary inch of his subordinate's body as the happy go lucky man undressed and casually padded his way into the showers to clean himself. If only Mansa could go in there with him. The things he'd do to Clawhauser... the things he's let the feline do to him... it was all so appetizing that his mouth practically watered at the idea.

It was this reaction that made Bogo realize how much he had missed feeling this aroused. To desire someone so much that your mind goes numb. He hadn't felt like this since his wife, year and years ago. Not once in eight years through all those blind dates, and lonely nights had he been this attracted to another mammal. If only he didn't have that damnable rule of his about fraternizing with his officers!

The locker room's main doors opening with a loud creak, Bogo suddenly snapped out of his conflicting thoughts and back to the reason why he was there in the first place. Reaching out to open the door to the closet he was inside he, gently as he could, pushed it open just a crack and pressed his frowning face up against the opening he had bade.

Just as he had the last couple of nights Officer Benjamin Clawhauser casually strolled his way into view and began removing his clothes. Each piece of fabric falling to the floor until the cheetah was only dressed in a pair of gazelle themed briefs and matching pink socks. What was it with the man in picking such adorable looking undergarment? Sure it was a little effeminate but they just fit him perfectly. The whole image making Mansa grow hard in his uniform's pants as he eagerly watched him remove them.

Now completely naked the still obvious to being watched Clawhauser picked up his product laden shower caddy and started making his way over to the showers while humming the same song he had been reciting the day Bogo had first discovered him. Strange as it was the older man was beginning to like this too. The song making him bob his shoulder slightly as he watched from afar. Then again maybe this newfound appreciation had something to do with the way Clawhauser was shaking his ample bottom in tune with the beat.

Mind drifting to that Mansa reached down and began rubbing his package through his pants with slow purpose. Damn, the boy may have been a sub-par police officer but he sure knew how to excite a man in a matter of seconds. What was frustrating about the whole thing too was that Bogo bet Clawhauser didn't even know how sexy he could be.

'If only I could say the hell with that damn rule of mine.' Mansa thought bitterly to himself as he rubbed his crotch harder. 'I could go out there get my hands on that cute little guy and go to town. I bet I could make him purr harder than he does when he gets a fresh box of dough...'

Quickly reigning himself in before he descended into complete smut, Mansa shook his head hard and grumbled at himself to calm the hell down. For god's sake he didn't even know if Clawhauser would welcome his advances. In all his years working for him the feline had never shown the slightest sign that he was attracted to men, let alone if he was ok with one lusting after him.

No, Mansa would just have to settle for watching him like he had been doing. Hooved fingers wrapped around his pride as he thought of all the dirty things he'd do to that plump body as he ravished it until they were both panting and covered in sweat and various other fluids from their shared sinning.

Having worked himself up again with his new train of thought Bogo quickly took several long calming breaths and eyed his query through the crack in the door as Clawhauser spun around during a particularly upbeat part of his song which sent one of his various shampoo bottles falling to the ground with a light clink.

"Oh, now look what you've gone and done Benny." Clawhauser scolded himself as he went to retrieve the item. Giving a very put upon sigh the distracted feline innocently squatted down picking up his wayward bottle with little thought to his own modesty.

It was as he did this that the seemingly innocent and naive man unintentionally gave Bogo a clear unobstructed view of his furry furrow as it parted, the hidden valley revealed in all its furry glory as the cheetah's balls dangling down between his parted legs for a few all to brief moments before he stood again and quickly strolled off into the shower room, his singing resuming.

'Damn it... I swear he's doing it intentionally now!' Mansa growled in his head as he bit his bottom lip to the point of drawing blood. 'I can't take it anymore! I need to get in that damn shower again and see him up close!'

Waiting only a few tense minutes after Clawhauser's disappearance Mansa took a few deep breaths and awkwardly left his cramped little hiding spot, the tent in his pants obvious as he strode across the room and over to his locker so he could undress.

This had to be quick and precise if he was going to pull his upcoming deception off. He'd walk his way into the showers, no doubt surprising his quarry, and make the excuse that he was just looking for a chance to clean himself like last time. Then, after Clawhauser, the ever gullibly yet incredibly cute fool, bought his lie Bogo would sneak some lingering peeks at the other mammals wonderfully voluptuous body when he wasn't looking. Yes, it would be fast, it would be unnoticed, and it would be utterly... utterly satisfying.

Sliding his jock strap down his legs and stepping out of them an increasingly nervous Mansa Bogo gathered his discarded clothes and stuffed them into his locker. Then body stiff with dread and nervousness he padded his way over to the shower room with a blank expression and entered the moist and steamy room.

'Remain calm.' Mansa reminded himself as he searched around the area quickly. 'You've seen him named on five separate occasions already, you can keep yourself together one more time while he's looking at you.'

Spotting his current target Bogo instantly felt his composure started to wane. Like before Clawhauser was blissfully singing to himself. His whole body gyrating in unbelievable ways for a man his size as he sang, each and every moment making Mansa's throat go dry as his primal instant to mount and breed screamed at him to go over then and bend the chubby feline over and jackhammer that spotted ass.

Thankfully before he heeded this nearly overpowering need to take his underling in the most pleasurable of ways Bogo was able to gather together enough coherent thought to calm himself down and snort loudly in an attempt to announce his presence to the room's other occupant.

Unlike the first time he had walked in on him Clawhauser merely flinched when he realized that he was no longer alone, the stout man spinning around so quickly that his body and chubby cheeks gave a slight jiggle from his sudden movement. "Chief Bogo?" He exclaimed said as if he couldn't believe his eyes. "W-What are you doing here sir?"

Rolling his eyes, Mansa quickly reminded himself of his plan once again and gave his companion a blank expression. "Didn't we have this conversation the last time we met each other in here?" He asked.

Giving an embarrassed chuckle Clawhauser stared down at his feet, fiddling with his stubby hands for a moment before he responded to the question. "Oh yeah... the "this is a public shower thing"." He said bashfully. "Yeah I remember. I was just surprised again I guess."

"Apparently." Grunting when Clawhauser failed to continue their conversation Bogo, as casually as he could went over to one of the shower heads on the opposite wall and turned the knob starting the spray. "I see you're still using the showers here at night. They still haven't fixed your hot water?" He said trying to play it cool. "N-Not that I'm upset about it or anything. I just thought your hot water troubles would have been solved by now."

Turning away so he could hide the blush rising in his cheeks Clawhauser gave a hum. "Not so lucky sir, my super says it's going to be a full month before he can locate the right part to fix out boiler." He explained. "It's some weird brand from the backwoods of Yugoslavia or something. Truth be told I really didn't understand a lick of what he said when he explained it all to me. Was never one to get all that technical mechanical talk some people understand."

'Kid talks a mile a minute.' Bogo thought in amusement. Again, the cape buffalo found himself slyly smiling at his cute companion. Not that he allowed that expression to remain on his face for too long though. His dispatch officer was not cute. No, he was one of his underlings. A chubby little dork who he was just preoccupied with for reasons unknown. But if that were true why did he keep wanting to talk to him.

Trying his best to frown, the always in control and grouchy police chief made his tone as flat as he could and spoke up again. "Well, either way officer Clawhauser I hope you'll be able to take showers in your own home again soon." He said gruffly. "I know I said I'd keep your afterhours acidities a secret but we can't be sure of what someone else might do if they caught you."

"Oh my!" Gasping at the thought Clawhauser covered his mouth with one of his paws and turned around to the other male. "I didn't even think about that chief! Now I really hope he hurries up!"

"Don't worry I'll do my best to make sure no one else finds you here. I hate to lose you." Bogo assured without thinking. When Clawhauser gave him a surprised look, his face beginning to morph into another blinding smile, Mansa quickly fumbled to cover up his little slip afraid of how it sounded.

"What I meant is it would be bothersome to train a new dispatch officer." The horned officer said fast. "It takes nearly a month to fully teach someone all the different codes. Remember how many times you gave out the wrong code those first few weeks. Never had so many complaints."

Face falling a little Clawhauser slowly and sadly turned back around. "Y-Yeah I remember that." He murmured. "I guess I should have studied more back at the academy when I was in basic training."

Sighing at the dejected tone he had caused to come out of the usually smiling mouth of the feline behind him Bogo mentally kicked himself in the ass. Why was it every time he put an effort into sounding friendly he always ended up saying something that sounded angry and sarcastic? Sure that tone was good when dealing with criminals and rowdy officers, but among friends and family it tended to make him look like an angry brute

Racking his mind for some way to correct what he had just done Mansa settled on simply telling Clawhauser that he was sorry and explain what a fine officer he was. But, just as he turned to do just that Bogo found himself meeting the surprised eyes of a pudgy cheetah who had been watching him when his back was turned. Eyes, that immediately turned away as their owner went completely red in the face.

'Was he watching me?!' Bogo said to himself in shock. Fully turning around to face the other man the cape buffalo looked closer and noticed for the first time the way he was carrying himself. Clawhauser was doing his best not to look back again, his movements fidgety and his eyes locked onto the spot directly in front of him as he scrubbed the same spot under his left arm again and again. 'He was watching me!'

His mind going over that simple fact again and again Bogo felt a smile slowly creep across his face. So the chubby little man was attracted to other men after all. If that were the case, then maybe... just maybe he could.

'Don't even think about it Mansa.' The cape buffalo quickly reminded himself. 'Just because he likes men doesn't mean he'd like you. You're what... fifteen years his senior? If you say or do something stupid This whole thing could end badly.'

'Yeah but what if he is attracted to you!?' A small voice in the back of the chief's mind shouted. 'If so than this could be the best thing to ever happen to you! He's an officer just like you are. That means he'll understand the life you have. How you don't want to talk about the job. And what's best he won't look at you funny when you say you don't want to bring it up!'

Debating himself over and over Bogo felt his mind start to overheat as question after question bombarded his psyche. Was Clawhauser really interested him in some way? If so, should he go over to the other man and initiate something? Was that something mammals the boys age did now-a-days? Why hadn't he read up on modern dating practices!? Then again, maybe he should ignore what he had just seen and leave. Would doing that hurt Clawhauser's feeling? How could Mansa ever life with himself if he went and did something like that!?

It was then that a soft hand landing on his forearm broke Mansa out of his internal struggle. The gentle palm accompanied by an equally confused voice as Clawhauser's face suddenly came into view. "Chief... Is... is there something wrong?" The worried feline said cutting through the self-doubt and mind numbing confusion. "You've sorta been staring at me an awfully long time and--"

"--I'm fine." Bogo cut in. Drawn fully back to the moment the large man realized that in his daze Clawhauser had walked over to him and was now standing mere inches away, his adorable face completely focused on Mansa as the cape buffalo's breath grew short.

Looking unconvinced by the response his question had gotten Clawhauser got up onto his tip toes so he could get a closer look at the man standing in front of him. "Are you sure about that sir? You look awfully red." His concern getting the better of him the dispatcher reached up and placed the back of his hand against Bogo's forehead as the larger man leaned down, the contact having the instant effect of making the police chief growl and lurch back so he could stare down at the feline with lust filled, glassy eyes.

"That's it I can't take it anymore!" Bogo shouted.

Saying to hell with any rule he may have once had about dating his underlings Mansa threw all caution to the wind and grabbed the hand that had just touched him, his grip tight and forceful as he spun both of them around so that the Clawhauser's back hit the tiled surface of the wall as he took the cat's other hand and pinned both appendages above the shorter man's spot covered head.

"Officer Clawhauser..." Mansa began with a low bestial growl. Looming over the cheetah the cape buffalo glared down at him, short bursts of air coming out of his nose as his excitement rose. "Do you like me?"

Expression a little intimidated by the current situation he was in Clawhauser helplessly looked up to the man looming over him with a gulp. For the life of him he didn't know what he had done to cause such a radical change in behavior. Though if he had to be honest he had his hopes. But none of those could be true. Not with the way he looked.

"Um...well yes chief I like you. In f-fact I can say I like you very, very much." The worried cat said answering the question that had been posed to him. "You're the best officer I've ever had the fortune of knowing. And as a boss you're really amazing too. Everyone says so."

"No, I mean do you like me doing this?" Bogo clarified with a growl. "Me holding you down... wanting to... wanting to... do things to you. Do you like it or do you want me to--"

"--Keep going!" Clawhauser interrupted, finally understanding what was going on. In all his years he never would half thought police chief H. Bogo would want someone like him. And he voiced that self-deprecating thought not a moment later. "I-I-I mean if you want to that is? I reckon that someone as big and strong and... handsome as you could have anyone he wanted? Why settled for, um, whatever you thinking of doing with little old me."

"Because I want you." Leaning down Bogo took a deep breath and hesitantly pressed his lips against his captive's lips drawing him into a kiss that he hoped showed how badly he wanted him. Thankfully for his pride Clawhauser reacted to his advances and then some. The whimpering feline completely surrendering and parting his lips in a silent gasp that allowed the older man to slip his tongue past the barrier so he could plunder the cavern beyond deeply, probing organ exploring and massaging every available inch as he enticed a pleased hum from the man under him.

It was only after several long minutes of this intense lip lock that Mansa pulled away to stare down at the man he had just kissed, the corners of his lips turning upwards ever so slightly when he saw the way Clawhauser was staring up at him with dazed, excited eyes. Yes, the boy wanted him to keep going. And that was something Bogo would gladly do.

"Don't move." Mansa quickly commanded as he let go of the feline's arms. "I'm going to lock the locker door so no one interrupts us. I've got a truckload of plans for you officer Clawhauser."

Giving the cat a wink as he walked away Bogo was pleased when his order was obeyed without question--Clawhauser keeping his arms high above his head as he stood there--and quickly set about jogging out of the showers and over to the locker room's main entrance.

As he did all this Mansa thought over what he was about to do. He was actually going to engage in sexual activities with one of his own officers inside of the station. Realizing this, a small part of Bogo understood that he should be disgusted with himself for what he was about to do. But then there was this other part, the part that was currently bobbing up and down as he raced back to his soon to be lover that told that first part to keep its damnable mouth shut.

No, he was going to do this and he was going to do it with a grin plastered all over his face. Finally, after his incredibly long dry spell he was going to get himself some action. And maybe... just maybe if he played his cards right after the deed was done he'd get something more."

Reentering the shower room with this secretive thought into mind Bogo smirked when he saw that his soon to be lover still hadn't moved an inch. The pudgy mammal nervously biting his lower lip as he approached.

"You take order's well Officer Clawhauser." Bogo stated as he placed his hooved hand on the cheetah's chubby cheek. "That way of thinking will do you a world of good as I do everything in the book to you. That is if you're still game for it. You can back out if you wish."

"Y-Yeah I'm sure." Clawhauser stammered. "But um... b-but could you please stop calling me by my last name all the time? I... I mean I like it a little but could you use my first name too. You know... since we'll be having..." Showing what he meant the pudgy cat finally moved again to wave his hand back and forth between them, eyes hopeful as he looked up at the other male.

Smiling back at the cute way his companion couldn't even say the word sex, Bogo ran his hand down the feline's golden furred cheek, over the slope of his short neck and down to his chest. Each inch crossed making Clawhauser close his eyes and shudder. "Mansa." Bogo said gently. "It's Mansa."

Left eye opening in question Clawhauser tilted his head to the side. "What-sa?"

"It's my first name. Mansa Bogo." Chief Bogo informed smirkingly. "If you want you can use it as much as you want while... heh, while I wrap my lips around your dick and suck every last drop of cum out of your balls."

"Ooooh heavens to betsy!" Blushing Benjamin Clawhauser felt his knees buckle and his body heat up. That deep voice was pure sex! "Alright Chief Bo-- I, ah mean Mansa sir. I'll use your name as much as I can."

No wanting to waste any more time with idle chatter Mansa quickly got down onto his knees. His hands coming to settle don Clawhauser's large belly so he could hold the other man in place as he lowered his head and swallowed the cheetah's stubby, yet surprisingly thick pillar of flesh that Clawhauser called his manhood.

"O-MY-GOODNESS!" Benjamin exclaimed as his cock was enveloped warm wet velvet and suckled on. "Y-You get right to the point Chief Bogo, don't you?!"

Glaring up at the man standing in front of him for his use of his official title Bogo momentarily debated if he should stop what he was doing to punish the younger man. However, any thought of ending his blowjob ended the very second saw the blissful look that had formed on the cat's large chubby face. It was almost like Clawhauser was in heaven with the way he was smiling. Eyes screwed shut tight as he placed his paw in his mouth in an effort to stop the embarrassing whimpers that occasionally came out of him.

Amused at this attempt to remain quiet Bogo playfully grabbed a hold of the offending appendage blocking out the pleasant noises he was causing and smirked around the flesh between his lips as Benjamin cried out his name and gently moved his hips back and forth for several minutes. The wet slick, slick sound of his dick passing Bogo's firm lips exciting both of them to no end.

This pace didn't last long however before Clawhauser cried out, his whole body shuddering again as he said. "M-Mansa! Wait, wait, wait slow down! I... I'm going to finish already if you keep going..."

Pulling off at that Bogo stumbled to his feet, out of breath and hornier than he had ever been. "If... if that's the case then you should calm yourself down by doing some of the sucking yourself." He said through his heavy pants. "You think you could do that for me kitten?"

Having been momentarily distracted as he looked down at the cock he was being asked to suckle on Benjamin blinked when he heard the last thing Bogo had said and looked up at the taller man a little stunned. "Kitten!" He asked giving a smile. "D-Did you just call me kitten?"

Mouth hanging open in surprise Mansa felt his face flush. He had been calling Clawhauser occasionally when he fantasized about the younger man, but to actually say it out loud. He may have just ruined this whole thing. But, to his immense relief instead of being insulted or disgusted by his spontaneous nickname Clawhauser giggled and sat down on the floor, scooting closer to the cape buffalo's lower half so he could properly give him head.

"I sorta like you calling me that." The overweight cheetah said as he readied himself. "C-Could you say it again?"

Smirking Mansa patted the seated man beneath him on his rounded head. "Sure kitten." He chuckled. "Now less talking more sucking. It's been a long time since I've had a face this close to my dick and I'm about to bust a nut."

"Heh... ok." Getting down to work Clawhauser effortlessly swallowed the large shaft in front of him, his throat relaxing as he deep throated Chief Bogo with all the skill he could muster. It seemed spending most of his free time wolfing down doughnut after doughnut had left the young man with a very passive gag reflex. A fact that Mansa seemed to be enjoying to his fullest as he started to groan loudly.

"Damn Ben..." Mansa growled as he was expertly sucked on. Hand still resting atop Benjamin's head the standing man lightly rubbed the soft spotted fur, silently encouraging and guiding as the feline as the minutes ticked by. "That's it k-kitten take me down nice and deep. You're doing such a good job officer. Best I've ever had."

"Fhanf youf zerr!" Long tail going back and forth Benjamin closed his eyes and blissfully continued to suck on the thick shaft in his mouth, his mind going into a trance while he slurped on the sensitive shaft to his heart's content.

Watching from above Bogo shook his head and hummed appreciatively. Despite his innocent demeanor and seemingly naïveté it seemed that Clawhauser had this amazing talent for giving blow jobs. The suction and lack of teeth, all of it driving Mansa to move onto the next part of their unexpected encounter quicker than usual as he pulled his manhood free of the greedy little mouth that had been pleasuring him and tapped the swollen head against his new lover's black lips times before he backed away to chuckle darkly.

"I want to breed you now." Bogo said brokering any argument. "I want to turn you around. Spread apart that nice chubby butt and let me go to town on it. You have a problem with that Officer Kitten?"

Barely able to contain the squeal that threatened to come out of him at the lurid description, Benjamin rapidly shook his head as he bounced up and down in excitement. "N-No sir."

Given the go ahead Bogo reached down and placed both his large hands under Clawhauser's armpits, effortlessly lifting him onto his feet with little effort. Then after taking the cat by the chin so he could deliver another quick scorching hot kiss, Mansa roughly spun the other man around and squatted down, his hooved fingers working their way into the crack of the large spotty backside presented to him so he could pry them apart and look upon the tight pucker hidden deep within the valley.

"You got yourself a nice little bud here Kitten." Bogo said in a deep, lust laced voice. "It's going to take some preparing to get myself in there. After having it in your mouth I don't think I need to remind you how endowed I am."

His left cheek firmly pressed up against the wall Benjamin whimpered and raised his tail up as high as he could. "No sir you certainly don't." He said remembering how much it had filled his mouth when he had sucked on the thick organ. "How a-are you going to do it by the way? Are you going to use some shampoo or are you... oh... OH... ooooh my! Is that your... your--"

"--Humm-humm. It's my tongue" Mansa smugly informed as he dragged said organ across Clawhauser's tight little pucker. When the feline pressed back against him, a purr rumbling out of his doughy chest the horned man chuckled and applied more pressure. "I take it from the way you're acting you're enjoying this part."

"Darn tooting I am chief." Benjamin said as he tried to keep his legs from going limp. "B-But you don't have to. Isn't it a little, you know weird to have your tongue up my butt?"

"Yeah it is, but I enjoy doing it." Bogo replied as he drilled the tip of his tongue into the other man. "Besides how else am I going to open you up for my third horn down here. Got hooves remember? Each of which is just as big as the head of my dick."

Looking back over his shoulder as Mansa held up his hand and wiggled his three large fingers, each ending in a thick black hoof Clawhauser nodded in understanding. Even with his increasingly aroused state the idea of those large things working their way inside of him without any sort of preparation didn't sound like a smart idea.

So with a whimper the big bellied cat willingly allowed Bogo to eat him out as much as he saw fit. The taller mammal's lips smacking away as he ran his tongue up and down his furry crevice, probing and stretching his partner for the main event of their sexual encounter. These intense preparations lasting for what seemed like hours for both men, each of them enjoying their part.

But then with a snort of hot air that ghosted across the moist fur of Benjamin's spit covered crack, Mansa suddenly stopped and stood back up as he wiped away the spittle that had accumulated on his chin. "Alright Kitten..." He began huskily. "I can't hold back anymore so its time I bred that chunky ass nice and hard."

"Oh, yes please! Please do that to me sir, I want to feel every single inch of it!" Clawhauser begged loudly while he shamelessly wagged his needy bottom back and forth. He was well past the point of being bashful anymore. Mind only focused on being mounted by the alpha male behind him and bred to within an inch of his life. "Please hurry up and start Mansa! I really, really want it. I want it worse than I want my first doughnut in the morning!"

"I've seen the way you inhale that doughnut so that's saying something." Bogo chuckled.

After positioning the other male into the prefect position to take him Mansa quickly spat into his hand and used the slickness to lube himself up as he eyed the large rounded and spot covered bottom he was about to completely ravish. He was going to enjoy the heck out of rutting his subordinate. He was going to jam his cock right up there, grab those hips, pound away until he came buckets.

With that mental image plastered all over his thoughts and the pressure in his crotch becoming unbearable Bogo quickly set about doing just that. One hand landing on Clawhauser's left butt cheek he used his other palm to guide his slickened manhood to the gaping entrance he was about to destroy. Then with a deep breath he thrust forward, his dick easily finding it's temporary sheath and piercing the golden furred ass as he sank, inch after inch into the man underneath of him.

Eyes screwed shut and mouth hanging open with a slack jawed expression Clawhauser arched his back and spaced his legs further apart, allowing Bogo easy entrance into his body as the cape buffalo's steel hard rod was pushed further inside of him. This all had to be a dream. Some wonderful sugar coma induced dream! Nothing real could feel as wonderful as having Chief Bogo work his member into his all too large and doughy ass.

But when this heavenly dream failed to dematerialize Benjamin realized with gleeful exhilaration that he was wide awake. "Awe, chief... your so gosh darn big!" The bent over cat sighed with a flutter of his eyes. "It feels so good too! Even better than the time I found that doughnut place downtown that let you pick out which filling they put in your order!"

"Heh, only filling you should be thinking about is the filling I'm going to put in you kitten." Bogo teased. It amazed him how, even as he was about to be bred within an inch of his life how Benjamin's mind was still partially focused on food. "And trust me it's going to fill you to the brim. I tend to gush when I cum."

"Won't mind that one bit sir." Clawhauser giggled in response. "Just hurry please. I'm really getting antsy down here."

"Anything you want kitten." Lip drawing back into an almost sinister looking grin Bogo steadily began his assault on the body under him and began moving his hips back and forth at a slow meticulous pace at first. Each inch of his cock passing the tight ring of muscle that was Clawhauser's pucker until only the very tip of the police chief's engorged cock remained inside, then with a deep baritone chuckle he moved forward a little harder, each roll of his hips picking up steam until the buffalo's dark furred hips were nothing but a mere blur. The dull sound of wet fur colliding with wet fur joined by Clawhauser's out of breath moaning as he was pounded into relentlessly.

"O-O-O-O-O--M-GOOOOOOODNESS!" Benjamin moaned as he was driven into by what he could only guess was a jackhammer set to high speed. "Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! Oh my goodness gracious yes Mansa right there! Jam it into me right there again."

"Was planning to officer Clawhauser." Mansa said through gritted teeth.

Repeating the same action that had caused the mantra of down home idioms from his smaller companion Bogo grinned smugly as the cheetah he was pounding his meat into braced himself against the wall before them, both paws pressed up against the wall, claws digging and scratching the two-tone linoleum with deep marks.

Seeing the way their activities were defacing the once spotless wall in front of them however Bogo quickly realized they needed to change positions and bent down over Benjamin's back and wrapped his powerful arms around the cat's chubby torso, the horned man making the other stand as he continued to impale him with his cock.

Feet leaving the floor as he was lifted up into the air Clawhauser let out a startled yelp and swung his left arm back, wrapping the spotty appendage around the neck of the man behind him as he was held in the air.

"Please be careful not to drop me." Benjamin said idly as he was held aloft.

"Don't worry I won't" Mansa assured.

Spinning the two of them around so that his back was against the wall they had been damaging, Bogo carefully slid down, his hips never once ceasing in their repetitive movements as they reached the floor with a wet slap, and his large hands came to rest on Benjamin's large belly, helping him stay in position as he bucked up into the other man's.

"There's this is a whole lot better." Bogo remarked with a chuckled into Clawhauser's ear. "I can keep pounding into you and we don't have to worry about you claws scratching up the tiles." Left hand traveling once again Mansa began to stroke the cheetah's cock in tune with his motions, each gentle caress of his palm making squirm as he rode out the pleasure wracking stout his frame.

"Mansa..." Benjamin whimpered. "Your hands are really warm."

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying them kitten. But is all that you like?" Mansa asked knowing full well from the way Clawhauser was tightening around his cock that he was. "I would have thought the way I'm moving inside of you. My thick vein covered manhood nudging your prostrate would be the best part."

"Trust me sir that's the only thing I'm going to have on my mind after this!" Clawhauser hissed. "And by goes yes chief, I'm enjoying the heck outta everything you're doing!" Forgetting his usual manners Benjamin took over in his own pleasure and began to bounce himself up and down on the rod impaling him, large flabby butt meeting Bogo's hips with a might clash that pulled out a shuddering cry out of him.

"Ohh... and here I thought you were passive." Mansa said in amusement. Bringing his lips to the cat's shoulder as the younger man began to take control, the cape buffalo mouthed furry be-spotted area as he was ridden. "That's it boy." He came to encourage after several long moments of basking in nirvana. "Work those wide hips of yours as good as you can. Keep impaling using my manhood to get yourself off Kitten."

"With pleasure Chief Bogo sir!" Nodding in response Benjamin panted heavily and shifted his position a little so he was squatting over the cock up his ass, with both his hands pressed against the floor, helping him in his bobbing motions. "Like this?"

"Just like that." Bogo confirmed as he rested his hands on either side of the backside devouring his cock.

For such a bashful, quiet little guy Clawhauser seemed to be a regular little slut when it came to sex. Something which was a pleasant surprise. Leaning back Bogo watched as the smaller male pleasure himself with little thought. Up and down, down and up. Full rounded backside split apart by his thick black shaft, filling every inch of his love channel.

"Shouldn't be long now." Mansa said after several long pleasurable minutes of being rode. "I'm getting close to cumming kitten. Soon I'm going to fill you up with my seed."

Slowing down so he could look over his shoulder Clawhauser gave a sheepish smile. "If that's the case can we do something different?" He wondered.

"Anything, just get back to moving!" Bogo growled playfully.

However, his amused attitude dimmed somewhat when Clawhauser stood up and turned around, the absence of his warm hole obvious the very second it was taken away. But thankfully before Mansa erection could dwindle even a little, it returned to the tight passageway it had been inside, Benjamin sitting down again, facing him so he could deliver a sloppy kiss as he began to move once more.

Surprised for the first few moments of this new position, Mansa smiled against the lips pressed up against his own and took Benjamin by the hips taking over the thrusting once again, a smirk appearing on his muzzle as the cheetah sitting in his lap gasped and whimper, pleading unabashedly for him to go harder.

And harder is just what Mansa gave the tubby little man. Mind going into a primal rutting mode Bogo sped up his upward momentum, his cock ramming the now raw and sensitive backside of his lover with mindless savagery as he led them into a wild frenzy of untamed lust that had them both short of breath and sweating in the steamy heat of the two showers still running in the background.

This brutal onslaught only lasted for nearly ten whole minutes however before a few well aimed jabs sent Benjamin over the edge. The feline dispatcher crying out "OH MY GOODNESS!" as his eyes rolled back in his head and his toes curled. Stubby cock suddenly coming to life as it spewed several spurts of cheetah cum all over Chief Bogo's taunt and tone six-back stomach. The stark white seed staining the jet black midnight fur as it dripped down creating a mess.

Mansa was only moments behind the other man in their shared climax. The large six-foot five cape buffalo letting out a low moo as he crossed his eyes and came, cock pulsing and expanding to an almost painful degree inside of Clawhauser as he erupted inside of the ass he had been breeding for the last half hour with thick jet after thick jet, the excess of seed so great that it leaked out of the yellow furred man's stretched hole and down the large buffalo's large egg sized balls.

In the next several minutes that followed their near simultaneous orgasms both men sat there on the shower floor clutching each other as they stared into each other's eyes. The two of them trying their best to recover from what they had just done. It was only after a long pregnant paused that a rumble sounded in the relative silence of the room. It's source being the large white furred belly of none other than Benjamin Clawhauser.

Face tinting said stomach's owner looked down and snickered a little, his embarrassment showing as bashfulness returned in full force. "Guess I sorta worked up a little bit of an appetite."

Amused to no end by what had just been Mansa rested his sweaty horned head against the cat's shoulder--mindful of his horns--and let loose a loud belly laugh. His whole body jostling Clawhauser as he steadied himself with both his hands on the other man's shoulders and giggled alongside him, both men smiling as they drifted down from their post coital high.

A few days after the intense sexual encounter he and Clawhauser had had down in the locker room a blanked faced Mansa Bogo patiently sat behind his desk waiting for his next appointment of the day to arrive. For the first time in a long time the usually grim face police chief was smiling to himself--thought in all honestly one had to look really closely to tell so--his attitude lighter than it had ever been as he thought about what he was about to say to the person about to walk through his door.

A light knocking breaking him out of his private musings Mansa smirked and looked over to his door, his eyes catching the sight of a rounded silhouette on the other side of the smoky glass. Realizing instantly who it was Bogo quickly stood and adjusted his uniform before he called out to his guest, voice gruff as usual but with a certain lilt that sounded almost happy.

"You can come in Officer Clawhauser." Mansa said loud enough for said feline to hear. "I've been expecting you."

Pushing the door open just enough to poke his head inside a nervous looking Benjamin Clawhauser gave his boss a worried look. "Um, Mc'horn said you wanted to see me sir?" He said taking a large gulp. "He said that you said that it was really important that you talk to me."

Motioning for the other man to come all the way into his office Bogo nodded in response. "Yes Clawhauser, I do need to talk to you about something." Waiting patiently as the pudgier man sighed and stepped into the room, Mansa sat back down and pointed over to the chair in front of his desk. "Please take a seat if you will. We have some serious business to discuss."

Shuffling across the small space he was now trapped in Clawhauser hesitantly sat down and placed his hands in his lap, tail wrapping around one of the chairs legs as he waited for whatever was about to happen. It had been two whole days since Chief Bogo had talked to him directly. The lack of communication after what they had done down in the showers only making him worried that he had angered the cape buffalo somehow.

"Officer Clawhauser... the reason why I called you in here is because the incident we were both involved in the other night needs to be addressed." Bogo began in his most professional of voices. "I don't need to tell you what we did was highly inappropriate."

"Yes sir. I know all that sir" Clawhauser nodded back. "I guess we both just got carried away. B-But please don't fire me for seducing you! I did it completely by accident and I promise I won't ever, ever do something like that again so--"

"--Quiet officer." Mansa cut in quickly. Standing up the large man walked around his desk and placed a heavy hand on the seated man's shoulder. "Now, as I was saying: what we did was highly inappropriate. But that's only because I failed to take you out on a proper date before I put the moves on you."

Removing his hands Bogo busied himself with pretending to adjust his tie. "Now I don't know about you..." He continued. "...But I prefer to begin any potential relationship we might have on the right footing. I don't want us becoming a couple just based on the fact we had amazing, mind blowing sex the other night. I want a real the real boyfriend/boyfriend experience with you."

Mind shorting out a little because of what he was hearing Clawhauser looked up at the taller man completely confused. "Wait... are you..." He began. But before he could finish Bogo dropped down to one knee and kissed him, Benjamin forgetting about all his questions as he wrapped his arms around the police chief's thick neck.

Pulling away once he was sure he had sufficiently ravished his companion's always smiling lips Mansa gazed back at him with a hint of smugness. "So, what do you say? Do you want to start going out with me Officer Clawhauser? I ah, mean Kitten." He questioned. "We'll have to keep it quiet around here of course. To keep up appearances. You know how gossipy those bunch of jar heads we work with down in the bullpen can be."

Knowing that he was partially to blame for some of the rumors going around the station Clawhauser nodded enthusiastically. "Yes chief, I'll be happy as the dickens to go out with you whenever you want!"

"Good then eight o'clock next Friday." Bogo said, his professional tone returning in an attempt to cover up how happy he currently felt. "We'll go to that new movie that opened last Friday. I'll even buy you an extra big bucket of popcorn for the occasion."

Clawhauser's eyes got as big as saucers at hearing what he was going to be gifted, both his hands rising to press against his cheeks as he said "Ooooh chief!" and sprang forward into Bogo's awaiting arms, his immense girth knocking the other man onto his back with the smaller male on top.

"Officer Clawhauser... ugh, Benjamin, not in the office please!" Bogo growled halfheartedly as he was repeatedly kissed over and over again.

But then when one particular kiss landed square on his nose Mansa sighed and gave in, wrapping his arms around Clawhauser and rolling them over. No one would dare walk into his office without knocking first. The police chief supposed given that fact he could have himself a little fun on the floor before the two of them had to return to work.

Then end...?

Story Commission: Mr. Brown X Mukiro (Kitt)

Early Morning 12:58 AM... The rising of the morning sun was still several hours away in Spoonerville. The silvery quarter moon still hanging up high in the sky still doing its job and shining down upon the old brownstones and brick and mortar...

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Stuck in Orbit: Family Reunion Chapter 4

Chapter 4 For Barnabus setting foot into the same bedroom he had spent his childhood in was a very similar experience to when he had walked into his parent's house. The simple furniture and items lining the walls having been kept in the exact same...

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Stuck in Orbit: Family Reunion Chapter 3

Chapter 3 The ride from the train station to the Anderson family home had been a quiet one for Barnabus, Miktes, and Francis. The two brother's refusal to talk to one another leaving Miktes with no other choice but to sit between them and silently...

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