Overbearing Myths

Story by Thunderdramon on SoFurry

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#39 of Story Commissions

And here's the story of a lil tanuki who always wanted the powers of his kind. He gets what he wants, but much larger than he expected. <3 Commission for Wyrwulf!

"David...David...David! You there?"

The tanuki snorted as he flailed around in his seat. He'd been staring at his computer screen for so long that he didn't notice the voice calling out to him. David rubbed his eyes and scratched his paunchy stomach. The brown furred animal let out a light yawn as he looked towards his computer screen again. He had a small window open that signified he was in the middle of a voice call. He had a webcam, but he preferred communicating without having to see so he could get away doing what he was doing right now. Namely, that was being naked in front of his computer in his room with the lights turned off. His parents had already gone to sleep and the clock slowly ticked away to midnight. He hadn't been feeling sleepy, and this was one of the few times in the day where he could talk with some peace.

"S-sorry. Was just looking at something...ahhhhhh~" David finished with another yawn.

"The mythological stuff again, or the dick growing?" The voice asked slyly.

Even though he knew he couldn't be seen, David's face flushed a bright pink. He was one of the few people that knew of his little 'habit'. The guy's name was Lloyd, and while he lived a few states over, David was confident that he could call him his best friend since he didn't have many friends if at all in school.

"M-maybe. Besides, I got nothing better to do tonight," David chuffed in response.

"Other than sleep?" Lloyd remarked.

David frowned again. He waved a hand towards the screen like he was passing off the suggestion before another yawn erupted from the tanuki. "Hate it when you're right. I'll head off since I have class tomorrow." He grumbled.

"Woo, sleep well then," Lloyd said. The tanuki soon hung up and closed the messenger client after signing out. He was going to listen since he had class tomorrow, but what was a little extra reading before bed? As much as he hated to admit it, the guy was right on the money about David's research. Several of the tabs he had up on his internet browser depicted various myths and legends about his own species, the tanuki, or raccoon dog. David had no idea where the latter came from since his brown muzzle and slightly stocky appearance made him look more like a raccoon bear than anything. But that wasn't the point of his research. The other tabs had websites detailing methods of how to increase a guy's penis length and girth.

Ever since he found out the "accurate" images of tanukis, David had been nothing short of obsessed to get to that level of endowment. He'd read a lot of stories about how tanukis were blessed with obscenely large testicles that they'd use to their own advantage or to drum on them while the more 'clean' art showed them drumming on their large bellies. They were tricky and jolly shape shifters that also made carrying their own equipment around incredibly easy. But as he found out, these stories were nothing but just that, stories. So he sought to the internet to try and figure out any way to increase his current size. He'd try several methods; from pumping, to jerking off in the shower, to even going commando and working out to add a few inches. Sadly, either they didn't have any effect or it needed way too much dedication for him to even bother. He wanted a short and easy way to get it done.

"No success...Guess I'll keep lookin tomorrow," David told himself. He closed off the penis enlargement tabs and decided to finish reading some small blurbs about tanuki legend on some websites. The one he'd been reading detailed the average life of his species. As children, they wouldn't come into their shape shifting powers, but they would show some signs of enlargement or thicker bodies as they got older until they reached adulthood where their powers would naturally bloom. David looked down at himself with a sigh. He was anything but large already except for his stomach, and that was from him being lazy. He caressed his average sized junk and closed his eyes. He imagined what it would feel like, what his balls would be like if they could smother a person without even trying. He'd need new underwear just to fit those monsters in and look decent if he decided not to make them look inches small. The tanuki let out a sigh, feeling his shaft harden and throb against his hand before he turned off his computer for the night.

"I'm already going into adulthood, so I can cross that off the list..." David told himself reluctantly. His parents didn't show any sign of powers, and if they did, they were hiding it extremely well. He never bothered asking them to hide the embarrassment, anyways. He had better things to worry about, he convinced himself as he slipped into his bed. The tanuki was half way into his last semester of high school and college was around the corner. David was on the edge of his seat waiting for the acceptance letters to come in, but only one had come in, and it was from a back up school. If none showed up, it'd have to be his primary choice.

No, he needed to sleep, that could be worried about later. He shifted his thoughts back to the idea of ever expanding orbs. He closed his eyes and slowly pumped himself with a hand. Two massive, furry orbs complimented by a shaft that snaked across his legs, the head meeting his ankle, even. David shuddered as his slow pumping became erratic and powerful until he slunk back into his bed. David felt miniscule ropes of cum splatter against his hand and fetched the towel from under his pillow to clean himself up before bed.

"Bet I'd need more than a towel if I were bigger..." David muttered to himself as he lulled himself to sleep.

The night ticked by, and unknown to David, the tanuki was close to getting his wish granted. He tossed and turned around his bed, the tanuki's junk sticking against the inside of his leg. While his thoughts continued into his dreams, he felt something throb and pulse along his leg. It got to a point where David was forced to spread his legs just to be comfy whilst he slept. The hours soon passed and David's alarm clock blared at six o' clock.

"Ugh...I should really get a better sleep schedule," David moaned as he slammed the snooze button on his clock. He rolled himself out of bed lazily, leaving his sheets an unorganized mess. The stocky tanuki dragged his feet all the way to the bathroom, the sounds of kitchen work and walking around coming from downstairs. His parents were already awake and on their way to work, so his mom was probably in the process of making him breakfast. Truthfully, he didn't need to be up for another hour, but he used the extra time 'enjoy' his shower and eat in peace before heading out for school. David closed the door behind him as he entered the bathroom and followed his daily routine; stare at self in the full length mirror behind the door, brush teeth and do anything else in between before going to shower. David rubbed his eyes with a yawn as he took a look at himself in the mirror.

Everything looked painfully average like last night. He noticed something snaking against a bit of his thigh and shrugged his shoulder. He probably had a case of morning wood. When his vision came into full clarity, David's eyes widened. That wasn't morning wood.

"What the?" The tanuki said groggily as he took another look. He didn't feel hard. He stroked and pumped his shaft to double check himself. Nope, not a single throb. He looked...bigger. And he felt like it, too. As a grower, David was never too impressive, even while at his full length of six inches. Right now, the beast he was staring at was at least seven inches while soft. Two brown fuzzy orbs the size of tennis balls greeted David as they swung about after being stuck to his leg. Was he hallucinating? He pinched himself to make sure that he wasn't dreaming.

"This...isn't a dream. Am I really like those stories?" David asked himself, eyes still gazing at his new junk. He needed to double check and make sure again. He brushed his teeth in a hurry and dove into the shower, turning the warm water on and on full blast. The warm water made him much more alert as he started to slowly jerk and pump himself once he was fully wet. The slick tanuki meat in his hands pounded with every few seconds to full mast. David let out a loose groan, another hand rubbing and gently juggling those tennis balls underneath his cock. He could fit both of them in his hand, but it took a lot of effort to even do that correctly. They radiated warmth and felt positively full, rolling with seed. He put his back to the wall of the shower, rocking his hips to every jerk and stroke of his new, thick cock. He could still one hand it, but most of his fingers were barely even close to meeting when before, each finger overlapped.

With one final grunt and thrust of his hips, loose ropes of cum erupted from that twelve inch monster. His load mixed in with the shower water, making every bit he let out soggy and stickier than normal against his brown fur. David huffed and panted as his orgasm lasted a lot longer than usual, too!! It had to have been at least ten extra seconds before he felt fully exhausted and depleted. If it weren't for the water, his entire hand would have been covered in cum while his stomach had a few stripes of the stuff as well.

"That...was awesome."

His legs wobbled a bit before he caught himself against the wall. David recovered shortly after, but that was something new. That could keep happening. That could keep happening tenfold. Was he finally going to achieve his dream? Firstly, he needed to check something else. After cleaning up the aftermath, David closed his eyes as the water spilled over him. He imagined what his junk would look like even bigger than what he looked like now. He squinted his eyes and concentrated, feeling some sort of rush of power before he opened his eyes and panted for a bit. He soon looked down and grinned widely. It worked! Compared to before, it didn't look like much, but David was forced to two hands his now soft, foot long cock and baseball size nuts. As soon as the rush of energy came, it soon faded away. His junk seemed to shrink in his gri.p, returning David to his usual size.

"Guess it's not permanent, huh?" David frowned. He couldn't look this gift horse in the mouth, though. He had to keep practicing this. The pictures of those tanukis online told him that he could get larger, so much larger. He just needed to get used to his powers, so that would mean constant use. But if it left him tired, that'd mean that he'd have to try only so often every day. The idea of that didn't appeal to him.

Scrubbing himself down with soap and shampoo for his hair, David emerged out of the shower with a towel around his waist. He stared at himself in the mirror once more and closed his eyes again in some attempt to grow himself once more. This time, he didn't stop until he saw a hint of himself past the towel. It took him close to a minute for the head of his cock to poke past his towel and officially past his knees while his nuts were close to the size of soccer balls each. Before he went back into his room, he shrunk himself back and made a decision. He'd constantly grow himself to his extent at least several times a day whenever he was alone, which was easy. His parents only came home in the evening and he had afternoons to himself once he was done with classes.

The next week, David spent all of his time practicing his powers whenever he got the chance. There were days where he'd go to class with his increased junk with a smile on his face. He started to wear boxers to keep everything loose and floppy, sometimes leaving David with his shaft snaking along his legs, the indent very visible from his jeans. Some furs stared, others figured he was padding himself, but he didn't' care. However, the size came with a very increased libido. There were days at school or home where David had to blow his loads. He didn't care where he was, he just had to do it. While embarrassing, he figured it was a great way to test his production at those sizes. Throughout the days, David had backed up a toilet and left the out ring and the floor a mess in the boy's bathroom, as well as filling up the bathtub in his apartment within a few minutes orgasming, tops. The tanuki had even popped a few condoms with just his pre cum alone, which left him immensely satisfied. Every time, his maximum size got just a bit bigger and a bit messier, but he'd always return to his original size afterwards. Now, he was sure that he could keep the size even after blowing his loads.

Now, he needed to show someone that he was right.

David's parents had the luck of scheduling a job trip for the weekend, leaving the tanuki home alone for three days. Those three days were enough to hook up his webcam and show off. The idea of just setting up on a porn website seemed a bit tacky for him. He just wanted to show one person. He'd wait until Lloyd was home alone so he didn't disturb anyone on his end as well. Later that night, everything came up nice for David. Lloyd was home and he was alone, David's parents were gone so he essentially went around naked the instant he got home. As their usual conversation unfolded, David asked a question that caught Lloyd off guard.

"Hey, you still have your web cam?" David asked quickly. The naked tanuki bounced in his revolving chair a bit. He had one hand slowly pumping and playing around with it.

"Um...yeah, you wanna talk face-to-face? Weren't you too nervous the last time we tried?" Lloyd rebutted.

David couldn't help but smile widely as he set up his webcam. "I've got something to show ya. It's kind of not safe for work, so just a heads up."

Once the two cameras were set up, David and Lloyd enabled the function on their messenger. David stared at the screen for a few seconds in surprise. He always forgot how nice Lloyd looked compared to him. The sabre-toothed tiger had a slim, yet athletic build to him, thanks to his constant running and lifting. David recalled that he was a part of the track team at his school, so it made sense. The reason that David didn't prefer the face to face calls had been that he felt slightly ashamed of his stocky build despite the tiger thinking nothing of it. He'd even stated that he liked the belly at several points in their nightly conversations.

"Well, here goes," David said, taking a deep breath. Lloyd raised a brow at the tanuki. He started to move his webcam downwards, the camera pointed at his exposed crotch, legs spread widely.

Lloyd blinked rapidly. "Um, okay. What am I looking at? You have a nice cock, but what'd you wanna show me?"

The answer came within a few seconds. David remained silent and took another deep breath. Right before Lloyd's eyes, he saw David's shaft and balls slowly pump themselves and increase in size. The sabre-toothed tiger remained flabbergasted. The tanuki wasn't getting hard at all, it was just...growing from the base size. His jaw stayed open as that brown shaft continued swelling, mimicking a snake lurching around, thickness included while fuzzy orbs fought for space against David's pudgy thighs. It as if he stuffed two baseballs in there while the snake kept getting larger and thicker, veins gently dancing across the surface. That snake then became an anaconda with the thickness of a three liter bottle and nuts the size of basketballs. Admittedly, Lloyd couldn't help but actively drool on the surface of his table before David's voice snapped him out.

"You like? It's all real. I came into something...interesting the last few days," he said cheerfully.

"Y-yeah...I can see that. Jeez, how's it feel? I-is it even safe?" Lloyd asked.

All Lloyd could see was tanuki cock covering the webcam until it was moved back a bit. The entire space between his legs had been taken up by that monster and he could barely make out the head of that pole. David's hand roamed across the surface which was followed by a pleasurable moan. Lloyd shifted in his seat a bit, his hands rapping along the table.

"Totally safe, and it feels so good. So damn hefty I could probably smother someone's face with it," David groaned.

"I don't wanna be a downer, but are you sure?" Lloyd asked again. It was true; the last thing he wanted to do was be the Debbie Downer of the party. But the other last thing he wanted to see was David getting hurt or something happening because he wasn't precautious. "I mean, it looks great and all, but-"

"Ehhh, I'm sure. Been trying it all week. Can go back to normal whenever I want to, don't have a max size, too. All this is my usual so I don't make too much of a mess," The tanuki explained. " I think I can go even bigger, but that's what I'm trying for this weekend."

Lloyd didn't seem too convinced. David finally put the camera back to his face to see Lloyd looking at him with a small frown. He returned it with a wide smile. Lloyd soon nodded in return. Hopefully nothing did go wrong. The rest of the night was spent explaining the practical uses to David's new gift, but it didn't stop Lloyd from injecting a few worried or overprotective stances. He offered the idea of someone finding out, but David constantly repeated that after a week of use, he had his powers down pat. Later into the night, David and Lloyd called their conversation quits for the sake of sleep, but David had other plans.

He wanted to his weekend right. Before he went to sleep, he decided to continue pumping himself larger, even larger than what Lloyd saw. He huffed as his ever growing shaft dragged itself larger along the bed sheets, his basketball sized nuts soon careening to the size of medicine balls. Eventually, that cock had gone close to several feet while soft and poking out of the front of the bed. The tanuki soon pushed up his pole, propping it to the side of him like a pillow as he cuddled it to sleep. He groaned heavily, his entire body racked by each powerful throb and pulse of that titanic meat. His feet brushed against the sides of his nuts which took up the bottom space of the bed, constantly radiating warmth like his cock. It got to a point where David didn't even need his blanket to sleep.

The hours passed by as David slept. He shifted about in his bed, his still soft shaft providing a spot for him to snuggle up against. However, when morning came to be, a surprise came to David. When he shifted around in his bed once the sun came up, he noticed that the bed was surprisingly empty. He blinked himself awake, staring around at his room and his bed. Some parts felt a bit sticky, which he figured was from himself, but his junk had returned to his normal size. He frowned a bit and made his way over to the bathroom. The tired tanuki stared at his reflection the mirror with a yawn as he attempted to increase his size again. This time, nothing had happened.

"Wait, wha...?" David yawned out. That couldn't be right. Was he dreaming? He closed his eyes and focused whatever bit of energy he could gather up. He might as well have puffed out a ball of smoke. Still no changes at all. Maybe he was just doing it wrong? David shrugged his shoulders and headed off to go shower. He had all day to keep trying and it was Saturday, so he had no reason to go out, nor any reason to put on clothes. Once he started scrubbing his body down, David slowly began to pump one out in the shower. Soon enough, everything came back to normal. As his small, usual load splattered on his thigh and mixed in with the shower water, he felt everything begin to slowly inflate and throb in size.

"That's the ticket, welcome back..." David smiled to himself as he turned his shower off. He audibly groaned and shifted his hips to feel the weight of his growing junk. Slowly but surely, it began to return to the same size as he had it last night. The thick tanuki meat lewdly slapped against his leg, the head reaching past his knee, while he was forced to walk with his legs slightly spread as his medicine ball size orbs sloshed and swayed with every step. After drying himself down, he made his way to the living room to get some food. As he walked, he noticed that his shaft continued bumping against his lower leg until it started to hit his ankles and dangerously dangle over the floor. David looked down at himself curiously. Why was he still going at it? His balls were slightly annoying to walk with as well. They were dang near the size of beach balls and forcing him to walk uncomfortably. As he tried to pull back on the size and return to a comfortable point, David blinked. Nothing was responding. He tried tugging back, mentally telling his body to stop growing, but nothing would respond once again. Panic began to set in his heart a bit. He gulped, but shook his head afterwards.

"Nah, I'm sure it's nothing. It's gotta stop at some point," he convinced himself. After getting some food, the tanuki sat back on his couch and turned on the television. He kicked up his legs on the small coffee table so his junk had free space to dangle, but it just kept going. The weight of his cock became more than an annoyance as it pressed against the foot of the couch and the coffee table while his nuts sloshed and fought for space against itself. It still wasn't stopping? The tanuki squirmed around on the couch, the small space between the table and his seat becoming far too constricted. He spread his legs and leaned over, pulling up his cock with both hands to slap it over the coffee table. When he picked it up, the damn thing had gotten even larger in slow, but powerful throbs. It was almost as thick as the coffee table and twice as long, possibly even taller than himself as part of that massive tanuki meat flopped past the table and onto the floor!

His nuts were now the size of over inflated beach balls and almost pushed the table over to its side. The swell of those orbs pushed against the back of his legs until he was forced to kick them up right on top of the fuzzy cum factories since he could spread them no longer. His heart beat rapidly in his chest as he watched his junk continue to swell without end. Foot after foot of meat stacked on itself over and over again, the now dozen foot cock poking against the TV.

"Come on...please stop? Please, I think it's getting a bit too big..." David said to no one. The tanuki couldn't deny that it felt great. Every powerful pulse made his body shudder along the couch. The warmth coming off his nuts made him want to cuddle it as he kept growing. The sound of his loads sloshing and moving about distracted him. The idea of getting any bigger was a teaser in his mind, though overshadowed by the consequences. The sound of wood crunching took him away from his thoughts. The coffee table groaned before finally crunching under the weight of David's cock and broke apart. David flinched, expecting nothing but pain, but the complete opposite happened.

"nff...that felt kind of good," David panted.

He hadn't known how durable tanuki's equipment were before. If anything, the jagged wood felt like tiny pin pricks that only served to pleasure him even more. David leaned back against the couch, his balls jostling to the size of boulders, spilling over the broken pieces of his parent's coffee table. He looked up to see his shaft thickening and swelling, pre slowly flooding out and coating the floor. His moans filled up the room, the circumference of those enormous nuts forcing his cock to arc up and push back the couch a bit. As if sensing the possibility of more space, David's orbs gurgled, everything about his junk exploding larger. The tanuki was pinned to his couch by his ever expanding mass, the head of his cock grinding against the ceiling while his balls took up space in front and the sides of the living room. David's vision was nothing but cock and soon overfilled nuts as pre began to flow out in earnest as the ceiling provided a nice, firm surface until another beat of growth made the thick pole piercing through the ceiling of his house. The wood, plaster and support beams cracked, the ceiling shattering a bit from the one spot, musky liquid pouring out now to the attic while his nuts also forced his shaft higher and higher.

"Nnf...nooooo," David whined. He had no idea of the mess he was causing. Pinned to the couch by his size, the constant, electric sensation caused by the destruction had him moaning audibly. The living room stood no chance against the tanuki's constant production. Pre-cum rained forth from the same hole David had left as it ran back into the living room like a flood. Nothing was left clean from the onslaught, the flow becoming stronger the bigger David's nuts became. They soon became over a dozen feet tall and almost double that in width as his wrecking balls crashed through the ceiling as well. The living room ceased to be as it was smothered under a combination of pre and constantly swelling tanuki meat, the now two story shaft completely out into the open. The living room wall soon gave way as well, the front of David's house now occupying the tanuki's junk. His pre spilled forth outside, covering the lawn and flowing out into the street as the couch had now been pushed back deeper into the living room due to the rapid growth rate.

"Please, stop..." David pleaded to his body. His head was now up against a wall, debris falling in front of him as he felt the winds of the outside brush against his shaft. He slowly rocked his hips, the living room sized orbs jostling in kind and soon making that shaft jostle a bit as well. The constant movement combined with the ever growing production of pre made him moan once more. With another throb, more of David's house was obliterated by his tumbling cum factories as they prepared to fire off every bit they had. Before the orgasm even arrived, they doubled again and again in size, more and more of the tanuki's house becoming nothing but fodder to pleasure himself as he finally blew.

David's eruption had been more of a pressurized volcano as his loads careened over the skyline of his neighborhood, demolishing houses and covering everything in its path in musky white. Streets became flooded as David howled with every shot. Nothing from before could ever amount to what David had felt now. His body was firing off at all pistols, each continuous shot of white even more overbearing than the last. It didn't seem like it showed any signs of stopping either, as whatever remained of David's house was now absolutely smothered by three story sized tanuki nuts, his cock spilling out into the neighboring houses across the street. Whatever was in front of that firing behemoth had either been crushed under the weight it, or coated in white.

It seemed to go on for hours. Before anyone had realized what had happened, several neighborhoods were drenched in cum, and David's size didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. When people saw the behemoth spitting out over the distance or even up close, no one seemed to notice the tiny tanuki who had been pinned under his own junk with a perpetual smile on his face as he kept on blowing for the entire weekend.