Partners in Love: A Zootopia Story

Story by TogoMizui on SoFurry

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#1 of Zootopia Series

Wow....It's been a while!!

So I've decided to make a little story/fanfiction of zootopia, probably my favorite movie ever right now! I sure hop you all like it, I put my heart into this story (17k words!!) and really wanted to get it done, due to my lack of content. If it's not the best thing you've read, I understand! I'm not the best writer out there, and this was mostly for fun!

That being said, I hope you all enjoy my continuation to the movie zootopia; partners in love.

Life was as good as it could be now.

Nick sat in the passenger seat of a police cruiser, nibbling away at a bagel he and his partner had just picked up for breakfast. They were assigned a nice and easy task for the day. Patrol around one section of Zootopia; the city where anyone could be anything. That was the motto that his partner had been living by for most of her life. He himself couldn't have believed in it at first, but over the course of a crazy, life-threatening, and world saving adventure, she definitely proved him wrong. Not only had a bunny (of all animals!) been able to save all of Zootopia from a complete social uprising, but she was also able to win over the heart of a dulled out, con-artist fox. This rabbit was something special. The world was lucky to have a cop as good as her, and he was lucky to have a partner -no, a best friend- as great as her.

"Hey, Nick!" The fox shook himself back to reality, turning his head in the direction of the voice. There she was. The gray furred, purple eyed bunny that he'd come to love so much over the past couple days.

"Wah?" He asked, snapping back to reality.

"Have you been daydreaming this entire time?" He nodded, in turn receiving a small eye-roll from her. "Ugh, very much like you." She looked up at him from the driver's seat, due to her smaller height, "I was just thinking out loud about maybe moving out of my apartment...?"

"You mean the closet you call a room?" He asked, teasingly.

"Oh ha ha," She mocked, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Yes, that one. I don't know why, but it feels like my neighbors are getting louder and louder every night, and I'm having a really hard time sleeping because of it." She then pointed to her eyes. "Just look! I'm getting bags under my eyes!" Nick leaned over the armrests to check.

"Oh my, Judy..." Nick said, in a worried tone.


"Your eyes...they...they...." He gulped to keep up the act, but then dropped it when a sly grin spread across his muzzle, "They look fine." She pouted.

"Very funny."

"I know, right?" He agreed, ignoring her sarcasm. He then returned to picking away at his bagel.

"But seriously though, do you think it'd be a good idea?" He waited a moment before answering. Chew, chew, swallow.

"I mean, if you're unhappy with where you live now, then yeah, go for it." He took another bite, and proceeded to talk with his mouth full, "Have you looked around for any other places?" She shook her head.

"No, not yet. I only started thinking about this the other day anyways." She then started unwrapping her own bagel and brought it to her mouth, every bite being a tiny, delicate little nibble. The way she ate always intrigued the fox, something about how she treated her food just seemed adorable to him, attractive even.

"Just keep looking, I'm sure you'll find something eventually." He then took a sip of his coffee.

"Sure hope so."

"Coffee?" He asked, offering his cup. She held up a bottle of orange juice in response.

"Nah, I don't drink coffee, remember?"

"Riiiight, and that goes for all you bunnies?" She nodded.

"Mhm, caffeine doesn't sit well with our small bodies. Just a tiiiiiny bit makes us go nuts on a caffeine high." Nick snickered to himself.

"Now THAT is something that I'd love to see." She play punched him.

"Hey, I don't want you sneaking anything into my system. Got that?"

"I promise." He said mischievously, holding the same sly grin on his face from before. She just shook her head and smiled in response.

"Foxes." She muttered loud enough for Nick to hear.

"You know you love me." He said.

"Do I know that?" She teased. Before continuing her answer though, there was a slight hesitation, followed by a barely visible shade of red spread across the bunny's muzzle. "Yes...yes I do."

She placed the remains of her bagel on the space in between the arm rests, then started up the engine of the car. Nick glanced over at her and saw the proud smirk of the bunny mixed with- what he thought- was a slight blush. Huh. He thought to himself, but eventually shrugged it off as nothing_. Nah, it couldn't have been._

The cruiser that the two partners had spent the entirety of their day in had slowly started to pull up to the main police headquarters in Zootopia; ZPD Precinct #1. The fox and bunny inside the vehicle hopped out, locked it, and made their way into the big building. Once stepping inside, the first thing one would notice would be the size; it was huge. For a good reason, too. On most regular days, there would be a large crowd bustling around the precinct, asking favors, requesting info, and other tasks of the sort. Today was not one of those days. Upon walking in, Nick and Judy were greeted by a sweet low mumble- rather than a loud obnoxious clamor- due to the absence of the usual crowd. They walked up to the counter that sat in the middle of the room, being the desk to one of the strangest, yet lovable officers in the ZPD.

"Nick! Judy! Hey there!" Yelled the cheetah at the desk.

"Hi Clawhauser! Just reporting in for another great day at work." Judy said as they made their way up to the counter. She looked up at him because of her small height, and Nick was just about as tall as the table, so he leaned on it like he normally does.

"Well sure! Let me just get you that form..." He started to trail off at the end as he bent under the desk, searching for the officer report sheet. "Now where did you go...oh, there you are!" He came up with the piece of paper and a clipboard, handing it to Judy.

"Thank you." She said sweetly before grabbing a pen out of the 'I heart gazelle' mug and walking off to a nearby bench, leaving Nick with the cheetah.

"So," Clawhauser piped up in a quite talking voice, "How's it going with her?"

"What do you mean?" He asked. Of course he knew what he meant, but Nick was never comfortable talking about his love life with other animals. He usually kept it to himself, but the chubby cheetah had seemingly made it his number one mission to get all of the gossip between him and Judy.

"Oh you know, you, her, in loooooove."

"Nothing's happening, Clawhauser. At least not yet," He looked over at his partner on the bench, "I don't even know if she feels the same way about me."

"Darling, have you SEEN the way she looks at you?"

"Well, kinda..." He gave a sigh, and his ears swiveled back behind his head. "Okay, so if I do tell her, not saying I'm going, what if she says no?"

"But then what if she says yes?" The cheetah counteracted.

"But what if she says no." He repeated. "Wouldn't that just make things awkward between us?"

"Only if you make it that way." He took a scoop out of the cereal he was eating behind the desk, and proceeded to speak with his mouth full. "This isn't like you Nick, when do you ever worry about things?"

"I dunno, I just-" He took a second to collect his thoughts, "-I like her a lot, and I don't want anything to happen between us that could ruin our friendship." This made Clawhauser clasp his paws together.

"Awwwwww! You two are just too cute!!" The fox's ears immediately shoot back up into a defensive position.

"Hey, do not call her cute." He said, as if the cheetah had struck a nerve. Clawhauser was completely unaffected by the sudden outburst though, and just brought his paws up to his face and gave a girly gasp.

"Oh my goodness, you even get offended by the same things as her. Ooooooooh that's just adorable!" Nick's face went red after hearing this.

"Uhh...yeah well, I mean..." He tried to come up with an excuse, but then saw the bunny finish up the sheet she was working on and start to make her way over to them. "Hush, she's coming!"

"Here you are!" Judy said once up at the desk, handing Clawhauser the report.

"Perfect!" He said, taking the sheet, "Thanks Judy! Guess I'll see you two on Monday then!" He gave a subtle wink to Nick, who in turn responded by shaking his heads and throwing his paws back into his pocket.

"Have a nice weekend!" Judy said, and they made their way out. Once outside, they made a left, and padded on over to their apartments. They both lived in different apartment complexes, but were located surprisingly close; only being about a five minute walk in between each other, and within walking distance from work. This made it so that everyone morning and afternoon, the two of them would meet each other at Judy's apartment- the closest to the precinct- and walk to work together.

After making it about a block or so from the police department, Nick's gaze wandered down towards the bunny in front of him, picking apart all of her unique and charming qualities. How her ears would stand up or flop down depending on her mood, her muzzle, which was much tinier than his was, the way she walked, and how she was poised; Confident and ready to take on the world. The occasional skipping she would do when she got happy would drive him nuts as well. How she would sway her body and the joyful look on her face when she would do so just made him feel all warm inside. He then looked a little further down, past the small cotton-like tail, and directly at the plump rabbit butt swishing in front of him.

Oh gosh. he thought to himself shamefully, _No, don't think of her like this. She's a friend, no mor_e. The only way he could think of to stop his train of thought was to start up a conversation, distract himself a little bit.

"So carrots," He said, using a nickname that he'd come up with when the two of them first met.

She turned around so she was walking backwards now, and stared straight up to him with her big purple eyes. God, those eyes. Quite possibly his favorite feature of her's. The innocent and honest look they gave supported the naive, energetic bunny that they belonged to; a wonderful compliment if you asked him. "Hm?" She asked

"You ever keep in contact with that rat chick from tundra town?" She tilted her head in confusion, trying to think of who he meant.

"Rat chick? Oh! You mean Fru Fru!" She pulled her phone out from her pocket and scrolled through it a bit.

"Oh Yeah her, I didn't remember the name." He said shrugging.

"Uh huh-" She then brought the phone up to Nick's face, "See?" There was a contact in her phone for the rat daughter, with picture and everything. "I chat with her every once and a while, you know, to see what's up."

"Ah, she doing alright?"

"Yeah, last time I checked in with her she said that her and her husband were staying at her father's house." She said, walking up to Nick's side and facing forward again. "I should probably call her up again soon."

"If you do, tell them I said hi."

"Sure thing!" She said, then chuckled. "You know, I still find it kinda funny how you were scared of her dad for such a long time, and now look at you two." After the events of the savage animals and night howlers, and Nick's new employment in the police, he formally went over to Mr. Big's mansion to make-up, explaining how he turned over a new leaf and was deeply sorry for conning him. The rat mob leader had forgiven him, being a friend of the hero to his daughter, and the two started anew, Mr. big even helping Nick and Judy out with some of the crime solving.

"Yeah, people change I guess." He said.

"Oh yes they do." She agreed, looking up at him with a heart-warming smile. He looked back down and exchanged the same look, fully understanding what she was thinking of.

They spent the rest of their walk in a pleasant silence, whilst enjoying the passing views of the beautiful city they lived in. Eventually the pair made it to the entrance of Judy's apartment complex, and like every other day, Nick waved her goodbye and was about to turn and continue walking to his own apartment, before being stopped by a small paw.

"Wait, Nick." She grabbed his arm with her paw, causing him to turn around. Her ears were flopped down behind her head, and she was looking up at him in an awkward was that the fox had never seen before. He raised one of his brows.

"Yes?" He asked. She shifted a bit in place, seemingly getting more and more uncomfortable as time went on.

"Well, ah..." She lost eye contact with him as she continued, "I was just wondering if, oh I dunno, maybe you'd like to go out for dinner or something?" Nick couldn't believe what he had just heard. Did Judy just ask him out? His heart started to beat faster and faster, the air around him started to get hotter than usual. He cleared his throat before speaking up.

"Uh...yeah, I mean-Yes! I'd love to!" He said. 'No, you sounded too excited! Bring it down a notch!' he brought the arm that was locked with Judy's paw downward into his pocket. "I uh...didn't really have anything planned for tonight anyways." He added.

As soon as he said this, her ears immediately jumped back up, and her body began to shake subtly due to the vicious wagging of her little rabbit tail. It was as if every part of her body lit up with pure joy and excitement due to his words. "Really? Ooooooh, that's just great! What time would work best for you?" She asked. Nick pulled out his phone to check the time -3:30-

"How about I pick you up around 6:30-ish?" He offered. She nodded furiously.

"Sure thing!" She took a step forward and threw her arms around his body in a short but meaningful hug. "I can't wait!" She turned around and started walking into her complex, and gave him a little wave before heading inside.

Nick stood there, unable to move, and with a mix of emotions running all through his head. Once he took a couple seconds to absorb what just happened, he broke out into a huge smile, and fist-pumped the air with a sense of triumph.

"YESSS!" He said aloud, now feeling excitement above all. The bunny of his dreams had just asked him out, and last he checked, this wasn't a dream. "This can't be happening, there's no way that just happened." He kept repeating to himself as he started walking to his own apartment.

After a couple blocks of replaying the scene that had previously occurred, and a couple threats aimed towards Nick for not watching where he was going, he found himself in front of his own apartment complex. He went inside and took the elevator up to his room, then flopped himself down on his bed once he got inside. "Ahhhhh." He sighed. "What a day."

This had certainly been an eventful day compared to the past few for the fox, in terms of love life that as. Sure he'd see Judy every day and they'd always talk while on work, or text when they got home, but those had been nothing but friendly gestures. He'd never actually believed that it could be anything more, as much as he hoped. But here he was, lying on his bed, having plans to go out with his crush later on in the night. It was an incredible sensation, one that he had never felt before, and never wants to feel it go away. Once he was through with relaxing for a bit, he got up and changed out of his police uniform and into a pair of loose flannel pajamas. He then grabbed his phone and jumped back onto his bed, also turning on the tv for some background noise. Once unlocked, he clicked on messages, then went to the chat between him and Judy, and started to type up a message.

-Heyy, dinner tonight, where u think we're going?-

'Plain and simple' he thought before pressing the send button. Almost immediately after sending it, a little icon appeared on Judy's side of the message screen, indicating she was typing. It filled Nick's stomach with butterflies, thinking she was ready to respond so quickly, and wondering what her response could possibly be. After a couple seconds, his phoned dinged with the message.

-Was thinking maybe Cafe Soleil?-

Cafe Soleil. A small cafe known for its exquisite yet exotic tastes, and its semi-fancy reputation. It wasn't the most gourmet restaurant out there, but it also wasn't like a diner or a pub; It was a nice restaurant overall. He started to write up his response.

-Sounds great, see u at 6:30 then-

Almost immediately, he got his reply.

-Can't wait! See you then! :) -

He put down his phone and went back to staring up at the ceiling, a wide smile sprawled across his muzzle. Soon enough he got lost in his thoughts about Judy and how the night could turn out, and closed his eyes so he could enjoy a sweet nap before spending the evening with the bunny of his dreams.


The time of the date was nearing, and all that could be heard through the fox's apartment was the buzzing of his phone, signaling for him to get ready. He scurried around the apartment one last time to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything.

"Phone, keys, wallet," he glanced back at the mirror behind him and looked over himself once more. He matted down some fur that was sticking up at the top of his head, then turned around to walk towards the door. He brought his paw up to the handle and twisted it, "Let's do this."

He made his way down to the garage of the complex and found his car in the spot marked after his room number: 213. He got in and started it up, glancing down at his phone for a quick time check.


"Better early than ate I guess." He muttered to himself. With the walk between his and Judy's house being about five minutes, the car ride took a much shorter time, averaging to about two to three minutes. Once he made it to the front of her building, he parked his car across the street and pulled down the mirror flap just above his seat. He checked for any stray fur around his ears and face on last time, and made sure he looked nice and presentable for his date. He dressed in semi-fancy clothes, wearing a gray buttoned down shirt, white tie, and black slacks. In case that wasn't formal enough, he stored a suit jacket in the trunk of car to throw on if it was needed. He pushed the flap back up against the ceiling and walked over to the complex, taking the elevator up to the floor of the bunny's apartment, and located where it would be.

"Let's see...where did she say it was...ah." He found the room number he was looking for, then gave a subtle knock.

"Oh!" He heard from inside, followed by a crash. A few moments of standing and waiting, and the bunny appeared behind a slightly opened door. "Nick! You're early!"

"Yeah, timing just happened to work out that way. But hey, being early shows that you care, right?" A blush and a nod from the rabbit.

"Yeah, it does." She said happily. "I'll be out and ready in a minute, so....wait here for a bit?"

"Take as long as you need carrots." He said, slumping against the wall opposite Judy's door, and shoving his paws back into his pockets. She flew back into her room to get ready, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He started to look around at his surroundings, dulled wooden floors, blandly colored walls, even the occasional-

"Yeah! Get him! No, head to the left, cover the left! I've got the right!"

"I hear you! Flank 'em on both sides then head up the middle to capture the checkpoint!"

Are those her neighbors? He thought, shocked at how loud and obnoxious they were. _No wonder she wants out of this place. _The door handle to her room jiggled, then opened, revealing the petit bunny who lived behind it. She was wearing a white sleeveless tube top dress, with black leggings. She also had a small crossboy bag in her paw to hold her phone, and most likely some money. Something so simple, yet made her looks so stunning. Nick couldn't help but stare at the breathtaking view in front of him.

"Wow," he said, breaking himself out of his trance and giving her a smile. "Looking good." Her blush deepened at his words, and she brought up a paw to wave off his comment.

"Oh please, this is just something I threw together last minute. It doesn't looks that good on me." He shook his head.

"Nuh-uh, you look-" he took a digit and brought it up to his chin. Once coming up with the term he was looking for, he brought his paws forward in a motion similar to jazz hands. "-Dazzling."

"Yeah, okay." She chuckled in response. "You look really good though! Very-" She brought her own paws up to mimic Nick's previous gesture. "-Snazzy." It was his turn to laugh this time. The two continued their friendly conversation on the way down the elevator, and outside to building to Nick's car. The drive to the restaurant was just as light and, the pair exchanging a couple of funny jokes through the majority of the ride, but there was a slight awkward mood hanging over the two of them, or at least that was what Nick could tell based on Judy's body language.

They pulled up to the cafe about ten minutes after leaving the apartment complex, parking in a spot closest to the entrance. They grabbed their stuff, including phones, wallets, keys, and Judy's crossboy, and they headed into the fancy looking building. The first thing that the fox noticed when he walked in was the dim lighting, every table had its own candle, and every so often there would be a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, holding multiple candles as well. It was a hard transition on the eyes when going from the bright orange of sunset of outside to the blacks of the cafe, but he was sure they'd get used to it soon enough, The pair walked up to the front counter, Judy being the one to catch the attention of the waiter standing there.

"Excuse me?" She asked. The wolf at the podium looked down from the podium to spot her. "Hi, table for two?" He glanced back at the tablet hidden behind the podium, then grabbed to menus from a stack on the desk next to him.

"Follow me, please." He beckoned them over to their table. Judy turned and smiled at Nick, then grabbed his paw in hers so they could follow the waiter together.

They were led to a small table near the bar, and sat opposite each other. Once the waiter dropped the menus and left, Nick picked his up with two paws and skimmed through its contents, analyzing both the costs and the meals.

"I think I might just get the carrot soup." Nick heard come from his partner.

"Of course you would." He said, snickering. "Have you ever been here before?"

"No, but I've heard great things about it." She said shaking her head. He nodded in response.

"Yeah, it definitely does look very nice." He said. Before he could glance back down at his menu, a different wait from before had shown up beside their table.

"Good evening, my name is Mikayla and I'll be serving you tonight." Said a tall, younger looking lynx. She looked to be in around her early 20's, and well beyond gifted with physical appearances. So much so, that upon seeing her, Nick couldn't help but sneak a subtle stare. Unfortunately for him though, it wasn't subtle enough for his rabbit partner not to notice, causing her to look away, and her ears droop down. "Would you like to start off with something to drink?"

"Just water is fine." Judy said.

"Same here." Nick joined in. The waitress nodded, not needing to jot the information down.

"And for dinner?" Nick waved her off.

"We're still deciding." She nodded again.

"I'll be back with your drinks soon then." She said before walking away and out of view. Nick brought his attention back to his menu.

"Oh! I think I might try the blueberry salad. Remember those?" He looked up from the meu and saw a sad looking Judy who was staring past him. Once she realized she had the fox's attention though, she forced her ears back up and threw on a smile.

"Oh, yeah I remember those. Haha, good times." She said.

Nuh-uh. He wasn't going to let this one slide. "Hey, is something wrong?" He asked.

"What? Oh-" She shook her head furiously. "No, it's nothing." Nick raised a brow.

"So it is something." He said. She looked into his eyes, paused, then let out a sigh.

"Okay, maybe, but it's something stupid." She looked down at her paws, then back up at his eyes. He nodded his head, signaling for her to continue. "I didn't like the way you were looking at our waitress." She said swiftly.

"Oh, that's all?" He grinned before continuing. "Feeling a bit jealous now, aren't we?" He chuckled while saying this, in turn earning a pout out of her. Now or never. He thought to himself. "Relax carrots, would it make you feel any better if I said I stare at you a lot too?"

There's the reaction he was hoping for. Her mouth went wide and her ears twitched, as if his words had made her heart stop beating.

"R-really?" She asked. He nodded, the same smug grin still spread across his muzzle.

"Oh, well I-uh...that's-" She took a deep breath and smiled. "Thank you. That does make me feel better." He couldn't see it, but he was sure her little tail was wagging fiercely behind her.

"Oh no, I should be the one thanking you. For the view and all." And there was the blush he had hoped for. Hook line and sinker. he thought.

"Eheheheh...." Was all Judy could manage, flustered to the point of where she was at loss of words. Lucky enough, the waitress had just returned with their drinks.

"And to eat?" She asked, once both large glasses of water were placed on the table.

"I'll have the blueberry salad-" Nick said, pointing to himself. "And she'll be having the carrot soup." He finished, pointing to Judy. The lynx nodded, still retaining their order in her hear.

"That is all?"


"Wonderful. Your meals should be out shortly." She said, collecting the menus and giving the two of them a quick smile before walking away. Nick returned his gaze to the rabbit across the table, who seemed to be looking everywhere but at him. A long, dreary pause awaited them.

"So, uhm..." Judy started, looking increasingly uncomfortable. "How you liking being a cop?" She asked.

"Judy." Nick said. The bunny forced her eyes to meet his after hearing her name. "Do you really want to talk about work now, of all times?" She shook her head in disappointment.

"No...It's just-" She bit her lip, careful with her words. "-I don't know to really act or what to say."

"Hey, you want to be here, right?" She nodded furiously without hesitation. "So just relax! Let it all flow, enjoy yourself! We know how to be comfortable around each other, just pretend like it's a normal conversation. Here-" he looked around the room through the dozens of other families and couples. "-Let's play a little game." He pointed to a family of five coyotes, across the room, all sitting in a booth, the two males in the group on their phones. "See them?" Judy turned around, and once she found the group, she nodded in response.


Nick cleared his throat before continuing. "Family of five, mother felt like they were all starting to disconnect from each other so she brought them out to dinner. Father just wants to sit home and watch tv, catch up on all the latest sports and fantasy news. The eldest son is tired of his mother's constant attempts to bond, while the middle sister feels otherwise; they have to spend more quality time together in her mind. As a result of this, the females keep trying to start up a conversation, the males are all attached to their phones, and soon enough the baby coyote will follow in the footsteps and end up just as misguided in social scenarios as his family." Bam. Instant history.

"Ohhhh I see." Judy said, smiling and catching on. She looked around and picked out an odd looking couple to make up some history of her own. "Over there." She said, nodding her head in the direction of the pair of deer. "Couple out on a date- a blind date- that is going very poorly. The male deer keeps checking his watch to see how much longer he has to stay because he's getting bored of her, and the doe is completely oblivious to the fact that he's disinterested." They both look at each other and broke out into a low laugh.

"Alright, who's next." Nick said, looking around the room for his next prey. He found exactly what he was looking for a few tables down. "Ah, over there. The group of lions."

"Noooo! I was gonna do them!" Judy exclaimed.

"Fine, you take this one. Watch your voice though, they may be in earshot."

"Ok, let's see..." She tapped her chin. "It's the boy's first time going out to dinner with his girlfriend's family, and he's extremely nervous. The mother adores him- he already knows that- but the father still isn't very fond of him yet. The girlfriend kept telling him this would be a good idea, they'd have a fun time, though he can't help but feel pressured to be perfect because of how strict and overprotective her father is. Because of all this, the mother goes on and on about useless yabber, the father spends most of the meal staring his soon to be son-in-law down, the girlfriend tries to keep things comfortable, and the boyfriend is trying his hardest not to pee his pants." She said. After her lengthy analysis, she leaned back in her chair and brought her paw up, looking proud. "Boom."

"Wow, Impressive." Nick said. He went back to scouting the room now that it was his turn. He grinned to himself once he knew what he was going to do. "Okay then, you ready for this?"

"Bring it." She said, her competitive side showing.

"Alright." He proceeded to speak, without showing her a table of animals. "I see a couple out on their first date. The girlfriend had planned this out in her head for the longest time, and was beyond excited to spend the night with the fox of her dreams. Unlucky for her, it started out awkward, but with careful perception, quick thinking, and his dashing looks, the fox was able to show her a grand time, all without making the date go awry; thus saving the day like the hero he was." He looked back down at the rabbit, and saw her shaking her head with a huge grin on her face.

"Dashing looks?" She asked.

"I only speak the truth." He said, teasingly. She rolled her eyes and giggled.

"Yeah yeah." They spent the rest of the time playing their little games until the waitress got back with their food, placing it on the table.

"Mmm," She said, bringing spoons of the orange liquid to her mouth. "This is delicious!" Nick took a blueberry out of the salad, squished it a bit, then threw it in his mouth.

"Meh, good, but not as great as your family's." He commented. She just nodded, half hearing him.

"Hm.." Spoon after spoon, the bunny showed the bowl of soup in front of her no mercy.

"Uhm...carrots?" Nick said, trying to get her attention. She looked up from her bowl.

"Hm?" Her mouth was still full of the orange paste.

"You might wanna tune that down a little bit." He gestured his head to the side of the table. Judy looked up in the direction Nick was pointing to and saw the couple next to them, giving her subtle stares. She immediately realized what she was doing and propped herself up. Her face flushed a shade of red out of embarrassment.

"O-oh." She said. Nick chuckled to himself.

"It's okay, I don't care." he said. Judy gave him a goofy smile.

"Still, sorry about that. I promise, I usually don't scarf down my food down like that either, it's just...carrots, you know?"

"Don't worry about it, I got you." He said, picking up a fork and starting to pick away at his salad. They ate the rest of their dinner casually, enjoying each other's company. When they finished, Nick was the one who ended up paying, despite the fit that Judy gave explaining how she was the one who invited him in the first place. He did the gentlefox thing to do though, and Judy in the back of her mind knew that too. They left the cafe and hopped into the car, the calming orange of sunset now replaced with the cool dark skies of night. Nick drove again, his car suited more for a fox than a bunny, and eventually they came up to Judy's apartment complex. He turned the key so the car was turned off, and he brought his paws to his side, looking over at Judy.

"Well, that was a wonderful night." He said, being the first to speak up.

"Yeah, I had a lot of fun." She chimed in. They looked into each other's eyes, a long, drawn out pause followed afterwards, but not the awkward kind. Judy took notice of Nick's paw, resting in the space between them, and she slowly moved her own on top of his. Nick saw this, and a light smile spread across his muzzle, he enjoyed the feeling of another paw on his. They sat still once more, silence, until Judy was the first to break eye contact and pipe up.

"So, uhm-" She grabbed her accessories, "Care to walk me inside?"

"Sure." Nick said, nodding. He was the first to step out of the car, and before she could follow suite, he held up a paw to the window telling her to remain seated. She obliged as her scurried to her side of the car, and opened her door in the same way a chauffeur would. "After you, milady." He said, smiling.

"Oh why thank you, my dear." She said, joining in the act. She stepped out of the vehicle ever so slowly, and once the door behind her was closed, Nick moved beside her and offered his right paw.

"Care to take my paw?" She lightly placed her left on his right, allowing his slightly larger digits to curl around hers.

"Would I." She said. They walked together, side by side, wearing the largest of smiles. They entered the building, clicked the button on the elevator up, and stepped out together. Once beside her door, Judy pulled out her keys and opened it ever so slightly before turning around to face her fox.

"So." She said.


As if on cue, they both lunged towards each other into a passionate kiss. His paws feeling around her head, as hers did the same with him. Though it was a bit awkward at first- considering the different types of muzzles they have- they eventually made it work, having Nick open his maw a little wider than Judy's to accommodate. They kept at this kiss for a long while, or at least what felt like a long time for the two of them, and pulled away from each other, out of breath.

"W-wow..." Judy was the first to speak, taking deep breaths.

"You know," Nick started, taking deep breaths as well. "I've always wondered what bunnies tasted like." She shot him an annoyed, yet playful glance, in which he responded with a smirk.

"Very funny." She said. Then, she gained a smirk of her own, and brought a digit up to his chest, swirling it around like one would do to the rim of a wine glass. "I do hope we taste as good as you've imagined."

"I wish I could say so but..." He wrapped a paw around her waist, bringing her closer to him. "I'm afraid I might have to take a couple more samples just to be sure." She grinned, and motioned him inside.

"Why don't you come in then?" He didn't need to be asked twice. He followed his partner inside of her apartment room, which was all it was; A room. There sat a bed in the far left corner, with a table on the far right, a small kitchen to the right once you walk in, and a doorway to a bathroom, which he hadn't considered to be a room.

"Uh-huh..." He started. "Well, this is very...humble?"

"Yeah, I know, it's not the nicest, but it was the best I could afford when I got here."

"You seriously need to move out of here, and fast." He said. She nodded, smiling.

"I'm doing what I can." She said, moving over to stand beside her bed and beckoning for him to follow. He did, and was now looming over the mattress with her together. "Now, where were we?"

"Oh, I think I know." Nick said, before closing his eyes and going in for another kiss. She gratefully allowed this, and the both fell back on the bed together, wrapped in each other's arms. They were getting hotter and hotter as time went on, growing lustier and lustier. Their kissed becoming more passionate, paws started seeing some action as well. They started to moan, pant, shudder, and whine together. Every time their tongues touched, they gained a jolt of pleasure, wanting more and more each time they clashed. After a good couple of minutes, the backed off and allowed for some resting time.

"Are we really going to do this?" Judy asked, sounding both scared and excited.

"Only if you want to, my sexy bunny." Nick said, rubbing his nose up against hers. She blushed deeply.

"Now how could I say no to that?" She said with a smile, starting to strip away at her top. As she was using one of her paws to slowly remove the cloth, Nick brought his own up and placed it on top of her's to help guide it.

"Allow me to help." he said. She didn't argue, granting him permission to help take off her top.

This is it. _Nick thought to himself. _This is really happening! He was just about to remover her long, flowing shirt, revealing the adorable, bare fur of his bunny partner underneath it before-


They stopped their actions, looking over at the table across from the bed. It was the only light in the room, other than the soft moonlight of outside, so it was very easy to see who had been intruding on their alone time.

"Ohhhhh, No!" Judy exclaimed, jumping up off the mattress and over to the table. She turned the phone around to show Nick. "It's my parents!" He looked over at the clock on the desk.


"Why are they calling so late?" He asked, a little annoyed. She shook her head.

"I don't know! Wait a second-" She slumped her shoulders as if realizing something. "I totally forgot, I told them to call me back today."

"Well can't you just leave it ringing and call them back later saying you were busy?"

"I could if I would, but I told them I'd definitely answer this time considering I missed their calls the past couple days. They'll start to freak out if I don't." She said with her ears down. Nick shook his head.

"Ugh, unbelievable." He was annoyed. How couldn't he be?

"Hey, I'm sorry. I really really want to do this with you tonight, but I just can't." She bit her lip and grabbed his arm, forcing him to stop moving and look down at her. "Can we be together tomorrow?" She asked. Her words seemed to hit him in the right place, as he blinked and lowered his ears too.

"...Sure, Sorry for getting mad."

"It's okay, I totally understand. I'll text you later tonight with the details?" She asked. He nodded, not saying anything, and she stood on the tips of her paw pads to give him a peck on the cheek. "Thank you so much for a wonderful night." He bent down and kissed her in return.

"It was my pleasure." He said. "Text you later." Were his final words, before grabbing a certain item he noticed that was on her desk, and exiting the room.

"Hi mom, hi dad!" He heard come from behind her door after walking a couple paces forward. He smiled to himself picturing the small bunny in his head to match the energetic voice he heard. Keeping this wonderful image in his head, he took the elevator down to the ground floor, and walked over to his car. After going through the short car ride, he pulled up to his complex, and walked inside, tail swishing behind him. He took the elevator up, and opened the door to his room with his key. It was much bigger compared to Judy's, once stepping inside there was a bathroom to the left and a closet for the washing machine and hanging up clothes to the right. Walking a couple steps forward brought you to the main room, which held the dining room, living room, and kitchen all in one. There was also another door that led to the master bedroom located at the far end of the room.

Nick layer his stuff, and the item he picked up from Judy's room down on the counter in the kitchen, then made his way over to the bedroom. He undressed, and threw on the same pair of pajamas from before so he could relax in bed. The pt. was also turned on, though only for background noise once again. He pulled out his phone to play around on it a bit, and after about ten minutes of this, it dinged with a notification from his bunny. He clicked on it immediately, overjoyed to hear back from her after being forced to leave so suddenly.

-Hay, sorry again about kicking you out like that :( just got off the phone with my parents. You still wanna do something tomorrow?-

He moved his paws into typing position.

-It's ok, and yeah I'd love to. How about you come over my place?-

Sent, and in a matter of seconds, answered.

-Sure! What time?-


-Sounds like a plan! Can't wait ;) -

He typed up his response quickly, but hesitated to press the send button. Hmm... He thought_, Nah, too early._ He erased the last part of the text that read "Love you," to where it now just read "Me either ;)". He sent it, and placed his phone on the nightstand beside him. Then throwing his paws behind his head, he looked up at the ceiling above him and let out a huge sigh. This was an eventful day, much different than the past couple where he would just text Judy until they fell asleep. He was definitely happy with how it turned out, despite the unhappy ending he was given at her apartment. It hadn't bothered him because he knew that they would eventually get to it tomorrow, and he was going to make sure he gave her the time of her life.

Before calling it quits for the night, he picked up his phone once again and unlocked it to a camera function on one of his apps. He took a silly picture of himself, and sent it to Judy, then place his phone back on the charger where it had been before. Eventually the fox's eyes grew heavy, and he sailed off to sleep; Dreaming about Judy, and the wonderful time they could be spending tomorrow.

The sun rays coming in from the window of a rundown apartment lit up the room brighter that the single light bulb hanging from the ceiling could. The quite, relaxing feel of morning had now enveloped all of Zootopia. It was 7:30 in the morning, and the small rabbit sleeping in her bed was slowly but surely getting herself up. She was a morning bunny, her usual wake-up time ranging between 7 to 8 o'clock, even on weekends. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, and she stretched her tiny body out along the length of the bed.

"Ahhh.." She yawned once fully conscience. The phone on the nightstand was then dragged off, and swiped open by a small gray rabbit paw. Judy started her morning ritual by clicking around on her various social media accounts- snapclaw, chitter, and instapaw to name a few-, checking any updates that may have occurred over the night. She started on her snapclaw, noticing a new message she got from her fox friend. She wasn't the most popular bunny in Zootopia, having only a couple friends on her profile, but she wasn't bothered by the fact; she preferred it this way actually. The snap that Nick sent her was a picture of him lying on his bed, eyes closed and pretending to sleep. She smiled and double-tapped his name to respond. She held her phone outwards and position herself so she was looking out of her window, sun rays hitting her face in the perfect ways. When she was content with the picture, she sent it, and there messaging streak went up to ten days.

Ten days. She thought to herself, happy with how her longest snapstreak belonged with the fox that she adores. They had only known each other for- what, 12, 13 days now? It definitely felt much longer to her considering the adventure they had been on when first meeting.

After scrolling through various updates and pictures from her friends on other sites, she decided it was time to get up and start her day. She pushed herself off her bed, and made her way over to the other side of the room where a little counter and chairs were set up, signifying a little kitchen. She opened her fridge to see what her options would be this morning.

"Let's see..." A carton of eggs, a gallon of milk, several veggies and fruits, and a loaf of bread. "Huh." She said, thinking over her choices. She was about to pull out the milk to make some cereal, but was interrupted by her phone which started going off on the counter. She placed the milk back down and reached over to swipe the screen on her phone, checking the reminder that had been set.

-Don't forget to run!!-

"Oh." She had completely forgotten about her plans to go running. "Well, I guess this can wait." The milk was returned to its original position in the refrigerator, and Judy padded over towards her dresser. She changed out of her nightwear, and into a pair of running of running shorts, and a pastel green running sweatshirt she always wore on these occasions. A bunny-sized arm band was also thrown around her arm, making it so she could run without having to hold her phone. With one last check, she stuffed her apartment key into her phone case, which was in turn slid into the arm band, and she padded out of her apartment.

Once outside, she stretched a bit, then started walking over to a local park, known to her as the starting point for her runs. Zootopia, being the largest, most populated city in the world, was considered by most 'the city that never sleeps'. Cars ran around at the early hours of day, and animals still bustled around at the darkest hours of night. Because of this, the streets and sidewalks were crowded for such an early morning on the weekend, having Judy dodge a couple of animals on her way to the park. She was amidst putting her earphones in her ears and selecting a playlist to listen to before reaching her destination. It was a large park, trees creating a fence between the streets of the city and paved walkways of the reserve. There was also a lake located in the center, several fields for different kinds of sports, and a number of stands selling different foods and drinks. As soon as Judy made her way past the entrance, she pushed play on the playlist she settled on, nodded her head to the beat of the first song, and took off after it was half over.

Fifty minutes in, a tired, out of breath bunny slowed her pace to a walk once making it back to the entrance of the park. Without stopping, she padded across the street, and turned in the direction of her apartment. There were more animals out now, making it more difficult for Judy to weave through the crowd, but in a matter of minutes she made it back to the complex and into her room. Discarding her equipment, she threw herself back onto her bed.

"Ahhh...." She said, relief flowing over her. The original reason as to why she started running was to get in shape for her police training regiment, being one of the many endurance tests they were expected to accomplish. Now that she was a real cop though, there was no real need to keep up her intense training schedule, so she cut out the majority of her routines except for running, which she's now come to love.

She lay in this sprawled out position until mustering enough strength to pick herself up again and make breakfast. She pulled out the milk , along with a spoon, an empty bowl, and a box of cereal from the cabinet. She poured herself a decent amount of flakes, set the ingredients back in their respectful spots, and walked over to her bed, meal in hand. She turned on a small t.v. she set up not too long ago, and flipped through various channels, once and a while bringing a spoonful up to her maw.

Midway through a movie, and all the way through a bowl of cereal, Judy's phone went off on the pillow next to her. She pushed the pause button, and looked over her shoulder to see who it was; Fru Fru.

-Hey girly! Lunch today?-

"Aw hun, I'm so glad you could make it!" Said a high pitched, girly voice. Judy sat on the couch next to the little rodent, inside of her father's huge mansion in tundra town.

"It's no problem, I was free this morning anyways." Judy said.

"Wonderful! So, how are things? It's been ages since I've last had you over!"

"Oh you know, typical cop stuff. Go on patrols, catch the bad guys, that kinda stuff." She took a sip of the tea provided for her. "You?"

"Not much really, just taking care of the baby." Fru Fru rubbed at the bump on her stomach. "But let's not talk about me." She said, shaking her head and one of her rodent fingers with a devious grin spread across her snout. "I want you to tell me EVERYTHING about you and Nick." Judy gulped. She knew this was coming sooner or later.

"I figured as much." Judy said, placing the cup of tea down on the table in front of them, drawing out a long pause. Suspense was now the feeling that loomed over the two animals, Judy trying to milk it as long as possible.

One second passed.

Then another.

A third went by.

Five seconds now.

"Well c'mon darling, out without!" Fru Fru exclaimed, the anticipation getting to her. Judy grinned and chuckled a bit to herself.

"Nothing important really happened, it's been a rather quite week. We patrol around the city together, often get breakfast together, walk to work and back home together." She said, letting the rodent's spirits down. "Oh and we also went out on a date last night."

"What?!" The rat nearly spilled her drink all over the couch in between them, jumping after hearing the news. Judy shook her head up and down, biting her lower lip in concealed excitement. "Oh my goodness! NO WAY!"

"Yes Way!" Judy said, nodding furiously.

"Well, leave me out of the news why don'tcha?" She said in an ashamed, yet teasing voice. "But that's not the point, I want DETAILS. How was it? Was it your first time? Were you nervous? Was he nervous? Did you-" Her rambling was interrupted by a rabbit paw.

"Slow, slow." She said in a calming voice, then getting ready to explain the experience. "It was amazing. I had so much fun, and I'm pretty sure he did too! It was a little awkward at first- thanks to how nervous I was- but he reminded me to just act how I normally do. It worked and, gosh, It was just so-" She brought her paws up to her chest, then released them. "-perfect!"

"Wow, and this was your first time on a date, like, ever, right?" Judy nodded.

"Yeah, back in bunny burrow I wasn't very interested in finding a mate yet. You know, cop training and all. But with Nick-" She meshed the digits on her two paws together. "-Something just....clicked."

"Awwwww, that's so romantic! Please tell me you set something up for another day!"

"Weeeeeeeeeell...." She started, making believe that she hadn't taken the initiative with Nick. The rodent's smile began to fade into a subtle look of horror, until Judy continued what she was saying. "I might just be going over his place tonight." Fru Fru brought both of her claws up to her heart, horror in her expression now replaced by awe.

"Judy! Don't do that to me!" She yelled at the chuckling bunny.

"I'm sorry! I just had to."

"Yeah yeah." She paused to take a sip of her own tea. "So, do you think you're ready?" She asked, receiving a confused look from the bunny.

"Foooooor what exactly?"

"Wait, unless you two aren't at that point yet?" Judy thought for another second, then put two and two together, realizing what the rodent had asked her.

"Oh!" She said, blushing. "I mean, yeah, we kinda are..."

"Oh my gawsh, and this would be your first time too right?" The rabbit nodded slowly. "Awww, that's even more romantic than before! You've GOT to be nervous!"

"Kinda....well, last night when Nick and I got back from the restaurant, we did get a bit...frisky. I wasn't the least bit nervous then, but it was all going so fast that I didn't really have a chance to think anyways....It just felt right."

"Darling, you don't have to worry about that," Fru Fru said, waving a claw. "That's how you're supposed to feel! Just being around him should give you this warm fuzzy feeling, and once he has you in his arms, you just feel like you're about to melt away!" Judy nodded while smiling uncontrollably, knowing all too well about these emotions. She hadn't said anything, letting the rodent in front of her continue. "But when things get...intimate, you gain this sort of confidence, and when you look into each other's eyes, you see this sort of passion. You want to share this moment with them, and only them. You lead each other to the bedroom, or he carries you there if you're really in the mood. You lie beside each other, paw in paw, eyes locked, and muzzles conjoined. Once ready, you lie back and give him permission to take care of your garments, allowing for him to slowly strip away at the cloth covering your bare fur. Then eventually, he makes. Eyeing down the pink, puffy treasure of yours that he's only dreamt of-"

"Fru Fru!" Judy exclaimed, blushing very deeply. The rodent snapped out of her fantasy.

"Huh? Oh! Sorry dear!" She said giggling. "I guess I was getting a little too excited there."

"Yeah," Judy said looking uncomfortable. "A little?"

"Well, never mind that." She put her tiny claws on Judy's lap, causing her to look down. "Listen hun, you're going to do just fine! Let it all come naturally!"

"Right." Judy said mostly to herself rather than to Fru Fru. "Just relax, we're friends, we know each other."

"Exactly!" The rat chimed in.

They spent the rest of their lunch exchanging other gossip stories, until it was time for Judy to head back home. She gave her best regards to the rodent and her father, then hopped back into her car, turned on the engine and drove herself home.

She reached her apartment not too long after leaving, giving her bed a warm welcome after throwing her stuff onto the table opposite her. Once relaxed and settled, she looked over at the clock on her windowsill for a time check.


Three more hours. She thought to herself. Without having anything better to do, she turned her tv back on and resumed the movie from earlier. It was a romantic comedy, one that she hadn't seen before (nor had a desire to), yet she watched it anyways.

It finished an hour later, leaving Judy nothing but time once again. The phone that lay in front of her caught her eye, causing her to pick it up and click her way over to a certain fox in her contacts.


She sent, hoping he wasn't taking one of his glorified 'midday naps'. She got her answer a mere minute afterwards.

-Hey there carrots, what's up?-

Her tail began to wiggle on place. She always got this excited when talking to her favorite fox.

-Not much, just being bored :( -

-Aww, can't wait to get that fluffy butt over here?-

Her heart skipped a beat.

-Yeah, why can't it just be 6:30 already?!-

-Patience my sexy bunny. Great things come to those who wait ;) -

Her smile widened.

-Yeah yeah. Oh wait! I've got a quick question! -


-Should I eat before heading over?-

There was a pause before receiving her text back.

-No, we could have dinner over here if you'd like-

-That would be really nice :) -

-Sounds like a plan then :) See you later-

And that was where her conversation ended. Judy threw her phone down beside her, and laid back, sprawled out on her bed once again.Her mind began to wander, touching upon all possible outcomes for that night, all while questioning itself throughout the process. Was she really ready for this? It was her first time, a scary occurrence for sure, but deep down she knew she was spending it with the right fox. That still sounded somewhat strange to her, her first time would be with a fox, an animal that she's been told to fear for most of her life. Of course, she hated to brand someone based on their species, but it was still ironic in a way. Nick wasn't even anything like the nightmare foxes she'd been told about in her bedtime stories, he was different; he was Nick. A fox that risked his life to save not only her, but the world alongside her. He cared about her just as much as she cared about him. He loved to see her happy, to spend time with her, to work with her, and now to take it one step further. He wants to bring her over- show her where he lives- and put together a nice dinner for the two of them. Then they would find themselves in his bedroom, falling on the bed together in a deep hug and a passionate kiss. They would strip down, admire each other's bodies, maybe even make a slight joke or two to lighten the mood. And Finally, they would bring the most pleasure two animals could ever show each other.

"Ohhh...." Judy moaned to herself, growing hot as she started to imagine the events of later that night in more detail. She closed her eyes, left her maw agape, and slowly inched her paws further down her body. Once meeting the band of her leggings and panties, she sluggishly pulled them down, one leg out followed by the other, before kicking them off to the side. She lie bottomless on her bed now, paws split in different directions- one going up to her maw and the other hovering over her private entrance.

"Are you ready for this carrots? Nick asked with a smirk, naked, suspended over her. They were in his apartment, Judy lying back against the bed.

_ _

"Ready as I'll ever be." She replied. Her paw was locked with the fox's slightly larger one as she braced herself for his long length. He slid into her slowly yet firmly, and nestled himself inside once he reached the halfway point up his member. "Annh..." Judy moaned, experiencing the most pleasure she'd ever felt in her entire life. "Deeper, Nick!"

_ _

"Way ahead of ya!" he complied.

Two of her digits entered her slit, moving back and forth with vigorous speeds. Digits on her other paw rested inside her maw, suckled on to try and mute the sounds she was making. She was already slick enough to not need any extra lubrication, her fantasies about Nick usually having that effect on her.

"Mmmff...." She moaned through her paw, causing her digits down south to pick up in speed.

"Agh!" Nick grunted, the base of his member hitting up against the folds of his rabbit mat. The two picked up the pace, now moving fast enough to make considerable creaking noises within the bed.

_ _

"Mmph, yes!" Judy exclaimed, feeling the beginning of a vulpine knot knocking at her. She was in pure bliss, eyes rolled back, body shaking and quivering after every impact of Nick's body against hers. "Harder!" She commanded in a squeal.

_ _

"Mmph!" Was all Nick could manage, actions speaking louder than words. He rammed harder and faster into her, knot now desperately trying to fit itself in. The pleasure was becoming all too much for the little bunny, soon finding herself gripping the sheets of the bed, bracing for what's to come.

_ _

"Nick, I'm coming!" Was all that she said before hearing a subtle 'pop' and feeling an increase in girth from her partner.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!" She moaned through covered maw, quivering under an intense orgasm. The paws inside her were being squished under extreme convulsions, chest rising and falling in joltic patterns. Eventually, her body gave out, slumping back into the bed in a gasping, hot mess. Her sessions were typically this intense, and ended in a long, relaxing nap. She mustered the strength to look over at her clock on the windowsill.


'Hmm....maybe just for a little bit.' She thought to herself, feeling her eyes start to wear themselves down. Her body eventually gave out to drowsiness, and she dozed off to sleep, eyes shutting and breathing patterns returned to normal for the time being.

_The two of them had just finished dinner, wiping up their maws, and heading over to the kitchen to wash their dishes. It was midway through this act where Judy felt a claw suddenly grab at her rear and squeeze, making her jump at first, then blush. She shifted her gaze to behind her, spotting her fox loomed over her, huge grin on his face. _

_ _

"Well my sexy bunny, I think you know what it's time for." He said. She nodded and let herself fall into Nick's open arms. He picked her up and padded over to his bedroom with a giggling bunny in his arms. She was in heaven, being carried over to the bedroom with her dream fox to share the best moment of their lives; the feeling was exhilarating. She nestled her head up against his chest, a familiar warm and fuzzy feeling flowing through her once again. But it hadn't lasted for long.

_ _

The romantic moment was soon broken up when the warm feeling of her partner's arms was replaced by the stiff feel of the lone mattress in the room. She was thrown onto it with a thud, and opened her eyes upon impact, both confused and surprised. She saw Nick standing over her, the same smug grin spread across his muzzle as he began undressing in front of her, revealing the red throbbing member of his.

_ _

"Nick, what was that for?" She asked. He hadn't replied at first, keeping his eyes fixated on her body. He looked up and down, as if trying to decide which part of her he wanted to attack first.

_ _

"What? I thought you bunnies liked it rough?" He said nastily as he lowered himself onto her, paws stretched out, pinning her down. She started struggling, but the weight of the fox was much greater than hers.

_ _

"Nick, cut it out, and that was mean. Let me go." She said, starting to fight back, but to no avail. He chuckled in response.

_ _

"Aw c'mon carrots, try and have some fun with this" He then brought his maw down onto hers in a forceful kiss, one she had not been expecting. While in this kiss, he took one of his paws, unsheathed a nail and tore through her clothes.

_ _

"Mmm!" Judy yelled through the kiss, pushing him back and out of her mouth. "What is wrong with you?!" He growled at her response.

_ _

"This could have been so much easier, so much more pleasant, carrots, if you had just let us have our way yesterday. But no-" He lowered his groin down so his member was aligned with her sex. "-You had to kick me out, leave me hanging. I'll show you what happens to bunnies that do that." Without warning, he shoved himself inside of her, making her scream. He showed no care to her when pumping himself in and out, causing extreme jolts of pain to shoot through Judy.

_ _

"Nick! Stop!" She yelled, crying now. He bent himself over her, opening his maw around her neck while keeping up the same speed.

_ _

"What's the matter? Scared of foxes? Scared of predators? Afraid I might just-" With that, he shoved his full member inside of her and lunged completely at her neck, teeth barred.

_ _



Judy bolted upright in her bed, heart racing, breathing heavily, and fur standing on edge out of terror. She took a second to look around at her surroundings: table, T.V., microwave, bed, run-down wallpaper style. She was back in her apartment, no longer bound down by her partner's paws, no longer trapped in his bedroom. She looked over at her windowsill clock.


"It was just...a dream..." She whispered to herself, starting to calm down. "A nightmare..."

She spent the rest of her time at home thinking over her nightmare and getting ready for the date. Several thoughts ran through her head: Why had she dreamt of that sort of scenario? Was she really scared of him, or of foxes? Did she really think this could happen tonight? Does she still want to go through with this date?

"No." She muttered, looking herself over in the mirror beside her bed. "It was just a dream, there's no way Nick would ever do that to me." She put on a smile, making sure she looked appropriate. She had on one of her favorite outfits; A pink flannel shirt, light colored jeans, and a floppy beige hat, all articles giving off a 'country bunny' vibe. "Just pretend like it never happened, cause it didn't."

She walked out of her apartment, the familiar orange of outside covering the city of Zootopia. It was a beautiful sight, one of the many she's loved ever since coming to live in this city/ She made a left once outside, and walked down numerous blocks to get to Nick's apartment location.

The walk took about five minutes. Not many animals had been out, though there was the occasional car here and there. She walked up to the building and went inside, took the elevator up and padded over to Nick's room; 213. She knocked and waited, checking her fur once more.

"Is that the bunny I think it is?" She heard from the other side of the door, before opening and showing the fox she knew so well behind it.

"There she is!"

"Her Nick!" They padded up to each other and embraced, giving Judy a warm feeling all throughout her body.

Just like her dream.

She shook the thought out of her head. "Am I too early?"

"Nope, perfect timing in fact-" He said, waving her inside. "- I was just getting ready to set the table." Immediately as she walked in, she noticed the dim lighting of the place, similar to the restaurant they went to last night. There was a table not too far from the kitchen, and it held two placemats with chairs behind them. A small candle in the middle of the table was lit as well.

"Wow, I see you've done some fancy-ing up for this." She joked. He smiled and looked at her.

"Oh yes, had to make this night perfect and special; Just for you."

"Aww, aren't you a sweetheart." She took a seat in one of the chairs.

"Anything for my number one bunny." He said from the kitchen, heading back with two plates in his paws.

"Aren't I the only bunny you know?" He set down the plates in their respective placemats, and took a seat opposite her.

"All the more special." She rolled her eyes.

"Gee, thanks." The both exchanged laughs and started on their food. Nick had prepared egg salad sandwiches, something simple yet held a strange beauty to the bunny. Judy took her first nibble, then felt her mouth explode with flavor.

"Whoa! What'd you do with these? They taste amazing!" He chuckled after hearing her compliment, then pointed down to her sandwich.

"Why don't you take a look inside to find out?" And that was exactly what she did. Her ears perked up and a smile spread across her muzzle upon opening the sandwich. Nick had cut up little pieces of carrot to fit inside her meal.

"" Was all she could say, thinking that Nick probably had to go out of his way to buy these carrots just for her.

"I know, me." He said, grinning and looking proud. She took note of his paw that was outstretched across the side of the table, and brought hers on top of it. Nick's attention shifted to this, then back down at her.

"Thank you." She said. Though it was only a couple pieces of carrot, they held a sentimental value to her; living proof that Nick honestly cared about her. She looked up at him, allowing their eyes to lock, and their paws to curl around each other.

After a couple of seconds spent staring into each other's eyes, they went back to their food. They not only took slow bites to enjoy it, but because they only had one free paw to operate with, the other being used to hold each other.

"You know," Nick said with a mouthful of salad. "I've always loved the way you eat." She giggled at the weird comment.

"Ok, what do you mean by that?"

"Oh, you know what I mean!" He took both paws back to bring his sandwich up to his maw, then began nibbling at it slowly and smiling at her. "That whole nibbling thing you do!"

"Oooooookay then." She said making a circular motion next to her head with one of her digits. "Weirdo."

"Hey, don't bash on someone's interests." He said jokingly. "Besides, I bet there's something you absolutely adore about me." She brought a paw up to her chin.

"Is there really though?" She asked, faking a thinking tone.

"Ah fine, don't tell me. But I know there's something." They then both started laughing, enjoying the time they were spending with each other. The date was going much better than Judy had imagined so far, and it continued this way up until they finished their dinner.

"Phew," Nick said, leaning back in his chair. "I'm stuffed."

"Same." Judy agreed, replicating the motion.

"You know what I could go for though?"

"What?" Nick brought his head back down from looking at the ceiling, licking his lips at her with a grin.

"Dessert." Judy's smile turned into a frown, and from a frown into a slight look of terror. The comment had jogged her memory of the nightmare from earlier. "Why don't you help me take care of these dishes, then we'll head over to the bedroom."

"Uhm-" She said, gulping before slowly nodding her head. "S-sure." They both got up with their plates and walked over to the kitchen. They placed their dishes in the sink, scrubbed them off a little bit, then transferred them over to the dishwasher. They then took care of any mess around the table, and put out the lit candle. Nick turned on the lights a little bit, then with a paw motioned for Judy to follow him.

"This way." He said in a sultry tone. She obliged and carefully followed him into his bedroom. It was the same as she remembers from her dream, t.v. off and in the corner, bed made, curtains closed. Everything was eerily similar. Nick Jumped onto the bed, and patted next to him for her to join. "C'mon, don't be shy."

"O-okay." She crawled up next to him, leaning against his slim body. Unsure of what to do next, she sat still, paws in between her legs and eyes focused downwards. Nick hadn't taken notice, and flung his arm around her.

"So-" He began, turning his head to face her. "How should we get started?"

"Uhm..." She said, still feeling uncomfortable.

"How about a kiss?" He offered. She nodded mindlessly, and felt the fox mover towards her. Their muzzles connected once again, leading to a deep, unpassionate kiss. Seconds went by of this awkward kiss, and it was broken up when Nick came up for air. Once fully winded again he went back at her, but not in the same place as before. He travelled further down, kissing a bit below her maw. It felt good to her, but something was still not right. He kept going lower and lower, until he reached her neck. It was here where he toned down his kissing and started something anew; playful biting. He nipped at the fur around her neck, causing bad memories to flow into Judy's mind. Events from her nightmare came flashing back; the forceful attitude of Nick, the lunging at her neck, she couldn't take this.

"Nick..." She said softly, pushing herself from the fox. He stopped his actions and opened his eyes to look at her.

"Yeah?" He asked. She broke eye contact with him and looked back down at her paws.

"Can we T.V for now?" She proposed. There was a moment of silence between the two of them, then Nick turned over onto his side and picked up a remote off his nightstand.

"Sure." He said blandly, sitting against the backboard of his bed and turning the T.V. on. He kept his head facing forward, looking at the glowing screen and fixating on nothing else.

Judy sat in the same position as before, heart racing, feeling scared out of her mind will all the thoughts of her dream coming back. Once snapping back to reality completely, she turned her head to face Nick, staring blankly at the screen, then back down to herself. Tons of thoughts now flowing through her head: Had she ruined the night for the two of them? Is he angry with her now? Would she ever be able to go through with this? Is he really the one? The last question stung. Could she live with the fact that he's angry with her for who knows how long? Her breath becoming erratic again. Could she live without ever hearing his voice? Paws started shaking in place. Could she live without ever seeing Nick again? Tears welled up in her eyes as she began to cry. All of her emotions bundled up into little droplets of water falling from her eyes. She couldn't throw this opportunity away; she couldn't say goodbye to her fox forever.

Judy took her paws from between her legs and threw them around Nick. She placed her head in his shoulder and let her tears flow, streaming out of her eyes like little rivers.

"Carrots?" Nick asked dully, looking over in her direction, unaware of why she was latching onto him. Once seeing her body shake and hearing her light sobs, his blank stare turned into one of worry. "Judy? Are you okay?" She shook her head while it was buried in his shoulder.

"Nick...I'm sorry..." She said in between sobs.

"Shh Judy, It's okay. I'm here for you." He said, bringing his own paws around her head to caress her. "Just tell me what's wrong, I can help you." It took her a couple of seconds to answer.

"I just...I-I-" She sniffled. "I had a dream earlier, you were in it too. We were both getting ready to have sex in your room just like before, but you got very..." She thought of a word to describe the act. "Forceful." Another sniffle. "You were scaring me, telling me that was the way predators treat prey, handling me in such a horrible way...and you also said you were mad at me." She stopped again to collect her thoughts, also taking notice of the fox paw rubbing behind her head. "You were mad because I kicked you out yesterday, said that I left you hanging. It made me feel horrible." She used Nick's green shirt to wipe her eyes of any stray tears. "Then this just now...It felt oddly similar to the nightmare that I was having, and you were taking things really fast too so I got scared again. I just couldn't do it." She pulled herself from him and looked straight into his caring, compassionate green eyes. "When I told you to stop, I felt like I made you even more mad, and I started thinking, 'what if I lose you?'" Another pause, Judy looking away from him now. "I'm sorry Nick...for all of this..." She said, sounding defeated.

"Judy..." Nick said, lifting her chin with a digit. "I should also apologize, I hadn't known. I would have taken it much slower, and not have acted so childish if I'd just payed attention to you." He then took both of her paws in his, gripping them tightly and locking his eyes with hers. "But I want you to know something. I will never leave you. I will be with you forever in the future as I am with you right now-"

"-I love you Judy."

The words came to her slow, unsure if what she heard was correct. It took a second or two for her to digest what he had said, but soon enough she understood, a smile slowly creeping up on her face. Her eyes began to dampen once again, though in a good way this time. Without needing to say anything, she threw herself into her fox's arms, hugging him tightly and never wanting to let go. He hugged back, happy to share this magical moment with her.

"Oh Nick, I love you too." She said, bursting out into tears of joy. He smiled in response and chuckled lowly at her outward display of emotions.

"Oh, you bunnies are so emotional." He said in a teasing tone, earning a giggle from Judy.

"Hehehe....I know."

Pure bliss. The two had reached a state of peace where all they wanted to see, hear, and breather were each other. They stay in the same position, holding each other tightly, as if letting go would cause them to drift apart. They could feel each other's heartbeat, breathing patterns, every movement or motion was picked up by one another as they let themselves melt into each other's arms. This was the happiness and understanding that had been missing from her dream; the happiness that she could attain with her one and only fox, Nick. Her body began to fill with desire, she wanted to show him how much he meant to her, how much she cares about him. She pulled back a bit, creating empty space between the two animals, and retracting her arms from behind the fox. She started unbuttoning his green shirt from the collar.

"Carrots?" What are you doing?!" Nick asked, shocked to see her get intimate at a time like this.

"Shh..." Judy said, placing a digit up against his lips. "I want to show you how much you mean to me."

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" He asked in a concerned tone. She nodded.

"Yes. We're friends after all, we know each other." He grinned back up at her, realizing the significance in her words. Without needing to say anything, he let the bunny go about her business undressing him. Buttons on his collar now all loose, her paws moved lower to take care of the rest of the shirt. Judy took her time with the act, wanting to maintain a lusty attitude.

Once she had gone through the buttons of his shirt, she pushed the flaps aside and took a nice long look at the tur on his chest and stomach. It was nicely groomed, tan down the middle and orange everywhere else. She took a paw and brought it down to his underside, letting it roam around, getting a feel for his body. This earned her a shift and a grunt from her fox, trying to make himself more comfortable after the sensual display from the bunny. After rubbing around for a good minute or two, she lowered her paws to his pants, feeling around for the location of the last button and zipper. She blinked, and undid the last obstacle that stood between her and Nick's special area, the one she's fantasized about for so long. She looked up from her paws and into the eyes of the fox, receiving a nod and a smile, granting her permission to continue. She pulled down the last of his garments, revealing a red, pulsating member, standing tall and proud in front of her face. Her gaze was locked on the marvel in front of her, enticed beyond belief.

After what felt like an eternity of staring, she inched her paws over to the erect vulpine member. Paws curled around it. It was fleshy and hard, a strange combination yet all the more erotic to the bunny. Her paws started at the base of his meat, gripping and grazing, treating it with the most fragile care. She then moved her paws up to towards the top, giving little squeezes as she made her way there. Eyes took note of the little clear droplets forming at the tip of his cock, classifying them as the same sort of substance her private area made when she got excited. Instead of wiping it off and continuing the exploration with her paws, she began to get curious of how his fox member would taste. The more she thought about it, the greater the urge she had to wrap her maw around the meat and swirl around the sticky taste of his pre-cum was getting.

Soon enough, thinking of the action was simply not enough. She had to act upon it, to satisfy her growing urges. She brought her face closer to Nick's groin, breathing in his scent- a powerful musky one that made her head spin- before opening her maw. She started by kissing the tip, a strand of pre linked between her lips and Nick's cock hung in the air before Judy went in for several more kisses. Once done, she took in the very top of the vulpine penis. It was hot and throbbing in her maw, a satisfying feeling. She swirled her tongue around the meat to get situated, then slowly started to bob her back and forth. This was a completely new feeling to her, considering her inexperience, making the motion very awkward at first. She slowly got the hang of it though, and began to move in a rhythmic pattern. Once completely used to the feeling, she looked up at Nick, checking in on how he was reacting to all of this. He had his head thrown back, paws behind his body to support him leaning back. Tongue was also lolled out of his mouth as he was panting heavily. She took these as good signs, knowing she was doing a good job pleasuring her fox in ways she'd only dreamt of. It was a strange accomplishment to make a big deal out of, but she was proud of it nonetheless.

Now knowing that her methods were working in pleasing the fox, she decided to move faster and take more of his length in her mouth. She also brought a paw down to his fur covered sack, fondling around with his loose orbs.

"Mmf..!" She heard come from Nick, along with a slight buck of the hips. There was also a small shot of pre that she felt come out of the tip of his cock. She guessed she hit a sensitive spot when fondling his sack, and decided to mess with it more, now getting more furious with her pleasing patterns.

Moments later she felt the breath of her partner quicken, the member in her mouth starting to throb uncontrollably, and his body began to shake in place.

"Judy...I'm close..." He said lowly. Her heart began to race, he was close to cumming. Was she ready to take such a load in her mouth? Her pace quickened to heighten the fox's pleasure even more, but a thought came to her head after doing this.

'No. I don't want this to end.' She thought to herself. She quickly pulled off of the fox cock, and let go of his balls as well. Doing this caused Nick's eyes to open, and look her in confusion and need. His cock also jumped in place, having been denied an orgasm.

"W-what?" He asked out of breath. Judy giggled to herself after seeing him like this.

"I didn't want this to end so quickly." She asked, standing up and moving her paws up to her clothes to start stripping herself down. "Besides, was I really that good?" Nick smiled as he watched intently.

"You were amazing." He said. She continued to unbutton her shirt, then let it fly off along with her small bra, jeans, and panties. She was now standing in front of him, naked, with a playful smirk on her face. She then motioned him with a paw to switch places with her, so she was now lying on the bed with her underside facing up, private entrance facing Nick. She caught him staring at her with a look of awe, making her blush and feel slightly uncomfortable, but in a good way.

"I'm ready whenever you are." She said, closing her eyes. She felt another weight join her on the bed, expecting a slick tip to prod at her entrance, but was surprised when a warm, wet appendage licked up her slit. The sudden feeling made her shudder uncontrollably, feeling another animal touch her in such a way was euphoric. "Ooooh....Nick, what are you doing?" She moaned, expecting his cock to touch her rather than his tongue.

"Just returning the favor." He said slyly. "Besides-" He retracted his tongue, then pressed his nose up against her warm entrance. She shivers at the completely different feeling; cold! "-You smell and taste exquisite." He went back to lapping up her sex, making sure to reach anywhere and everywhere he could. The pleasure he was giving her was indescribable: the small jolts of ecstasy that shot up her body every once and a while would make her moan and shake, the feel of his tongue searching inside of her, along with his paws running up and down her legs made her just want to melt. The fact that she was spending this moment with her Nick, the fox of her dreams, made the moment even more special. She couldn't imagine gaining this sort of pleasure from any other animal, she was filled with giddy glee to spend her first time with Nick. The utmost passion and unspoken connection between the two of them was there, they could both sense it, and were driven by it sexually. It was a mystical, heated moment that they could only spend with each other.

As Judy was lost in the pleasure and her thoughts, she hadn't noticed one of the fox's paws let go of one of her legs and travel over to her private section, gliding over a special spot of hers. One of his digits had run offer a small nub over her small slit, which sent the most surreal amounts of pleasure through her body.

"Ahh!! Nick!" She screamed, feeling herself shake fiercely and push her midsection towards the fox's muzzle. This hadn't done anything but encourage the fox to move faster, wiggling his tongue sporadically inside of her, along with making faster swirling motions around her clit. This sent her over the edge. She felt the dam break, her body wrapped in a series of convulsions that milked the fox's tongue; she came, and she came hard. The muscles in her passage squeezed and relaxed numerous times, hard at first, then dying down as did her orgasm. Soon enough she became a panting mess of a bunny lying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling aimlessly.

"W-wow..." She said in between breaths. Nick climbed up onto the bed next to her, giving her a toothy grin.

"I was that good, huh?" He said, jokingly. She laughed with the strength she had left, then turned to her fox.

"Yes, you were amazing." She said simply, giving her fox a kiss, then bringing him down on top of her. Paws wrapped around the back of his neck. "But we're not done yet."

"Are you sure? You seem a little worn out." Nick said in a slightly concerned tone. Judy then brought a paw to reach in between the two of them and felt Nick's still hard member.

"Yeah, but you don't. And besides, I'm a bunny-" She flashed him a devious grin. "- We are good at multiplying for a reason." Nick grinned as well, and gave her a small kiss.

"I really love you sometimes." He said, lowering himself to align with her.


"You know what I mean." He said, followed by laughter. She helped him get situated with the position until she felt the tip of his cock touch the beginning of her entrance. He stood still, waiting for the 'okay' from his partner to begin.

"Alright, I think I'm ready." She said with a deep breath. "Be careful though, this is my first time." Nick nodded.

"Okay, but you know what that means." He said, and she nodded in response. She knew what he meant. Since this was her first time having sex, Nick would have to break through her hymen before continuing on with their love-making. She also understood how- since he was a fox- he would be considerably larger than what she was made for. They would have to be cautious.

"I know." She said. "Just take it slow." Nick nodded, and slowly parted her entrance, making way for his long red member. It took a few seconds of stopping and going before he felt the barrier within her walls, stopping from moving him any further. Just barely half of his member was nestled inside of her at this point. Judy took a deep breath, closed her eyes, then nodded once again, signaling for him to push forward. He did as she wished and pushed into her with one swift movement. Judy squeaked in pain, causing Nick to lower his head in a comforting passion.

"Carrots, you doing alright?" He asked out of worry. Instead of getting a nod of approval or a "yes" out of acknowledgement, the bunny beneath him mustered a devious grin onto her muzzle, making strange outward motions with her paws.

"Blood! Blood! Blood! Aaaaaand Death." She said, followed by her fake passing out with a smile. Nick lay silently on top of her, confused at first, then understanding the reference. He shook his head.

"You are one weird bunny." He said. Judy began to giggle lightly under him, then brought her paws back up to behind his neck.

"You should've known that already." She joked, feeling the pain in her nether regions start to fade away. "Okay...I think I'm good for now."

"You sure?" He asked, reassuring her. She nodded, and he needed no other cue. He pushed the rest of the way into her slowly, receiving light grunts and moans from under him, then slid back out once reaching far enough. The slickness of her passage had definitely helped with sliding in and out of her with ease; The only portion Nick had to focus on was to maintain a constant, painless speed.

Things on Judy's end weren't the easiest either. Having to get used to the feeling of a large cock sliding in and out of her was definitely a challenge, but it was one she felt she could accomplish. She wanted to cherish this moment with Nick, consummating their love with complete lust and passion, making sure they would never forget this night.

Soon enough, Judy got comfortable with the large package inside of her, and felt the need to pick up the pace a little further. "O-okay, you can go faster now." She said.

"With pleasure." Nick replied, picking up the pace. The small shots of pain and discomfort that surged through her body before had almost completely disappeared, replaced with pleasure and the need to be filled. The more Nick pumped into her, the more she felt she could take, the more she wanted-no, needed him inside her.

"Harder, Nick..." She said. He complied without saying a word, now ramming his length further into her. He picked up the speed as well. Each time he lunged into her, Judy couldn't help but let out sharp "Ah!"'s, as if there was a switch deep inside of her that had control of her vocal chords. She also noted the somewhat silent grunts of the fox above her; Dominant yet loving.

With every sound that he made, he pushed himself further in, moving a bit faster as well. Soon enough Judy felt a bulb knock at her entrance, signaling how deep Nick could go, and how close he was to release. 'Did I really take in all of that?!' She thought to herself, surprised with her inner flexibility. Her celebration was short lived though, but not exactly ruined. The knot at his base began to not only bump against her folds, but the little bundle of nerves at the top of her slit as well, the same one that drove her over the edge before. The feeling of this huge meat hit her pleasure point sent innumerable jolts of ecstasy through her body, causing her eyes to roll back in her head and maw to open wide. Her paws let go of Nick's back, falling to her sides so she could grasp onto the sheets of the bed. Nick saw this opportunity to take on of his paws and grasp hers, he wanted to share this intense moment together, holding each other.

"Nick...I'm close..." Judy said, feeling waves of pleasure dominated her body.

"Me too...!" He said, moving his hips in spastic motions now, falling into an irregular pattern. Judy heard this, and knew what she wanted immediately. She forced her eyes back onto Nick's figure and saw his own eyes shut, face scrunched up.

"Nick." She said, trying to hold a firm tone. He opened his eyes and stared into hers. Without needing to say anything else, they both understood what was meant to be said, and braced themselves. Nick made two or three last full pumps before readying his hind legs. Then with all the force he could, her rammed into her. Judy bit her lip, the impact knocking her up, but the satisfying sound of a "pop" hit her ears, making her smile. There was an increase in girth, Nick's knot had entered her. The feeling threw her body off the edge.

"Nick! I'm cumming!!!" She yelled, her body spasming in place, muscled tightening and loosening around Nick's member.

"Me too!!" He said, cock throbbing inside of her uncontrollably, being milked by the convulsions of her own orgasm. Shot after shot of his seed launched deep inside of her, filling her up more than she could ever imagine. Her eyelids fluttered multiple times, eyes facing back up towards the ceiling, and maw going wide again. This time, Nick took advantage of her position and went in for a deep, passionate kiss.

Their maws remained connected until their orgasms finally died down, leaving them both tired and out of breath.

"Once" Nick said, returning back from insane pleasurable heights.

"Yeah, that was" Judy agreed. She tried to move herself out of the fox's grasp, but found their bodies stuck together, more specifically their crotches. "Uh...Is this supposed to happen?" She asked. He chuckled and nodded.

"Yes sweetheart, that's what a canine's knot is for. To tie their partner after a nice long love-making." Nick said, turning the two of them over so Judy was now lying on top of him.

"I know that," She said teasingly. "I just didn't think it would work between the two of us, you know, considering I'm not a canine." Nick shrugged.

"Maybe we just aren't gonna be tied together for long?" He said. Judy then leaned forward while still attached to him, and lied on him with her paws wrapped around his body.

"I hope not, this is kinda comfortable." She said, giving a sigh of contentment. "This is the part I love about you by the way." She said.

"I knew it." He said, nuzzling her while chuckling. She nuzzled back, touching noses occasionally.

"Hehe....I love you Nick." She said with passion and confidence. Before receiving an answer, she felt one of her partner's arms reach behind his head for something under the pillow.

"Mmm, I really like the sound of that." He said with a grin.

"It's true though!" She said, picking her head up to look directly at him. "When we first met...I had no idea how much you would mean to important you would be to me...." She then lunged back at her fox in a hug. "I truly love you Nick, with all of my heart." She repeated, having a heart felt moment with her fox. That is, what she thought was a heartfelt moment. Nick held up a familiar orange object to her line of view, then pressed one of the buttons on it.

-I truly love you Nick, with all of my heart-

Judy's eyes shot open, and she pushed herself up again to get a better view of the item.

"Hey! Where'd you get that?!" She said, trying to retrieve her pen. "Give it back!" He chuckled in response.

"Ah-ah, I don't think so." He said teasingly before pushing the play button again.

-I truly love you Nick, with all of my heart-

Judy blushed now, trying the best she could to get the pen back, but with no luck. His arms were simply much longer than hers, able to outstretch hers but a considerable amount. 'Wait.' She thought to herself, looking down at their lower bodies where they were attached, grinning. She tugged at him down there, still unable to break loose. Just what she wanted. She pulled back a second time, this time harder, causing Nick to retract his arms a little bit.

"Ow!" He yelped. This allowed for Judy to snatch the stolen item from his paws, delete the message, and smile down at him devilishly. Once he realized what had just happened, he grinned back at her.

"Heh, sly bunny."

"Dumb fox." She countered, throwing the pen away from the two of them. They both laughed at each other.

"You know you love me." Upon hearing this, Judy lowered herself back down onto the fox and kissed him on the maw. She then lied down completely, giving another content sigh.

"Yes, yes I do." Were the final words shared between the two of them before they dozed off to sleep in each other's arms, now to be considered-

Partners in Love.

New Mates

**A young Shaymin walks through the flowers, in the thick of heat. She aches for attention, her scent wafting through the field. She sits, eating an Oran berry.** **A Vaporeon, amidst his travel, discovers a peculiar flowery field on his adventure....

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A Series of Eeveelution Stories: Damp Feelings

---- **Day 1----** Running along the brick road leading to the beach, a somewhat childish vaporeon enjoys the warm feeling of the sun on his body. It was a nice mild day outside compared to the rest of the week and the vaporeon hoped to spend it...

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