Favored One - Ch. 5

Story by MisterStallion on SoFurry

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#5 of Favored One

Here you go! Chapter 5! Some more surprises in store, I think! I hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think of it when you're finished reading it!


Boana awoke Dakkar before dawn and snuck him back into the dungeon. Dakkar slept for another few hours, until the sunlight shining through the slit in the ceiling woke him. He stretched, his muscles stiff and sore after the transition from comfortable bed to hard stone on his back.

"Ya have fun last night?" Yasef asked from next door, the sneer evident in his tone.

Dakkar grunted, sitting up and rubbing his eyes with one hand, and didn't answer. Yasef chuckled.

An hour passed, mostly in silence. Dakkar sat in his usual spot, with his back against the bars and facing in the direction of the dungeon's door across the room. Then-


Dakkar's ears flicked forward and light streamed in as the dungeon door rattled and swung inward. And in strode a familiar silhouette: Boana, though today he wore his full armor and carried his spear in his right hand. He strode in, his sandals slapping and echoing on the grimy stone floor, and halted before Dakkar's cage.

"Get up," he said gruffly.

Dakkar did as he was told, cautiously rising until his horns touched the top of the cage.

"His majesty wishes to see you," Boana rumbled, jangling his keys and stuffing one into the lock, turning it with a loud clank.

"Hey, how come I never gets any visitors?" Yasef protested.

Boana growled, but that was his only reply. He yanked the cage door open with one hand, standing to the side, and Dakkar slowly stepped out. He met Boana's eyes, sending him a wordless question. Boana's eyes flickered with a trace of uncertainty. Dakkar nodded.

"Lead the way," he murmured.


"Welcome," The King boomed imperiously as Dakkar entered the Lion's private chambers, Boana following close behind him. The King stood up from where he sat in his lounging pit, tossing a book aside. Here he only wore a kilt and sandals today. "Close the door," he ordered, waving a dismissive hand, his tail swishing behind him briefly.

Boana stepped out of the room and made to close the door behind him.

"Did I say for you to leave?" The King demanded, looking at Boana askance, his nose in the air. Boana halted.

"No, you did not."

"Then come in here, and close the door," the lion ordered in a slow, patronizing voice.

Boana did so, the latch clicking behind him. He stepped to the side and stood at attention, standing with one hand gripping his spear.

"Very good," the King murmured, nodding. Then he turned his piercing blue eyes to Dakkar, looking him up and down quickly. Dakkar remained motionless, his stomach writhing.

"Well now! I see a week in the dark hasn't left you any worse for wear." He stepped up to Dakkar until he was chest to chest with him. Then he stared straight into his eyes, fixing him with a piercing look as though daring him to resist again, and stuck a paw between Dakkar's legs and groped his testicles. Dakkar kept the King's gaze, matching the lion's fierce expression with a blank stare. The King grinned, then patted Dakkar's sheath.

"You are dusty, though," he continued. He raised an eyebrow, glancing at the pool that trickled in the opposite side of the room and then back to Dakkar. "Bathe," he ordered.

Dakkar stood still for a long moment, then slowly turned and strode toward the pool, leaving the King and Boana behind. Once he reached the edge, he slipped one hoof into the pool and then the other, standing ankle-deep in the warm water on a step that lined the edge of it. He stepped off of it, then sank up to his waist, a cloud of dirt and grime billowing from his fur and floating around him.

He felt the King's and Boana's eyes on his back, but ignored them, crouched, and dunked himself under completely. He rose with a splash, water streaming down his flanks, and shook himself, scattering water droplets about him like a brief rainfall.

"Use the soap," the King's booming voice echoed from behind him. Dakkar looked, and found what he was talking about: On the opposite side of the pool, near the edge, stood over a dozen bottles of different sizes and colors. He strode towards them, the water swirling around his waist. The pool grew shallower, and when he reached the edge of the pool where the water stood, the water was down to his calves.

He selected a random bottle and tipped it into his hand. A pale, creamy liquid filled his palm. He began to return to the deeper waters-

"Stop." The King commanded again. "Do it right there."

Dakkar gritted his teeth, then bent over completely and began soaping up his legs, running the suds through the fur of his calves and thighs. Now he could feel both sets of thighs boring into his backside, now very obviously presented to them. He picked up the bottle again, pouring himself another portion of soap.

"Turn around," said the King.

Dakkar closed his eyes for a long moment, then set down the bottle and turned around.

A broad grin stretched across the King's muzzle, his brilliant, dagger-like teeth on full display, a lewd gleam in his eyes as he waited for Dakkar to continue.. Boana stared at him, his eyes wide and fearful. Dakkar lowered his head, knowing what the King wanted, and began applying the soap to his maleness, scrubbing up and down on his scrotum, making his testicles jiggle and shift, and spread the suds all over the outside, and some on the inside, of his sheath.

There was enough lather to soap up his stomach and chest, and a final helping took care of his shoulders and arms.

"Now- rinse off," the Lion said, pointing at the water.

Dakkar stepped forward, the water singing around him, moving out of the shallows and into the deep, soap suds sliding off of his muscles and drifting away from him on the top of the pool. All the while his mind was working, staring at the King. What was this about? And more importantly, why had he wanted Boana to stay and watch all of this? Was it possible that he knew?

He dunked himself again, disappearing for a moment into the merciful silence, then emerged again, shaking himself his thick braids slapping against his back. Then he strode back toward the place where the King and the bed, rising purposefully out of the pool, water streaming from his limbs.

The King's ever-present toothy smile remained as he stared at Dakkar.

"Boana. If you wouldn't mind, dry off our bull here. Get a towel."

Boana started, freezing for a moment, then turned and leaned his spear against the wall. He strode over, snatching a towel from a stack by the pool, unfurling it and throwing it over Dakkar's shoulders. He stepped behind Dakkar, and vigorously rubbed it over his back. All the while the King watched them, motionless. Dakkar remained still as Boana worked, moving downward and drying his backside, his tail, his thighs.

He stepped around in front of Dakkar, gently dried the bull's face, then gradually began moving downward again, brushing the cloth back and forth across his chest, arms, and stomach, then turned to move away.

"What are you doing?" The lion asked. Boana froze in mid-stride, staring at him. "You're forgetting the best parts," said the King, an evil glint in his eye. "Can't let those stay wet, can we?"

Boana didn't move for a moment.

"Boana..." the King warned.

The bear nodded, turned, and gently placed the towel on Dakkar's genitals. He rubbed it up and down, doing the job as quickly as possible, then walked away, dropping the towel, and resuming his post by the door.

The king turned, waggling a finger for Dakkar to follow, and walked to the side of the bed, on the opposite side from the door. Dakkar did, moving to the King's side. The lion pointed to the bed.

"Lie down on your stomach."

Dakkar nodded, throat tightening. He swallowed and climbed up onto the bed on his hands and knees, and lay down flat, his arms to his sides, his head pointed towards the door.

A shuffle of fabric on fur.

Then fabric falling to the stone floor.

Dakkar kept his eyes forward. All he could see was the base of the door, and Boana's feet.

The weight of the bed shifted. The king crawled onto the bed too, knees on either side of his, his hands planted by Dakkar's underarms. Something blunt and thin poked his backside.

Dakkar shivered and closed his eyes.

"Don't move," the lion snarled.

Dakkar felt the King's penis touch his opening. The King lowered his hips, and inch by inch sunk his length deep into Dakkar's rump.

Dakkar grunted, his breath forced from him. Deeper and deeper it sunk, until he felt the fur of the lion's balls touching the back of his own. Dakkar clenched his eyes. And then the King began to rape him.

He lost all control. All sense of time and place. All he felt was the vicious pounding, the mindless prodding of his insides; all he heard were his own cries and the growls and grunts above him; the slapping of hips against his hindquarters. His own thoughts ceased to matter. Nothing mattered. It was all overwhelming power, deprivating sensation, and bitter pain emanating from his rear end. He was conscious that the bedsheets were clenched in his fists.

The only sane thought in his head came when he opened his eyes, his head turned to the side, and realized that the King wasn't even looking at him. He was looking out. Forward. Though his anus continued to be butchered and his insides plowed at an unbearable pace, Dakkar followed the King's gaze, only to meet Boana's stunned, horrified face. And he realized that the King was staring at the bear for every moment as he ravaged Dakkar's ass.

Dakkar lowered his head and clenched his eyes shut again, baring his teeth, his legs flexing uncontrollably as the lion roared on top of him and liquid hot as fire spilled into his bowels.

He knows.


Boana shut the cage door behind him. Dakkar crumpled, slamming onto his backside and banging his head back against the bars, all his strength gone. A shuddering breath escaped from somewhere behind him. He turned his head just enough to look. Boana stood stock still in front of the cage, his head bowed. His shoulders shook, and gentle sobs broke free.

Dakkar groaned and pulled himself on his hands and knees back to the cage door. Collapsing just in front of it, he leaned his back against the door, stretched a hand out between the bars, and stroked the Bear's calf fur. Boana's breath hitched. He knelt, staring into Dakkar's eyes, and took the bull's hand and pressed it into his cheek with both paws. And as they stared, a fire built behind Boana's tears until no more came - until the rage extinguished them all and left his eyes cold.

Boana stood, gave Dakkar one last look, then looked away and strode out of the dungeon, slamming the door behind him. Dakkar let his hand flop to the ground, unable to do anything else. His labored breathing was the only sound.

A shape moved. He felt Yasef approach their shared set of bars. He glanced wearily over at him. The dog's eyes glinted in the blackness, his brow furrowed in a frown.

"What did they do to you?" He growled.


A gentle brush of a paw on his fingers brought him to consciousness again.

"Dakkar," came a rumbling whisper.

Dakkar opened his eyes, wincing as he lifted his head off of the bars. He was in the same position, his arm flopped out on the ground outside of his cage. He looked up. And among the shadows of night loomed over him a greater shadow: Boana. Kneeling in front of him, touching his hand with his own, a spear in the other.

"What?" Dakkar asked, his voice hoarse.

"Here," the bear whispered. He shuffled with something in his belt for a moment, then extended his hand to him, holding something in his grip. He put it through the bars, and Dakkar took it from him

A piece of balled-up leather. Familiar. Home.

It was his.

A jolt of strength blasted through him, sending wildfire blazing through his muscles, and he sat up, pulling his legs underneath him. He stood, the whole world forgotten, and unrolled the leather. Then he put it between his legs, covering himself for the first time in an eternity, and wrapped it expertly until everything was as it should be, tying the leather into a knot at his back.


Adrenaline shot through his veins as the lock clicked and the cell door swung open. Boana stood holding it for him, his eyes narrowed, his stance centered and aggressive. Dakkar stepped out of his cage.

"What are you doing?"

"Tonight we leave," Boana answered.

Dakkar's heart stopped. He stared, not daring to believe his ears.

"What - what did you say?"

"We're getting out of here," the bear growled. "I shall not serve a King that does this. And he shall never do this to you again."

Wild excitement leaped in Dakkar's chest. A shuffling movement sounded from his left. Both of them turned as Yasef approached the bars of his cage and gripped them, glaring at them pointedly.

"Yasef, too," Dakkar said simply, looking at Boana.

"That's more like it," Yasef grumbled.

Boana didn't hesitate. He withdrew his keys slowly, ensuring they didn't jangle, and inserted another key into Yasef's cage door and pulled it open. Yasef stepped out, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck.

"Mmmmmm... better," he said, looking towards the door.

"Quiet," Boana hissed. Yasef turned back to him, raising an eyebrow.

"You have no idea," he murmured. Then his eyes narrowed. "Give me your knife."

Boana cocked his head.


"Give me your knife," he repeated. "The one you all keep on the back of your belts."

Dakkar frowned. He had never seen the guards with any other weapon but their spears. Had he just not looked properly?

Evidently he hadn't, because after a long moment, Boana reached behind him and withdrew a long, thin knife from its sheath and handed it to Yasef handle first. Yasef took it and twirled it in his grip, testing its weight, then nodded, letting out a satisfied huff.

"Take care you two," he murmured, looking at them both. "I wish you good luck. Thanks for the blowjobs, Dakkar. And I still say you got a fine piece of ass."

And then, before the two stunned men could say anything in reply, Yasef turned and slunk out of the room like a shadow - and Dakkar realized with an eerie shiver that ran up his spine that Yasef's footsteps had made no sound at all.

Boana shook himself, breaking both of them out of their reverie, and their eyes met.

"No time to figure him out now," he muttered. "Let's get going.

And Boana led him past the cages and out the door, leaving the empty dungeon behind.


Yasef crept through the halls in a crouch, his head low, his eyes wide to capture every detail. His legs moved swift and smooth, his feet absolutely silent as he moved through the dark halls. He reached a corner and slowly peeked his head around it.

At the end of this hallway stood a single door. One guard stood watch outside of it - a ram by the looks of it. And Yasef noted with a smirk that he ram was leaning heavily on his spear, his head down.

Yasef slipped around the corner, and headed down the hall towards him, keeping his gaze on the opposite wall, conscious of keeping his focused gaze away from the guard, lest he sense him there. When he drew near to the door, he narrowed his eyes at the ram as he slept on his watch, considering for a moment, then reached for the doorknob, slowly turned it, and pushed the door open and slipped inside. He pushed it closed behind him, then, achingly slow to ensure no sound was heard, let the latch return to its normal position.

He turned, his eyes glittering, and faced the room.

A pool gently trickled to his left. A lounge pit full of pillows lay next to it. And in front of him stood a proud bed with four posts. And in the bed, under the plush covers, lay the figure of a lion, bathed in moonlight that streamed in from the window that stood open on the other side of the room.

Yasef grinned.

He slunk around the bed and came to stand in front of the window, casting his shadow across the blankets. He strode forward, every step measured and slow, and leaned over the bed until his face was close to the sleeping lion's. His eyebrow twitched, and his lips curled in a snarl. Then he raised his knife and plunged it into the King's chest.

The King's roar woke the whole castle as he sat up, his eyes wide with terror, wrestling with Yasef and grasping at the blade protruding from his breast. The door burst open, the guard yelling incoherently, and the thunderous reinforcements of more guards resounded through the hallways like an approaching hailstorm. Yasef tore the knife back out, a fountain of blood spraying the bedsheets, and slashed the lion's throat. The lion's roars of pain were cut off and reduced to a choking gurgle as he clutched at his wounds and fell back onto his bed, unable to summon any more strength.

Yasef, spattered with blood and holding his crimson, dripping knife loosely in one paw, grinned wickedly at the Ram staring at him, horrified, on the other side of the bed.

"You thought you'd just caught a thief," Yasef whispered. "But really, you'd found an assassin!"

And he turned and leaped out the window into the night.


The lion's roars ripped through the castle as Boana and Dakkar were skirting through the entrance hall. Both froze, looking back over their shoulder at the noise, and their heart rates skyrocketed as they heard the pounding of hundreds of feet and shouts and the clatter of armor.

But none of it was coming towards them, yet.

"Go!" Boana whispered. And they turned and ran for it.

Boana reached the door first and, pinching the shaft of his spear against his body with his elbow, grasped the bar across the door, lifted it from its place and threw it to the side. It clattered mightily on the tiles, but the din the guards were making nearly drowned it out. Dakkar grasped the handle on the right-hand door and pulled with all his might.

The night breeze rushed in, rustling through their fur and filling their nostrils with the scent of fresh grass. Both of them burst out into the open, not bothering to close the great door behind them.

Side by side they sprinted across the walled courtyard towards the gate, their breath chugging in unison.

"Halt! Who goes there?" Someone shouted ahead by the portcullis, which stood closed, blocking their gate with criss-crossing metal bars like a cage. Without pausing in stride, Boana tossed his spear to himself to change his grip and threw it with a mighty grunt.

It hit home with a thud, the guard slamming backwards onto his back and laying still, the shaft protruding from his chest. They reached the wheel that lifted the iron portcullis. Together they grasped its spokes and pushed forward. With a rattling clanking sound the portcullis began to rise, revealing the sprawling, sleeping village outside of the castle walls. Shouts echoed from the palace.

"Faster!" Boana urged.

Dakkar strained his muscles with everything he had, pushing the wheel forward spoke by spoke, until the portcullis had risen completely.

"Now!" Dakkar shouted. They let go of the wheel. It spun like a whirlwind, and the portcullis immediately began to drop like a guillotine.

"Go!" Boana yelled. And they dove between the gap.


The portcullis stabbed into the ground behind them, sealing the entrance. They scrambled to their feet and took off at a run into the town, following the winding city streets through the buildings, heading for the horizon.

Chests heaving and legs sore, the pair eventually slowed to a stop, putting their hands on their knees to rest. Dakkar looked back. The city was long behind them - now a small clutter of toy-sized buildings surrounding the regal walls and towers of the palace at its center. Even from here commotion reached his ears - all the torches in the palace were lit, and many more wandered about as the guards carried them from one spot to the other, spilling out into the streets of the town and shouting. He briefly wondered what Yasef had done.

"Come on" Boana urged between breaths, rising to his full height again. "We've got to keep moving." And they put the town at their backs and set off at a jog towards the grasslands, a full moon lighting their way.


When the moon began to set, the bear and the bull ran out of energy. They lay side by side in a hollow between two hills, in the shelter of a clump of trees. Though it was no bed, Dakkar slept better than he ever had in his life. Boana awoke him several hours after the sun had risen, and they headed out again at a walk, Dakkar leading the way.

For two days they walked, stopping at a small hamlet on the way to buy some food with some coins that Boana had brought with them. And it was here that they heard the news being whispered by all of the villagers: the King was dead, murdered in the night by an assassin, who had escaped into the wilderness. Dakkar swallowed, and he and Boana looked at each other, a strange mixture of shock and relief floating between them. And when they continued on their way to the west, their pace was slower, knowing that an escaped prisoner and a runaway guard were the least of the Kingdom's problems anymore.

Near sundown, Dakkar's excitement began to build as he passed a familiar, gnarled tree near the borders of his village. He picked up his pace, letting out a cry, and before he knew it the pair of them were sprinting side by side once more. They came to a hill lined with tall grasses that waved in the evening breeze and they charged up it, swinging their arms in unison, and when they reached the top of it they both skidded to a stop.

For down below them lay a collection of wooden homes, all grouped together like a family. Smoke rose from each house's small chimney, and firelight glimmered from their windows. Dakkar let out a watery laugh, staring down at them, tears of joy streaming down his cheeks.

"Home," he choked.


Haha! There you go! No, it's not done yet. One more chapter, I think. Or maybe two, depending on how it all works out :D PLEASE leave a comment - I do love hearing what you think of the story. Even if it's just an 'I liked it,' it really gives me a boost! Thanks!

Favored one - Ch. 6

Here you go! Sorry it took so long, had some things going on. Enjoy! Please let me know what you think of it! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Dakkar led Boana down the hill and into the cozy village. The dirt streets were...

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Favored One - Ch. 4

This new cover art for this chapter is brought to you by the amazingly talented [![avatar?user=146395&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=146395&character=0&clevel=2) Cathricorn](https://cathricorn.sofurry.com/...

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Favored One - Ch. 3

For the past several days, the dark and dank dungeon had been much noisier than usual. "Yeah... that's it.... right there.....Fuck......" "Mmmmmmm......" "yeah, squeeze it..." A constant slapping sound echoed repeatedly off of the stone walls, hips...

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