Favored One - Ch. 4

Story by MisterStallion on SoFurry

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#4 of Favored One

Here's chapter 4! This took some very interesting turns - I do hope you enjoy! Also, there will be a surprise coming soon! Maybe a couple! :D

This new cover art for this chapter is brought to you by the amazingly talented avatar?user=146395&character=0&clevel=2 Cathricorn! If you like it, go check out the original piece on his page here - https://www.sofurry.com/view/985350 - and show him some love! Very responsive commissioner, too. I highly recommend him!


Boana led Dakkar out of the dungeon, swiftly locking the door behind him, and took him through the quiet and dimly lit halls of the palace. They walked side by side, saying nothing. Dakkar could hear the bear's breathing - much quicker than usual - echoing off of the walls of the narrower walkways. Though Dakkar glanced at him several times, Boana kept his gaze fixedly forward.

Eventually they entered a hallway on the other side of the palace lined with identical doorways - wooden, age-worn, and mounted with simple iron hinges. None of them had locks. Boana led them to the first one and stopped outside it.

The two of them stood side by side before the doorway for a long moment. Boana gave Dakkar's naked groin a nervous glance. Dakkar did nothing in response - a week living nude in the dungeon had stripped him of most of his shame.

Finally the bear let out a breath, reached out a paw, and turned the creaky latch. He pushed the door open, and led Dakkar inside.

Boana had been telling him the truth, Dakkar noted as he stepped inside what was obviously the bear's own living quarters. The furnishings were spartan and brief; a wide bed with a mattress, a cloth blanket, and a single pillow stretched out on one side, and across the room stood an open wardrobe proudly displaying the bear's armor on a rack. Underneath it lay several white garments in a stack - most likely kilts, since they all looked to be the same size. A burning oil lamp flickered from a bedside table, as did another from a bracket on the wall, casting a warm glow over the room that wouldn't have been fit to write a letter with, but was more than enough to see everything clearly. And in that way Dakkar found that he had been right: Boana had come to visit him without a speck of armor or weapon. His chest was bare, displaying his broad, powerful pectorals and thick, strong shoulders, as well as a little bit of gut, which no bear would ever have been able to eliminate. His only garments were a white cotton kilt tied about his waist and a pair of sandals.

Boana quickly turned and shut the door behind them as soon as Dakkar was inside.

"Well.... here it is," Boana said finally, after a few moments of staring at him.

Dakkar nodded, waiting.

Boana shifted his weight from one foot to the other, not meeting Dakkar's eyes. He strode around the room to the other side of the bed and patted it, looking up at the wall.

"I was very lonely when they first moved me here - after I was promoted," he mumbled. "Didn't get to be around the men in my unit. No one to talk to here. No reason to even be in this room except to sleep." He let out a high laugh, making Dakkar jump a little. "But I suppose it's a good thing that I live by myself now, right?" He said rapidly, shooting Dakkar a brief smile before turning back to the wall and continuing to tap his claw on his blanket.

"Are you all right?" Dakkar murmured, watching him askance.

"I'm not sure," Boana admitted, his voice shaking. "I just..." he trailed off, wincing.

"If it eases your mind at all," Dakkar offered, "Yesterday was the first time I had mated with anyone."

The bear's head shot up, staring at Dakkar with wide eyes.

"Really?" he asked.

Dakkar nodded, shrugging.

Boana huffed, looking back to the wall.

"Gods, I had my first pussy when I was just fourteen."

Silence fell again, Boana still not looking at him and just shifting his feet. Dakkar finally realized that the bear had no idea what he wanted to do. But he could feel the bear's need for.... something hanging in the air, a palpable energy.

"If you want," Dakkar began, "We could just... lay in your bed?"

Boana finally turned to him and let out a wet sigh.

All right," he choked. "I think I'd like that."

Dakkar turned slightly and sat down on the edge of the bed, enjoying how he sunk in to the soft mattress, watching the bear. Boana undid his sandals and kicked them off, then hooked his thumbs into his kilt. He suddenly stopped, however, and turned to look at Dakkar questioningly.

"Is it okay if I take this off?" He asked quietly. "I normally do- when I sleep."

"It's all right," said Dakkar.

A fleeting smile warmed Boana's face for a moment, and then he bent over and pulled his kilt down, letting it fall to his ankles and kicking it to the side. Dakkar caught a glimpse of a flaccid but thick penis and a pair of large and round fuzz-covered balls nestled between the bear's thick thighs, but was more preoccupied in watching the bear as he sat on the bed, kicked up his feet, and lay back, resting his head on one corner of the pillow. As soon as he felt he was safe, Dakkar followed suit and lay down next to him on his back, giving the bear enough space so that only their shoulders were touching.

For a long while they just lay there in silence, Boana's breathing still rather fast. Nervous anticipation hung in the air, making it difficult to relax, despite how luxurious the mattress and pillow felt compared to the musty brick floor of his cell. Boana shifted, turning his head towards him. Dakkar turned his head too and met his eyes.

"Can I ask you something?"

Dakkar nodded, the pillow making a shuffling noise under his cheek.


"Can I touch you?"

Boana raised his eyebrows. This was different - very different. Such a contrast surprised him. And he found himself nodding.

"You may," he said, and he turned on his side to give him access. The bear nodded and swallowed.

"Thank you," he managed, turning on his side as well and sitting up on one elbow. His eyes began trailing down Dakkar's body until they came to a halt between his legs. The bear reached out a shivering paw and gently touched the tips of his fingers to Dakkar's sheath.

Dakkar suppressed a pleasant shudder as a tender buzz of electricity tingled through his loins. Boana, eyes still locked on Dakkar's manhood, shifted his arm and began brushing Dakkar's testicles, tracing the swirling patterns on his scrotum.

"What do they mean?" He murmured, following a particular circle that led back up to Dakkar's sheath, where it joined with the stem of a leaf pattern.

Dakkar swallowed, his heart beating quickly but feeling secure enough to allow himself to close his eyes and focus on the bear's touch.

"The circular pattern... on the scrotum signifies eternity. The cycle of birth, death, and rebirth."

And as he spoke, Boana's gentle touches had persuaded Dakkar's penis to leave its sheath, emerging from the folds of dark flesh and revealing more tattoos as it extended fully and grew harder and harder. Boana's eyes widened and he froze, watching it grow and pulse.

"And the leaves represent life itself, continuing around the shaft, which gives life."

"That's beautiful," said Boana. He glanced up at Dakkar, seeking reassurance. "Can I?"

Dakkar chuckled. Warmth spread through his chest at Boana's constant asking.

"Yes, you may," he said, smiling. Boana looked back down at Dakkar's penis, now fully hard and pulsing a bit as it stuck out in midair, and gently wrapped his fingers around it, laying his thumb vertically along the underside, gently squeezing and sliding it up towards the tip.

Dakkar huffed, clenching a bit at the sensation and making his cock jump. Boana smiled.

"May I touch yours?" Dakkar asked quietly. Boana's hand stopped moving and he looked into Dakkar's eyes, his own wide as saucers.

"Oh! Uhhhh.... um...." He stammered, blinking rapidly. "Sure?"

He scooted his hips forward a bit, adjusting his right leg to expose himself a bit more. His own hand forgotten as it gripped Dakkar's shaft, he watched Dakkar's hand reach down between his legs and cup the bear's manhood, fuzzy, round balls and still-soft penis, in his palm.

Boana didn't make a sound. He just stared down at Dakkar's hand, watching it grope him, then looked up at Dakkar again, looking surprised.

"Feels... nice," he said, and after a moment returned his gaze to Dakkar's penis still resting in his grip.

The two males lay next to each other in bed for a long while, feeling each other's maleness, gently squeezing each other's shafts and hefting the other's balls in their warm palms. Boana's penis quickly got hard in Dakkar's hands. They didn't talk, the only sounds the soft brush of skin on skin, or skin on fur, and the gentle sighs and murrs under their breath as they enjoyed the comfort of a warm touch on their most intimate parts and the feel of another male's parts in their grips. Dakkar nestled closer to Boana, and Boana did the same, until their calves were entwined, their shafts were touching each other, and their breath touched each others' noses. Dakkar's breath came in deep and slow, as did Boana's - the bear's eyes were lidded. He blinked slowly. Dakkar let go of Boana's penis and moved closer, wrapping his arms around the bear's middle and tucking his head underneath his, resting his chin in his shoulder and pressing his whole body up against him. The bear's breathing hitched for a moment, shoulders tensing, and then he let go of Dakkar's shaft and returned the embrace.

Dakkar closed his eyes, breathing deeply, the odd sensation of his penis and balls pressing into another's fading into comfort at the softness and warmth that now hugged him. Their breathing unconsciously synched, bellies meeting in the middle as they inhaled and exhaled. Both of their shafts softened, but that only meant that the two soft members folded into each other in a similar embrace.

One by one the lamps ran out of oil, the light dimming until both sat in warm darkness, but neither moved except for the occasional shuffle of legs, every so often pressing groin into groin or squeezing arms more tightly around each other - each one becoming an island of solace for the other, a temporary port in separate storms.

Dakkar had no idea how long they lay pressed against each other. But just holding someone close and doing nothing felt very good, and something about having his entire body - even his parts, warmed by another's touch made his spirits lift. He realized that he was smiling.

Boana's head moved off of his. He pulled his head back too, and their eyes met again. Boana gave him a warm smile and blinked relaxedly.

"I like this very much," he hummed in his chest.

"Me, too," Dakkar agreed.

Boana reached out a hand and gently stroked Dakkar's cheek with the smooth side of his claws.

"I'm going to turn over," he murmured, "and I'd like you.... to be inside me. Would you?"

Dakkar looked into Boana's eyes - wide and sincere, waiting for his answer. There was only one.

"Of course I will," He murmured back.

Boana let out a shuddering breath, closing his eyes. Then he shuffled his weight, unwrapping himself from Dakkar and rolling over in increments, staying close to Dakkar, until his back was to him. He scooted back, arching his back so that his rounded backside and little tail was close to Dakkar's groin. Dakkar moved himself towards him, grasping his soft shaft in his right hand and beginning to rub it, placing the other hand gently on Boana's buttock.

As he caressed himself, quickly becoming hard again, he slid his other hand through the smooth fur on Boana's backside, heading for his tail. The muscle shivered briefly under his touch as he grew closer. His fingers reached the base of the tail, then slipped under it and brushed his fingertips across the warm, wrinkled skin of the bear's tailhole.

"Uhnnn...." Boana groaned under his breath, shivers moving across his whole body in a wave. Though he was fully hard Dakkar waited, and began caressing the bear's entrance, running his index finger in circles across it, then finding the center and gently began pressing into him.

"Uhngg," was all the bear managed when the ring of muscle yielded and Dakkar's finger slowly slipped inside. Moist warmth enveloped his finger, and the bear squeezed him gently. Dakkar began pulling back, the bear's entrance moving with him somewhat as the finger retreated, and felt suddenly a bit cold as he withdrew completely.

Boana adjusted his shoulders, and lay his head more comfortably on the pillow, then turned his head up slightly.

"Just... can you hug me when you're inside?"

Dakkar smiled, and for his answer put his hand on Boana's shoulder and slid it back and forth. Then he turned his attention to getting his aim correct. He put one hand on Boana's hip, and with the other he grabbed his penis, shuffling his hips until the head of it touched against the warm nub under the bear's little tail. And he pressed forward.

"Ohhhhhhhhmmmmmnnnnnn," Boana thrummed, lowering his head and lifting his leg slightly. For with only the barest resistance, Dakkar's member slipped inside, sliding up the bear's rump. Dakkar sighed at the feel of the muscle clenching as he pressed forward, the warmth swallowing his penis, the softness of the flesh of the bear's passage as he moved into it. For only a moment there was discomfort, as Dakkar had to move his whole body to get closer to the bear, but finally, after a long and patient first entry, Dakkar's large balls pressed against the bear's warm taint, and Boana's tail hole squeezed around the very base of his penis. Dakkar wrapped his arms around Boana's middle, as he had promised, pulling him close so that his chest and stomach pressed against the bear's muscular back and entwining their legs.

Dakkar lay his head on Boana's shoulder, touching his nose to the bear's cheek.

"Is this good?" He murmured.

Boana let out a shuddering breath, then sucked in a new one.


Dakkar waited, feeling Boana's chest expand and contract under his arms, until he felt the bear's tailhole fully relax around his penis and the bear's breath slowed again. Then he slowly began pulling out, moving only his hips. He could hear the sound of his flesh sliding out of the bear's backside as he moved, and Boana grunted.

Gently, quietly, Dakkar began pushing in and out of Boana, holding him, slowing when he sensed he was uncomfortable. He brushed his hand across the bear's beefy belly and found Boana's hard penis, squeezing it and giving it a stroke before returning to his hug. They huffed and breathed together, listening to the _shuff - shuff - shuff _ of their bodies on the blanket, and the quiet slide of skin on skin as Dakkar's penis moved in and out between the bear's muscled cheeks. A pleasing pressure built deep in Dakkar's groin, rising slowly, small tingles running up his spine. He nuzzled his nose into Boana's cheek, breathing in his scent. He couldn't think of anything to say - he only knew that Boana wanted him to keep going, and so he did, holding Boana close to his chest.

Soon Dakkar couldn't help but increasing his pace, as well as the amount of noise they both made. Boana grunted with each thrust, huffing with his mouth open, and Dakkar huffed in his ear, his thrusts becoming more vigorous each time he flexed. A long, mooing groan built in his chest, and burst outas the power built in his loins broke free. He clenched his eyes shut and squeezed Boana's chest with all his might as every nerve in his body fired at once, and squirt after squirt of his seed gushed into the Bear's backside.

Both lay still, chests heaving, their embrace unbroken and their faces side by side.

Boana laughed.

"Wow," he huffed. Dakkar couldn't think of anything to say, so he just pressed his nose into Boana's neck, nostrils flaring as he rode out the wave of his orgasm and a feeling of peaceful serenity overcame him, even as he felt his penis begin to soften and slide inevitably out.

Boana grunted, wincing a little bit one last time as Dakkar's soft length slid out of his backside, then let out a satisfied hum.

"This was better than with Yasef," Dakkar mumbled into Boana's neck fur. Boana chuckled.

"I would hope so."

"I meant... with him it was just release."

"...I knew what you meant."

Dakkar slowly rubbed Boana's chest and belly, then, curious, slid his hand down further until his wandering hand found the bear's length. It was still hard. The end was moist to his touch. Frowning, Dakkar unwound his arms from around Boana's middle and sat up, looking over the bear's belly to the other side of the bed.

Nothing there. He hadn't cum yet.

He put a hand on the bear's shoulder and rubbed briefly. Boana rolled towards him, resting his arm next to his head on the pillow.

"What?" He asked, giving him a small, relaxed grin.

Dakkar smiled at him, then looked down at the bear's hard penis laying on his stomach.

"Would you do something for me?" He asked. Boana looked wary for a moment, then sat up on his elbows.

"What is it?" He asked.

Dakkar rolled away from him, getting to his knees, and bent forward, putting his hands on the bed for balance. Then he lifted his tail and looked over his shoulder at Boana, who was staring at him with his mouth hanging open.

"I want you to cum, too," said Dakkar quietly.

Boana got to his knees as well, mouth still open slightly, then shuffled forward, taking his penis in one paw and laying the other on Dakkar's back. And, with only a little bit of adjustment, touched his maleness to Dakkar's entrance and pushed himself in.

Dakkar sighed deep in his chest, closing his eyes as the hard length slid inside him. He felt his ring of muscle squeeze involuntarily, sending a jolt of electricity through him as the bear's length touched new places inside of him. Then he felt the bear's furry scrotum touch against his taint, and the bear's hips met his own, Boana's thighs touching his, in a new kind of embrace.

Together they moved, huffing quietly, gently squeezing, thrusting, listening to each other's moans as one pleased the other in return, where, if only for one night, two men let down all their barriers and allowed the other to enter into their warmth, receive what they needed to receive, and give what they wished to offer in this hour of black.


When the last, powerful grunt had been made, and Boana's long-held seed had been spilled and he had withdrawn his manhood from the warmth of Dakkar's offered rump, they lay together in the quiet dark, much as they had before their more bold explorations into each other's backsides had begun, face to face, hugging, but now covered in a blanket and enveloped in the warmth of each other's arms. Boana lay a hand on Dakkar's cheek, stroking it with his thumb, and a tear escaped from his glistening eye and ran down the side of his nose.

"What is it?" Dakkar asked.

Boana let out a shuddering breath, ducking his head.

"It's all for nothing, isn't it?" He murmured. "Tomorrow you will be in your cell, and I - I will be alone." He looked back to Dakkar, more tears spilling and dripping into the pillow. "And... I know I am not gay. And neither are you."

Dakkar nodded, reaching out and brushing a tear from the bear's wet cheek.

"I hate this life," the bear whispered.

"I don't know what to do," Dakkar answered simply.

"How old are you?"


Boana sucked in sharply, then slowly let it out.

"...Is she waiting for you? The one your tattoos are for?....wondering what happened?"

Dakkar held his breath. He stared at Boana. Boana stared back. Then the breath escaped.

"Yes she is."

Boana looked at him with a sad smile.

"Were I only so lucky to have a fiancee."

Dakkar brushed away another of the bear's tears, and lay a hand on his cheek.

"Fortune may be persuaded by the bold," he answered gently. "But I worry that you have fallen in love with me tonight."

Boana let out a watery chuckle, running his hand down Dakkar's neck.

"Don't worry, I haven't. I know my other half is female- I've always known. But serving the King... my heart had become cold as a broken stone. You- you made me warm again, Dakkar. Made me remember my heart."

Both smiled, understanding and truth passing between them, and they wrapped their arms around each other, their noses touching, and closed their eyes for the remaining night.


There you go! I hope you enjoy it! PLEASE leave a comment it you do - it really helps me to hear from people! It really gets me going and gets me excited to write faster if I know you enjoy it! And please, if you like this story, fave and vote for it so that others can find it too. :)

Favored One - Ch. 5

Here you go! Chapter 5! Some more surprises in store, I think! I hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think of it when you're finished reading it! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Boana awoke Dakkar before dawn and snuck him back into the...

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Favored One - Ch. 3

For the past several days, the dark and dank dungeon had been much noisier than usual. "Yeah... that's it.... right there.....Fuck......" "Mmmmmmm......" "yeah, squeeze it..." A constant slapping sound echoed repeatedly off of the stone walls, hips...

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It happened one night

Aurelius couldn't remember having a headache quite this horrendous. He banged his front door shut behind him and leaned against it, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead with his fingers. It had been a very long day. Quite long enough, in fact. He...

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