Reports Of A Grey Door

Story by FurryPlague on SoFurry

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#1 of Grey Door


Alphys gets reports of a grey door appearing and vanishing. So she goes to investigate...

Alphys groaned, clearly annoyed and tired of the constant phone calls about a magical strange grey door. The phone rang and Alphys picked it up. "syhpla, rood eht ot emoc" The voice garbled before hanging up. Alphys groaned before getting up and putting on some proper clothes. Alphys walked out of her room. She now wore a pair of boots, some jeans, and a t-shirt. And of course her lab coat over it. She grabbed her book bag filled with pencils, clipboards, paper and other things. Alphys walked out of her lab and made her way to the River Man. "Tra la la, where to today?" River Man hummed the question. "Waterfall Please" Alphys answered stepping onto the boat. The boat began to move toward Waterfall. "Tra la la, Beware of the man who speaks in hand...." River Man said as they arrived. As Alphys stepped off the boat River Man whispered something under his breath. "" Alphys didn't hear his warning fully. Alphys almost immediately saw the door appear. she quickly ran to it, opening the door and running inside. Alphys was upset that nothing was there. But when she turned around the door had vanished. She began to panic, before a hand was placed on her shoulder. "GAH!" Alphys screamed, jumping. "...olleh" The skeleton garbled again. Alphys trembled, scared of him. The skeleton smiled, before the room turned dark. Suddenly the room lit up, The skeleton looked more dragon like. His head looked like one of the skulls she found in the True Laboratory. The rest was just a skeletal anthro-like body. The creature stood at seven feet tall. "mmmuuchhh betterrr" the creature said. The creature looked down at Alphys, sniffing her. "Interesting...I've never seen a you..." The creature said, Studying Alphys. "S-S-Stop" Alphys stuttered, Struggling away from The Creature. "hmmm...If your not going to be willing to let you...then I'll have to take matters into my own claws..." The creature said calmly. He grabbed Alphys's wrist and held them above her head. The creature's eyes glowed a bright blue as something wrapped around Alphys' wrists. The strange new bindings pulled her up and suspended her in the air. "W-W-Who the F-Fuck are you!" Alphys screamed. "me? I'm Gaster..." Gaster said, Peeling off Alphys's clothing. Alphys blushed deeply, becoming more sensitive. Gaster Began feeling around Alphy's skin, making her moan slightly. Gaster squeezed her breast, Alphys moaned loudly. Gaster started to get aroused by her moans, his purple cock beginning to harden. "Gaster~ mngh" Alphys moaned. Gaster couldn't take it anymore, he let the bindings drop Alphys onto her knees. Gaster postioned his cock in front of her mouth. "Suck it" Gaster growled. Alphys opened her mouth only, for Gaster to shove his purple Dick into it. Alphys sucked on his cock, Gaster growled things that Alphys couldn't understand. Gaster began to thrust deep into her throat, growling loudly. "Suck it harder!" Gaster growled, His purple tongue hanging out of his mouth. Alphys sucked even harder, earning a moan from Gaster. Alphys began to gag, crying. "I-I...Uhggnnmm~" Gaster came, his seed shooting down Alphys' throat. Gaster pulled out of her mouth. The binding around Alphys' wrist vanished, dropping her to the floor. Gaster forced her to stand on all fours. He slowly shoved his snout into her Blossom, licking it slowly. "G-Gaster..." Alphys moaned. He flicked his tongue into her Vagina. "" Gaster growled lustily as he ate her out. Suddenly Gaster's mouth was filled with Alphys's sex juices. Gaster stopped licking Alphys's vigina. He suddenly mounted her small body, But it was awkward. He growled in annoyance, getting off her. He got behind her, crouching. Gaster grabbed Alphys's hips pulling her towards his cock. Gaster arched his back, the head of his dick slowly pushing into her tight virgin hole. Gaster growled, pulling her even closer to his hips and pushing his huge dick into her more. Finally he shoved it into her, growling lustily. "G-God yessss..." Gaster growled, pulling out some and shoving it in more. "G-Gaster!" Alphys cried out, her entire body being shoved foward with every thrust. Gaster tilted his head up, panting and growling. Gaster's tongue hang out of his mouth, he began to thrust harder. "O-Oh G-Gaster! mmnghn!~" Alphys screamed and moaned. Gaster slammed into her more, growling and cursing. "F-Fucking- gahh~ God! mngh!" Gaster grunted, growled, and moaned. Suddenly Gaster shoved his balls into Alphy's Vagina, Knotting them together as mate's. Gaster's seed filled Alphys's Vagina, Alphys screamed in both pain and pleasure. Gaster tilted his head up and howled, Alphys collapsed. Finally Gaster's balls deflated and he pulled out, the liquids poured out of Alphy's Vagina. Gaster curled around Alphy's body, yawning. "your...a very interesting...specimen..." Gaster panted, becoming drowsy. Alphys was already asleep and snoring. Gaster chuckled, falling asleep with Alphys near him

The Dark Lord's Pet

I. Hated. Zyl. He always called me pet and forced me to do chores. He forced me to call him Master. Zyl always sat on his comfy looking throne, That arrogant smug look on his Draconic face. He never fed me my fill, so I was like a twig. Zyl was The...

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