Hand of Hell: Chapter 2, Quest

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#12 of Discontinued

Second chapter done real quick and what not.

Vote and comment to let me know what you think.

Eric road all night and day the first day stopping only to let his horse rest and get some food or water before immediately ridding once again, the second day he took it a bit slower since there was no one around to really do anything he decided to get in some sword practice with his left hand as well as look over the gauntlet. There was no real way to remove it even to see if his arm under it was alright, pulling on it lead to pain like the gauntlet was attached to him and for the most part he believed that it was and decided to just leave the damned thing there and practice some more with his left hand which wasn't so hard since in secret he tried something he called 'Duel Wielding' with two swords but telling Farco about it the lion just told him to keep it to himself. Face was always a calm lion who had seen much of the world and dealt everything fairly, his thoughts were 'If it's not harming others and doesn't directly offend anyone, allow it' though many looked down on the lion for such a way of thinking he was always one of the kindest souls, many couldn't understand why he became a soldier working to fight for Teldon but no one really asked directly.

Sitting himself down after several hours of swinging and getting the movements with his left hand right, drawing the sword was a bit of a problem since he had to leave his right arm in its sling if he was going into town but he was able to manage with a bit of practice, turning the blade slightly just as he unsheathed made it easy to draw his blade. His armor was the light small type just like his older destroyed armor but it was thicker and silver, he almost thought that his gauntlet would match the armor but he didn't want to risk a member of the Holy Order realizing that this gauntlet was not a piece of armor.

Looking at the gauntlet as he sat himself down against a shady tree seeing his reflection in the polished silver once again before a voice flowed into his mind "Hello there Eric" the feminine voice that belonged to the dragoness Leasherria

"Is something the matter, you staring is making me a bit self conscious, like I'm being inspected" her voice came once again, Eric knew he was alone but it didn't stop him from looking around for the source of the voice even though in the back of his mind he knew that Leasherria was speaking to him through his mind.

"If you know that I'm not around, why look for me" her voice asked as Eric slowly looked back down at the gauntlet, running his fingers over the gauntlet hearing Leasherria giggle before 'Mmm' in a pleasured voice

"So you really are the gauntlet" Eric asked and an amused giggle came forth before the crimson symbols appeared on the gauntlet

"In a way yes I am the gauntlet and at the same time, I'm not, when you want me to be here I will appear to speak with you and the rest of the time I sleep just waiting for you to wish to speak with me again" she explained as Eric stood up and moved to his horse.

"So, what exactly are you Leasherria" he asked before mounting his horse and moving it into a slow walk

"It would take too long to explain exactly what I am Eric but I can give you a small explanation of what the gauntlet is, it is a weapon in the purest sense, it has immense power and is destined to be locked in battle for all eternity. This gauntlet is not the only one of its kind as you have seen with the black gauntlet on the table and the one that the black wolf wore each hold immense power and are destined to clash against other gauntlet wielders."

Listening to Leasherria and letting his mind work over her words "So I'm supposed to fight others that have gauntlets like me" he asked with his curiosity peaking about the whole situation

"Yes you are Eric, you are to fight them, kill them and consume them to gain more power"

"Consume" he said blinking at that thought

"Yes, upon falling each wielder is to be consumed by the victor's gauntlet and in turn gain their power then move onto the next wielder."

Pulling on the reigns slightly making the horse stop "Leasherria, is it true that the gauntlet...that you were a General in Basiets Army" this question was met with silence for the longest time

"Yes Eric, I won't lie to you, I was one of the Great Generals, Leasherria the holder of the Dark Flame and devourer of the Fallen Souls, I served Basiet as his third in command, second only to his Queen" Eric felt a chill run down his spine and a knot form in his stomach as he heard her words.

Eric was unsure what to do, he was wearing a gauntlet that was worn by a General in the King of Hell Basiets most Unholy Army that had conquered near all of the world leaving everything in their wake turned to ash and dead, even saying the name Basiet to the wrong person is enough to have you beat or thrown into a dungeon, if people knew what this gauntlet was, he'd be killed without a second thought.

"I would never let anyone harm you Eric" Leasherrias voice rang out making him look down in a bit of confusion "I heard your thoughts and want you to know, should anyone try and harm you, I will drag their pathetic souls down to hell for you" at those words Eric should have shivered or tried to pry the gauntlet off but for an unknown reason her words calmed him down greatly and he visibly relaxed.

Nodding before kicking his heels again starting the horse up into a steady walk toward Chall "We'll be in Chall before tomorrow morning with this pace, would you...like to talk Leasherria" Eric asked, it was a bit different to talk aloud to no one, if someone along the side of the road saw him he would be dubbed crazy for either talking aloud or talking aloud to his horse.

Leasherria giggled "You are far from crazy Eric but yes I would greatly enjoy talking with you until you reach Chall"

Eric smiled and slowly began with asking the normal questions after her name, what she was and what she enjoyed doing though her answers made Eric blink and some made chills run down his spine but all in all the conversation was very pleasant and soon he knew Leasherria and Leasherria knew him as if they had been friends for years.

In the middle of night Eric strode up to the top of a hill and pulled on the horses reigns as he looked down onto the town of Chall, a small village which was mainly passed over if the business was important but the trade was good and the town in all was a nice place but was also a neutral point, no Holy Order and Kings to oversee what went on though the personalities of the people who stayed and lived there varied and many were less than pleasurable.

"So we have arrived" Leasherrias voice came and Eric nodded in agreement "Well I suppose I'll go ahead and get some sleep, if you wish to speak to me again just find a spot to be alone and gaze upon the gauntlet and think of me and I'll wake to speak with you" Eric nodded again

"Alright Leasherria, sleep tight" he said grabbing the close and began to wrap it around the gauntlet.

Leasherria stopped him just before he began wrapping the cloth around his hand "Eric, how about a goodnight kiss" this made Eric blink before leaning his head down and kissing the back of the gauntlet, the crimson symbols appeared and glowed dimly and Eric suddenly felt power course through him but the symbols faded quickly and the power that flowed through Eric faded leaving him feeling alert and like he could do anything just like the first time he kissed Leasherria in the field.

"Enjoy you stay in Chall Eric, I will speak with you again soon" with that Leasherria went silent leaving Eric panting softly as he gazed down at the back of his covered hand before wrapping the rest of the gauntlet up and pulling it into a sling before starting into Chall making sure his sword was slung over his right hip incase he needed it and he was pretty sure he would by the end of the night as he heard the sound of a fight coming from one of the taverns in the town.

Looking around seeing some furs standing outside of some of the more 'lively' taverns as well as the staggering furs that have had a few too many before stopping his horse in front of a large building with a hanging sign that read 'Greenwell,' moving from his saddle and tying his horse to the post before moving into the taverns.

Upon entering the building a few heads turned though the tavern didn't go dead silent as he thought would happen, making no eye contact as he sat himself at a table off to the side to stay away from others which didn't lead to any complaints from the other occupants. A vixen approaches him with a smile asking what he'd have to drink which he ordered something to wake him up even though the energy that flowed through him kept him fully alert he'd rather play the part of the now 'wounded weary traveler' since he road in at night it would help the part of being a bit tired.

After getting his mug he sipped at his drink quietly before two furs approached him, a large bull placing his equally large paws on the table that Eric was sitting at while his slightly smaller Rottweiler dog friend crossed his arms over his broad chest. Each were large, muscled and intimidating though Eric had seen larger and stronger, an image of the cougar from the castle flashing through his mind as the thought of large furs came to mind but none the less he already knew these two were going to be a problem and being chased out of town was the last thing he needed.

"What do you think you're doing trotting into town in the middle of the night without buying us a drink boy" came the bulls gruff voice as he tilted his head, the large golden nose ring that hung from his nostrils giving a small shake as he snorted into Eric's face making him close his eyes before glaring back into the bulls brown eyes.

"You not hear me boy" the bull said standing up trying to intimidate Eric by tensing his muscles up showing off his size, though Eric could see a few females looking the bulls way, he wasn't just trying to get some money but also some tail, female furs just couldn't resist the natural instinct to get close to strong males 'Dark days indeed' came Eric's thoughts as he sipped his drink once again.

"Well there you are" came a females voice making Eric and the two furs looking toward the bar seeing a female raccoon walking toward them, several furs behind her staying by the door as she moves toward the humans table "Gotta say we're a bit late but at least were 'ere' huh" her accent was strange but Eric found her gypsy like clothing a bit more strange and even more so with the two cutlasses on her back adding only to the 'strange' pile.

The raccoon had normal raccoon features with long black hair that was tied into two braids that rested on either shoulder as she stepped between the two large furs, she couldn't have been any larger than five foot eight but she had no fear of the two large furs that were just trying to get some money from the human.

"Your Eric right, Far told me about ya, up boy we gotta get goin" she said with a smile though the two larger males stepped to either side of her with the bull placing his paws on the table moving to near eye level with the small raccoon

"Sorry there little lady, your friend here owes us a few drinks and were not leaving till we collect" he says looking over the raccoon, making at her chest which was partially exposed with her brown vest being the only thing on her upper body, some black wrap around pants being on her lower body and a white bandana over her head.

Looking to the bull then to the human "Aight boy, ya got three seconds ta knock him and da puppy out and come on or I'll be leavin ya" with that Eric immediately jumped from his seat

moving faster than he ever had before and mainly on instinct, his left hand planted on the table and spinning himself to the left with his feet out and they immediately slam into the Rottweiler's face lifting him up off the ground and slamming him into the table behind him. Eric had one more to deal with and with his feet out on his left hand he quickly pulled his legs in and shifted his weight so his legs were under him and pointed at the stunned bull who was still registering that his friend was knocked out, the bull seeing Eric shift around didn't had time to protect his face as Eric's boots slammed firmly into his face making him reel back, Eric knew the bulls head was much harder than the rots so after the initial kick he pushed himself up into a one handed hand stand.

Having no idea where he was getting so much strength from or the balance to do all this but at the moment he didn't have time to think before he flipped short with both his boots landing on the edge of the table sending the other end flying up and smashing into the bulls muzzle knocking his head straight up and sending him to the ground. Jumping off the table just as it smashed into the bulls muzzle so he wouldn't fall off balance Eric stood up with a sigh still feeling completely energized like he hadn't done anything though he knew that he should have been panting even slightly from all the acrobatics he just preformed with one hand and looking up every single eye was on him as he looked to the raccoon who was smiling broadly.

"Aight boy let's get a'for we have to start chargin for your little tricks" she says turning and quickly moving out of the tavern with the human in tow, there were a total of five in the raccoons group, a female dog and two female cats with a male lizard and wolf, he couldn't really tell exactly what species since he was quick to get on his horse and ride off with them before more furs started trouble.

Ridding alongside the raccoon before looking over at her "So I take it your Quest then" he calls out over the sound of hooves hitting dirt and the raccoon smiled and looked to the human

"That's right boy, an you be Eric, Far's favorite little guard boy from the great kingdom Teldon ai" she says pulling on her horses reigns slowly the whole group to a slow walk.

"Yeah I'm Eric, how do you know Farco" he asks though laughter followed his question by all of the furs

"Farco, is that what he's callin em'self now, well Eric Farco as you know him was our leader for the longest time a'for he decided to change his life and move off to Teldon an become a 'good boy' workin fa the king an all" Quest explained as the laughter slowly died down

"An exactly what do you do" Eric asked before blinking ''An what' not 'and what' damnit she's got me talking like her' his mind called out in frustration.

Quest smiled with a 'Hee' between her fanged teeth "We be part of the Three Knives Bandits" she said proudly as Eric blinked at her

"You mean the large bandit clan that is made up of over two dozen bandit clans" this only made some of the furs smile while others chuckled a bit but none smiled more than Quest

"Damn right boy, and Far was the leader for some time before he decided he wanted to do something else, he then left me and four other bandits in charge and went off to be all goodie goodie with Teldon" Quest spat on the ground after her comment then looked forward.

Eric blinked and looked forward as well letting his mind go over that, the honorable Farco, the Commander of the Teldon Royal guards and answerable only to the King and Queen was once the leader of the Three Knives bandit clan, the largest and most feared of all bandit clans throughout the Raethivan continent and there is no kingdom that hasn't suffered losses from them and by losses in both lives of royal family and treasures because the Three Knives are not only Bandits but are Spies and Assassins.

Each Kingdom have a steady supply of gold going to the Three Thieves for them spying on the other kingdoms making sure no one is planning on attacking any of the other kingdoms and anything else that they can find out, mainly a waste of gold and jewels if only the kingdoms would trust one another but that was just a boys naive thoughts, so said Farco when Eric purposed the question.

Soon Eric and the other furs had gone deep into the forest south of Chall before Eric turned to Quest "So where exactly are we going" the raccoon looking back to the human

"Well right now we'a goin in circle ta make sure no one is following us, then were gonna camp out for da night and move inta the Haven tomorrow, once there I'll figure out somethin ta do with ya" with that Eric just left the conversation and let his mind wander on different things.

It was a few more hours before they finally stopped to make camp and a few minutes of sitting around the camp fire before Quest stood and walked over to Eric "Ey, com'on" giving his foot a small kick before moving off into the surrounding darkness, Eric standing and moving after her. Eric followed Quest to a nearby stream that was only a few inches deep from the looks of it, Quest stopped and turned to Eric

"Take off da cloth an show me ya right arm" Quest said nodding to his arm that was still in its sling but Eric hesitated a moment which only gained a firm glare from the raccoon.

Thinking over what Farco had told him about him being in Quests charge before slowly pulling the cloth off of his arm and showing the silver gauntlet to the raccoon, the moonlight over head giving them enough light for the gauntlet to shin beautifully in the darkness. Quest looking at the gauntlet from a distance before nodding

"Aright, I just needed to see it for myself, you can go ahead and leave it uncovered here, there are no Holy Order here in the Three Knives territory" walking past the human "Just say it's armor and don't use the power otherwise you'll be creating some headaches for me" patting his shoulder before she moves back to the light of the campfire leaving Eric standing there.

Moving over deciding to take this time to talk with Leasherria, sitting himself down and gazing into the gauntlet before a small yawn could be head

"Mmm, good evening Eric" Leasherrias voice comes out softly and Eric had no choice but to smile at the gauntlet

"Good evening Leasherria, I have a bit of free time and just felt like hearing your voice, your more or less the only one I know around here" he says leaning back against the tree

"Oh, where are we" giving a small sigh Eric begins to explain Farcos plan and tell her exactly where they were.

The next day Eric followed Quest into the Three Knives Haven, looking around in awe as he saw the thousands of walkways and buildings built high in the treetops as well as on the forest floor, dozens of wooden lifts moving up and down taking people and supplies up and down.

The group dismounted "Now Eric let me lay down somethin fa ya Eric, here there are no laws or rules but everyone has a cretin amount'a respect fa one another, so long as you don start nothin there won't be nothin got it" Eric nodded to the raccoon who smiled back giving a nod before starting into the Haven of the Three Knives bandit clan.

Moving into the main part of the Haven to a large building that was on the forest floor, it was built around a huge tree that had to be one of the oldest trees in Raethivan, inside of the large building were dozens of furs and humans dressed in loose fitting and baggy clothing and everyone had weapons which were as different as each of the bandit. There was nearly every species of fur and every kind of weapon walking around in the Haven and a number of clothing styles and soon Eric just decided to stop trying to look over everything at one time since he was going to be here for a bit.

Quest stepped onto a lift that was in the building, pulling Eric in with her and telling the other bandits to go off somewhere as she and Eric were raised up to the higher level of the Haven "Not bad for a bunch'a bandit's ai"

Quest says in a proud tone while crossing her arms under her chest seeing Eric looking around in amazement only to look down and suddenly grab the side of the lift unused to being so high and this making Quest giggle.

"Don worry that'll pass after a few days or so, and if it don't then your gonna have ta keep your feet on the ground" she says patting his back as they slip into a similar building that was built into the upper part of the large tree though there were less bandits here and it was better furnished. It held fine paintings and rugs of feral animals as well as fancy tables and chairs which were most likely stolen but Eric just left that little note to himself since he was in the middle of a bandit camp commenting on how people shouldn't steal things would probably get him a beating.

Quest moved over to the back of the building out onto one of the large rope bridges Eric having to take a moment before starting off after her, they walked across two of the bridges before they came to another even better furnished building though this one was guarded by large furs with equally large weapons and only let Eric pass when Quest said he was alright.

Moving into the well furnished building they immediately came to a door, Quest pushing the door open and stepping in with Eric behind her but immediately stopped as he looked around seeing that this room was indeed that, a bedroom. There was a large bed and a flush white carpet and several very nice furnishings

"What ya've never been in a girl's room a'for" Quest asked as she tossed her cutlasses onto the ground and sat on her bed,

Eric blinked and looked around before removing his sword as well "In truth no I've never have" he said and that made Quest laugh

"Well get used ta it since this is also your room" and with that Eric nearly hit the floor as he gazed at the raccoon who just smiled giving him a wink "Welcome ta the Three Thieves Haven, Eric, newly adopted Thieve."

Eric stared at the raccoon for the longest time before she stretched out a bit and stood, moving over she began to unbutton her vest "I'm gonna go take a bath an get all clean, you go ahead and make yourself comfy somewhere, on the floor or bed, don much care which" she said moving though a doorway that lacked the door before he could hear water being poured in large amounts.

Eric was curious as to how water was being poured since there were way up in the tree but decided not to peek in, he was an honorable man after all, moving around and starting to look over the room since he was going to be living in it he would need to figure out what was what and more importantly, where he was going to sleep. Looking around the room seeing that there was only one bed, granted it was very large but it was improper to sleep with a woman in one bed if they were not married, these rules were pounded into his head day after day by Farco since he was the closest thing to a father he had, an orphaned boy being taken in and having a good life from the kindness of the Commander of the royal guards.

Looking over a book that lay open on a fine polished wooden desk before hearing movement behind him, turning only to have his eyes grow as large as iron shields as he sees Quest standing there with a towel but she happened to only be drying her long black hair at the moment leaving everything else in full view to Eric. Quest sat herself down on her bed drying the ends of her hair before looking over at the staring human before giving a smile

"Don't tell me ya've never seen a girl naked before, all ya staring it makin me self conscious" that comment made Eric blink as an image of Leasherrias flashed into his mind before he turned away letting his eyes gaze at the very interesting chair to his right.

"No need to be shy Eric" came Leasherrias voice making him blink before looking down at his gauntlet "Go ahead Eric, enjoy your night, don't leave a beautiful girl waiting" Eric's eyes looked back to Quest who was sitting there drying out her fur a bit more with her towel mumbling something about 'fur being so difficult to dry.'

Eric slowly moved toward the bed having never been so nervous before, he stared emotionless at the front door to the Teldon castle outnumbered against an experienced opponent without even the slightest hint of fear but here he was ready to cave in at the sight of a naked female though the female voice in his head telling him to 'take her' didn't really help his nervousness.

"Quest..." he said making her turn her head and look over her shoulder at him "There's only one bed" he said making the raccoon giggle before turning to her side letting her finely shaped chest be seen

"Really, well considering I've had this room ta meself fa some years, I wonder why" she teased before pulling the large blankets down before sliding herself under them "No need to be shy Eric, just lay ya'self down an get some rest, I won't touch ya if you get all shy" she says giving a small wink before pulling the covers over herself.

Eric blinked and sighed softly before sitting down on the edge of the bed, he began removing his boots then armor and finally his undershirt leaving on only his brown leather pants and gauntlet "So you have to sleep with the gauntlet on" Quest asked as Eric slipped under the blankets.

"Yeah, I don't even realize it's there anymore, I've only had it for about four days if you can believe it, Farco said that you could tell me more about this" he said looking over at the raccoon as she slid herself right up against the human rubbing two fingers down the gauntlet.

"Mmm, yeah I know a bit, I know stories mainly but I can spin ya a tale, these gauntlets were made by Basiet the King of Hell to be wielded by the generals of his mighty unholy army, the gauntlets have since been cast into this world with the souls of the generals trapt within them to continue spreading the chaos and to kill off the rest of the world as Basiet so wanted. It's said that whoever is to be unfortunate enough to be claimed by one of these gauntlets will be locked in battle till the end of the world or their death, each gauntlet seeks to destroy the other generals and once all the other gauntlets are destroyed the one remaining will have unlimited power to do with what they want which is always said that they'll open the Hells Gate to releases Basiet back into the world to rule as he sees fit, mainly burning everything." Quest nuzzles into the humans neck as he gazes up at the gauntlet spreading his fingers that were also covered as he thinks over what Quest had just told him.

"So I'm supposed to fight every other wielder of a gauntlet and consume them then open the gates of hell for Basiet" he said softly to himself though Quest licked his neck lightly

"Do what you want, don't let fate or anyone or anything else tell you what you should do with your life, Far taught me that. Do what you want to do and if someone says you can't, do it anyway and don't get caught" she said giving a smile before drifting off to sleep, Eric laying there with the curled up raccoon as he looked at the gauntlet.

Leasherrias voice soon came into his mind "Yes Eric, what is it you wish to speak about" she asked in her sweet toned voice

"Do you really want to release Basiet onto this world" he asked softly and there was silence that followed

"I'm not really sure anymore Eric, it's been centuries since Basiet and I have spoken, I might disappoint him or he might disappoint me, in the end I suppose it's up to you what you do with that power Eric, since you are the one that wears the gauntlet" Eric closed his eyes giving a sigh before kissing the back of his hand once again feeling the power enter him once again though instead of waking up he quickly fell asleep.

"Goodnight Eric, I will speak to you very soon" Leasherrias voice said before the crimson symbols appeared on the gauntlet and pulsed several times before disappearing.

Hand of Hell: Chapter 3, Theft

I had a friend from YS proof read this story and make sure everything is in order so silently thank him for his hard work, then thank me for writing the story :) Vote and comment like always * * * Eric slowly moves through the...

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Hand of Hell: Chapter 1, Eric

Yeah I know, too many series are going on, I should focus on one at a time before moving onto another one. I know that so don't say it otherwise you won't get anymore of any series, I am working on the other series but working on one brings new ideas...

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Here's something that I had written a few days ago and just decided 'What the hell' and posted it. Most of this will have terms that I've taken from Vampire the Masquerade (PC and RP.) And just to get this out of the way so no one comments it to me,...

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